Timeline of Srila Prabhupada's Life - 1972
1896 to 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977
1972 - Docummented Library and Travels
1972 Letters (659)
1972 Lectures (236)
1972 Conversations (43)
1972 Morning Walks (6)
Places visited (33)
1972 - Events
- Bhagavad-gita As It Is unabridged edition published by Macmillan
- March 23 - Lays down the cornerstone for the Juhu Bombay Center
- May 29 - Establishes the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT)
- July 14 - In a letter names the ISKCON Krsna-Balarama Temple, Vṛndāvana
1972 - age 76 on September 2
Jan 1 to 17 - Bombay
Jan 18 to 21 - Jaipur
- January 18 - Lecture Sannyasa Initiaton of Tamal Krsna - Jaipur
- January 18 - Lecture Hindi - Jaipur
- January 18 - Conversation - Jaipur
- January 18 - Conversation Bengali - Jaipur
- January 19 - Lecture Hindi - Jaipur
- January 19 - Conversation - Jaipur
- January 20 - Lecture Hindi - Jaipur
- January 21 - Lecture Hindi - Jaipur
Jan 22 to 23 - Bombay
Jan 24 to 31 - Nairobi...
Feb 1 to 3 - Nairobi
Feb 4 to 10 - Bombay
- February 4 - Appearance day of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
- February 06 - Conversation Hindi - Bombay
Feb 11 to 16 - Madras
- February 12 - Conversation - Madras
- February 14 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Madras
- February 15 - Conversation - Madras
- February 16 - Conversation Hindi - Madras
Feb 17 to 22 - Visakhapatnam
- February 17 - Lecture Hindi - Visakhapatnam
- February 18 - Lecture - Visakhapatnam
- February 19 - Lecture at Caitanya Matha - Visakhapatnam
- February 19 - Lecture at Gaudiya Math - Visakhapatnam
- February 20 - Lecture Excerpt at Krsna Caitanya Matha - Visakhapatnam
- February 20 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - Visakhapatnam
- February 21 - Lecture at Andhra College - Visakhapatnam
- February 22 - Lecture SB 07.09.43 - Visakhapatnam
- February 22 - Lecture to Railway Workers - Visakhapatnam
Feb 23 to 24 - Calcutta
- February 23 - Lecture BG 16.05 - Calcutta
- February 23 - Lecture SB 01.02.06 - Calcutta
- February 24 - Lecture - Calcutta
Feb 25 to 29 - Mayapur...
- February 26 - Lecture Bengali - Mayapur
- February 27 - Lecture Bengali - Mayapur
- February 27 - Conversation 1 with Bob Cohen - Mayapur
- February 28 - Conversation 2 with Bob Cohen - Mayapur
- February 29 - Gaura-pūrṇimā, appearance day of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu
- February 29 - Lecture Festival Gaura-Purnima - Mayapur
- February 29 - Conversation 3 with Bob Cohen - Mayapur
Mar 1 to 3 - Mayapur
Mar 4 to 9 - Calcutta
- March 05 - Lecture SB 07.09.08 - Calcutta
- March 06 - Lecture SB 07.09.08-9 - Calcutta
- March 07 - Lecture BG 09.02 - Calcutta
- March 07 - Lecture SB 07.09.09 - Calcutta
- March 08 - Lecture BG 09.02 - Calcutta
- March 09 - Lecture BG 09.04 - Calcutta
Mar 10 to 16 - Vṛndāvana
- March 10 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- March 11 - Conversation A- Vṛndāvana
- March 11 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- March 11 - Conversation - Mathura
- March 12 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
Mar 17 to 31 - Bombay
- March 17 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 17 - Lecture Initiation - Bombay
- March 18 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 19 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 20 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 21 - Lecture SB 01.01.01 - Bombay
- March 22 - 720322 - Lecture SB 01.01.01-2 - Bombay
- March 23 - Rama-Navami - Writes in a letter "that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu."
- March 24 - Lecture SB 01.03.43 - Bombay
- March 25 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - Bombay
- March 25 - Lecture BG 07.06 - Bombay
- March 26 - Lecture BG 07.09 - Bombay
- March 26 - Lecture SB 01.02.06 - Bombay
- March 27 - Lecture BG 07.10 - Bombay
- March 27 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 28 - Lecture BG 07.01 Hindi - Bombay
- March 29 - Lecture BG 07.01 Hindi - Bombay
- March 30 - Lecture Hindi - Bombay
Apr 1 to 2 - Sydney
- April 01 - Conversation - Sydney
- April 02 - Conversation - Sydney
- April 02 - Lecture Excerpt - Sydney
Apr 3 to 13 - Melbourne
- April 03 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - Melbourne
- April 05 - Lecture BG 13.02 - Melbourne
- April 06 - Lecture at Christian Monastery - Melbourne
- April 06 - Lecture Initiation and Installation - Melbourne
- April 07 - Conversation - Melbourne
- April 09 - Lecture Initiation - Sydney
Apr 14 to 17 - Auckland
- April 14 - Lecture at Town Hall - Auckland
- April 15 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Auckland
- April 15 - Deity Installation - Auckland
- April 16 - Lecture at Art Gallery - Auckland
- April 17 - Lecture at Auckland University - Auckland
- April 17 - Conversation - Auckland
Apr 18 - Hong Kong
Apr 19 to 30 - Tokyo...
- April 19 - Arrival and Interview - Hong Kong
- April 20 - Lecture SB 07.06.01 - Hong Kong
- April 20 - Conversation - Hong Kong
- April 20 - Arrival Conversation - Tokyo
- April 20 - Lecture - Tokyo
- April 21 - Conversation with Dai Nippon - Tokyo
- April 21 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-7 - Tokyo
- April 22 - Lecture SB 02.09.02 - Tokyo
- April 22 - Conversation A - Tokyo
- April 22 - Conversation B - Tokyo
- April 22 - Conversation with Dai Nippon - Tokyo
- April 22 - Conversation in car - Tokyo
- April 23 - Lecture SB 02.09.01 - Tokyo
- April 24 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-4 - Tokyo
- April 25 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-8 - Tokyo
- April 26 - Lecture SB 02.09.07 - Tokyo
- April 27 - 720427 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-9 - Tokyo
- April 28 - Lecture SB 02.09.10 - Tokyo
- April 29 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-12 - Tokyo
- April 29 - Lecture - Tokyo
- April 30 - Lecture Initiation Sannyasa - Tokyo
- April 30 - Lecture SB 02.09.01-5 - Tokyo
May 1 to 4 - Tokyo
- May 01 - Lecture - Tokyo
- May 01 - Lecture SB 02.09.02-3 - Tokyo
- May 02 - Lecture SB 02.09.06-14 - Tokyo
- May 03 - Lecture SB 02.09.13 - Tokyo
- May 04 - Lecture SB 02.09.15 - Tokyo
May 5 - Kyoto
May 6 to 17 - Hawaii
May 18 to 31 - Los Angeles...
- May 18 - Lecture Arrival - Los Angeles
- May 18 - Lecture - Los Angeles
- May 19 - Lecture SB 02.03.01 - Los Angeles
- May 20 - Lecture SB 02.03.02-3 - Los Angeles
- May 21 - Lecture - Los Angeles
- May 22 - Lecture SB 02.03.01-3 - Los Angeles
- May 23 - Lecture Initiation - Los Angeles
- May 24 - Lecture SB 02.03.01-4 - Los Angeles
- May 25 - Lecture SB 02.03.08 and Initiation - Los Angeles
- May 25 - Conversation - Los Angeles
- May 26 - Lecture SB 02.03.09 - Los Angeles
- May 27 - Appearance Day, Lord Nrsimhadeva, Nrsimha-caturdasi
- May 27 - Lecture Initiation Sannyasa - Los Angeles
- May 27 - Lecture Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana - Los Angeles
- May 27 - Conversation - Los Angeles
- May 28 - Lecture SB 02.03.10 - Los Angeles
- May 29 - Lecture BG Introduction - Los Angeles
- May 29 - Lecture SB 02.03.11-12 - Los Angeles
- May 29 - Establishes the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT)
- May 30 - Lecture SB 02.03.13-14 - Los Angeles
- May 31 - Lecture SB 02.03.14-15 - Los Angeles
Jun 1 to 3 - Los Angeles
Jun 4 to 5 - Mexico
- June 04 - Conversation A - Mexico
- June 04 - Conversation B - Mexico
- June 04 - Conversation C - Mexico
Jun 6 to 8 - Los Angeles
- June 07 - Lecture Excerpt - Los Angeles
- June 08 - Lecture SB Excerpt - Los Angeles
- June 08 - Lecture Excerpt - Los Angeles
Jun 8 to 11 - Portland
Jun 11 to 28 - Los Angeles
- June 12 - Lecture SB 02.03.17 - Los Angeles
- June 13 - Lecture SB 02.03.18-19 - Los Angeles
- June 14 - Morning Walk - Los Angeles
- June 14 - Lecture SB 02.03.19 - Los Angeles
- June 14 - Conversation A - Los Angeles
- June 14 - Conversation B - Los Angeles
- June 15 - Lecture SB 02.03.19 - Los Angeles
- June 16 - Lecture SB 02.03.20 - Los Angeles
- June 17 - Lecture SB 02.03.20-21 - Los Angeles
- June 18 - Lecture SB 02.03.21 - Los Angeles
- June 19 - Lecture SB 02.03.22 - Los Angeles
- June 20 - Lecture SB 02.03.23 - Los Angeles
- June 20 - Purport to Sri Nama, Gay Gaura Madhur Sware - Los Angeles
- June 21 - Lecture Initiation - Los Angeles
- June 21 - Conversation - Los Angeles
- June 22 - Lecture SB 02.03.24 - Los Angeles
- June 23 - Lecture SB 02.03.25 - Los Angeles
- June 24 - Lecture SB 02.04.01 - Los Angeles
- June 25 - Lecture SB 02.04.02 - Los Angeles
- June 26 - Lecture SB 02.04.02 - Los Angeles
- June 27 - Lecture SB 02.04.03-4 - Los Angeles
- June 28 - Lecture SB 02.04.03-4 and Initiation - Los Angeles
- June 28 - writes a letter to the President of United States
Jun 29 to 30 - San Diego...
- June 29 - Lecture BG 07.01 - San Diego
- June 29 - Morning Walk - San Diego
- June 29 - Conversation A - San Diego
- June 29 - Conversation B - San Diego
- June 30 - Lecture at Indians Home - San Diego
- June 30 - Morning Walk - San Diego
- June 30 - Lecture BG 07.01 & Initiation - San Diego
- June 30 - Conversation - San Diego
Jul 1 - San Diego
Jul 2 to 3 - Los Angeles
Jul 4 to 10 - New York
- July 04 - Conversation A - New York
- July 04 - Conversation B - New York
- July 05 - Interview - New York
- July 06 - Lecture SB 01.01.01 - New York
Jul 11 to 15 - London
- July ?? - Conversation - London - *date to be confirmed
- July 12 - Lecture - London
- July 13 - Lecture Festival Ratha-yātrā - London (before), (after)
- July 14 - In a letter written to Gurudas, Śrīla Prabhupāda names the ISKCON Krsna-Balarama Temple in Vṛndāvana.
Jul 16 to 17 - Edinburgh
Jul 18 to 19 - London
Jul 20 to 25 - Paris
Jul 26 to 30 - Amsterdam
Jul 31 - London...
Aug 1 to 11 - London
Aug 12 to 29 - Los Angeles
- August 13 - Lecture SB 02.01.05 - Los Angeles
- August 14 - Lecture BS 32 Excerpt - Los Angeles
- August 15 - Lecture SB 01.02.12 - Los Angeles
- August 16 - Lecture SB 01.02.13 - Los Angeles
- August 17 - Lecture SB 01.02.14 - Los Angeles
- August 18 - Lecture SB 01.02.15 - Los Angeles
- August 19 - Lecture SB 01.02.16 - Los Angeles
- August 20 - Lecture SB 01.02.17 - Los Angeles
- August 21 - Lecture SB 01.02.18 - Los Angeles
- August 22 - Lecture SB 01.02.19 - Los Angeles
- August 23 - Lecture SB 01.02.20 - Los Angeles
- August 24 - Lecture SB 01.02.21 - Los Angeles
- August 25 - Lecture SB 01.02.22 - Los Angeles
- August 26 - Lecture SB 01.02.23 - Los Angeles
- August 27 - Lecture SB 01.02.24 - Los Angeles
- August 28 - Lecture SB 01.02.25 - Los Angeles
Aug 30 - Houston
Aug 31 - New Vrindaban...
Sep 1 to 7 - New Vrindaban
- September 01 - Janmāṣṭamī, appearance day of Śrī Kṛṣṇa
- September 01 - Lecture SB 01.02.01 - New Vrindaban
- September 01 - Lecture Initiation - New Vrindaban
- September 02 - Vyāsa-pūjā, appearance day of Śrīla Prabhupāda
- September 02 - Interview - New Vrindaban
- September 04 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - New Vrindaban
- September 04 - Lecture Initiation - New Vrindaban
- September 05 - Lecture SB 01.02.06 - New Vrindaban
- September 05 - Lecture SB 01.02.07 - New Vrindaban
- September 06 - Lecture SB 01.02.08 - New Vrindaban
- September 07 - Lecture SB 01.02.09 - New Vrindaban
Sep 8 - Pittsburgh
Sep 9 to 12 - Dallas
Sep 13 to 30 - Los Angeles...
- September 13 - Lecture SB 01.03.07 - Los Angeles
- September 13 - 'Conversation - Arlington
- September 14 - Lecture SB 01.03.08 - Los Angeles
- September 15 - Lecture SB 01.03.09 - Los Angeles
- September 16 - Rādhāṣṭamī, appearance day of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī
- September 16 - Lecture SB 01.03.10 - Los Angeles
- September 17 - Lecture SB 01.03.11-12 - Los Angeles
- September 18 - Lecture SB 01.03.13 - Los Angeles
- September 19 - Lecture SB 01.03.14 - Los Angeles
- September 20 - Lecture SB 01.03.15 - Los Angeles
- September 21 - Lecture SB 01.03.16 and Initiation - Los Angeles
- September 22 - Lecture SB 01.03.17 - Los Angeles
- September 22 - Lecture Purport to Narada Muni Bajay Vina - Los Angeles
- September 23 - Lecture SB 01.03.18 - Los Angeles
- September 24 - Lecture SB 01.03.19 - Los Angeles
- September 25 - Lecture SB 01.03.20 - Los Angeles
- September 26 - Lecture SB 01.03.21 - Los Angeles
- September 27 - Lecture SB 01.03.22 - Los Angeles
- September 28 - Morning Walk - Los Angeles
- September 28 - Lecture SB 01.03.23 - Los Angeles
- September 29 - Lecture SB 01.03.24 - Los Angeles
- September 30 - Lecture SB 01.03.25 - Los Angeles
Sep 30 - Laguna Beach
Oct 1 to 5 - Los Angeles
- October 01 - Morning Walk - Los Angeles
- October 01 - Lecture SB 01.03.26 - Los Angeles
- October 02 - Lecture SB 01.03.27 - Los Angeles
- October 03 - Lecture SB 01.03.28 - Los Angeles
- October 04 - Lecture SB 01.03.29 - Los Angeles
- October 05 - Lecture SB 01.03.30 - Los Angeles
- October 05 - Lecture Departure - Los Angeles
Oct 6 to 10 - San Francisco
Oct 11 to 13 - Manilla
Oct 14 - Delhi
Oct 15 to 31 - Vṛndāvana...
- October 15 - Morning Walk - Vṛndāvana
- October 15 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 16 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - Vṛndāvana
- October 16 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 17 - Lecture SB 01.02.06 - Vṛndāvana
- October 17 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 18 - Lecture SB 01.02.07 - Vṛndāvana
- October 18 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 19 - Lecture SB 01.02.08 - Vṛndāvana
- October 19 - Appearance Day, Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī
- October 19 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 20 - Lecture SB 01.02.09 - Vṛndāvana
- October 20 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 21 - Lecture SB 01.02.10 - Vṛndāvana
- October 21 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 22 - Lecture SB 01.02.11 - Vṛndāvana
- October 23 - Lecture SB 01.02.12 - Vṛndāvana
- October 23 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 24 - Lecture SB 01.02.13 - Vṛndāvana
- October 24 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 25 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 26 - Lecture SB 01.02.15 - Vṛndāvana
- October 26 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 27 - Lecture SB 01.02.16 - Vṛndāvana
- October 27 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 27 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 28 - Lecture SB 01.02.17 - Vṛndāvana
- October 28 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 29 - Lecture SB 01.02.18 - Vṛndāvana
- October 29 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 30 - Lecture SB 01.02.19 - Vṛndāvana
- October 30 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- October 31 - Lecture SB 01.02.20 - Vṛndāvana
- October 31 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
Nov 1 to 15 - Vṛndāvana
- November 01 - Lecture SB 01.02.21 - Vṛndāvana
- November 01 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Lecture SB 01.02.22 - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Lecture SB 01.02.23 - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 04 - Lecture SB 01.02.24 - Vṛndāvana
- November 04 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Lecture SB 01.02.25 - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 06 - Lecture SB 01.02.26 - Vṛndāvana
- November 06 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Lecture SB 01.02.27 - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 08 - Lecture SB 01.02.28-29 - Vṛndāvana
- November 08 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Lecture SB 01.02.30 - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 10 - Lecture SB 01.02.31 - Vṛndāvana
- November 10 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 11 - Lecture SB 01.02.32 - Vṛndāvana
- November 11 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 12 - Lecture SB 01.02.33 - Vṛndāvana
- November 12 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 13 - Lecture SB 01.02.34 - Vṛndāvana
- November 13 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
- November 14 - Lecture SB 01.03.01 - Vṛndāvana
- November 14 - Lecture NOD - Vṛndāvana
Nov 16 to 30 - Hyderabad
- November 17 - Lecture BG 02.12 - Hyderabad
- November 18 - Lecture BG 02.13 - Hyderabad
- November 19 - Lecture BG 02.13 - Hyderabad
- November 21 - Lecture BG 02.15 - Hyderabad
- November 22 - Lecture BG 02.17 - Hyderabad
- November 23 - Lecture BG 02.18 - Hyderabad
- November 25 - Lecture BG 02.20 - Hyderabad
- November 26 - Lecture BG 02.22 - Hyderabad
- November 26 - Lecture SB 01.02.06 - Hyderabad
- November 27 - Lecture BG 02.23 - Hyderabad
- November 28 - Lecture BG 02.24 - Hyderabad
- November 29 - Lecture BG 02.25 - Hyderabad
- November 29 - Lecture Rotary Club - Hyderabad
- November 30 - Lecture BG 02.26 - Hyderabad
Dec 1 to 2 - Bombay?
Dec 3 to 10 - Ahmedabad
- Staying at: Elite Apartments
- December 05 - Lecture Rotary Club - Ahmedabad
- December 06 - Lecture BG 02.01 - Ahmedabad
- December 07 - Lecture BG 02.01 - Ahmedabad
- December 08 - Lecture BG - Ahmedabad
- December 08 - Lecture Rotary Club - Ahmedabad
- December 09 - Lecture BG 18.67-69 - Ahmedabad
- December 10 - Lecture BG 18.67 - Ahmedabad
- December 11 - Lecture BG 02.02-6 - Ahmedabad
- December 12 - Lecture BG 06.47 - Ahmedabad
- December 13 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Ahmedabad
- December 14 - Lecture BG 07.01-3 - Ahmedabad
Dec 11 to 16 - Ahmedabad
- Staying at: Navitlal Patel Naimisharanya
Dec 17 to 31 - Bombay...
- Staying at: Mahadevia's House
- December 23 - Disappearance day of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
- December 26 - Lecture SB 01.02.08 - Bombay
- December 26 - Lecture NOD - Bombay
- December 27 - Lecture NOD - Bombay
- December 28 - Lecture SB 01.02.10 - Bombay
- December 28 - Lecture NOD - Bombay
- December 29 - Lecture BG 13.01-2 - Bombay
- December 30 - Lecture BG 13.03 - Bombay
1896 to 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977