"Tri-sandhya. This tri-sandhya: early in the morning, midday and in the evening. And every sandhya is witness. Sandhya, ahani, day and night together, whole day, twenty-four hours, ahani. Ahany ahani lokā gacchanti yama-mandiram. This ahani. Every day, hundreds and thousands of living entities are dying. Śeṣaḥ sthitam icchanti kim āścaryam ataḥ param (Mahābhārata, Vana-parva 313.116). Still, one who is not dead, he is thinking, "I'll not die. I'll remain." This is the wonderful thing, most wonderful thing. Everyone should be prepared for death. Death is inevitable. So diśaḥ, and ten directions: north, south, east, west, the four corners—eight—and up and down. They are ten directions. Where you'll go? Everywhere there is witness. You cannot escape."