YouTube Channels for Vanimedia's Videos with Hardcoded Subtitles - by Language
Administrative Development Pages - Vanipedia
Welcome to our page that displays all of the different language YouTube channels that Vanipedia has. Previously we only had the one English Channel titled VanimediaMayapur with all the subtitles accessible through it via the following playlists...
As of the 4th of July 2023 we have 36,215 videos in 65 YouTube channels. The advantage of having these separate channels for each language is that people will get direct access to their language when they click on the video. The titles of the videos are also in the local language, so instead of having 1080 videos, we will in effect be offering within a short time over 35,000 videos on YouTube.
These YouTube channel links are a perfect gift to someone whom you are cultivating in Krsna consciousness. They will get direct access to an abundance of Srila Prabhupada's pure Vani!
Share these YouTube channels liberally for the benefit of all.
This list will grow in numbers of channels and in the totals of videos within each channel.
Column 1 shows the number of videos in each YouTube channel. Column 2 shows the name and link to the YouTube channel. Column 3 shows the number of Videos that have been translated for the specific language and Column 4 gives the link to the Vanipedia pages with the 141 playlists.