BG/Бхагавад-гӣта̄ 6.42: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 04:49, 29 July 2020

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda


атха ва̄ йогина̄м ева
куле бхавати дхӣмата̄м
етад дхи дурлабха-тарам
локе джанма яд ӣдр̣шам

Дума по дума

атха ва̄ – или; йогина̄м – на учените трансценденталисти; ева – със сигурност; куле – в семейството; бхавати – се ражда; дхӣ-мата̄м – които са надарени с голяма мъдрост; етат – това; хи – несъмнено; дурлабха-тарам – много рядко; локе – в този свят; джанма – раждане; ят – това, което; ӣдр̣шам – като това.


Или (ако не постигне успех след дълга практика) се ражда в семейство на трансценденталисти, които несъмнено са велики в знанието. Такова раждане е истинска рядкост в този свят.


Birth in a family of yogīs or transcendentalists – those with great wisdom – is praised herein because the child born in such a family receives a spiritual impetus from the very beginning of his life. It is especially the case in the ācārya or gosvāmī families. Such families are very learned and devoted by tradition and training, and thus they become spiritual masters. In India there are many such ācārya families, but they have now degenerated due to insufficient education and training. By the grace of the Lord, there are still families that foster transcendentalists generation after generation. It is certainly very fortunate to take birth in such families. Fortunately, both our spiritual master, Oṁ Viṣṇupāda Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Mahārāja, and our humble self had the opportunity to take birth in such families, by the grace of the Lord, and both of us were trained in the devotional service of the Lord from the very beginning of our lives. Later on we met by the order of the transcendental system.