730225 Conversation - Srila Prabhupada Speaks a Nectar Drop in Jakarta: Difference between revisions

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Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada
"I was walking in Los Angeles just about three feet away from the sea. So I was explaining to my students, 'Now, I am just three feet away from the sea, and the sea is so vast. At any second it can overflood us. But why you are confident the sea will not come here?' Because we know, by God's order, although the sea, the ocean, is so big, it cannot violate the order of God. That you are big, that's all right. But you cannot come beyond this line. So these things are being managed, and there is no God? What a nonsense. If things are... Just like when you pass through a house, sometimes if you don't see..., the house is not properly taken care of, or there is no light in front of the house, there are so many garbages—we immediately say, 'Oh, there is no man in this house'. And as soon as you see house is very nicely kept, there is light and the garden is kept, we understand there is a man. So this is common sense. If things are going on, everything is going on so nicely, how you can say there is no management, there is no brain? How you can say? What is this nonsense? Huh? How you can say there is no God?"
730225 - Conversation - Jakarta