A Month in the Life of Srila Prabhupada - July 1966
The Months in the Life of Srila Prabhupada present 2200+ of his lectures; 905+ of his conversations; 490+ of his morning walks;
65+ of his interviews and 6,570+ of his letters. This listing covers all available material,
- and includes:
- 10,300+ links to Vanisource - our repository of all of Srila Prabhupada's words;
- 470+ short audio clips Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada sprinkled throughout the months;
- 1,080 short video clips extracted from lectures, conversations, morning walks or interviews with subtitles in up to 93 languages sprinkled throughout the months;
- 13,350+ concise statements, drawn from Srila Prabhupada's lectures, conversations and letters are highlighted within quoteboxes;
- For further study on the different subjects addressed, each statement links to the various categories in our thematic section of Vanipedia named Vaniquotes;
These statements from the Months in the Life of Srila Prabhupada offer unparalleled insights into his devotional character; his vision to re-spiritualize human society; his dedication to translate, publish & distribute his books; his expertise to tirelessly lead & manage his worldwide movement; his empowered ability to encourage, care for, train & clearly communicate the disciplines he expects from all his disciples as he engages them in their pursuit of Krsna consciousness & performance of missionary activities. Through all these situations one can also experience how Srila Prahhupada consistently represents the pure teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates.
- See also: A Day in the Life of Srila Prabhupada
- See also: the Timeline of Srila Prabhupada's Life - July 1966
Jul 1 to 31 - New York
1966 - July 13
1966 - July 16
1966 - July 18
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"In the Bhagavad-gītā, it is clearly said that "My dear Arjuna, you also had many, many births. You were, you are also, because you are constant companion of Me, so whenever I take incarnation in the, any planet, so you also, you are also with Me. So when I took incarnation in the sun planet and I spoke this Bhagavad-gītā to sun-god, you were also present with Me, but unfortunately, you have forgotten. Because you are a living being and I am the Supreme Lord." That is the difference between the Supreme Lord... I cannot remember. Forgetfulness is my nature." |
660718 - Lecture BG 04.03-6 - New York |
1966 - July 20
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"Lord Buddha is accepted as incarnation of Kṛṣṇa in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. So we also, Hindus, we worship Lord Buddha as incarnation of God. There is a very nice verse recited by one great poet, Vaiṣṇava poet. You'll be glad to hear, I'll recite it. nindasi yajña-vidher ahaha śruti-jātaṁ sadaya-hṛdaya darśita-paśu-ghātam keśava dhṛta-buddha-śarīra jaya jagadīśa hare jaya jagadīśa hare The purport of this verse is 'O Lord Kṛṣṇa, You have assumed the form of Lord Buddha, taking compassion on the poor animals'. Because Lord Buddha's preaching was to stop animal killing. Ahiṁsā, nonviolence. His main objective was to stop animal killing." |
660720 - Lecture BG 04.06-8 - New York |
1966 - July 22
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Yes, and, of course, I do not know whether I am authority, but my spiritual master has authorized me to do this. |
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I do not think myself an authority. I am just to serve the order of my spiritual master. That's all. |
1966 - July 25
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"This material world is certified by the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the place of misery. Now, if this place is made for that purpose, just to give us miseries only, how you can make it a place of happiness? The place is meant for that purpose. So Lord Kṛṣṇa says that "Somebody, anybody who comes back to Me, he hasn't got to come back again to this place of miseries. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti (BG 4.9)." |
660725 - Lecture BG 04.09-11 - New York |
1966 - July 27
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"The Supreme Lord, He is called in the Vedic literature that He is the supreme leader. Nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām. Nitya means eternal, and nityānām, that means many other eternals. We are many other eternals. Eka, that one eternal... Eko bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān. There are two kinds of eternals. We living entities, we are also eternal, and the Supreme Lord, He is also eternal. So far eternity is concerned, both of us equal on the qualitative nature. He is eternal, and we are eternal. Sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha (BS 5.1). He is also all pleasure, and we are also all pleasure because we are all parts and parcel of the same quality. But He is the leader." |
660727 - Lecture BG 04.11 - New York |
1966 - July 28
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"Just you have experience in this atomic age, the minute quantity of atomic material existence, similarly, there is spiritual atomic existence. Now, this spiritual atomic existence. The other day I explained and several times that atom is also described in the Padma-Purāṇa, Vedic literature. And what is the form of that spiritual energy, I mean to say atom, spiritual atom? It is ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair. You have got experience up to the upper portion of the hair. It is just a little point. Now divide it into ten thousand parts, and that one part is yourself, spiritual atom. This is our position." |
660728 - Lecture BG 04.11-12 - New York |
1966 - July 29
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"There is no guarantee what I shall become in my next life. That depends on my work because the whole body is given by the material nature. It is not made according to my order supply. Prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ (BG 3.27). You are given a chance to act here, but according to your act, it will be judged, what you are going to have in your next life. That is your problem. No, don't make this life of fifty years, sixty years, or seventy years, or hundred years, as all in all. You have got a continuous life of transmigration from one body to another. It is going on. You must know that." |
660729 - Lecture BG 04.12-13 - New York |