A Month in the Life of Srila Prabhupada - March 1974
The Months in the Life of Srila Prabhupada present 2200+ of his lectures; 905+ of his conversations; 490+ of his morning walks;
65+ of his interviews and 6,570+ of his letters. This listing covers all available material,
- and includes:
- 10,300+ links to Vanisource - our repository of all of Srila Prabhupada's words;
- 470+ short audio clips Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada sprinkled throughout the months;
- 1,080 short video clips extracted from lectures, conversations, morning walks or interviews with subtitles in up to 93 languages sprinkled throughout the months;
- 13,350+ concise statements, drawn from Srila Prabhupada's lectures, conversations and letters are highlighted within quoteboxes;
- For further study on the different subjects addressed, each statement links to the various categories in our thematic section of Vanipedia named Vaniquotes;
These statements from the Months in the Life of Srila Prabhupada offer unparalleled insights into his devotional character; his vision to re-spiritualize human society; his dedication to translate, publish & distribute his books; his expertise to tirelessly lead & manage his worldwide movement; his empowered ability to encourage, care for, train & clearly communicate the disciplines he expects from all his disciples as he engages them in their pursuit of Krsna consciousness & performance of missionary activities. Through all these situations one can also experience how Srila Prahhupada consistently represents the pure teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates.
- See also: A Day in the Life of Srila Prabhupada
- See also: the Timeline of Srila Prabhupada's Life - March 1974
Mar 1 to 9 - Mayapur
1974 - March 01
1974 - March 02
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Hare Krsna. It is all respectively. You are all Vaisnavas. To take bath along with you is a great opportunity. |
1974 - March 03
1974 - March 04
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Our only fault is that we are preaching the sankirtana movement, and there are so many enemies. You see? So that is possible. |
1974 - March 05
1974 - March 06
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I have already answered all questions in my books such as Bhagavad-gita, so kindly read them and chant Hare Krishna Mantra |
1974 - March 07
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Lord Nityananda never took sannyasa. He was independent, like a brahmacari, and later he became married. |
1974 - March 09
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If you show example how to keep the temple neat and clean, then these foreigners also will learn from you. |
Mar 10 - Calcutta
1974 - March 10
Mar 11 - Delhi
1974 - March 11
Mar 12 to 19 - Vṛndāvana
1974 - March 12
1974 - March 13
1974 - March 14
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If you keep healthy, then you will naturally rise healthy, er rise early in the morning. |
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Those who are less educated, not very much expert in preaching, they must be acting as ksatriya or vaisya, or as sudra. |
1974 - March 15
1974 - March 16
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"Janmaiśvarya-śruta-śrībhir edhamāna-madaḥ pumān (SB 1.8.26). Unfortunately... When we get these opportunities, very nice family or nice nation, beautiful body, education, we should consider that it is due to our past pious activities; therefore they should be utilized for Kṛṣṇa. Because pious activities mean to approach Kṛṣṇa. Those who are impious, sinful, they cannot approach Kṛṣṇa. Na māṁ duṣkṛtino mūḍhāḥ prapadyante narādhamāḥ (BG 7.15). Those who are narādhamāḥ, lowest of the mankind, always engaged in sinful activities, and rascal, may be very educated—māyayā apahṛta-jñānāḥ, their educational value has been taken away by māyā." |
740316 - Lecture SB 02.01.01 - Vrndavana |
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So long he is president you must follow him. If he is wrong, that will be corrected by the spiritual master. |
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So the steps will be taken by the spiritual master. You cannot, do not try to rectify. |
1974 - March 17
1974 - March 18
1974 - March 19
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"So, apaśyatām ātma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2), those who are not very intelligent to see about the truth of ātma, they're entangled. How it is entangle? deha-apatya, this body and the offspring, children, born out of this body through the wife, dehāpatya-kalatrādiṣu ātma-sainyeṣu (SB 2.1.4). Everyone is thinking that 'I have got my good wife. I have got very nice children. I have got my nice society, nation', and so on, so many. Dehāpatya-kalatrādiṣu. And he's thinking that 'They are my soldiers, here is this fight, struggle for existence'. Everyone is struggling to exist, and everyone is thinking, 'They are my soldiers. These, my wife, children, society, friendship, nation, they'll give me protection'. But nobody can give protection. Therefore he's explained here as pramattaḥ, pāgala. Nobody can give you protection." |
740319 - Lecture SB 02.01.04 - Vrndavana |
Mar 20 to 31 - Bombay
1974 - March 20
1974 - March 21
1974 - March 22
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As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost. That is being explained. |
1974 - March 23
1974 - March 24
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Different parts of our senses should be utilized. The first business is to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna. |
1974 - March 25
1974 - March 26
1974 - March 27
1974 - March 28
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Illusion is forced. But affection is not forced. When father loves child, that is not forced; that is reality. |
1974 - March 29
1974 - March 30
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"It is our duty of course, as servant of Kṛṣṇa, to awaken everyone to Kṛṣṇa consciousness by this process of saṅkīrtana movement, but people should take it very seriously, that without taking to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one is making suicide—he's cutting his own throat, or drinking poison. If you like to drink poison, no can..., nobody can check you, that's a fact. If you want to cut your throat your self, nobody can check you. But this is not very good business. We have got this human form of life to understand Kṛṣṇa. That is the..., our only business. That is Caitanya Mahāprabhu's teaching. And Kṛṣṇa is teaching personally in the Bhagavad-gītā, and why should we not take advantage of these things and make our life successful?" |
740330 - Lecture BG 04.10 - Bombay |
1974 - March 31