Timeline of Srila Prabhupada's Life - 1977
1896 to 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977
1977 - Docummented Library and Travels
1977 Letters (203)
1977 Lectures (29)
1977 Conversations (342)
1977 Morning Walks (15)
Places visited (9)
1977 - Events
- February 02 - Foundation Stone Ceremony - Bhuvanesvara
- June 04 - Signs Declaration of Will in Vṛndāvana
- November 14, 19:30 - Disappearance Day of Śrīla Prabhupāda - age 81
1977 - age 81 on September 7
Jan 1 to 10 - Bombay
- January 02 - Morning Walk - Bombay
- January 02 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 02 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 02 - Conversation C - Bombay
- January 03 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 03 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 04 - Morning Walk - Bombay
- January 04 - Conversation - Bombay
- January 05 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 05 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 05 - Conversation C - Bombay
- January 06 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 06 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 07 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 07 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 08 - Morning Walk - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation C - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation D - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation E - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation F - Bombay
- January 08 - Conversation G - Bombay
- January 09 - Morning Walk - Bombay
- January 09 - Conversation A - Bombay
- January 09 - Conversation B - Bombay
- January 09 - Conversation C - Bombay
- January 10 - Conversation - Bombay
Jan 11 to 15 - Allahabad
- Staying at: Kumbha Mela
- January 11 - Conversation - Allahabad
- January 13 - Lecture - Allahabad
- January 13 - Conversation - Allahabad
- January 15 - Lecture - Allahabad
- January 15 - Conversation - Allahabad
Jan 16 to 18 - Calcutta
- January 16 - Conversation A - Calcutta
- January 16 - Conversation B - Calcutta
- January 16 - Conversation C - Calcutta
Jan 19 to 24 - Bhuvanesvara
- January 10 - Arrival - Bhuvanesvara
- January 10 - Lecture - Bhuvanesvara
- January 10 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 10 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 20 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 20 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 20 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Lecture - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation C - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation D - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation E - Bhuvanesvara
- January 21 - Conversation F - Bhuvanesvara
- January 22 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Bhuvanesvara
- January 22 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 22 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 22 - Conversation C - Bhuvanesvara
- January 23 - Lecture - Bhuvanesvara
- January 23 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 23 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 23 - Conversation C - Bhuvanesvara
- January 24 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 24 - Lecture CC Madhya 08.128 - Bhuvanesvara
- January 24 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 24 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
Jan 25 to 27 - Jagannatha Puri
- January 25 - Morning Walk - Jagannatha Puri
- January 25 - Conversation A - Jagannatha Puri
- January 25 - Conversation B - Jagannatha Puri
- January 26 - Conversation Address - Jagannatha Puri
- January 26 - Conversation A - Jagannatha Puri
- January 26 - Conversation B - Jagannatha Puri
- January 27 - Conversation A - Jagannatha Puri
- January 27 - Conversation B - Jagannatha Puri
Jan 27 to 31 - Bhuvanesvara...
- January 27 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 27 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 28 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 28 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 28 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 29 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 29 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Bhuvanesvara
- January 29 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 29 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 30 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 30 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 30 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 31 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- January 31 - Appearance Day, Lord Varaha, Varaha-dvadasi
- January 31 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- January 31 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- January 31 - Conversation C - Bhuvanesvara
Feb 1 to 3 - Bhuvanesvara
- February 01 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- February 02 - Morning Walk - Bhuvanesvara
- February 02 - Appearance Day - Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Avirbhava
- February 02 - Foundation Stone Ceremony - Bhuvanesvara
- February 02 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- February 02 - Conversation B - Bhuvanesvara
- February 03 - Conversation A - Bhuvanesvara
- February 03 - Conversation on Train - Bhuvanesvara
Feb 4 to 6 - Calcutta
- February 04 - Lecture Arrival - Calcutta
- February 04 - Conversation A - Calcutta
- February 04 - Conversation B - Calcutta
- February 05 - Conversation - Calcutta
Feb 7 to 28 - Mayapur...
- February 07 - Lecture Arrival - Mayapur
- February 08 - Appearance day of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura
- February 10 - Morning Walk - Mayapur
- February 10 - Lecture SB 07.09.01 - Mayapur
- February 11 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 12 - Lecture SB 07.09.02 - Mayapur
- February 12 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 14 - Conversation A - Mayapur
- February 14 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 14 - Conversation C - Mayapur
- February 15 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 16 - Conversation A - Mayapur
- February 16 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 17 - Lecture SB 07.09.03 - Mayapur
- February 17 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 18 - Lecture SB 07.09.04 - Mayapur
- February 18 - Conversation A - Mayapur
- February 18 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 18 - Conversation C - Mayapur
- February 18 - Conversation D - Mayapur
- February 19 - Conversation A - Mayapur
- February 19 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 19 - Conversation C - Mayapur
- February 19 - Conversation D - Mayapur
- February 19 - Conversation E - Mayapur
- February 21 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 24 - Conversation A - Mayapur
- February 24 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 25 - Lecture SB 07.09.05 - Mayapur
- February 25 - Lecture SB 07.09.01 - Mayapur
- February 25 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 25 - Conversation C - Mayapur
- February 26 - Lecture SB 07.09.06 - Mayapur
- February 26 - Conversation - Mayapur
- February 26 - Interview - Mayapur
- February 27 - Lecture SB 07.09.07 - Mayapur
- February 27 - Lecture SB 07.09.01 - Mayapur
- February 27 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 28 - Lecture SB 07.09.08 - Mayapur
- February 28 - Lecture SB 07.09.01 - Mayapur
- February 28 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- February 28 - Conversation C - Mayapur
Mar 1 to 20 - Mayapur
- March 01 - Lecture SB 07.09.09 - Mayapur
- March 01 - Lecture SB 07.09.01 - Mayapur
- March 01 - Conversation B - Mayapur
- March 02 - Conversation - Mayapur
- March 04 - Conversation - Mayapur
- March 5 - Gaura-pūrṇimā, appearance day of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu
- March 20 - Conversation - Mayapur
Mar 21 to 31 - Bombay...
- March 23 - Lecture SB 02.03.18-19 at Cross Maidan Pandal - Bombay
- March 24 - Lecture SB 02.03.20 at Cross Maidan Pandal - Bombay
- March 24 - Conversation - Bombay
- March 25 - Lecture SB 05.05.01-2 - Bombay
- March 26 - Lecture - Bombay
- March 26 - Conversation A - Bombay
- March 26 - Conversation B - Bombay
- March 26 - Conversation C - Bombay
- March 27 - Conversation A - Bombay
- March 27 - Conversation B - Bombay
- March 27 - Conversation C - Bombay
- March 27 - Conversation D - Bombay
- March 29 - Lecture SB 05.05.03-4 - Bombay
- March 29 - Conversation - Bombay
- March 30 - First Day in Juhu Quarters
- March 31 - Conversation A - Bombay
- March 31 - Conversation B - Bombay
- March 31 - Conversation C - Bombay
Apr 1 to 30 - Bombay...
- April 01 - Lecture - Bombay
- April 02 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 05 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 05 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 05 - Conversation C - Bombay
- April 05 - Interview - Bombay
- April 10 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 10 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 11 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 13 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 15 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 16 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 17 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 17 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 18 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 18 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 19 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 19 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 19 - Conversation C - Bombay
- April 20 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 22 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 22 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 22 - Conversation C - Bombay
- April 23 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 23 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 24 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 25 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 25 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 28 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 28 - Conversation B - Bombay
- April 29 - Conversation - Bombay
- April 30 - Conversation A - Bombay
- April 30 - Conversation B - Bombay
May 1 to 7 - Bombay
May 7 - Delhi
May 8 to 15 - Hrisikesh
- May 08 - Conversation A - Hrishikesh
- May 08 - Conversation B - Hrishikesh
- May 08 - Conversation C - Hrishikesh
- May 09 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
- May 11 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
- May 12 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
- May 13 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
- May 14 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
- May 15 - Conversation - Hrishikesh
May 16 - Delhi
May 17 to 31 - Vṛndāvana...
- May 17 - Arrival - Vṛndāvana
- May 17 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- May 19 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- May 20 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- May 21 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- May 22 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- May 24 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- May 24 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- May 24 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- May 24 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- May 25 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- May 25 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- May 27 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- May 27 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- May 27 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- May 28 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- May 28 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- May 28 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- May 29 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- May 29 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- May 31 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
Jun 1 to 30 - Vṛndāvana...
- June 01 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 02 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 04 - Signs Declaration of Will
- June 17 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 18 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 19 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- June 19 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- June 20 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- June 20 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- June 21 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 22 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 23 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 24 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 26 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- June 26 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- June 27 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- June 28 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- June 28 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- June 28 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- June 28 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- June 30 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- June 30 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- June 30 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
Jul 1 to 31 - Vṛndāvana...
- July 01 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 01 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 01 - Conversation C- Vṛndāvana
- July 01 - Conversation D- Vṛndāvana
- July 01 - Conversation E- Vṛndāvana
- July 01 - Conversation F- Vṛndāvana
- July 02 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 02 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 03 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- July 05 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 05 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 06 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- July 07 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 07 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 07 - Conversation C- Vṛndāvana
- July 08 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 08 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 10 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- July 14 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 14 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 15 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- July 17 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 17 - Conversation B- Vṛndāvana
- July 19 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 19 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 26 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 27 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- July 31 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
Aug 1 to 27 - Vṛndāvana
- August 08 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- August 10 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- August 11 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- August 17 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
Aug 28 to 31 - London...
Sep 1 to 13 - London
- September 06 - Janmāṣṭamī, appearance day of Śrī Kṛṣṇa
- September 07 - Vyāsa-pūjā, appearance day of Śrīla Prabhupāda
Sep 14 to 30 - Bombay...
- September 20 - Rādhāṣṭamī, appearance day of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī
Oct 1 - Bombay
Oct 2 to 31 - Vṛndāvana...
- October 02 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 04 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 05 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 06 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 06 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 08 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 08 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 09 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 10 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 10 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 11 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 11 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 12 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 13 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 13 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 13 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- October 14 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 14 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 14 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- October 15 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 15 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 15 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- October 16 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 16 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 16 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- October 17 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 17 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 18 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 18 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 18 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- October 19 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 20 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 20 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 21 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 21 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 22 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 22 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 24 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 25 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 25 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 26 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 27 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 27 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 28 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 28 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 29 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- October 30 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 30 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 31 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- October 31 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- October 31 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
Nov 1 to 14 - Vṛndāvana
- November 01 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 01 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 01 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation E - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation F - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation G - Vṛndāvana
- November 02 - Conversation H - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation E - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation F - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation G - Vṛndāvana
- November 03 - Conversation H - Vṛndāvana
- November 04 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation E - Vṛndāvana
- November 05 - Conversation F - Vṛndāvana
- November 06 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 06 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 06 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- November 07 - Conversation E - Vṛndāvana
- November 08 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 08 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 09 - Conversation D - Vṛndāvana
- November 10 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 10 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 10 - Conversation C - Vṛndāvana
- November 11 - Conversation - Vṛndāvana
- November 12 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 12 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 13 - Conversation A - Vṛndāvana
- November 13 - Conversation B - Vṛndāvana
- November 14, 19:30 - Disappearance Day of Śrīla Prabhupāda - age 81
1896 to 1964 - 1965 - 1966 - 1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977