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{{VaniQuotebox|If we are sincerely in Krsna consciousness, that Krsna is always with us, He gives us protection, His mercy is there. Everything is there. With this conviction, we should continue Krsna consciousness|If we are sincerely in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that Kṛṣṇa is always with us, He gives us protection, His mercy is there. Everything is there. With this conviction, we should continue Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219-20BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_stop_our_activity._The_activities_are_to_be_purified._And_these_purified_activities_are_called_bhakti._Bhakti_means_they_are,_they_appear_also_just_like_ordinary_activity,_but_they_are_not_contaminated_activities._They_are_purified_activities|We cannot stop our activity. The activities are to be purified. And these purified activities are called bhakti. Bhakti means they are, they appear also just like ordinary activity, but they are not contaminated activities. They are purified activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If somebody says, "Oh, why shall I serve God?" all right, then you shall have to serve dog. That's all. Therefore he is befooled. He does not know that he has to serve somebody. His constitutional position is like that. He cannot escape|If somebody says, "Oh, why shall I serve God?" all right, then you shall have to serve dog. That's all. Therefore he is befooled. He does not know that he has to serve somebody. His constitutional position is like that. He cannot escape.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660302BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now,_when_these_senses_are_used_for_other_than_God%27s_purpose,_that_is_bondage,_conditioned_life._When_the_senses_are_purified_and_it_is_used_for_God%27s_purpose,_that_is_natural_life|Now, when these senses are used for other than God's purpose, that is bondage, conditioned life. When the senses are purified and it is used for God's purpose, that is natural life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|According to Vedic system, disagreement or quarrel between husband and wife should never be taken very seriously. The Vedic system therefore gives a concession for the wife to separate from her husband for some time and go to her father's house|According to Vedic system, disagreement or quarrel between husband and wife should never be taken very seriously. The Vedic system therefore gives a concession for the wife to separate from her husband for some time and go to her father's house.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660302BG.NY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_New_York_City_is_flooded_with_the_snow,_and_we_are_all_put_into_inconvenience._That%27s_a_sort_of_suffering._But_you_have_no_control._You_cannot_stop_snow_falling|The whole New York City is flooded with the snow, and we are all put into inconvenience. That's a sort of suffering. But you have no control. You cannot stop snow falling.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to invoke our love for Krsna. Then our loving propensities will be actually satisfied. Otherwise we'll be frustrated|We have to invoke our love for Kṛṣṇa. Then our loving propensities will be actually satisfied. Otherwise we'll be frustrated.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660302BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The,_the_necessity_of_a_spiritual_master_is_for_him_who_is_conscious_of_his_material_suffering._If_one_is_not_conscious_of_his_material_suffering,_then_he_is_not_even_on_the_human_being_status._He%27s_still_in_the_animal_status|The, the necessity of a spiritual master is for him who is conscious of his material suffering. If one is not conscious of his material suffering, then he is not even on the human being status. He's still in the animal status.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You have to purify yourself. Sinful activities will involve you more and more in the cycle of birth and death|You have to purify yourself. Sinful activities will involve you more and more in the cycle of birth and death.}}</option>
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660311BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
{{VaniQuotebox|Those who are actually sincere about spiritual life will gradually see the purity of our movement as you are conducting it and they will become attracted to the real thing|Those who are actually sincere about spiritual life will gradually see the purity of our movement as you are conducting it and they will become attracted to the real thing.}}
|[[Vaniquotes:In_other_planets,_somewhere_water_is_very_prominent,_somewhere_fire_is_very_prominent._In_the_sun_planet,_the_bodies_there..._There_are_also_living_entities,_but_their_body_is_so_made_that_it_is_fiery._They_can_exist_in_the_fire|In other planets, somewhere water is very prominent, somewhere fire is very prominent. In the sun planet, the bodies there... There are also living entities, but their body is so made that it is fiery. They can exist in the fire.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are servant of Krsna, but somehow or other, we revolted. Still we are revolting. Although Krsna coming and canvassing, "Just surrender unto Me," but still we are revolting. This is our disease|We are servant of Kṛṣṇa, but somehow or other, we revolted. Still we are revolting. Although Kṛṣṇa coming and canvassing, "Just surrender unto Me," but still we are revolting. This is our disease.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660405BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_here,_always_working,_something_reading_or_writing,_something_reading_or_writing,_twenty-four_hours._Simply_when_I_feel_hungry,_I_take_some_food._And_simply_when_I_feel_asleep,_I_go_to_bed|I am here, always working, something reading or writing, something reading or writing, twenty-four hours. Simply when I feel hungry, I take some food. And simply when I feel asleep, I go to bed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I simply request you to chant 16 rounds daily without fail and follow all the regulative principles. Rise early, attend temple functions and study my books carefully|I simply request you to chant 16 rounds daily without fail and follow all the regulative principles. Rise early, attend temple functions and study my books carefully.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660427BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ruci_means_you_will_simply_hanker_after_spiritual_things._You_won%27t_like_to_hear_anything_except_spiritual_message._You_won%27t_like_to_do_anything_except_spiritual_activities._You_won%27t_like_to_eat_anything_which_is_not_spiritualized|Ruci means you will simply hanker after spiritual things. You won't like to hear anything except spiritual message. You won't like to do anything except spiritual activities. You won't like to eat anything which is not spiritualized.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If one takes to this philosophy of Krsna consciousness and develops love of Godhead, then he can see God at every moment, in every step, in every thing. He's not, for a single moment, is out of the sight of God|If one takes to this philosophy of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and develops love of Godhead, then he can see God at every moment, in every step, in every thing. He's not, for a single moment, is out of the sight of God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660525BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|God is never dead. Krsna is never dead, as some of the modern philosophers, they are putting forward the philosophy of "God is dead." God is dead for those who are following the owl philosophy|God is never dead. Kṛṣṇa is never dead, as some of the modern philosophers, they are putting forward the philosophy of "God is dead." God is dead for those who are following the owl philosophy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660808BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_so_beneficial_for_successful_human_mission,_so_I_must_have_it._I_must_execute_this_Krsna_consciousness._This_is_called_utsahat,_to_become_energetic,_not_lethargic_but_energetic._So_utsahad_dhairyat|It is so beneficial for successful human mission, so I must have it. I must execute this Krsna consciousness. This is called utsahat, to become energetic, not lethargic but energetic. So utsahad dhairyat.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If people do not take to Krishna and simply want to utilize the Goddess of Fortune for sense gratification as it was the policy of the demons like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, then the finishing touch will certainly culminate in releasing the nuclear weapon|If people do not take to Krishna and simply want to utilize the Goddess of Fortune for sense gratification as it was the policy of the demons like Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, then the finishing touch will certainly culminate in releasing the nuclear weapon exactly like Ravana was vanquished by such policy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660909BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_remember,_there_was_heavy_bombing._But_fortunately,_we_stayed_perplexed.%28%3F%29_He_saw_something,_fireworks,_is_going_on._%22So_let_us_enjoy.%22_%28laughter%29_You_see%3F_%28makes_sound_of_bomb_coming_down%29_Do-do-dee-dee-dong!|I remember, there was heavy bombing. But fortunately, we stayed perplexed.(?) He saw something, fireworks, is going on. "So let us enjoy." (laughter) You see? (makes sound of bomb coming down) Do-do-dee-dee-dong!]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think this policy of Sankirtana, Prasadam and Srimad-Bhagavatam has been successful in all the centers. Please therefore follow this transcendental policy with heart and soul and make your center as spiritually opulent as far as possible|I think this policy of Sankirtana, Prasadam and Srimad-Bhagavatam has been successful in all the centers. Please therefore follow this transcendental policy with heart and soul and make your center as spiritually opulent as far as possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660916BG.NY_Savitri.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_Savitri-Satyavan._It_is_not_a_story._It_is_historical_fact_that_one_gentleman,_he_was_a_king%27s_son,_prince._His_name_was_Satyavan._But_he_was_to_die_at_a_certain_age_his_horoscope_said._But_one_girl_Savitri,_she_fell_in_love_with_that_boy|There is a story Savitri-Satyavan. It is not a story. It is historical fact that one gentleman, he was a king's son, prince. His name was Satyavan. But he was to die at a certain age his horoscope said. But one girl Savitri, she fell in love with that boy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily|Sometimes we have to do so much managerial or office work, but Lord Caitanya promises us that because in the Kali yuga this is required for carrying on our preaching mission. He gives assurance that we will not become entangled by such work. When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660918BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_many_stories._One_of_them_I_am_citing._It_is_very_interesting._Visvamitra_Muni._Visvamitra_Muni,_he_was_a_great_king,_ksatriya,_but_his_priest,_Vasistha_Muni,_he_had_great_spiritual_power._So_he_renounced_his_kingdom._He_wanted_to_advance|There are many stories. One of them I am citing. It is very interesting. Visvamitra Muni. Visvamitra Muni, he was a great king, ksatriya, but his priest, Vasistha Muni, he had great spiritual power. So he renounced his kingdom. He wanted to advance.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the material dealings there is always there is always something undesirable, but even so you cannot give up your occupation. Just like fire is very pure, still there is some smoke. You cannot avoid it|In the material dealings there is always there is always something undesirable, but even so you cannot give up your occupation. Just like fire is very pure, still there is some smoke. You cannot avoid it. }}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661002BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, we want voluntarily to become slave -- of Krsna. We are, at the present moment, we are slave of the senses|Sometimes we are criticized: "Slave mentality." Yes, we want voluntarily to become slave—of Kṛṣṇa. We are, at the present moment, we are slave of the senses. Kāma krodha moho mātsarya. Kāmādi. Kāmādi means kāma, desire to enjoy. And if our enjoyment, if our desire is not fulfilled, then we become krodhi, angry; lobhi, moha mātsarya.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661002BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_must_hear_about_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead_and_nothing_more._That_should_be_your_profession._Then_what_will_be_the_result%3F_The_result_will_be_sthane_sthitah|You must hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and nothing more. That should be your profession. Then what will be the result? The result will be sthane sthitah.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We can take part in everything, politics, sociology or philanthropism, altruism, there are so many things they have discovered, provided by taking part in that department of activities we advance our Krsna consciousness. Otherwise reject. Don't take part|We can take part in everything—politics, sociology or philanthropism, altruism, there are so many things they have discovered—provided by taking part in that department of activities we advance our Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Otherwise reject. Don't take part.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661007BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_son_is_surrendering_to_his_father._It_is_quite_natural._There_is_no_insult._Father_is_always_superior._So_if_I_touch_the_feet_of_my_father,_if_I_bow_down_before_my_father,_it_is_glory._It_is_glorious_for_me|A son is surrendering to his father. It is quite natural. There is no insult. Father is always superior. So if I touch the feet of my father, if I bow down before my father, it is glory. It is glorious for me.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So if we simply worship Krsna, Krsna also demands that, mam ekam, then all the avataras, all the demigods, everything, is worshiped|So if we simply worship Kṛṣṇa—Kṛṣṇa also demands that, mām ekam—then all the avatāras, all the demigods, everything, is worshiped.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661116BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Why you are thinking that you are one of the family members? This is bodily concept|Kṛṣṇa begins from this point, that "Why you are thinking that you are one of the family members? This is bodily concept."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661123BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_hear_the_sound_of_the_wind,_%22Ohnnhnn_Shaah_Shaah,%22_you_say,_%22Oh,_today_wind_is_very_violently_blowing.%22_You_can_feel,_but_you_don%27t_see_the_air._So_don%27t_stress_on_seeing_only|When you hear the sound of the wind, "Ohnnhnn Shaah Shaah," you say, "Oh, today wind is very violently blowing." You can feel, but you don't see the air. So don't stress on seeing only.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone knows that he is going to die. He has taken birth; he has become old; he has suffered diseases. Then where is the solution?|Everyone knows that he is going to die. He has taken birth; he has become old; he has suffered diseases. Then where is the solution?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661123BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Story_of_Narada_Muni_and_the_cobbler|Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Jnana, knowledge, means distinguishing between spirit and matter. And this knowledge should be cultivated and taken full advantage in this life. That is succesful life|Jñāna, knowledge, means distinguishing between spirit and matter. And this knowledge should be cultivated and taken full advantage in this life. That is succesful life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661123CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_nice_story_about_Sanatana_Gosvami,_of_whom_we_are_now_studying._Sanatana_Gosvami_and_Rupa_Gosvami,_two_brothers,_they_went_to_Vrndavana_for_devotional_service|There is a nice story about Sanatana Gosvami, of whom we are now studying. Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami, two brothers, they went to Vrndavana for devotional service.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By simple chanting of this transcendental vibration the people of this age will make exact progress in the matter of spiritual realization....Those who are hopeless about their spiritual realization, Lord Caitanya is the only one hope|By simple chanting of this transcendental vibration the people of this age will make exact progress in the matter of spiritual realization. Therefore this reference is there, agaty-eka-gatim. Those who are hopeless about their spiritual realization, Lord Caitanya is the only one hope.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661124BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I%27ll_cite_one_story._It_is_very_interesting_story._If_you_go_to_India,_you%27ll_find_one_nice_temple_in_Orissa._It_is_called_the_temple_of_%22Witness-Gopala,%22_Saksi-Gopala,_Witness-Gopala._This_Gopala_was_situated_in_a_temple_at_Vrndavana|I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Maya is not a ghost. Maya is a condition of consciousness. That's all|This material world means it is a place where māyā is predominant. Māyā is predominant means the forgetfulness of God is predominant. Māyā means nothing. Māyā is not a ghost. Māyā is a condition of consciousness. That's all. When you forget God, or Kṛṣṇa, that is called māyā.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661124BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
{{VaniQuotebox|Not only in India - all over the world. There cannot be peace unless you reform the whole social structure, and that can be done only by this movement, Krsna consciousness|It is not only in India—all over the world. There cannot be peace unless you reform the whole social structure, and that can be done only by this movement, Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661129CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_order_of_the_sastra,_by_the_guidance_of_the_spiritual_master,_you_are_being_trained_up_as_apprentice._This_is_called_abhidheya_-_practice|By the order of the sastra, by the guidance of the spiritual master, you are being trained up as apprentice. This is called abhidheya - practice.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we want to learn about Krsna, then we have to follow the path of mahajanas, great personalities|If we want to learn about Kṛṣṇa, then we have to follow the path of mahājanas, great personalities.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661130CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_Thakura_voluntarily_made_himself_blind|Bilvamangala Thakura voluntarily made himself blind.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to rectify, purify our existence. This present existence is not purified. Otherwise, why we are accepting death? Because the existence is not purified|We have to rectify, purify our existence. This present existence is not purified. Otherwise, why we are accepting death? Because the existence is not purified.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661130CC.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_and_the_prostitute_Cintamani|Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot cheat. Spiritual life must be declared very frankly|The world situation is that you can speak truth if it is palatable. And if it is unpalatable, don't speak. But this thing cannot be maintained when you are preaching spiritual life. There we cannot cheat. Spiritual life must be declared very frankly. Not that we have to declare; it is already declared.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661204BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Cut_coat_tail_is_the_latest_fashion|Cut coat tail is the latest fashion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Temple life means following strictly the regulative principles and chanting a minimum of 16 rounds, or more if possible|Temple life means following strictly the regulative principles and chanting a minimum of 16 rounds, or more if possible. The temple must always be kept neat and clean.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661220BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_will_give_you_one_example_how_Krsna_sometimes_breaks_His_promise._It_is_very_nice_story|I will give you one example how Krsna sometimes breaks His promise. It is very nice story.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to save the people in general, religionists and philosophers, to save them from the downfall. Opening our center means to educate people in this great science|Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to save the people in general, religionists and philosophers, to save them from the downfall. Opening our center means to educate people in this great science.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661222CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_understand_yourself,_that_you_are_not_this_body,_you_are_Brahman,_and_when_you_act_factually_in_that_Brahman_stage,_that_is_called_bhakti|To understand yourself, that you are not this body, you are Brahman, and when you act factually in that Brahman stage, that is called bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Real worker is Krsna. We are simply instrument|The prakṛti, nature, is the agent. The real worker is Kṛṣṇa. We are simply instrument. That is our position. If you have got intelligence, then you have to understand that you are simply an instrument.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661222CC.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Five_millions_and_four_thousands_of_Manus_are_there_in_one_Brahma%27s_life._Five_million_and_four_hundred_thousand_of_manvantaravatara,_incarnation_of_Manu,_in_one_brahmanda|Five millions and four thousands of Manus are there in one Brahma's life. Five million and four hundred thousand of manvantaravatara, incarnation of Manu, in one brahmanda.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Don't think that this chanting and dancing will not lead you to the desired goal. It will because there is assurance of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that you will get all perfection by this process|Don't think that this chanting and dancing will not lead you to the desired goal. It will because there is assurance of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu that you will get all perfection by this process.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661226BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_minus_respect,_that_is_not_bhakti._With_love,_with_respect,_with_designated_duties,_if_you_be_engaged_in_Krsna_consciousness,_then_your_life_will_be_successful|Bhakti minus respect, that is not bhakti. With love, with respect, with designated duties, if you be engaged in Krsna consciousness, then your life will be successful.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The new programs to spread up Lord Caitanya's message via the television, radio and newspaper is welcome. It is now the vogue to ventilate various topics for mass consumption via these media, so why not utilize them properly in Krsna's service?|The new programs to spread up Lord Caitanya's message via the television, radio and newspaper is welcome. It is now the vogue to ventilate various topics for mass consumption via these media, so why not utilize them properly in Krsna's service? I am very much in favor of this program.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661226BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_intelligent_man,_who_is_not_crazy,_he_should_understand_that_I_am_not_this_body|The intelligent man, who is not crazy, he should understand that I am not this body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I pray to Krishna that you both live for at least 100 years so that you may spread Krishna consciousness to the full extent|I am very grateful to you both for assisting me so energetically. And I pray to Krishna that you both live for at least 100 years so that you may spread Krishna consciousness to the full extent.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670101BG.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_it_is_very_easy._And_you_can_do_in_happy_mood._And_what_is_the_process%3F_We_chant_Hare_Krsna_and_eat_Krsna-prasada_and_study_Bhagavad-gita_philosophy,_hear_nice_musical_sounds._Is_it_very_difficult%3F_Is_it_very_difficult%3F_Not_at_all|And it is very easy. And you can do in happy mood. And what is the process? We chant Hare Krsna and eat Krsna-prasada and study Bhagavad-gita philosophy, hear nice musical sounds. Is it very difficult? Is it very difficult? Not at all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As the wife of a GBC member you have got the responsibility to help your husband to maintain the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness both in yourselves and in all the other devotees in the Temple|As the wife of a GBC member you have got the responsibility to help your husband to maintain the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness both in yourselves and in all the other devotees in the Temple.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670101BG.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_trying_to_get_himself_free_from_anxieties,_but_he_does_not_know_how_to_get_out_of_this_anxiety._This_taking_shelter_of_intoxication_is_no_use_to_get_oneself_free_from_anxieties._It_is_a_drug._It_is_oblivion|Everyone is trying to get himself free from anxieties, but he does not know how to get out of this anxiety. This taking shelter of intoxication is no use to get oneself free from anxieties. It is a drug. It is oblivion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books|Stick very strictly to these principles and chant regularly daily sixteen rounds and you will always remain the topmost position. Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670104BG.NY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Buddhih_means_intelligence._Jnanam_means_knowledge._Asammohah_means_freedom_from_illusion._Ksama._Ksama,_forgiveness._Satyam,_truth._Damah._Damah_means_controlling_the_senses,_and_samah,_to_keep_the_mind_equibalanced|Buddhih means intelligence. Jnanam means knowledge. Asammohah means freedom from illusion. Ksama. Ksama, forgiveness. Satyam, truth. Damah. Damah means controlling the senses, and samah, to keep the mind equibalanced.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you chant loudly Hare Krsna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration. It will act for everyone|If you chant loudly Hare Kṛṣṇa, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration. It will act for everyone.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670104CC.NY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_krsna-katha,_the_Lord%27s_name,_fame,_quality,_entourage,_all_these_things_are_very_sweet._To_whom%3F_Those_who_are_liberated_from_this_jaundice_of_materialism._For_them_it_is_very_sweet|The krsna-katha, the Lord's name, fame, quality, entourage, all these things are very sweet. To whom? Those who are liberated from this jaundice of materialism. For them it is very sweet.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we become simply engaged in His preaching work, trying with whatever talent or education or experience or material advantages we have got, to spread Krishna Consciousness message all over the world. That is best friend of Krishna|If we become simply engaged in His preaching work, trying with whatever talent or education or experience or material advantages we have got, to spread Krishna Consciousness message all over the world. That is best friend of Krishna, that is Krishna's pet dog.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670104CC.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_Krsna_is_dressed%2C_similarly%2C_His_friends%2C_cowherd_boys%2C_they_are_also_dressed._In_the_spiritual_world%2C_when_you_go%2C_you%27ll_not_be_able_to_understand_who_is_Krsna_and_who_is_not_Krsna._Everyone_is_like_Krsna|Just like Krsna is dressed, similarly, His friends, cowherd boys, they are also dressed. In the spiritual world, when you go, you'll not be able to understand who is Krsna and who is not Krsna. Everyone is like Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement|Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement and conduct my spiritual master's mission.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670104CC.NY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahma_is_the_first_creature_in_this_universe._He_is_the_first_living_entity._He_accepts_his_inability_to_understand_about_Krsna,_and_what_to_speak_of_others|Brahma is the first creature in this universe. He is the first living entity. He accepts his inability to understand about Krsna, and what to speak of others.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are talking on the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The subject matter is how one shall transfer himself from this material world to the spiritual world and thereby stop birth, death, old age and disease. This is the whole subject matter|We are talking on the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The subject matter is how one shall transfer himself from this material world to the spiritual world and thereby stop birth, death, old age and disease. This is the whole subject matter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670104CC.NY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_many_authentic_Vedic_literatures._They_are_accepted_by_the_spiritual_societies._And_one%27s_learning_is_proved_if_he_can_give_evidences_from_these_Vedic_literatures|There are many authentic Vedic literatures. They are accepted by the spiritual societies. And one's learning is proved if he can give evidences from these Vedic literatures.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Mind is restless, always desiring something, desiring something. So the best policy to control the mind is to desire how to spread Krsna consciousness|Mind is restless, always desiring something, desiring something. So the best policy to control the mind is to desire how to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670306SB.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_those_thousands_of_people_assembled_in_the_market,_they_have_got_their_sleeping_place._They_have_got_their_eating_place._So_by_arrangement._There_is_arrangement._Similarly,_there_may_be_millions_and_millions_of_living_entities;_God_has_arrangement|All those thousands of people assembled in the market, they have got their sleeping place. They have got their eating place. So by arrangement. There is arrangement. Similarly, there may be millions and millions of living entities; God has arrangement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You must be very cautious, being president that you set a perfect example so others will not be misled|All your desires are fulfilled. You must be very cautious, being president that you set a perfect example so others will not be misled. Always chant 16 rounds and observe our other rules and regulations strictly.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670323SB-SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_you_write_or_how_you_can_speak_unless_you_think_of_Him%3F_You_are_hearing_about_Krsna;_you_have_to_think,_then_you_can_speak._Otherwise_not|How can you write or how you can speak unless you think of Him? You are hearing about Krsna; you have to think, then you can speak. Otherwise not.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We must know that we are dependent. We are dependent on the laws of material nature, and the material nature is working under the direction of Krsna|We must know that we are dependent. We are dependent on the laws of material nature, and the material nature is working under the direction of Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670405lc.sf_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Who_wrote_the_other_Lord_Caitanya%3F_That_other_play%3F|Who wrote the other Lord Caitanya? That other play?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It requires some expert brain, how to play gamble. So that expertness, that part of expert endeavor, is Krsna|It requires some expert brain, how to play gamble. So that expertness, that part of expert endeavor, is Kṛṣṇa. So we should not think, "Oh, because Kṛṣṇa is gambling also, so let us engage and devote in gambling." No. Kṛṣṇa is everything. Kṛṣṇa is everything, but we have to select favorably, not unfavorably.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670405LC.SF_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_does_not_follow_the_formality,_only_the_sannyasis_should_be_the_spiritual_master._Anyone_who_knows_the_science_of_Krsna,_he_can_be_spiritual_master|Caitanya Mahaprabhu does not follow the formality, only the sannyasis should be the spiritual master. Anyone who knows the science of Krsna, he can be spiritual master.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Akuti, eagerness. What is that eagerness? That means to understand Radha-Krsna through the guidance of the Gosvamis|Ākuti, eagerness. What is that eagerness? That means to understand Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa through the guidance of the Gosvāmīs. One should not try to understand Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa by his own effort. That will not help him. }}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/670405LC.SF_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_mentioned_something_about_Caitanya_dancing_with_Haridasa%3F|You mentioned something about Caitanya dancing with Haridasa?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually our students have surpassed the category of brahmana because they are Vaisnavas which means they are transcendental to any material position|Actually our students have surpassed the category of brahmana because they are Vaisnavas which means they are transcendental to any material position, and brahmana is a material order of life, part of the Varna Ashrama system.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680312IV-SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_also_speak_from_the_Bhagavad-gita_and_the_students_also_speak_from_the_Bhagavad-gita._The_Bhagavad-gita_is_the_same_in_all_the_centers._But_it_may_be_because_I_have_little_more_experience_I_can_explain_them_a_little_more_nicely|I also speak from the Bhagavad-gita and the students also speak from the Bhagavad-gita. The Bhagavad-gita is the same in all the centers. But it may be because I have little more experience I can explain them a little more nicely.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Spontaneous means when we shall rise to the platform that "Here is a service for Krsna. Let me do it|Spontaneous means when we shall rise to the platform that "Here is a service for Kṛṣṇa. Let me do it." Immediately. "Let me do it." Just like Yudhiṣṭhira was advised by Kṛṣṇa that "You just go to Dronācārya and speak him lie that his son is dead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680317BG-SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_want_to_work,_I_want_to_work|I want to work, I want to work.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Hearing and chanting are essential processes for sankirtana. So if someone is hearing us singing on the street, or if he is purchasing one book and if he reads sincerely, these two activities are the same|So if many devotees are going out daily on the streets and public places for distributing our literature, that is also sankirtana, even if there is no one chanting. Hearing and chanting are essential processes for sankirtana. So if someone is hearing us singing on the street, or if he is purchasing one book and if he reads sincerely, these two activities are the same.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680323mw.sf_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_thief|Alexander and the thief.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you catch up Krsna's lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down|If you catch up Kṛṣṇa's lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down. But if you make a show of so-called brahmacārī, so-called gṛhastha, or so-called sannyāsī, then you will fall down. We are experiencing that. Then you must fall down. Kṛṣṇa will not tolerate a defaulter, a pseudo devotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680323MW.SF_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_thing_is_that_calculation_of_Candra,_moon_planet,_there_are_different_views._Different_scientists,_they_have_different_views._It_is_not_a_standard|First thing is that calculation of Candra, moon planet, there are different views. Different scientists, they have different views. It is not a standard.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you keep yourself on the platform of chanting Hare Krsna mantra and do not commit willfully again sinful life, then you are liberated|If you keep yourself on the platform of chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra and do not commit willfully again sinful life, then you are liberated.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680323MW.SF_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_all_chanting_sixteen_rounds%3F_No%3F_%28laughs%29|You are all chanting sixteen rounds? No? (laughs).]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your Deities shall be named Radha Gopinatha|Your Deities shall be named Radha Gopinatha. Your report is very encouraging about book printing. The more we distribute books our mission becomes solidified. Yes, we should always remember following the regulative principles and reading our books. That will give us spiritual strength.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680323MW.SF_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_are,_in_modern_day,_they_cannot_sit_down_in_a_place_for_a_long_time._Therefore_so_much_traveling._The_traveling_business_is_very_prosperous._Everyone_wants_to_travel._They_cannot_fix,_fix_up|People are, in modern day, they cannot sit down in a place for a long time. Therefore so much traveling. The traveling business is very prosperous. Everyone wants to travel. They cannot fix, fix up.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|God is the origin of all emanations... One who has understood this fact very nicely, scientifically, then, by loving God, you love everything, universe|God is the origin of all emanations... One who has understood this fact very nicely, scientifically, then, by loving God, you love everything, universe. If you think that "God is something manufactured by my imagination," then you cannot love universe or God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680610BG-MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_the_senses,_they_are,_being_material._So_constitutionally,_they_cannot_see_God,_they_cannot_hear_of_God,_they_cannot_chant_of_the_holy_name_of_God._But_it_is_possible._The_sastra_gives_you_indication|All the senses, they are, being material. So constitutionally, they cannot see God, they cannot hear of God, they cannot chant of the holy name of God. But it is possible. The sastra gives you indication.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When we see the twenty-six qualification in full present, that means he is perfect in Krsna consciousness. If those qualities are not present, that means there is still, I mean to say, a touch of contamination of material nature|When we see the twenty-six qualification in full present, that means he is perfect in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If those qualities are not present, that means there is still, I mean to say, a touch of contamination of material nature.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680616SB.MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sleeping,_eating,_mating_or_defending._It_is_simply_due_to_my_bodily_consciousness_these_things_are_required._But_when_one_is_actually_spiritually_advanced,_he_has_no_such_appreciation._Just_like_Lord_Jesus_Christ,_he_was_crucified,_but_he_never_protested|Sleeping, eating, mating or defending. It is simply due to my bodily consciousness these things are required. But when one is actually spiritually advanced, he has no such appreciation. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified, but he never protested.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You cannot violate the laws of God. As you cannot violate the laws of the state, similarly, if you violate, you have to suffer. You cannot expect peace and you go on killing animals. That is not possiblee|You cannot violate the laws of God. As you cannot violate the laws of the state, similarly, if you violate, you have to suffer. You cannot expect peace and you go on killing animals. That is not possible. If you want peace, then you must think for others also. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680716RC-MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_does_not_say_that_you_have_to_become_like_this,_like_that,_like_that,_then_you_can_serve_Him._Does_not_say|Krsna does not say that you have to become like this, like that, like that, then you can serve Him. Does not say.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so glad to learn that Sriman George is making good advancement in Krishna consciousness. He is a good soul and I am praying for him to Krishna, so surely he will make advancement|I am so glad to learn that Sriman George is making good advancement in Krishna consciousness. He is a good soul and I am praying for him to Krishna, so surely he will make advancement. His book, Krishna, is already ready for being sent to the press.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680818SB.MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28one_European_gentleman%29_said_that_%22I_find_in_this_temple_there_is_God.%22_%22Why%3F_Why_you_conclude_like_that%3F%22_%22That_in_every_temple_I_saw,_that_the_god,_deity,_is_doing_something._But_here_I_see_the_God_is_enjoying._He_has_nothing_to_do%22|He (one European gentleman) said that "I find in this temple there is God." "Why? Why you conclude like that?" "That in every temple I saw, that the god, deity, is doing something. But here I see the God is enjoying. He has nothing to do".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are two kinds of servants: the maya's servant and Krsna's servant. Nobody is master. That is illusion. Everyone is servant. Every living entity is a servant|There are two kinds of servants: the māyā's servant and Kṛṣṇa's servant. Nobody is master. That is illusion. Everyone is servant. Every living entity is a servant.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680818SB.MON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Physical_conception_is_temporary._The_vibration_conception_is_eternal|Physical conception is temporary. The vibration conception is eternal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|From the Tulasi plant you can cut off only leaves for offering them to Krishna, never for cutting and planting. That is an offense|From the Tulasi plant you can cut off only leaves for offering them to Krishna, never for cutting and planting. That is an offense. The manjaris (seeds) can be offered in water and it makes the water fragrant and tasteful. And the manjaris can be planted for growing new Tulasi plants.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680824BG-MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28Jaya%29_doesn%27t_mind_that_%22I_am_going_to_be_enemy_of_Krsna.%22_The_principle_is_that_he%27s_following._If_Krsna_says_that_%22You_become_My_enemy,%22_I_can_become_His_enemy._That_is_bhakti-yoga._Yes._I_want_to_satisfy_Krsna|He (Jaya) doesn't mind that "I am going to be enemy of Krsna." The principle is that he's following. If Krsna says that "You become My enemy," I can become His enemy. That is bhakti-yoga. Yes. I want to satisfy Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are doing your duty very nice. That's all right. But by doing your duty, if you do not develop your Krsna consciousness, then you are simply wasting your time|You are doing your duty very nice. That's all right. But by doing your duty, if you do not develop your Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then you are simply wasting your time.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680824BG-MON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Devotee_means_he_can_act_anything_and_everything_for_the_Lord._That_is_bhakti-yoga._But_under_the_direction._Not_whimsically|Devotee means he can act anything and everything for the Lord. That is bhakti-yoga. But under the direction. Not whimsically.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna is the original speaker of sruti, or Veda knowledge. Therefore Vedic knowledge is called apauruseya. It is not manufactured or concocted by some mental speculator|Kṛṣṇa is the original speaker of śruti, or Veda knowledge. Therefore Vedic knowledge is called apauruṣeya. It is not manufactured or concocted by some mental speculator.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_means_to_have_all_kinds_of_knowledge._Not_that_we_Krsna_conscious_people_are_being_carried_away_by_some_sentiment._No._We_have_got_philosophy,_science,_theology,_ethics,_morality,_everything|Krsna consciousness means to have all kinds of knowledge. Not that we Krsna conscious people are being carried away by some sentiment. No. We have got philosophy, science, theology, ethics, morality, everything.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The stress must be on books, nothing else needs to be sold. If someone hears a record, he will not understand anything of our philosophy|The stress must be on books, nothing else needs to be sold. If someone hears a record, he will not understand anything of our philosophy. He will simply enjoy it as sense gratification. But if he gets a book and reads even one page, then he may very likely be induced to take part in our movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_these_discussions_of_scripture_is_not_to_be_acted_unless_there_is_relationship_between_the_speaker_and_the_audience._So_audience_means_the_disciples._Disciple_means_who_accepts_the_discipline._Sisya|Actually, these discussions of scripture is not to be acted unless there is relationship between the speaker and the audience. So audience means the disciples. Disciple means who accepts the discipline. Sisya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Srila Prabhupada has mercifully made the most essential scriptures available to us in his books. The problem is that not all the devotees are carefully studying the books|Śrīla Prabhupāda has mercifully made the most essential scriptures available to us in his books. The problem is that not all the devotees are carefully studying the books, the result being a fall down or at least unsteadinesss}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_we_are_serving_money._Any_why_you_are_serving_money%3F_Because_with_the_money_we_can_satisfy_our_senses|Actually we are serving money. Any why you are serving money? Because with the money we can satisfy our senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You may translate Bhagavad-gita. You're so enthusiastic. Krsna will give you strength. The more you serve the more you'll get strength|You may translate Bhagavad-gita. You're so enthusiastic. Krsna will give you strength. The more you serve the more you'll get strength.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness,_or_devotional_service,_means_purifying_the_senses._That%27s_all._We_haven%27t_got_to_eradicate,_get_out_of_the_sensual_activities._No._We_have_simply_to_purify_the_senses|Krsna consciousness, or devotional service, means purifying the senses. That's all. We haven't got to eradicate, get out of the sensual activities. No. We have simply to purify the senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have established this International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Society is required. Sadhu-sanga. Just to give opportunity to persons who have got little faith to develop that faith into Krsna consciousness|If you have got faith and if you try to engage yourself in Kṛṣṇa consciousness with association of devotees, not alone... Alone is not possible. Therefore we have established this International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Society is required. Sādhu-saṅga. Just to give opportunity to persons who have got little faith to develop that faith into Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Man_is_rational._Man_is_animal,_but_rational_animal._The_special_gift_to_man_is_that_he_can_decide_what_is_good,_what_is_bad._He_has_got_an_extra_knowledge_than_the_animals|Man is rational. Man is animal, but rational animal. The special gift to man is that he can decide what is good, what is bad. He has got an extra knowledge than the animals.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our duty is to serve God. There is no other duty. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching, that "You have no other duty, anything. That is all false illusion. If you have selected any other duty than to serve Krsna in Krsna cons., then you are foolish"|Our duty is to serve God. There is no other duty. That is Caitanya Mahāprabhu's preaching, that "You have no other duty, anything. That is all false illusion. If you have selected any other duty than to serve Kṛṣṇa in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then you are foolish. You are doing something wrong, which is not for your interest."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680911BG.SF_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_follow_the_footprints_of_the_acaryas._Mahajano_yena_gatah_sa_panthah._We_cannot_understand_higher_things_unless_we_follow_the_footprint_of_great_personalities|We have to follow the footprints of the acaryas. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot understand higher things unless we follow the footprint of great personalities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Govinda dasa is reminding his mind "You have experience of your material happiness. So material happiness means, the ultimate goal of material happiness is sex life. But don't you remember how long you can enjoy this sex life?" Capala. "Flickering"|Govinda dāsa is reminding his mind "You have experience of your material happiness. So material happiness means, the ultimate goal of material happiness is sex life. But don't you remember how long you can enjoy this sex life?" Capala. "Flickering. Say, for a few minutes or moment. That's all. But for that purpose you are working so hard?" Śīta ātapa. "Don't care for snowfall. Don't care for scorching heat. Don't care for torrents of rain. Don't care for keeping night, night duty. Whole day and night you are working."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680924IV-SEA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_born_in_1896,_and_I_was_my_father%27s_pet_child,_so_my_education_began_a_little_late,_still,_I_was_educated_in_higher_secondary,_high_school_for_eight_years._In_primary_school_four_years,_higher_secondary_school,_eight_years,_in_college,_four_years|I was born in 1896, and I was my father's pet child, so my education began a little late, still, I was educated in higher secondary, high school for eight years. In primary school four years, higher secondary school, eight years, in college, four years.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna is the reservoir of all rasas. Rasa is a very peculiar word. Rasa may be translated into English as taste, as mellow, or as humor. So our relationship with Krsna, there is some taste. Without taste, we cannot continue our relationship with anyone|Kṛṣṇa is the reservoir of all rasas. Rasa is a very peculiar word. Rasa, it may be translated into English as "taste," as "mellow," or as "humor." So our relationship with Kṛṣṇa, there is some taste. Without taste, we cannot continue our relationship with anyone. There must be some taste. So these rasas, or tastes, are twelve kinds.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680924IV-SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_his_own_apartment_one_can_keep_a_picture_of_Krsna_and_offer_a_lamp,_a_candle,_and_one,_I_mean_to_say,_incense._He_will_feel_tremendously_spiritually_advanced|Even in his own apartment one can keep a picture of Krsna and offer a lamp, a candle, and one, I mean to say, incense. He will feel tremendously spiritually advanced.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna Consciousness means to be on the platform of deathlessness. Every sloka in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is informing us of this. If you read these books carefully you will understand this platform of deathlessness|Krsna Consciousness means to be on the platform of deathlessness. Every sloka in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is informing us of this. If you read these books carefully you will understand this platform of deathlessness as opposed to the material condition.}}{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes there will be a little misunderstanding between Godbrothers, that is even going on amongst liberated souls|Sometimes there will be a little misunderstanding between Godbrothers, that is even going on amongst liberated souls. What is important is that everyone must engage in Krishna's service under the direction of the spiritual master.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_sun_is_your_witness,_the_moon_is_your_witness,_the_day_is_your_witness,_the_night_is_your_witness,_the_sky_is_your_witness._So_how_you_can_supersede_the_laws_of_the_Lord%3F|The sun is your witness, the moon is your witness, the day is your witness, the night is your witness, the sky is your witness. So how you can supersede the laws of the Lord?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Soon we shall be instituting Bhakti-sastri examinations and all brahmanas will have to pass. So utilize whatever time you find to make a thorough study of my books. Then all your questions will be answered|Soon we shall be instituting Bhakti-sastri examinations and all brahmanas will have to pass. So utilize whatever time you find to make a thorough study of my books. Then all your questions will be answered}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_does_not_know_that_this_consciousness,_that_%22I_shall_become_the_master,%22_is_the_cause_of_his_suffering._This_philosophy_has_to_be_understood._Because_constitutionally_we_are_all_servants|One does not know that this consciousness, that "I shall become the master," is the cause of his suffering. This philosophy has to be understood. Because constitutionally we are all servants.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Religion means to abide by the laws of the Supreme. That is religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Hindu religion|Religion means to abide by the laws of the Supreme. That is religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Hindu religion, religion means... Just like citizen, good citizen. Good citizen means who abides by the law of the state.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_every_one_of_us,_we_become_reinstated_in_the_transcendental_platform_of_loving_Krsna,_then_our_aspiration_of_mastership_will_be_fulfilled._That_is_not_known_at_present,_but_if_we_agree_to_serve_Krsna,_then_gradually_we%27ll_see_that_Krsna_is_serving_you|If every one of us, we become reinstated in the transcendental platform of loving Krsna, then our aspiration of mastership will be fulfilled. That is not known at present, but if we agree to serve Krsna, then gradually we'll see that Krsna is serving you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|when you are diseased it is not required that you should be killed. No. Your disease should be, I mean, cured, then you can work in healthy life|When you are diseased it is not required that you should be killed. No. Your disease should be, I mean, cured, then you can work in healthy life. So that is required. Retirement means to become cured from the diseased activities but to place yourself in healthy activities. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_dictation_of_the_senses_we_are_committing_sinful_activities_life_after_life;_therefore_we_are_in_different_grades_of_bodily_presentation._Don%27t_think_that_everyone_is_of_the_same_standard|By the dictation of the senses we are committing sinful activities life after life; therefore we are in different grades of bodily presentation. Don't think that everyone is of the same standard.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is never approached directly. Krishna is approached through His bona fide servitors. He says that, Carrying out the order of My pure devotee is greater than carrying out that directly given by Me| Krishna is never approached directly. Krishna is approached through His bona fide servitors. He says that, "Carrying out the order of My pure devotee is greater than carrying out that directly given by Me." In this connection, I may inform you that you try your best to serve Krishna under the direction of your Spiritual Master and Krishna will surely help you in all respects.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Lord_and_the_devotee,_they_are_on_the_same_status._Every_one_of_them._Lord,_His_name,_His_form,_His_quality,_His_associates,_His_paraphernalia._Everything,_they_are_absolute|The Lord and the devotee, they are on the same status. Every one of them. Lord, His name, His form, His quality, His associates, His paraphernalia. Everything, they are absolute.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes it appears that the devotee is put into some difficulty unreasonably, but the devotee does not take even this adverse circumstance as other that a manifestation of the Lord's Supreme Mercy|Sometimes it appears that the devotee is put into some difficulty unreasonably, but the devotee does not take even this adverse circumstance as other that a manifestation of the Lord's Supreme Mercy. Anyway, such feelings come and go like seasonal changes and we should not deviate for that reason from our prescribed duty.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Never_think_that_service_is_perfect._That_will_keep_you_in_the_perfect_stage._Yes._We_should_always_think_that_our_service_is_not_complete|Never think that service is perfect. That will keep you in the perfect stage. Yes. We should always think that our service is not complete.]]
{{VaniQuotebox| Simply quoting verses, like parrot, will not be very much beneficial. One must apply, jnanam vijnana-sahitam|Simply quoting verses, like parrot, will not be very much beneficial. One must apply, jñānam vijñāna-sahitam. Jñāna means to know the thing, and vijñāna means to apply the things in practical life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Of_course,_I_am_old_man._I_may_die._If_you_have_taken_up_this_formula_very_nicely,_then_you_will_go_on_preaching,_and_it_may_be_spread_all_over_the_world._Very_simple_thing|Of course, I am old man. I may die. If you have taken up this formula very nicely, then you will go on preaching, and it may be spread all over the world. Very simple thing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By satisfying the spiritual master, you satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is very natural. Just like when you go to your work|By satisfying the spiritual master, you satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is very natural. Just like when you go to your work, the immediate person who is in charge of your work, he must be satisfied. You don't jump up to the proprietor.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680927LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Maya_is_also_serving_Krsna,_but_there_is_no_thanks|Maya is also serving Krsna, but there is no thanks.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|What we are presenting, that is nothing manufactured by concoction of the brain. No. It is all authorized, all authorized|What we are presenting, that is nothing manufactured by concoction of the brain. No. It is all authorized, all authorized. So if we take advantage of this movement, then we become happy, we become in the perfect knowledge, blissful life, even in this life, and next life you go back to home, back to Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_program_is_to_love,_to_place_your_love_in_the_proper_place._That_is_our_program._Everyone_wants_to_love,_but_he_is_being_frustrated_on_account_of_his_love_being_misplaced|Our program is to love, to place your love in the proper place. That is our program. Everyone wants to love, but he is being frustrated on account of his love being misplaced.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When one gives up these material desires, then he is desireless. But one cannot be desireless. That is not possible. Then he is dead and gone. So desirelessness means no material desires|When one gives up these material desires, then he is desireless. But one cannot be desireless. That is not possible. Then he is dead and gone. So desirelessness means no material desires. So we cannot be desireless, but desirelessness means no bhukti, no yogic siddhi, neither oneness, monism.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_want_to_be_subordinate_because_my_nature_is_to_be_subordinate._But_I_do_not_know._I_prefer,_I_reject_this_subordination;_I_accept_another_subordination._But_subordination_is_there|I want to be subordinate because my nature is to be subordinate. But I do not know. I prefer, I reject this subordination; I accept another subordination. But subordination is there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Let them do whatever nonsense they are doing. Let them chant and take prasada. We don't mind what they are doing. That is later on. When I was chanting in Tompkinson Park I never asked them that "Don't come here. You are drinking"|Let them do whatever nonsense they are doing. Let them chant and take prasada. We don't mind what they are doing. That is later on. When I was chanting in Tompkinson Park I never asked them that "Don't come here. You are drinking."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Caitanya%27s_mission_-_that_the_only_lovable_object_is_Krsna_and_His_land_Vrndavana|Lord Caitanya's mission - that the only lovable object is Krsna and His land Vrndavana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Eternally conditioned means we do not know when we have been conditioned like this. It is not possible to trace out the history|One class, nitya-mukta, eternally liberated, they never come to this material world. They are eternally liberated. And another class, just like we are, conditioned. We are eternally conditioned. Eternally conditioned means we do not know when we have been conditioned like this. It is not possible to trace out the history.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_these_loving_affairs_are_also_temporary_and_they_are_not_pure._They_are_simply_a_perverted_reflection_of_the_pure_love_that_is_existing_between_you_and_Krsna|All these loving affairs are also temporary and they are not pure. They are simply a perverted reflection of the pure love that is existing between you and Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the material world there are, these four objects are in view: how I shall eat, how I shall sleep, how shall I mate, how shall I defend. So as soon as one is purified of all material desires, these material objectives will not be a problem|Visaya means objects. In the material world there are, these four objects are in view: how I shall eat, how I shall sleep, how shall I mate, how shall I defend. So as soon as one is purified of all material desires, these material objectives will not be a problem.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_loving_object_is_Krsna._Somehow_or_other,_we_have_forgotten_Him._We_don%27t_trace_the_history_when_we_forgot._That_is_useless_labor._But_we_have_forgotten,_that_is_a_fact._Now_revive_it._Here_is_reminder._So_take_opportunity|Our loving object is Krsna. Somehow or other, we have forgotten Him. We don't trace the history when we forgot. That is useless labor. But we have forgotten, that is a fact. Now revive it. Here is reminder. So take opportunity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to see that in our book there is no spelling or grammatical mistake. We do not mind for any good style, our style is Hare Krishna, but, still, we should not present a shabby thing|We have to do things now very dexterously, simply we have to see that in our book there is no spelling or grammatical mistake. We do not mind for any good style, our style is Hare Krishna, but, still, we should not present a shabby thing. Although Krishna literatures are so nice that, even if they are presented in broken and irregular ways, such literatures are welcomed, read and respected by bona fide devotees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anything,_whatever_you_see_or_experience_or_try_to_understand,_there_must_be_some_definition._So_when_you_speak_of_God,_do_you_know_what_is_the_definition_of_God%3F|Anything, whatever you see or experience or try to understand, there must be some definition. So when you speak of God, do you know what is the definition of God?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so glad to understand from you your concern about the managing of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Yes, you are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society|I am so glad to understand from you your concern about the managing of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Yes, you are my elder disciple, you are one of the leaders of our Society; therefore, it is your duty to feel always this responsibility for seeing that the things go on properly. So I am very glad to hear that you are taking so many steps for improving things and spreading Krsna Consciousness more and more to the citizens at large.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_Rama_synonymous_with_Jesus%3F|Is Rama synonymous with Jesus?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|According to our Vedic process, polygamy is allowed|According to our Vedic process, polygamy is allowed. For example, Krsna married 16,000 wives, Arjuna married 3 or 4 wives,Krsna's father Vasudeva, married 16 or 18 wives, like that. So according to the Vedic system polygamy is not prohibited. But it is not a farce also.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_are_too_much_influenced_with_the_modes_of_passion,_you_become_lusty._And_when_your_lust_is_not_fulfilled,_then_you_are_angry|When you are too much influenced with the modes of passion, you become lusty. And when your lust is not fulfilled, then you are angry.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is said that "one man's food is another man's poison." Because they have become disgusted with this material world, sometimes our devotees appear to have foolishly disregarded everything|It is said that "one man's food is another man's poison." Because they have become disgusted with this material world, sometimes our devotees appear to have foolishly disregarded everything, that is seen to be something bad in their eyes, but we should not take these things very seriously. Main thing is that these boys and girls have understood what is austerity and the difference between spirit and matter, that is the highest knowledge of existence. Because they are engaged in serving Krsna in this way, you have nothing further to worry, their position in life is very secure and sound because they are going back to home, back to Godhead, without any doubt. Though they may be dressed in rags, still they are more exalted than kings.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680930LE.SEA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_declare_that_%22I_am_free._I_am_not_subordinate.%22_If_you_are_wishing_that_%22I_don%27t_wish_to_be_subordinate,_don%27t_wish_to_bow_down,%22_that_is_your_disease|You cannot declare that "I am free. I am not subordinate." If you are wishing that "I don't wish to be subordinate, don't wish to bow down," that is your disease.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course we shall not expect students immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory|Of course we shall not expect students immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_approach_the_original_person._The_original_person_is_not_dead|Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original person. The original person is not dead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sannyasi means he is in renounced order and lives by begging alms for the bare necessities of life. It is not good to make trade to get money for personal expenditure|I think this method is appropriate. If you yourself take the royalty it will be personal interest in money and trade, and this will deviate your principle of sannyasa. Sannyasi means he is in renounced order and lives by begging alms for the bare necessities of life is not good to make trade to get money for personal expenditure.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritual_master_is_eternal|Spiritual master is eternal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should not listen to any of these so-called astrologers—strictly avoid. Don't even see them. What is the use of seeing them? Astrology is meant for the materialist, but a spiritualist does not care for the future.|You should not listen to any of these so-called astrologers, strictly avoid. Don't even see them. What is the use of seeing them? Astrology is meant for the materialist, but a spiritualist does not care for the future. Everything is dependent upon Krishna. So where is the necessity of astrology.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_Lord_Jesus_Christ_says,_%22Through_me,%22_that_means_he%27s_representative_of_God,_and_hari-nama_is_God._So_either_through_the_representative_of_God_or_God,_the_same_thing|If Lord Jesus Christ says, "Through me," that means he's representative of God, and hari-nama is God. So either through the representative of God or God, the same thing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhaktivedanta, and Bhakti-sarvabhauma. All our brahmanas and anyone wanting to become brahmana, will have to sit for examination once a year at Mayapur|Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, Bhaktivedanta, and Bhakti-sarvabhauma. All our brahmanas and anyone wanting to become brahmana, will have to sit for examination once a year at Mayapur. They will be expected to know Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, Sri Isopanisad, a book soon to be published on Deity worship, as well as all the small paperbacks.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Buddha_said,_%22Meditate,%22_but_the_followers_of_the_Lord_Buddha_could_not._They_failed._We_are_giving_new_light,_that_%22Meditation_will_fail._You_take_this%22|Lord Buddha said, "Meditate," but the followers of the Lord Buddha could not. They failed. We are giving new light, that "Meditation will fail. You take this".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We simply have to maintain our strict principles, keeping ourselves pure, Otherwise, there are so many bogus institutions doing business in the name of God and simply cheating the people|Now people are seeing how genuine our movement is, they are coming forward to offer us so many places. We simply have to maintain our strict principles, keeping ourselves pure, Otherwise, there are so many bogus institutions doing business in the name of God and simply cheating the people. We have to be careful not to degenerate like these others. Our strength depends upon regular chanting the required 16 rounds and rigidly adhering to the regulative principles.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_dancing_has_got_great_value;_that,_if_you_dance_with_us,_you%27ll_feel._It_is_not_that_some_crazy_fellows_are_dancing._No._The_most_intelligent_persons,_they_are_dancing|The dancing has got great value; that, if you dance with us, you'll feel. It is not that some crazy fellows are dancing. No. The most intelligent persons, they are dancing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Print books as many as possible and distribute. This is our main program. All other programs secondary. So with this aim in view, work all together. Our Caitanya-caritamrta is unique literature|Print books as many as possible and distribute. This is our main program. All other programs are secondary. So with this aim in view, work all together. Our Caitanya-caritāmṛta is unique literature. For Caitanya-caritāmṛta, we are above any ācārya. There are four ācāryas: Rāmānujācārya, Madhvācārya, Viṣṇu Svāmī... But our Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava, Caitanya Mahāprabhu's legacy, ācārya's, that is unique.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_are_not_inclined_to_surrender;_therefore_he_has_to_learn_so_many_things|People are not inclined to surrender; therefore he has to learn so many things.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We shall enjoy reciprocally. My disciples and we shall talk about Krsna, and we shall eat together and we shall chant together. This is the idea. Now if some of the disciples become overrule, then it becomes a very precarious condition for me|Suppose I create some disciples. What is the idea? The idea is that we shall enjoy reciprocally. My disciples and we shall talk about Kṛṣṇa, and we shall eat together and we shall chant together. This is the idea. Now if some of the disciples become overrule, then it becomes a very precarious condition for me.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Transcendental._%22You_are_beyond%22|Transcendental. "You are beyond".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you all carry these words successively, then the transcendental parampara system will be exactly maintained and people in general will be benefited|They are not my words, as I have repeatedly informed you that I am simply the bearer of the message from Lord Caitanya through the disciplic succession and I do not make any addition or subtraction. Similarly, if you all carry these words successively, then the transcendental parampara system will be exactly maintained and people in general will be benefited.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Maya_can_cover_the_minute_particles_of_the_spirit_soul,_but_maya_cannot_cover_the_supreme_whole|Maya can cover the minute particles of the spirit soul, but maya cannot cover the supreme whole.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes they imitate: "Hare Krsna." They have no intention to chant the holy name of Krsna, but they imitate or criticize, "Hare Krsna." That has also effect|We have to note this important thing, that the powerful hari-nāma is so strong that even one unconsciously or conscious... Sometimes they imitate: "Hare Kṛṣṇa." They have no intention to chant the holy name of Kṛṣṇa, but they imitate or criticize, "Hare Kṛṣṇa." That has also effect.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_the_material_concept_of_life_covers_me,_we_cannot_understand_what_is_God._We_say_God_is_dead._So_we_have_to_uncover_our_eyes_from_this_illusion._Then_you%27ll_see_directly_God|When the material concept of life covers me, we cannot understand what is God. We say God is dead. So we have to uncover our eyes from this illusion. Then you'll see directly God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have not heard from you for some time, so I had become worried what is your position. As GBC man you should become very responsible to see that the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness should be maintained all over the Society|As GBC man you should become very responsible to see that the highest standards of Krishna Consciousness should be maintained all over the Society, and therefore it is essential to always be corresponding with the others and cooperating with you all wonderful godbrothers and godsisters to carry out this great mission of Lord Chaitanya.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_serious_to_understand,_we_should_submit_our_doubtful_questions_and_then_understand|If you are serious to understand, we should submit our doubtful questions and then understand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If our workers are feeling tired, then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling enthused, more and more, that is his, he's working spiritually|In this material world, the more you'll work, you'll feel tired. And the spiritual world, the more you work, you'll feel enthused. That is called anandāmbudhi-vardhanam. That is the test. If our workers are feeling tired, then that means he's working materially. And if he's feeling enthused, more and more, that is his, he's working spiritually. Ānandāmbudhi-vardhanam. That is the spiritual test.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_to_fix_up_your_mind_not_only_thinking_of_Krsna,_but_also_working_for_Krsna,_feeling_for_Krsna._That_is_complete_meditation._That_is_called_samadhi._Your_mind_cannot_go_out|You have to fix up your mind not only thinking of Krsna, but also working for Krsna, feeling for Krsna. That is complete meditation. That is called samadhi. Your mind cannot go out.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no question of taxing someone for a donation. They can give donation and we will accept on friendly terms. Nobody should be pressured for contribution|There is no question of taxing someone for a donation. They can give donation and we will accept on friendly terms. Nobody should be pressured for contribution}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681002LE.SEA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Function_of_soul_is_Krsna_consciousness,_working_in_Krsna_consciousness|Function of soul is Krsna consciousness, working in Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Brahmanas should study carefully, especially Gita, Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and NOI as well as all the small paperbacks. Soon we will have yearly examinations for brahmanas based on these books & those who pass will be awarded Bhakti-sastri titles|The Brahmins must practice cleanliness, internally by chanting the Lord's glories and externally by bathing regularly. In addition the brahmanas should study carefully, especially Gita, Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and Nectar of Instruction as well as all the small paperbacks. Soon we will have yearly examinations for brahmanas based on these books and those who pass will be awarded Bhakti-sastri titles.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_department_of_knowledge_or_whatever_department_of_activities_you_are_engaged_in,_it_doesn%27t_matter._But_if_you_can_find_out_the_Supreme_by_your_pursuit_of_knowledge,_that_is_your_perfection|Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course second initiation does not depend upon passing an examination. How one has moulded his life--chanting, attending arati, etc--these are essential. Still, brahmana means pandita. Therefore I am suggesting examinations|Sometimes there is criticism that our men are not sufficiently learned, especially the brahmanas. Of course second initiation does not depend upon passing an examination. How one has moulded his life—chanting, attending arati, etc., these are essential. Still, brahmana means pandita. Therefore I am suggesting examinations.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_establish_relationship_with_Krsna_any_way._There_are_twelve_kinds_of_rasas,_humor|You can establish relationship with Krsna any way. There are twelve kinds of rasas, humor.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our occupation must be honest. Everyone should adore our members as honest. If we do something which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the public in favor of our movement, that is not good|Regarding the controversy about book distribution techniques, you are right. Our occupation must be honest. Everyone should adore our members as honest. If we do something which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the public in favor of our movement, that is not good.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_six_points_of_surrender_unto_Krsna._One_point_of_surrender_is_to_believe_that_%22Krsna_will_protect_me.%22_Just_like_a_small_child_has_got_full_faith_in_his_mother:_%22My_mother_is_there._There_is_no_danger.%22_Confident._I_have_seen_it|There are six points of surrender unto Krsna. One point of surrender is to believe that "Krsna will protect me." Just like a small child has got full faith in his mother: "My mother is there. There is no danger." Confident. I have seen it.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Lord Caitanya says that "Simply by thinking that 'I am not this matter; I am spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. I am Brahman,' that will not help you to get liberation|Lord Caitanya says that "Simply by thinking that 'I am not this matter; I am spirit soul, ahaṁ brahmāsmi. I am Brahman,' that will not help you to get liberation." The real fact is that the individual living entities, they are part and parcel of the Supreme, but somehow or other, they wanted separation from the Supreme and wanted to lord it over the material nature.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Eko_bahunam_vidadhati_kaman._The_meaning_is_that_one_living_force_is_supplying_all_the_demands_of_all_other_living_entities|Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman. The meaning is that one living force is supplying all the demands of all other living entities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should learn to forget and forgive minor incidents because whenever there are two men in a place, there is always some misunderstanding|We should learn to forget and forgive minor incidents because whenever there are two men in a place, there is always some misunderstanding. Such misunderstanding happens even between husband and wife—what to speak of others. But we have to adjust things on the basis of Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Jesus_Christ,_he_gave_information_of_God._Although_he_was_crucified,_he_never_changed_his_opinion|Lord Jesus Christ, he gave information of God. Although he was crucified, he never changed his opinion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you can provide yourself by independent handwork then you can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is nonsense|If you can provide yourself by independent handwork then you can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is nonsense. The thing is, we must have sufficient time for executing Krishna Consciousness business, so you have to select which one will be suitable for you. If you think that by carving Jagannathas or painting you will have sufficient income, it is very nice. Otherwise do not give up your present job for some future hope.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_inquisitive_to_understand_the_Absolute_Truth,_he_requires_a_spiritual_master|One who is inquisitive to understand the Absolute Truth, he requires a spiritual master.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question of an initiated person falling prey to the maya, the answer is that so long we are in this material world, there is always chance of being spoiled by Maya, so we must stick with vow to the Lotus Feet of Krishna|Regarding your question of an initiated person falling prey to the maya, the answer is that so long we are in this material world, there is always chance of being spoiled by Maya, so we must stick with vow to the Lotus Feet of Krishna. An initiated devotee is given the chance for becoming free from the entanglement of karma wheel. Initiated means beginning, not perfection.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_anxious_to_serve_Krsna,_that_is_the_real_asset|If you are anxious to serve Krsna, that is the real asset.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I assure you that if you follow the regulative principles of chanting 16 rounds, observing strictly the prohibitive injunctions, keep association with pure devotees, plus taking care of the Deities in the Temple, surely all your problems will be solved|I assure you that if you follow the regulative principles of chanting 16 rounds, observing strictly the prohibitive injunctions, keep association with pure devotees, plus taking care of the Deities in the Temple, surely all your problems will be solved without any difficulty. Please try it for at least one month and see the result.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681004LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_sannyasi_cannot_meet_his_wife._A_sannyasi_is_forbidden_to_go_home|A sannyasi cannot meet his wife. A sannyasi is forbidden to go home.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want all our students to write articles for our transcendental magazine. That is practical|I want all our students to write articles for our transcendental magazine. That is practical.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_remain_in_this_darkness._Just_transfer_yourself_to_the_kingdom_of_light|Don't remain in this darkness. Just transfer yourself to the kingdom of light.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If your preaching work is strong, automatically management will be easy. And preaching work is strong if our routine work is strong. Never neglect our regular program and that will be your success|Follow the regulative principles very diligently, maintain the highest level of standard in routine work such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, street sankirtana, etc., always keep the devotees satisfied, like that. If your preaching work is strong, automatically management will be easy. And preaching work is strong if our routine work is strong. Never neglect our regular program and that will be your success.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Darwin_has_taken_the_idea_of_evolution_from_this_Padma_Purana._You_won%27t_find_any_philosophy,_any_doctrine_in_the_world_which_is_not_found_in_the_Vedic_literature|Darwin has taken the idea of evolution from this Padma Purana. You won't find any philosophy, any doctrine in the world which is not found in the Vedic literature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Candra, the Moon planet, you are trying to go there. In this way you cannot go. But if you prepare in this life how to be promoted in the Moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet, then you prepare yourself|If you want to go to the higher planetary system, you can worship demigods. The Candra, the Moon planet, you are trying to go there. In this way you cannot go. But if you prepare in this life how to be promoted in the Moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet, then you prepare yourself. Yānti... Not by force. You cannot go by your teeny sputnik and enter into the sun planet.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Aryans_means_those_who_are_advanced|Aryans means those who are advanced.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So this statement, that "God has no name," that is fact, but He has got His name in relationship with His activities with devotees|So this statement, that "God has no name," that is fact, but He has got His name in relationship with His activities with devotees. So Kṛṣṇa worked as sārathi, as it is stated here, sārathyam. He acted as the chariot driver of Arjuna. Therefore Kṛṣṇa's name is Pārtha-sārathi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shudder_as_soon_as_we_hear_that_we_have_to_become_servant_of_God|We shudder as soon as we hear that we have to become servant of God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|How you have practiced your bhajana, sadhana, this will be examined at the time of death|How you have practiced your bhajana, sādhana, this will be examined at the time of death." If at the time of death you remember Kṛṣṇa, that will be the examination.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dependence_is_not_bad_if_there_is_dependence_on_the_proper_place|Dependence is not bad if there is dependence on the proper place.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The harmonium may be played during bhajan if there is someone who can play melodiously. But it is not for kirtana and arati|The harmonium may be played during bhajan if there is someone who can play melodiously. But it is not for kirtana and arati.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_not_manufactured_a_new_type_of_religious_sect_or_method_of_philosophy|We have not manufactured a new type of religious sect or method of philosophy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The most important aspect of our preaching is Kirtana. Induce the people to chant, that is the only thing. Then everything else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and books; both are required. Distributing the books will make devotees|The most important aspect of our preaching is Kirtana. Induce the people to chant, that is the only thing. Then everything else will follow. The goal is to make devotees and books; both are required. Distributing the books will make devotees. To make a devotee means to make someone purified. Reading the books will purify the intelligence. A purified heart and mind means Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada%3F_How_do_we_explain_to_impersonalists_inductively_the_existence_of_the_Personality_of_Godhead%3F|Prabhupada? How do we explain to impersonalists inductively the existence of the Personality of Godhead?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One who is not inquisitive, for him there is no progress, either spiritually or materially|So for spiritual realization this is very important thing, jijñāsā. Jijñāsā means inquiry. One who is not inquisitive, for him there is no progress, either spiritually or materially. In ordinary school also, the boy who inquires from the teacher always, he is considered to be very intelligent boy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681007LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_can_you_explain_mahamaya_and_yogamaya%3F_Was_Arjuna_under_yogamaya_or_mahamaya%3F|Prabhupada, can you explain mahamaya and yogamaya? Was Arjuna under yogamaya or mahamaya?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari|A brahmacari is good for living a life of celibacy, but a person who can live a life of celibacy in the presence of a beautiful and obliging wife is more than a brahmacari. Of course anyone who is stuck up with only one wife is also called brahmacari.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681014BG.SEA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_that_we_have_to_train_our_senses_to_satisfy_Krsna._That%27s_all|Krsna consciousness movement means that we have to train our senses to satisfy Krsna. That's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Caitanya-caritamrta author says, caitanyera dayara katha karaha vicara. Vicara. Just put your judgment. Try to understand with logic and try to understand with philosophy. Not as a fanatic|Try to understand this movement with all your intelligence. As Caitanya-caritāmṛta author says, caitanyera dayāra kathā karaha vicāra. Vicāra. Just put your judgment. Try to understand with logic and try to understand with philosophy. Not as a fanatic. Vicāra. Vicāra karile citte pābe camatkāra.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena._Simply_you_have_to_prepare_your_eyes,_your_mind_in_that_way._Here_is_a_television_box_within_your_heart._This_is_the_perfection_of_yoga._It_is_not_you_have_to_purchase_one_machine,_or_television_set._It_is_there|Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena. Simply you have to prepare your eyes, your mind in that way. Here is a television box within your heart. This is the perfection of yoga. It is not you have to purchase one machine, or television set. It is there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Monarchy must be accepted. But at the present moment democracy means abolish monarchy and elect a rascal as monarch. This is called democracy|There are many examples of rājarṣi. Just like Rājarṣi Janaka, Janaka Mahārāja, Rājarṣi Prahlāda Mahārāja, Rājarṣi Dhruva Mahārāja, Rājarṣi Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja, Rājarṣi Parīkṣit Mahārāja. All the kings almost, when monarchy was accepted... And that is the only thing. Monarchy must be accepted. But at the present moment democracy means abolish monarchy and elect a rascal as monarch. This is called democracy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Christ_consciousness_and_Krsna_consciousness,_the_words_are_so_similar._Please_combine_the_words,_explain_how_the_words_came_to_us|Christ consciousness and Krsna consciousness, the words are so similar. Please combine the words, explain how the words came to us.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The system is required provided if you make progress towards the realization of the Supreme. But if you simply follow a system but do not make advance in the matter of realizing the Supreme, then, according to SB it is simply labor of love|Don't be stuck up in a system. The system is required, provided if you make progress towards the realization of the Supreme. But if you simply follow a system but do not make advance in the matter of realizing the Supreme, then, according to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam or according to the Vedic version, it is simply labor of love. It has no value.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_sometimes_there_may_be_differences_between_what_is_love_of_Godhead_between_Christian_and_Moslem,_Moslem_and_Buddhist,_Buddhist,_Hindu._They_may_quarrel_at_what_is_love_of_Godhead|Prabhupada, sometimes there may be differences between what is love of Godhead between Christian and Moslem, Moslem and Buddhist, Buddhist, Hindu. They may quarrel at what is love of Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Definitely, the BBT cannot pay any salary to anybody. Our philosophy is "simple living and high thinking'' - not sense gratification. The temple presidents and leaders (elder students) must show this by example|Our philosophy is "simple living and high thinking" — not sense gratification. The temple presidents and leaders (elder students) must show this by example. Temple or asrama means for renunciation and renounced persons. If one is engaged in self-realization process, then his material necessities become almost nil. Persons who do not like this can work outside.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:While_we_are_chanting_our_rounds,_or_while_we_are_chanting_out_loud_in_kirtana,_is_it_all_right_to_be_engaging_our_mind_in_thinking%3F|While we are chanting our rounds, or while we are chanting out loud in kirtana, is it all right to be engaging our mind in thinking?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold guilding on the Bhagavatams, I have already advised Radhavallabha Prabhu. Simply to make fashionable and increase the price may hamper the sales. Rather decrease the price|Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold guilding on the Bhagavatams, I have already advised Radhavallabha Prabhu. Simply to make fashionable and increase the price may hamper the sales. Rather decrease the price.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip13.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_ducks._As_soon_as_somebody_goes_there_with_some_little_food,_oh,_they_go_gather:_%22quack!_quack!_quack!_quack!%22|There are so many ducks. As soon as somebody goes there with some little food, oh, they go gather: "quack! quack! quack! quack!".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds japa. Then Krsna will give you protection|Our strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds japa. Then Krsna will give you protection. We don't believe in material protection, like so-called family, friends, etc.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_understand_your_actual_position,_then_your_activities_actually_begin|When you understand your actual position, then your activities actually begin.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My Dear Lord, I am not afraid of this your fierceful feature, but I am afraid of the repeated cycle of birth and death in the material existence|The big jaws and nails of the Lord Nrsimhadeva and fiery tongue of the Lord, and gigantic Lion's Head did not create any fierceful havoc before Prahlada Maharaja. He said, "My Dear Lord, I am not afraid of this your fierceful feature, but I am afraid of the repeated cycle of birth and death in the material existence." That instruction is very valuable.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_you_see_in_yourself,_that_is_there_in_God._So_God_cannot_be_impersonal,_because_we_are_all_persons|Whatever you see in yourself, that is there in God. So God cannot be impersonal, because we are all persons.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna consciousness will save not only humanity but the living entities from this disastrous position of repeated birth and death|This Kṛṣṇa consciousness will save not only humanity but the living entities from this disastrous position of repeated birth and death. The Bhagavad-gītā, therefore, they stress on this point. Lord Kṛṣṇa stresses that janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam: "You are very much proud of your knowledge, but if you want to be at all a man of knowledge, a man of wisdom, then you should first of all keep before you the problems of birth, death, old age and disease, because your so-called advancement of knowledge cannot make a solution of this birth, death, old age and disease.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_all-attractive._Krsna_is_beautiful._Krsna_has_so_many_activities._The_whole_Vedic_literature_is_full_of_Krsna%27s_activities|Krsna is all-attractive. Krsna is beautiful. Krsna has so many activities. The whole Vedic literature is full of Krsna's activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that it can adjust the disagreement between socialism and capitalism|Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that it can adjust the disagreement between socialism and capitalism. At the present moment, neither of these isms is perfect from the philosophical point of view, but if both parties take this common formula of Krishna Consciousness each one will supplement the other.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mind_is_the_vehicle_for_being_attached|Mind is the vehicle for being attached.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is definition of Bhagavan. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes Bhagavan. No. Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavan|There is definition of Bhagavān. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavān and he becomes Bhagavān. No. Parāśara Muni, father of Vyāsadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavān. Bhaga means opulence, and vān means one who possesses opulence.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_you_can_think_of_Krsna_unless_you_develop_love_for_Krsna%3F|How you can think of Krsna unless you develop love for Krsna?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you love your society, your friends, your country, your family, yourself, your dog, everything, if you love Krsna, all love will be distributed|You pour water on the every leaf, I think you'll have no time. "Oh, there are millions of leaves. How we can...?" No. Take the root and pour water and it will reach. That is the way. Similarly, if you love your society, your friends, your country, your family, yourself, your dog, everything, if you love Kṛṣṇa, all love will be distributed. But if you don't love Kṛṣṇa, if you simply love this, simply love that, simply that, it will be never be perfect.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_difference_between_bhava_and_prema%3F|What is the difference between bhava and prema?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far your suggestion that they sew clothes for the sannyasis Deities it is not possible. Sannyasis may have no connection with women|So far your suggestion that they sew clothes for the sannyasis Deities it is not possible. Sannyasis may have no connection with women.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_would_like_you_to_explain_the_origin_and_significance_of_what_you,_what_they_call_the_Jagannatha_car_festival|I would like you to explain the origin and significance of what you, what they call the Jagannatha car festival.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That should be the ideal example. Women when not with husband must live very very humbly and simple life|Sita Devi, Mother Laksmi, wife of Lord Ramacandra, went to live with Valmiki Muni in a cottage. Although she was a King's daughter and a King's wife, she preferred to live very humbly in the cottage of Valmiki Muni with two sons in the absence of Ramacandra. That should be the ideal example. Women when not with husband must live very very humbly and simple life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681018LE.SEA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_a_person_who_is_working_in_the_factory,_if_you_stop_sex,_he_cannot_work._And_when_he%27s_unable_to_enjoy_sex_life,_then_he_takes_intoxication._This_is_material_life._So_energy_must_be_there._Here_in_the_material_world_the_energy_is_sex|If a person who is working in the factory, if you stop sex, he cannot work. And when he's unable to enjoy sex life, then he takes intoxication. This is material life. So energy must be there. Here in the material world the energy is sex.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have no objection to your worshiping my murti for Guru Puja. But for placing in the temple there must be a pair of murtis, (my Guru Maharaja must be there) as in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, and they must be permanently installed|I have no objection to your worshiping my murti for Guru Puja. But for placing in the temple there must be a pair of murtis, (my Guru Maharaja must be there) as in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, and they must be permanently installed. This may be done in accord with the temple authorities. Or else you may worship one murti of myself privately in your room.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_approach_the_original_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_Krsna._This_is_Krsna_consciousness._Directly|Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. Directly.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Getting and managing a farm is a good proposal. I am encouraging farm projects everywhere. That is a very important, solid program|Getting and managing a farm is a good proposal. I am encouraging farm projects everywhere. That is a very important, solid program. So do this enthusiastically and Krsna will be pleased.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ten_offenses_to_avoid_while_chanting_the_maha-mantra|Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are two gurus—one internal and the other external. The internal Guru is Krishna Himself seated in everyone's heart, and the external Guru is the Spiritual Master|There are two gurus—one internal and the other external. The internal Guru is Krishna Himself seated in everyone's heart, and the external Guru is the Spiritual Master. So a sincere devotee is helped both externally and internally. To the sincere devotee the internal Guru Krishna dictates, but the thing has to be conformed by the external Guru then it is all right.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Within_six_months_you%27ll_become_God_-_very_foolish_conclusion|Within six months you'll become God - very foolish conclusion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So to understand this fact, that simply by engaging oneself into the activities of Krsna consciousness everything is completely done, this is called faith. Faith, strong faith, unflinching faith|So to understand this fact, that simply by engaging oneself into the activities of Kṛṣṇa consciousness everything is completely done, this is called faith. Faith, strong faith, unflinching faith. That is the last instruction of Bhagavad-gītā. Sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja: BG 18.66 "You give up all other engagement. Simply surrender unto Me." That is knowledge.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_chanting,_dancing,_and_eating_nice_sweetballs,_kachori._So_su-sukham_and_kartum_avyayam._While_performing,_while_practicing_this_process,_it_is_very_pleasurable,_and_avyayam|Simply chanting, dancing, and eating nice sweetballs, kachori. So su-sukham and kartum avyayam. While performing, while practicing this process, it is very pleasurable, and avyayam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. This yoga has two divisions of action, called sacrifices|The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanātana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. This yoga has two divisions of action, called sacrifices. One is called sacrifice of one's material possessions, and the other is called knowledge of self, which is pure spiritual activity. If sacrifice of one's material possessions is not dovetailed for spiritual realization, then such sacrifice becomes material. But one who performs such sacrifices for a spiritual objective or in devotional service, makes a perfect sacrifice.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Take_to_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_and_be_happy_in_this_life_and_next_life._If_you_can_finish_your_loving_affairs_to_Krsna_in_this_life,_then_you_have_done_cent_percent|Take to this Krsna consciousness movement and be happy in this life and next life. If you can finish your loving affairs to Krsna in this life, then you have done cent percent.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The subject matter of Bhagavad-gita is to know five things, to know what are these living entities, what is God, what is nature, and what is time, and what is work|The subject matter of Bhagavad-gītā is to know five things, to know what are these living entities, what is God, what is nature, and what is time, and what is work. These five subject matters are there: God, the living entities, the nature, the time, and the work. These things are there.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Initiation_means_beginning_of_the_activities|Initiation means beginning of the activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Education means one becomes gentle, sober, cool-headed. Therefore it is said, vidya-vinaya-sampanne. When one is learned, advanced in education, he must be very gentle, not haughty|When one is actually paṇḍita, learned, he becomes sama-darśī. Vidyā-vinaya-sampanne: one learned brāhmaṇa, gentle brāhmaṇa. Vidyā dadāti namratā. Education means one becomes gentle, sober, cool-headed. Therefore it is said, vidya-vinaya-sampanne. When one is learned, advanced in education, he must be very gentle, not haughty. So vidyā-vinaya-sampanne gavi hastini.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_initiation_means_the_third_stage_of_Krsna_consciousness._Those_who_are_being_initiated,_they_should_remember_that_they_have_to_follow_the_rules_and_regulations|This initiation means the third stage of Krsna consciousness. Those who are being initiated, they should remember that they have to follow the rules and regulations.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Dharma generally in English is translated: religion. Religion means a kind of faith|Dharma generally in English is translated: "religion." Religion means a kind of faith, "I believe in such and such faith""I believe in the Muhammadan faith," "I believe in Christian faith," "I believe in Buddha faith." But actually, dharma does not mean faith. Dharma means characteristic. What is that characteristic? Just like every thing, every little item has got its characteristic. Just like take for example chili, it is very hot. The more the chili is hot, it is good. But if the sugar becomes hot like chili, immediately rejected. But if the chili is hot, you accept, "It is good chili." Similarly, dharma means characteristics of the living entity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Radharani_dasi_means_you_are_maidservant_of_Radharani._Don%27t_think_that_you_are_maidservant_of_this_world|Radharani dasi means you are maidservant of Radharani. Don't think that you are maidservant of this world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The yoga system is for that purpose. Those who are too much bodily concept of life, bodily consciousness, they should practice this yoga—hatha-yoga, astanga-yoga—so that the mind can be purified|The yoga system is for that purpose. Those who are too much bodily concept of life, bodily consciousness, they should practice this yoga—haṭha-yoga, aṣṭāṅga-yoga—so that the mind can be purified. As soon as the mind is purified, then all this expansion into thousands and millions of ideas will be controlled, and the only idea will be Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ten_offenses_to_avoid_while_chanting_the_maha-mantra_-_1_to_5|Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 1 to 5.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Muhammadans, they call it harama. So when he was attacked, he said harama. So harama. But it was taken as "Ha Rama," "O Rama," and he was liberated|There is a verse in Nṛsiṁha-Purāṇa that one Muhammadan died calling hārāma. They say hārāma. Anything against their religion is called hārāma. So he was trapped by a boar, and the boars, the pigs, they... The Muhammadans, they call it hārāma. So when he was attacked, he said hārāma. So hārāma. But it was taken as "Hā Rāma," "O Rāma," and he was liberated.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681020IN.SEA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ten_offenses_to_avoid_while_chanting_the_maha-mantra_-_6_to_10|Ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra - 6 to 10.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Brahman realization is also very high position. It is not ordinary thing, that "I am not this body. I am Brahman." This realization is not ordinary realization. It is also realized after purification of the mind. But that is also not sufficient|Brahman realization is also very high position. It is not ordinary thing, that "I am not this body. I am Brahman." This realization is not ordinary realization. It is also realized after purification of the mind. But that is also not sufficient. So āruhya kṛcchreṇa, after undergoing severe penances and philosophical research, even though he has risen up to the point of perfection, to the point of perfection, still, patanty adhaḥ, he has the chance of falling down.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681021SB.SEA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest|Don't be disturbed by any sort of disagreement with your God-brothers and sisters. Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681021SB.SEA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mr_Chakravarti_and_the_circus|Mr Chakravarti and the circus.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhakti-yoga can be applicable to any one of these form, either Krsna or Rama or Visnu or Narayana, so many forms. Generally, Vaisnavas worship the form of Krsna, Radha-Krsna, and Laksmi-Narayana. In our conditional stage, we cannot worship Radha-Krsna|Bhakti-yoga can be applicable to any one of these form, either Kṛṣṇa or Rāma or Viṣṇu or Nārāyaṇa, so many forms. Generally, Vaiṣṇavas worship the form of Kṛṣṇa, Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, and Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa. In our conditional stage, we cannot worship Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa-sevā is for them who has developed spontaneous love for God. For them. Spontaneous.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681023SB.MON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hearing_is_our_main_business._You_are_hearing._If_you_go_out_from_this_temple_you_will_also_hear._Or_the_sound_is_always_going_on._If_we_do_not_want_to_hear,_the_hearing_is_going_on|Hearing is our main business. You are hearing. If you go out from this temple you will also hear. Or the sound is always going on. If we do not want to hear, the hearing is going on.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding other yoga exercises, if you take Krishna prasadam you shall keep your body automatically fit for working, so there is no need of extra exercises which are required by persons who may eat more than what is required|Regarding other yoga exercises, if you take Krishna prasadam you shall keep your body automatically fit for working, so there is no need of extra exercises which are required by persons who may eat more than what is required. So for prosecuting Krishna Consciousness one should not eat more than what is needed. One should not endeavor beyond his capacity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681115LE.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Try_to_spread_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement._And_this_is_your_sadhana,_execution_of_austerity,_penance._Because_you_have_to_meet_so_many_opposing_elements._You_have_to_fight_with_them._That_is_tapasya|Try to spread this Krsna consciousness movement. And this is your sadhana, execution of austerity, penance. Because you have to meet so many opposing elements. You have to fight with them. That is tapasya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The statue which you have received is not Visnu Murti. Visnu Murti is never to be found in fighting spirit with anyone|The statue which you have received is not Visnu Murti. Visnu Murti is never to be found in fighting spirit with anyone. When the Lord incarnates within this material world, He does not come in Visnu Murti. Lord Nrsimhadeva although Visnu Himself, fighting with the demon Hiranyakasipu, although He is Krishna, He is different from Visnu Murti.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681118LE.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_an_instructive_story_about_a_saintly_person_blessing,_%22You_may_either_live_or_die%22|There is an instructive story about a saintly person blessing, "You may either live or die".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So one who has got this sacred thread, he is called dvijah, twice-born. Twice-born. Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic literature|So one who has got this sacred thread, he is called dvijaḥ, twice-born. Twice-born. Once born by the father and mother, and the next birth is given by the spiritual master and Vedic literature. Vedic literature is the mother and the spiritual master is the father. As in every birth the necessity of father and mother is there, similarly, in this birth also, spiritual rebirth, there is necessity of mother and father. The mother is this Vedic knowledge, and the father is the spiritual master.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681125BG.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spirit_soul_is_evergreen._The_body_is_changing._That_is_to_be_understood._Body_is_changing._That_everyone_can_understand|Spirit soul is evergreen. The body is changing. That is to be understood. Body is changing. That everyone can understand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have been recognized by the draft board as a religious society|We have been recognized by the draft board as a religious society and if our student seriously understands the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita or Science of God, follows the regulative principles strictly with clear heart without any doubt, then naturally he is promoted to the ministerial status. So our Society is authorized to award the ministerial status but the students must be equally serious in understanding the philosophy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_understanding_our_real_position_we_are_perplexed_with_these_all_worldly_problems,_which_are_all_false|Without understanding our real position we are perplexed with these all worldly problems, which are all false.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So the Visnudutas say that "Even though one has committed so many sinful activities, if at the..., if once he utters the holy name of Narayana, he becomes free immediately." That's a fact. It is not exaggeration|So the Viṣṇudūtas say that "Even though one has committed so many sinful activities, if at the..., if once he utters the holy name of Nārāyaṇa, he becomes free immediately." That's a fact. It is not exaggeration. A sinful man, someway or other, if he chants this Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, he immediately becomes free from all reaction. But the difficulty is that he commits again. That is nāmāparādha, offense.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gopis,_they_are_not_conditioned_souls._They_are_liberated_spirits|Gopis, they are not conditioned souls. They are liberated spirits.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Narottama dasa Thakura says that we can utilize these enemies, kama, krodha, lobha, lust, anger, greediness. They can be utilized also for Krsna's service. Kami, lusty. One should be so much lusty to serve Krsna|Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura says that we can utilize these enemies, kāma, krodha, lobha, lust, anger, greediness. They can be utilized also for Kṛṣṇa's service. Kāmī, lusty. One should be so much lusty to serve Kṛṣṇa. Just like we become lusty to have our desired object, similarly, we should be lusty to work for Kṛṣṇa as a madman.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_knowledge_one_must_have._Then_he%27ll_be_cheerful_in_all_cases_and_he%27ll_be_interested_simply_in_Krsna_consciousness._There_is_nothing_to_be_lamented_for_the_body,_either_alive_or_dead|This knowledge one must have. Then he'll be cheerful in all cases and he'll be interested simply in Krsna consciousness. There is nothing to be lamented for the body, either alive or dead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Woman also should be taken care of. They should not be given freedom. That is not good for them. They should be protected by the father in childhood, by the husband in youthhood, and by the grown-up children in old age|Woman also should be taken care of. They should not be given freedom. That is not good for them. They should be protected by the father in childhood, by the husband in youthhood, and by the grown-up children in old age. Three stages. But in this age, women are trying to take independence of father, husband or children. That is not good. That is described in the sastra.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_we_keep_conchshell_in_the_Deities%27_room._Conchshell_is_considered_very_pure,_transcendental;_otherwise,_how_we_can_keep_before_Deity_and_you_blow_conchshell%3F|Just like we keep conchshell in the Deities' room. Conchshell is considered very pure, transcendental; otherwise, how we can keep before Deity and you blow conchshell?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Mayapur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu|Māyāpur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Ayur-veda,_cow_dung_dried_and_burned_into_ashes_is_used_as_toothpowder._It_is_very_antiseptic_toothpowder|In Ayur-veda, cow dung dried and burned into ashes is used as toothpowder. It is very antiseptic toothpowder.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi|Kṛṣṇa and māyā; light and shadow. If you don't serve Kṛṣṇa, then you have to serve māyā. And those who are serving māyā in the name of Kṛṣṇa, they are called Māyāvādī. Actually, they are serving māyā, but they say that they have become liberated. Vimukta-māninaḥ. They are described as vimukta-māninaḥ.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_spiritual_master_found_Me_a_great_fool|My spiritual master found Me a great fool.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Relative name and absolute name. Krsna, if you always keep Krsna in your presence, then where is the possibility of ignorance and delusion? No, there is no possibility. This is the shortcut way of keeping Krsna always with you on your tongue - Hare Krsna|Hare Kṛṣṇa you can chant twenty-four hours, you'll not feel tired. That is the test of absolute and relative. So relative name and absolute name. Kṛṣṇa, if you always keep Kṛṣṇa in your presence, then where is the possibility of ignorance and delusion? No, there is no possibility. And this is the shortcut way of keeping Kṛṣṇa always with you on your tongue—Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma...}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Mayavadi_theory_is_that_the_ultimate_spirit_is_impersonal|The Mayavadi theory is that the ultimate spirit is impersonal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are all conditioned souls so we are affected by Maya, but if we sincerely chant and serve, our attachment for Krishna will be revived and we will no more have to come under this Maya|I am pleased with your sincere service attitude. We are all conditioned souls so we are affected by Maya, but if we sincerely chant and serve, our attachment for Krishna will be revived and we will no more have to come under this Maya. Eternally we will be serving the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritually,_eternally,_the_fragments_are_fragments,_and_the_Supreme_is_Supreme._Krsna_is_the_Supreme,_and_we_are_fragmental_parts._We_are_fragments_eternally|Spiritually, eternally, the fragments are fragments, and the Supreme is Supreme. Krsna is the Supreme, and we are fragmental parts. We are fragments eternally.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The worship of Radha-Krishna as They appear in Vrndavana is a very advanced stage, so we worship Them in the Temples as Laksmi-Narayana|In our Temples the Deities, Radha and Krishna are worshiped as Laksmi-Narayana with all the opulences of Their Majestic Lordship in Dvaraka. The worship of Radha-Krishna as They appear in Vrndavana is a very advanced stage, so we worship Them in the Temples as Laksmi-Narayana. Actually there is no difference because Laksmi-Narayana is directly the expansion of Radha-Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Christian_theology,_the_individual_goes_to_the_church_and_prays_God,_%22Give_us_our_daily_bread.%22_Why_he%27s_asking_God%3F|In Christian theology, the individual goes to the church and prays God, "Give us our daily bread." Why he's asking God?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muslim religion. It doesn't matter. But human civilization, a civilized human being must follow some religious principles. That is the aim of human life|It doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muslim religion. It doesn't matter. But human civilization, a civilized human being must follow some religious principles. That is the aim of human life. And anyone who does not follow any religious scripture, he is simply animal. That is the position of the present world. We may claim to be Hindu or Muslim or Christian, but nobody cares for religion. They are simply karmīs. Therefore they are all sinful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681127BG.LA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_voidism,_impersonalism,_they_are_artificial_ways_of_negating_the_perplexing_variegatedness_of_this_material_existence|This voidism, impersonalism, they are artificial ways of negating the perplexing variegatedness of this material existence.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna-bhajana is not very difficult. Simply we have to follow the four principles of sinful life: no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication, no meat-eating. And chant Hare Krsna. And be happy|Krsna-bhajana is not very difficult. Simply we have to follow the four principles of sinful life: no illicit sex, no gambling, no intoxication, no meat-eating. And chant Hare Krsna. And be happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681129BG.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Utsahad_dhairyan_niscayat._The_first_principle_is_one_must_be_very_enthusiastic._He_must_believe_that_Krsna_has_said_that,_na_me_bhaktah_pranasyati,_%22My_devotee_will_never_be_vanquished.%22_So_%22Let_me_become_Krsna%27s_devotee_sincerely%22|Utsahad dhairyan niscayat. The first principle is one must be very enthusiastic. He must believe that Krsna has said that, na me bhaktah pranasyati, "My devotee will never be vanquished." So "Let me become Krsna's devotee sincerely".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you are loose in your habits, then everyone in your temple will also be loose in their habits. So, as one of my elder disciples, be strong. Do not deviate and you will be blessed|Everyone must rise early, take bath attend mangala arati, chant at least 16 good rounds, attend class, and follow the four regulative principles strictly. If these things are lax, then there is no question of spiritual life. Any one who does not accept these things staunchly will have to fall down. You must teach them by your own personal example otherwise how will they learn. If you are loose in your habits, then everyone in your temple will also be loose in their habits. So, as one of my elder disciples, be strong. Do not deviate and you will be blessed.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681201IN.LA_stoy_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jayananda_looks_like_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._%28laughter%29_Yes._He_was_tall_and_stout_and_strong,_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._%28laughing%29_Yes._Very_good|Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughter) Yes. He was tall and stout and strong, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. (laughing) Yes. Very good.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I've written many books already which are full of different aspects of this deep philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. I request you to study them carefully & you'll find a treasure house of scientific information in relation to the ultimate goal of life|I am so glad to see that you are so much absorbed in our philosophy and comparing it to other philosophies. I have written many books already which are full of the different aspects of this deep philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. I request you to study them carefully and you will find a treasure house of scientific information in relation to the ultimate goal of life and conquering the major problems of life, birth, death, old age, and disease.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_activities_are_conditioned,_not_free._But_you_can_attain_a_life_of_freedom,_life_of_unlimited_energy,_unlimited_happiness,_unlimited_bliss._There_is_possibility._This_is_not_story_or_fiction|Our activities are conditioned, not free. But you can attain a life of freedom, life of unlimited energy, unlimited happiness, unlimited bliss. There is possibility. This is not story or fiction.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna says, svakarmana: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me and be perfect." That is the program. They are preparing cloth for devotees, not for business. Therefore he's serving Krsna. To serve devotee & to serve Krsna, there is no difference|We should work for Kṛṣṇa. That's all. It is not that because sannyāsī and brahmacārī, you'll be able. No. Everyone. Svakarmaṇā. Kṛṣṇa says, svakarmaṇā: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me and be perfect." That is the program. They are preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he is serving Kṛṣṇa. To serve devotee and to serve Kṛṣṇa, there is no difference.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_because_you_are_born_in_a_very_rich_family,_you%27ll_be_immune_from_diseases._It_is_not_that_you%27ll_not_become_old._It_is_not_that_you%27ll_be_saved_from_the_troubles_of_birth_or_you%27ll_be_saved_from_the_troubles_of_death|It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Management is also spiritual activity. Why do you take like that? It is Krsna's establishment|Management is also spiritual activity. Why do you take like that? It is Kṛṣṇa's establishment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_method_we_manufacture,_we_discover,_to_conquer_over_the_laws_of_material_nature,_it_is_backed_by_another_set_of_dangerous_things._That_is_the_law_of_nature._That_is_not_the_way_to_get_out_of_this_material_pangs_of_life|Any method we manufacture, we discover, to conquer over the laws of material nature, it is backed by another set of dangerous things. That is the law of nature. That is not the way to get out of this material pangs of life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes the Lord wants to be defeated by His devotee. Nobody can defeat the Lord, but still He desires like that sometimes. That is His mercy|Yes, I am very pleased with your book distribution because nobody was able to defeat Radha Damodara TSKP previously. Radha-Damodara is Himself pleased upon you. sometimes the Lord wants to be defeated by His devotee. Nobody can defeat the Lord, but still He desires like that sometimes. That is His mercy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_persons,_they_are_not_after_will-o%27-the-wisp,_phantasmagoria._No._They%27re_actually_making_progress_to_the_concrete_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead|Krsna consciousness persons, they are not after will-o'-the-wisp, phantasmagoria. No. They're actually making progress to the concrete Supreme Personality of Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have no objection to death, I am old man; still I wish to live because I want to see that the mission and missionaries I have started may be still more stronger before I leave. So pray to Krishna for this|I thank you very much for your kind words, and you can pray to Krishna that I may be for some time with you. That is my desire. I have no objection to death, I am old man; still I wish to live because I want to see that the mission and missionaries I have started may be still more stronger before I leave. So pray to Krishna for this.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_chanting,_we_are_hearing,_we_are_dancing,_we%27re_enjoying._Why%3F_Just_to_detach_our_life_from_all_nonsense_things_and_attach_to_Krsna._This_is_the_process._This_is_Krsna_consciousness|We are chanting, we are hearing, we are dancing, we're enjoying. Why? Just to detach our life from all nonsense things and attach to Krsna. This is the process. This is Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|They (the people) do not know what is his actual interest. The actual interest is to go back to home, go back to Godhead|Generally people do so. They give in charity so that they may get more money. They open dharmaśālā so that they can get more houses. That is their purpose. Or they may be elevated to the heavenly kingdom. Because they do not know what is his actual interest. The actual interest is to go back to home, go back to Godhead. This idea, perhaps not even one percent men know that the ultimate end of, ultimate goal of life is to go back to home, back to Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_policy_is_following_the_footstep_of_Rupa_Gosvami._He_says_that_somehow_or_other,_let_them_become_first_of_all_attached_to_Krsna|My policy is following the footstep of Rupa Gosvami. He says that somehow or other, let them become first of all attached to Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|God has many names, and according to your conception, you can have God's name also. But out of all those names, many thousands and unlimited different types of names, Krsna is the principal name because Krsna means all-attractive|God has many names, and according to your conception, you can have God's name also. But out of all those names, many thousands and unlimited different types of names, Kṛṣṇa is the principal name because Kṛṣṇa means all-attractive. You cannot say that God is not all-attractive. And if you use that sense, all-attractive, this is the word, Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip07.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_stories_of_Lord_Caitanya_converting_so_many_rascals._By_just_His_presence,_they_would_chant_Hare_Krsna._How_can_we_get_His_mercy_so_that_we_can_help_the_people_around_us_to_chant_Hare_Krsna%3F|There are so many stories of Lord Caitanya converting so many rascals. By just His presence, they would chant Hare Krsna. How can we get His mercy so that we can help the people around us to chant Hare Krsna?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very pleased that you are serious to embark on such boating project, even though it will be a huge effort and expenditure to become successful. But never mind that, nothing is too much big if Krishna desires it|I am very pleased that you are serious to embark on such boating project, even though it will be a huge effort and expenditure to become successful. But never mind that, nothing is too much big if Krishna desires it. So if you are very determined that your boating idea will succeed, then Krishna will give you all encouragement and facility.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip08.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_difference_between_an_incarnation_and_an_avatara%3F|What is the difference between an incarnation and an avatara?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of KC, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down & down, & if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people|We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of Krishna Consciousness, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down and down, and if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people from the greatest dangers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip09.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Chapter_Four_in_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is,_it_is_said_that_Arjuna_was_present_at_the_speaking_of_Bhagavad-gita_to_the_sun-god_so_many_years_ago._What_position_did_he_have_there%3F|In Chapter Four in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, it is said that Arjuna was present at the speaking of Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god so many years ago. What position did he have there?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The more you restrict your material sense gratification, the more you are advanced. This is the standard. Not that "Because I've got tendency to act like this, let me do it unrestrictedly." That's not human civilization; that's cats' & dogs' civilization|At the present moment, the population is so much degraded. There is no restriction. That is the difference between animal life & human life. Human life is meant for restriction. The more you restrict your material sense gratification, the more you are advanced. This is the standard. Not that "Because I have got the tendency to act like this, let me do it unrestrictedly." That is not human civilization; that is cats' and dogs' civilization.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_when_I%27m_serving_you_sometimes_I_feel_very_nice,_but_then_when_I_think_of_how_bad_and_imperfect_this_service_is,_I_feel_terrible._Which_is_right_to_feel%3F|Prabhupada, when I'm serving you sometimes I feel very nice, but then when I think of how bad and imperfect this service is, I feel terrible. Which is right to feel?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|All bogus man, they're becoming teachers. Therefore the world condition is so degraded. A cheater is taking the place of teacher. Therefore the whole world is degraded|A teacher is appointed. When the certificate is there that he has passed M.A. examination, and he has undergone the training, B.T., Bachelor training, then he's appointed: "Yes, you can be a teacher." And any bogus man, he can be... He cannot be accepted as teacher. So that is going on. All bogus man, they're becoming teachers. Therefore the world condition is so degraded. A cheater is taking the place of teacher. Therefore the whole world is degraded.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_in_maya%27s_kingdom,_so_maya_is_strong_very_here,_but_if_we_catch_Krsna_very_strongly,_maya_cannot_do_anything._Yes._That_we_should_be_fixed_up_in_catching_Krsna_very_tightly._Then_there_is_no_falldown|We are in maya's kingdom, so maya is strong very here, but if we catch Krsna very strongly, maya cannot do anything. Yes. That we should be fixed up in catching Krsna very tightly. Then there is no falldown.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Can you count how many atoms are there, atomic? That is your limitation. Therefore I say "frog philosophy." The limited wants to study the unlimited. That is frog philosophy|Can you count how many atoms are there, atomic? That is your limitation. Therefore I say "frog philosophy." The limited wants to study the unlimited. That is frog philosophy. The frog is thinking, "Eh? Three feet. All right, four feet. All right, five feet." He cannot think unlimited, because he is frog. So don't imitate the frog. Take it as it is stated in the śāstra. Then it is all right.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681202BG.LA_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_taking_prasadam_one_of_the_exchanges_of_love,_where_we_accept_food_from_a_lover%3F|Is taking prasadam one of the exchanges of love, where we accept food from a lover?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Character building is the groundwork for seating Krishna Consciousness and the Vedic injunction is that one can advance in spiritual life by following the rules of austerity and celibacy|Character building is the groundwork for seating Krishna Consciousness and the Vedic injunction is that one can advance in spiritual life by following the rules of austerity and celibacy. We do not bluff our students that he has liberty to do all sorts of nonsense, and at the same time advance in spiritual understanding. And because we are a little bit strict in this matter, we have not a very large number of followers, neither do we want any large no. nonsense followers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681209DB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_an_instructive_story_about_a_saintly_person_blessing,_%22You_may_either_live_or_die%22|There is an instructive story about a saintly person blessing, "You may either live or die".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world|I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world. You have very good example from your god-brother, Rupanuga, and so continue to help him as you are doing, and it shall be very successful for you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681209DB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_can_also_pass_away_at_any_moment._That_is_nature%27s_law._Nobody_can_check_it._So_that_is_not_very_astonishing,_but_my_appeal_to_you_on_this_auspicious_day_of_the_departure_of_my_Guru_Maharaja,_that_at_least_to_some_extent_you_have_understood_the_essence|I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example|We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example. Therefore, everyone should be forebearing, tolerant and cooperative. That is my special request to you all.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681209DB.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_become_Vaisnava_and_feel_for_the_suffering_humanity|Krsna consciousness movement means to become Vaisnava and feel for the suffering humanity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When Krsna says this, man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah: "You just surrender unto Me; become My bhakta," how you can say, "It is not to Krsna." This is not nonsense?|When Kṛṣṇa says this, man-manā bhava mad-bhaktaḥ: "You just surrender unto Me; become My bhakta," how you can say, "It is not to Kṛṣṇa." This is not nonsense? If I say, "Give me a glass of..." Hear me. If I say, "Give me a glass of water," if you say, "It is not to Swamiji," is that interpretation?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681209DB.LA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_come_forward_to_help_me._I_shall_request_you_all_that_I_shall_go_away,_but_you_shall_live._Don%27t_give_up_pushing_on_this_movement,_and_you%27ll_be_blessed_by_Lord_Caitanya_and_His_Divine_Grace_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Goswami_Prabhupada|You have come forward to help me. I shall request you all that I shall go away, but you shall live. Don't give up pushing on this movement, and you'll be blessed by Lord Caitanya and His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think you should very quickly join us & take advantage of your propensity to perfect your life by taking up very seriously & full-time this KC process, which is the recommended & most effective means in this Age to reach the highest platform of life|I think you should very quickly join us and thus take advantage of your propensity to perfect your life by taking up very seriously and full-time this Krishna Consciousness process, which is the recommended and most effective means in this Age to reach the highest platform of life. This has been proven practically all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681209DB.LA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_little_foothold_of_this_movement._So_on_this_occasion_of_my_spiritual_master%27s_departure,_as_I_am_trying_to_execute_his_will,_similarly,_I_shall_also_request_you_to_execute_the_same_order_through_my_will._I_am_an_old_man|There is little foothold of this movement. So on this occasion of my spiritual master's departure, as I am trying to execute his will, similarly, I shall also request you to execute the same order through my will. I am an old man.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our miserable conditions are caused by our thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the owner. I am the enjoyer." One becomes to owner, proprietor, because he wants to enjoy. So this is our disease. Actually, we are servant of Krsna|Our miserable conditions are caused by our thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the owner. I am the enjoyer." One becomes to owner, proprietor, because he wants to enjoy. So this is our disease. Actually, we are servant of Kṛṣṇa: jīvera svarūpa haya nitya-kṛṣṇa-dāsa. This is our original position. We are servant, even in this condition. But we are servant of māyā, illusion—means we are servant of our lusty desires.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681213BG.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_directly_offering_the_spiritual_platform_which_is_above_the_mode_of_goodness|This Krsna consciousness movement is directly offering the spiritual platform which is above the mode of goodness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also attraction, but it is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories|In the material world there is attraction between men and women and this attraction is stronger than anything else. In the spiritual world there is also attraction, but it is not so strong as the attraction for chanting the Lord's glories.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681213BG.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_this_bluffing,_these_cheating_things_are_going_on._And_because_we_are_unable_to_cheat_and_bluff,_nobody_cooperates_with_us._They_want_to_be_cheated_and_bluffed._That_is_the_business|So this bluffing, these cheating things are going on. And because we are unable to cheat and bluff, nobody cooperates with us. They want to be cheated and bluffed. That is the business.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them|If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? This means losing faith in Krsna, and thinking that we are the doers and suppliers. We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them. So please do this nicely, begin at once.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681213BG.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_one_is_spiritually_advanced_will_be_tested_how_he_has_acquired_all_the_good_qualities._Not_that_a_yogi_talking_with_a_cigarette_in_hand|How one is spiritually advanced will be tested how he has acquired all the good qualities. Not that a yogi talking with a cigarette in hand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I understand that you are feeling my absence. Krishna will give you strength. Physical presence is immaterial; presence of the transcendental sound received from the spiritual master should be the guidance of life|I understand that you are feeling my absence. Krishna will give you strength. Physical presence is immaterial; presence of the transcendental sound received from the spiritual master should be the guidance of life. That will make our spiritual life successful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681220BG.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_one_can,_unless_one_is_spiritually_advanced,_how_he_can_sacrifice_his_hard-earned_money_for_Krsna%3F_Everyone_thinks,_%22Oh,_I_have_earned_this_money_working_so_hard._Why_shall_I_spend_it_for_Krsna%3F_Let_me_keep_it%22|How one can, unless one is spiritually advanced, how he can sacrifice his hard-earned money for Krsna? Everyone thinks, "Oh, I have earned this money working so hard. Why shall I spend it for Krsna? Let me keep it".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Simple method: chanting this Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So this is our propaganda. We don't charge anything. We don't say that "I sell one mantra. You take it and give me some dollars"|Simple method: chanting this Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare. So this is our propaganda. We don't charge anything. We don't say that "I sell one mantra. You take it and give me some dollars." No. It is freely distributed. Freely. In the street they are being distributed. But don't neglect it. Because we are distributing this, the most valuable asset of the world so cheaply, don't neglect it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681226IV.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bhagavad-gita_it_is_stated_that_there_are_three_planetary_system,_upper,_lower_and_middle|In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that there are three planetary system, upper, lower and middle.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to become swans, raja-hamsa , paramahamsa , paramahamsa . Paramo nirmatsaranam. Then you can understand Krsna consciousness. If you remain crows, then you cannot, that is not possible|We have to become swans, rāja-haṁsa , paramahaṁsa , paramahaṁsa . Paramo nirmatsarāṇām SB 1.1.2. Then you can understand Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If you remain crows, then you cannot, that is not possible. By nature's example we have to see if crows-like and swans-like, pigeons-like, birds of the same feather. Birds of the same feather flock together, is it not?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681226IV.LA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vrndavana,_that_is_ninety_miles_off_from_New_Delhi._The_atmosphere_is_almost_the_same._So,_if_I_could_live_at_Vrndavana,_I_could_live_at_New_Delhi_also|Vrndavana, that is ninety miles off from New Delhi. The atmosphere is almost the same. So, if I could live at Vrndavana, I could live at New Delhi also.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When you chant, that is also kirtana; when you distribute book, that is also kirtana. When you read book, that is also kirtana|When you chant, that is also kirtana; when you distribute book, that is also kirtana. When you read book, that is also kirtana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681226IV.LA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Generally,_at_least_in,_say,_three_thousand_years_ago,_all_the_inhabitants_of_India_were_strictly_followers_of_Vedic_principles._After_the_advent_of_Lord_Buddha,_a_different_religious_system_developed|Generally, at least in, say, three thousand years ago, all the inhabitants of India were strictly followers of Vedic principles. After the advent of Lord Buddha, a different religious system developed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Nobody is giving credit to Krsna, who is floating millions and trillions of stars and planets in the air. So by taking Krsna's stock, the petroleum or gas, we become scientist and fly the aeroplane, and Krsna has given the petrol, and He has no credit|Nobody is giving credit to Kṛṣṇa, who is floating millions and trillions of stars and planets in the air. So by taking Kṛṣṇa's stock, the petroleum or gas, we become scientist and fly the aeroplane, and Kṛṣṇa has given the petrol, and He has no credit. He has no credit. That is the difference between demons and bhakta. A bhakta sees in everything presence of Kṛṣṇa: "Oh, here is Kṛṣṇa's energy is there. Here is nice taste. Oh, here is Kṛṣṇa."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681230IV.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now,_if_you_cooperate,_then_I_can_change_the_whole_thing_in_your_country._This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_so_nice._Provided_you_cooperate|Now, if you cooperate, then I can change the whole thing in your country. This Krsna consciousness movement is so nice. Provided you cooperate.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question about controversial talks going on, this kind of talk isn't befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior & superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution|Regarding your question about the controversial talks going on, this kind of talk is not befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior and superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution. It is not material.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681230IV.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_old_man,_73_years_old;_I_may_die_at_any_moment._But_I_am_now_assured_my_movement_will_go_on._These_boys_will_carry_it._My_mission_is_in_that_way_successful|I am old man, 73 years old; I may die at any moment. But I am now assured my movement will go on. These boys will carry it. My mission is in that way successful.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Nrsimha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused, he said "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You, but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Narada Muni"|Nṛsiṁha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused that. He said that "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Nārada Muni." Tava bhṛtya-sevām. "Because my spiritual master gave me blessing therefore I see You. So my first business is to serve him." This is Vaiṣṇava conclusion. So he refused direct service but he wanted blessing that he may be engaged in the service of his spiritual master.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690106BG.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_our_practical_experience_we_can_say_we_got_this_chance._We_got_this_chance._We_got_very_nice_parents._And_I_was_born_in_a_family,_a_very_pure_family|From our practical experience we can say we got this chance. We got this chance. We got very nice parents. And I was born in a family, a very pure family.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A really cultured learned fellow is far above a politician. Because a politician is honoured by the votes of his countrymen while a cultured and learned fellow is honoured everywhere all over the world|A really cultured learned fellow is far above a politician. Because a politician is honoured by the votes of his countrymen while a cultured and learned fellow is honoured everywhere all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690110IN.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_boy,_he_went_out_of_home_and_mixed_with_yogis_for_several_years._Then,_after_some_time,_he_came_to_his_village,_and_all_the_friends_and_relatives_gathered:_%22Oh,_you_have_been_so_many_years_with_yogis._What_you_have_learned%3F%22|One boy, he went out of home and mixed with yogis for several years. Then, after some time, he came to his village, and all the friends and relatives gathered: "Oh, you have been so many years with yogis. What you have learned?".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam. So long one is not a surrendered soul to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no question of liberation from this material world|So far salvation is concerned, nobody can be liberated without bhakti, without devotional service. Bhakti vinā, without devotion, or without love of Godhead, without attaining... That is the verdict of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. So long one is not a surrendered soul to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no question of liberation from this material world. Bhāgavata says, śreyaḥ-sṛtiṁ bhaktim udasya te vibho.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690207BA.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_your_chanting_some_public_is_satisfied_-_no,_we_are_not_concerned_with_that._He_may_be_satisfied_or_not_satisfied._But_if_I_chant_in_the_proper_way,_then_my_predecessors,_the_acaryas,_will_be_satisfied._That_is_my_business,_finished|By your chanting some public is satisfied - no, we are not concerned with that. He may be satisfied or not satisfied. But if I chant in the proper way, then my predecessors, the acaryas, will be satisfied. That is my business, finished.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everything is complete in this world. There is no scarcity. We have simply created scarcity by our mismanagement. But if we take up the laws as they are prescribed in the scriptures and live peacefully, there is no scarcity|Everything is complete in this world. There is no scarcity. We have simply created scarcity by our mismanagement. But if we take up the laws as they are prescribed in the scriptures and live peacefully, there is no scarcity. My Guru Mahārāja used to say that in this world there is no scarcity by the arrangement of God. But the only scarcity is this Kṛṣṇa consciousness. People are not Kṛṣṇa conscious. They're materially conscious. They're sensually conscious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690208BG-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_be_ready_always_that_this_%22ka-ka-ka,%22_this_material_vibration,_this_lecturing,_this_planning,_at_any_moment_can_be_finished._Chant_Hare_Krsna._If_you_are_finished,_then_you_go_to_Vaikuntha_immediately|We should be ready always that this "ka-ka-ka," this material vibration, this lecturing, this planning, at any moment can be finished. Chant Hare Krsna. If you are finished, then you go to Vaikuntha immediately.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Business is secondary to our basic routine work. If the routine Krishna Consciousness program is neglected for other things, then everything else will fail|We must always be careful to render firstly our routine devotional practices, and maintain always the highest standards of chanting, preaching, temple worship, rising early, cleansing, street sankirtana, etc.; business is secondary to our basic routine work. If the routine Krishna Consciousness program is neglected for other things, then everything else will fail.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690213BG-LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_practice_is_turning_this_material_body_into_spiritual_body|This Krsna consciousness practice is turning this material body into spiritual body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no need by any of my disciples to read any books besides my books. In fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna Consciousness|There is no need by any of my disciples to read any books besides my books—in fact, such reading may be detrimental to their advancement in Krishna Consciousness. All reading of outside books, except in certain authorized cases such as for example to read some philosopher like Plato to make an essay comparing his philosophy with Krishna's philosophy—but otherwise all such outside reading should be stopped immediately. It is simply another botheration.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690213BG-LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_advanced_in_Krsna_consciousness,_they_have_to_work_for_Krsna|Those who are advanced in Krsna consciousness, they have to work for Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So many rascals are there. And this is the only shelter, these our centers, to be protected from all these rascals. These ISKCON centers are the only shelter. So you have to maintain it very nicely. There is no other shelter. All bogus, more or less|So many rascals are there. And this is the only shelter, these our centers, to be protected from all these rascals. These ISKCON centers are the only shelter. So you have to maintain it very nicely. There is no other shelter. All bogus, more or less.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690213BG-LA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_is_there_in_Krsna_consciousness._We_want_music,_there_is_music._We_want_dancing,_there_is_dancing|Everything is there in Krsna consciousness. We want music, there is music. We want dancing, there is dancing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung that namasraya kari thakaha apana kaje: "Take shelter of hari-nama and remain in your own profession"|So far one's profession is concerned, Kṛṣṇa said that even in fire, so pure, there is some smoke. So because there is smoke, you cannot give up the fire. You have to utilize it. So in this material world there is always some faulty things in every profession. But that does not mean we shall give up our profession in that way. Sva-karmaṇā tam abhyarcya (BG 18.46). And Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura has sung that nāmāśraya kari thākaha āpana kāje: "Take shelter of hari-nāma and remain in your own profession."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690213BG-LA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_may_seem_to_be_living_in_some_place_which_is_far_from_Vrndavana,_but_he%27s_living_in_Vrndavana._That%27s_a_fact|A devotee may seem to be living in some place which is far from Vrndavana, but he's living in Vrndavana. That's a fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want to travel continually to see my centers. Now there is little impediment on account of my old body. Still I am trying and will continue to try to see you again and again|I want to travel continually to see my centers. Now there is little impediment on account of my old body. Still I am trying and will continue to try to see you again and again. My visiting different centers means to see you all, even the buildings are the same, and the Deity is the same, but your enthusiasm is ever fresh and invigorating.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690213BG.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_has_no_demand._He_simply_engages_himself_to_serve_Krsna_for_the_satisfaction_of_Krsna|A devotee has no demand. He simply engages himself to serve Krsna for the satisfaction of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society|I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society. The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690214BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yoga_system_is_not_that,_that_you_go_on_doing_all_nonsense_in_sense_gratification_and_simply_sit_down_meditation._This_is_simply_colossal_hoax._It_has_no_meaning|Yoga system is not that, that you go on doing all nonsense in sense gratification and simply sit down meditation. This is simply colossal hoax. It has no meaning.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Feeling of sex life in young boys and girls is quite natural, but one has to check such sex life by reason, argument, and knowledge|Only the householders are allowed sex life. That is also restricted. That means sex life is condemned throughout because that is the cause of material bondage. Feeling of sex life in young boys and girls is quite natural, but one has to check such sex life by reason, argument, and knowledge. The married boys and girls are there—in our society sex life is not forbidden. If Jagatananda is feeling sex urge so urgently even at the age of 16 or 17, he must be prepared to take the responsibility of married life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690214BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_actually_connect_yourself_with_God,_then_you_feel_yourself_many_millions_of_times_satisfied_than_enjoying_this_material_world|When you actually connect yourself with God, then you feel yourself many millions of times satisfied than enjoying this material world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest|In this age no one is able to remain aloof from the general human society. Therefore one need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690214BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_nature_we_are_living_entities,_we_must_act._It_is_not_possible_to_stop_activities|By nature we are living entities, we must act. It is not possible to stop activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have adopted the method of sending young married couples for such preaching work, and you will be pleased to know that this system in these countries has proved more effective|Srila Prabhupada sent His disciples for preaching work mostly as Brahmacaris and Sannyasis; but I have adopted the method of sending young married couples for such preaching work, and you will be pleased to know that this system in these countries has proved more effective.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690214BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_keep_Krsna_on_the_mind._The_maya,_darkness_will_never_be_able_to_come._That_is_the_first-class_yoga_system|You keep Krsna on the mind. The maya, darkness will never be able to come. That is the first-class yoga system.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad you are so enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields|I am glad to see how you are so much enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields. So far as advertising is concerned, you should not approach people for ads, rather they should approach you. Do not spend for advertising. Let them spend to advertise us.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690214BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_to_get_out_from_this_entanglement_by_this_yoga,_or_perfect_yoga_of_Krsna_consciousness|You have to get out from this entanglement by this yoga, or perfect yoga of Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs|Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs. You are setting the example of determination which others may see and follow. In this way, go on increasing and such sincerity is noticed by Krishna and He is helping you to approach nearer and nearer to His Lotus Feet.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_yoga_system_means_to_make_the_mind_our_friend|The whole yoga system means to make the mind our friend.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Krsna's prasadam; by mercy of Krsna I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee|Simply we have to admit, "After all, Kṛṣṇa is giving us everything." So simply Kṛṣṇa wants, "Let us admit that you are getting from Me." That is necessary. Eko yo bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān (Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.2.13). He is supplying us everything, even to the nondevotees. But the nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Kṛṣṇa's prasādam; by mercy of Kṛṣṇa I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Padma_Purana_is_meant_for_the_persons_who_are_in_the_modes_of_goodness|This Padma Purana is meant for the persons who are in the modes of goodness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Legislative assembly, the senators must be all first-class brahmanas. Otherwise he cannot be elected. This should be introduced. Unless one is following the brahminical principles, he cannot be elected. He must give up these 4 principles of sinful life| Legislative assembly, the senators, they must be all first-class brāhmaṇas. Otherwise he cannot be elected. This should be introduced. Unless one is following the brahminical principles, he cannot be elected. He must give up these four principles of sinful life. He should not accept any salary. Very much learned scholar in Vedic literature. Then he will be elected.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_God_is_not_a_person,_then_how_His_sons_become_persons%3F|If God is not a person, then how His sons become persons?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society|I quite approve your planning on becoming a householder, and at the same time serve the cause of our society. A Krishna Conscious member even though he is a householder may spend at least 50% of his income for the society. The Brahmacaris are dedicated their life and everything but the householder should spare at least 50% of income for the society.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_see_God_by_your_endeavor_because_your_senses_are_all_nonsense._You_have_to_purify_your_senses_and_you_have_to_wait_for_the_time_when_God_will_be_pleased_to_reveal_Himself_before_you|You cannot see God by your endeavor because your senses are all nonsense. You have to purify your senses and you have to wait for the time when God will be pleased to reveal Himself before you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Feeling of sex life in young boys and girls is quite natural, but one has to check such sex life by reason, argument, and knowledge|Only the householders are allowed sex life. That is also restricted. That means sex life is condemned throughout because that is the cause of material bondage. Feeling of sex life in young boys and girls is quite natural, but one has to check such sex life by reason, argument, and knowledge. The married boys and girls are there—in our society sex life is not forbidden. If Jagatananda is feeling sex urge so urgently even at the age of 16 or 17, he must be prepared to take the responsibility of married life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_the_purpose._Any_religious_system._If_it_teaches_you_how_to_love_God,_then_it_is_first-class._Otherwise_it_is_useless|That is the purpose. Any religious system. If it teaches you how to love God, then it is first-class. Otherwise it is useless.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest|In this age no one is able to remain aloof from the general human society. Therefore one need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sinner_is_illusioned._He%27s_mad._If_you_hate_him,_then_how_you_can_deliver_him%3F_Therefore_those_who_are_devotees,_those_who_are_really_servant_of_God,_they_have_no_hate_for_anyone|Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have adopted the method of sending young married couples for such preaching work, and you will be pleased to know that this system in these countries has proved more effective|Srila Prabhupada sent His disciples for preaching work mostly as Brahmacaris and Sannyasis; but I have adopted the method of sending young married couples for such preaching work, and you will be pleased to know that this system in these countries has proved more effective.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690215BG-LA_Clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Temple_is_the_only_secluded_place_for_this_age._You_cannot_go_in_a_secluded_place_in_a_forest|Temple is the only secluded place for this age. You cannot go in a secluded place in a forest.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad you are so enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields|I am glad to see how you are so much enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields. So far as advertising is concerned, you should not approach people for ads, rather they should approach you. Do not spend for advertising. Let them spend to advertise us.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srimad-Bhagavatam_is_the_supreme_jnana-yoga_and_bhakti-yoga_combined|Srimad-Bhagavatam is the supreme jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga combined.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs|Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs. You are setting the example of determination which others may see and follow. In this way, go on increasing and such sincerity is noticed by Krishna and He is helping you to approach nearer and nearer to His Lotus Feet.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_simply_hear_sincerely_and_submissively,_then_you_will_understand_Krsna._Krsna_will_reveal_to_you|If you simply hear sincerely and submissively, then you will understand Krsna. Krsna will reveal to you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Krsna's prasadam; by mercy of Krsna I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee|Simply we have to admit, "After all, Kṛṣṇa is giving us everything." So simply Kṛṣṇa wants, "Let us admit that you are getting from Me." That is necessary. Eko yo bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān (Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.2.13). He is supplying us everything, even to the nondevotees. But the nondevotee do not recognize that "It is Kṛṣṇa's prasādam; by mercy of Kṛṣṇa I have got it." That is nondevotee. And a devotee recognizes. This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_if_you_don%27t_do_anything,_if_you_simply_restrain_your_sex_life,_you_become_a_very_powerful_man._People_do_not_know_the_secret._So_anything_you_do,_if_you_want_to_do_it_with_determination,_you_have_to_stop_sex_life._That_is_the_secret|Even if you don't do anything, if you simply restrain your sex life, you become a very powerful man. People do not know the secret. So anything you do, if you want to do it with determination, you have to stop sex life. That is the secret.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Legislative assembly, the senators must be all first-class brahmanas. Otherwise he cannot be elected. This should be introduced. Unless one is following the brahminical principles, he cannot be elected. He must give up these 4 principles of sinful life| Legislative assembly, the senators, they must be all first-class brāhmaṇas. Otherwise he cannot be elected. This should be introduced. Unless one is following the brahminical principles, he cannot be elected. He must give up these four principles of sinful life. He should not accept any salary. Very much learned scholar in Vedic literature. Then he will be elected.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nobody_is_better_meditator_than_these_boys._They_are_simply_concentrating_on_Krsna._Their_whole_business_is_Krsna|Nobody is better meditator than these boys. They are simply concentrating on Krsna. Their whole business is Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is a very nice story. In our college days in logic class of Professor Purnachandra Sen, he cited a very nice example, that a student approached his teacher and the contract was that he wanted to become a law student, lawyer|There is a very nice story. In our college days in logic class of Professor Purnachandra Sen, he cited a very nice example, that a student approached his teacher and the contract was that he wanted to become a law student, lawyer...}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_anxious,_they_are_full_of_anxiety_because_they_have_captured_something_nonpermanent|They are anxious, they are full of anxiety because they have captured something nonpermanent.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The legs may be placed in a lower position than the head ephemerally, but actually the legs are as important as the head for maintaining the body as it is. It is not that the legs should not be taken care of and just the head should be cared for|In the Bhagavatam it is said that the Brahmanas are the head of the social body, the Ksatriyas are the arms of the social body, the Vaisyas are the waist of the social body, and the Sudras are the legs of the social body. The legs may be placed in a lower position than the head ephemerally, but actually the legs are as important as the head for maintaining the body as it is. It is not that the legs should not be taken care of and just the head should be cared for. But it is a fact that if there is not a head it is a dead body.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yoga_practice_should_be_performed_to_understand_Krsna,_that%27s_all._Or_to_make_your_lost_relationship_with_Krsna_reestablished._That_is_yoga_practice|Yoga practice should be performed to understand Krsna, that's all. Or to make your lost relationship with Krsna reestablished. That is yoga practice.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the material world sex urge is the binding force for material existence. A determined person tolerates such sex urges as one tolerates the itching sensation of eczema|I understand that sometimes you feel sex urges and frustration. In the material world sex urge is the binding force for material existence. A determined person tolerates such sex urges as one tolerates the itching sensation of eczema. If not one can satisfy the sex urge by legitimate marriage. Immoral sex life and spiritual advancement are incompatible proposition.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Where_do_you_find_void%3F_This_void_philosophy_is_another_illusion._There_cannot_be_any_void|Where do you find void? This void philosophy is another illusion. There cannot be any void.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|How one can know that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead?|How do you know that the president is the supreme person in your state? You know this through the government organizations, the constitution papers, and by traditional knowledge. Similarly, to know Who is the Supreme Personality you have to take evidence from the Vedic authorities, great personalities, and the Spiritual Master. Otherwise, what is the use of accepting a Spiritual Master if you can not take His words?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_planet,_Krsna_planet,_Goloka_Vrndavana,_that_is_self-illuminated|That planet, Krsna planet, Goloka Vrndavana, that is self-illuminated.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We shouldn't make any addition or subtraction of mental speculation, but should endeavor, even if we do not fully understand from our present platform, to present simply the philosophy as we have received it directly & realized it by practical experience|You must understand the purport and reproduce it in your own language. That will be very good, but someway or other if in some way you present the purport of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Bhagavad-gita that will be also very good. The idea is that we should not make any addition or subtraction of mental speculation, but we should endeavor, even if we do not fully understand from our present platform, to present simply the philosophy as we have received it directly and realized it by practical experience.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690216BG-LA_Clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_sun_can_penetrate_within_your_room,_cannot_Krsna_penetrate_within_your_heart_and_room_and_every_corner%3F|If sun can penetrate within your room, cannot Krsna penetrate within your heart and room and every corner?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Cow protection means good food and good trade. So I can give you suggestions how to manage everything, but it is up to the GBC to practically execute all these points|In the Indian villages like in Vrindaban, they get enough ghee for their personal use, and sufficient excess to be sold to the merchants, who then also get some money. Cow protection means good food and good trade. So I can give you suggestions how to manage everything, but it is up to the GBC to practically execute all these points.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whole_misconsciousness_has_come_into_existence_due_to_this_body|Whole misconsciousness has come into existence due to this body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You cannot survive without my mercy and I cannot survive without your mercy. It is reciprocal. This mutual dependence is based on love—Krishna Consciousness|You cannot survive without my mercy and I cannot survive without your mercy. It is reciprocal. This mutual dependence is based on love—Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_more_you_can_reduce_your_sleep_and_eating,_you_keep_good_health,_especially_for_spiritual_purposes._But_not_artificially._But_when_you_advance,_naturally_you%27ll_not_feel,_just_like_Raghunatha_dasa_Gosvami|The more you can reduce your sleep and eating, you keep good health, especially for spiritual purposes. But not artificially. But when you advance, naturally you'll not feel, just like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to see that Abhirama is doing well. He is a very intelligent boy. Now he is concentrating on book distribution so there will be no difficulty. This should be our first business. Temple opening is secondary|I have seen that the Temples in your zone are now leaders in Book Distribution in their respective categories. Particularly Miami, Gainesville, and Houston. I am glad to see that Abhirama is doing well. He is a very intelligent boy. Now he is concentrating on book distribution so there will be no difficulty. This should be our first business. Temple opening is secondary.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_fix_up_the_mind_means_to_keep_your_mind_in_Krsna,_then_finished,_all_yoga._You_are_perfect_yogi|To fix up the mind means to keep your mind in Krsna, then finished, all yoga. You are perfect yogi.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to reestablish daiva-varnasrama, where brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, everyone. Systematic. We are therefore proposing to start a college, varnasrama college|This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is trying to reestablish daiva-varṇāśrama, where brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, śūdra, everyone. Systematic. We are therefore proposing to start a college, varṇāśrama college.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Motionless_means,_when_you_are_fixed_up_in_Krsna,_there_is_no_more_material_motion._That_is_motionless._This_material_propensities_will_not_anymore_disturb_you|Motionless means, when you are fixed up in Krsna, there is no more material motion. That is motionless. This material propensities will not anymore disturb you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Dvisatah means there is a class who are always envious of God. As soon as you speak something about God, they become fire: "Oh, what is this God nonsense?"|Dviṣataḥ means there is a class who are always envious of God. As soon as you speak something about God, they become fire: "Oh, what is this God nonsense?" So they are dviṣataḥ. Dviṣataḥ means envious. They cannot even tolerate the name of God. "Don't talk of God." So it is not now individually infection; it is now worldwide.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Enjoyment_alone_is_not_possible._Enjoyment_means_two_-_Krsna_and_you|Enjoyment alone is not possible. Enjoyment means two - Krsna and you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The future of our movement will be very bright, and similarly your future will be very bright also, so there is no need for you to be depressed about any previous misunderstandings|The future of our movement will be very bright, and similarly your future will be very bright also, so there is no need for you to be depressed about any previous misunderstandings. Simply you have to remember to chant Hare Krishna always, tell others to do the same, help in all respects to spread the glories of Krishna Consciousness, and certainly Krishna will help you in your efforts to solve any of the difficulties that may be taking place.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_are_in_Krsna_consciousness,_your_perfection_is_guaranteed|When you are in Krsna consciousness, your perfection is guaranteed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding serving your godbrothers, this is a very good practice. The Spiritual Master is never without His followers, so to serve the Spiritual Master also means to be the servant of His disciples|Regarding serving your godbrothers, this is a very good practice. The Spiritual Master is never without His followers, so to serve the Spiritual Master also means to be the servant of His disciples. When you want to serve the king, you must also serve his minister, secretary, and everyone who serves him. And to serve his servants may please him more than to serve the king personally. So the Spiritual Master is not alone. He is always with His entourage. We are not impersonalists.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_see,_a_sparrow_is_trying_to_dry_up_the_ocean._This_is_called_determination|Just see, a sparrow is trying to dry up the ocean. This is called determination.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We preach exactly as we have heard from our Spiritual Master, but there are changes due to the time, circumstances, and the trainees. The spirit of the disciplic succession may not be changed|It is important that we preach the message of Krishna Consciousness exactly as we have heard it from our Spiritual Master. The same philosophy and spirit must be there exactly. Just like we preach in this country exactly as we have heard from our Spiritual Master, but there are changes due to the time, circumstances, and the trainees. The spirit of the disciplic succession may not be changed, but there may be adjustments made to suit the special circumstances.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690217BG-LA_Clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_commit_mistake,_by_taking_less_food,_that_mistake_is_not_bad|If you commit mistake, by taking less food, that mistake is not bad.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The next question: the body of a pure devotee is all spiritual and He is not different from His body...|The body of a pure devotee is all spiritual and He is not different from His body. That is also a fact. The bodies of all living entities, even though they are not pure devotees, are not actually the bodies of the spirit soul. It is always separate from the spiritual body. The Vedic mantra confirm it by the sound vibration that this spirit soul is always nonattached with the material body. Therefore, we do not see the actual spiritual body of a pure devotee; but what we see, that is matter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_endeavor,_that_%22I_shall_go_and_preach_Krsna_consciousness,%22_is_the_best_service_to_the_Lord|That endeavor, that "I shall go and preach Krsna consciousness," is the best service to the Lord.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By taking shelter of the lotus feet of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these Europeans & Americans, although they are supposed to be born in mleccha, yavana family, they are taking Krsna consciousness so seriously. Otherwise it is very difficult to understand Krsna|If we take shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu, then there is possibility to understand the Kṛṣṇa science. So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is trying to impregnate or push this movement throughout the world through the mercy of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya. And actually it is happening. By taking shelter of the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu, these Europeans and Americans, although they are supposed to be born in mleccha, yavana family, they are taking Kṛṣṇa consciousness so seriously. Otherwise it is very difficult to understand Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_only_method._That_you_chant_loudly_and_hear._Hare_Krsna|This is the only method. That you chant loudly and hear. Hare Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Don't become over intelligent. Just hear from the self-realized soul. If you sincerely, seriously hear from the realized soul, then one day, although nobody can conquer Him, you will be able to conquer Krsna|The purport is, don't become over intelligent. Just hear from the self-realized soul. If you sincerely, seriously hear from the realized soul, then one day, although nobody can conquer Him, you will be able to conquer Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gosvami_is_not_a_hereditary_title._It_is_a_qualification|Gosvami is not a hereditary title. It is a qualification.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna|So as far as possible I am taking care of my health, but Krishna's service must be executed, even at the risk of life. A living entity gets millions of opportunities to get a type of body, but hardly he gets opportunity to serve Krishna. The service of Krishna must be executed at all risks, but do not worry; I am taking care of my health by the help of Gaurasundara.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_many_commentators,_they_deviate_from_Krsna._I_do_not_know_why._That_is_their_nefarious_motive|There are many commentators, they deviate from Krsna. I do not know why. That is their nefarious motive.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question about the husband becoming the Spiritual Master of the wife, anyone who can give instructing in spiritual life is treated as Spiritual Master. There are two kinds of Spiritual Master, initiator and instructor|Regarding your question about the husband becoming the Spiritual Master of the wife, anyone who can give instructing in spiritual life is treated as Spiritual Master. There are two kinds of Spiritual Master, initiator and instructor. So the husband can help the wife as instructor.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_take_sympathy_with_every_living_being,_that_he_is_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna|You should take sympathy with every living being, that he is part and parcel of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Amongst all our duties surely we must not forget to complete our sixteen rounds. We should not be carried away simply by the Krishna duties which is also regarded as good as chanting, but in all circumstances we shall not forget this duty|Amongst all our duties surely we must not forget to complete our sixteen rounds. We should not be carried away simply by the Krishna duties which is also regarded as good as chanting, but in all circumstances we shall not forget this duty.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690218BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_one_sense_the_heat_is_also_fire,_the_illumination_is_also_fire._Similarly_this_material_energy_is_also_Krsna|In one sense the heat is also fire, the illumination is also fire. Similarly this material energy is also Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you work hard, Laksmi will come. Our institution is working so hard, all our devotees; therefore we have no scarcity. We are not babajis, taking a mala & smoking bidi. "I do not go beyond Vrndavana." Rascal, loitering & associating with so many women|If you work hard, Lakṣmī will come. Our institution is working so hard, all our devotees; therefore we have no scarcity. We are not bābājīs, taking a mālā and smoking biḍi. "I do not go beyond Vṛndāvana." Rascal, loitering and associating with so many women, and they have become puffed-up, paramahaṁsas, Rūpa Gosvāmī, imitation Rūpa Gosvāmī.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_love_Krsna,_then_your_universal_love_is_counted._Otherwise_it_is_nonsense|If you love Krsna, then your universal love is counted. Otherwise it is nonsense.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution|I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution and afford greater spreading of Krsna Consciousness than any book distribution thus far. I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta in his home.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Maha-Visnu_is_plenary_portion_of_the_plenary_portion_of_Krsna._Krsna_is_the_original|This Maha-Visnu is plenary portion of the plenary portion of Krsna. Krsna is the original.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Manipur has been an historic place for thousands of years. Arjuna married the daughter of the Manipur king, and his son became the King. You are, therefore, descending from the original Kshatriyas|Manipur has been an historic place for thousands of years. Arjuna married the daughter of the Manipur king, and his son became the King. You are, therefore, descending from the original Kshatriyas. Now you bring the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, revive Manipur's Kshatriyism and save Vaishnavism. For this purpose of preaching in Manipur I can go in any condition of life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_in_Krsna_consciousness,_he%27s_already_on_the_Brahman_platform._That_means_liberated|One who is in Krsna consciousness, he's already on the Brahman platform. That means liberated.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have great respect for Manipur, which was a Kshatriya kingdom long before Arjuna. You can do it, you are educated and a devotee, and we shall all help you. That is wanted|I have great respect for Manipur, which was a Kshatriya kingdom long before Arjuna. You can do it, you are educated and a devotee, and we shall all help you. That is wanted.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_is_the_crucial_test_of_yoga_system_-_if_you_can_concentrate_your_mind_on_the_form_of_Visnu|Here is the crucial test of yoga system - if you can concentrate your mind on the form of Visnu.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is so powerful that He can become smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest. He can keep millions of skies within His Belly and at the same time He can enter within the existence of the smallest atom|Krsna is so powerful that He can become smaller than the smallest & greater than the greatest. He can keep millions of skies within His Belly & at the same time He can enter within the existence of the smallest atom. He can enjoy eternally in Vrindaban with His Associates, at the same time He can present Himself in every nook & corner of His Creation. These are some of the inconceivable potencies of Krsna & as such living entity can never be equal with Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_only_yoga_system,_bhakti-yoga_system,_that_one_can_practice_for_quick_result_and_self-realization_and_liberation_even_in_this_life._He_hasn%27t_got_to_wait_for_another_life._It_is_so_nice,_Krsna_consciousness|This is the only yoga system, bhakti-yoga system, that one can practice for quick result and self-realization and liberation even in this life. He hasn't got to wait for another life. It is so nice, Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When making arati offerings, is it proper to meditate on the different parts of the Lord's Body?|"When making arati offerings, is it proper to meditate on the different parts of the Lord's Body?" The answer is that there is no need to meditate in that way. The Lord is actually there with you, and you are seeing all of His parts of the Body, so there is no need to meditate in that way. In regard to the other questions, food should be offered before arati. In the morning, after arati, you can offer some food and then perform kirtana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690219BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_has_concentrated_his_mind,_someway_or_other_in_Krsna,_he_has_already_attained_the_perfection_of_yoga._This_is_the_substance_of_Krsna_consciousness_movement|One who has concentrated his mind, someway or other in Krsna, he has already attained the perfection of yoga. This is the substance of Krsna consciousness movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The so-called love which goes on in the material world is simply a perverted form of dasya rasa|The so-called love which goes on in the material world is simply a perverted form of dasya rasa. Everything in this world is a perverted form of rasa. Just like Yasoda is loving Krsna as her Son. So this is vatsalya rasa, parental love. When Krsna is separate from Yasoda, she cried for whole life & thus became blind. In this world there is not a single instance where a mother has suffered so much in separation from her son. Therefore, it is perverted reflection of the real love.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690220BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_trying_to_concentrate_his_mind_on_the_imperson,_or_voidness,_it_is_very_difficult_and_troublesome|One who is trying to concentrate his mind on the imperson, or voidness, it is very difficult and troublesome.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I wish that all copies, before finally going to the press, must be thoroughly revised and edited so that there may not be any mistakes especially of spelling and grammar or of the Sanskrit names|I wish that all copies, before finally going to the press, must be thoroughly revised and edited so that there may not be any mistakes especially of spelling and grammar or of the Sanskrit names. So how to finish it, I do not know. So give me your directions about this immediately.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690220BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_accept_any_self-realization_process,_it_is_practically_declaring_war_against_the_illusory_energy,_maya|When we accept any self-realization process, it is practically declaring war against the illusory energy, maya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You must secure one letter from Temple University stating that our Nectar of Devotion is being used as a text. This will be very helpful in introducing our literature in all the big Universities all over the country|Krishna book distribution is our greatest propaganda for spreading Krishna Consciousness. You must secure one letter from Temple University stating that our Nectar of Devotion is being used as a text. This will be very helpful in introducing our literature in all the big Universities all over the country. This is very important, so you may do it immediately.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690220BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_keep_divine_association,_then_your_consciousness_is_made_divine|If you keep divine association, then your consciousness is made divine.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Practice means employing our senses in some particular type of work. Therefore devotional service in practice means utilizing our different sensory organs in service to Krsna|Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī proposes to describe devotional service in practice. Practice means employing our senses in some particular type of work. Therefore devotional service in practice means utilizing our different sensory organs in service to Kṛṣṇa. Some of the senses are meant for acquiring knowledge, and some are meant for executing the conclusions of our thinking, feeling and willing. So practice means employing both the mind and the senses in practical devotional service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690220BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_pure,_and_His_kingdom_is_also_pure,_and_anyone_who_wants_to_enter_there,_he_must_be_pure_also|God is pure, and His kingdom is also pure, and anyone who wants to enter there, he must be pure also.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Fifty-seven years after. (laughs) So the body has not changed? Where is that body? Now I am with stick. (laughter) Then I was jumping. Is not that? I am there; I remember. The body has changed. What is the difficulty to understand?|Fifty-seven years after. (laughs) So the body has not changed? Where is that body? Now I am with stick. (laughter) Then I was jumping. Is not that? I am there; I remember. The body has changed. What is the difficulty to understand? I am the same person. How I am remembering all these things. But I have no... That body is now lost. Tathā dehāntara-prāptiḥ. Why this simple philosophy these rascals cannot understand?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690220BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_simply_follow_these_four_principles,_then_you_become_immediately_uncontaminated|If you simply follow these four principles, then you become immediately uncontaminated.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|She (captain's wife) said, "Swamiji, if you can survive your seventieth year then you'll live for 100 years." Somehow I survived my seventieth year. I don't know whether I'll live 100 years but seventieth year was severe - three heart attacks & paralysis|One girl, that captain's wife, she studied astrology. She was... She said, "Swāmījī, if you can survive your seventieth year, then you'll live for one hundred years." (Hari-śauri laughs) So, somehow or other, I survived my seventieth year. I do not know whether I shall live for hundred years, but seventieth year was severe—three heart attacks and paralysis.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti-yoga_is_the_highest_platform_of_yoga_principles|Bhakti-yoga is the highest platform of yoga principles.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have got proof. Krsna says; we believe in Krsna. You believe in some rascal; we believe in Krsna. That is the difference|We have got proof. Kṛṣṇa says; we believe in Kṛṣṇa. You believe in some rascal; we believe in Kṛṣṇa. That is the difference. Kṛṣṇa says, tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti (BG 4.9). So we believe that. That's all. We have got evidence. You have no evidence. You are simply suggesting in future you'll do. But we have got evidence.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_have_got_any,_I_mean_to_say,_affection_for_the_spiritual_master,_then_you_should_finish_your_business_in_this_life_so_that_he_may_not_come_again_to_reclaim_you|If you have got any, I mean to say, affection for the spiritual master, then you should finish your business in this life so that he may not come again to reclaim you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your husband Sriman Subala das is living with me very peacefully, and he is carving Radha and Krsna, from hard wood. So this life of material existence is just like hard wood and if we can carve Krsna out of it, that is the success of our life|Your husband Sriman Subala das is living with me very peacefully, and he is carving Radha and Krsna, from hard wood. So this life of material existence is just like hard wood and if we can carve Krsna out of it, that is the success of our life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_conditioned_soul_has_natural_inclination._Pravrtti._But_one_has_to_control_that._That_is_human_life._If_you_put_yourself_in_the_waves_of_natural_inclination,_that_is_not_human_life._You_have_to_restrict|Every conditioned soul has natural inclination. Pravrtti. But one has to control that. That is human life. If you put yourself in the waves of natural inclination, that is not human life. You have to restrict.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually in the service of Krishna there is no botheration. Rather we feel more transcendental pleasure. I hope you will more and more appreciate this status as you work combinedly with your very good husband|Actually in the service of Krishna there is no botheration. Rather we feel more transcendental pleasure. I hope you will more and more appreciate this status as you work combinedly with your very good husband.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_absorb_your_mind_with_Krsna_then_it_is_samadhi|If you absorb your mind with Krsna then it is samadhi.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your poetic appreciation about my humble self goes directly to my Spiritual Master because I am His servant only. Although I have no capacity to assimilate all the nice things that you offer me, they are directly dispatched to my Spiritual Master|Your poetic appreciation about my humble self goes directly to my Spiritual Master because I am His servant only. Although I have no capacity to assimilate all the nice things that you offer me, they are directly dispatched to my Spiritual Master who is worthy of accepting all nice things.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip13.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_got_the_tongue_and_you_have_got_the_ear._Chant_Hare_Krsna_and_use_this_instrument_to_hear._Finished._All_perfection_is_there|You have got the tongue and you have got the ear. Chant Hare Krsna and use this instrument to hear. Finished. All perfection is there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By the Grace of Krishna you have a good husband, good association, good land, and good engagements. Similarly, you have got a very good atmosphere in Columbus. So be happy with all these, Krishna's gifts, and be advanced in Krishna Consciousness|I am very glad to see that both you and your husband are a good combination. Everyone should be happy by your unique unity. Your husband is a learned scholar and you are a well qualified devotee wife. Now, by the Grace of Krishna you have a good husband, good association, good land, and good engagements. Similarly, you have got a very good atmosphere in Columbus. So be happy with all these, Krishna's gifts, and be advanced in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip14.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_know_how_God_is_great_then_you_have_to_take_reference_of_this_Vedic_literature._No_other_literature|If you want to know how God is great then you have to take reference of this Vedic literature. No other literature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Scarcity of language which you are now feeling in this connection (presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people) will be fulfilled by Krsna by the process of your eagerness to serve Him|Krsna is giving you good chance for presenting Krsna Consciousness Movement in the circle of educated people. Do it to your best and Krsna will give you more and more strength. Scarcity of language which you are now feeling in this connection will be fulfilled by Krsna by the process of your eagerness to serve Him.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_speak_of_service,_there_is_no_motive._Service_is_love|When we speak of service, there is no motive. Service is love.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is our only prayer that we are always asking the Lord for further opportunities of service. We do not care to ask for anything else, so this is our only prayer. Our life is service to Krishna & how we may serve Him more & more that is our only desire|Yes, it is our only prayer that we are always asking the Lord for further opportunities of service. We do not care to ask for anything else, so this is our only prayer. Our life is service to Krishna and how we may serve Him more and more that is our only desire.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_want_to_revive_our_original_position,_we_must_be_placed_again_into_that_service_attitude._That_is_the_perfect_cure._Otherwise_we_shall_suffer_pain_and_God_will_be_suffering_pain_on_account_of_us|If we want to revive our original position, we must be placed again into that service attitude. That is the perfect cure. Otherwise we shall suffer pain and God will be suffering pain on account of us.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You may adopt this principle, that whatever conditions increases your facility to preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement should be accepted. If we accept this all of these discouragements etc. . . will disappear|You may adopt this principle, that whatever conditions increases your facility to preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement should be accepted. If we accept this all of these discouragements etc. . . will disappear.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_knowing_the_supreme_position_of_the_Lord._Cheaply_they_select_God._God_has_become_so_cheap._%22I_am_God,_you_are_God.%22_What_is_the_meaning_of_God%3F_Do_you_know%3F_If_I_am_God,_you_are_God,_then_what_is_the_meaning_of_God%3F|Without knowing the supreme position of the Lord. Cheaply they select God. God has become so cheap. "I am God, you are God." What is the meaning of God? Do you know? If I am God, you are God, then what is the meaning of God?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When I was grhastha, I was going in so many temples, asking for some prasadam. That's a long history. So there is no question of, if one is financially poor, he should come to the temple. Everyone should come to the temple and ask for prasada|Temple worship does not mean that you, you bring some rice from the neighbors and cook it and eat yourself and sit, sleep down, nice. No. Temple worship means you must distribute prasādam... You should... To the poor. Everyone is poor. Not that the rich man is not poor. Actually I have seen one rich man, he was coming for asking some prasādam. In my, before when I taking, when I was gṛhastha, I was going in so many temples, asking for some prasādam. That's a long history. So there is no question of, if one is financially poor, he should come to the temple. Everyone should come to the temple and ask for prasāda. That is required.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Other_yoga_system_there_must_be_mixture_of_bhakti._But_bhakti-yoga_is_unadulterated_devotion|Other yoga system there must be mixture of bhakti. But bhakti-yoga is unadulterated devotion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|America has the money, so this is co-operation between the blind men and lame men. This will be a good name to your country, that Americans are building such nice buildings. It will make good relations between India and America|America has the money, so this is co-operation between the blind men and lame men. This will be a good name to your country, that Americans are building such nice buildings. It will make good relations between India and America. The next chance I have for meeting with Indira Gandhi I shall inform her about how much foreign exchange we are sending. After receiving your encouraging assurance that as book distribution increases the amount BBT sends will also increase, we are now going to attempt the Kuruksetra project and the Jagannatha Puri project.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Please_engage_me_in_your_service,_that%27s_all._That_should_be_the_demand|Please engage me in your service, that's all. That should be the demand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is good to hold more classes with the bhaktas, but they should all be on the basis of our books. You should not go beyond the jurisdiction of our teaching|It is good to hold more classes with the bhaktas, but they should all be on the basis of our books. You should not go beyond the jurisdiction of our teaching. The idea of theater, based on Bhagavatam topics is also a very good way to introduce the philosophy to the people in general. Go on preaching with vigorous enthusiasm and increase your program for bringing new men to live in Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_giving_them_the_right_information_-_that_service_you_have_to_render._But_instead_of_serving_your_senses,_please_serve_Radha-Krsna,_then_you%27ll_be_happy|I am giving them the right information - that service you have to render. But instead of serving your senses, please serve Radha-Krsna, then you'll be happy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When I think of Radha-Krishna, I think of first the Radha-Govinda Vigraha of Mullicks Thakurabati because from my very childhood I am devoted to the same Deity|When I think of Radha-Krishna, I think of first the Radha-Govinda Vigraha of Mullicks Thakurabati because from my very childhood I am devoted to the same Deity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_in_love,_wants_to_love_Krsna_in_His_original_form|A devotee in love, wants to love Krsna in His original form.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When a Krishna Conscious person is elevated to a responsible position, he never becomes puffed up|When a Krishna Conscious person is elevated to a responsible position, he never becomes puffed up. Just like a tree when overladen with fruits becomes humble and lower down; similarly, a great soul in Krishna Consciousness becomes humbler than the grass and bowed down like the fruitful trees because a Krishna Conscious person acts as the agent of Krishna, therefore he discharges his duty with great responsibility.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690221BG-LA_Clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_you_accept_God_there_is_no_question_of_bhakti-yoga|Unless you accept God there is no question of bhakti-yoga.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|KC Society will never experience any poverty stricken life because the members are so rich being constantly in association with Krishna, while others may feel the pinching scarcity enforced by Maya, KC persons will feel the whole world full of enjoyment|The Krishna Consciousness Society will never experience any poverty stricken life because the members are so rich being constantly in association with Krishna; that while others may feel the pinching scarcity enforced by Maya, Krishna Conscious persons will feel the whole world full of enjoyment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690305LE.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_had_no_desire_to_accept_the_sannyasa_order_and_preach,_but_my_spiritual_master_wanted_it._I_am_not_very_much_inclined,_but_he_forced_me._That_is_also_done._That_is_special_favor|I had no desire to accept the sannyasa order and preach, but my spiritual master wanted it. I am not very much inclined, but he forced me. That is also done. That is special favor.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We do not judge the man by his dress, so we are not concerned with the color of our cloth as much as we are concerned to keep our conduct on the plane of pure spiritual life|We do not judge the man by his dress, so we are not concerned with the color of our cloth as much as we are concerned to keep our conduct on the plane of pure spiritual life. Our Krsna consciousness is practically being accepted by all kinds of persons all over the world and there is no discrimination of types of dress.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690323LE.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you want actually to make progress in our devotional life, the utsahan, enthusiasm, is the first thing. If you are lacking enthusiasm, then you should rest, instead of making too much agitation within the mind|If you are lacking enthusiasm, then you should rest, instead of making too much agitation within the mind. Something has dropped in the water, in the river, you cannot see the things dropped within the water by agitating the water. Just stand still for sometimes. As soon as the water is settled up, you'll see the things as they are. So as soon as our enthusiasm is agitated, it is better to sit down in any temple suitable and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690324SB.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_love_Krsna,_there_is_no_check._There_is_no_check._The_road_is_open._Simply_you_have_to_become_sincere._That%27s_all._Then_Krsna_will_clear_the_way._And_if_there_is_no_sincerity,_then_Krsna%27s_maya_is_there|If you want to love Krsna, there is no check. There is no check. The road is open. Simply you have to become sincere. That's all. Then Krsna will clear the way. And if there is no sincerity, then Krsna's maya is there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far our movement is concerned, actually it is not a so-called religion movement|So far our movement is concerned, actually it is not a so-called religion movement. People throughout the whole world are more or less disgusted with the man-made religious systems. Therefore the government of different states is gradually banning the preaching of religion. People in general also think that this is also another type of so-called religion. So, gradually, they will take steps for banning our propaganda also, unless we present our system very scientifically based on philosophy. Of course, by Krishna's grace, the higher learned section is appreciating our books. That is the only hope for pushing on.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690324SB.HAW_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_like_this,_that_whatever_qualification_you_have_got,_that_is_sufficient._You_begin_with_that_qualification|This Krsna consciousness movement is like this, that whatever qualification you have got, that is sufficient. You begin with that qualification.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our real propaganda is to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, and let the mass of people chant and dance with us|Our real propaganda is to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, and let the mass of people chant and dance with us. If this movie induces people to chant and dance it is O.K. If it aids our cause then it is welcome.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690417LE.NY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_my_personal_experience._In_the_beginning,_when_my_Guru_Maharaja_ordered_me,_I_thought_it_that_%22I_shall_first_of_all_become_very_rich_man;_then_I_shall_preach%22|That is my personal experience. In the beginning, when my Guru Maharaja ordered me, I thought it that "I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Where ever you deliver your lectures to students try to introduce at least our small books. If the students purchase these cheaper, smaller books, they will get a permanent impression of Krishna Consciousness|Where ever you deliver your lectures to students try to introduce at least our small books. If the students purchase these cheaper, smaller books, they will get a permanent impression of Krishna Consciousness. Especially present them Easy Journey to Other Planets, Topmost Yoga, Beyond Birth and Death, Krishna Trilogy, and Nectar of Instruction—these are cheaper and they can purchase them and read them easily.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690429RC.BOS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_worry._Krsna_will_give_you_better_place|Don't worry. Krsna will give you better place.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is a matter of understanding Krishna - that is the real qualification. Whether one is grhastha or sannyasi, how well he knows Krishna|There were many devotees of Lord Caitanya like Advaita Acarya, and even Lord Nityananda who were grhasthas. Lord Caitanya left His grhastha life. It is a matter of understanding Krishna—that is the real qualification. Whether one is grhastha or sannyasi, how well he knows Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690429RC.BOS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_just_give_service_to_Krsna,_impressing_people_that_these_Krsna_conscious_people_are_not_hippies|You just give service to Krsna, impressing people that these Krsna conscious people are not hippies.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you don't accept spiritual master, how you'll get transcen... You'll be taught here and there, here and there, and waste time. Waste time for the teacher and waste your valuable time. Therefore you have to be guided by an expert spiritual master|Dīkṣā means divya-jñānaṁ kṣapayati iti dīkṣā.(?) Which explains the divya-jñāna, transcendental, that is dīkṣā. Di, divya, dīkṣāṇām. Dīkṣā. So divya-jñāna, transcendental knowledge... If you don't accept spiritual master, how you'll get transcen... You'll be taught here and there, here and there, and waste time. Waste time for the teacher and waste your valuable time. Therefore you have to be guided by an expert spiritual master}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690429RC.BOS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_some_hotels,_that_%22Such_and_such_persons_are_not_admitted.%22_No._We_cannot._We_admit_everyone._Our_mission_is_to_elevate_persons_from_down_state_of_life_to_the_highest_state_of_life._So_everyone_is_in_down_state|In some hotels, that "Such and such persons are not admitted." No. We cannot. We admit everyone. Our mission is to elevate persons from down state of life to the highest state of life. So everyone is in down state.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Religion means, according to Vedic sastra, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam(SB 6.3.19): "Religion means the law given by God." It is very simple. But if you do not know what is God, and if you do not know what law He has given, then where is religion?|Religion means, according to Vedic śāstra, dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam (SB 6.3.19):"Religion means the law given by God. "It is very simple. But is you do not know what is God, and if you do not know what law He has given, then where is religion? This is cheating. Just like law means the principle or the regulation given by the state, by the government. That is law. Not that you manufacture some law at your home, as it is going on—yato mata tato patha—you manufacture something, rascal law, and that becomes a religion. That is not religion.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690430LE.BOS_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_wish_to_narrate_one_short_story,_that_one_man,_one_boy,_was_attracted_by_a_beautiful_girl._So_the_girl_does_not_agree,_and_the_boy_is_persistent|I wish to narrate one short story, that one man, one boy, was attracted by a beautiful girl. So the girl does not agree, and the boy is persistent.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You lament that you are not qualified to present Krsna Consciousness properly, but this is the qualification: hold kirtanas with your friends, read passages from my books, distribute prasadam and try to get more people to read the books|You lament that you are not qualified to present Krsna Consciousness properly, but this is the qualification: hold kirtanas with your friends, read passages from my books, distribute prasadam and try to get more people to read the books. That you are already doing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690505LE-BOS_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_Cynic|Alexander and the Cynic.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the material world, three modes of nature which are named ignorance, passion & goodness, are always found mixed together. In other words these modes are never found pure but if there's one mode there's sure to be at least a tinge of another mode also|In the material world, the three modes of nature which are named ignorance, passion and goodness, are always found mixed up together. In other words, these modes are never found pure, but if there is one mode present, there is sure to be at least a tinge of another mode there also. For this reason, we may sometimes see a third class man showing the quality of goodness, and we may see a first class man showing hints of ignorance.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690510rc.col_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_Krsna_will_be_satisfied,_everyone_will_be_satisfied._So_take_to_this_Krsna_consciousness_service_by_hearing,_by_speaking,_by_remembering,_by_giving_actually_service,_by_worshiping,_by_making_friendship,_and_after_all,_everything_for_Krsna|As Krsna will be satisfied, everyone will be satisfied. So take to this Krsna consciousness service by hearing, by speaking, by remembering, by giving actually service, by worshiping, by making friendship, and after all, everything for Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In our temple, strictly Hare Krishna chanting should be given more importance. This is no harm in this mantra you have heard, but it is not very important. There are many such common songs composed by common devotees out of sentiment|In our temple, strictly Hare Krishna chanting should be given more importance. This is no harm in this mantra you have heard, but it is not very important. There are many such common songs composed by common devotees out of sentiment. But our principle is to stick to the authorities, and always remember that Hare Krishna is the prime authorized mantra.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690510rc.col_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Take_to_this_Krsna_consciousness_service_by_hearing,_by_speaking,_by_remembering,_by_giving_actually_service,_by_worshiping,_by_making_friendship,_and_after_all,_everything_for_Krsna._That_is_perfection|Take to this Krsna consciousness service by hearing, by speaking, by remembering, by giving actually service, by worshiping, by making friendship, and after all, everything for Krsna. That is perfection.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By offering our foodstuffs to Krsna with love & devotion, Krsna says he will accept & it becomes spiritually purified because he is the supreme pure. So love & devotion to Krsna is the purifying agent & nullifies all bad effects of this age of Kali yuga|By offering our foodstuffs to Krsna with love & devotion, Krsna says he'll accept & it becomes spiritually purified because he's the supreme pure. So love & devotion to Krsna is the purifying agent & nullifies all the bad effects of this age of Kali yuga. Simply let as offer to Krsna with love & devotion & chant the Hare Krishna Mantra: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare & our very existence will become purified.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690510RC.COL_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_was_my_qualification,_whatever_you_may_say._I_was_simply_asking,_%22When_Guru_Maharaja_will_speak%3F_When%3F%22_%26_I_will_sit_down_%26_go_on_hearing,_%26_I_will_understand_or_not_understand-others_will_disperse-I_will_not_disperse._That_he_marked|That was my qualification, whatever you may say. I was simply asking, "When Guru Maharaja will speak? When?" & I will sit down & go on hearing, & I will understand or not understand-others will disperse-I will not disperse. That he marked.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Caitanya Mahaprabhu - who can be more advanced than Caitanya Mahaprabhu? - He was daily joining in kirtana. Four hours daily at Jagannatha Puri temple. It was a regular program. Not only that: He organized four parties, sixteen men in each party|Caitanya Mahāprabhu—who can be more advanced than Caitanya Mahāprabhu?—He was daily joining in kīrtana. Four hours daily at Jagannātha Purī temple. It was a regular program. Not only that: He organized four parties, four parties, sixteen men in each party. So the four parties in four directions, they'll perform kīrtana, and in every party Caitanya Mahāprabhu seemed to be, He's present in every party. That was another opulence of Caitanya Mahāprabhu.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690511rc.col_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_my_life_I_experience,_when_I_was_very_little_child_six_or_seven_years_old,_I_was_very_much_fond_of_Krsna._And_I_got_the_opportunity_of_this_two_things._Although_my_father_was_not_very_rich,_but_he_was_pure_Vaisnava|From my life I experience, when I was very little child six or seven years old, I was very much fond of Krsna. And I got the opportunity of this two things. Although my father was not very rich, but he was pure Vaisnava.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna| You are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna. This will keep you purified and help you to advance more and more in spiritual life. So try as much as possible to associate with our devotees and to bring up your baby firmly in Krsna Consciousness. This will be the success of your life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690511rc.col_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Next_book_is_coming,_Nectar_of_Devotion|Next book is coming, Nectar of Devotion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The general policy is that for brahminical initiation the candidate is recommended first by the temple president or GBC man, then it is considered. So please continue your book distributing very enthusiastically. This shall please me very much|The general policy is that for brahminical initiation the candidate is recommended first by the temple president or GBC man, then it is considered. So please continue your book distributing very enthusiastically. This shall please me very much. And please try and work cooperatively with the other devotees for pushing on this great movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690511rc.col_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_vibrate_sound_Krsna,_then_I_am_immediately_in_contact_with_Krsna,_and_if_Krsna_is_whole_spirit,_then_immediately_I_become_spiritualized|If we vibrate sound Krsna, then I am immediately in contact with Krsna, and if Krsna is whole spirit, then immediately I become spiritualized.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire|Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690511rc.col_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_changing_my_body_daily_every_moment._Your_childhood_body_and_this_body_is_not_the_same._You_have_changed_your_body,_but_that_does_not_mean_you_have,_you_are_different_person|I am changing my body daily every moment. Your childhood body and this body is not the same. You have changed your body, but that does not mean you have, you are different person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My Guru Maharaja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all|Now, I'll say from my practical life...It is not pride. Actually everyone knows that my Guru Mahārāja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690512LE.COL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_begging_you,_%22Don%27t_spoil_your_life._Please_take_this_mantra._Chant_wherever_you_like.%22_It_has_no_hard_and_fast_rules_you_have_to_follow|We are begging you, "Don't spoil your life. Please take this mantra. Chant wherever you like." It has no hard and fast rules you have to follow.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so glad to understand that you have decided to dedicate your life for Krishna Consciousness Movement, this is the right way of perfecting our mission of human life|I am so glad to understand that you have decided to dedicate your life for Krishna Consciousness Movement, this is the right way of perfecting our mission of human life. Many men have dedicated their lives for many engagements in the name of philanthrophy, altruism, nationalism, humanitarianism and so on, but all of them will be finished along with the end of life of this body. Our dedication of life or Krishna-ism, on the other hand, will continue eternally and give us eternal life, bliss and knowledge.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690512LE.COL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_love_God_without_any_cause._Just_like_we_go_to_temple,_church,_with_a_motive._We_go_there:_%22O_God,_give_us_our_daily_bread._I_have_come_to_You_for_my_bread.%22_That_is_not_love_of_God._That_is_love_of_bread|We should love God without any cause. Just like we go to temple, church, with a motive. We go there: "O God, give us our daily bread. I have come to You for my bread." That is not love of God. That is love of bread.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that "externally we may behave like ordinary men but internally we remain fixed in the service of Radha-Krishna."|Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that "externally we may behave like ordinary men but internally we remain fixed in the service of Radha-Krishna." The mayavadi cannot accept this fact and they take Devotional service to be maya; therefore we call them mayavadi. You should never, however, accept the mayavadi philosophy, at any time.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690513RC.COL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_Thakura_voluntarily_made_himself_blind|Bilvamangala Thakura voluntarily made himself blind.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The karmis think that the resources of the world, that is given by nature for our enjoyment. This is the modern theory of economic development. Everyone is thinking like that, that by nature we have got the gold mine, so we shall take it & use it & enjoy|Everything belongs to Kṛṣṇa. This is unknown to the nondevotees. The karmīs also do not know. The karmīs think that the resources of the world, that is given by nature for our enjoyment. This is the modern theory of economic development. Everyone is thinking like that, that by nature we have got the gold mine, so we shall take it and use it and enjoy. This is karmī's view.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690513RC.COL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_and_the_prostitute_Cintamani|Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The spiritual master is also present in his picture, though more importantly he is present in his teachings|Yes, the spiritual master is also present in his picture, though more importantly he is present in his teachings. I think this is explained in one letter that has already been distributed. If you have further questions try to get them resolved by your GBC man, Karandhar, because now I wish to spend all of my time for translating my books like Srimad-Bhagavatam, so I may give them to you. Thank you very much for assisting me in this way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690514rc.col_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Ass is called mudha. Mudha, he works very hard, a big load of washerman's cloth is laden on his back, and he works, and the washerman gives little grass. He thinks, "He is giving me grass; therefore I must bear this load"|This is a civilization of animal education—whole day working like ass. Ass is called mūḍhā. Mūḍhā, he works very hard, a big load of washerman's cloth is laden on his back, and he works, and the washerman gives little grass. He thinks, "He is giving me grass; therefore I must bear this load." He is such a fool that he does not know the grass is available anywhere, free of charges, but he thinks that "This washerman is giving me grass," therefore he must have this load.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690519LE.COL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_be_disappointed,_don%27t_be_confused._Your_life_has_value._You,_in_this_life,_you_can_realize_your_eternal_life,_eternal_blissful_life_of_knowledge|Don't be disappointed, don't be confused. Your life has value. You, in this life, you can realize your eternal life, eternal blissful life of knowledge.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you stick to Krsna and hear from Him, you haven't got to hear from any rascal, any rascal. Then you will waste time. Don't hear from any rascal. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is - as it is, without any change| Acyutānanda Swami went to sell some books in their camp. So his disciple requested him, "Why don't you ask some question from Swāmījī?" So he said, "What I have to ask from him?" He was so convinced that "What this rascal can say to me? I know. I have heard from Kṛṣṇa." This is knowledge. So if you stick to Kṛṣṇa and hear from Him, you haven't got to hear from any rascal, any rascal. Then you will waste time. Don't hear from any rascal. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gītā As It Is—as it is, without any change.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690524SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_spiritual_master_took_this_risk,_preaching_work,_and_he_inspired_us_also_to_do_that_preaching_work._And_we_are_also_imploring_you_to_take_this_preaching_work|My spiritual master took this risk, preaching work, and he inspired us also to do that preaching work. And we are also imploring you to take this preaching work.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Srimad-Bhagavatam says if there is a real presentation of spiritual understanding, then even if it is presented in broken language, it is accepted by high, saintly persons, because it glorifies the Supreme Person|The Srimad-Bhagavatam says if there is a real presentation of spiritual understanding, then even if it is presented i broken language, it is accepted by high, saintly persons, because it glorifies the Supreme Person. On the other hand, if literature is highly metaphorically composed, if it does not glorify the Lord, it is compared to a place inhabited by the crows.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690606SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_literature_presented_to_the_people,_to_the_public_for_reading,_which_are_even_grammatically_incorrect,_but_because_there_is_glorification_of_the_Lord,_it_can_produce_revolution._It_can_purify_the_whole_human_society|A literature presented to the people, to the public for reading, which are even grammatically incorrect, but because there is glorification of the Lord, it can produce revolution. It can purify the whole human society.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Although they (material scientists) spend billions of dollars of the public's money for ventures like going to the moon and collecting dust there, they cannot solve the basic miserable conditions of birth, death, old age and disease|Krsna Consciousness is based on perfect information received from Krsna in Vedic literatures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. Our method is not the so-called research conducted by imperfect beings by their imperfect senses and mental speculation. It is difficult to understand why this inductive process is being credited as the highest form of knowledge, since the material scientists who follow this method are not able to do anything towards solving the basic problems of humanity. Although they spend billions of dollars of the public's money for ventures like going to the moon and collecting dust there, they cannot solve the basic miserable conditions of birth, death, old age and disease.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690606SB.NV_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_make_it_a_stool_society._You_see%3F_Make_it_a_honey_society._At_least,_give_chance,_those_who_are_seeking_after_honey._Don%27t_cheat_people._So_they%27ll_come|Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This Back to Godhead will always remain the backbone of the society because more the magazine is popular the more society becomes popular|This Back to Godhead will always remain the backbone of the society because more the magazine is popular the more society becomes popular. So your ambition should always be how to improve the quality of the paper so that it may be read by all respectable persons.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690610SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_world_is_infected_with_the_maya%27s_influence,_and_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_Hare_Krsna_mantra,_is_disinfectant._It_is_sure|The whole world is infected with the maya's influence, and this Krsna consciousness movement, Hare Krsna mantra, is disinfectant. It is sure.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My Guru Maharaja indicated that the mrdanga and the press are the mediums of our missionary propaganda activities|My Guru Maharaja indicated that the mrdanga and the press are the mediums of our missionary propaganda activities, and we shall follow His path in the same way. We must have large quantities of mrdangas for vibrating in different parts of the world and we must distribute our literature also}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690610SB.NV_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_begun_chanting._Maybe_there_are_offenses,_but_if_I_continue,_Krsna_will_be_pleased_to_place_me_on_the_transcendental_platform_when_I_shall_relish_what_is_this_chanting_Hare_Krsna|I have begun chanting. Maybe there are offenses, but if I continue, Krsna will be pleased to place me on the transcendental platform when I shall relish what is this chanting Hare Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Those who are pure devotees do not aspire for any concession, and out of spontaneous love try to engage themselves in devotional service 24 hours each day, 365 days every year, without any stoppage|There is a good example that sometimes a store gives special concession to attract new customers. But for those who are already customers there is no need of a special sale. They will purchase at any cost if they know the import and value of the goods. Similarly, those who are pure devotees do not aspire for any concession, and out of spontaneous love try to engage themselves in devotional service 24 hours each day, 365 days every year, without any stoppage}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690611SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_literature,_how_can_we_enlighten_the_people_at_large%3F_My_Guru_Maharaja_used_to_say_that_this_press_is_brhad-mrdanga|Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at large? My Guru Maharaja used to say that this press is brhad-mrdanga.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna means His name, His qualities, His fame, His friends, His paraphernalia, His entourage - everything. Just like when we speak of a king, it is to be understood that he is surrounded by ministers, secretaries, military commanders and many people|When we speak of Krishna, Krishna is not alone. Krishna means His name, His qualities, His fame, His friends, His paraphernalia, His entourage—everything included. Just like when we speak of a king, it is to be understood that he is surrounded by ministers, secretaries, military commanders and many other people}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690613SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Citta_means...|Citta means...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we deviate from the strict following of the regulative principles Maya is always ready to inject doubts to shake our faith in Krishna|If we deviate from the strict following of the regulative principles Maya is always ready to inject doubts to shake our faith in Krishna. So I am glad that you have recovered and I was praying for Krishna to save you}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690622SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_and_the_prostitute_Cintamani|Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As soon as a disciple takes initiation, he immediately is supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. In that light, all devotees who are taking initiation must make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. That is the system|As soon as a disciple takes initiation, he immediately is supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. In that light, all devotees who are taking initiation must make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. That is the system}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690712SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_an_%22ism%22_just_to_make_some_temporary_appeasement._It_is_the_ultimate_solution_of_all_the_problems_of_life,_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement._And_this_chanting_is_pavement_of_the_heart,_where_you%27ll_receive_this_message|It is not an "ism" just to make some temporary appeasement. It is the ultimate solution of all the problems of life, this Krsna consciousness movement. And this chanting is pavement of the heart, where you'll receive this message.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Culture and business means you may do whatever business you are doing, according to your division, or according to your capacity. But if you want perfection in your business, then you must try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is culture|Culture and business means you may do whatever business you are doing, according to your division, or according to your capacity or according to your qualification. You may be a, a merchant, you may be a professional man, you may be legal adviser, medical man. Whatever you may, it doesn't matter. But if you want perfection in your business, then you must try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is culture. Otherwise you are simply wasting your time.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690716IN-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_have_got_always_within_your_heart_Krsna,_by_sound_or_by_mental_thoughts,_by_work,_some_way_or_other,_by_reading_books,_any_way,_if_simply_you_keep_your_consciousness_in_Krsna,_then_your_life_is_successful._That%27s_all|If you have got always within your heart Krsna, by sound or by mental thoughts, by work, some way or other, by reading books, any way, if simply you keep your consciousness in Krsna, then your life is successful. That's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Instruction is read one or two books thoroughly, but don't show yourself a scholar and simply note down, "I have read this." That's all. This is foolishness|Instruction is: read one or two books thoroughly, but don't show yourself a scholar and simply note down, "I have read this." That's all. This is foolishness. This we don't want, that you give one friend, he'll never read one line, and collect book and carry like an ass lots of books. We don't want this. Read it. Whatever book you have got, read it thoroughly.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690905VP.HAM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_also_obliged_to_them_%28my_students%29_because_they_are_helping_me_in_this_missionary_work._At_the_same_time,_I_shall_request_them_all_to_become_spiritual_master._Every_one_of_you_should_be_spiritual_master_next|I am also obliged to them (my students) because they are helping me in this missionary work. At the same time, I shall request them all to become spiritual master. Every one of you should be spiritual master next.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I had been feeling lonely although I had the mission of starting this Krishna Consciousness movement. So Krishna sent you to me, and therefore our meeting was also the desire of Krishna|I had been feeling lonely although I had the mission of starting this Krishna Consciousness movement. So Krishna sent you to me, and therefore our meeting was also the desire of Krishna. Therefore, both of us, or for that matter, all of the boys and girls who are working with me, have met by the desire of Krishna. As such, everyone should always feel the responsibility that Krishna wants us to do something for Him, and we must invest all of our energies to fulfill this mission of Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690908BG.HAM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_for_fifty_years_one_chants_simply_Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Krsna,_he_is_sure_to_become_perfect._There_is_no_doubt_about_it|If for fifty years one chants simply Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, he is sure to become perfect. There is no doubt about it.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question about the individual soul becoming all-pervasive...|Regarding your question about the individual soul becoming all-pervasive, the idea is completely nonsensical rascaldom. Such theory is simply a bluff. Artificially, by means of practical psychology, one can understand very little of another's thinking and feeling. But this is in no way all-pervasive. If any yogi says like that, especially the modern so-called yogis, it is simply falsehood.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690908BG.HAM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_coming_to_the_touch_of_Krsna_consciousness_and_initiated_to_execute,_they_should_be_very_determined_that_%22In_this_life_we_shall_make_a_solution._No_more._No_more_coming_again.%22_That_should_be_our_determination|Those who are coming to the touch of Krsna consciousness and initiated to execute, they should be very determined that "In this life we shall make a solution. No more. No more coming again." That should be our determination.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|They (the Six Gosvamis) were very, very expert in studying sastra very scrutinizingly. Why they studied so much? Because they wanted to establish sad-dharma, real type of religion, bhakti. They are quoting, therefore, from so many, nana-sastra|They (the Six Gosvamis) were very, very expert in studying śāstra very scrutinizingly. Nānā-śāstra-vicāraṇaika-nipuṇau sad-dharma-saṁsthāpakau. Why they studied so much? Because they wanted to establish sad-dharma, real type of religion, bhakti. They are quoting, therefore, from so many, nānā-śāstra. Nānā-śāstra-vicāraṇaika-nipuṇau sad-dharma-saṁsthāpakau lokānāṁ hita-kāriṇau. That is welfare activity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690911AR.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_nonsense_can_come_to_me,_and_I_shall_prove_that_there_is_God;_that_is_my_Krsna_consciousness_movement|Any nonsense can come to me, and I shall prove that there is God; that is my Krsna consciousness movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will find out the means for applying this Krsna Consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality|If you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will find out the means for applying this Krsna Consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality. The main point is that Krsna is the center of all activities, whatever is going on. Whatever the activity may be, if Krsna is the center, that is all right. The details simply require a little common sense.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690914LE-LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_should_not_be_angry._But_that_does_not_mean_that_he_has_lost_his_capacity_of_anger._No._Everything_is_there|A devotee should not be angry. But that does not mean that he has lost his capacity of anger. No. Everything is there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is tendency for dancing, for chanting, for singing. They are holding ball dances, and musical instrument. The same thing we are propagating: chant and dance Hare Krsna mantra. This is satisfaction|There is tendency of for dancing, for chanting, for singing. They are holding ball dances, and musical instrument. The same thing we are propagating: chant and dance Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra. This is satisfaction. Our movement is not dry. We are simply asking people, "Chant, dance, eat nice foodstuff, take prasādam and go home." Everyone goes to the hotel, everyone goes to the nightclub, eats sumptuously and dances and with musical instruments enjoys—the same thing—but in connection with Kṛṣṇa: you take prasādam, you chant, you dance and enjoy life, but in connection with Kṛṣṇa, then it is successful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700428IP.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_birth,_then_growth,_then_to_stay,_then_to_produce_by-product,_then_dwindling,_then_vanish._This_is_the_law_of_material_nature|First birth, then growth, then to stay, then to produce by-product, then dwindling, then vanish. This is the law of material nature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I know that you are practical. Instead of talking 100 times and doing nothing. That I want|Regarding your meeting with Satsvarupa Maharaja and your 3-fold attack plan for preaching on the campuses, it is a very good idea. Do it. I know that you are practical. Instead of talking 100 times and doing nothing. That I want. This is a very good plan. You can call Revatinandana Svami also to join you. He is a good preacher also. If you think in terms of Krishna's instructions, then Krishna will give the intelligence how to execute.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700428IP.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_get_this_human_form_of_life,_there_is_responsibility._You_have_to_chalk_out._Here_is_a_chance_you_can_become_Krsna_conscious_and_make_your_life_solve_all_problems._If_not,_then_again_go_to_the_cycle_of_birth_and_death_again,_8,400,000|When you get this human form of life, there is responsibility. You have to chalk out. Here is a chance you can become Krsna conscious and make your life solve all problems. If not, then again go to the cycle of birth and death again, 8,400,000.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The spiritual master is always instructing his disciples and they in turn are always trying to serve their spiritual master. It is a reciprocal relationship of love|Unless there is loving feeling, how is it possible for you to always make offerings to me? The spiritual master is always instructing his disciples and they in turn are always trying to serve their spiritual master. It is a reciprocal relationship of love.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700428IP.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Before_that_moment_%28death%29_comes,_one_should_be_very_dexterous_to_realize_Krsna_conscious|Before that moment (death) comes, one should be very dexterous to realize Krsna conscious.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are seeking pleasure within this material world. That is imitation. That is not real enjoyment. But the basic principle of enjoyment is there. Here there is imitation enjoyment - love between young boy, young girl is there. So wherefrom it comes?|We are seeking pleasure within this material world. That is imitation. That is not real enjoyment. But the basic principle of enjoyment is there. Here there is imitation enjoyment—love between young boy, young girl. So wherefrom it comes? It is there in Kṛṣṇa. Otherwise how it can come? It is not possible. Janmādy asya yataḥ (SB 1.1.1). This loving exchange between young boy, young girl is there. Kṛṣṇa is also enjoying there. The gopīs, the young girls, Kṛṣṇa is young...}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700502IP.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_we_are_seeing,_animate_or_inanimate,_there_is_control_of_the_Supreme_Lord|Whatever we are seeing, animate or inanimate, there is control of the Supreme Lord.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You must give up the association of bad elements. And who is bad element? One bad element is one who is too much attached to women, and the other bad element is who is not devotee of God. Give up their association. Then you will be steady|You must give up the association of bad elements. And who is bad element? Asat eka strī-saṅgī kṛṣṇa abhakta: One bad element is one who is too much attached to women, and the other bad element is who is not devotee of God. Give up their association. Then you will be steady. Mahat-sevāṁ dvāram āhur vimukteḥ. If you actually associate with mahātmās, so that will open your door of liberation.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700502IP.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Two_energies_are_working_in_this_material_world:_the_spiritual_energy_and_the_material_energy|Two energies are working in this material world: the spiritual energy and the material energy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please work in cooperation with the GBCs and other leading devotees in India, and never mind if your efforts take some time before they produce solid results. The main thing is enthusiasm and determination|Please work in cooperation with the GBCs and other leading devotees in India, and never mind if your efforts take some time before they produce solid results. The main thing is enthusiasm and determination. If you are actually sincere Krsna will reward all your desires to render Him pure devotional service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700502IP.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_godless_men,_those_who_are_of_opinions_that_this_material_energy_is_working_automatically,_they_are_fools._That_is_the_explanation_of_Isopanisad._Everything_is_being_controlled_by_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead|The godless men, those who are of opinions that this material energy is working automatically, they are fools. That is the explanation of Isopanisad. Everything is being controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Ramananda Raya, he was also a sudra, and he was a householder and a politician, governor, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu took instruction from him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave him the preference of being a teacher. Ramananda Raya was hesitating|Rāmānanda Rāya, he was also a śūdra, and he was a householder and a politician, governor, but Caitanya Mahāprabhu took instruction from him. Caitanya Mahāprabhu gave him the preference of being a teacher. He was hesitating. Rāmānanda Rāya was hesitating, "Oh, Sir, You are sannyāsī, in the highest stage of āśrama, and You, in Your previous life You belonged to the brāhmaṇa sect. So You belong to the highest class, and I am a śūdra, I am householder, and I am a politician. So how lower I am in comparison to You?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700503IP.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Buddha_propagated,_%22Yes,_there_is_no_God._But_what_I_say,_you_follow.%22_%22Yes,_sir.%22_But_he_is_God._This_is_cheating._Yes._They_do_not_believe_in_God,_but_they_believe_in_Buddha,_and_Buddha_is_God|Lord Buddha propagated, "Yes, there is no God. But what I say, you follow." "Yes, sir." But he is God. This is cheating. Yes. They do not believe in God, but they believe in Buddha, and Buddha is God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The analogy concerning the spiritual body of the Sat-Guru is acceptable, but not in the material sense. In the material world, the gold box and the gold plated box may be different in price, but in spiritual world there is no such distinction|The analogy concerning the spiritual body of the Sat-Guru is acceptable, but not in the material sense. In the material world, the gold box and the gold plated box may be different in price, but in spiritual world there is no such distinction. There the gold box and the gold plated box are the same. In material world there is difference between a sweeper and a cooker; in the spiritual world a person who sweeps the Temple and a person who worships in the Temple are all the same. That is absolute knowledge.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700503IP.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Buddha,_he_cheated_the_demons._Why_he_cheated%3F_Sadaya-hrdaya_darsita-pasu-ghatam._He_was_very_compassionate._God_is_always_sympathetic_to_all_living_entities_because_everyone_is_His_son|Lord Buddha, he cheated the demons. Why he cheated? Sadaya-hrdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam. He was very compassionate. God is always sympathetic to all living entities because everyone is His son.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should practice developing your good painting skills very thoroughly, and if you are ready, I can send to you many Bhagavatam pictures to do|You should place these deities on sale in Gargamuni's store for selling. In this way, you will make some money for doing your painting work. You should practice developing your good painting skills very thoroughly, and if you are ready, I can send to you many Bhagavatam pictures to do. Jadurani is now sick for some time, and I have asked her to cease all of her activities.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700506IP.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna,_although_He_is_always_in_Goloka_Vrndavana,_He_has_nothing_to_do._He_is_simply_enjoying_in_the_company_of_His_associates,_the_gopis_and_the_cowherds_boy,_His_mother,_His_father._Free,_completely_free|Krsna, although He is always in Goloka Vrndavana, He has nothing to do. He is simply enjoying in the company of His associates, the gopis and the cowherds boy, His mother, His father. Free, completely free.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sankirtana is imported from Goloka Vrindaban it is not material musical rock and roll|Sankirtana is imported from Goloka Vrindaban it is not material musical rock and roll. It is actually imported from Goloka. Narottama sings, Everyone is burning in the materialistic way of life. That burning can be extinguished only be employing Hare Krsna maha-mantra. It is a fact that the western countries are in blazing fire of material enjoyment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700506IP.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Under_the_spell_of_maya_we_are_thinking_that_this_kicking_of_maya,_this_slapping_of_maya,_this_thrashing_of_maya_is_very_nice._You_see%3F_This_is_called_maya._And_as_soon_as_you_get_into_Krsna_consciousness,_then_Krsna_takes_care_of_you|Under the spell of maya we are thinking that this kicking of maya, this slapping of maya, this thrashing of maya is very nice. You see? This is called maya. And as soon as you get into Krsna consciousness, then Krsna takes care of you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you go (to Mayapur), then I shall arrange to give you a very nice room completely for your use and you can peacefully engage in your painting work and read Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as join in with the devotees for regular kirtana, arati, and prasadam|I beg to advise you to come to India and live in Mayapur comfortably in association of devotees. If you go, then I shall arrange to give you a very nice room completely for your use and you can peacefully engage in your painting work and read Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as join in with the devotees for regular kirtana, arati, and prasadam.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700514IP.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Culture_of_knowledge_means_spiritual_knowledge._That_is_real_knowledge._And_advancement_of_knowledge_for_comforts_or_to_protect_this_material_body,_that_is_the_culture_of_nescience|Culture of knowledge means spiritual knowledge. That is real knowledge. And advancement of knowledge for comforts or to protect this material body, that is the culture of nescience.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The disciple is always thinking how he or she can better serve the spiritual master, and the spiritual master is always thinking how to help his disciple to surrender to Krishna|I thank you for your kind donation and for your willing service attitude. The disciple is always thinking how he or she can better serve the spiritual master, and the spiritual master is always thinking how to help his disciple to surrender to Krishna.Please continue the process of Krishna Consciousness with full enthusiasm and patience and there is no doubt Krishna will surely accept you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700514IP.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_there_are_dissimilarities%3F_One_man_is_born_millionaires;_another_man_is_born,_he_cannot_even_have_full_meals_twice_a_day,_although_he%27s_struggling_very_hard._Why_this_discrimination|Why there are dissimilarities? One man is born millionaires; another man is born, he cannot even have full meals twice a day, although he's struggling very hard. Why this discrimination.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our movement is an epidemic. It will devour the whole of Europe and America|Our movement is an epidemic. It will devour the whole of Europe and America. As for the newspapers giving bad reports, they simply take some opportunity for selling their newspaper; it has no lasting value. These countries are faced with difficulty but it is nature's law. They will be without food, water and they will be heavily taxed. There will be revolution. How long can they keep the people terrorized? It will burst. I can't imagine how people are living in such a rotten state. There is nothing like pleasure; all is morose.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700518IP.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_it_is_said_that_the_supreme_predominating_Deity_is_Krsna,_in_the_spiritual,_in_the_topmost_planet_in_the_spiritual_sky._This_is_material_sky._In_the_material_sky_this_is_one_of_the_universes._There_are_millions_and_trillions_of_universes|Here it is said that the supreme predominating Deity is Krsna, in the spiritual, in the topmost planet in the spiritual sky. This is material sky. In the material sky this is one of the universes. There are millions and trillions of universes.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The tendency you report of the householders living at the expense of others in our Society, is not good. One way to earn money is by selling books, they can be given a salary or commission|The tendency you report of the householders living at the expense of others in our Society, is not good. One way to earn money is by selling books, they can be given a salary or commission. But if you say that they do not want to do that, yes, they should do some honest work. As an overall problem, this can be discussed by the entire GBC at Mayapur.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/700704LE.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_was_the_request_of_Radharani_to_Krsna,_%22There_in_Vrndavana_You_were_a_cowherd_boy,_and_We_used_to_meet_in_the_jungles,_in_the_bushes._So_I_want_to_take_You_there._Then_I_will_be_happy%22|It was the request of Radharani to Krsna, "There in Vrndavana You were a cowherd boy, and We used to meet in the jungles, in the bushes. So I want to take You there. Then I will be happy".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are a sanskrit student so you can appreciate the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in all its scholarly aspects. Dr. Radhakrishnan, however is only speculation, and does not actually understand|You are a sanskrit student so you can appreciate the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in all its scholarly aspects. Dr. Radhakrishnan, however is only speculation, and does not actually understand. Like so many others, he didn't know what the Gita is, and he has misused it for his own purpose.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/701219SB-SUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_lower_than_you._I_am_the_lowest_of_the_all_creatures._I_am_simply_trying_to_execute_the_order_of_my_spiritual_master._That%27s_all._That_should_be_the_business_of_everyone._Try_best._Try_your_best_to_execute_the_higher_order|I am lower than you. I am the lowest of the all creatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of my spiritual master. That's all. That should be the business of everyone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna Consciousness is not a faith, such as the Hindu or Christian faith, but it is a science. When Krsna says Dehino smi yatha dehe…, the principle is that the soul is different from the body|Krsna Consciousness is not a faith, such as the Hindu or Christian faith, but it is a science. When Krsna says Dehino smi yatha dehe…, the principle is that the soul is different from the body. On account of the presence of the soul we are getting different bodies. You cannot say it is Hindu. The Hindu religion may be more advanced, but Krsna Consciousness is a science. Others have only a vague idea. Krsna never said He was preaching as a Hindu or for the Hindus.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215BA.GOR.pm_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_in_our_house,_my_father_used_to_receive_so_many_sannyasis,_but_some_of_them_were_not_very_to_the_standard,_and_due_to_my_association_with_college_friends,_younger_days,_I_lost_my_faith_practically,_although_I_was_born_in_a_Vaisnava_family|Because in our house, my father used to receive so many sannyasis, but some of them were not very to the standard, and due to my association with college friends, younger days, I lost my faith practically, although I was born in a Vaisnava family.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to hear you are enlivened at becoming editor of Back to Godhead magazine. This magazine must be edited very carefully|I am glad to hear you are enlivened at becoming editor of Back to Godhead magazine. This magazine must be edited very carefully. Nothing irresponsible should be printed, because in the future the articles in Back to Godhead will be taken as Vedic evidence.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215BA.GOR.pm_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_maintaining_myself_by_selling_these_books_for_one_year._There_was_no_friend,_and_I_was_living_in_apartment_with_great_difficulty._Still,_the_whole,_I_mean_to_say,_stock,_and_my_typewriter,_my_tape_recorder_-_everything_was_stolen|I was maintaining myself by selling these books for one year. There was no friend, and I was living in apartment with great difficulty. Still, the whole, I mean to say, stock, and my typewriter, my tape recorder - everything was stolen.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Amongst the impersonalist school, there are many great logicians and high class scholars. But according to Vedic principles, God realization does not depend on material intelligence or scholarship|So amongst the impersonalist school, there are many great logicians and high class scholars. But according to Vedic principles, God realization does not depend on material intelligence or scholarship. It is stated in the Vedas, nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyaḥ: "You cannot realize the self simply by arguments or very scholarly speeches." No. Nāyam ātmā pravacanena labhyo na bahunā śrutena: "Neither by studying many, many different types of Vedic literatures."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215BA.GOR.pm_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement,_for_the_first_time,_India_is_giving_something_to_them._It_is_not_a_begging_propaganda;_it_is_giving_propaganda._Because_they_are_hankering_after_this_substance,_Krsna_consciousness._They_have_enjoyed_enough_of_this_material_consciousness|This movement, for the first time, India is giving something to them. It is not a begging propaganda; it is giving propaganda. Because they are hankering after this substance, Krsna consciousness. They have enjoyed enough of this material consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This world is very awful. Anyone is ready to create some disturbance, especially they are very much apt to disturb Krishna Consciousness persons because that is the way of demoniac life|This world is very awful. Anyone is ready to create some disturbance, especially they are very much apt to disturb Krishna Consciousness persons because that is the way of demoniac life. So, in order to protect us from all dangerous elements, we have to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra regularly being humbler than the straw and more tolerant than the tree. Then Krishna, Who is Dindayal, will bestow His Mercy upon us.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215SB.GOR.am_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_order_to_mitigate_this_troublesome_position_%28to_meditate_on_impersonal_feature%29,_some_of_their_acaryas,_Sankaracarya,_has_said_that_%22You_imagine_a_form._There_is_no_real_form,_but_you_imagine_some_form%22|In order to mitigate this troublesome position (to meditate on impersonal feature), some of their acaryas, Sankaracarya, has said that "You imagine a form. There is no real form, but you imagine some form".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My open advice is that if any one can remain a Brahmacari, it is very nice, but there is no need of artificial Brahmacaris|My open advice is that if any one can remain a Brahmacari, it is very nice, but there is no need of artificial Brahmacaris. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that one who exhibits outwardly as self restrained, but inwardly he thinks of sense gratification he is condemned as mithyacara which means false pretender. We do not want any false pretenders in numbers, but we want a single sincere soul. There is no harm in accepting a wife and living without any disturbance of the mind and thus sincerely advancing in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215SB.GOR.am_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_beginning_of_real_human_civilization_is_observance_of_the_institute_of_four_varnas_and_four_asramas._That_is_the_beginning_of_civilized_life|The beginning of real human civilization is observance of the institute of four varnas and four asramas. That is the beginning of civilized life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very happy to see that you are learning our philosophy so nicely. You will grow up to be a great devotee of Krishna. You are very fortunate to have the opportunity of attending Gurukula, so don't waste this opportunity|I am very happy to see that you are learning our philosophy so nicely. You will grow up to be a great devotee of Krishna. You are very fortunate to have the opportunity of attending Gurukula, so don't waste this opportunity. Take full advantage of it by always rising early, attending arati, classes and chanting at least 16 rounds daily without fail. These things will make you very strong in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215SB.GOR.am_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mayavadi_philosophy_means_they_accept_Krsna_as_God,_but_He_has_assumed_a_body_which_is_given_by_this_material_nature,_as_it_is_given_to_us._That_is_their_policy._They_count_Krsna_an_ordinary_man,_on_the_same_level._But_that_is_not_a_fact|Mayavadi philosophy means they accept Krsna as God, but He has assumed a body which is given by this material nature, as it is given to us. That is their policy. They count Krsna an ordinary man, on the same level. But that is not a fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should understand though that we are not very much concerned with the principles of Hatha-yoga|You should understand though that we are not very much concerned with the principles of Hatha-yoga. We practice Bhakti-yoga strictly and since Bhakti includes all other results obtained from practicing other yogas as it is declared in the Bhagavad-gita to be the culmination of all yogas it becomes unnecessary for us to apply any other techniques besides simply chanting and hearing about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna who is called Yogesvara or the master of all yoga.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710215SB.GOR.am_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_show_our_example,_how_we_are_becoming_Krsna_conscious,_how_we_are_worshiping_Krsna,_how_we_are_going_on_the_street_for_vibrating_Krsna%27s_name,_transcendental_name._Now_we_are_distributing_Krsna%27s_prasadam|We have to show our example, how we are becoming Krsna conscious, how we are worshiping Krsna, how we are going on the street for vibrating Krsna's name, transcendental name. Now we are distributing Krsna's prasadam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A temple president should have more time for preaching. That is important|You mentioned in your letter that you are doing a lot of deity worship and cooking due to lack of sufficient brahmanas. So why don't you ask your GBC man for some brahmanas (at least one) to come and releive you of this service so that you can spend more of your time preaching and distributing books. A temple president should have more time for preaching. That is important.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710329BG-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_expanding_by_their_help._I_am_alone,_but_they_are_helping_me._They_are_my_gurus._I_am_not_their_guru,_because_they_are_helping_me_in_executing_my_Guru_Maharaja%27s_order|This Krsna consciousness movement is expanding by their help. I am alone, but they are helping me. They are my gurus. I am not their guru, because they are helping me in executing my Guru Maharaja's order.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no necessity of your going to India. Better to begin preaching work immediately|What is the difficulty if you immediately start preaching in the colleges? At the present moment, Tamala Krishna Gosvami is looking for men who are interested in preaching at the colleges. Why not contact him and work together with him? That will be very nice. There is no necessity of your going to India. Better to begin preaching work immediately.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710406RC-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_is_to_create_sadhus._You_have_to_cooperate._This_incarnation_of_Krsna,_Krsna_and_nama,_Krsna%27s_name,_is_the_same:_%22There_is_no_difference_between_Krsna%27s_name_and_Krsna.%22_Krsna_has_already_come_by_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement|This movement is to create sadhus. You have to cooperate. This incarnation of Krsna, Krsna and nama, Krsna's name, is the same: "There is no difference between Krsna's name and Krsna." Krsna has already come by this Krsna consciousness movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Try your best to develop an ideal society there to set a perfect example for the human society of how one can live very simply, chanting Hare Krishna and developing love for Krishna|Try your best to develop an ideal society there to set a perfect example for the human society of how one can live very simply, chanting Hare Krishna and developing love for Krishna. Make sure that you keep the whole program pure by carefully following all of the rules and regulations that I have given, rising early, attending mangala arati and holding classes, chanting 16 rounds daily, observing the four basic principles, no intoxication, meat-eating, etc.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710622RC-MOS_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_far_I_am_concerned,_I_don%27t_take_any_credit,_but_I_am_confident_that_because_I_am_presenting_the_Vedic_knowledge_as_it_is,_without_any_adulteration,_it_is_being_effective._That_is_my_contribution|So far I am concerned, I don't take any credit, but I am confident that because I am presenting the Vedic knowledge as it is, without any adulteration, it is being effective. That is my contribution.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Balarama means guru-tattva. Balarama represents guru. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahaprabhu, if we want to understand Krsna, then we must take shelter of Balarama|Balarāma means guru-tattva. Balarāma represents guru. Yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādaḥ. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahāprabhu, if we want to understand Kṛṣṇa, then we must take shelter of Balarāma. Nāyam ātmā bala-hinena labhyaḥ. This bala-hinena labhyaḥ, this Vedic injunction, means "Without the mercy of Balarāma you cannot understand, you cannot realize your spiritual identification." So that Balarāma comes as Nityānanda Prabhu: balarāma hailā nitāi. Therefore we must take shelter of Balarāma.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710627RY.SF_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_our_eyes_are_anointed_with_love_of_God,_we_can_see_Him_everywhere|When our eyes are anointed with love of God, we can see Him everywhere.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You said that your job is maya, but you must know that maya is illusion. As soon as there is absence of Krishna Consciousness - that is maya. But you are working just to help and push Krishna's interest; therefore, it is not maya|You said that your job is maya, but you must know that maya is illusion. As soon as there is absence of Krishna Consciousness—that is maya. But you are working just to help and push Krishna's interest; therefore, it is not maya. In the Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, Rupa Goswami Prabhupada has recommended anything dovetailed in Krishna Consciousness is real renouncement. The Mayavadis' renouncement with an ambition of becoming one with the Supreme is called false renunciation.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710627RY.SF_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_learn_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_we_have_got_enough_books._You_can_scientifically_and_philosophically_study|If you want to learn this Krsna consciousness movement, we have got enough books. You can scientifically and philosophically study.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very pleased that you are keeping to a very strict schedule & are reading my literature daily. If you continue in this manner you will grow up to be a first class preacher of Krsna consciousness. And this is the highest service that you can perform|I am very pleased that you are keeping to a very strict schedule and are reading my literature daily. If you continue in this manner you will grow up to be a first class preacher of Krsna consciousness. And this is the highest service that you can perform. I am looking forward to visiting Gurukula in Dallas when I return to the U.S. in the spring.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710711LE-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_very_insignificant._I_have_no_capacity._My_business_is_only_to_convey_the_message_of_Krsna._Just_like_a_postal_peon;_his_business_is_to_convey_the_letter|I am very insignificant. I have no capacity. My business is only to convey the message of Krsna. Just like a postal peon; his business is to convey the letter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care|I have studied your situation carefully and I encourage you to live in the temple in the association of fixed up devotees who are following my teachings strictly. If your husband cannot follow our principles properly, you are not to think that you should let that hamper your spiritual life. You should stay with us and cultivate spiritual life peacefully under Krishna's protection and care. If he is not interested in spiritual life, let him do as he pleases.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710718RC-DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_ordered_me_that_%22You_go_and_preach_this_philosophy_to_the_Western_world.%22_So_under_his_order_I_came,_and_I_presented_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is,_as_you_have_read|My Guru Maharaja ordered me that "You go and preach this philosophy to the Western world." So under his order I came, and I presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as you have read.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone who is Krsna conscious, who knows Krsna, he is guru. Otherwise all rascals. Why should you go to a rascal? Immediately you can understand he is guru who has fully surrendered to Krsna. He is guru. Others? They are all rascals|Anyone who is Kṛṣṇa conscious, who knows Kṛṣṇa, he is guru. Otherwise all rascals. Why should you go to a rascal? Immediately you can understand he is guru who has fully surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. He is guru. Others? They are all rascals. Na māṁ duṣkṛtino mūḍhāḥ prapadyante narādhamāḥ. Who has not surrendered to Kṛṣṇa, he is under these four groups: duṣkṛtina, mūḍha, narādhama, māyayāpahṛta-jñāna. They may talk of so much knowledge, but they are rascal fools because they have not surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. All the Māyāvādīs, they are all rascals.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710720LE.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_wonderful|Simply wonderful.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is that anyone, after studying the books, who wants to gain the title of Bhakti-sastri, can take the exam. This is academic. Just like a brahmana with sastric knowledge and a brahmana without. It is optional - one who wants may take|Regarding the examinations, the idea is that anyone, after studying the books, who wants to gain the title of Bhakti-sastri, can take the exam. This is academic. Just like a brahmana with sastric knowledge and a brahmana without. It is optional—one who wants may take. The real purpose is that our men should not be neglectful of the philosophy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710722SB.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_living_entities,_we_are_eternal._So_temporary_business_is_not_our_business._Our_business_should_be_eternal_because_we_are_eternal._And_that_eternal_business_is_how_to_serve_Krsna|As living entities, we are eternal. So temporary business is not our business. Our business should be eternal because we are eternal. And that eternal business is how to serve Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Dr. Vajpeye's review we are going to print and widely distribute, especially in Bombay and Madras, where there is so much propaganda from these bogus gurus and yogis. He has got practical experience of how they are cheating the innocent people|I have personally written a letter of thanks to Dr. Bhatt, that he has so much encouraged me. Dr. Vajpeye's review we are gong to print and widely distribute, especially in Bombay and Madras, where there is so much propaganda from these bogus gurus and yogis. He has got practical experience of how they are cheating the innocent people in foreign countries and he has written; "The authorized edition of Bhagavad-gita will help to stop the terrible cheating of 'gurus' and 'yogis' who are false and unauthorized."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710722SB.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_eternally_related_with_Krsna._At_the_present_moment_it_is_simply_forgotten,_suppressed._Therefore_we_are_thinking_that_we_have_no_relationship_with_Krsna._But_that_is_not_the_fact._Because_we_are_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna|We are eternally related with Krsna. At the present moment it is simply forgotten, suppressed. Therefore we are thinking that we have no relationship with Krsna. But that is not the fact. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Resourceful, you Americans. You can do this. There is scientist. So we have got the framework very nice. Now you can push on. It is a good movement for the benefit of the whole world. Krsna will help you. Krsna will recognize you. Go on pushing rightly|Now it is in the right hand. Resourceful, you Americans. You can do this. There is scientist. So we have got the framework very nice. Now you can push on. It is a good movement for the benefit of the whole world. Kṛṣṇa will help you. Kṛṣṇa will recognize you. Go on pushing rightly. Our only mission is para-upakāra—we don't want to exploit anyone—Caitanya Mahāprabhu's mission.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710724IN-NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_will_be_strong_enough,_the_eyes_will_say,_%22Please_take_me_to_the_cinema,%22_and_you_will_say,_%22No,_you_cannot_go_to_the_cinema.%22_Then_you_are_ruler|When you will be strong enough, the eyes will say, "Please take me to the cinema," and you will say, "No, you cannot go to the cinema." Then you are ruler.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Simply go on sincerely working for this movement. Nobody can defeat you. Take all strategic point, fighting with maya, and become victorious|You'll be recognized by Kṛṣṇa. Simply go on sincerely working for this movement. Nobody can defeat you. Take all strategic point, fighting with māyā, and become victorious. From any point of view, come on. We shall fight with māyā. It is a great declaration of fight with māyā. Not with māyā. Our fight is with the demons. Māyā is servant, maidservant of Kṛṣṇa. She can withdraw by the order.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710724SB.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_stop_war_and_go_on_killing_animals._That_is_not_possible|You cannot stop war and go on killing animals. That is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Practice yoga - solitary and sacred place. What is this circle we see in morning? Simply "Chai, chai, chai." And cigarette, bidi, and talking nonsense, drinking - no arrangement. Vedic system, still in India in morning they take bath, in the villages|Practice yoga—solitary place, sacred and solitary. What is this circle we see in morning? Simply "Chai, chai, chai." And cigarette, biḍi, and talking nonsense, drinking—no arrangement. Vedic system, still in India in morning they take bath, in the villages. In the cities also, those who come from village, you'll find in Bombay this side, many poor men, they're taking early in the morning bathing. You have seen that?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710729AR.GAI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_people_are_trained_to_become_Krsna_conscious,_then_automatically_everyone_will_be_happy._Any_one_who_will_join,_one,_anyone_who_will_hear,_anyone_who_will_cooperate_-_everyone_will_be_happy|If people are trained to become Krsna conscious, then automatically everyone will be happy. Any one who will join, one, anyone who will hear, anyone who will cooperate - everyone will be happy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding Kirtana Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtana Party. Two persons play mrdangas, eight persons play karatalas, one person playing tamboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium|Regarding Kirtana Party: My idea is that at least one dozen persons should form a Kirtana Party. Two persons play mrdangas, eight persons play karatalas, one person playing tamboura, and one person playing melodious harmonium. The person who will play on tamboura will be leader singer. You have just calculated what I want, when you suggest that the leader should sing as I do, and the others will respond. That will be very nice. But all the members of the party will be pure devotees. None of them should be outsiders.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710729IV-GAI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_know,_your_religion_is_not_the_only_one_which_teaches_this_particular_precept|You know, your religion is not the only one which teaches this particular precept.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If all the members keep their faith in Krishna and try to please Him, certainly everyone will be pleased by hearing our Kirtana. It is sure and certain|If all the members keep their faith in Krishna and tries to please Him, certainly everyone will be pleased by hearing our Kirtana. It is sure and certain. When such Kirtana will be demonstrated, only the harmonium player may sit, and all the others may stand up and join the Kirtana and dancing properly dressed. This is actual idea and I hope if such Kirtanas are performed even on public stage, we can sell tickets. That will be a source of earning to maintain our activities.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710729IV.GAI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_came,_sir,_to_this_country_in_1965,_as_I_said,_on_instructions_or_orders_given_you_by_your_spiritual_master._By_the_way,_who_was_your_spiritual_master%3F|You came, sir, to this country in 1965, as I said, on instructions or orders given you by your spiritual master. By the way, who was your spiritual master?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As you love your hands and legs, as you feel when your hand is in trouble, similarly Krishna feels for you when you are in trouble. The hand has value when it is attached to the body. Similarly, we have values when we are Krishna Conscious|As you love your hands and legs, as you feel when your hand is in trouble, similarly Krishna feels for you when you are in trouble. The hand has value when it is attached to the body. Similarly, we have values when we are Krishna Conscious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710805PC.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_many_followers_have_you_got_now_throughout_the_world_or_can_you_not_count%3F|How many followers have you got now throughout the world or can you not count?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Simply offer all your talents and energies in this service of the Lord and know that Krsna promises that for one who surrenders fully unto Him, He fully protects such devotee from all kinds of material distresses and sinful reactions|I consider London as our prime center for spreading Krsna Consciousness Movement, so it is very important center and I therefore wanted that you take charge of the affairs and see that things are always improving. Simply offer all your talents and energies in this service of the Lord and know that Krsna promises that for one who surrenders fully unto Him, He fully protects such devotee from all kinds of material distresses and sinful reactions. I hope that Janaki will join you in this work, and you set the example of ideal householders in Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Fifteen_days_after_Krsna%27s_birth,_Radharani_appeared._Radharani_is_Krsna%27s_pleasure_potency|Fifteen days after Krsna's birth, Radharani appeared. Radharani is Krsna's pleasure potency.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The program there in Philadelphia is always so much encouraging. Continue in this way and distribute our books nicely and Krishna will be pleased upon you to give you more and more facility for service|I have received the newspaper clippings enclosed by you. The program there in Philadelphia is always so much encouraging. Continue in this way and distribute our books nicely and Krishna will be pleased upon you to give you more and more facility for service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_loving_affairs_of_Radha_and_Krsna_is_not_ordinary,_these_material_loving_affairs,_although_it_appears_like_that|The loving affairs of Radha and Krsna is not ordinary, these material loving affairs, although it appears like that.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As President, now you will be forced to advance in Krishna Consciousness because you must always set the highest example yourself, and I think that this is Krishna's special favoring you. Try to always see the highest purity is maintained in all respects|As President, now you will be forced to advance in Krishna Consciousness because you must always set the highest example yourself, and I think that this is Krishna's special favoring you. Try to always see the highest purity is maintained in all respects, become yourself very convinced of this Krishna philosophy, be always preaching and trying to understand some basic points from different angle of vision, keep the devotees in your temple always satisfied and jolly, and that will be your success.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_can_be_out_of_distress_when_he_approaches_Visnu|One can be out of distress when he approaches Visnu.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is the mood of the devotee, that he is always concerned for the general mass of people, that they should stop their sinful activities and become delivered from the most dangerous conditions of life by taking to this Krishna Consciousness|I am very much encouraged that you want to remain in Austin city because the people there are in desperate need of Krishna Consciousness. Actually, that is the mood of the devotee, that he is always concerned for the general mass of people, that they should stop their sinful activities and become delivered from the most dangerous conditions of life by taking to this Krishna Consciousness or devotional service. So I am very much pleased that you do not want to leave.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_evening,_we_are_talking_about_Radhastami._We_are_trying_to_understand_the_chief_potency_of_Krsna._Radharani_is_the_pleasure_potency_of_Krsna._As_we_understand_from_Vedic_literature,_Krsna_has_many_varieties_of_potencies|This evening, we are talking about Radhastami. We are trying to understand the chief potency of Krsna. Radharani is the pleasure potency of Krsna. As we understand from Vedic literature, Krsna has many varieties of potencies.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Hindu religion has no philosophy, therefore it has died because in this age people have become very much hardened by material living and they are not much interested in sentimental religions like Hinduism. Sentiments are temporary and they always dry up|This Hindu religion has no philosophy, therefore it has died because in this age people have become very much hardened by material living and they are not much interested in sentimental religions like Hinduism. Sentiments are temporary and they always dry up. But what the people really want is a philosophy to give their life meaning and guide it under all changing circumstances—and the only philosophy available nowadays is profit, where is profit for sense gratification, or Marxism, or this -ism or that -ism.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_has_to_give_up_everything_material_for_Brahman_realization,_do_you_think_that_Param_Brahman,_the_Supreme_Brahman,_can_enjoy_anything_material%3F_No._Krsna%27s_enjoyment_is_nothing_material|If one has to give up everything material for Brahman realization, do you think that Param Brahman, the Supreme Brahman, can enjoy anything material? No. Krsna's enjoyment is nothing material.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The spirit soul is equal in either a man or woman. One who is actually engaged in the service of Krishna, there is no such distinction as man or woman|The spirit soul is equal in either a man or woman. One who is actually engaged in the service of Krishna, there is no such distinction as man or woman. In the Bhagavad-gita, 6th Chapter, 1st Verse it is stated anasritah karma-phalam karijam karma karoti yah/ sa sannyasi ca yogi ca na niragnir na cakriyah (BG 6.1). Anyone acting for Krishna, he is a sannyasi or sannyasini. It is also stated: striyo vaisyas tatha sudras te'pi yanti param gatim. So spiritually everyone is equal.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Radharani_is_hari-priya,_very_dear_to_Krsna._So_if_we_approach_Krsna_through_Radharani,_through_the_mercy_of_Radharani,_then_it_becomes_very_easy|Radharani is hari-priya, very dear to Krsna. So if we approach Krsna through Radharani, through the mercy of Radharani, then it becomes very easy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very good that you have gone to Hawaii. It is a very good preaching field and our house there is one of the nicest in ISKCON. It simply requires very enthusiastic preaching and side by side very careful management|I am very glad to know that you have worked so diligently that the BBT debt has become almost nothing. It is very good that you have gone to Hawaii. It is a very good preaching field and our house there is one of the nicest in ISKCON. It simply requires very enthusiastic preaching and side by side very careful management. So I am confident that you can do both.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710829RA.LON_Radhastami_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_more_you_feel_separation_from_Krsna,_you_should_understand_that_you_are_advancing._Don%27t_try_to_see_Krsna_artificially._Be_advanced_in_separation_feeling,_and_then_it_will_be_perfect._That_is_the_teachings_of_Lord_Caitanya|The more you feel separation from Krsna, you should understand that you are advancing. Don't try to see Krsna artificially. Be advanced in separation feeling, and then it will be perfect. That is the teachings of Lord Caitanya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your vision of Lord Vishnu and your flying in the sky - do not be too much dreaming. It may or may not have happened. If you want to advance in a practical, tangible way, practice the rules and regulations|I must say that regarding your vision of Lord Vishnu and your flying in the sky - do not be too much dreaming. It may or may not have happened. If you want to advance in a practical, tangible way, practice the rules and regulations, thoroughly read my books, assimilate, chant Hare Krishna mantra, and take the proper directions. I have no objection to your stay with Tusta Krishna Maharaja, but wherever you are follow these principles.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710903BA.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_adore,_we_should_worship_Bhaktivinoda_Thakura,_because_in_the_modern_age_he_reintroduced_the_disciplic_succession|We should adore, we should worship Bhaktivinoda Thakura, because in the modern age he reintroduced the disciplic succession.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Certainly we are opposed to abortion, and we can advise that it is not good, but do not take an active part in this political agitation against abortion. We are not much concerned in that way, so do not waste time approaching politicians|Certainly we are opposed to abortion, and we can advise that it is not good, but do not take an active part in this political agitation against abortion. We are not much concerned in that way, so do not waste time approaching politicians or affiliating with others on the basis of the anti-abortion issue. We are Krsna Conscious and we are for Krsna Consciousness; that is our issue. Abortion is only a side issue. Whatever you have done that is all right, but concentrate now on our main business to make everyone Krsna Conscious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710912SB.MOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dr._Frog_is_trying_to_understand_Atlantic_Ocean_comparing_with_his_three-feet_well,_that%27s_all._When_he_is_informed_that_there_is_Atlantic_Ocean,_he%27s_simply_comparing_with_his_limited_space|Dr. Frog is trying to understand Atlantic Ocean comparing with his three-feet well, that's all. When he is informed that there is Atlantic Ocean, he's simply comparing with his limited space.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Namacarya Haridasa Thakura was taken to the jail and he told the prisoners there, oh, you are so fortunate to have this opportunity to sit and chant the Holy Names without the Maya distractions of the outer world|Namacarya Haridasa Thakura was taken to the jail and he told the prisoners there, oh, you are so fortunate to have this opportunity to sit and chant the Holy Names without the Maya distractions of the outer world! So you should think like that, and use your time in the prison house to the greatest advantage for spiritual advancement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_has_to_purify_his_existentional_life;_otherwise,_if_he_does_not_purify_his_existence,_then_he_has_to_transmigrate_from_one_body_to_another,_and_that_is_material_existence|One has to purify his existentional life; otherwise, if he does not purify his existence, then he has to transmigrate from one body to another, and that is material existence.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|No Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy|The actual fact is that the eight Gopis are as good as Krishna and Radharani. Therefore, no Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy. My Guru Maharaja claimed to be one of the sub-devotee assistants of the eight Gopis. Lord Caitanya also claimed Himself as servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nature,_under_the_order_of_Krsna,_is_giving_chances_to_us,_giving_chance_to_us_to_come_out_of_the_entanglement_of_birth_and_death|Nature, under the order of Krsna, is giving chances to us, giving chance to us to come out of the entanglement of birth and death.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I do not know what is the position, but I think that without depending on anyone, we may take the risk of renting a nice house for our temple immediately|In previous letters of Syamasundara it was understood that the Beatles were going to help us positively, but the delay method appears to be diplomatic to avoid the pledge. I do not know what is the position, but I think that without depending on anyone, we may take the risk of renting a nice house for our temple immediately. If you think that my presence will accelerate matters, I am prepared to go immediately.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_becoming_devata_he%27ll_be_entangled._He%27ll_be_entangled._He%27ll_have_to._He_has_to_continue_this_four_process_of_birth,_death,_disease,_and_old_age._That_he_has_to|Without becoming devata he'll be entangled. He'll be entangled. He'll have to. He has to continue this four process of birth, death, disease, and old age. That he has to.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This brahma-bhutah status means free from all anxieties, without any hankering or lamentation. At that stage only, one can think of universal brotherhood. And the next stage is to be engaged in pure Krishna Consciousness|This brahma-bhutah status means free from all anxieties, without any hankering or lamentation. At that stage only, one can think of universal brotherhood. And the next stage is to be engaged in pure Krishna Consciousness, and thus gradually be transferred to the spiritual world where there is eternal life full of bliss and knowledge.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_know_that_gambling_is_allowed_on_the_kali-puja_day._We_know._Especially_northern_Indian_people,_mercantile_people,_they_take_it,_advantage,_gambling|We know that gambling is allowed on the kali-puja day. We know. Especially northern Indian people, mercantile people, they take it, advantage, gambling.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do. But if this our regular KC program is allowed to slacken, then everything else we try will fail. That is the simple formula for success|Simply if the standard of our routine work is maintained very highly, that is, if we steadfastly perform our daily program of rising early, cleansing, chanting 16 rounds, holding kirtana wherever we are at least twice daily, reading, worshiping the deity, going on Sankirtana, like that—if this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do. But if this our regular KC program is allowed to slacken, then everything else we try will fail. That is the simple formula for success.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_different_duties_of_the_varna_and_asrama._A_brahmana_has_got_his_duty,_a_ksatriya_has_got_his_duty._Now,_a_ksatriya%27s_duty_is_fighting._So_how_this_fighting_can_be_utilized_as_perfection_of_life%3F|There are different duties of the varna and asrama. A brahmana has got his duty, a ksatriya has got his duty. Now, a ksatriya's duty is fighting. So how this fighting can be utilized as perfection of life?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The basic principle of creation is that this material world is the field of activities of the rebellious living entity. "I don't want to serve Krsna. I want to serve my senses." That is the whole world, going on|The basic principle of creation is that this material world is the field of activities of the rebellious living entity. "I don't want to serve Kṛṣṇa. I want to serve my senses." That is the whole world, going on. This Hawaiian city or any city, especially in your America, they're very, very busy. So ask them, "What is the aim of your life?" They'll say, "Sense gratification." "I shall earn money, eat nicely, drink nicely, enjoy nicely. That is the aim of life." They do not know. Etāṁ dṛṣṭim avaṣṭabhya. Their vision is so polluted.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720223BG.CAL_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_you_can_say_that_%22Arjuna_was_a_fighter,_and_there_was_great_need_of_the_Kuruksetra_fighting,_so_he_satisfied_Krsna,_but_I_am_a_poor_man,_I_am_not_Ksatriya,_not_%28indistinct%29.%22_That_doesn%27t_matter|Now you can say that "Arjuna was a fighter, and there was great need of the Kuruksetra fighting, so he satisfied Krsna, but I am a poor man, I am not Ksatriya, not (indistinct)." That doesn't matter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|India’s spiritual culture of knowledge is in great demand in the Western countries and we are trying to deliver the ideas, I am very glad that it is progressing satisfactorily|India’s spiritual culture of knowledge is in great demand in the Western countries and we are trying to deliver the ideas, I am very glad that it is progressing satisfactorily. If the saintly persons in India co-operate with this movement, strictly according to the sastric injunction, this movement will be a great success throughout the whole world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720413SB.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_read%3F_So_if_you_don%27t_read,_then_you_will_feel_restless:_%22Oh,_let_me_go_from_Japan_to_India,_from_India_to_Japan.%22_You_are_restless_because_you_don%27t_read._I_am_laboring_so_hard_for_you,_but_you_don%27t_take_advantage|Do you read? So if you don't read, then you will feel restless: "Oh, let me go from Japan to India, from India to Japan." You are restless because you don't read. I am laboring so hard for you, but you don't take advantage.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This is also nature. Everything is nature. Are you outside nature? That is another nonsense. Your body is nature; your activities are nature; everything is nature. How you can say you are out of nature|This is also nature. Everything is nature. Are you outside nature? That is another nonsense. Your body is nature; your activities are nature; everything is nature. How you can say you are out of nature? Prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi (BG 3.27). He has got some intelligence, I have got some intelligence, but the intelligence is coming from nature. Otherwise how you are intelligent? Somebody is intelligent; somebody is dull. Unless there is some background, how do you find the difference?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720518AR.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_dear_boys_and_girls,_about_six_years_ago_I_came_to_your_country_single-handed,_with_this_pair_of_cymbals._Now_you_are_so_many_chanting_Hare_Krsna._That_is_my_success|My dear boys and girls, about six years ago I came to your country single-handed, with this pair of cymbals. Now you are so many chanting Hare Krsna. That is my success.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your suggestion that the devotees visiting Vrindaban engage in preaching and chanting and not in gossiping is very good. I have instructed that this be taken to the GBC and implanted|Your suggestion that the devotees visiting Vrindaban engage in preaching and chanting and not in gossiping is very good. I have instructed that this be taken to the GBC and implanted. We have sacrificed our life for Krsna's service, where is there scope for sleeping and gossiping? You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted. This idleness is the business of the karmis.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720518LE.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_propagating_God%27s_name,_God%27s_glory,_God%27s_activities,_God%27s_beauty,_God%27s_love|Krsna consciousness movement is propagating God's name, God's glory, God's activities, God's beauty, God's love.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we meet one who is challenging us we should either defeat him or make him our friend|Your account of the reporter in Kologhat who was converted to our side is an example of successful preaching. If we meet one who is challenging us we should either defeat him or make him our friend.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720518LE.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_I_die._I_do_not_like_to_die,_but_death_is_compulsory._I_do_not_like_to_be_old_man,_but_still,_it_is_compulsory._I_do_not_like_to_suffer_from_disease,_but_it_is_compulsory._These_are_to_be_solved|Why I die. I do not like to die, but death is compulsory. I do not like to be old man, but still, it is compulsory. I do not like to suffer from disease, but it is compulsory. These are to be solved.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the so-called Vedanta societies, the so-called, I mean to say, learned scholars on Vedanta, they are not actually Vedanta scholars. They are all fools and rascals. Because Vedanta-sutra is very difficult to understand|According to Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the so-called Vedānta societies, the so-called, I mean to say, learned scholars on Vedānta, they are not actually Vedānta scholars. They are all fools and rascals. Because Vedānta-sūtra is very difficult to understand. The compiler, the author of Vedānta-sūtra, is Vyāsadeva. He himself thought it wise that "I must leave one commentation of Vedānta-sūtra. Otherwise, in future, people will misunderstand and misuse Vedānta-sūtra."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720519SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That%27s_my_credit._I_did_not_like_to_take_the_position_of_Krsna._I_remained_a_servant_of_Krsna,_and_I_spoke_what_Krsna_said._That%27s_all._This_is_my_secret|That's my credit. I did not like to take the position of Krsna. I remained a servant of Krsna, and I spoke what Krsna said. That's all. This is my secret.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have immense literatures, especially in the Gaudiya Sampradaya of the Vaisnava sect which is enriched by the contribution of the Gosvamis. These should all be presented to the western world|We have immense literatures, especially in the Gaudiya Sampradaya of the Vaisnava sect which is enriched by the contribution of the Gosvamis. These should all be presented to the western world. Similarly, Vedanta commentary by the Vaisnava acaryas like Ramanuja, Madhva, Baladeva., Sridhara Swami, etc. can all be presented successfully. You are a learned philosopher, and your Cultural Integration Fellowship Institute advocates universal religion and cultural harmony. I think if you will turn your attention to the Vaisnava literature you will find all of these ideas in complete fulfillment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720519SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_24-hours_engaged_in_rendering_loving_devotional_service_to_the_Lord._To_such_person_Krsna_gives_intelligence,_not_others|Those who are 24-hours engaged in rendering loving devotional service to the Lord. To such person Krsna gives intelligence, not others.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we can get some Chinese followers of this cult, it will be a great success. I know that amongst the Chinese there are many scholars & learned cultured gentlemen. To convince them will be easier than others, even though they are of Buddhist philosophy|If we can get some Chinese followers of this cult, it will be a great success. I know that amongst the Chinese there are many scholars and learned cultured gentlemen. So to convince them will be easier than others, even though they are of the Buddhist philosophy. That is akin to our philosophy although it is a little different. Buddhist philosophy is direct renunciation of material life but they have no information of spiritual reality because the followers of Lord Buddha were more materialistic.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720520SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_the_fact._It_is_a_revolutionary_movement._We_are_challenging_everyone_that_%22You_are_all_set_of_asses_and_cows_and_animals,_because_you_have_no_knowledge_beyond_this_body%22|That is the fact. It is a revolutionary movement. We are challenging everyone that "You are all set of asses and cows and animals, because you have no knowledge beyond this body".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This taking of sannyasa should not be a whimsical proposition, and should not be an excuse for becoming irresponsible, no responsibility of grhastha, brahmacari, etc. Sannyasis also have great responsibility to become fearless preachers|For taking sannyasa you may consult your GBC member as we shall be starting a new policy where the sannyasa candidate must meet certain requirements to be determined by the GBC. Karandhara may write to Satsvarupa Maharaja for understanding this matter. This taking of sannyasa should not be a whimsical proposition, and should not be an excuse for becoming irresponsible, no responsibility of grhastha, brahmacari, etc. Sannyasis also have great responsibility to become fearless preachers of our Krsna Consciousness movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720521LE.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Shah_Jahan|Shah Jahan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You just keep one picture of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, and the family members sit down, around. Just like we are sitting now and chanting: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. This kind of performing yajna, is there any expenditure?|You just keep one picture of Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Nityānanda, and the family members sit down, around. Just like we are sitting now and chanting: Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare. This kind of performing yajña, is there any expenditure? Or is there any loss? But you can perform yajña daily, twice, thrice. This is our preaching. Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement means that every householder, every man—not only householder; factory holder, every holder—they can perform this saṅkīrtana-yajña anywhere.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720527SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_that_a_mouse_approached_a_saintly_person|There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By unfair and slanderous newspaper and television propaganda, they have ruined our reputation and turned the general public against our movement. We cannot sit down and be idle|Recently in Germany the government, police and church have started heavy persecution against our movement by arrests, investigation, and blocking our monies in the bank. By unfair and slanderous newspaper and television propaganda, they have ruined our reputation and turned the general public against our movement. We cannot sit down and be idle. Even killing of our devotees has been attempted in Berlin by shooting. Hamsaduta prabhu has formulated a plan for protesting at all German Embassies all over the world. This plan has my sanction.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720601SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_sit_down_and_hear_about_Krsna._That%27s_all._But_that_hearing_must_be_from_a_person_who_is_realized._Then_it_will_act|Simply sit down and hear about Krsna. That's all. But that hearing must be from a person who is realized. Then it will act.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is the mercy of Krishna that you are getting fair warning of your nearing death. Now, you must become very serious to prepare to meet death without fear of being fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna|It is the mercy of Krishna that you are getting fair warning of your nearing death. Now, you must become very serious to prepare to meet death without fear of being fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna. You must be very careful and always praying to Krishna that you will not forget Him at the time of dying.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720601SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Once_washed_off,_now_keep_yourself_in_that_washed-off_condition._That_is_required._So_that_will_be_possible_if_you_keep_yourself_constantly_in_touch_with_Krsna_by_hearing_about_Him._That%27s_all._You_have_to_remain_uncontaminated|Once washed off, now keep yourself in that washed-off condition. That is required. So that will be possible if you keep yourself constantly in touch with Krsna by hearing about Him. That's all. You have to remain uncontaminated.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in|From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in. For the time being, keep yourself fixed in Krishna's service 24 hours and follow staunchly all of the regulated principles, such as chanting 16 rounds, rising early, attending arati and class, etc.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720601SB.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_your_children_do_not_become_Vaisnava_in_the_future,_then_it_is_a_great,_I_meant_to_say,_fault_on_your_part._So_you_should_be_very_cautious,_careful,_that_children_are_not_going_astray,_they_are_becoming_actually_Krsna_conscious|If your children do not become Vaisnava in the future, then it is a great, I meant to say, fault on your part. So you should be very cautious, careful, that children are not going astray, they are becoming actually Krsna conscious.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Make sure that everyone is pure by following the four regulated principles and chanting at least 16 rounds daily. Without these things, there is no spiritual life|I have also accepted, upon your recommendation, the five men for 2nd initiation. Let them hear the gayatri mantra through the right ear from the tape of myself chanting it. Their threads are enclosed along with mantra sheet. Make sure that everyone is pure by following the four regulated principles and chanting at least 16 rounds daily. Without these things, there is no spiritual life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720612SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prajalpa_means_talking_nonsense._Just_like_as_soon_as_the_crows,_they_gather_together,_caw_caw_caw_caw|Prajalpa means talking nonsense. Just like as soon as the crows, they gather together, caw caw caw caw.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The cats and dogs, they cannot fight with maya, but a human being, he can fight. So if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, they fight amongst themselves but not with the maya|The living entity is victimized, and in this life you can adventure to conquer over it. This is human life. The cats and dogs, they cannot fight with māyā, but a human being, he can fight. So if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, they fight amongst themselves but not with the māyā. So aborigines, although they have got features of human being, they are no more than the cats and dogs. So they also fight amongst themselves.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720612SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_long_as_you_are_reading,_the_sun_is_unable_to_take_your_life._It_is_not_possible_for_the_sun_to_take_your_life._So_if_you_constantly_read,_then_where_is_the_opportunity_of_sun%27s_taking_your_life%3F|As long as you are reading, the sun is unable to take your life. It is not possible for the sun to take your life. So if you constantly read, then where is the opportunity of sun's taking your life?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur|As I have already stated, if you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur. Wherever we are our business is to serve Krishna, but you should situate yourself in a temple where you can discharge your duties without so much inconvenience.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720616SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_frogs_..._You_have_got_experience_during_rainy_season._They_use_their_tongue_very_nicely._They_sing_ka-ka-kan,_ka-ka-kan,_ka-ka-kan.._%28laughter%29_Yes._But_what_is_the_result_of_singing|The frogs ... You have got experience during rainy season. They use their tongue very nicely. They sing ka-ka-kan, ka-ka-kan, ka-ka-kan.. (laughter) Yes. But what is the result of singing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our program for Krishna Consciousness is solid, and backed by most authoritative literature - Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam; there is no question of our not being popular to the world. Simply we have to present ourselves in true perspective|Our program for Krishna Consciousness is solid, and backed by most authoritative literature—Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam; there is no question of our not being popular to the world. Simply we have to present ourselves in true perspective. We can challenge any rascals of the world but the difficulty is that it is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. Maharishi Mahesa has gained so much popularity over Europe or America, means the people of this part of the world are not very much advanced in spiritual science.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720617SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_does_not_hear_about_the_brave_activities_of_Krsna,_they_are_satisfied_with_teeny_activities_of_this_material_world|One who does not hear about the brave activities of Krsna, they are satisfied with teeny activities of this material world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think you may have already heard that in January of 1970 we will be holding an examination among all of our students on this book, and those who will pass shall be awarded with the title of Bhakti-sastri|I think you may have already heard that in January of 1970 we will be holding an examination among all of our students on this book, and those who will pass shall be awarded with the title of Bhakti-sastri. With these examinations I wish to encourage all my disciples to very carefully learn this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness because there is so many preachers who will be required to bring this message to all of the corners of the earth.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720625SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_an_instructive_story_about_a_saintly_person_blessing,_%22You_may_either_live_or_die%22|There is an instructive story about a saintly person blessing, "You may either live or die".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The thing is discipline can not be observed unless there is obedience. As you are obedient to me, you should be similarly obedient to my representative. Your statement about Brahmananda that he is a wonderful devotee is 100% agreed by me|You are correct regarding the items which you have stated, such as sleeping in front of the deities, eating in front of the deities, taking of unoffered foodstuffs, drinking water from the bathroom, and non-chanting of rounds. But the thing is discipline can not be observed unless there is obedience. As you are obedient to me, you should be similarly obedient to my representative. Your statement about Brahmananda that he is a wonderful devotee is 100% agreed by me.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720629RC.SD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Indians_who_are_outside_India,_they_have_got_a_special_duty|The Indians who are outside India, they have got a special duty.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As a bona fide disciple of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, and because I am trying my best to fulfill His holy desire in the matter of preaching work in this part of the world, I have got the right to ask from you a plot of land for this purpose|As a bona fide disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, and because I am trying my best to fulfill His holy desire in the matter of preaching work in this part of the world, I have got the right to ask from you a plot of land for this purpose. Now it is up to you to cooperate with me.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720701AD.SD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_order_to_enjoy_this_material_world_we_have_come_here._Every_one_of_us_who_is_existing_within_this_material_world_has_a_desire_to_lord_it_over_the_material_nature|In order to enjoy this material world we have come here. Every one of us who is existing within this material world has a desire to lord it over the material nature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The best example are the gopis. They, they had no other business than to keep Krsna always within the heart. Gopis requested Krsna, "Please, if You get out from our hearts then we can concentrate to our household duties|The best example are the gopīs. They, they had no other business than to keep Kṛṣṇa always within the heart. Gopīs requested Kṛṣṇa, "Please, if You get out from our hearts then we can concentrate to our household duties. These yogīs and munis and great saintly persons, they are trying to keep You within the heart, and we request You, "Kindly go out of our hearts so we can concentrate on our household duties." " They wanted to do it, but they could not. This is gopīs' position.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720701BG.SD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_institute,_Krsna_consciousness_movement_has_spread_because_the_students_who_have_joined_us,_they_have_given_aural_reception,_by_hearing|This institute, Krsna consciousness movement has spread because the students who have joined us, they have given aural reception, by hearing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If Indians are bad then I am also bad, as I am an Indian. But they have accepted an Indian as their guru. So Indians are both bad and good according to the behavior|If Indians are bad then I am also bad, as I am an Indian. But they have accepted an Indian as their guru. So Indians are both bad and good according to the behavior. If they have accused you as bad because you are Indian, yet they have accepted a bad Indian as guru. Don't be afflicted by all these external features of our bodily relationships. Be steady in Krsna Consciousness and do your duty so you may be blessed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsna and make your life successful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720706SB.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_laboring_so_hard_that_before_I_leave_this_body,_I_may_give_you_some_books_who_you_can_enjoy_after_my_death._So_utilize_it._Read_every_sloka_nicely,_try_to_understand_the_meaning,_discuss_amongst_yourselves|I am laboring so hard that before I leave this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to hear that you are now concentrating on improving the regulative life of the temple rather than so much advertising with brochures. This is very nice; this is what I want. A good example is better than precept|Am glad to hear that you are now concentrating on improving the regulative life of the temple rather than so much advertising with brochures. This is very nice; this is what I want. A good example is better than precept. The pamphlet is precept, but if we don't follow the precepts ourselves then such advertisement is not good.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_said_that_one_who_is_learned,_he_does_not_lament_either_for_the_living_or_for_the_dead_body|It is said that one who is learned, he does not lament either for the living or for the dead body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Even in Vrndavana there is anxiety. Radharani is in anxiety that "Krsna is not here. How Krsna will come?" The gopis are also in anxiety|Even in Vṛndāvana there is anxiety. Rādhārāṇī is in anxiety that "Kṛṣṇa is not here. How Kṛṣṇa will come?" The gopīs are also in anxiety. Gopīs are so in anxiety that about them it is said that when Kṛṣṇa used to go to the forest for tending the cows, so gopīs were thinking at home that "Kṛṣṇa's feet is so soft that we hesitate to take His feet on our breast, but He is now walking in the forest, and there were so many stones and pricks, and they are giving pain to the Kṛṣṇa's lotus feet."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_we_know_ourselves_through_Krsna_consciousness%3F|How can we know ourselves through Krsna consciousness?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|For Krsna you can endeavor multifariously. That is wanted. That is the contribution of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Before that, Vaisnavas, they used to live retired life in Vrndavana or some other place - no preaching activities|For Kṛṣṇa you can endeavor multifariously. That is wanted. That is the contribution of Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī. Before that, Vaiṣṇavas, they used to live retired life in Vṛndāvana or some other place—no preaching activities. It is the first attempt. Of course, Caitanya Mahāprabhu did it, but the practical sense how we can serve Kṛṣṇa - even sitting on big, big buildings and on motorcars we can serve Kṛṣṇa - that is introduced by Bhaktisiddhānta.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Well,_his_question_it_is_why_must_we_do_something_to_become_God_when_we%27re_already_God%3F|Well, his question it is why must we do something to become God when we're already God?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The "mysterious unity" you speak of is devotional service, whereby the eternal part and parcel of God renders loving service in union with Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not an impersonal or vague thing|As far as knowledge of God is concerned that is contained fully in the Bhagavad-gita, but it is only revealed to the devotee. The "mysterious unity" you speak of is devotional service, whereby the eternal part and parcel of God renders loving service in union with Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not an impersonal or vague thing. Full facility for entering this eternal union with God is gained by associating with the pure devotee, who is already established in his relation with Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Human_society_must_be_divided_into_four_classes_of_men._Just_like_in_our_body,_there_are_four_different_departments:_the_brain_department,_the_hand_department,_the_belly_department,_and_the_leg_department._You_require_all_these|Human society must be divided into four classes of men. Just like in our body, there are four different departments: the brain department, the hand department, the belly department, and the leg department. You require all these.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Vedanta philosophy actually belongs to the Vaisnava sampradaya because it was compiled by Vyasadeva, who is the original spiritual master of this Vaisnava sampradaya|The Vedānta philosophy actually belongs to the Vaiṣṇava sampradāya because it was compiled by Vyāsadeva, who is the original spiritual master of this Vaiṣṇava sampradāya. Of course, the Māyāvādī philosophers, they also accept Vyāsadeva as their original spiritual master, but they have interpreted Vyāsadeva's views; therefore they are not considered to be bona fide disciples.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bhagavad-gita,_God_says_that_%22All_living_entities_are_My_part_and_parcels.%22_He%27s_undergoing_a_great_struggle_for_life_under_the_bodily_impression_that_he_is_this_body,_but_this_kind_of_understanding_is_animal_civilization|In the Bhagavad-gita, God says that "All living entities are My part and parcels." He's undergoing a great struggle for life under the bodily impression that he is this body, but this kind of understanding is animal civilization.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your remark that we cannot make Krishna our order supplier is very appropriate. We should always try to supply everything to Krishna and we shall try to avoid any return by Krishna. That is Vaisnava philosophy|Your remark that we cannot make Krishna our order supplier is very appropriate. We should always try to supply everything to Krishna and we shall try to avoid any return by Krishna. That is Vaisnava philosophy. The Gopis and Radharani served Krishna without any expectation of material or spiritual profit. They never expected any return from Krishna and Krishna remained ever indebted to the Gopis.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_English_dictionary_the_name_of_Krsna_as_stated_%22a_Hindu_god.%22_But_actually,_that_is_not_the_fact._Krsna_is_the_name_of_God._Krsna_means_the_all-attractive,_all-good|In the English dictionary the name of Krsna as stated "a Hindu god." But actually, that is not the fact. Krsna is the name of God. Krsna means the all-attractive, all-good.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding lecturing by woman devotees: I have informed you that in the service of the Lord there is no distinction of caste or creed, color, or sex|Regarding lecturing by woman devotees: I have informed you that in the service of the Lord there is no distinction of caste or creed, color, or sex. In the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord especially mentions that even a woman who has taken seriously is also destined to reach Him. We require a person who is in the knowledge of Krishna, that is the only qualification of a person speaking. It doesn't matter what he is. Materially a woman may be less intelligent than a man, but spiritually there is no such distinction. Because spiritually everyone is pure soul.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_says_that_each_and_every_name_of_God_is_as_powerful_as_God._Because_God_is_Absolute,_therefore_there_is_no_difference_between_His_name,_form,_pastimes|Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that each and every name of God is as powerful as God. Because God is Absolute, therefore there is no difference between His name, form, pastimes.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is a word, atmarama, in Sanskrit. Atmarama means one who is satisfied with his self. He is called atmarama. Because self is the basic principle of this body, the soul|There is a word, ātmārāma, in Sanskrit. Ātmārāma means one who is satisfied with his self. He is called ātmārāma. Because self is the basic principle of this body, the soul. So one who is satisfied with his soul, he is called ātmārāma, or self-realized person. One who seeks pleasure externally, he is materialist, and one who seeks pleasure internally, he is spiritualist. That is the difference.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_philosophy_is_that_we_prepare_nice_foodstuff_and_we_offer_to_Krsna,_and_after_He_has_eaten,_then_we_take_it._That_is_our_philosophy._We_don%27t_take_anything_which_is_not_offered_to_Krsna|Our philosophy is that we prepare nice foodstuff and we offer to Krsna, and after He has eaten, then we take it. That is our philosophy. We don't take anything which is not offered to Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as your occasional agitation from maya, the answer is very simple that one must either strictly control his senses, or else he must get himself married. If one is strong enough in Krishna Consciousness, then there is no reason to become grhastha|So far as your occasional agitation from the maya, the answer is very simple that one must either strictly control his senses, or else he must get himself married. If one is strong enough in Krishna Consciousness, then there is no reason to become grhastha, but if one is still disturbed by sex-desire, then marriage is the only other possibility. But if one is still brahmacari, then he must be sure to follow all of the rules and regulations very strictly. There is no place in spiritual life for cheating in this matter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_we_believe_in_reincarnation%3F_She_wants_to_know_if_we_believe_in_reincarnation|Do we believe in reincarnation? She wants to know if we believe in reincarnation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Material entanglement is no problem; if Krishna was not so powerful that He can easily undo our material entanglement then there would be no need to follow the path of Krishna Consciousness|Material entanglement is no problem; if Krishna was not so powerful that He can easily undo our material entanglement then there would be no need to follow the path of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna has given His instruction in the Bhagavad-gita that one should simply surrender unto Him, and immediately He takes charge of solving all of the problems of life. So if you decide to surrender unto Krishna, and if you are sincere of purpose, there is no problem of your life. Material entanglement is not a new thing for you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_wants_to_know_if_you_believe_that_the_Virgin_Mary_who_is_the_mother_of_Jesus_is_the_same_as_Parvati|He wants to know if you believe that the Virgin Mary who is the mother of Jesus is the same as Parvati.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The World Sankirtana Party should consist of members who can impress spiritual ecstasy in the hearts of the people so that some of them may come forward and agree to establish a center where the Sankirtana party may go on continually|I do not mean a concert party or musical party that may go to a city, have some performances and collect some money without any permanent effect. For this purpose the World Sankirtana Party should consist of members who can impress spiritual ecstasy in the hearts of the people so that some of them may come forward and agree to establish a center where the Sankirtana party may go on continually.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720716BG.EDI_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_wants_to_know_more_about_those_who_are_asleep_and_those_who_are_awake_in_our_eyes._What_is_a_sleeper_and_who_is_awake%3F|He wants to know more about those who are asleep and those who are awake in our eyes. What is a sleeper and who is awake?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By distributing of our books and literatures through this program of life membership, our institution can become greater and greater all over the world|Now the most important point is to recruit life members as many as possible. Please let me know how many you have made. The money received of the life membership fees should be divided into two: 50% for building fund and 50% for my book fund. By distributing of our books and literatures through this program of life membership, our institution can become greater and greater all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720720AR.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_taking_into_account_of_the_nonperishable._So_it_is_the_movement_of_the_soul,_not_the_movement_as_political_movement,_social_movement_or_religious_movement|Krsna consciousness movement is meant for taking into account of the nonperishable. So it is the movement of the soul, not the movement as political movement, social movement or religious movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yajna means to satisfy the Supreme. That is sacrifice. I sacrifice my own convenience. I take all kinds of troubles... There is no trouble; it is pleasure. Just like the mother takes all kinds of trouble for the little child|Yajña means to satisfy the Supreme. That is sacrifice. I sacrifice my own convenience. I take all kinds of troubles... There is no trouble; it is pleasure. Just like the mother takes all kinds of trouble for the little child, but she does not think that is trouble. That is pleasure. When you do something out of love, that is pleasure. That is not trouble. In the transcendental platform, devotional service, anything you do, that is pleasure. That is not trouble.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720815SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_thief_who_wanted_to_plunder_child_Krsna%27s_jewels|The thief who wanted to plunder child Krsna's jewels.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should not remain vimudha. We should become intelligent. And to make us intelligent, Krsna comes, Krsna's devotees come, some messenger comes. And Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is one of the messengers of Krsna Caitanya to preach Krsna consciousness|So we should not remain vimūḍha. We should become intelligent. And to make us intelligent, Kṛṣṇa comes, Kṛṣṇa's devotees come, some messenger comes. And Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura is one of the messengers of Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu to preach Kṛṣṇa consciousness. And not only he preached, but he trained up many disciples to preach this Kṛṣṇa consciousness all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720815SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28a_thief%29_saw_Krsna_the_same_way_as_he_was_informed_by_the_Bhagavata_reader._Then_he_saw,_%22Oh,_oh,_you_are_so_nice_boy,_Krsna.%22_So_he_began_to_flatter._He_thought_that_%22Flattering,_I_shall_take_all_the_jewels%22|He (a thief) saw Krsna the same way as he was informed by the Bhagavata reader. Then he saw, "Oh, oh, you are so nice boy, Krsna." So he began to flatter. He thought that "Flattering, I shall take all the jewels".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your emphasis to fight the deprogrammers by a program of education of parents is very good. You can send favorable letters by parents to other parents|Your emphasis to fight the deprogrammers by a program of education of parents is very good. You can send favorable letters by parents to other parents. Regarding your statement that our centers are not coordinating their efforts for education of parents, please do the needful at the GBC meeting. As for the devotee who is missing from Berkeley, immediately report to the police that we are suspecting the deprogrammers and they must act. They must take the case.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720817SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Saranagati, surrender to Krsna, is our only business. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to teach people to, not to declare independence, which is not possible, nor to try to make this world happy without Krsna|Saraṇāgati, surrender to Kṛṣṇa, is our only business. This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is trying to teach people to, not to declare independence, which is not possible, nor to try to make this world happy without Kṛṣṇa. That is not possible. That is our propaganda. Whatever you do, you take shelter of Kṛṣṇa, or God. "Kṛṣṇa" is the most explicit term for God. God may have many names. Kṛṣṇa is the perfect name. God has no name; some philosophers say like that. No name means that His name is understood by His different action.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720818SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_should_be_intelligent_enough_to_understand_or_to_hear_katha_of_Krsna._Simply_you_have_to_do_this._Just_like_you_are_all_sitting_here._It_doesn%27t_require_that_you_have_to_pass_M.A._examination,_Ph.D._examination._God_has_given_you_the_ear|One should be intelligent enough to understand or to hear katha of Krsna. Simply you have to do this. Just like you are all sitting here. It doesn't require that you have to pass M.A. examination, Ph.D. examination. God has given you the ear.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am not displeased with any of my disciples. A father can not be displeased with his sons, but sometimes the sons create disturbances, and the father has to tolerate|So far as Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda are concerned, I am not displeased with any of my disciples. A father can not be displeased with his sons, but sometimes the sons create disturbances, and the father has to tolerate. Constitutionally, the father is always affectionate and pleased with the sons. But it is up to the sons to obey the father and keep the relationship natural. The little disturbances created by Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda were temporary. Now again they have come to their real consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720818SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Motorcar_civilization_will_be_finished_within_another_hundred_years._It_has_begun,_say,_for_the_last_hundred_years,_and_after_a_hundred_years,_when..._The_scientists_say_the_petroleum_will_be_finished_within_fifty_years_or_like_that,_so,_say_hundred_years|Motorcar civilization will be finished within another hundred years. It has begun, say, for the last hundred years, and after a hundred years, when... The scientists say the petroleum will be finished within fifty years or like that, so, say hundred years.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna's service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body|I am very much anxious to know how is your present condition of health. Please let me know if you are improving or if there is some disturbance still. We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna's service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body. We learn from an instance of Sanatana Goswami.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720819SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_getting_the_sword_one_after_another,_simply_by_hearing|We are getting the sword one after another, simply by hearing.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone knows that nothing takes place automatically unless one living force adjusts the materials. The house does not come automatically, although the ingredients are there|Anyone knows that nothing takes place automatically unless one living force adjusts the materials. The house does not come automatically, although the ingredients are there. It has to be handled by a living entity, and then the house is appearing as one of the product of this material world. Similarly, we have to consider that this big cosmic manifestation is not creation of blunt material energy. No. That is not possible. There must be. How one can deny God? There is no possibility of denying God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720819SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_to_take_this_sword_of_Krsna_consciousness._Then_you_become_free._The_knot_is_cut_by_this_sword._Now_how_we_can_get_this_sword%3F_That_process_is_described_here_that_you_simply,_with_faith,_you_try_to_hear|You have to take this sword of Krsna consciousness. Then you become free. The knot is cut by this sword. Now how we can get this sword? That process is described here that you simply, with faith, you try to hear.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Gradually, by their degradation, they forget service of Krsna. Simply they fight for their position. Then they fall down their position|Gradually, by their degradation, they forget service of Kṛṣṇa. Simply they fight for their position. Then they fall down their position. Sthānād bhraṣṭaḥ patanty adhaḥ. They are no more brāhmaṇas or kṣatriyas; they are all rascals. One who forgets the service of the Lord, in spite of His appearing in a brāhmaṇa family or a kṣatriya family, he is rascal. He is nothing. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇāḥ. All these guṇas... Guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ BG 4.13 . All the guṇas are lost.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720825SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|People do not understand, and they read Bhagavad-gita daily. And they are very much proud: "I am reading Bhagavad-gita daily." If anyone actually reads Bhagavad-gita, then he will be Krsna conscious|People do not understand, and they read Bhagavad-gītā daily. And they are very much proud: "I am reading Bhagavad-gītā daily." If anyone actually reads Bhagavad-gītā, then he will be Kṛṣṇa conscious. It is meant for that purpose. But they do not read actually. They simply make a show. Neither do they understand what is Bhagavad-gītā. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gītā as it is. Is that all right? So we have to preach in that spirit.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720828SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|How could I start this movement in the Western country? There was no varnasrama-dharma. But that did not hamper my movement|The varṇāśrama-dharma is a good help undoubtedly, but it is not important for Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Otherwise how could I start this movement in the Western country? There was no varṇāśrama-dharma. But that did not hamper my movement. Now people are surprised: "How these people have become such great devotees." So it was not based on varṇāśrama-dharma, no, because the whole movement is spiritual. It starts from the spiritual platform, ahaṁ brahmāsmi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720904SB.NVclip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mr_Chakravarti_and_the_circus|Mr Chakravarti and the circus.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is a great shock that he is not visible to our eyes. But as we know, the living being does not die|Last time when I was in Nairobi, I had some talks with him when we were preparing to take lunch at the house of Damji Devji. That was our last talk. So it is a great shock that he is not visible to our eyes. But as we know, the living being does not die. It is said about the saintly persons: moro va jivo va which means that the saintly person devoted to the lotus feet of the Lord is always glorious, either physically present or not present. So I wish that the devotees who took shelter of this saintly person continue to progress in spiritual life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment_we_are_jiva-bhutah._We_are_thinking_that_I_am_this_body,_but_when_you_come_to_the_platform_that_I_am_Brahman,_I_am_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna,_or_God,_then_my_duty_changes._That_is_called_bhakti|At the present moment we are jiva-bhutah. We are thinking that I am this body, but when you come to the platform that I am Brahman, I am part and parcel of Krsna, or God, then my duty changes. That is called bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now the spiritual master is explaining, "Yes, this is the right result of chanting Hare Krsna. Unless You come to this emotional stage, transcendental emotional stage, You should know that You have not come to the perfectional stage of chanting"|Now the spiritual master is explaining, "Yes, this is the right result of chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. Unless You come to this emotional stage, transcendental emotional stage, You should know that You have not come to the perfectional stage of chanting. So I am very glad to see that You have chanted very nicely and You have developed the desired result." Kṛṣṇa-viṣayaka premā-parama puruṣārtha. "Because this emotion means that You are developing love of Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720906SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_going_on_as_a_happening_program_to_the_church,_to_the_temple,_or_to_the_mosque,_but_there_is_no_spontaneous_attraction_for_hearing_about_God,_then_it_is_simply_labor,_simply_waste_of_time,_that%27s_all|If you are going on as a happening program to the church, to the temple, or to the mosque, but there is no spontaneous attraction for hearing about God, then it is simply labor, simply waste of time, that's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Accept Krishna as your husband & He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next|May krishna be pleased on you more and more for your sincere service. As you are good artist so also you write good hand. Accept Krishna as your husband and He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next. May Krishna award with His all benedictions upon you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720907SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now as I am going to send the Gitopanisad to India for printing, please see the 1st and 2nd chapters finally if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also mark the verses with diacritic signs as they are in Dr. Radhakrishnan's book|Now as I am going to send the Gitopanisad to India for printing, please see the 1st and 2nd chapters finally if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also mark the verses with diacritic signs as they are in Dr. Radhakrishnan's book. Mark the words in synonyms also. When you let me know that you have done it then I shall ask you to send it to India. With my blessings I hope everything is well there.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720908BG.PIT_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_trying_to_spread_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_for_total_benefit_of_the_human_society|We are trying to spread this Krsna consciousness movement for total benefit of the human society.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to increase our love for Krsna; therefore this worship, temple worship. If you always be engaged in Krsna's service, naturally you develop love for Krsna. That is wanted|We have to increase our love for Kṛṣṇa; therefore this worship, temple worship. If you always be engaged in Kṛṣṇa's service, naturally you develop love for Kṛṣṇa. That is wanted. Premā pumartho mahān. Caitanya Mahāprabhu says that prema, love for Kṛṣṇa, love for God, that is the highest achievement in human life. Premā pumartho mahān. It is not religiosity. Religiosity is different thing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720908BG.PIT_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_problem_at_the_present_moment._People_are_not_educated_about_the_vital_force_of_this_body|This is the problem at the present moment. People are not educated about the vital force of this body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is to be understood that he is victimized by the stroke of maya. I do not know what is awaiting his future lot, but I am sure that his service to Krishna and to his Spiritual Master will not go in vain|Therefore, for the time being, it is to be understood that he is victimized by the stroke of maya. I do not know what is awaiting his future lot, but I am sure that his service to Krishna and to his Spiritual Master will not go in vain. But individual independence and maya are so strong that they can stop progress at any moment. But individual independence and maya are so strong that they can stop progress at any moment. So long as he was here, he was taking care of me very nicely, and I am very much obliged to him.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720913SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I always advise married couples that the male should be engaged in some work; but if somebody is busily engaged in our activities and therefore he cannot work outside, that is also nice|Always advise married couples that the male should be engaged in some work; but if somebody is busily engaged in our activities and therefore he cannot work outside, that is also nice. We do not press people to contribute, and even though we do so, it is for the good of the contributor because everything is employed for advancing this Krishna Consciousness movement. The initiated householders are supposed to be Brahmins, and according to scriptural injunction a Brahmin can accept charity for employing the income in the service of the Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720916SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:After_getting_my_telephone,_I_was_disturbed_always._Some_of_my_students_asking,_phoning_me,_cling,_cling,_and_%22Swamiji,_how_you_are_feeling%3F%22_At_twelve_o%27clock_at_night|After getting my telephone, I was disturbed always. Some of my students asking, phoning me, cling, cling, and "Swamiji, how you are feeling?" At twelve o'clock at night.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is a fact that all other institutions, never mind whether it is Ramakrishna Mission or philosophical speculators, nobody can stand our arguments and reason if we can support them by quoting Scriptures|I am in due receipt of your letter undated and I was so glad to learn that you have defeated four of the whips of the Ramakrishna Mission by giving quotation from the Bhagavad-gita. It is a fact that all other institutions, never mind whether it is Ramakrishna Mission or philosophical speculators, nobody can stand our arguments and reason if we can support them by quoting Scriptures.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720918SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_our_society,_you_are_all_Godbrothers,_Godsisters._Or_those_who_are_married,_they_are_like_mothers._So_you_should_be_very_careful._Then_you_will_remain_dhira,_sober|In our society, you are all Godbrothers, Godsisters. Or those who are married, they are like mothers. So you should be very careful. Then you will remain dhira, sober.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is another bliss, to feel separation from Krsna. Everything, either you meet or you separate, the bliss is there. Crying for Krsna is better bliss|That is another bliss, to feel separation from Kṛṣṇa. Everything, either you meet or you separate, the bliss is there. Crying for Kṛṣṇa is better bliss. So as there are Yamadūtas—they are arresting all the sinful persons—similarly, Viṣṇudūtas, they are always protecting the devotees. Nārāyaṇa-paraḥ sarve na kutaścana bibhyati SB 6.17.28 . Therefore those who are devotees, they are not afraid of anything because they know confidently that "Kṛṣṇa is there." That is one of the items of śaraṇāgati.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720920SB.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_relationship_is_just_like_sometimes_there_is_wind_and_some_straws_gather_together,_and_as_soon_as_the_wind_is_finished_the_straws_are_again_strewn_everywhere|Our relationship is just like sometimes there is wind and some straws gather together, and as soon as the wind is finished the straws are again strewn everywhere.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If there are any defects within our Society it is only symptom that the instructions of the Spiritual Master are being neglected|If anyone strictly follows the regulative principles of Krishna Consciousness then he will always remain enthusiastic and dynamic. So if there are any defects within our Society it is only symptom that the instructions of the Spiritual Master are being neglected. Follow my instructions strictly and always think for giving this gift of Krishna Consciousness wherever you go and to whomever you meet, this is the advice of Lord Caitanya.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720930LE.LB_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_may_control_my_disciples,_but_I_am_controlled_by_somebody_else,_by_my_spiritual_master._So_nobody_can_say_that_%22I_am_the_absolute_controller%22|I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that "I am the absolute controller".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your question in regard to marriage, we must impress upon the parties involved that Krishna Conscious marriage is not some cheap thing that may be embraced whimsically and at any time thrown off|Your question in regard to marriage, we must impress upon the parties involved that Krishna Conscious marriage is not some cheap thing that may be embraced whimsically and at any time thrown off. The boy and girl must be willing to accept each other for life and be prepared to get a job if need be and live in an outside apartment and raise children. These points should be emphasized.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721020ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_one_has_to_become_very_learned_scholar_to_become_a_preacher._Simply_it_requires_enthusiasm,_%22My_Lord_is_so_great,_so_kind,_so_beautiful,_so_wonderful._So_I_must_speak_something_about_my_Lord%22|It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher. Simply it requires enthusiasm, "My Lord is so great, so kind, so beautiful, so wonderful. So I must speak something about my Lord".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily|I want that Mayapur be self-sufficient by having its own production of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk products etc., to the extent that you will be able to feed at least 500 men daily. This will be better than trying to arrange for maintenance funds to come from outside. So we can make some scheme for purchasing sufficient quantity of land. The land there is very fertile and if our men can manage the program then we can go ahead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721020ND.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_book,_Nectar_of_Devotion,_Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu,_if_you_read_regularly,_try_to_understand,_this_means_you_are_associating_with_Srila_Rupa_Gosvami_directly._And_if_you_act_accordingly,_then_you_are_serving_their_lotus_feet|This book, Nectar of Devotion, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, if you read regularly, try to understand, this means you are associating with Srila Rupa Gosvami directly. And if you act accordingly, then you are serving their lotus feet.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Vaisnava is always sorry for the rascals in the world. Otherwise, he has nothing to be unhappy. He can sit down anywhere; he can sleep anywhere; he can eat anything. He doesn't require anyone's help|Vaiṣṇava is always sorry for the rascals in the world. Otherwise, he has nothing to be unhappy. He can sit down anywhere; he can sleep anywhere; he can eat anything. He doesn't require anyone's help. He... As Kṛṣṇa is self-sufficient, similarly, Kṛṣṇa, not exactly like that, but a Vaiṣṇava is also self-sufficient, depending only on Kṛṣṇa. That is Vaiṣṇava. So he has nothing to lament or nothing to regret.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721022SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_practical_experience_how_a_great_institution_was_lost_by_whimsical_ways._Without_carrying_out_the_order_of_the_spiritual_master,_they_manufactured_something_and_the_whole_thing_was_lost|We have got practical experience how a great institution was lost by whimsical ways. Without carrying out the order of the spiritual master, they manufactured something and the whole thing was lost.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I wish that each and every Branch shall keep their independent identity and cooperate keeping the Acarya in the centre|I wish that each and every Branch shall keep their independent identity and cooperate keeping the Acarya in the centre. On this principle we can open any number of Branches all over the world. The Ramakrishna mission works on this principle and thus as organization they have done wonderfully.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721023ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_sent_me_so_many_spiritual_masters|Krsna has sent me so many spiritual masters.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly|I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly. And he appears to be previously practiced to such consciousness. Please help him more and it is the duty of good parents to help their children advanced in Krishna consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721028ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_see_what_is_favorable_to_Krsna,_not_sense_gratification,_not_favorable_to_me._Or_to_my_country,_or_to_my_society._No_self-interest._Only_Krsna%27s_interest._That_is_bhakti|We have to see what is favorable to Krsna, not sense gratification, not favorable to me. Or to my country, or to my society. No self-interest. Only Krsna's interest. That is bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Vedic civilization is the most perfect community project|According to our Sastras, the brahmacaris, the vanaprasthas, and the sannyasis are allowed to collect alms and are considered as the children of the society, which is composed of householders. In other words, our Vedic civilization is the most perfect community project. Only the grhasthas are supposed to earn money, especially the ksatriyas and the vaisyas, and the money is distributed community-wide. The community is divided into four parts, the brahmacari, the grhastha, the vanaprastha, and the sannyasi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721029SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_actually_serious_to_get_out_of_these_material_clutches,_then_we_should_hear_regularly_about_Krsna_from_a_pure_devotee_of_Krsna|If we actually serious to get out of these material clutches, then we should hear regularly about Krsna from a pure devotee of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sankirtana is our life and soul, and if we execute this transcendental business in all earnestness, then there will be no difficulty in any way. We should not pray to Krishna anything except to ask to engage in His service|Sankirtana is our life and soul, and if we execute this transcendental business in all earnestness, then there will be no difficulty in any way. We should not pray to Krishna anything except to ask to engage in His service. If we are engaged in His service then automatically everything will be revealed.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721031ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_intelligence_is_used_for_developing_Krsna_consciousness,_that_is_fortune._So_we_can_set_up_our_own_fortune_or_misfortune._The_fortune_means_that_we_must_be_serious_after_hearing_about_Krsna|When intelligence is used for developing Krsna consciousness, that is fortune. So we can set up our own fortune or misfortune. The fortune means that we must be serious after hearing about Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our real pleasure should be in bhajananandena. Radha-krsna-padaravinda-bhajananandena. In this way we have taken very serious job. In this life we want to finish this material existence for good|Our real pleasure should be in bhajanānandena. Rādhā-kṛṣṇa-padāravinda-bhajanānandena. In this way we have taken very serious job. In this life we want to finish this material existence for good. That should be the responsibility, that "We are going to finish this material existence for good. No more coming." Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti. If you take responsibility in that way, then everything will be adjusted. Serious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721101ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_we_are_active_in_the_karma,_karmi_life,_so_bhakti_life_is_also_activity._It_is_not_sitting_down_idly_or_gossiping._One_must_find_out_some_job_to_serve_Krsna._That_is_bhakti_life|As we are active in the karma, karmi life, so bhakti life is also activity. It is not sitting down idly or gossiping. One must find out some job to serve Krsna. That is bhakti life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master|I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master. Unless one has got utmost confidence in both Spiritual Master and Krsna he cannot advance on the path of bhaktiyoga of Krsna Consciousness. Please keep up this nice attitude and render service sincerely and your life will come to perfection, love of Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721101ND.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sevanam_means_activity._Sevanam_does_not_mean_sit_down_idle,_inert._No._As_soon_as_seva..._Seva_means_activity._One_has_to_preach,_one_has_to_write,_one_has_to_do_this,_do_that,_cook,_offer_the_prasadam,_everything._Seva,_activity|Sevanam means activity. Sevanam does not mean sit down idle, inert. No. As soon as seva... Seva means activity. One has to preach, one has to write, one has to do this, do that, cook, offer the prasadam, everything. Seva, activity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad that you have come to join our family of Krsna which is the original eternal, blissful family of all living souls as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna|I am very glad that you have come to join our family of Krsna which is the original eternal, blissful family of all living souls as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna. It is so much pleasing to me that you and many, many young boys and girls are finding that Krsna or Govinda is the only source of satisfaction and joyfulness for all living entities.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721108SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Forget_good_government_for_millions_of_years,_unless_you_establish_this_varnasrama-dharma|Forget good government for millions of years, unless you establish this varnasrama-dharma.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Even they are going to jail daily, but still they will not stop their chanting and distributing. When they go to jail, they refuse to eat the food, and in this way so much public sympathy is there|As far as police problems are concerned, this is going on all over the world, especially here in Melbourne, they are being persecuted by the police. Even they are going to jail daily, but still they will not stop their chanting and distributing. When they go to jail, they refuse to eat the food, and in this way so much public sympathy is there. So eventually the police will accept us and our Sankirtana activities will go on unchecked. Simply we must have the determination to continue our preaching work under all circumstances.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721111ND.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_not_to_be_attracted_by_the_glimmer_of_this_material_world,_but_to_be_attracted_by_Krsna._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement|Our business is not to be attracted by the glimmer of this material world, but to be attracted by Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Carving tulasi beads should not be your sole occupation. You should also go out for street sankirtana and distribute my literature for the cripple minded masses, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify|Carving tulasi beads should not be your sole occupation. You should also go out for street sankirtana and distribute my literature for the cripple minded masses, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify. But whatever you do should be done with wholehearted enthusiasm and strict adherence to the principles of chanting 16 rounds, rising for mangala arati, following the four basic principles, always remaining clean etc.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721111ND.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_purpose_is_not_to_construct_big,_big_buildings._That_is_required_for_propaganda_work,_for_giving_shelter_to_people._But_our_main_business_is_how_to_turn_the_face_of_the_bewildered_conditioned_souls_towards_Krsna|Our purpose is not to construct big, big buildings. That is required for propaganda work, for giving shelter to people. But our main business is how to turn the face of the bewildered conditioned souls towards Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I was translating Bhagavatam, and when three books were published, I prepared myself to go to America, singlehanded. Not for getting any material reputation, but simply to try, because I knew my Guru Maharaja was very, very anxious to preach this cult|Not for getting any material reputation, but simply to try, because I knew my Guru Mahārāja was very, very anxious to preach this cult. So when I saw that there were other, my big Godbrothers—I cannot say that they could not do anything; at least there was no any tangible result—then at the age of seventy years, I thought, "Let me try if I can do something." So I left India in 1965 and went to New York, thinking, "What shall I do? I do not know what for Kṛṣṇa has brought me in this place without any friend, without any money."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721112SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vaidhi-bhakti,_that_is_apprenticeship._Real_bhakti,_para-bhakti,_that_is_raganuga-bhakti|Vaidhi-bhakti, that is apprenticeship. Real bhakti, para-bhakti, that is raganuga-bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Anartha means unwanted bad habits. So when we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. So to give up all these bad habits means we have to associate with sadhus|Anartha means unwanted bad habits. So when we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. So to give up all these bad habits means we have to associate with sādhus or devotees, saintly person. Then we can give it up. This is called anartha-nivṛtti, means giving up all unwanted bad habits. These things are not wanted. Nobody dies if he does not smoke or drink. Nobody dies. So artificially we learn it, so by good association we can give it up.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721117BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Prahlada Maharaja was put into so many trials when he was only a child, still he never forgot Krsna. That is the sign of maha-bhagavata. In any circumstances|Prahlāda Mahārāja was put into so many trials when he was only a child, still he never forgot Kṛṣṇa. That is the sign of mahā-bhāgavata. In any circumstances. It does not mean that because one is mahā-bhāgavata he should not be put into trials. He can be put into trials, because the material world is like that. The Western country, they, Lord Jesus Christ, he was put into trials but he never forgot Kṛṣṇa. This is sign of mahā-bhāgavata, nitya-siddha.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Going_to_the_forest_is_not_the_main_purpose_of_life._Because_in_the_forest_there_are_many_animals._Does_it_mean_they_are_advanced_in_spiritual_life%3F_That_is_called_markata-vairagya._Markata-vairagya_means_%22monkey_renunciation|Going to the forest is not the main purpose of life. Because in the forest there are many animals. Does it mean they are advanced in spiritual life? That is called markata-vairagya. Markata-vairagya means "monkey renunciation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you want sex life, you are at liberty to get yourself married. But don't have illicit sex with some Maya's representative. That won't help you in your spiritual advancement. We don't forbid sex life, but we cannot allow illicit sex|Follow the rules and regulations strictly. If you want sex life, you are at liberty to get yourself married. But don't have illicit sex with some Maya's representative. That won't help you in your spiritual advancement. We don't forbid sex life, but we cannot allow illicit sex. For a young man it is very difficult to check sex desire, therefore best thing is for him to get himself married, and live like a responsible gentleman. Irresponsible man cannot make progress materially, or spiritually.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now,_everyone_is_trying_not_to_die,_everyone_is_trying_not_to_become_old,_everyone_is_trying_not_to_be_dead,_meet_death._This_is_natural._Because,_by_nature,_we_are_not_subjected_to_these_things|Now, everyone is trying not to die, everyone is trying not to become old, everyone is trying not to be dead, meet death. This is natural. Because, by nature, we are not subjected to these things.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far I am concerned I always take risk for Krishna. I came here in your country risking my life|So far I am concerned I always take risk for Krishna. I came here in your country risking my life. And still although I am physically unfit, I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja as far as possible. So to take risk for Krishna is very good. You know the history of my starting the society in 1966, it was all risky, and I was alone, but I took it depending on Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_is_the_recommendation._Try_to_become_Krsna_conscious._And_then_you%27ll_not_be_disturbed_with_all_these_external,_ephemeral_changes_of_the_material_world|Here is the recommendation. Try to become Krsna conscious. And then you'll not be disturbed with all these external, ephemeral changes of the material world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To stick to the principles advised by the Spiritual Master and serve Krishna under the direction of the Spiritual Master is the only hope of our advancing in Krishna Consciousness. The Spiritual Master and Krishna are two parallel lines|To stick to the principles advised by the Spiritual Master and serve Krishna under the direction of the Spiritual Master is the only hope of our advancing in Krishna Consciousness. The Spiritual Master and Krishna are two parallel lines. You have to make your progress on these two parallel lines, you cannot avoid one in preference of the other. The train, on two tracks, moves forward. The Spiritual Master and Krishna are like these two tracks, they must be served simultaneously. Krishna helps one to find bona fide Spiritual Master, and bona fide Spiritual Master helps one to understand Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vaisnava_is_very_kind-hearted,_merciful,_because_he_feels_for_others._He_feels_for_others_in_this_sense_that_he_knows_what_he_is._He_sees_every_living_entity_as_part_and_parcel_of_God|Vaisnava is very kind-hearted, merciful, because he feels for others. He feels for others in this sense that he knows what he is. He sees every living entity as part and parcel of God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The bhakti-yoga process is that if I do not like to see artificially the beauty of woman or man, if I try to see the beauty of Krsna, naturally my, this propensity of seeing beautiful man or woman becomes extinguished. You do not require to shut your eyes|The bhakti-yoga process is that if I do not like to see artificially the beauty of woman or man, if I try to see the beauty of Kṛṣṇa, naturally my, this propensity of seeing beautiful man or woman becomes extinguished. You do not require to shut your eyes. There are so many beautiful girls sitting. I do not require to shut my eyes. If my mind is concentrated on the beauty of Kṛṣṇa I can see these beautiful girls as Kṛṣṇa's gopīs.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_have_realized_the_Absolute_Truth,_they_have_concluded_that_the_matter_has_no_permanent_existence_and_spirit_soul_has_no_annihilation._These_two_things_would_be_understood|Those who have realized the Absolute Truth, they have concluded that the matter has no permanent existence and spirit soul has no annihilation. These two things would be understood.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The spreading of this Sankirtana Movement is the best service to the greater humanity and all living entities in general because it revives the divine nature of the soul in Krsna Consciousness|The spreading of this Sankirtana Movement is the best service to the greater humanity and all living entities in general because it revives the divine nature of the soul in Krsna Consciousness. So your activities are now supposed to be on the pure spiritual platform and by continuation of this simple process faithfully you will increase your spiritual blissful strength and influence those who come in your contact to take part in this joyous revival of love of Krsna, the desired life of eternally liberated souls.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_living_entity_has_accepted_a_material_body._Therefore_they_are_called_dehi._So_dehinam,_every_dehi,_because_he_has_accepted_this_material_body,_he%27s_always_full_of_anxiety|Every living entity has accepted a material body. Therefore they are called dehi. So dehinam, every dehi, because he has accepted this material body, he's always full of anxiety.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Devotion does not depend on the body, and in spite of all difficulties we can chant, so long we have got the tongue - and even we have got no tongue we can chant in our mind. So where is the question of not serving with devotion?|Devotion does not depend on the body, and in spite of all difficulties we can chant, so long we have got the tongue—and even we have got no tongue we can chant in our mind. So where is the question of not serving with devotion? On the contrary, I consider that you and your good husband, Gaurasundara, are two of my topmost disciples and the work you are doing greatly encourages and pleases me, therefore do not think that because you are sometimes sick or weak that you are not making any advancement and that you are disappointing me, no.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Real_renunciation_means_you_have_to_give_up_the_andha-kupa_life_and_take_shelter_of_Krsna,_harim_asrayeta._If_you_take_shelter_of_Krsna,_then_you_can_give_up_this,_all_this_%22ism%22_life._Otherwise,_it_is_not_possible|Real renunciation means you have to give up the andha-kupa life and take shelter of Krsna, harim asrayeta. If you take shelter of Krsna, then you can give up this, all this "ism" life. Otherwise, it is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|He knows everything, even within your heart, what you're thinking, what you are planning. It cannot be concealed to Krsna. This is our foolishness, that we are doing something, concealing|He knows everything, even within your heart, what you're thinking, what you are planning. It cannot be concealed to Kṛṣṇa. This is our foolishness, that we are doing something, concealing. You can conceal my eyes, other friend's eyes, but you cannot conceal the eyes of Kṛṣṇa. He is upadraṣṭānumantā (BG 13.23). That is explained in Bhagavad-gītā. Upadraṣṭā: He is seeing always what you are doing. You cannot play tricks with Kṛṣṇa; that is not possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_trying_to_educate_people_to_understand_the_value_of_life,_the_value_of_spiritual_life_especially,_Bhagavata|We are trying to educate people to understand the value of life, the value of spiritual life especially, Bhagavata.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One who is engaged in Krsna's service with firm faith and devotion, it means he has already freed himself from all kinds of reactions of sinful activities. This is the test|One who is engaged in Kṛṣṇa's service with firm faith and devotion, it means he has already freed himself from all kinds of reactions of sinful activities. This is the test. Without being freed from all contamination of sinful activities, nobody can clinch his faith on the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa. If one hesitates, that means he is still sinful. That's all. Na māṁ duṣkṛtino mūḍhāḥ prapadyante narādhamāḥ (BG 7.15). Duṣkṛtino. Duṣkṛta means sinful—he cannot surrender to Kṛṣṇa. These are the plain things.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721121BG.HYD_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_motor_accident_dying_in_America_is_not_very_astonishment,_if_one_is_little_slow,_immediately:_tarak_taka_tak|The motor accident dying in America is not very astonishment, if one is little slow, immediately: tarak taka tak.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should know that the value of accepting a bona fide spiritual master is more than we can calculate. It is not a mere formality|You should know that the value of accepting a bona fide spiritual master is more than we can calculate. It is not a mere formality. Of course everyone is encouraged to chant Hare Krishna, but until one gives up sinful activities and becomes determined to serve Krishna through His representative then the firm fixing up of devotional service will not take hold, and there is every chance that one will fall prey to all sorts of material desires and have to come back again in the next life—and one cannot guarantee that he will be born in the form of life he may desire.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721123BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_hear_about_Krsna,_then_you_should_know_that_you_are_touching_Krsna_by_aural_reception|If you hear about Krsna, then you should know that you are touching Krsna by aural reception.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You have my authorization to open centers as you see fit after considering twice and thrice. Do not whimsically open or establish any center and then close it down later on|You have my authorization to open centers as you see fit after considering twice and thrice. Do not whimsically open or establish any center and then close it down later on. Please report to me directly as to your whereabouts and your programs for preaching work. You must be very strict to follow all of the rules and regulations that I have given without even the slightest deviation. By a perfect example from your own conduct, others will be nicely trained up to be perfect Vaisnavas.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721126BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Be_Krsna_consciousness._Just_become_a_devotee_of_Krsna._Offer_your_respects...%22_You_have_to_offer_your_respect_to_anyone._You_are_not_supreme._You_have_to_flatter_somebody_to_get_some_service._That_is_an..._Even_if_you_get_nice_position|Be Krsna consciousness. Just become a devotee of Krsna. Offer your respects..." You have to offer your respect to anyone. You are not supreme. You have to flatter somebody to get some service. That is an... Even if you get nice position.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The foolish persons, they do not take care. They think they are very much advanced, they have no need to attend arati or to play on the mrdanga or cymbal. But that is not fact. So many items are there given by the acaryas|The foolish persons, they do not take care. They think they are very much advanced, they have no need to attend ārati or to play on the mṛdaṅga or cymbal. But that is not fact. So many items are there given by the ācāryas. If not this, you do this, you do that, you do that—hundreds of items. Take any one of them and you'll be benefited. This is arcana-mārga. There are many foolish person, they make propaganda, "There is no need of going to the temple." That is another rascaldom. Because if you come to the temple, you get so many facilities to make advance in spiritual life. This is our mission.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721127BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to give the same message as Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: "surrender to Krishna". The pastimes of Radha-Krishna relationship are confidential and are not for the distribution to the ordinary public|The message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to give the same message as Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: "surrender to Krishna". The pastimes of Radha-Krishna relationship are confidential and are not for the distribution to the ordinary public. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to discuss with Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Ray, Sikhi Mahiti, but not publicly. Ordinarily he was chanting the Hare Krishna mantra with ordinary devotees at the Jagannatha temple. So I think you should not discuss Radha-Krishna pranyayavikritih openly among ordinary conditional souls.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721128BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educating_people_to_become_first-class_yogi._Think_of_Krsna._Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Krsna,_Krsna_Krsna,_Hare_Hare_-_Hare_Rama,_Hare_Rama,_Rama_Rama,_Hare_Hare._It_is_not_bogus_thing._It_is_actual_fact._You_can_become_yogi|This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people to become first-class yogi. Think of Krsna. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. It is not bogus thing. It is actual fact. You can become yogi.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna consciousness is not an artificial thing, that we have manufactured some ideas and advertising that we are Krsna conscious. No|Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not an artificial thing, that we have manufactured some ideas and advertising that we are Kṛṣṇa conscious. No. Kṛṣṇa consciousness means just as an obedient citizen of the state, he's always conscious of the state's supremacy, similarly, a person who is always conscious of the supremacy of God, or Kṛṣṇa, he is called Kṛṣṇa conscious. He's called Kṛṣṇa conscious. And if we say that "Why should we become Kṛṣṇa conscious?" if you do not become Kṛṣṇa conscious, then you become criminal. You become sinful. You have to suffer.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721208BG.AHM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mirabhai_challenged_Rupa_Gosvami,_%22I_know_that_only_Krsna_is_purusa_here,_and_everyone_is_woman%22|Mirabhai challenged Rupa Gosvami, "I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A devotee always accepts his distress as minimized by God's Mercy, although he would have to suffer many more times the suffering|A devotee always accepts his distress as minimized by God's Mercy, although he would have to suffer many more times the suffering. Any one who accepts this philosophy of God's Mercy in suffering conditions, and still makes progress in Krishna Consciousness, it is said that he is sure to go back to Home, Back to Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721210BG.AHM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_we_have_understood_by_the_parampara_system_from_my_Guru_Maharaja,_so_any_of_my_students_who_will_understand,_he_will_keep_it_running_on._This_is_the_process|As we have understood by the parampara system from my Guru Maharaja, so any of my students who will understand, he will keep it running on. This is the process.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad that you attended our class at Montreal and tried to understand the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. It is neither sectarian nor dogmatic|I am glad that you attended our class at Montreal and tried to understand the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. It is neither sectarian nor dogmatic. It is the natural relationship of the living entities with the Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is Krishna, or the All Attractive; one cannot be Supreme Soul without being all attractive. If God is Supreme, therefore the nomenclature of God to be addressed is Krishna perfectly well.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721210BG.AHM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_take_the_lift_of_bhakti,_then_immediately_you_come_in_contact_with_Krsna_directly,_instead_of_going_by_step_by_step_by_step|If you take the lift of bhakti, then immediately you come in contact with Krsna directly, instead of going by step by step by step.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I accept service from my disciples on behalf of Krishna. Just like a tax collector must collect for the treasury, not for himself|Your strong desire to serve me is very beautiful; your serving me means serving Krishna. I am also your servant so I cannot accept your service from you, or from any of my disciples. I accept service from my disciples on behalf of Krishna. Just like a tax collector must collect for the treasury, not for himself. If he himself touches so much as a farthing it would be unlawful. So I have no right to accept service from any disciple, but on behalf of Krishna I can accept. Sincere service to the Spiritual Master is service to the Supreme Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721211BG.AHM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_systematic_religious_process_is_to_be_understood:_%22It_is_given_by_God.%22_Man_cannot_make_any_religious_system._So_this_Aryan_system,_progressive_system,_is_catur-varnyam_maya_srstam_guna-karma-vibhagasah|Any systematic religious process is to be understood: "It is given by God." Man cannot make any religious system. So this Aryan system, progressive system, is catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding utilizing intelligence in devotional service, intelligence should be confirmed by the Spiritual Master. Therefore we accept the Spiritual Master for guidance. You should not depend on your own intelligence|Regarding utilizing intelligence in devotional service, intelligence should be confirmed by the Spiritual Master. Therefore we accept the Spiritual Master for guidance. You should not depend on your own intelligence. Just like a child requires a parent to tell him the correct thing to do, similarly, a strict disciple should always use his intelligence in conformity with the instructions of the Spiritual Master.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721211BG.AHM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Parantapa_means...|Parantapa means...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please see that all the devotees are following these principles; this program is the essential basis of our spiritual advancement|Please see that all the devotees are following these principles; this program is the essential basis of our spiritual advancement. If chanting and following of the regulation is done sincerely, without offense, all questions and doubtful points of philosophy will be cleared up by realization of Krsna from within the heart of the devotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721226ND.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_saw_one_hotel_man_in_Calcutta_cutting_the_throat_of_a_chicken:_he_was_laughing_and_his_son_was_crying|I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken: he was laughing and his son was crying.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Make it so that people may not think too repressive so they will not go away - impressive but not repressive, that is the system|Make it so that people may not think too repressive so they will not go away—impressive but not repressive, that is the system. These regulative principles are our life, if they are not respected then we fall down from the standard and the whole thing is finished. As GBC you should see the standard is perfectly maintained, and that deity worship is perfectly done. Then Krishna will give us all protection. Neglecting the principles means neglecting Krishna's order. So you are one of the chief men of this Institution, kindly maintain your behavior to the standard so that others will follow and the whole thing may go on nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721226ND.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_policy_is_not_bhoga-tyaga._Our_policy_is_satisfaction_of_Krsna._That_is_pure_bhakti|Our policy is not bhoga-tyaga. Our policy is satisfaction of Krsna. That is pure bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So long I deny Krsna, that is disunity, and as soon as I agree, "Krsna, yes," then this is unity. This is unity. Unity does not mean that Krsna and Arjuna become united, homogeneous|So long I deny Kṛṣṇa, that is disunity, and as soon as I agree, "Kṛṣṇa, yes," then this is unity. This is unity. Unity does not mean that Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna become united, homogeneous. No. Kṛṣṇa is distinct, and Arjuna. They continue to exist. In the beginning Arjuna was denying to fight. That is disunity, and at the end when he said, "Yes, kariṣye vacanaṁ tava, my illusion is now over," that is unity. Unity does not mean one's self loses individuality.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721226ND.BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gopis_were_approached:_%22Oh,_Krsna_is_sick._They_want,_oh,_dust_of...%3F%22_Immediately:_%22Please_take._Please_take.%22_She_did_not_care_that_%22We_are_going_to_hell_by_offering_our_dust_of_feet_on_the_head_of_Krsna._Never_mind._We_shall_go._Krsna_will_be_happy%22|Gopis were approached: "Oh, Krsna is sick. They want, oh, dust of...?" Immediately: "Please take. Please take." She did not care that "We are going to hell by offering our dust of feet on the head of Krsna. Never mind. We shall go. Krsna will be happy".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our basic principle is pleasure. So whatever gives pleasure, we accept. That is natural. But in the material world, they take material pleasure, but we are for spiritual pleasure|Our basic principle is pleasure. So whatever gives pleasure, we accept. That is natural. But in the material world, they take material pleasure, but we are for spiritual pleasure. So as soon as we speak of pleasure, there must be varieties. Without... "Variety is the mother of enjoyment." So the only thing is that the material pleasure, that is temporary. It is finished after certain period. And spiritual means eternal. So our endeavor is to transfer our self from this material pleasure to the spiritual pleasure. But the pleasure is the aim, either in this material world or in the spiritual world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721228ND.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_devotional_service_is_the_pushing_process._Pushing_process._And_as_soon_as_the_energy_comes,_then_automatically:_clak_clak_clak._No_more_pushing._Automatically._This_pushing_process_is_required|This devotional service is the pushing process. Pushing process. And as soon as the energy comes, then automatically: clak clak clak. No more pushing. Automatically. This pushing process is required.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are scientifically presenting love of God, we have 84 books published - this is unique in the world. No one can speak so scientifically in so many books|We are scientifically presenting love of God, we have 84 books published - this is unique in the world. No one can speak so scientifically in so many books. We have thorough, perfect knowledge while others have only a vague idea or only sentiment. Therefore others should not oppose us but should cooperate and learn about God from us. In this way make a positive presentation in the media and go on with your regular preaching program, chanting, distributing prasadam and distributing books.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730103BS.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Govindam_adi-purusam_tam_aham_bhajami._These_verses,_Brahma-samhita,_it_was_composed_by_Lord_Brahma._Therefore_in_the_Vedic_literature_this_is_called_Samhita._Samhita_means_part_of_the_Vedic_literature|Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami. These verses, Brahma-samhita, it was composed by Lord Brahma. Therefore in the Vedic literature this is called Samhita. Samhita means part of the Vedic literature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Medicine is not the remedial measures for our bodily troubles unless we are helped by Krishna. Therefore, whenever there is bodily trouble we may adopt the prescribed methods of medical science and depend upon Krishna for His Mercy|Medicine is not the remedial measures for our bodily troubles unless we are helped by Krishna. Therefore, whenever there is bodily trouble we may adopt the prescribed methods of medical science and depend upon Krishna for His Mercy. The best remedy, not only for Syama Dasi but for everyone, is to consult some approved physician. But ultimately we have to depend on the Mercy of Krishna, so we should chant regularly, pray to Krishna to give us a chance to serve Him, and, if required, we may adopt the approved method of treatment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730103BS.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srimad-Bhagavatam_is_the_original_explanation_of_Vedanta-sutra|Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original explanation of Vedanta-sutra.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are trapped souls in a state of forgetfulness of Krishna|You are right when you say that we are trapped souls in a state of forgetfulness of Krishna, and Krishna is giving you the chance now to re-establish your relationship with Him by this chanting process. So take full advantage of it and be happy. I am so glad to learn that you are already lecturing in the University of Buffalo, and I have received good reports about this.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730103BS.BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_want_to_understand_Krsna,_then_we_have_to_follow._Mahajano_yena_gatah_sa_panthah._Evam_parampara-praptam_imam_rajarsayo_viduh|If we want to understand Krsna, then we have to follow. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want to open hundreds of centers for preaching this Krishna Consciousness, and one who helps me in this endeavor is certainly very dear to Krishna and all of the acaryas|I want to open hundreds of centers for preaching this Krishna Consciousness, and one who helps me in this endeavor is certainly very dear to Krishna and all of the acaryas. You have nicely written "All Glories to Lord Caitanyas Merciful Sankirtana Invasion of Europe", and you will be pleased to know that there is a newspaper article in a San Francisco paper which has the heading "Krishna Chant Startles London". So I hope that this Krishna chanting will startle the whole Western Hemisphere.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730104ND.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is simultaneously one and different philosophy - the living entities thus have free will because they are parts of Krsna and Krsna has free will, but the free will of Krsna is Supreme while the freedom of the parts and parcels is minute|That is simultaneously one and different philosophy—the living entities thus have free will because they are parts of Krsna and Krsna has free will, but the free will of Krsna is Supreme while the freedom of the parts and parcels is minute. So if the living entity out of love subordinates his free will to Krsna that is his liberation. He is no longer forced to act helplessly, but he acts freely rendering loving devotional service to Krsna in every way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730127BG.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Out_of_many,_many_thousands_and_millions_of_people,_one_takes_to_the_scientific_institute_of_varnasrama-dharma._That_means_followers_of_the_Vedas,_strictly|Out of many, many thousands and millions of people, one takes to the scientific institute of varnasrama-dharma. That means followers of the Vedas, strictly.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you simply chant your rounds daily as prescribed and stick strictly to the rules and regulations, all these questions will automatically be answered by Krsna as Supersoul|If you simply chant your rounds daily as prescribed and stick strictly to the rules and regulations, all these questions will automatically be answered by Krsna as Supersoul. You may refer in this connection to Bhagavad gita, "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." and, "Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance." This process of understanding by devotional service is essential for developing Krsna Consciousness and you all must follow this program assiduously.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730127ND.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_our_Krsna_conscious_society,_if_there_is_no_mutual_cooperation,_then_it_will_fall_down_immediately|In our Krsna conscious society, if there is no mutual cooperation, then it will fall down immediately.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Enjoyment, ananda means enjoyment. Enjoyment cannot be impersonal; there must be varieties. That is enjoyment. You have got experience that when there is a bunch of flower of different colors it is very enjoyable|Enjoyment, ānanda means enjoyment. Enjoyment cannot be impersonal; there must be varieties. That is enjoyment. You have got experience that when there is a bunch of flower of different colors it is very enjoyable. And if there is only rose only, although rose is very nice flower, it is not so pleasing. With rose, some green foliage, some grass, inferior quality, it looks very beautiful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730129LE.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_lamenting_because_a_few_yards_of_land_has_been_taken_away_from_your_country_as_Pakistan,_but_if_you_spread_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_the_whole_world_will_become_Hindustan._There_is_such_potency;_I_give_you_my_direct_perception|You are lamenting because a few yards of land has been taken away from your country as Pakistan, but if you spread this Krsna consciousness movement, the whole world will become Hindustan. There is such potency; I give you my direct perception.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The science of Krsna is very difficult to understand. Durbodham. Durbodham. Durbodham means very, very difficult to understand. Therefore you have to approach the mahajanas|The science of Kṛṣṇa is very difficult to understand. Durbodham. Durbodham. Durbodham means very, very difficult to understand. Therefore you have to approach the mahājanas. People, they try to understand which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion and what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand. The Vedic injunction is, in order to understand, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master, durbodham.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730130ND.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_day_the_king_asked_him,_%22Gopala,_what_is_the_difference_between_you_and_an_ass%3F%22_So_he_immediately_measured_the_distance_from_the_king._He_said,_%22It_is_three_feet_only,_sir._The_difference_is_only_three_feet.%22_So_everyone_began_to_laugh|One day the king asked him, "Gopala, what is the difference between you and an ass?" So he immediately measured the distance from the king. He said, "It is three feet only, sir. The difference is only three feet." So everyone began to laugh.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One does not understand what is Krsna, then what to speak of loving Krsna? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him?|One does not understand what is Kṛṣṇa, then what to speak of loving Kṛṣṇa? If you don't understand somebody, how you will love him? But through the method given by Lord Caitanya, if we accept, it becomes so easy that even mlecchas and yavanas, who never heard of Kṛṣṇa, they are dancing in ecstasy for kṛṣṇa-prema. So if we actually want that siddhi, manuṣyāṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścid yatati siddhaye, that perfection of life, we must take to this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. It teaches how to surrender unto Kṛṣṇa. If we surrender to dog, forgetting Kṛṣṇa, we are under the clutches of māyā.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730216BG.SYD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_present_edition,_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is,_is_now_published_by_Macmillan_Company,_the_biggest_publisher_in_the_world._And_we_are_doing_very_nice._We_published_this_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is_in_1968,_in_small_edition._It_was_selling_like_anything|This present edition, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is now published by Macmillan Company, the biggest publisher in the world. And we are doing very nice. We published this Bhagavad-gita As It Is in 1968, in small edition. It was selling like anything.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|GBC men should not dictate very much, simply supervise and see that the standards are maintained|As GBC you must see to it that the highest standards of routine work are maintained throughout all the centers, and that chanting, rising early, cleansing, and all other aspects of our regular program may not be neglected. That is our first business. GBC men should not dictate very much, simply supervise and see that the standards are maintained. The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730405AR.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_only_request_is_that_you_take_some_interest,_active_interest_in_this_movement,_try_to_understand_it,_and_if_you_cooperate,_the_whole_human_society_will_be_happy|My only request is that you take some interest, active interest in this movement, try to understand it, and if you cooperate, the whole human society will be happy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Through the distribution of this literature, we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure|I am very much pleased to hear of your increased book distribution and it gives me great pleasure to hear of your increased eagerness to distribute my literature. Through the distribution of this literature, we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure. Therefore there is no need for us to directly attack these charlatans but simply by this distribution of books the sunlight of Krishna consciousness will prevail.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_that_a_mouse_approached_a_saintly_person|There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|After conferring with my various GBC representatives I have concluded that polygamy must be strictly prohibited in our society|After conferring with my various GBC representatives I have concluded that polygamy must be strictly prohibited in our society. Although it is a Vedic institution still there are so many legal implications. Neither are many of our men fixed up enough to tend for more than one wife. Polygamy will simply increase the sex life and our philosophy is to gradually decrease the sex life till eventually there is no sex life. The policy should be that all the women are given the utmost protection. Women are looking for husbands because they feel unprotected so it is up to the senior members to give all protection to the women.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_think_in_terms_of_that_simply_my_brother_is_good,_I_am_good._And_all_bad._This_kind_of_narrow,_crippled_consciousness_we_hate,_we_kick_out|We do not think in terms of that simply my brother is good, I am good. And all bad. This kind of narrow, crippled consciousness we hate, we kick out.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Let us answer this atrocity by converting all Africans to Krsna Consciousness. Please keep in the front of your attention my desire that you convert the Africans|Let us answer this atrocity by converting all Africans to Krsna Consciousness. Please keep in the front of your attention my desire that you convert the Africans. I know you have some of them already now train them up, so that even if you are forced to leave, they will be able to carry on Krsna Consciousness on their own. That is your real work rather than promoting international demonstrations abroad. Better you work the poison at home, and make the Africans Krsna Conscious, then my mission will be served.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Somebody_questioned_me_somewhere_that:_%22Why_you_have_come_to_America%3F%22_Why_not_I_shall_come%3F_I_am_servant_of_God,_and_this_is_kingdom_of_God._Why_shall_I_not_come%3F_It_is_artificial_to_check_me._If_you_check_me,_then_you%27ll_commit_sinful_activities|Somebody questioned me somewhere that: "Why you have come to America?" Why not I shall come? I am servant of God, and this is kingdom of God. Why shall I not come? It is artificial to check me. If you check me, then you'll commit sinful activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are all innocent boys without any experience of the world. The cunning world can befool you at any time. So please be careful of the world in Krishna Consciousness. When Krishna will desire the house will come to us automatically|You are all innocent boys without any experience of the world. The cunning world can befool you at any time. So please be careful of the world in Krishna Consciousness. When Krishna will desire the house will come to us automatically. But we should not ask Krishna to give us a house let Krishna give us when He likes. If Mr. Payne is able to give us the house it is so far very good. But from circumstances it appears that Mr. Payne cannot get financial assistance from any businessman. If somebody gives us donation for the right cause that is a different thing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730419MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_I_am_puppet_of_my_Guru_Maharaja,_if_you_become_my_puppet,_then_that_is_success._Our_success_is_there_when_we_become_puppet_of_the_predecessor|As I am puppet of my Guru Maharaja, if you become my puppet, then that is success. Our success is there when we become puppet of the predecessor.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are Indians, especially mendicant, we can adjust things in any kind of place. But I shall stay in any place hell or heaven, if it is approved by you|Regarding apartments: we are Indians, especially mendicant, we can adjust things in any kind of place. But I shall stay in any place hell or heaven, if it is approved by you. Of course, on behalf of Krishna I am accepting your sincere service, but on the whole, I am servant of the servant of Krishna. Therefore I may be in designation your Spiritual Master, but actually I am servant of the servant of Krishna, and because you are all sincere servants of Krishna, I am your servant. I shall be glad to stay wherever yourself, Rayarama, and others like me to stay.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_can_convert_the_crows_into_swans._That_is_our_philosophy._One_who_was_crow_is_now_swimming_like_swan._That_we_can_do|We can convert the crows into swans. That is our philosophy. One who was crow is now swimming like swan. That we can do.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding offering food: The custom is to offer the foodstuff first to the Spiritual Master; we cannot do anything directly. The Spiritual Master accepts the offering on behalf of his disciple, and offers the same to Krishna|Regarding offering food: The custom is to offer the foodstuff first to the Spiritual Master; we cannot do anything directly. The Spiritual Master accepts the offering on behalf of his disciple, and offers the same to Krishna. After Krishna's eating, the Spiritual Master eats it, and then the devotees take it as Mahaprasada. This is the system. Everything is offered to the Spiritual Master first, with the prayer "Nama Om Visnupadaya...}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_giving_food,_means_diet_and_medicine,_to_the_soul._The_medicine_is_the_Hare_Krsna_maha-mantra|This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for giving food, means diet and medicine, to the soul. The medicine is the Hare Krsna maha-mantra.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There isn't any difference between chanting the Holy Name at the same time washing the dishes of the Temple. So do not be worried when you are attracted for doing other work in the Temple|There isn't any difference between chanting the Holy Name at the same time washing the dishes of the Temple. So do not be worried when you are attracted for doing other work in the Temple. There is variegatedness in transcendental activities. Sometimes we like to chant, sometimes we like to wash dishes. There is no difference on the Absolute plane. I am sure Krishna will give you all intelligence to work transcendentally.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730426SB.LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_must_be_qualified_to_receive_the_knowledge._Krsna_is_helping_us_from_within._He_is_giving_us_knowledge_from_within._Without_also._So_without,_He%27s_spiritual_master._And_within_He%27s_Supersoul,_caitya-guru._In_this_way,_we_are_getting_knowledge|One must be qualified to receive the knowledge. Krsna is helping us from within. He is giving us knowledge from within. Without also. So without, He's spiritual master. And within He's Supersoul, caitya-guru. In this way, we are getting knowledge.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As soon as the mind is contaminated, I rebel, because I have got little independence. "Why shall I serve Krsna or God? I am God." It is simply a dictation from the mind|I am spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As soon as the mind is contaminated, I rebel, because I have got little independence. "Why shall I serve Kṛṣṇa or God? I am God." It is simply a dictation from the mind. And the whole situation turns. He's under false impression, illusion, and the whole life is spoiled. And who has failed to do so, if we fail to conquer the mind, we are trying to conquer so many things, empire, but if we fail to conquer our mind, then even you conquer an empire, that is a failure. His very mind will be the greatest enemy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730428SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hearing%27s_so_important._Even_amongst_the_Mayavadi_school,_they_hear_Vedanta-sutra._We_also_hear,_but_we_hear,_hear_real_Vedanta-sutra._Because_they_falsely_interpret,_their_hearing_is_spoiled,_but_we_don%27t_interpret._We_hear_actually|Hearing's so important. Even amongst the Mayavadi school, they hear Vedanta-sutra. We also hear, but we hear, hear real Vedanta-sutra. Because they falsely interpret, their hearing is spoiled, but we don't interpret. We hear actually.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way|Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way. Now we are increasing, and with the increment we must make arrangement for carrying on very nicely. At the same time we should see that all the members are chanting regularly, that is our strength, and following the regulative principles strictly. Maya is very strong. If we do not keep ourselves fit by chanting Hare Krsna, we may fall a victim at any moment.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730428SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_subject_matter%3F_The_subject_matter_is_Krsna._We_are_not_hearing_here_any_market_report._What_is_the_price_of_this,_what_is_the_price_of_this_share_or_that_share._No._We_are_hearing_about_Krsna|What is the subject matter? The subject matter is Krsna. We are not hearing here any market report. What is the price of this, what is the price of this share or that share. No. We are hearing about Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We come here empty-handed; we leave here, say, fifty years or hundred years. When I become proprietor? This is another maya, renouncement. As enjoyment is another maya, similarly, renouncement. So we have to give up this renouncement or enjoyment|We come here empty-handed; we leave here, say, fifty years or hundred years. When I become proprietor? This is another māyā, renouncement. As enjoyment is another māyā, similarly, renouncement. So we have to give up this renouncement or enjoyment. We have to take the real position, that "Everything belongs to Kṛṣṇa, or God. We have simply to serve Kṛṣṇa." That is bhakti-yoga. That will give you actual peace. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā. Bhoktāraṁ yajña-tapasāṁ. Kṛṣṇa is the supreme enjoyer. You simply supply ingredients of His enjoyment; then you'll be happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730503MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_lion_asked_the_jackal:_%22So_who_are_you,_sir%3F%22_%22I_am_sent_by_God_to_rule_over_you.%22_%22Oh%3F%22_So_they_began_to_worship_him_as_God,_as_leader._Then_one_day_other_jackals,_they_were_crying,_%22Wa,_wa,%22_but_the_jackals_cannot_stop._If_others_jackals_cry|The lion asked the jackal: "So who are you, sir?" "I am sent by God to rule over you." "Oh?" So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, "Wa, wa," but the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please continue to faithfully serve the Lord by chanting His Holy Names sixteen rounds daily on the beads, going on Sankirtana, following the regulative principles and avoiding the ten offenses, working in cooperation to spread this Sankirtana Movement|Please continue to faithfully serve the Lord by chanting His Holy Names sixteen rounds daily on the beads, going on Sankirtana, following the regulative principles and avoiding the ten offenses, working in cooperation to spread this Sankirtana Movement, studying our philosophy carefully and keeping always happy in Krsna Consciousness. You can take good advantage of the association of devotees and be guided progressively by your elder Godbrothers and sisters in the matter of executing your Krsna consciousness without difficulty.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730504SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_if_we_simply_become_renouncer,_that_will_not_help_us._Then_again_we_shall_become_enjoyer,_so-called_enjoyer._That_is_like_pendulum,_balancing,_tak,_tak,_this_way,_this_way|So if we simply become renouncer, that will not help us. Then again we shall become enjoyer, so-called enjoyer. That is like pendulum, balancing, tak, tak, this way, this way.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light|I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light. Maya is always peeping for a chance to allure the neophyte devotees from the path of Krsna Consciousness and this potential danger is always there everywhere in the material world. The only solution to the danger of material entanglement and consequent unhappiness is to surrender unconditionally at the Lotus feet of Krsna because only He can give assurance of protection from all sinful reactions.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730505MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A living being, to become desireless, how you can? I am living. I am not a dead body. Desire should be to satisfy Krsna. Attachment should be for Him. That's all. You have to change. That is Krsna consciousness|A living being, to become desireless, how you can? I am living. I am not a dead body. Desire should be to satisfy Kṛṣṇa. Attachment should be for Him. That's all. You have to change. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. You have now attachment for sense gratification, desire for sense gratification. This has to be changed. Purification of desire, purification of attachment. Tat paratvena nirmalam. Eyes, because it is diseased, you don't pluck out. This is nonsense. Cure the eyes of the disease, then you will see things right.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730505SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_was_doing_everything;_still_he_was_to_fight._He_was_inducing,_%22You_must_fight.%22_Neither_Arjuna_said,_%22Krsna,_You_are_so,_my_friend._Better_You_do_it._I_sit_down._Let_me_smoke_ganja.%22_No._Arjuna_also_did_not_say._This_is_not_Krsna_consciousness|Krsna was doing everything; still he was to fight. He was inducing, "You must fight." Neither Arjuna said, "Krsna, You are so, my friend. Better You do it. I sit down. Let me smoke ganja." No. Arjuna also did not say. This is not Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We must be very careful to avoid anything scandalous in our dealings, and always keep to the highest standards of respect and courtesy|We must be very careful to avoid anything scandalous in our dealings, and always keep to the highest standards of respect and courtesy. So kindly deal with such matters in future with great caution and tactfully so that our Movement may not get a bad reputation, especially among people who are very sensitive to such things. I know in your country the mixing between boys and girls is very ordinary thing, but in our Asian countries one must be very very careful about such matters, so kindly inform Hanuman and the others in this way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730505SB.LA_clips.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should not be discouraged if people are not coming to your meetings. We are trying to please Krishna. That is all. We simply must go on with our business, to the best of our ability|You should not be discouraged if people are not coming to your meetings. We are trying to please Krishna. That is all. We simply must go on with our business, to the best of our ability. We must always sincerely try to do our best with great determination. This is the transcendental position. Success or failure, this is not our business. We leave that up to Krishna. My Guru Maharaja said, it does not matter if anyone comes to hear. You go on with your chanting. If no-one hears you the walls will hear.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730507SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_will_remain_perpetually_with_you_if_you_love_Krsna|Krsna will remain perpetually with you if you love Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The soul transmigrates to another body. That is the evolutionary process for anthropology, basic principle of anthropology. So in Darwin's theory there is no admission of the soul. Therefore it is imperfect|The soul transmigrates to another body. That is the evolutionary process for anthropology, basic principle of anthropology. So in Darwin's theory there is no admission of the soul. Therefore it is imperfect. The soul transmigrates from one type of body to another type. And then there are 8,400,000 forms of body. So when we get this human form of body we get all intelligence. And we should utilize this intelligence how to stop this transmigration of the soul from one body to another.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730508SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_will_give_you_one_example_how_Krsna_sometimes_breaks_His_promise._It_is_very_nice_story|I will give you one example how Krsna sometimes breaks His promise. It is very nice story.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This is an opportunity, this human form of life, to decide where you want to go. Are you going to hell or heaven or back to home, or back to Godhead? That you have to decide|This is an opportunity, this human form of life, to decide where you want to go. Are you going to hell or heaven or back to home, or back to Godhead? That you have to decide. This is human intelligence, not like working like cats and dogs and dying like cats and dogs. That is not human life. Human life is meant for to decide where you want to go next. By the evolutionary process you have come to this human form of life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730513MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_direct_us_also_through_the_heart%3F_Besides_the_Paramatma|Do you direct us also through the heart? Besides the Paramatma.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That one person, God, He's supplying everyone, whatever necessities. You have to simply work little. That is material world. In the material world you have to work. And in the spiritual world there is no question of work|That one person, God, He's supplying everyone, whatever necessities. You have to simply work little. That is material world. In the material world you have to work. And in the spiritual world there is no question of work. Whatever you require, you desire, everything is there. Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa. You get everything as soon as you desire it. You haven't got to work. That is spiritual world. In material world, to get your necessities you have to work.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730517MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_must_see_the_inconceivable_mystic_power._Just_like_Krsna%2C_as_a_child%2C_lifted_a_hill._This_is_inconceivable_mystic_power._Ramacandra%2C_He_constructed_a_bridge_of_stone_without_pillar|We must see the inconceivable mystic power. Just like Krsna, as a child, lifted a hill. This is inconceivable mystic power. Ramacandra, He constructed a bridge of stone without pillar.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So any process take Vedic process. Either you take yoga process or bhakti process or jnana process, in no process sex indulgence is allowed, no. Sex indulgence is only allowed, family life, just to beget very nice children. That's all|So any process take Vedic process. Either you take yoga process or bhakti process or jñāna process, in no process sex indulgence is allowed, no. Sex indulgence is only allowed, family life, just to beget very nice children. That's all. Sex life is not for sense enjoyment. Although there is enjoyment by nature. Unless there is enjoyment, why one should take responsibility for family life. That is the secret of nature's gift. But we should not take advantage of it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730517MW.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_ultimately_Krsna_is_working._Another,_untrained_man_cannot_come_and_work_on_it_because_there_is_no_intelligence._And_a_particular_man_who_is_trained_up,_he_can_work._So_these_things_are_going_on|So ultimately Krsna is working. Another, untrained man cannot come and work on it because there is no intelligence. And a particular man who is trained up, he can work. So these things are going on.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please try to understand the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in a nutshell: Every living entity has a dormant propensity to love somebody other who is very excellent in his opinion|Please try to understand the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in a nutshell: Every living entity has a dormant propensity to love somebody other who is very excellent in his opinion. Everyone of us therefore wants to love somebody else, attracted by his different varieties of opulences. Somebody loves some other either on account of riches, power, popularity, beauty, knowledge, or renunciation. But this loving propensity for somebody else is fundamentally meant for the supremely rich, powerful, popular, beautiful, wise, and unattached Lord Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730517MW.LA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_got_my_this_body,_a_dress,_covering._And_when_I_go_India,_this_is_not_required._So_they_are_taking_that_the_body_has_evolved_like_that._But_no._Here,_under_certain_condition,_I_accept_this_dress|I have got my this body, a dress, covering. And when I go India, this is not required. So they are taking that the body has evolved like that. But no. Here, under certain condition, I accept this dress.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Devotional service so nice. In one life they can be benefited with that position as cowherd boy, as he likes - as friend, as gopis. That is possible|Devotional service so nice. In one life they can be benefited with that position as cowherd boy, as he likes—as friend, as gopīs. That is possible. Therefore, the devotees are so much austere, so much, I mean to say, penanceful, that "This life we shall attain this position." One is hoping to be Kṛṣṇa's friend, one is hoping to be gopī, one is hoping to be friends of Yaśodā. So everything is possible, pañca-rasa, the five rasas in Vṛndāvana. One is hoping to be a tree there, a grass there, a flower there.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730517MW.LA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_argument._You_are_so_rascal_that_you_cannot_admit_your_rascaldom._Just_like_this_moon_planet_expedition._But_I,_sixteen_years_before,_I_told_that_these_are_rascals._Therefore_I_am_right|This is the argument. You are so rascal that you cannot admit your rascaldom. Just like this moon planet expedition. But I, sixteen years before, I told that these are rascals. Therefore I am right.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is good that you GBC members are meeting and conjointly discussing such things as life membership, book distribution, etc. The future hope of solid standing of our mission is on the proper management of our governing body|It is good that you GBC members are meeting and conjointly discussing such things as life membership, book distribution, etc. The future hope of solid standing of our mission is on the proper management of our governing body. Now we are increasing in volume. The area of our activity is expanding. Under the circumstances, if our management goes on nicely to maintain our prestige and good name, that will be our success.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730616SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_nobody_better_than_Krsna._Therefore_the_order_given_by_Krsna_is_dharma._Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_that_dharma|There is nobody better than Krsna. Therefore the order given by Krsna is dharma. Our Krsna consciousness movement is that dharma.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord|Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord, but this is not an automatic thing. It takes so much practice due to our conditioned state. The process is to follow the regulative principles and regularly chant 16 rounds. That is our strength in spiritual life and gradually all such problems will be resolved.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730617SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:With_priti,_with_love._Chant_every_name,_%22Hare_Krsna,%22_and_hear._Here_is_Krsna;_here_is_Radharani._That_kind_of_chanting,_quality|With priti, with love. Chant every name, "Hare Krsna," and hear. Here is Krsna; here is Radharani. That kind of chanting, quality.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, progress of devotional service becomes choked up when there is gross offense to the Spiritual Master. So far I am concerned, you have no offense|Yes, progress of devotional service becomes choked up when there is gross offense to the Spiritual Master. So far I am concerned, you have no offense. You are carrying my order so faithfully in a far distant place. So you always have my blessings and Lord Caitanya's blessings. Do not think otherwise. Even if you think you have committed offenses, it is like kicking of the small child, which is taken pleasingly by the parents. So don't worry about it. Krishna will give you all protection. I'm so pleased upon you that on my order you have gone to distant places and faithfully served the cause.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730617SB.MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_things_to_understand_from_Srimad-Bhagavatam,_full_knowledge,_all_knowledge,_as_it_is_required_by_the_human_society._So_we_have_to_study_from_all_angles_of_vision,_not_simply_by_sentiment._This_is_Srimad-Bhagavatam|There are so many things to understand from Srimad-Bhagavatam, full knowledge, all knowledge, as it is required by the human society. So we have to study from all angles of vision, not simply by sentiment. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question whether husband and wife should live together in the temple|Regarding your question whether husband and wife should live together in the temple, according to temple rules they should not live together in the temple. It does not give a good impression for brahmacaris and sannyasis. It is better if the grhasthas have a separate asrama, just like in Los Angeles the married disciples rent rooms together in one apartment house near the temple and live there separately, and in this way no one is disturbed, neither the brahmacaris are disturbed by householder life, nor the grhasthas are disturbed by brahmacaris.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730618SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_will_give_you_one_example_how_Krsna_sometimes_breaks_His_promise._It_is_very_nice_story|I will give you one example how Krsna sometimes breaks His promise. It is very nice story.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|At the present moment, in your human form of body, you are also mixing the same qualities in your different desires. That means you are creating your next body|At the present moment, in your human form of body, you are also mixing the same qualities in your different desires. That means you are creating your next body. So at the time of death the thoughts and the activities which will be prominent within your mind, you will get a similar body in next life. Therefore the intelligent man should be very cautious to get the next body. We can get the body like God; we can get the body like the dog. Therefore the best intelligent person should try to endeavor to get the next body like God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730629BG.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_cartoon_picture_in_New_York._One_old_man_and_his_wife,_sitting_together._The_wife_is_requesting_the_husband,_old_husband,_%22Chant,_chant,_chant,%22_and_the_husband_is_replying:_%22Can%27t,_can%27t,_can%27t%22|There is a cartoon picture in New York. One old man and his wife, sitting together. The wife is requesting the husband, old husband, "Chant, chant, chant," and the husband is replying: "Can't, can't, can't".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Not to mix with ordinary men. Aratir jana, general public. Just like this, our place - only devotion. This is vivikta, aloof from this world|Not to mix with ordinary men. Aratir jana, general public. Just like this, our place—only devotion. This is vivikta, aloof from this world. We have no other business except Kṛṣṇa consc..., bhakti. And aratir jana-saṁsadi, no, mean, association with ordinary person. No association. We can go and talk of some..., for our own benefit or Kṛṣṇa. Otherwise we have no business with them. Noncooperation. We go to the public for preaching, not to associate with them—to give them association, so they may be benefited.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730630BG.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The more you think as imperfect, the more you make actual progress in Krishna Consciousness. This hankering after perfection is seen in even the most perfect devotees. So we should never think of being perfect at any stage|We should never think of being perfect at any stage. Actually, Krishna Consciousness is unlimited, because Krishna is unlimited, so we do not know at which point the perfection is there. Even Krishna Himself thinks that he is imperfect to understand Radharani's feelings of devotion; and to understand the devotional feelings of Radharani, He became Lord Caitanya, to worship Krishna in the feelings of Radharani. So transcendental activities are so nice that it is all perfection, and still there is no perfect satisfaction.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730709BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sanskrit_language_means...|Sanskrit language means...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to know that you are working hard to expand the Krishna Consciousness propaganda in Boston. I may say that this practical devotion is the secret to understanding the Sastras|This practical devotion is the secret to understanding the Sastras. My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar. One who thinks the books is the thing is content in this way. But we should learn the secret to open the jar and taste the honey. In this way, if we can simply understand one book, or one sloka, the perfection is there. Lord Caitanya warned about reading too many books, although I see in America this is very popular to get volumes and volumes of books and not understand one.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730712BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_cartoon_picture_in_New_York._One_old_man_and_his_wife,_sitting_together._The_wife_is_requesting_the_husband,_old_husband,_%22Chant,_chant,_chant,%22_and_the_husband_is_replying:_%22Can%27t,_can%27t,_can%27t%22|There is a cartoon picture in New York. One old man and his wife, sitting together. The wife is requesting the husband, old husband, "Chant, chant, chant," and the husband is replying: "Can't, can't, can't".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are very nice examples of minimizing. Minimizing all material necessities. Up to the point nil. You see? But that is not possible for everyone. Don't try to imitate Raghunatha dasa Gosvami|There are very nice examples of minimizing. Minimizing all material necessities. Up to the point nil. You see? But that is not possible for everyone. Don't try to imitate Raghunātha dāsa Gosvāmī. But because they were associates of Lord Caitanya, each one of them showed some example, unique example of how Kṛṣṇa consciousness can be advanced. But our business is not to imitate them, but try to follow them. Try to follow them, as far as possible. Not artificially.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730717BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_very_thankless_task._We_say_any_man_who_is_not_a_devotee,_he_is_rascal._We_say_generally._It_is_very_harsh_word,_but_we_have_to_use_it._As_soon_as_we_see_that_he_is_not_a_devotee_of_Krsna,_then_he%27s_a_rascal|Our business is very thankless task. We say any man who is not a devotee, he is rascal. We say generally. It is very harsh word, but we have to use it. As soon as we see that he is not a devotee of Krsna, then he's a rascal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavata says that system of religion is the first class wherein love of Godhead is aroused spontaneously without any material impediment. So our movement gives practical proof that there is no impediment of body or mind|The Bhagavata says that system of religion is the first class wherein love of Godhead is aroused spontaneously without any material impediment. So our movement gives practical proof that there is no impediment of body or mind. That is the proof it is enacted from the spiritual platform wherein there is no distinction of material higher or lower gradation. So we have to push our philosophy very nicely. This means we shall simply become sincere to Krishna and the teachings of the disciplic succession.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730721BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_this_material_world_everyone_individually_has_to_take_care_of_himself._How_he_can_be_saved_from_the_clutches_of_maya._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement._A_teacher_can_give_you_hints._The_acarya_can_give_you_hints|In this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is most essential that all the initiated devotees study our books and learn this philosophy very well. And to get the strength for understanding these, everyone must chant sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail|It is most essential that all the initiated devotees study our books and learn this philosophy very well. And to get the strength for understanding these, everyone must chant sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail. In this way, when the devotee is constantly engaged in Krsna Consciousness, following the regulative principles rigidly, Krsna will give all intelligence from within how to make steady progress in Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730723BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_work_for_Krsna_with_love_and_enthusiasm,_that_is_your_Krsna_conscious_life._If_you_think_that_%22It_is_hackneyed,_it_is_troublesome,_but_what_can_I_do%3F_These_people_ask_me_to_do_it._I_have_to_do_it,%22_that_is_not_Krsna_consciousness|When you work for Krsna with love and enthusiasm, that is your Krsna conscious life. If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|All big, big yogis, there may be, but a person who is always absorbed in thought of Krsna within himself, he is greater than all such big, big yogis|All big, big yogis, there may be, but a person who is always absorbed in thought of Kṛṣṇa within himself, he is greater than all such big, big yogis. Greater than the greatest yogi. Yoginām api sarveṣāṁ mad-gatenāntarātmanā. Mad-gata means his life is so molded that he cannot stay without thinking of Kṛṣṇa. Mad-gata. He has become absorbed. That is samādhi. Mad-gatenāntarātmanā śraddhāvān. Not for artificial makeshow, but śraddhāvān, with faith and love. Śraddhāvān bhajate yo māṁ sa me yuktatamo mataḥ.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730723BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_think_that_%22It_is_hackneyed,_it_is_troublesome,_but_what_can_I_do%3F_These_people_ask_me_to_do_it._I_have_to_do_it,%22_that_is_not_Krsna_consciousness|If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should always inform me before sending the Deities to the Temples. We cannot send them indiscriminately to anyone who has the whim of worshiping the Deities|I am glad to hear that you are opening another workshop in Kauai for the manufacturing of the Gaura-Nitai Deities and this is a very great service to our society and devotees. But one thing. You should always inform me before sending the Deities to the Temples. We cannot send them indiscriminately to anyone who has the whim of worshiping the Deities. We must be very very careful as to not commit offenses in worshiping the Deities, so therefore there must be sufficient facilities and Brahmins to worship the Deity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730723SB.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_kindly_hear_about_Krsna_and_your_heart_becomes_purified,_the_original_dormant_Krsna_consciousness_is_immediately_awakened|If you kindly hear about Krsna and your heart becomes purified, the original dormant Krsna consciousness is immediately awakened.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It was brought to my attention that our Sriman Hayagriva das has become deviated from the four basic principles which I have given to all my students for adherence to when they are first initiated|It was brought to my attention that our Sriman Hayagriva das has become deviated from the four basic principles which I have given to all my students for adherence to when they are first initiated. I do not know why he is living in such a way but I feel that he must be brought back to the standard immediately. So I am requesting you as my Governing Board Commissioners to help me bring him back to the standard. He has very good talent, but he is spending it by living such an unrestricted life.}}{{VaniQuotebox|Matter originally is spirit and when spirit is not distinctly understood, that is matter|Regarding your questions, matter originally is spirit and when spirit is not distinctly understood, that is matter. Just like a tree is also a manifestation of spirit soul, but the consciousness is covered. When the tree is cut, it does not protest. But the moving entity has stronger consciousness than the tree. There is consciousness in the tree though. Also consciousness in a dormant state is matter; consciousness in a completely developed state is spirit. Matter is the symbol of undeveloped consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730724BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_solution_of_all_problems._Teaching_people_not_to_become_sinful._Because_a_sinful_man_cannot_become_Krsna_conscious._To_become_Krsna_conscious_means_that_he_has_to_give_up_his_sinful_activities|Krsna consciousness movement means solution of all problems. Teaching people not to become sinful. Because a sinful man cannot become Krsna conscious. To become Krsna conscious means that he has to give up his sinful activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My advice is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise they are not my disciples|My advise is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere, but stick to the principles. Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a suitable place, but one must follow these five principles. My disciples must follow these principles living either in heaven or hell.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730724BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_if_the_monarch_becomes_Krsna_conscious,_actually_becomes_representative_of_Krsna,_then_the_whole_face_of_the_kingdom_will_change._That_is_required._Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_for_that_purpose|Actually if the monarch becomes Krsna conscious, actually becomes representative of Krsna, then the whole face of the kingdom will change. That is required. Our Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Cats and dogs, they also beget children, but they cannot relieve the child from the cycle of birth and death|Apart from the scriptural injunction, if one comes to the argument, then such kind of father is there in the animal society also. Cats and dogs, they also beget children, but they cannot relieve the child from the cycle of birth and death. And Bhagavad-gītā says, janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi-duḥkha-doṣānudarśanam. First of all you have to see what is the actual distress in this material life. Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi. Tathā dehāntara-prāptiḥ. So in this life you are my father, and next time I become a cat or dog, so who cares for this father?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730728BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_system_of_the_country,_the_women_and_men,_they_intermingle._How_can_I_check_it%3F_Then_the_women,_shall_I_not_give_them_any_chance_for_chanting_Hare_Krsna%3F_No,_I_shall_do_this_chance,_I_shall_give_this_chance_to_woman_even_at_the_risk|The system of the country, the women and men, they intermingle. How can I check it? Then the women, shall I not give them any chance for chanting Hare Krsna? No, I shall do this chance, I shall give this chance to woman even at the risk.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The right philosophy is that God is simultaneously one and different from the living being. Those, who therefore consider God and living beings are identical in every respect, are polluted in thought|But there is no doubt in the fact that the man, nay every living entity, is a part and parcel of the Supreme God in quality; and therefore qualitatively there is no difference between living being and God. But so far quantity of energy and potencies are concerned, there is a great ocean of difference between living being and God. Therefore, the right philosophy is that God is simultaneously one and different from the living being. Those, who therefore consider God and living beings are identical in every respect, are polluted in thought.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730731BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
{{VaniQuotebox|No! There is possibility, but he does not come. Just like after putting your hand in the fire, you never put it again if you are really intelligent. So those who are going back to Godhead, they become intelligent|No! There is possibility, but he does not come. Just like after putting your hand in the fire, you never put it again if you are really intelligent. So those who are going back to Godhead, they become intelligent. Why going back to Godhead? Just like we are in renounced order of life. So we have renounced our family life after thinking something. Now, if somebody comes, "Swamijī, you take thousand millions of dollars and marry again and become a family man," I'll never become, because I have got my bad experience. I'll never become.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_become_in_touch_with_Krsna_by_chanting_His_name,_Hare_Krsna._That_is_the_beginning_of_our_connection_with_Krsna._Namadi._So_sastra_says,_atah_sri-krsna-namadi._Adi_means_beginning|We become in touch with Krsna by chanting His name, Hare Krsna. That is the beginning of our connection with Krsna. Namadi. So sastra says, atah sri-krsna-namadi. Adi means beginning.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our motto is simple living, high thinking; we should think of Krishna without being hampered by material disturbances, as far as possible. So too much risky thing is not for us|We should not accept anything very risky because that will hamper us in our program of Krishna Consciousness. Our motto is simple living, high thinking; we should think of Krishna without being hampered by material disturbances, as far as possible. So too much risky thing is not for us. If something comes very easily for our manipulation we welcome it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_a_Vaisnava_acarya,_what_he_is_doing,_even_the_most_expert_intelligent_man_cannot_understand_why_he_is_doing_this._Therefore_we_should_not_try_to_imitate_the_higher_authorities,_but_we_have_to_follow|Even a Vaisnava acarya, what he is doing, even the most expert intelligent man cannot understand why he is doing this. Therefore we should not try to imitate the higher authorities, but we have to follow.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation|Regarding your wish to be married with a Krsna conscious family, that is nice. You will have your nice, fixed-up wife, and you will be happy working hard for Krsna together. I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation. This purpose is so that male and female may join together, not for sex-life, but to glorify the Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_understand_Krsna,_one_requires_special_senses,_special_senses,_not_ordinary_senses._Special_senses_means_you_have_to_pluck_your_eyes_and_you_have_to_put_another_eyes%3F_No._You_have_to_purify|To understand Krsna, one requires special senses, special senses, not ordinary senses. Special senses means you have to pluck your eyes and you have to put another eyes? No. You have to purify.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your touring in different places and preaching Krsna Consciousness is fulfilling my dream|Your touring in different places and preaching Krsna Consciousness is fulfilling my dream. May Krsna bless you on and on for being engaged in such exalted work. In the Bhagavad-gita, last portion of eighteenth chapter, it is said that nobody is dearer to Krsna than anybody on the earth except the person who is engaged in preaching the most confidential philosophy of life, namely surrendering unto Krsna, leaving aside everything material or spiritual.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_Gaudiya-Vaisnava_philosophy._It_requires_time._So_the_activities_of_Krsna,_the_rascals,_if_they_simply_see_that_%22Krsna_is_enticing_Arjuna_to_fight;_therefore_Krsna_is_immoral,%22_that_is,_means_wrong_vision|This is Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy. It requires time. So the activities of Krsna, the rascals, if they simply see that "Krsna is enticing Arjuna to fight; therefore Krsna is immoral," that is, means wrong vision.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I came to your country completely in helpless condition and Krsna is so kind that He has picked up some serious students like you; and my only hope is that even if I die these missionary activities will go on|I came to your country completely in helpless condition and Krsna is so kind that He has picked up some serious students like you; and my only hope is that even if I die these missionary activities will go on. And to keep yourself on the standard spiritual strength, please do not neglect the sixteen rounds chanting and following the regulative principles. Try your best, and Krsna will help you in all respects.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_flower_should_be_in_the_garden,_but_if_somebody_imagines_the_flower_in_the_sky,_it_is_something_imaginary._So_for_a_devotee,_this_heavenly_promotion_to_the_heavenly_planet_is_just_like_a_flower_in_the_sky|A flower should be in the garden, but if somebody imagines the flower in the sky, it is something imaginary. So for a devotee, this heavenly promotion to the heavenly planet is just like a flower in the sky.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Krsna consciousness is there in everyone's heart. Just like we see the child, three years old child, she is dancing in ecstasy. We have got many children like that, they are chanting|The Kṛṣṇa consciousness is there in everyone's heart. Just like we see the child, three years old child, she is dancing in ecstasy. We have got many children like that, they are chanting. There is no need of higher education to understand. Simply give oral reception to this transcendental vibration. Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare. Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura says, golokera prema-dhana hari-nāma-saṅkīrtana . This hari-nāma-saṅkīrtana is not this material vibration like radios and television. It is imported from the Goloka Vṛndāvana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730804BG.LON_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_in_disguise_the_king_used_to_see_whether_this_varnasrama-dharma_is_being_maintained,_properly_being_observed,_whether_somebody_is_simply_wasting_time_like_hippies|Sometimes in disguise the king used to see whether this varnasrama-dharma is being maintained, properly being observed, whether somebody is simply wasting time like hippies.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified|I am very much pleased that the Deities are worshiped so nicely and as this continues, the children there will become more and more purified. These children in Gurukula are the most fortunate children in the world, because right from the beginning they are having the association of Radha and Krishna. This was the case in my childhood also. My father was pure Vaisnava and he gave me and my sister the Radha Krishna Deities to worship and in this way we were trained. And still to this very day my sister is worshiping these very same Deities in Calcutta. So like this the children must be trained.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730805BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_Arjuna_was_chastised_by_Krsna_as_a_friend_that_%22Why_you_are_so_weak%3F_Don%27t_be_weak._This_is_sentiment._This_kind_of_compassion_is_sentiment._Uttistha._You_better_get_up_and_fight%22|When Arjuna was chastised by Krsna as a friend that "Why you are so weak? Don't be weak. This is sentiment. This kind of compassion is sentiment. Uttistha. You better get up and fight".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am feeling overjoyed at hearing of your increased distribution program and I request that you increase more and more|Again I am feeling overjoyed at hearing of your increased distribution program and I request that you increase more and more. There can be no limit to our distribution because Krishna is unlimited therefore devotional service to Krishna is also unlimited, so you may instruct the devotees there about this.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730805BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_enemies._Arisudana._And_He_has_to_kill_them._Krsna_has_got_two_businesses:_paritranaya_sadhunam_vinasaya_ca_duskrtam|Krsna has enemies. Arisudana. And He has to kill them. Krsna has got two businesses: paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Another definition of Krsna is He's full with six kinds of opulences. So He's sufficient to fulfill His desire. He doesn't require anyone's service|Another definition of Kṛṣṇa is He's full with six kinds of opulences. So He's sufficient to fulfill His desire. He doesn't require anyone's service. Just like we are in need of so many things; therefore we require others' help. But Kṛṣṇa does not require anyone's help. Then why He accepts worship? That is the... That is for the benefit of the devotee, not for His personal benefit.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730805BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_Vaisnava_son._Prahlada_did_not_ask_anything_for_himself._And_although_he_knew_that_his_father_was_the_greatest_enemy,_still,_he_is_asking_his_benediction,_%22This_poor_fellow_may_be_liberated%22|This is Vaisnava son. Prahlada did not ask anything for himself. And although he knew that his father was the greatest enemy, still, he is asking his benediction, "This poor fellow may be liberated".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death|The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death. Yaṁ yaṁ vāpi smaran bhāvaṁ tyajaty ante kalevaram, sadā tad-bhāva-bhāvitaḥ (BG 8.6). So māyā's machine is immediately prepared. That mind—manaḥ buddhiḥ ahaṅkāra. Subtle. You cannot see. You see the body is burning, finished. Rascal, that is not finished. Na hanyate hanyamāne. It is not finished. There is subtle body. The subtle body carries.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730805BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unqualified_guru_means_who_does_not_know_how_to_guide_the_disciple._Guru%27s_duty_is_to_guide._So_such_kind_of_guru_can_be_at_least_rejected|Unqualified guru means who does not know how to guide the disciple. Guru's duty is to guide. So such kind of guru can be at least rejected.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your idea for starting a Krsna Conscious center in American Samoa is very good, but first you must be well conversant with our philosophy and following all the principles|Your idea for starting a Krsna Conscious center in American Samoa is very good, but first you must be well conversant with our philosophy and following all the principles. The best thing is to remain with us for some time and try to understand the philosophy. Just as one cannot teach others "do not smoke" if he himself is habituated to smoking, so we cannot teach the science of Bhagavad-gita, Krsna Consciousness unless we fully understand it, and practice it without any compromise toward any other philosophy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730805BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhiksa_is_also_sometimes_prohibited_from_a_person_who_is_too_much_materialist._But_bhiksa_is_allowed_for_sannyasis,_for_brahmana|Bhiksa is also sometimes prohibited from a person who is too much materialist. But bhiksa is allowed for sannyasis, for brahmana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord|At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord. Every living being, out of many, many millions and billions of living beings, each and every living being has got a particular relationship with the Lord eternally. That is called svarūpa. Svarūpa. And by the process of devotional service one can revive that svarūpa of oneself. And that stage is called svarūpa-siddhi, perfection of one's constitutional position.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730806BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_a_ksatriya_family,_it_is_to_be_understood_they_must_go_on_fighting._Even_in_their_marriage_there_would_be_fighting._Without_fighting,_no_marriage_takes_place_in_ksatriya_family|Because a ksatriya family, it is to be understood they must go on fighting. Even in their marriage there would be fighting. Without fighting, no marriage takes place in ksatriya family.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far your dreams are concerned, it is very nice that you are thinking about Krsna Consciousness even while sleeping. Krsna is so nice that we want to remember Him even more than twenty-four hours daily|So far your dreams are concerned, it is very nice that you are thinking about Krsna Consciousness even while sleeping. Krsna is so nice that we want to remember Him even more than twenty-four hours daily. Regarding instructions from the Spiritual Master, there is no need of taking instructions spoken in dream while the Spiritual Master is still present. Lord Jagannatha is very kind, and He can also appear in mind in His own form, so why not in your dream.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730806BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_you_do,_it_must_have_some_relationship_with_the_satisfaction_of_Krsna._If_Krsna_is_satisfied,_then_you_act._That_is_Krsna_consciousness|Whatever you do, it must have some relationship with the satisfaction of Krsna. If Krsna is satisfied, then you act. That is Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Lord Jesus explains that he kept his disciples faithful to the Lord in His Holy Name. And the process of Lord Caitanya is the same - to keep one always in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by constantly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra|Lord Jesus explains that he kept his disciples faithful to the Lord in His Holy Name. And the process of Lord Caitanya is the same—to keep one always in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by constantly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, the Holy Names of the Lord. Please go on with your chanting regularly and attend the Temple classes as far as possible and be happy in Krsna Consciousness. This is the practical way to revive our dormant love of God. No other way is so effective in this age as the chanting of Hare Krsna Mahamantra.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730806BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_you_do,_it_doesn%27t_matter._You_have_to_test_it,_whether_you_are_doing_it_for_Krsna._That_is_your_perfection._Not_only_perfection,_that_is_the_perfection_of_your_mission_of_human_life|Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection. Not only perfection, that is the perfection of your mission of human life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have noted with pleasure that you are increasing your book distribution and that you have "struck at the very heart of the city of Melbourne"|I have noted with pleasure that you are increasing your book distribution and that you have "struck at the very heart of the city of Melbourne." You have understood our philosophy rightly, that we boldly challenge anyone—philosopher, scientist, educationist—to understand our philosophy, and for that we enter without hesitation into the heart of the biggest cities and preach to anyone and everyone the message of Lord Caitanya, who himself was like the lion in strength.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730806BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_learn_how_to_act_only_for_Krsna,_how_to_love_only_Krsna._Then_our_life_is_successful._And_the_human_life..._Because_we_have_also_come_down_from_Vaikuntha_some_millions_and_millions_of_years_ago|We have to learn how to act only for Krsna, how to love only Krsna. Then our life is successful. And the human life... Because we have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If your prayers are sincere then Krishna will accept them and if Krishna accepts them then automatically I accept them, and if I accept them then automatically Krishna accepts them. So like this Krishna is everywhere|If your prayers are sincere then Krishna will accept them and if Krishna accepts them then automatically I accept them, and if I accept them then automatically Krishna accepts them. So like this Krishna is everywhere. He is even between the atoms. So therefore wherever you are He will accept your prayers, and therefore I automatically accept. But the most important part again, the prayer must be sincere.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730806BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Hanuman_policy_is:_%22Take_out_Sita_from_the_hands_of_Ravana_and_get_her_seated_by_the_side_of_Rama.%22_The_same_Sita._Sita_means_Laksmi._So_Laksmi_means_Narayana%27s_property,_God%27s_property|The Hanuman policy is: "Take out Sita from the hands of Ravana and get her seated by the side of Rama." The same Sita. Sita means Laksmi. So Laksmi means Narayana's property, God's property.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The central point is to love Krsna and offer Him service, but that service may be of variety|The central point is to love Kṛṣṇa and offer Him service, but that service may be of variety. Variety. You cannot claim that because you are serving Kṛṣṇa in a type, and therefore... If somebody is serving in a different way—must be approved by the authorities—you cannot criticize him. Varieties. Variety is the mother of enjoyment. The same vegetable, the same ghee, the same salt, same spices, but there are varieties of preparations. That is required. We Vaiṣṇava, we want varieties. Bahūnmukhi-sevā.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Karpanya-dosa._Miserly,_dosa_means_fault._When_one_does_not_act_according_to_his_position,_that_is_fault._And_that_is_called_miserly._So_everyone_has_got_his_natural_propensities,_svabhava|Karpanya-dosa. Miserly, dosa means fault. When one does not act according to his position, that is fault. And that is called miserly. So everyone has got his natural propensities, svabhava.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, it is worst. Because I am spirit soul, I am now imprisoned with this material body. It is my unnatural state, and I am eternal, and because I have accepted this material body I have to undergo birth, death, old age and disease|Yes, it is worst. Because I am spirit soul, I am now imprisoned with this material body. It is my unnatural state, and I am eternal, and because I have accepted this material body I have to undergo birth, death, old age and disease. So that is my effort, how to get out of this material body and remain in my original spiritual identity. That is our whole propaganda. We think material atmosphere is our imprisonment, suffering. Material body means suffering. Otherwise I am eternal, blissful, full with knowledge. That is my position.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_got_loving_propensities_with_His_pleasure_potency,_Srimati_Radharani._Similarly,_because_we_are_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna,_we_have_also_got_this_loving_propensity|Krsna has got loving propensities with His pleasure potency, Srimati Radharani. Similarly, because we are part and parcel of Krsna, we have also got this loving propensity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As for your idea that your preaching will be more appreciated in the west if you are a professional or professor, we are already being appreciated by the professors. We don't want more|As for your idea that your preaching will be more appreciated in the west if you are a professional or professor, we are already being appreciated by the professors. We don't want more. That is not our achievement. Real achievement is how we are advanced in Krsna Consciousness. That does not depend on degrees. As stated in the Bhagavatam, ahaituki apratihata, devotional service has to be executed without any condition, and there is no impediment. One doesn't become a great devotee on account of university degrees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_one_is_in_goodness,_he%27s_sober._He_can_understand_what_is_the_value_of_life,_how_one_should_live,_what_is_the_aim_of_life,_what_is_the_goal_of_life._That_goal_of_life_is_to_understand_Brahman|When one is in goodness, he's sober. He can understand what is the value of life, how one should live, what is the aim of life, what is the goal of life. That goal of life is to understand Brahman.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The human society is now running on in an illusory way, forgetting its eternal relation with the Central Cause. They will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita|The human society is now running on in an illusory way, forgetting its eternal relation with the Central Cause. They will have to be reinstated in that original position in terms of the above slokas of the Bhagavad-gita. Without this no solution is possible. There are practical ways and means to do this job in accordance with the present time, situation and objective.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Arya-samaja_does_not_mean_to_become_rascal_and_fool_and_deny_the_existence_of_God._No._That_is_Anarya._Just_like_Krsna_rebuked_Arjuna:_anarya-justa._%22You_are_talking_like_anarya%22|Arya-samaja does not mean to become rascal and fool and deny the existence of God. No. That is Anarya. Just like Krsna rebuked Arjuna: anarya-justa. "You are talking like anarya".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Even Krishna is prepared to give us more, we should not accept anything from Him for our sense gratification; if anything is offered by Him, we should accept gladly for His service only|Even Krishna is prepared to give us more, we should not accept anything from Him for our sense gratification; if anything is offered by Him, we should accept gladly for His service only; for our sense gratification or personal benefit, we shall not ever ask any favor from Krishna, although He is always willing to deliver such favor to anyone amongst His devotees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_approach_a_person,_guru,_who_is_not_representative_of_Krsna,_you_are_approaching_a_rascal._How_you%27ll_be_enlightened%3F_You_must_approach_Krsna,_or_His_representative._That_is_wanted|If you approach a person, guru, who is not representative of Krsna, you are approaching a rascal. How you'll be enlightened? You must approach Krsna, or His representative. That is wanted.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is very kind. He does not let go anyone who might have done a little bit of service|Krishna is very kind. He does not let go anyone who might have done a little bit of service. So how can He allow you to forget Krishna. You may be dragged by Maya for the time being but by Krishna's Grace that will have only temporary reaction; I am very glad that you are doing so much for decorating Krishna's temple.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_we,_with_our_teeny_brain,_we_cannot_find_out_what_is_the_actual_niscitam,_fixed-up_sreya._That_we_do_not_know._That_you_have_to_ask_from_Krsna._Or_his_representative|Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to train our consciousness, divine. That is the duty of human form of life. If we make our consciousness divine, then we are preparing for next divine life|We have to train our consciousness, divine. That is the duty of human form of life. If we make our consciousness divine, then we are preparing for next divine life. As there are different grades of life, so human form of life is a chance to make your next life completely divine. Completely divine means eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. So automatically, by divine consciousness, you’ll try to contact with persons who are developing divine consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730807BG.LON_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_Vaisnava_is_praying_guru:_%22Sir,_you_are_devotee_of_Krsna._You_can_give_me_Krsna_if_you_like.%22_This_is_the_position_of_sisya|A Vaisnava is praying guru: "Sir, you are devotee of Krsna. You can give me Krsna if you like." This is the position of sisya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In answer to your questions concerning sex life...|In answer to your questions concerning sex life: sex life restriction does not mean that husband and wife live separately. The idea of marriage is to increase spiritual consciousness as far as possible. And by advancement of Krishna Consciousness that restriction becomes automatically practical. Sex life for begetting Krishna Conscious children is as good as Krishna Consciousness. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita so one has to use his own discretion in this matter and Krishna will help such discriminatory method.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730808BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_sometimes_in_difficulty._Not_sometimes._Always,_we_are_in_difficulty,_but_we_call_it_sometimes,_because_to_get_over_the_difficulty,_we_make_some_attempt,_and_that_attempt_-_making_is_taken_as_happiness|We are sometimes in difficulty. Not sometimes. Always, we are in difficulty, but we call it sometimes, because to get over the difficulty, we make some attempt, and that attempt - making is taken as happiness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My father was very much affectionate, and in my childhood, whatever I wanted from my father he would at once give me|My father was very much affectionate, and in my childhood, whatever I wanted from my father he would at once give me. One time he purchased for me one rifle, and so after taking it I demanded that he must give me another. My father denied "You already have one. Why do you ask me for another?" So my argument was that I must have two rifles, one for each hand. Due to my obstinacy my father finally agreed.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730808BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_principle_is_to_understand_things_in_reality_one_has_to_approach_Krsna_as_Arjuna_has_approached|The principle is to understand things in reality one has to approach Krsna as Arjuna has approached.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story|So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story: An old father required massaging so all the children wanted to serve the father. The father divided the right and left portion of his body to be served by the children. Later along with the service, there was some quarrel between the children, and they were competing by hitting the parts of the father which was assigned to the opposing party. So the father said that you are hitting my different parts due to your opposition to one another, but I am therefore dying.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730808BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_make_your_own_opinion_to_understand_God._So_all_foolish_rascals,_they%27re_making_their_own_opinion._No,_that_is_not_possible|You can make your own opinion to understand God. So all foolish rascals, they're making their own opinion. No, that is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees|So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees. In the transcendental world a devotee is never envious of another devotee on account of his excellence but on the contrary if a devotee finds some excellence in other devotees he eulogizes the devotee admitting his own subordinate position. Although in the spiritual world there is no such concept of subordination still devotees on account of being very humble and meek think that way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730808BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_yajna_in_this_age._There_is_no_yajnic_brahmana._This_is_the_only_yajna:_chant_Hare_Krsna_mantra_and_dance_in_ecstasy._This_is_the_only_yajna|There is no yajna in this age. There is no yajnic brahmana. This is the only yajna: chant Hare Krsna mantra and dance in ecstasy. This is the only yajna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Householders can have small altars, and Guru-Gauranga and Jagannatha may be worshiped, but you should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say|Householders can have small altars, and Guru-Gauranga and Jagannatha may be worshiped, but you should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say. You cannot make it first-class. That requires much time and money and men, so better to leave the worshiping of deities very nicely to the temples, and you may go there and worship. A small Guru-Gauranga altar, offer incense and flowers in morning, offer all home-prepared foodstuffs there—that's enough for the time being.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730810BG.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation|So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation. There are some of my Godbrothers here in India who had constant personal association with Guru Maharaja, but who are neglecting his orders. This is just like the bug who is sitting on the lap of the king. He may be very puffed-up by his position, but all he can succeed in doing is biting the king. Personal association is not so important as association through service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730811RC.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gopal_Banh_said:_%22You_can_pass_stool,_but_you_cannot_pass_urine._If_you_pass_urine,_then_I_shall_kill_you.%22_Passing_stool_without_passing_urine,_how_it_is_possible%3F_%22So_you_have_come_to_pass_stool._That_you_can_do_here,_but_don%27t_pass_urine%22|Gopal Banh said: "You can pass stool, but you cannot pass urine. If you pass urine, then I shall kill you." Passing stool without passing urine, how it is possible? "So you have come to pass stool. That you can do here, but don't pass urine".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna has explained the material elements: bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva ca (BG 7.4). But these material elements cannot work independently|Kṛṣṇa has explained the material elements: bhūmir āpo 'nalo vāyuḥ khaṁ mano buddhir eva ca. But these material elements cannot work independently. It must be added with the superior energy, or the living energy, jīva-bhūtāṁ mahā-bāho yayedaṁ dhāryate jagat. This Bombay city is important because there are so many living entities. Otherwise, where there are no living entities... Even in Bombay, there are some open land. What is the value? There is no value.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730813BG.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Master is one: Krsna. There cannot be two master. The master can expand Himself as masters. That is another thing. The master is one|Master is one: Kṛṣṇa. There cannot be two master. The master can expand Himself as masters. That is another thing. The master is one. Advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam (BS 5.33). Ananta-rūpam. The master can expand Himself in many, many thousands and millions of forms, but they are advaita. They are not different. Just like Kṛṣṇa, when He married 16,108 wives, so He expanded Himself also into 16,108 forms, Kṛṣṇa. But those expansions, 16,000 expansions, they are one, the same Kṛṣṇa. This is to be understood.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730815BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Friendly_talking_cannot_decide_any_serious_question._When_there_is_some_serious_matter,_it_must_be_spoken_between_authorities|Friendly talking cannot decide any serious question. When there is some serious matter, it must be spoken between authorities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Mayavadi philosophy having killed the spiritual variegatedness of the Supreme Being - the people are generally attracted in the variegatedness of material existence|The Mayavadi philosophy having killed the spiritual variegatedness of the Supreme Being—the people are generally attracted in the variegatedness of material existence. In the vedanta sutras, we have direct information of how a spiritual entity is joyful—full of spiritual bliss. This idea of enjoyment is focussed through a material _ and as such the spiritual focus is reflected in a perverted manner.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730815BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_body_is_working._The_whole_body_is_working,_everyone%27s,_to_enjoy_life,_but_wherefrom_the_enjoyment_begins%3F_The_enjoyment_begins_from_the_stomach._You_have_to_give_sufficient_nice_foodstuffs_to_the_stomach|This body is working. The whole body is working, everyone's, to enjoy life, but wherefrom the enjoyment begins? The enjoyment begins from the stomach. You have to give sufficient nice foodstuffs to the stomach.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is not a sectarian movement meant for a certain class of men, but it is a necessary movement for all humanity irrespective of caste, creed, or color|It is not a sectarian movement meant for a certain class of men, but it is a necessary movement for all humanity irrespective of caste, creed, or color. So far I am concerned, I am a humble disciple of His Divine Grace, Om Visnupad Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, who was the original pioneer of spreading this movement in the Western world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730815BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_trying_to_satisfy_his_or_her_senses._A_woman_is_loving_a_man_for_satisfying_her_senses,_and_the_man_is_loving_a_woman_for_satisfying._Therefore,_as_soon_as_there_is_some_little_disturbance_in_the_sense_gratification,_divorce|Everyone is trying to satisfy his or her senses. A woman is loving a man for satisfying her senses, and the man is loving a woman for satisfying. Therefore, as soon as there is some little disturbance in the sense gratification, divorce.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, the general principle is that one is sent to the particular type of hell, and when he is practiced to suffer the hellish condition, he is given a similar body as reaction|Yes, the general principle is that one is sent to the particular type of hell, and when he is practiced to suffer the hellish condition, he is given a similar body as reaction. These hell planets are described in the 5th Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam; there is no question of imagination. One who is particular about this may read the different descriptions of hells in the 5th Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730815BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_senses_should_be_stopped._No._It_should_be_controlled._%22When_I_require,_I_shall_use_it;_otherwise_not.%22_That_is_master_of_senses._%22I_shall_not_act_impelled_by_the_senses._Senses_should_act_under_my_direction%22|It is not that senses should be stopped. No. It should be controlled. "When I require, I shall use it; otherwise not." That is master of senses. "I shall not act impelled by the senses. Senses should act under my direction".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Every living entity has a dormant propensity of love for somebody else. That is exhibited not only in human society, but also in the animal society. That love is exhibited primarily in five kinds of relationship|Every living entity has a dormant propensity of love for somebody else. That is exhibited not only in human society, but also in the animal society. That love is exhibited primarily in five kinds of relationship—especially as master and servant, as friend and friend, as parents and children, and as lover and beloved. This stock of love in every living entity is dormant eternal love for Krsna, but because the living entity has forgotten Krsna since a very, very long time, even before this creation was manifested, therefore all of us are misplacing that dormant love in a perverted way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730815BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_doesn%27t_mean_that_you_follow_this_religion_or_that_religion._You_may_follow_any_religion._It_doesn%27t_matter,_either_Hindu_religion_or_Christian_religion_or_Mohammedan_religion,_anything_you_like._But_we_have_to_test|It doesn't mean that you follow this religion or that religion. You may follow any religion. It doesn't matter, either Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, anything you like. But we have to test.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very good news that your Temple has attracted so many sincere, intelligent and enthusiastic devotees. Please see them all trained nicely in devotional service and let them continue to follow the regulative principles and work on patiently|It is very good news that your Temple has attracted so many sincere, intelligent and enthusiastic devotees. Please see them all trained nicely in devotional service and let them continue to follow the regulative principles and work on patiently. Patience is required for the successful discharges of Krsna conscious duties. Krsna is pleased to award benediction upon the aspiring devotee engaged in His service with patience determination and regularity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730816BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_mentioned_here_as_Hrsikesa._He_is_solid._He_is_Acyuta._He_is_solid._He_is_not_changed|Krsna is mentioned here as Hrsikesa. He is solid. He is Acyuta. He is solid. He is not changed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard|Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard. Consult the other GBC men there, then make a proposal to Hayagriva and if still he is incorrigible then you take the necessary steps.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730816BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhismadeva,_in_Rajasuya-yajna,_admitted_that_%22Nobody_is_better_brahmacari_than_Krsna._He_was_within_the_gopis,_all_young_girls,_but_He_remained_a_brahmacari%22|Bhismadeva, in Rajasuya-yajna, admitted that "Nobody is better brahmacari than Krsna. He was within the gopis, all young girls, but He remained a brahmacari".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Simply chant Hare Krsna and you become first-class yogi. And as soon as you become first-class yogi, all power is within you. Perhaps you do not know the yogic perfection, eight kinds of power|Simply chant Hare Kṛṣṇa and you become first-class yogī. And as soon as you become first-class yogī, all power is within you. Perhaps you do not know the yogic perfection, eight kinds of power. Simply gymnastic practice is not yoga. You must attain the power. The power is aṇimā, laghimā, mahimā, prāpti-siddhi, vaśitā, īśitā, like that.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730816BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_cannot_understand_Krsna,_what_is_Krsna,_which_Vyasadeva_has_described_what_is_Krsna_in_nine_cantos,_to_understand_Krsna,_and_then_in_the_Tenth_Canto_he_begins_the_birth_advent_of_Krsna|One who cannot understand Krsna, what is Krsna, which Vyasadeva has described what is Krsna in nine cantos, to understand Krsna, and then in the Tenth Canto he begins the birth advent of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Cow protection is not possible for women. You can keep two or three cows, but on larger scale it is not possible. You should not try to take care of more|Cow protection is not possible for women. You can keep two or three cows, but on larger scale it is not possible. You should not try to take care of more. It is not women's business. Women's business is getting milk and making milk preparations. On the whole larger scale is not to be attempted by women. Manage a small asram, but don't try bigger scale, then you require the help of men.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730816BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_your_senses_are_engaged_in_the_service_of_the_Hrsikesa,_the_senses_have_no_other_opportunity_to_be_engaged._Locked_up|Because your senses are engaged in the service of the Hrsikesa, the senses have no other opportunity to be engaged. Locked up.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have received your note along with the folio of drawings for the proposed “Bhagavad-gita Coloring Book”. I can see from this work that you are a talented artist. However, I do not think we can publish this book|I have received your note along with the folio of drawings for the proposed “Bhagavad-gita Coloring Book”. I can see from this work that you are a talented artist. However, I do not think we can publish this book. The reason is that the Bhagavad-gita is not a play-toy for boys, but philosophy to be understood by saintly kings, rajarsis.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730816BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_my_mental_speculation,_by_rascal_interpretation,_by_showing_one%27s_scholarship,_you_cannot_understand_Bhagavad-gita._That_is_not_possible._Submissive|By my mental speculation, by rascal interpretation, by showing one's scholarship, you cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. That is not possible. Submissive.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You report that Bhagaji is tired of dealing with the politics of ISKCON. Of course as soon as there are a number of men dealing, there are politics, but we still have to execute our duty|You report that Bhagaji is tired of dealing with the politics of ISKCON. Of course as soon as there are a number of men dealing, there are politics, but we still have to execute our duty. Anyway, I shall be coming there to Vrindaban and we shall talk. As for yourself, after hearing your problems there and your difficulties living with Bhagaji etc., I suggest you come and live in Mayapur for some days.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_chant_Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Krsna,_Krsna_Krsna,_Hare_Hare_-_Hare_Rama,_Hare_Rama,_Rama_Rama,_Hare_Hare,_and_gradually_you%27ll_realize_how_to_become_immortal|Simply chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and gradually you'll realize how to become immortal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that Krishna is the Original Consciousness and the center of all psychological movement, namely thinking, feeling and willing|From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that Krishna is the Original Consciousness and the center of all psychological movement, namely thinking, feeling and willing. We are all parts and parcels of the Supreme Thinking, Feeling and Willing, but our present thinking, feeling and willing being contaminated by the cloud of ignorance, we are thinking, feeling and willing in a perverted way. The whole Krishna Consciousness movement is an attempt to divert the same thinking, feeling and willing to their original unalloyed position.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_actually_reasonable,_you%27ll_understand_that_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_the_sublime_movement_for_the_welfare_of_the_whole_human_society._That%27s_a_fact._Anyone_may_come._We_are_prepared_to_discuss_this_subject_matter|If you are actually reasonable, you'll understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is the sublime movement for the welfare of the whole human society. That's a fact. Anyone may come. We are prepared to discuss this subject matter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In our Krsna Consciousness movement the first qualification required by the devotees is enthusiasm. Then work it out patiently and with conviction that it will surely be done|In our Krsna Consciousness movement the first qualification required by the devotees is enthusiasm. Then work it out patiently and with conviction that it will surely be done. But at the same time we must be very, very strict in following the regulative principles and completing the sixteen rounds chanting. Our dealings should be very clear with others and we must always keep company with devotees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_living_entities,_we_never_die,_never_take_birth._Nityah_sasvato_yam,_na_hanyate_hanyamane_sarire._Every_one_of_us,_we_are_eternal|We living entities, we never die, never take birth. Nityah sasvato yam, na hanyate hanyamane sarire. Every one of us, we are eternal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I may inform you that in order to maintain our status of spiritual strength, everyone of us must very rigidly chant daily sixteen rounds without fail and follow the regulative principles strictly|I may inform you that in order to maintain our status of spiritual strength, everyone of us must very rigidly chant daily sixteen rounds without fail and follow the regulative principles strictly. This is essential for understanding our philosophy clearly and for being able to impress Krsna Consciousness in the hearts of others; so our sincerity in this respect is most important, and all such duties should be observed regularly by everyone. I hope that you will see that all the boys and girls there are following this process, and studying our literatures carefully.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_use_of_studying_Vedas_if_you_do_not_understand_Krsna%3F_Because_the_ultimate_goal_of_education_means_to_understand_the_Supreme_Lord,_the_supreme_father,_the_supreme_cause|What is the use of studying Vedas if you do not understand Krsna? Because the ultimate goal of education means to understand the Supreme Lord, the supreme father, the supreme cause.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so happy to know that you are finding Krsna Consciousness to be the sweetest thing in life, and actually it is so|I am so happy to know that you are finding Krsna Consciousness to be the sweetest thing in life, and actually it is so. Please continue your good service attitude more and more and be certain to chant daily the sixteen rounds of beads duly, and Krsna will surely bless you with better and better intelligence for advancing your Krsna Consciousness. Always be sincere and eager to perform your duties allotted by the Lord to you and be successful and joyful in your life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_far_as_possible_try_to_worship_the_Deity,_patram_puspam_phalam_toyam_yo_me_bhaktya_prayacchati._Krsna_does_not_want_your_whole_property._Krsna_is_open_to_the_poorest_man_for_being_worshiped|As far as possible try to worship the Deity, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. Krsna does not want your whole property. Krsna is open to the poorest man for being worshiped.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The wife is maya but at the same time a great friend. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that the wife is the goddess of fortune somewhere and somewhere she is a witch|The wife is maya but at the same time a great friend. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that the wife is the goddess of fortune somewhere and somewhere she is a witch. Anyway, you are very strong and an ideal grhastha and therefore instead of being influenced by your wife, you have influenced her to take to Krishna Consciousness. I expect every one of my students to come to your standard.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Law_means_the_word_given_by_the_state._You_cannot_make_law_at_home._That_is_not_possible._Whatever_the_government_gives_you,_that_%22You_should_act_like_this,%22_that_is_law|Law means the word given by the state. You cannot make law at home. That is not possible. Whatever the government gives you, that "You should act like this," that is law.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as eating only two chopaties and a little vegetables daily, I never said that. I do not know why such news has spread without my written authority|So far as eating only two chopaties and a little vegetables daily, I never said that. I do not know why such news has spread without my written authority. One should eat as much as he requires. He should not over-eat, that is the point. Without eating properly how can we work? If one can digest them, then he can eat 20 chopaties, but if he cannot digest, then he should not even take two chopaties. The ayurvedic system is to take ½ of what you can eat only, the fill ¼ with water and leave ¼ for air. That will make for proper digestion.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_try_to_understand_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement._It_is_very_scientific,_authorized._It_is_not_a_mental_concoction_or_sentimental_movement._It_is_most_scientific_movement._So_we_are_inviting_all_leaders_from_all_countries:_try_to_understand|You should try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement. It is very scientific, authorized. It is not a mental concoction or sentimental movement. It is most scientific movement. So we are inviting all leaders from all countries: try to understand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Do not be agitated with the criticism of your friends because Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that one should be humbler that a blade of grass and should be more tolerant than a tree for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra|Do not be agitated with the criticism of your friends because Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that one should be humbler that a blade of grass and should be more tolerant than a tree for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. So stick to the principle of chanting 16 rounds daily and reading our books regularly, and one day you will be a great preacher of this cult.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730821JM.LON_Janmastami_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Indians_are_meant_for_para-upakara._Indians_are_not_meant_for_exploiting_others._That_is_not_Indians%27_business._Indian_history_is_all_along_for_para-upakara|Indians are meant for para-upakara. Indians are not meant for exploiting others. That is not Indians' business. Indian history is all along for para-upakara.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot be desireless. We cannot be inactive. That is also not possible. We must be active - but active for working for Krsna. Then it is devotional life|We cannot be desireless. We cannot be inactive. That is also not possible. We must be active—but active for working for Kṛṣṇa. Then it is devotional life. That is being taught in Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, that it is not simply negation. Simply negation will not help you. There must be some positive occupation. So we say, "Do not do this, but do this." We say, "Do not eat meat," but we say, "Eat Kṛṣṇa's nice prasādam, halavā ." So he forgets meat-eating. This is our process. We give immediately alternative. You dance. You don't dance in the naked club; dance in the Kṛṣṇa's temple.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730822VP.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_dear_sons_and_daughters,_I_am_so_much_obliged_to_you_that_you_have_become_so_enthusiastic_for_offering_Vyasa-puja._Now_try_to_understand|My dear sons and daughters, I am so much obliged to you that you have become so enthusiastic for offering Vyasa-puja. Now try to understand.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The sense gratification is going on. But there is chaos because the point is missing. There is no activity for satisfying senses of Krsna|The sense gratification is going on. But there is chaos because the point is missing. There is no activity for satisfying senses of Kṛṣṇa. That is the defect of the modern civilization. Therefore one should learn that you are satisfying the senses of others. Try to satisfy the senses of Kṛṣṇa, because there is no more greater authority than Kṛṣṇa. We are satisfying the senses of greater authority, that's all, or my senses, because my senses are also greater authority—kāma, krodha, lobha, moha, mātsarya. These are very strongly dictating me, "Do this."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730822VP.LON.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_to_thank_you._It_is_all_due_to_you._It_is_not_my_credit,_but_it_is_your_credit_that_you_are_helping_me_in_executing_the_order_of_my_Guru_Maharaja|I have to thank you. It is all due to you. It is not my credit, but it is your credit that you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Spiritual master is the servant of God. He is not God, although he is respected like God|Spiritual master is the servant of God. He is not God, although he is respected like God. Sākṣād-dharitvena samasta-śāstrair uktas tathā bhāvyata eva sadbhiḥ. Spiritual master is described as good as God in all scriptures, and all advanced spiritualists accept this. But he is the most confidential servant of God. Because he receives respect like God, he does not think at any time that he is God. He always thinks himself as eternal servant of God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730824BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_body,_antavat,_it_will_be_finished._However_you_may_try,_so_scientifically,_applying_cosmetic_and_other_things,_you_cannot_save_the_body._That_is_not_possible|This body, antavat, it will be finished. However you may try, so scientifically, applying cosmetic and other things, you cannot save the body. That is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|How can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business|Now, who will work and who will not work that is consideration between yourselves. It is local affairs, and how can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business. All of you are sincere devotees pledged to the missionary activities, so you should sit together and decide what to do and what not to do.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730824BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_many_rascals_come,_they_challenge,_%22Can_you_show_me_God%3F%22_So..._Yes._We_can_show_you_God,_provided_you_have_got_the_eyes._God_can_be_seen_by_different_type_of_eyes._Not_these_eyes._That_is_stated_in_the_sastra|So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|These new boys should be taken care of very nicely. We should always remember that we are in the kingdom of Maya and her influence is very strong|These new boys should be taken care of very nicely. We should always remember that we are in the kingdom of Maya and her influence is very strong. So, unless we are very, very careful in our dealings, there is always chance of falling down. Please therefore chant regularly the sixteen rounds beads and follow the regulative principles; and teach the new boys by practical example, and try to preach Sankirtana as far as possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730824BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_calculate._You_cannot_go_to_Brahma,_you_cannot_go_even_to_the_moon_planet._And_what_to_speak_of_Brahmaloka_is_the_ultimate,_the_remotest_part_of_this_universe._So_by_your_direct_experience,_you_cannot_calculate|You cannot calculate. You cannot go to Brahma, you cannot go even to the moon planet. And what to speak of Brahmaloka is the ultimate, the remotest part of this universe. So by your direct experience, you cannot calculate.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Women are by nature endowed with many artistic tendencies, and from the Vedic age we find that high grade women and girls were highly qualified in sixty-four arts|Women are by nature endowed with many artistic tendencies, and from the Vedic age we find that high grade women and girls were highly qualified in sixty-four arts. Srimati Radharani was fully qualified in those arts, and therefore, by Her super-excellent transcendental qualities, she could charm Krsna who is the charmer of the three worlds. One of the Principle Gopis was Syama dasi, and you are supposed to follow the footsteps of Syama dasi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730824BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_we_can_say_there_is_no_soul%3F_No._This_is_foolishness._The_whole_world_is_going_on_under_this_foolishness._Not_only_now,_before_also._Like_Carvaka_Muni,_he_was_atheist,_he_did_not_believe|How we can say there is no soul? No. This is foolishness. The whole world is going on under this foolishness. Not only now, before also. Like Carvaka Muni, he was atheist, he did not believe.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as cooperating with my Godbrothers is concerned, that is not very urgent business. So far until now my Godbrothers have regularly not cooperated with me and by the grace of my Spiritual Master, things are still going ahead|So far as cooperating with my Godbrothers is concerned, that is not very urgent business. So far until now my Godbrothers have regularly not cooperated with me and by the grace of my Spiritual Master, things are still going ahead. So cooperation or non-cooperation, it is the desire of Bhaktivinode Thakura to preach the Caitanya cult all over the world and in 1875 he predicted that someone would come very soon who would individually preach this cult all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730824BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_people_say_the_animals_have_no_soul._But_that%27s_all_right,_but_he%27s_feeling_pain_when_you_are_killing_the_animal._So_you_also_feel_pain._So_why_should_you_give_pain_to_others%3F_That_is_Lord_Buddha%27s_theory|These people say the animals have no soul. But that's all right, but he's feeling pain when you are killing the animal. So you also feel pain. So why should you give pain to others? That is Lord Buddha's theory.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In this material world, we come here to enjoy. Not enjoy, but to satisfy our senses. This is material life. But that is not the right process, to develop the sense enjoyment process|In this material world, we come here to enjoy. Not enjoy, but to satisfy our senses. This is material life. But that is not the right process, to develop the sense enjoyment process. The modern civilization, they are increasing the sense enjoyment process, making life more and more complicated, because the real motive of human life is to develop devotional service to the Lord. Or in other words, instead of gratifying our senses we should gratify the senses of the Lord. That is required. We cannot independently gratify our senses.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730826BG.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_test_is_within_our_hand._If_during_mangala-arati_we_feel_laziness,_that_means_I%27m_not_yet_spiritually_advanced._And_if_one_feels_enthused,_%22Now_it_is_time_for_mangala-arati,_let_me_stand_up,_let_me_do_this,%22_then_it_is_spiritual|The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse|Yes. That if you want to eat meat and chicken, then you first of all sacrifice before their deity. So at least they'll be restricted from eating meat purchased from slaughterhouse. But this rascal civilization, one side they're advertising, "Stop cruelty to animals," another side they're opening unrestricted slaughterhouse. Just see. One side they're allowing marriage of woman every week, another side contraception. Just see their contradiction.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_not_be_very_much_serious_about_this_body._The_soul_is_the_subject_matter_to_be_considered._But_the_modern_civilization,_they_are_concerned_with_this_body._Just_the_opposite|Do not be very much serious about this body. The soul is the subject matter to be considered. But the modern civilization, they are concerned with this body. Just the opposite.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The compulsory law is that God is great, and we are subordinate or servant of God. You may believe or not believe; the God's law will apply upon you forcibly|The compulsory law is that God is great, and we are subordinate or servant of God. You may believe or not believe; the God's law will apply upon you forcibly. Exactly like the state law: you may have faith or no faith, you must accept it, otherwise it will be forcibly imposed upon you. So dharma, as it is explained in English dictionary, "a kind of faith," that is not proper meaning. Dharma means that you are obliged to obey the laws given by God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Material_starvation_may_be_there,_but_actually_that_is_not_a_problem_because_there_is_sufficient_arrangement_for_maintaining_this_material_body._Real_starvation_is_of_the_soul._The_soul_is_not_getting_spiritual_food|Material starvation may be there, but actually that is not a problem because there is sufficient arrangement for maintaining this material body. Real starvation is of the soul. The soul is not getting spiritual food.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called samsara-cakra, cycle of birth and death|Beginning from Brahmā down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called saṁsāra-cakra, cycle of birth and death. That is going on perpetually. And they do not know what to do. You have to die. You get one form of life, enjoy it, either as human being or as hog, pig, cat, dog or demigod. Whatever you wanted, you have got it, desire. Now enjoy. But after some time you have to die. But actually your position is not to die. You are eternal.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_civilization,_modern_civilization,_having_no_information_of_the_soul,_it_is_simply_a_pack_of_animals_only,_that%27s_all._Therefore_they_do_not_care_what_is_the_resultant_action_of_their_activities|This civilization, modern civilization, having no information of the soul, it is simply a pack of animals only, that's all. Therefore they do not care what is the resultant action of their activities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You do not become God, but you are already in godly quality, qualities, to some extent, not fully. So when you are free from these material clutches, you attain your original quality, spiritual quality|You do not become God, but you are already in godly quality, qualities, to some extent, not fully. So when you are free from these material clutches, you attain your original quality, spiritual quality. And that spiritual quality you can serve. Because service means the person who is served, he is also person, and the servant is also person. Otherwise there is no question of service. Service, whenever we say service, there must be a person to take, to accept the service, and there must be one person who renders the service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_should_be_not_to_associate_with_the_material_qualities._Even_up_to_goodness._Material_quality,_goodness_means_the_brahminical_quality._Sattva_sama_damas_titiksa._So_devotional_service_is_transcendental|Our business should be not to associate with the material qualities. Even up to goodness. Material quality, goodness means the brahminical quality. Sattva sama damas titiksa. So devotional service is transcendental.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You can arrange to supply prasadam only to our devotees. We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. Such men may take shelter of some charitable institution|You can arrange to supply prasadam only to our devotees. We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. Such men may take shelter of some charitable institution. At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_our_Indian_system,_their_enjoyment_is_not_meat-eating_as_in_the_Western_countries._Their_enjoyment_is_eating_ghee_more,_become_chubby,_fatty._That_is_their_enjoyment|According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You can take it for granted that nondevotee class who is not in Krishna Conciousness as we are teaching are all great fools never mind how ever they may advertise themselves as meditators, yogis, philosophers, religionists, and so on|You can take it for granted that nondevotee class who is not in Krishna Conciousness as we are teaching are all great fools never mind how ever they may advertise themselves as meditators, yogis, philosophers, religionists, and so on. We are presenting a scientific program of God conciousness on the basis of the highest authority, Bhagavad-gita.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730828BG.LON_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_problem_is_how_to_be_reestablished_again_as_eternal._Because_we_are_eternal._Some_way_or_other,_we_have_fallen_in_this_material_world._Therefore,_we_have_to_accept_birth_and_death|Your problem is how to be reestablished again as eternal. Because we are eternal. Some way or other, we have fallen in this material world. Therefore, we have to accept birth and death.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I shall be very glad to initiate girl friend if you recommend her actual mental condition. We should not initiate anyone who is not willing to follow our regulations|I shall be very glad to initiate girl friend if you recommend her actual mental condition. We should not initiate anyone who is not willing to follow our regulations. In the meantime let her attend our classes and join the Sankirtana program regularly. I am so pleased to learn that you are by the Grace of Krishna improving day by day in the matter of Krishna Conciousness. Thank you very much for your sincere service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730830MW.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have all my blessings for the girl for being married to Naranarayana, for whom I was very much anxious to get him a good wife|I have all my blessings for the girl for being married to Naranarayana, for whom I was very much anxious to get him a good wife. So I have full sanction for his marriage, and you can perform the ceremony on my behalf. I am sure under your care they will be trained as good husband and wife, following your example, and be happy in life in Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730907BG.STO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You write to say that you are too much absorbed in temporal thoughts of sex life. If that is the case, then perhaps you should get yourself married|You write to say that you are too much absorbed in temporal thoughts of sex life. If that is the case, then perhaps you should get yourself married. In Krishna Consciousness we do not artificially repress any desires, but that everything can be used in Krishna's service is our philosophy. My Guru Maharaja made sannyasis to go out and preach this movement and I am making householder couples and they are doing so nicely to spread Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730908BG.STO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_claim_that_we_can_enjoy_everything_in_this_world._Although_we_have_got_the_desire,_but_limited_power_to_enjoy._The_unlimited_enjoyer_is_Krsna,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead|We cannot claim that we can enjoy everything in this world. Although we have got the desire, but limited power to enjoy. The unlimited enjoyer is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think that if you go on in this way and spend your whole time preaching and engaging others to hear you and become themselves engaged in Krishna's service, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions|I think that if you go on in this way and spend your whole time preaching and engaging others to hear you and become themselves engaged in Krishna's service, that will cure you of all misgivings and miserable conditions. Follow this simple formula of chanting regularly with full attention, reading at least one hour, and balance time preaching and speaking and managing one center, and then everything will be all right. For my part, there is no question of dissatisfaction, I am very much pleased with your sincere service and humble attitude of Krishna Consciousness devotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730908BG.STO_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anything_about_Krsna_is_Krsna._This_is_called_absolute_knowledge._So_either_you_chant_the_Krsna%27s_name_or_you_worship_Krsna%27s_form_-_everything_is_Krsna|Anything about Krsna is Krsna. This is called absolute knowledge. So either you chant the Krsna's name or you worship Krsna's form - everything is Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone is serving his senses, but he is thinking that he is master. That is kaitavah, means cheating, or maya|Everyone is serving his senses, but he is thinking that he is master. That is kaitavaḥ, means cheating, or māyā. The conclusion is that as we are constitutionally servant, we must remain a servant, not try falsely to become master. But by experience, we see that by giving service to so many things, nobody is satisfied, neither I am satisfied. For example, again let us go to the family life. A man has served the family with heart and soul throughout the whole life, and when he is old man, if he asks permission from his wife, "My dear wife, now I have served so much. Let me take sannyāsa now," the wife will never give permission.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730908SB.STO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_the_previous_acaryas_and_others,_they_did_not_know_what_is_airplane,_what_is_speed,_how_to_run._Don%27t_think_foolishly,_as_if_they_have_manufactured._It_is_nothing,_not_even_third-,_not_even_fourth-class,_tenth-class|It is not that the previous acaryas and others, they did not know what is airplane, what is speed, how to run. Don't think foolishly, as if they have manufactured. It is nothing, not even third-, not even fourth-class, tenth-class.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To surrender to Krishna all at once is not generally possible, but as we serve Krishna more and more, we gradually become more and more surrendered at His Lotus Feet|To surrender to Krishna all at once is not generally possible, but as we serve Krishna more and more, we gradually become more and more surrendered at His Lotus Feet. So you please continue to serve Krishna in these ways you have mentioned, and do not feel that your service is any less valuable than that of others. In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting, or whatever, they are all the same. There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730908SB.STO_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_may_be_that_government_may_take_action_against_me_because_I%27m_speaking_something_revolutionary._Yes._But_that_is_the_fact._Why_you_should_work%3F|It may be that government may take action against me because I'm speaking something revolutionary. Yes. But that is the fact. Why you should work?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Consciousness movement is the need for the Western countries at this time. The Westerners have sufficiently enjoyed their material achievements and they are now, especially the younger generation, seeking for something spiritual|Krishna Consciousness movement is the need for the Western countries at this time. The Westerners have sufficiently enjoyed their material achievements and they are now, especially the younger generation,seeking for something spiritual. That is quite natural. In the Vedanta Sutra, it is stated as "Atha Atho Brahma Jijnasa." When a person finishes his material activities, naturally, he becomes interested to search after spiritual realization. That is natural consequence. A living entity is factually a spirit soul whose eternal position is knowledge and blissfulness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730909SB.STO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_economic_development%27s_cow_killing._Just_see%2C_rascal_civilization._Don%27t_be_sorry._It_is_Sastra._Don%27t_think_that_I_am_criticizing_the_Western_civilization._It_is_sastra_says._Very_experienced|The economic development's cow killing. Just see, rascal civilization. Don't be sorry. It is Sastra. Don't think that I am criticizing the Western civilization. It is sastra says. Very experienced.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is our movement only which strictly follows the principles of the Bhagavad-gita, under the guidance of the authorities or acaryas in disciplic succession from Lord Caitanya|It is our movement only which strictly follows the principles of the Bhagavad-gita, under the guidance of the authorities or acaryas in disciplic succession from Lord Caitanya who practically demonstrated in life and practice the principles of Bhagavad-gita. The last word in the Bhagavad-gita is to surrender unto Krsna and Lord Caitanya taught us to surrender unto Krsna. His transcendental movement of chanting the Holy name of Krsna and Rama is the sublime movement, not only at the present age, but for all the time past, present and future.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730912SB.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_literature,_how_can_we_enlighten_the_people_at_large%3F_My_Guru_Maharaja_used_to_say_that_this_press_is_brhad-mrdanga|Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at large? My Guru Maharaja used to say that this press is brhad-mrdanga.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am pleased to note that you are painting nicely, so go on improving your abilities because we will require so many paintings for our temples|I am pleased to note that you are painting nicely, so go on improving your abilities because we will require so many paintings for our temples. You may paint pictures of Guru Maharaja, me, Bhaktivinode Thakura, Gaura Kisora, Panca-tattva, Sankirtana, etc. We have immense work to be done so you become expert painter. That will engladden me, and it will be a great benefit to all society.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730927BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_how_to_become_recognized_by_Krsna|Our business is how to become recognized by Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding authorized songs, you may inform George that authorized songs means the songs which were sung or composed by self-realized Acaryas|Regarding authorized songs, you may inform George that authorized songs means the songs which were sung or composed by self-realized Acaryas. It is an injunction in the Vaisnava regulations that unauthorized songs or statements should never be heard. The comparison is given that milk, although very nutritious food, if it is touched by the tongue of a serpent, it acts like poison. So I am giving herewith a few lines of authorized songs which you may deliver to George.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730930BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_rascal_so-called_commentators,_they_want_to_avoid_Krsna._Therefore_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_a_challenge_to_these_rascals._It_is_a_challenge_that_%22You_want_to_make_Krsna_without_Krsna._This_is_nonsense|These rascal so-called commentators, they want to avoid Krsna. Therefore this Krsna consciousness movement is a challenge to these rascals. It is a challenge that "You want to make Krsna without Krsna. This is nonsense.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Because your wife is fully trained as classical dancer, even she taught in such big university, so she can organize classical dancing to portray stories about Krishna and His Pastimes|Because your wife is fully trained as classical dancer, even she taught in such big university, so she can organize classical dancing to portray stories about Krishna and His Pastimes and that will be very nice proposal. Recently in Bombay we have held a benefit charity performance called "Hare Krishna Benefit" performed by the Javeri Sisters, a famous classical dancing group from Manipur. These dancers were depicting stories from Krishna's Pastimes, and the dancing was very nice. So this art of dancing, as any art, can be also employed in the service of glorifying the Supreme Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731011BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive."|Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive." This is greatest sinful life. Greatest sinful life. You are killing, murderer. Now in the Western countries they are actually killing. They have made law. So if the society has become so awfully sinful, how they can expect peace and prosperity? That is not possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731012BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_means_when_you_engage_your_senses_for_the_service_of_the_master_of_the_senses,_Hrsikesa._That_is_called_is_bhakti._Bhakti_is_not_sentiment|Bhakti means when you engage your senses for the service of the master of the senses, Hrsikesa. That is called is bhakti. Bhakti is not sentiment.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Krsna." You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally you can see|The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Kṛṣṇa." You are seeing Kṛṣṇa. The Deity of Kṛṣṇa and Kṛṣṇa is not different. But even personally you can see. Simply we have to continue the enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means to take things very seriously, utsāhād dhairyāt, and patiently. Although we are determined to go back to home, back to Godhead, so we should patiently follow the rules and regulations.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731013BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is my intelligence and your cooperation that is working|It is my intelligence and your cooperation that is working. There is a story of a man who was challenged whether he had any intelligence. He then began to look in his pocket. When asked why he was looking in his pocket, he replied, "if there is money, then there is intelligence". So you have gone so far to collect money and intelligently, but if there is no money, where is the intelligence? Both must combine, then everything works out nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731026RC.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Blind_civilization|Blind civilization.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna has given you very nice occupation, translation work, and you are earning your livelihood independently. So do it very nicely. And if there is strain to work, then don't work|Kṛṣṇa has given you very nice occupation, translation work, and you are earning your livelihood independently. So do it very nicely. And if there is strain to work, then don't work. We shall pay you for the rent, etcetera. It doesn't matter. But you must maintain your status of translating work. That is very good. If you can work, you can work. Otherwise, don't work.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731101RC.DEL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Before_going_to_your_Moon_planet_here_is_the_information:_%22Anywhere_you_go_rascal_these_things_will_follow,_janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi_and_inconveniences._You%27ll_have_to_suffer%22|Before going to your Moon planet here is the information: "Anywhere you go rascal these things will follow, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi and inconveniences. You'll have to suffer".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are mendicant and missionary and can make our dwelling place anywhere|I have been told the weather is very warm there (in the Bahamas), and the sunshine may be very beneficial to my health. Simply I require some quiet place so to continue my translating work on Srimad-Bhagavatam, and that's all. We are mendicant, and missionary, and can make our dwelling place anywhere.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731102RC.DEL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_gopis_came_with_lust._They_became_purified_with_Krsna%27s_association._Gopis_actually,_superficially,_externally,_they_are,_means,_nitya-siddha,_ever-liberated_expansion_of_Krsna%27s_energy,_internal_energy|The gopis came with lust. They became purified with Krsna's association. Gopis actually, superficially, externally, they are, means, nitya-siddha, ever-liberated expansion of Krsna's energy, internal energy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I know that you cannot stop kirtana or chanting but it must be done regularly because that is our strength. We are always in the whirlpool of maya, and only this chanting of Mantra can save us from all pitfalls|By no means should you stop kirtana and chanting. Of course I know that you cannot stop kirtana or chanting but it must be done regularly because that is our strength. We are always in the whirlpool of maya, and only this chanting of Mantra can save us from all pitfalls.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731103BG.DEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_was_started_only_for_the_satisfaction_of_my_spiritual_master._He_wanted._So_I_thought,_%22Let_me_try_in_this_old_age%22|This movement was started only for the satisfaction of my spiritual master. He wanted. So I thought, "Let me try in this old age".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Both of you please accept my full blessings and sanction for your marriage. Work together for your mutual advancement in Krsna's service and be increasingly joyful in your Krsna Consciousness life. This is my desire|I am very happy to know that you are to be married with Sriman Nara Narayana and this is very nice. Both of you please accept my full blessings and sanction for your marriage. Work together for your mutual advancement in Krsna's service and be increasingly joyful in your Krsna Consciousness life. This is my desire. Please take continued guidance from Bhagavan das and from your good husband and from other senior devotees and learn our philosophy very nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731108SB.DEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_first_thing_is_we_must_hear._Srotavyah._Just_try_to_hear_what_is_God,_what_is_His_kingdom,_how_He_acts,_how_He_is_cheerful._These_things_are_to_be_heard._Sravanam|The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My only request to you all is that the two tapes, regularly sent every day must be finished being transcribed, edited, composed, layed out and printed all in one week. In this way two tapes daily must be ready for printing. Then it will be nice|Publishing Srimad-Bhagavatam chapter-wise is very nice and it should be continued and as soon as all the chapters of a canto are finished, we make it into a book, either in Japan or U.S.A. as is suitable. But my only request to you all is that the two tapes, regularly sent every day must be finished being transcribed, edited, composed, layed out and printed all in one week. In this way two tapes daily must be ready for printing. Then it will be nice. So far I am concerned, although I am getting old, I guarantee I shall give you two tapes daily provided you guarantee to finish printing two tapes daily. That will encourage me more and more.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731108SB.DEL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_do_not_know_who_is_Bhagavan,_if_you_do_not_know_who_is_Hari,_if_you_do_not_know_who_is_Isvara,_then_what_you_will_hear_about_Him%3F_That_is_the_problem|If you do not know who is Bhagavan, if you do not know who is Hari, if you do not know who is Isvara, then what you will hear about Him? That is the problem.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|They (the Mayavadi philosopher) want to make the spiritual world as zero or imperson due to less intelligence. But actually, real life, real pleasure, eternal pleasure is there in the spiritual world, not in this material world|The difficulty is that this Māyāvādī philosopher, they cannot understand that in the spiritual world there is also pleasure. Their foolish brain cannot accommodate. Because here in this material world they have got very bad experience of this material... They want to make the spiritual world as zero or imperson due to less intelligence. But actually, real life, real pleasure, eternal pleasure is there in the spiritual world, not in this material world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731114SB.DEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_does_not_mean_stop_your_work._Bhakti_does_not_mean_sentimental_fanaticism._That_is_not_bhakti._Bhakti_means_to_engage_all_your_senses_for_the_satisfaction_of_the_proprietor_of_the_senses._That_is_called_bhakti|Bhakti does not mean stop your work. Bhakti does not mean sentimental fanaticism. That is not bhakti. Bhakti means to engage all your senses for the satisfaction of the proprietor of the senses. That is called bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties - everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called maya, or illusion|On the bank of a river or the bank of a pond, the tree is standing, but the reflection, we find that the same tree has become ūrdhva-mūlam and adhah-śākham. So by this statement, Kṛṣṇa says that this is not real. That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties—everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called māyā, or illusion. So in later ślokas Kṛṣṇa has described how to get out of this māyic reflection and go to the real tree.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731129SB.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_understand_perfectly_well_that_we_are_not_enjoyer,_Krsna_is_enjoyer,_then_that_is_spiritual_world._This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_convince_everyone_that_we,_we_are_not_enjoyer,_enjoyer_is_Krsna|If we understand perfectly well that we are not enjoyer, Krsna is enjoyer, then that is spiritual world. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince everyone that we, we are not enjoyer, enjoyer is Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Any man outside America, he cannot come here by force. He must take the permission of the American government, visa; then he can come. So how you can go to the moon planet without taking the visa? Simply by your bodily strength? That will not be allowed|Every planet is meant for every other, different kinds of living entities. How you can go there by force? Just like any man outside America, he cannot come here by force. He must take the permission of the American government, visa; then he can come. So how you can go to the moon planet without taking the visa? Simply by your bodily strength? That will not be allowed.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731130SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_that_a_mouse_approached_a_saintly_person|There is a story that a mouse approached a saintly person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life|It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Kṛṣṇa. Why? By the mercy of guru and Kṛṣṇa, he'll get bhakti-lātā-bīja. And that is real life. Sa vai puṁsāṁ paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhokṣaje (SB 1.2.6). That is real religious system, which teaches the follower how to become a devotee.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731202MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28priests%29_must_have_%28sex%29_because_they_have_no_spiritual_knowledge._Anyone_who_is_not_spiritually_advanced,_he_cannot_avoid_the_sex|They (priests) must have (sex) because they have no spiritual knowledge. Anyone who is not spiritually advanced, he cannot avoid the sex.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should not be very much bothered about the body. Trees also live for thousands of years but that does not mean a successful life|This body is today or tomorrow finished. We should not be very much bothered about the body. Trees also live for thousands of years but that does not mean a successful life. A successful life is one of Krishna consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731205MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_we_are_world_organization._There_is_spiritual_side,_and_there_is_material_side_also._That_is_not_material_side._That_is_also_spiritual_side,_means_systematic_management._Otherwise_how_it_will_be_done%3F|Now we are world organization. There is spiritual side, and there is material side also. That is not material side. That is also spiritual side, means systematic management. Otherwise how it will be done?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You have written that you are my disobedient son, but I think I am your disturbing father. I am putting more and more burden upon you but you are so tolerant that you have no hesitation to accept my demands even although sometimes they are unreasonable|You have written to say that you are my disobedient son, but I think I am your disturbing father. I am putting more and more burden upon you but you are so tolerant that you have no hesitation to accept my demands even although sometimes they are unreasonable. So practically you are acting as my father.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731206SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_is_eternally_a_fact._Otherwise_you_European,_American_boys_and_girls,_you,_three_or_four_years_ago,_you_did_not_know_what_is_Krsna._Why_you_are_so_much_attached_to_Krsna%3F|Our Krsna consciousness is eternally a fact. Otherwise you European, American boys and girls, you, three or four years ago, you did not know what is Krsna. Why you are so much attached to Krsna?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness understanding; implicit faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master. This will make your steady progress towards the Ultimate Goal of back to Home, back to Godhead|I thank you very much for your simple philosophy of following the instructions of your Spiritual Master. That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness understanding; implicit faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master. This will make your steady progress towards the Ultimate Goal of back to Home, back to Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731206SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_you_have_to_keep_yourself_always_connected_with_the_original_powerhouse|Krsna consciousness movement means you have to keep yourself always connected with the original powerhouse.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to learn that although you are 60 years old, you are enthusiastic to help me in this great preaching work. In spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna|I am very glad to learn that although you are 60 years old, you are enthusiastic to help me in this great preaching work. Of course, in spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna. If you want to help me, there is great need of your valued service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731208SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_imagine_what_my_spiritual_master_said._Or_even_if_you_read_some_books,_you_cannot_understand_unless_you_understand_it_from_me._This_is_called_parampara_system._You_cannot_jump_over_to_the_superior_guru,_neglecting_the_next_acarya|You cannot imagine what my spiritual master said. Or even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, neglecting the next acarya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is that whoever is competent to manage affairs will accept the post of president by mutual consent. Our main business is to be fixed up in Krsna Consciousness by keeping steady in the prescribed duties of devotional service|I am glad to learn that after deliberation between Jayapataka and Raktaka, you have been asked to become the president of Toronto temple. The idea is that whoever is competent to manage affairs will accept the post of president by mutual consent. Our main business is to be fixed up in Krsna Consciousness by keeping steady in the prescribed duties of devotional service. So I have got all approval for your being elected president; that is nice.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731211M2.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_health_is_not_always_going_on_nicely._Still,_why_I_am_trying%3F_I_want_to_begin_one_revolution_against_godless_civilization._That_is_my_ambition|My health is not always going on nicely. Still, why I am trying? I want to begin one revolution against godless civilization. That is my ambition.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Liberation is not very important business - it doesn't matter if he (a devotee) is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake|You inquire why, if the devotee is struggling very hard to be free of the clutches of Maya, then how can he not be interested in such liberation? That is a contradiction. The devotee is not interested in liberation, but in serving; as such, the devotee is already liberated. So liberation is not very important business—it doesn't matter if he is liberated or nonliberated. The idea is that nobody should serve Krishna with motive, even up to liberation, he should serve for service sake.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731212MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_we_take_care_of_the_books_and_preach_and_read_ourself,_understand_the_philosophy,_this_Hare_Krsna_will_be_finished_within_few_years|Unless we take care of the books and preach and read ourself, understand the philosophy, this Hare Krsna will be finished within few years.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Cons. is not a miracle, it is science, & because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything, so practically we can understand how Krishna wanted to please His devotees & He appeared there so wonderfully. We do not see anything miracle|So-called transcendentalists who have no real stock of knowledge they are fond of these miracles, and for the most part, because the innocent public is generally foolish, therefore they accept these rascals of magicians as saintly persons. But real knowledge means science or knowing everything about something. So this Krishna Consciousness is not a miracle, it is science, and because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything, so practically we can understand how Krishna wanted to please His devotees and He appeared there so wonderfully, and we do not see anything miracle.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731218SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_body_is_awarded_by_God_according_to_your_karma._Just_like_according_to_your_payment,_the_landlord_gives_you_an_apartment._The_apartment_does_not_belong_to_you._That%27s_a_fact|The body is awarded by God according to your karma. Just like according to your payment, the landlord gives you an apartment. The apartment does not belong to you. That's a fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavad-gita is the ABCD. It is just beginning of understanding of what is God. ABC. When one has passed the entrance examination, then he gets the opportunity of studying Srimad-Bhagavatam|The Bhagavad-gītā is the preliminary study of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Just like before learning any literature, one has to read the first book, ABCD. The Bhagavad-gītā is the ABCD. It is just beginning of understanding of what is God. ABC. When one has passed the entrance examination, then he gets the opportunity of studying Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731226SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_willingly,_against_the_principle_of_religion_that_%22Thou_shalt_not_kill,%22_we_have_opened_so_many_thousands_of_slaughterhouse,_giving_a_nonsense_theory_that_the_animal_has_no_soul._Just_see_the_fun|We are willingly, against the principle of religion that "Thou shalt not kill," we have opened so many thousands of slaughterhouse, giving a nonsense theory that the animal has no soul. Just see the fun.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Obedience should be without any motive. Just like see here the Europeans & American boys, they are obeying Krsna or Krsna's representative without any condition. They have not come here to obey my order for earning livelihood or for some material purpose|Here it is said, ahaituky apratihatā. That obedience should be without any motive. Just like see here the Europeans and American boys, they are obeying Kṛṣṇa or Kṛṣṇa's representative without any condition. They have not come here to obey my order for earning livelihood or for some material purpose. They have not come for that. They have got enough money. They have got enough money. They can purchase hundred times India}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/KIEREGAARD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Devotional_life_means_renounced_life._Vairagya-vidya,_vairagya_means_renunciation._Anyone_who_has_no_more_interest_in_materialistic_way_of_life,_that_is_bhakti-yoga|Devotional life means renounced life. Vairagya-vidya, vairagya means renunciation. Anyone who has no more interest in materialistic way of life, that is bhakti-yoga.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This Krsna consciousness movement is not a bluffing movement. It is scientific movement for the benefit of the whole world. They are suffering. So that is our request, that let us wash ourself from the designation|Our request is that all over the world they should take advantage of this knowledge. This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is not a bluffing movement. It is scientific movement for the benefit of the whole world. They are suffering. So that is our request, that let us wash ourself from the designation.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/KIEREGAARD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_fully_depend_on_Krsna,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_then_He_will_guide_us_how_to_make_progress_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|If we fully depend on Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then He will guide us how to make progress back to home, back to Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am in due receipt of The Hare Krishna Explosion, vol: No. 21. You must stop circulation of this paper immediately. It is not being properly managed. Who is this rascal who is writing such articles. See to this immediately|I am in due receipt of The Hare Krishna Explosion, vol: No. 21. You must stop circulation of this paper immediately. It is not being properly managed. Who is this rascal who is writing such articles. See to this immediately}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/MILL.HAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritual_master_is_servant_authority,_and_God_is_the_master_authority._Therefore_sevya_bhagavan,_seva_bhagavan|Spiritual master is servant authority, and God is the master authority. Therefore sevya bhagavan, seva bhagavan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please continue to increase the deity worship and teach others to become a very good pujari like you. When I see my disciples doing deity worship nicely that engladdens me|Please continue to increase the deity worship and teach others to become a very good pujari like you. When I see my disciples doing deity worship nicely that engladdens me. 'Sevonmukhe hi jivadau/ svayam eva sphuraty adah', God realization is possible only by service. That is the only way. He is adhoksaja. 'Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajantam priti purvakam/ dadami.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/SCHOPENHAUER_(S)_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_carry_my_order_due_to_the_basic_principle_is_love._And_our_whole_philosophy_is_love|You carry my order due to the basic principle is love. And our whole philosophy is love.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Devotion to Godhead was his (Gandhi's) ultimate aim and when I say that his sacred memory should be perpetuated not in the ordinary way but in the Gandhian way, I mean that fitting respect to his memory will be done in the following manner|Devotion to Godhead was his (Gandhi's) ultimate aim and when I say that his sacred memory should be perpetuated not in the ordinary way but in the Gandhian way, I mean that fitting respect to his memory will be done in the following manner. - four points follow...}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730113BG.BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_definition_of_Bhagavan._Not_that_any_rascal_advertises_himself_Bhagavan_and_he_becomes_Bhagavan._No._Parasara_Muni,_father_of_Vyasadeva,_gave_us_what_we_mean_by_Bhagavan|There is definition of Bhagavan. Not that any rascal advertises himself Bhagavan and he becomes Bhagavan. No. Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, gave us what we mean by Bhagavan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Why you have interpreted the picture as one has to be naked before the Lord to become perfect? We have no interpretation in any one of the verses in the Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam|There was no need of interpretations and why you have interpreted the picture as one has to be naked before the Lord to become perfect? We have no interpretation in any one of the verses in the Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. They were not fictitious and therefore there is no need of interpretation.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680315SB-SF_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prahlada_Maharaja_says_that_dharman_bhagavatan,_to_become_Krsna_conscious,_or_God_conscious,_is_so_important_that_we_should_not_lose_even_a_moment%27s_time._Immediately_we_shall_begin|Prahlada Maharaja says that dharman bhagavatan, to become Krsna conscious, or God conscious, is so important that we should not lose even a moment's time. Immediately we shall begin.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This sound vibration (of chanting of Hare Krishna) is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers|So far the spirit soul is concerned, if conditions are for some reason not favorable in some place, he is forced to leave that womb and take shelter in another. And if there is chanting of Hare Krishna, even the soul is there for a short time, oh, he will hear and become advanced. This sound vibration is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710318SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_spiritual_master%27s_mercy_is_described,_mukham_karoti_vacalam._Mukham_means_dumb,_one_who_cannot_speak._He_becomes_a_great_lecturer_or_speaker|The spiritual master's mercy is described, mukham karoti vacalam. Mukham means dumb, one who cannot speak. He becomes a great lecturer or speaker.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is the only male & all others being energies of Krishna, they're prakrti, or female. Please don't try to understand this male & female in the material sense. In other words, our perfection of life will be actually realizing that we're all females|In the spiritual dictionary, male means "enjoyer" and female means "enjoyed." So in this sense, Krishna is the only male and all others being energies of Krishna, they are prakrti, or female. Please do not try to understand this male and female in the material sense. In other words, our perfection of life will be actually realizing that we are all females.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730414SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_want_some_generation_who_can_preach_Krsna_consciousness;_so_if_they_learn_simply_English_and_Sanskrit,_they_will_be_able_to_read_this_book,_and_that_is_sufficient|We want some generation who can preach Krsna consciousness; so if they learn simply English and Sanskrit, they will be able to read this book, and that is sufficient.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the Katha Upanisad it is said that "in order to learn the transcendental science, one has to approach the Spiritual Master." This spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master|In the Katha Upanisad it is said that "in order to learn the transcendental science, one has to approach the Spiritual Master." This spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master. In this way, ultimately it goes to Krishna, the Supreme Spiritual Master. There is no possibility of understanding the Vedic knowledge without this descending process.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730416SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Draupadi_prayed,_%22Krsna,_if_You_like,_You_can_save.%22_So_this_is_the_position._So_long_we_try_to_save_ourself,_then_that_is_not_very_good._If_you_simply_depend_on_Krsna,_%22Krsna,_if_You_save_me,_that_is_all_right._Otherwise_kill_me,_as_You_like%22|Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your proposal of getting 1,000 subscribers to Back To Godhead from London alone is very encouraging and please do it. You should send your activities report every month in short for publication in Back To Godhead|I am pleased to note that you are printing up 10,000 copies of the Prospectus of our society. Also your proposal of getting 1,000 subscribers to Back To Godhead from London alone is very encouraging and please do it. You should send your activities report every month in short for publication in Back To Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_a_devotee_wants_to_satisfy_the_Lord_in_all_respects,_similarly_more_than_the_devotee,_the_Lord_wants_to_satisfy_the_devotee._This_is_the_exchange_of_loving_affairs|Just like a devotee wants to satisfy the Lord in all respects, similarly more than the devotee, the Lord wants to satisfy the devotee. This is the exchange of loving affairs.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Suppose on Monday you receive the tape number 17, let it be transcribed in two days by someone "A." Then in the next two days (days 3 and 4) someone "B" edits it. Then in the next two days (days 5 and 6) another "C" edits it for the second time|Now what I want is that one tape in two days must be finished for being composed. This does not mean that one tape has to be finished so quickly, but the arrangement should be made in such a way that after some time the process will produce at least fifteen tapes completely in one month or 30 days. The process should be in the same way as I have suggested for painting of the pictures. The process is like this: Suppose on Monday you receive the tape number 17, let it be transcribed in two days by someone "A." Then in the next two days (days 3 and 4) someone "B" edits it. Then in the next two days (days 5 and 6) another "C" edits it for the second time. Then Mr. "D" gives it the diacritical marks, and then it is ready for composing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730501SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_can_be_present_more_acutely_in_separation._That_is_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu%27s_teaching:_to_love_Krsna_in_separation|Krsna can be present more acutely in separation. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching: to love Krsna in separation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am pleased that you are making serious study of our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency|I am pleased that you are making serious study of this our Krishna philosophy, so I want that you go on like this until you will able to defeat any challenge from atheists and rascals, then your preaching work will have real potency and combinedly with your Godbrothers around the world and at London Temple you shall preach so strongly that one day this Krishna consciousness movement will change the world from the most dangerous condition.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730822LE-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_is_coming_from_the_disciplic_succession._What_five_thousand_years_ago_Vyasadeva_instructed_or_Krsna_instructed,_the_same_thing_we_are_also_instructing._Therefore_there_is_no_difference_between_instruction._Therefore_guru_is_one|Guru is coming from the disciplic succession. What five thousand years ago Vyasadeva instructed or Krsna instructed, the same thing we are also instructing. Therefore there is no difference between instruction. Therefore guru is one.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Take the children to the temple every day and bring them up in Krishna Consciousness, and when they are old enough you may send them to our new school in Dallas. There is no question of losing father, now they shall have dozens of fathers and mothers|Take the children to the temple every day and bring them up in Krishna Consciousness, and when they are old enough you may send them to our new school in Dallas. There is no question of losing father, now they shall have dozens of fathers and mothers, simply engage them in our regular KC program of routine rising early, cleansing, chanting, eating Krishna prasada, looking at books, street Sankirtana, like that, and let them associate nicely with other devotees in such program daily, and automatically they will be trained up nicely in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730429SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_take_food_just_to_maintain_your_health_nicely._Similarly,_other_necessities_of_body_must_be_taken_care_of._If_you_become_diseased,_then_how_you_can_execute_Krsna_consciousness%3F|You should take food just to maintain your health nicely. Similarly, other necessities of body must be taken care of. If you become diseased, then how you can execute Krsna consciousness?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everywhere I see people, man and wife with family, and all of them they suffer, but still they go on producing more. Sex means trouble. Therefore one should become dhira and don't be attracted by this sex-life|This brahmacari system is there, but if one is not so strong, then he is allowed to marry, but he must expect that the after-effects will always be troublesome. Everywhere I see people, man and wife with family, and all of them they suffer, but still they go on producing more. Sex means trouble. Therefore one should become dhira and don't be attracted by this sex-life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720531SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_workers,_laborers,_he_%28the_Christian_priest%29_was_preaching_amongst_them_that_%22Lord_Jesus_Christ_will_save_you._If_you_don%27t_take_shelter_of_Lord_Jesus_Christ,_then_you%27ll_go_to_hell%22|The workers, laborers, he (the Christian priest) was preaching amongst them that "Lord Jesus Christ will save you. If you don't take shelter of Lord Jesus Christ, then you'll go to hell".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your question about thinking about sex, is that also one form of illicit sex or against our four principles?|Regarding your question about thinking about sex, is that also one form of illicit sex or against our four principles? Yes, even thinking sex is the same as illicit sex, but one who is not advanced cannot avoid it. But that does not disturb our regular procedure. We should strongly follow all the regulations and principles and chant and these thoughts will come and go away.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690611SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_cannot_be_equally_interested_with_material_pleasure_and_transcendental_pleasure|A devotee cannot be equally interested with material pleasure and transcendental pleasure.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There will be so many impediments in pushing on our movement, therefore Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already advised us to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the blade of grass and give all respects to Karmis without expecting any respect|There will be so many impediments in pushing on our movement, therefore Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has already advised us to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the blade of grass and give all respects to Karmis without expecting any respect. These instructions mean that pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement is not very easy, but we have to face them and push on this movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690613SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_aim_of_education,_the_aim_of_civilization,_perfection_of_civilization,_should_be_how_people_should_get_liberated_from_this_conditional_life._That_is_the_whole_scheme_of_Vedic_civilization,_to_give_liberation_to_the_people|The aim of education, the aim of civilization, perfection of civilization, should be how people should get liberated from this conditional life. That is the whole scheme of Vedic civilization, to give liberation to the people.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|See that the cows are healthy & strong. Even if a cow doesn't give milk, feed her and just by her stool and urine she will be valuable. Cows are not to be touched for any reason, still they must be protected, not protected only under a certain condition|As for your cow protection on the farm, see that the cows are healthy and strong. Even if a cow doesn't give milk, feed her and just by her stool and urine she will be valuable. The cows are not to be touched for any reason, still they must be protected, not protected only under a certain condition.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720615SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_attention_should_always_be_how_we_are_executing_our_spiritual_life._That_is_very_simple._We_observe_strictly_the_regulative_principles_and_chant_sixteen_rounds_minimum._That_will_save_us|Our attention should always be how we are executing our spiritual life. That is very simple. We observe strictly the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds minimum. That will save us.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our mission is to keep Rama and Sita together. We are not satisfied that Rama should remain alone and Sita should be under the custody of Ravana. I don't want. Sita must be released from the custody of Ravana|Our mission is to keep Rama and Sita together. We are not satisfied that Rama should remain alone and Sita should be under the custody of Ravana. I don't want. Sita must be released from the custody of Ravana}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720626SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_more_you_develop_your_consciousness,_the_more_you_become_a_freedom_lover|The more you develop your consciousness, the more you become a freedom lover.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then bahūnāṁ janmanām ante: after many many births it will take.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730718BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_fallen_conditioned_souls._In_this_material_world_we_have_come_with_an_enjoying_spirit._Therefore_we_are_fallen._If_one_keeps_his_position_rightly,_he_does_not_fall._Otherwise_he_is_degraded._That_is_fallen_condition|We are fallen conditioned souls. In this material world we have come with an enjoying spirit. Therefore we are fallen. If one keeps his position rightly, he does not fall. Otherwise he is degraded. That is fallen condition.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So how Krsna consciousness acts, how this transcendental sound cleanses your heart, you may not understand in the beginning, but if you take to it and if you practice it, then you understand|So how Kṛṣṇa consciousness acts, how this transcendental sound cleanses your heart, you may not understand in the beginning, but if you take to it and if you practice it, then you understand. Then you can understand. And in the Vedānta-sūtra it is said, śabdāt anāvṛttiḥ. As from the sound the whole material existence has come into being, similarly, from sound also, you can go back to the spiritual existence. So this sound vibration... The oṁkāra is also the same sound as..., om, but this is easier, Hare Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730812BG-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all,_you_have_to_understand_that_this_body_or_any_field_of_action,_anywhere,_the_three_things_are_there:_the_field_of_activities,_the_owner_of_the_field_and_the_supervisor_of_the_field._You_can_check_and_tally_anywhere|First of all, you have to understand that this body or any field of action, anywhere, the three things are there: the field of activities, the owner of the field and the supervisor of the field. You can check and tally anywhere.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided. There must be speaker system, and there must be good publicity beforehand so that many may know of us and come. This is very important|So far the speaking engagements are concerned, they must be well-organized and sponsored, so that there will be enough publicity and many people will come. We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided. There must be speaker system, and there must be good publicity beforehand so that many may know of us and come. This is very important.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720820SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_Krsna_being_friend_of_everyone,_nobody_can_live_for_a_moment._Krsna_is_protecting_everyone,_supplying_food_to_everyone|Without Krsna being friend of everyone, nobody can live for a moment. Krsna is protecting everyone, supplying food to everyone.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it|God means Supreme Controller; can you control anything? Not even your own body. What to speak of the millions of planets spinning so perfectly in their orbit. In this way, we must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730823BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Rascal_guru_will_say,_%22Yes,_you_can_eat_anything._You_can_do_anything._Religion_has_nothing_to_do_with_eating%22|Rascal guru will say, "Yes, you can eat anything. You can do anything. Religion has nothing to do with eating".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible|If these items of regular programme are maintained to the highest standard and not neglected for anything, then everything else we try for will come out successful without fail. So you are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible, because you must make sure that all the devotees in your temple are always satisfied as far as possible by being happy in spiritual life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720827SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Foolish_activity_has_no_value._It_is_dangerous._So_this_modern_world,_they%27re_very_active,_but_they%27re_foolishly_active,_in_the_ignorance_and_passion._Therefore_there_is_confusion_activity._Foolish_activity,_there_is_accident._Sober_activity_is_required|Foolish activity has no value. It is dangerous. So this modern world, they're very active, but they're foolishly active, in the ignorance and passion. Therefore there is confusion activity. Foolish activity, there is accident. Sober activity is required.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This chanting of Hare Krsna mantra is always thinking of Krsna. Even I don't like it, think Krsna, as soon as the name is chanted immediately I'm forced to think of Krsna, immediately. Hare Krsna, as I say, immediately I remember Krsna, man-mana|Here is the yoga system Kṛṣṇa describes, sa ma guhyatamam, most confidential yoga system. What is that? Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto: BG 18.65 "Simply always think of Me." Man-manā, mad-bhakta: "You just become My devotee." So this chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra is always thinking of Kṛṣṇa. Even I don't like it, think Kṛṣṇa, as soon as the name is chanted immediately I'm forced to think of Kṛṣṇa, immediately. Hare Kṛṣṇa, as I say, immediately I remember Kṛṣṇa, man-manā.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660902BG-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_speaking_simply_what_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead_has_said._I%27m_just_repeating_the_same_words._That%27s_all._Don%27t_think_that_I_am_speaking._I_am_simply_instrument._Real_speaker_is_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_who_is_without_and_within|I am speaking simply what the Supreme Personality of Godhead has said. I'm just repeating the same words. That's all. Don't think that I am speaking. I am simply instrument. Real speaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is without and within.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our first problem is - because we have got this material body - eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14): "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy."|Our first problem is—because we have got this material body—eating. Everyone must eat. So Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, annād bhavanti bhūtāni: "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy." Therefore our first religion is to produce food grain sufficiently to feed everyone. Kṛṣi-go-rakṣya-vāṇijyaṁ vaiśya-karma svabhāva. This matter has been entrusted to the vaiśyas. They should produce sufficient food and give protection to the cows for sufficient milk. Then the whole human society, animal society, will be happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730904BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dancing_girl,_when_she_was_on_the_stage,_she_saw_that_her_relatives_are_there_as_visitors._So_she_began_to_draw_the_veil._So_this_is_not_required._You_are_a_dancing_girl._Now_you_have_to_dance._You_cannot_be_shy._You_must_freely_dance._That_is_your_duty|Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties|By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties. Desire, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His friend, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His lover, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His father, as His servant, or you want to serve Kṛṣṇa by supplying fruits and flowers, or river Yamunā. Everything, whatever you like, Kṛṣṇa will give you opportunity, in this material world—in the spiritual world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730905AR-STOCKHOLM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Complete_freedom._Eternity,_blissful_and_full_of_knowledge._That_is_spiritual_life._Completely_distinct_from_this_bodily_concept_of_life|Complete freedom. Eternity, blissful and full of knowledge. That is spiritual life. Completely distinct from this bodily concept of life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Because Krsna loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisthah (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything|Because Kṛṣṇa loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭhaḥ (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything. He's a person. He has got his heart. So in the heart there is Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/690917SB.LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_do_not_understand_what_is_material_bondage,_but_those_who_are_in_Krsna_consciousness,_they_are_educated_what_is_bondage_and_what_is_liberation|People do not understand what is material bondage, but those who are in Krsna consciousness, they are educated what is bondage and what is liberation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So our this movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything|So our this movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything. Whatever you have got, in whatever position you are, you can serve Kṛṣṇa. Not that you have to learn something first and then you can serve. No. The service itself is learning.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730906S2-STOCKHOLM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Karl_Marx._He_is_thinking_how_the_laborer,_the_worker,_their_senses_will_be_gratified._That_is_his_philosophy|Karl Marx. He is thinking how the laborer, the worker, their senses will be gratified. That is his philosophy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Every religion believes in God, and we want that everyone should actively come to this understanding of accepting one's eternal servitorship to God|The spiritual understanding as taught by Lord Caitanya is that all living entities are eternally servants of God. We have to propagate this philosophy, and for this we have to make propaganda. Every religion believes in God, and we want that everyone should actively come to this understanding of accepting one's eternal servitorship to God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730926BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_cheat_Krsna._Krsna_can_immediately_understand_how_much_serious_and_sincere_you_are_for_understanding_Krsna_or_approaching_Him_or_going_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|We cannot cheat Krsna. Krsna can immediately understand how much serious and sincere you are for understanding Krsna or approaching Him or going back to home, back to Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom - these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya|The Goswamis left their government service, and there are many other instances. Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom—these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya. Therefore it is called cinmaya or spiritual; spiritual means complete knowledge. One who can follow the instructions of Isopanisad can understand that nothing belongs to Maya, but everything belongs to Krsna. This knowledge is Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681021SB-SEATTLE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_do_we_enter_into_the_modes_of_goodness%3F|How do we enter into the modes of goodness?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it|One should be very careful to estimate how every moment of his life is being utilized in the service of the Lord. The Goswamis were very much advanced in this line of action, and therefore about them it is said "nidra hara bihara vijito" that means one who has conquered over eating, sleeping, and mating. The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam "utilizing life without spoiling it."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681023SB-MONTREAL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Asrama_means_situation_for_spiritual_cultivation|Asrama means situation for spiritual cultivation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under His lotus feet, then love of Krsna is very easily achieved|You can meet somebody, some exalted person, you can see, but to become an intimate relationship with such exalted person in love, that is not very easy thing. I can meet the president or some exalted person, but to become in love with him in intimacy, that is not easy job. But Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu distributed this Kṛṣṇa love immediately, anyone. That is Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu, then love of Kṛṣṇa is very easily achieved.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721104ND-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28people%29_like_it,_to_work_very_hard._But_our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_transferring_that_hard_working_to_the_business_of_Krsna._That_tendency_for_hard_working_may_be_utilized|They (people) like it, to work very hard. But our Krsna consciousness movement is transferring that hard working to the business of Krsna. That tendency for hard working may be utilized.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows|Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721105ND-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Acarya%27s_duty_is_to_point_out_the_sastric_injunction._They%27re_already_there_in_the_Vedas|Acarya's duty is to point out the sastric injunction. They're already there in the Vedas.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are two words, vani and vapuh. Vani means words, and vapuh means this physical body. So vani is more important than the vapuh. Vapuh will be finished. This is material body. It will be finished. That is the nature|I had full faith that "My Guru Mahārāja is with me." I never lost this faith, and that is fact. There are two words, vāṇī and vapuḥ. Vānī means words, and vapuḥ means this physical body. So vāṇī is more important than the vapuḥ. Vapuḥ will be finished. This is material body. It will be finished. That is the nature. But if we keep to the vāṇī, to the words of spiritual master, then we remain very fixed up. It doesn't matter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721107ND-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_used_to_say_if_somebody_complained_that_%22We_go_and_chant,_but_nobody_attends_our_meeting,%22_so_Guru_Maharaja_would_reply_that_%22Why%3F_The_four_walls_will_hear_you._That_is_sufficient._Don%27t_be_disappointed._Go_on_chanting%22|My Guru Maharaja used to say if somebody complained that "We go and chant, but nobody attends our meeting," so Guru Maharaja would reply that "Why? The four walls will hear you. That is sufficient. Don't be disappointed. Go on chanting".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That is the idea|We are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That is the idea. Some way or other, we are doing Kṛṣṇa's service. Either you serve the mass or the leader, it doesn't matter. Your service is recognized.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721109SB-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_Vaisnava_philosophy._We_are_trying_to_be_servant._We_don%27t_identify_with_anything_material._As_soon_as_we_identify_with_anything_material,_we_become_under_the_clutches_of_maya|This is the Vaisnava philosophy. We are trying to be servant. We don't identify with anything material. As soon as we identify with anything material, we become under the clutches of maya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The father and mother should be so enlightened and educate the son in such a way that this is the last acceptance of material body. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9), he may not accept again this material body|The father and mother should be so enlightened and educate the son in such a way that this is the last acceptance of material body. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti, he may not accept again this material body. If the father and mother is determined in that way, then they should become parents; otherwise no.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721113ND-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_follow_asadhu-marga._We_must_follow_sadhu-marga._Mahajano_yena_gatah_sa_panthah._We_cannot_follow_an_upstart,_manufacturing_some_song,_manufacturing_some_ideas._We_cannot_follow_that|We cannot follow asadhu-marga. We must follow sadhu-marga. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot follow an upstart, manufacturing some song, manufacturing some ideas. We cannot follow that.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In so many ways Krsna is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter|In so many ways Kṛṣṇa is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter. Acchedyo 'yam adāhyo 'yam: "It cannot be cut into pieces. It cannot be burned. It cannot be moistened. It cannot be dried up." In so many ways. "It does not take birth. It does not die. It is not finished after the body is finished." This is the greatest ignorance. And if they want to keep people in ignorance, that is not good business. In the name of education, cheating people.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/661122CC-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_be_prepared_to_sacrifice_anything_for_perfection_of_this_human_form_of_life._Then_perfection_is_guaranteed._Simply_we_should_be_very_serious,_that%27s_all|We should be prepared to sacrifice anything for perfection of this human form of life. Then perfection is guaranteed. Simply we should be very serious, that's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God|Why shall I accept a third-class man as God? At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God. Here is definition of... Just apply this definition.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731130SB_LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_may_be_very_powerful_so_long_Krsna_keeps_us_powerful._We_are_not_independently_powerful,_even_in_the_case_of_Arjuna|We may be very powerful so long Krsna keeps us powerful. We are not independently powerful, even in the case of Arjuna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death|Yes, to be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731201SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_will_be_null_and_void_when_there_is_no_God._That%27s_all._The_modern_civilization_has_got_everything,_but_without_God_consciousness,_any_moment_it_will_be_finished|Everything will be null and void when there is no God. That's all. The modern civilization has got everything, but without God consciousness, any moment it will be finished.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have tested it definitely that melodious vibration of Sankirtana, if they are performed by serious devotees, can attract people from the very spiritual platform|I have tested it definitely that melodious vibration of Sankirtana, if they are performed by serious devotees, can attract people from the very spiritual platform, and it at once makes the spiritual background very smooth, when a spiritual instruction from the Bhagavad-gita can be implemented very nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731213DB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Although_this_is_the_disappearance_day_of_Srimad_Srimad_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura,_so_there_is_nothing_to_be_lamented._Although_we_feel_separation,_that_feeling_is_there,_but_spiritually,_there_is_no_difference_between_appearance_%26_disappearance|Although this is the disappearance day of Srimad Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, so there is nothing to be lamented. Although we feel separation, that feeling is there, but spiritually, there is no difference between appearance & disappearance.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am especially happy to hear your statement, I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna - feeling the results immediately. This is very good|I am especially happy to hear your statement, "I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna—feeling the results immediately." This is very good. Please continue to chant, and execute your duties with thoughts and words of Krishna, and you will be happy always.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731216SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_the_king_is_real_representative_of_God,_then_simply_by_pleasing_the_king,_you_please_the_almighty_father,_God|If the king is real representative of God, then simply by pleasing the king, you please the almighty father, God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding kitchen affairs, as a rule those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs|Regarding kitchen affairs, as a rule those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs, but uninitiated members can work under the guidance of another initiated member when there is great need. So the direction which you are giving to the willing girls to help with the kitchen affairs is not objectionable.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731224SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_description_of_the_Kali-yuga_is_given_in_the_Srimad-Bhagavatam._This_is_called_sastra._This_Srimad-Bhagavatam_was_written_five_thousand_years_ago_when_the_Kali-yuga_was_to_begin._Now,_what_will_happen_in_future,_everything_is_given_there|This description of the Kali-yuga is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is called sastra. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago when the Kali-yuga was to begin. Now, what will happen in future, everything is given there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness|It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness. So continue to tend your Deities first-class and be happy in Krsna's service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731231SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_want_to_see_God,_but_we_do_not_acknowledge_that_we_are_not_qualified._How_we_can_see%3F_If_I_cannot_see_even_an_ordinary_president._By_my_whims_I_want_to_see_the_president_or_such_and_such_big_officer._You_cannot_see_unless_you_are_qualified|We want to see God, but we do not acknowledge that we are not qualified. How we can see? If I cannot see even an ordinary president. By my whims I want to see the president or such and such big officer. You cannot see unless you are qualified.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna consciousness movement, is killing these Jagai-Madhai principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagai-Madhai principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra|At the present moment, the whole world is full of Jagāi-Mādhāi, their four principles. Jagāi-Mādhāi means illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. This is Jagāi-Mādhāi. So this movement, Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, is killing these Jagāi-Mādhāi principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagāi-Mādhāi principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/681115-Los_Angeles_-_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_could_you_tell_us_something_about_Krsna%27s_rasa-lila%3F|Prabhupada, could you tell us something about Krsna's rasa-lila?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement|We will present our program at Bhaktivedanta Manor exactly in the line of Lord Caitanya, by kirtana, prasadam distribution and speaking from Bhagavad-gita. We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement. You say you know a number of influential leaders of this group, but what is the use of knowing them, since you yourself found them deficient and left them?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730412SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_one_happens_to_take_birth_in_a_brahmana_family,_without_any_qualification,_he_claims_to_become_a_brahmana._That_is_the_falldown_of_Vedic_civilization_in_India._A_rascal_number_one,_he%27s_claiming_that_he%27s_brahmana_-_without_any_qualification|Because one happens to take birth in a brahmana family, without any qualification, he claims to become a brahmana. That is the falldown of Vedic civilization in India. A rascal number one, he's claiming that he's brahmana - without any qualification.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor|Just like the air passing over the rose tree carries the flavor of the rose, and the air passing over a filthy place carries the flavor of that filthy place—the air is pure, but because it is passing over certain conditions, it carries the flavor—similarly, the mind, intelligence and ego carries the flavor of our present activities to the next life. That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730412SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Humbleness_is_very_good_in_devotional_service|Humbleness is very good in devotional service.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no doubt about our success if we can make this Kirtana party successful|There is no doubt about our success if we can make this Kirtana party successful. The most important point in this connection is that we shall never be professional; that is to say, we shall try to make the Kirtana party perfect from the point of view of Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730412SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_tests_very_rigidly_whether_you_have_taken_Krsna_consciousness_to_disturb_Krsna,_or_you_are_actually_serious._That_is_maya%27_s_business._So_there_will_be,_in_the_beginning,_test_by_maya,_and_you_will_feel_so_much_disturbances_in_making_progress_in_KC|She tests very rigidly whether you have taken Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna, or you are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making progress in KC.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By the grace of Lord Caitanya, the method of self-realization is made very easy and universal by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is being effective practically|By the grace of Lord Caitanya, the method of self-realization is made very easy and universal by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is being effective practically. So let us join together to expand this great mission of Lord Caitanya Who predicted that everywhere as many cities and towns and villages are there on the surface of the globe, His Holy Name would be glorified on account of His transcendental gift to the fallen souls of this Kali Yuga.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_grace_of_Kunti,_we_can_understand_that_although_the_Supreme_Person_is_invisible,_now_He_has_appeared_to_be_visible,_Krsna|By the grace of Kunti, we can understand that although the Supreme Person is invisible, now He has appeared to be visible, Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry; that is our principle|Marriage or no marriage, that is not our problem. If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry—that is our principle.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_very_much_anxious_to_take_you_back_home,_back_to_Godhead._But_we_are_stubborn._We_do_not_wish._So_He%27s_always_finding_out_the_opportunity_how_you_can_be_taken_back_home,_back_to_Godhead|Krsna is very much anxious to take you back home, back to Godhead. But we are stubborn. We do not wish. So He's always finding out the opportunity how you can be taken back home, back to Godhead.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness|Yes, you may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_waste_your_time_how_to_solve_your_economic_problems._This_is_nonsense._Of_course,_it_is_very_revolutionary._People_will_hate_me._%22What_Swamiji%27s_speaking%3F%22_But_actually_this_is_the_fact._This_is_another_madness|Don't waste your time how to solve your economic problems. This is nonsense. Of course, it is very revolutionary. People will hate me. "What Swamiji's speaking?" But actually this is the fact. This is another madness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement in spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children|A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement is spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children. It is said in the Vedas that one should not take on the responsibility of Parenthood unless he can deliver the child from the repeated cycle of birth, death, disease and old age. So in this way mold your life in service to the Lord and be happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_sitting_down_and_inquiring_about_Krsna._This_is_life._This_is_life._And_what_is_this_life%3F_Working_day_and_night_like_the_ass%3F_No._That_is_not_life|We are sitting down and inquiring about Krsna. This is life. This is life. And what is this life? Working day and night like the ass? No. That is not life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our platform must be very simple, that there is no other sacrifice necessary for the well-being of the citizens save and except this Sankirtana yajna|Especially I am glad that you are entering politics to try for city commissioner position. This will be good opportunity to preach widely and sell our literatures, so take advantage. But one thing, our platform must be very simple, that there is no other sacrifice necessary for the well-being of the citizens save and except this Sankirtana yajna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_thinking_that_%22I%27m_enjoying,%22_but_that_is_not_ananda._This_ananda_is_not_fact,_because_we_cannot_enjoy_this_material_sense_pleasure_for_long._Everyone_has_got_experience._It_is_finished._But_spiritual_enjoyment_does_not_finish._It_increases|We are thinking that "I'm enjoying," but that is not ananda. This ananda is not fact, because we cannot enjoy this material sense pleasure for long. Everyone has got experience. It is finished. But spiritual enjoyment does not finish. It increases.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son?|If you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son? The son is the representative of the father, and in that sense he is the same as the father, but also he is different than the father. So Christ is speaking in this sense, that only through the representative of God can one come to God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730413SB-NEW_YORK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavata_is_spiritual_master._Vaisnava,_he%27s_also_bhagavata._Acaryas,_bhagavata._Grantha-bhagavata_and_person,_person_bhagavata._So_person_bhagavata_or_book_bhagavata,_you_always_serve._Then_you_will_be_fixed_up._Naisthiki._Nobody_can_move_you|Bhagavata is spiritual master. Vaisnava, he's also bhagavata. Acaryas, bhagavata. Grantha-bhagavata and person, person bhagavata. So person bhagavata or book bhagavata, you always serve. Then you will be fixed up. Naisthiki. Nobody can move you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors|The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors. At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt—the business of the trees—to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_man_is_working_and_thinking:_%22Let_me_work_now_very_hard,_and_let_me_have_some_bank_balance_so_when_I_shall_get_old,_I_shall_enjoy_life_without_any_working.%22_That_is_the_inner_intention_of_everyone._Nobody_wants_to_work|A man is working and thinking: "Let me work now very hard, and let me have some bank balance so when I shall get old, I shall enjoy life without any working." That is the inner intention of everyone. Nobody wants to work.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A pure devotee always thinks himself as not-devotee. That is a good attitude|A pure devotee always thinks himself as not-devotee. That is a good attitude. If one thinks he is big devotee that is not good, thinking that he is first degree. We should not be puffed up, a devotee avoids it, remaining always in the second degree. A dog is a faithful servant. To become lowest dog is to become on the highest platform of service. Krsna has given everyone something extraordinary and to serve Krsna with one's extraordinary talent means successful life}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_duty_must_be_done._Even_it_is_little_suffering._That_is_called_tapasya._Tapasya_means_we_must_proceed_with_our_Krsna_consciousness_business_in_spite_of_all_dangerous_and_calamitous_condition_of_this_world._This_is_called_tapasya|The duty must be done. Even it is little suffering. That is called tapasya. Tapasya means we must proceed with our Krsna consciousness business in spite of all dangerous and calamitous condition of this world. This is called tapasya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A murkha, a dull rascal, is very beautiful so long he does not speak. Because as soon as he speaks, then his knowledge, his learning, his capacity, his position will be immediately exposed|"A mūrkha, a dull rascal, is very beautiful so long he does not speak." Because as soon as he speaks, then his knowledge, his learning, his capacity, his position will be immediately exposed. So our paramparā line, Prahlāda Mahārāja has condemned this system, maunī-bābā. No. Our system is kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ, Caitanya Mahāprabhu's teaching.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_never_takes_dangerous_position_as_very_reverse_position_or_very_calamitous_position._He_welcomes._Because_a_surrendered_soul,_he_knows_either_danger_or_festival,_they_are_all_different_demonstration_of_Krsna._Krsna_is_absolute|A devotee never takes dangerous position as very reverse position or very calamitous position. He welcomes. Because a surrendered soul, he knows either danger or festival, they are all different demonstration of Krsna. Krsna is absolute.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To minimize this material work means the energy should be employed for Krsna. Minimize work this, means this side, material side. And save time and chant Hare Krsna. That's all|To minimize this material work means the energy should be employed for Kṛṣṇa. Minimize work this, means this side, material side. And save time and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. That's all. That is the principle. And if you are busy from the early morning to go to the working place and up to ten o'clock, then where you get for chanting, time? So therefore you save time from material activities and engage it for advancing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_when_we_are_selling_book,_that_is_Krsna_consciousness._We_are_selling_book._But_if_we_think_that_the_selling_book_may_be_diverted_into_selling_jewelry,_that_is_not_very_good_idea._Then_we_become_again_jeweler._Punar_musika_bhava._Again_become_mouse|Now when we are selling book, that is Krsna consciousness. We are selling book. But if we think that the selling book may be diverted into selling jewelry, that is not very good idea. Then we become again jeweler. Punar musika bhava. Again become mouse.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation|Why we offer sacred thread to a person who is coming from very, very low family? Because it is to be understood by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guṇa. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation. There must be. One must come. This, our process, is "Don't do this. Do this: Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra sixteen rounds, and don't do this—no illicit sex, no meat-eating." That means he's becoming purified}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_you_think_of_Krsna,_as_you_see_Krsna,_as_you_read_of_Krsna,_as_you_work_for_Krsna,_some_way_or_other,_if_you_remain_in_Krsna_consciousness,_that_is_your_benefit._And_that_benefit_will_save_you_from_taking_birth_again_in_the_material_world|As you think of Krsna, as you see Krsna, as you read of Krsna, as you work for Krsna, some way or other, if you remain in Krsna consciousness, that is your benefit. And that benefit will save you from taking birth again in the material world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the post graduate study of the Bhagavad-gita and both of them are sciences of Theism. I am seeking your good cooperation in this attempt for developing higher sense of God consciousness|This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the post graduate study of the Bhagavad-gita and both of them are sciences of Theism. I am seeking your good cooperation in this attempt for developing higher sense of God consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730417SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that:_%22Because_I_have_become_a_devotee,_there_will_be_no_danger,_no_suffering.%22_Prahlada_Maharaja_suffered_so_much._The_Pandavas_suffered_so_much._Haridasa_Thakura_suffered_so_much._But_we_should_not_be_disturbed_by_those_sufferings%22|Don't think that: "Because I have become a devotee, there will be no danger, no suffering." Prahlada Maharaja suffered so much. The Pandavas suffered so much. Haridasa Thakura suffered so much. But we should not be disturbed by those sufferings".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited|So your idea of having a large boat travelling from city to city is very encouraging. So if you have got the means, then go ahead and do it. Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730415SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_means_without_competition:_one._God_is_one._Nobody_is_great..._asamordhva._Nobody_is_greater_than_Him._Nobody_is_equal_to_Him._Everyone_is_lower._Ekale_isvara_krsna_ara_saba_bhrtya._The_only_master_is_Krsna,_God;_and_everyone,_servant|God means without competition: one. God is one. Nobody is great... asamordhva. Nobody is greater than Him. Nobody is equal to Him. Everyone is lower. Ekale isvara krsna ara saba bhrtya. The only master is Krsna, God; and everyone, servant.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person|Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. Therefore somehow or other we must push on this literature distribution program, either through schools, colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary sales.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730415SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hrsikesa-sevanam._Not_hrsika-sevanam._Hrsika_means_senses._So_when_senses_are_used_for_sense_gratification,_that_is_maya._And_when_senses_are_used_for_the_gratification_of_the_master_of_the_senses,_that_is_called_bhakti._A_very_simple_definition|Hrsikesa-sevanam. Not hrsika-sevanam. Hrsika means senses. So when senses are used for sense gratification, that is maya. And when senses are used for the gratification of the master of the senses, that is called bhakti. A very simple definition.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sravanam Kirtanam. This is the process. It is beneficial for the recitor as well as the hearer. Also, book distribution is a very important program and you should give much attention to developing it|I am so glad to note that your Sankirtana program is improving and that you are preaching directly from Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Sravanam Kirtanam. This is the process. It is beneficial for the recitor as well as the hearer. Also, book distribution is a very important program and you should give much attention to developing it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730415SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_test_yourself,_%22Whether_I_am_jealous,_envious_of_my_other_associates,_friends,_everything%3F%22_Then_I_am_in_the_material_world._And_if_I_am_not_jealous,_then_I%27m_in_the_spiritual_world._Anyone_can_test|You test yourself, "Whether I am jealous, envious of my other associates, friends, everything?" Then I am in the material world. And if I am not jealous, then I'm in the spiritual world. Anyone can test.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is in the hands of you big guns to manage everything so that there may never be internal difficulties amongst us, so that we may always go on increasing more & more the influence of Lord Caitanya's philosophy of Sankirtana process upon all the world|Practically now it is in the hands of you big guns to manage everything so that there may never be internal difficulties amongst us, and so that we may always go on increasing more and more the influence of Lord Caitanya's philosophy of Sankirtana process upon all the world. That will be your great achievement, and if you go on helping me in this way, you may know it for certain that very soon you will see Krishna face-to-face.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730415SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_there_is_no_scarcity._The_scarcity_is_Krsna_consciousness._So_if_you_become_Krsna_conscious_then_everything_is_ample._There_is_no_scarcity|Actually there is no scarcity. The scarcity is Krsna consciousness. So if you become Krsna conscious then everything is ample. There is no scarcity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter|In general we do not allow anyone without sacred thread to attend to the deity, but if there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_drink_something,_become_intoxicated._But_as_soon_as_that_intoxication_is_over,_all_your_intoxicated_dreams_are_over,_finished|You drink something, become intoxicated. But as soon as that intoxication is over, all your intoxicated dreams are over, finished.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You have given up everything for selling books door-to-door and working very hard in every way just to push on this movement. For your sincere helping me I thank you all very very much|I am very much encouraged that all you young boys and girls are working so hard to please Krishna, and even I cannot give you any nice thing, still, because you have got some love for Krishna and your Spiritual Master, therefore you have given up everything for selling books door-to-door and working very hard in every way just to push on this movement. For your sincere helping me I thank you all very very much.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_drink_something,_become_intoxicated._But_as_soon_as_that_intoxication_is_over,_all_your_intoxicated_dreams_are_over,_finished|You drink something, become intoxicated. But as soon as that intoxication is over, all your intoxicated dreams are over, finished.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to avoid skin disease and the Indian people are like the tannery expert. Such a cobbler is expert at skin disease. They will see our Sankirtana Party and think it is a white dance. Anyway, how to gather Indian devotees, that program is wanting|Without Indian devotees rural preaching cannot be effective. They are mostly illiterate, how they will understand? We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple. We want to avoid skin disease and the Indian people are like the tannery expert. Such a cobbler is expert at skin disease. They will see our Sankirtana Party and think it is a white dance. Anyway, how to gather Indian devotees, that program is wanting.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_living_entity_is_a_child_of_God._God_is_the_Supreme_Father._Krsna_says:_%22I_am_the_seed-giving_father_of_all_living_entities._In_whichever_form_they_may_live,_they%27re_all_living_entities,_they%27re_My_sons.%22_Actually_that_is_the_fact|Every living entity is a child of God. God is the Supreme Father. Krsna says: "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities. In whichever form they may live, they're all living entities, they're My sons." Actually that is the fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as Bhagavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma|There is no such thing as Hindu dharma. No. There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the Bhagavad-gītā or Bhāgavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as Bhāgavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma. This Hindu dharma or Hindu... This is creation by our neighbor, Indian neighbor, the Middle-East Muhammadans. They gave the name, Indian people, as "Hindu." "Hindu" means... There is one river, Sindhu.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730418SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_you_remain_intoxicated_with,_it_is_all_zero._But_as_soon_as_you_put_Krsna,_it_becomes_ten,_hundred,_thousand,_millions._You_American_boys_and_girls,_you_have_got_this_opportunity._You_have_got_zeroes._Put_Krsna._You_become_ten|So long you remain intoxicated with, it is all zero. But as soon as you put Krsna, it becomes ten, hundred, thousand, millions. You American boys and girls, you have got this opportunity. You have got zeroes. Put Krsna. You become ten.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people.|Reporter: I'm sure that you're aware that to many people in the West, in America, in New York City specifically, that your disciples seem strange because of the way they act on the streets. What about that? Prabhupāda: Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730419SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_activities_spiritual,_that_is_all_good,_and_any_activity,_material,_that_is_all_bad._This_is_the_difference._Here,_the_so-called_morality,_goodness,_they%27re_all_bad._And_in_the_spiritual_world,_so-called_immorality_is_also_good|Any activities spiritual, that is all good, and any activity, material, that is all bad. This is the difference. Here, the so-called morality, goodness, they're all bad. And in the spiritual world, so-called immorality is also good.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination|There is no such discrimination that "Here is a devotee, so he's superior, and here is a nondevotee, he's inferior." That is not God's discrimination. That is your discrimination. If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730419SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_knows_that:_%22Whatever_intelligence,_I_have_got,_I_may_try_to_become_happy,_if_Krsna_does_not_sanction,_I%27ll_never_be_happy.%22_This_is_the_distinction_between_devotee_and_nondevotee|A devotee knows that: "Whatever intelligence, I have got, I may try to become happy, if Krsna does not sanction, I'll never be happy." This is the distinction between devotee and nondevotee.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are my agents, my representatives, so by hearing it from them, you are receiving it from me|Yes, whoever you tell the chant to, it is effective. You have heard it from me and my disciples, similarly I have heard it from my Guru Maharaja, and so on, and on. Because you have heard it from a pure devotee of the Lord, therefore it is transmitted from you to another. Just as an aerial message, is transmitted from one place to another, similarly, this Guru parampara system is working. My disciples are my agents, my representatives, so by hearing it from them, you are receiving it from me. And because you are a sincere soul, those who are hearing the Mantra from you are receiving it in disciplic succession, from Lord Caitanya and from Lord Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730419SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_started_my_own_factory,_the_business_was_very_successful,_but_everything_was_dismantled;_I_was_forced_to_come_to_this_position_to_carry_out_my_order_of_my_Guru_Maharaja|I started my own factory, the business was very successful, but everything was dismantled; I was forced to come to this position to carry out my order of my Guru Maharaja.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When the American boys are disgusted with cigarette smokers, or listening to rock music and meaningless chattering, it means there is Krishna's Grace|There is a verse in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu in which it is stated, the more you advance in Krishna Consciousness, the more you become disgusted with the material modes of life. When the American boys are disgusted with cigarette smokers, or listening to rock music and meaningless chattering, it means there is Krishna's Grace. May Krishna bless you more and more, as you advance in Krishna Consciousness}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730419SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_want_to_become_predominator_falsely_in_this_material_world,_that_is_illusion,_That_we_must_give_up._That_we_must_give_up._We_shall_always_try_to_become_predominated_by_Krsna._That_is_successful_life|If we want to become predominator falsely in this material world, that is illusion, That we must give up. That we must give up. We shall always try to become predominated by Krsna. That is successful life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This will make you intelligent to understand our philosophy, and you will automatically acquire all auspicious qualifications by always being engaged in devotional service of the Lord. So now chant Hare Krsna mantra and be happy. That is my desire|Chant regularly sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail avoiding the ten offences to the Holy Name of Krsna. This will make you intelligent to understand our philosophy, and you will automatically acquire all auspicious qualifications by always being engaged in devotional service of the Lord. So now chant Hare Krsna mantra and be happy. That is my desire.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730420SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_write:_%22We_trust_in_God,%22_but_we_make_discrimination._If_you_trust_in_God,_then_you_must_be_equally_kind_and_merciful_to_all_living_entities._That_is_God_consciousness|We write: "We trust in God," but we make discrimination. If you trust in God, then you must be equally kind and merciful to all living entities. That is God consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To see that the child is raised in full Krsna Consciousness is the proper management of householder life. And when your good daughter is no longer to be so cared for by you, then you will get enough time to chant Hare Krsna|To see that the child is raised in full Krsna Consciousness is the proper management of householder life. And when your good daughter is no longer to be so cared for by you, then you will get enough time to chant Hare Krsna. Both mother and daughter can sit together and chant hare Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730420SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Antah_means_within_and_bahih_means_without._%22Those_who_are_less_intelligent,_they_simply_try_to_find_out_God_within,_and_those_who_are_advanced_in_intelligence,_they_can_see_You_within_and_without.%22_That_is_the_difference|Antah means within and bahih means without. "Those who are less intelligent, they simply try to find out God within, and those who are advanced in intelligence, they can see You within and without." That is the difference.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|For worshiping the banyan tree, the representation of Krsna, simply offer a little flower, incense and water|As far as the Deities are concerned, we do not want to repeat the same mistake again, so it is better that you wait to get some more brahmanas before installing Them again. For worshiping the banyan tree, the representation of Krsna, simply offer a little flower, incense and water}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730420SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahma%27s_past,_present_and_future_is_different_from_my_past,_present_and_future._But_Krsna_has_no_past,_present_and_future._Therefore_He%27s_eternal|Brahma's past, present and future is different from my past, present and future. But Krsna has no past, present and future. Therefore He's eternal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|They are making machine perfect, but they cannot make themselves perfect. Why don't you ask that "Why don't you make a machine that you will not die? Your machine will not die, I accept. You are so perfect. But why you will die? Why he will die?"|They are making machine perfect, but they cannot make themselves perfect. Why don't you ask that "Why don't you make a machine that you will not die? Your machine will not die, I accept. You are so perfect. But why you will die? Why he will die?" What is their answer?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730420SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_atheist_scientists_say_that_life_comes_out_of_matter._That_is_nonsense._No._Matter_is_one_energy_of_Krsna,_%26_spirit_is_another_energy._The_spirit_is_superior_energy,_and_the_matter_is_inferior_energy._The_matter_develops_when_there_is_superior_energy|The atheist scientists say that life comes out of matter. That is nonsense. No. Matter is one energy of Krsna, & spirit is another energy. The spirit is superior energy, and the matter is inferior energy. The matter develops when there is superior energy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife|You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife. The important thing is that you yourself become Krsna Consciousness, she cannot check you one way or another, but you must yourself surrender to Krsna and be engaged in devotional service. We do not say that one has to leave home. Either you leave home or remain there, and whether or not she becomes Krsna Conciousness, you go on with your progressive interest and participation in this great movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_verse_that:_%22Sadhu_is_My_heart,_and_I_am_also_the_sadhu%27s_heart.%22_The_sadhu_is_always_thinking_of_Krsna_and_Krsna_is_always_thinking_of_His_devotee,_sadhu|There is a verse that: "Sadhu is My heart, and I am also the sadhu's heart." The sadhu is always thinking of Krsna and Krsna is always thinking of His devotee, sadhu.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that|Bhagavad-gītā should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gītā amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order—Guru Mahārāja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that. Actually, Bhagavad-gītā is to be discussed amongst the devotees. So our hard task is that first of all we have to make one devotee and then let him understand Bhagavad-gītā. Our double task.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Try_to_understand_this_fact._Krsna_does_not_require_your_nice_dress_or_nice_flower_or_nice_food._Krsna_does_not_require._But_if_you_give_Him,_then_you_become_benefited._It_is_Krsna%27s_favor_that_He%27s_accepting|Try to understand this fact. Krsna does not require your nice dress or nice flower or nice food. Krsna does not require. But if you give Him, then you become benefited. It is Krsna's favor that He's accepting.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|What is the difference between material life and spiritual life? Material life means simply full of problems, every step. Padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58). Simply dangerous|What is the difference between material life and spiritual life? Material life means simply full of problems, every step. Padaṁ padaṁ yad vipadāṁ. Simply dangerous. We are riding very nicely, comfortably, in a Cadillac car or motorcar, but we are riding on danger, that's all. We are driving; any moment the car may be smashed, especially in your country. Any moment. So shall I sit down at home? No. At home also there may be so many dangers}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_the_whole_world_is_serving_the_senses,_servant_of_the_senses._Godasa._But_if_we_engage_the_senses_in_the_service_of_Krsna,_then_we_shall_no_longer_remain_the_servant_of_the_senses._We_shall_be_the_master_of_the_senses|Actually the whole world is serving the senses, servant of the senses. Godasa. But if we engage the senses in the service of Krsna, then we shall no longer remain the servant of the senses. We shall be the master of the senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy|The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28Krsna%29_sends_some_devotee_in_the_garb_of_enemy_and_Krsna_comes_here_to_fight_with_him._At_the_same_time,_to_teach_us_that_becoming_enemy,_enemy_of_Krsna_is_not_very_profitable._Better_become_friend._That_will_be_profitable|He (Krsna) sends some devotee in the garb of enemy and Krsna comes here to fight with him. At the same time, to teach us that becoming enemy, enemy of Krsna is not very profitable. Better become friend. That will be profitable.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no need for any other devotional songs or chants for Lord Caitanya's Advent Day; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtana or beads, & sing the prayer "Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, SriVasadi, Gaura Bhaktavrinda"|Regarding the observance of Lord Caitanya's Advent Day: No, there is no need for any other devotional songs or chants; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtana or beads, and sing the prayer "Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, SriVasadi, Gaura Bhaktavrinda." You can also chant the prayer you asked about.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730421SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_no_enemy._Krsna_has_no_friend._He_is_completely_independent._He_does_not_depend_on_enemy._But_He_plays_like_that_for_the_benefit_of_the_so-called_friend_and_so-called_enemy|Krsna has no enemy. Krsna has no friend. He is completely independent. He does not depend on enemy. But He plays like that for the benefit of the so-called friend and so-called enemy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to learn how the students are friendly toward the devotees although they are generally depressed and rebellious. So Krsna Consciousness is so nice that it can pacify even the most rebellious person because it appeals to the soul|I am glad to learn how the students are friendly toward the devotees although they are generally depressed and rebellious. So Krsna Consciousness is so nice that it can pacify even the most rebellious person because it appeals to the soul.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730422SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_vital_force_is_the_atma,_the_living_being,_living_entity_or_soul._So_because_the_vital_force,_the_soul_is_there,_the_whole_body_is_working|The vital force is the atma, the living being, living entity or soul. So because the vital force, the soul is there, the whole body is working.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls|Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls. Under the circumstances, it is my open order for everyone that everyone can marry without any artificial pose. But if somebody is able to remain a Brahmacari, there should not be any causing for his marriage.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730422SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_associating_personally_with_President_Nixon,_how_much_proud_you_feel%3F_%22Oh,_I_am_with_President_Nixon.%22_So_will_you_not_feel_very_much_proud_if_you_are_associating_the_supreme_Nixon%3F_Who_can_create_millions_of_Nixons|If you are associating personally with President Nixon, how much proud you feel? "Oh, I am with President Nixon." So will you not feel very much proud if you are associating the supreme Nixon? Who can create millions of Nixons.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas|Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas. So if everyone is trained up in this line of action, all of us are Sannyasis in all circumstances.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730422SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_requesting_everyone:_%22Please_chant,_chant,_chant.%22_And_they_are_replying:_%22Can%27t,_can%27t.%22_This_is_their_misfortune|We are requesting everyone: "Please chant, chant, chant." And they are replying: "Can't, can't." This is their misfortune.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Why you should falsely initiate a person? If you cannot make him a brahmana and elevate him to the highest stage of devotional service, why should you cheat others? Initiation means making him dvijatvam . Tatha diksa-vidhanena dvijatvam jayate nrnam|He's actually initiated. If you are falsely initiated, he remains a śūdra and you remain a rascal. That's all. Why you should falsely initiate a person? If you cannot make him a brāhmaṇa and elevate him to the highest stage of devotional service, why should you cheat others? Initiation means making him dvijatvam . Tathā dīkṣā-vidhānena dvijatvaṁ jāyate nṛṇām . How an initiated person can remain a śūdra ?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730422SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_sinful_list_we_have_given,_the_four_principles,_illicit_sex_life,_intoxication,_meat-eating_%26_gambling._These_are_the_four_pillars_of_sinful_life._We_request_our_students_first_of_all_break_these_four_pillars._So_the_roof_of_sinful_life_will_collapse|The sinful list we have given, the four principles, illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating & gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life. We request our students first of all break these four pillars. So the roof of sinful life will collapse.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent|Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent. But because such persons are not very intelligent, for them this bodily exercise of yoga, aṣṭāṅga-yoga , is recommended. Not for the intelligent person. Intelligent person, they take immediately to the devotional service, immediate.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730422SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_simply_don%27t_say_that:_%22No_illicit_sex,_no_intoxication,_no,_no...%22_Simply_negative_is_no_meaning._There_must_be_something_positive._Because_everyone_wants_engagement._That_is_because_we_are_living_entities._We_are_not_dead_stone|We simply don't say that: "No illicit sex, no intoxication, no, no..." Simply negative is no meaning. There must be something positive. Because everyone wants engagement. That is because we are living entities. We are not dead stone.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea|If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea. Where is such thing as transmigration of the soul being taught in classroom? If they simply learn to rise early, cleanse, all hygienic principles, their study will be greater than any government program. Whatever the elder members are doing, the children should do if possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730423SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_Krsna%27s_another_name_is_Madana-mohana._Madana_means_Cupid._Cupid_enchants_everyone._Cupid._And_Krsna_enchants_Cupid._Therefore_His_name_is_Madana-mohana._He%27s_so_beautiful_that_even_Cupid_is_enchanted_by_Him|Just like Krsna's another name is Madana-mohana. Madana means Cupid. Cupid enchants everyone. Cupid. And Krsna enchants Cupid. Therefore His name is Madana-mohana. He's so beautiful that even Cupid is enchanted by Him.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service|Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service. Otherwise, there are so many convincing arguments, i.e. the Bhagavad-Gita, to bring us to the right point of surrender.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730423SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_not_love_Krsna_for_some_material_gain._It_is_not_that:_%22Krsna,_give_us_our_daily_bread._Then_I_love_You._Krsna,_give_me_this._Then_I_love_You.%22_There_is_no_such_mercantile_exchange._That_is_wanted._Krsna_wants_that_kind_of_love|We should not love Krsna for some material gain. It is not that: "Krsna, give us our daily bread. Then I love You. Krsna, give me this. Then I love You." There is no such mercantile exchange. That is wanted. Krsna wants that kind of love.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone will understand. Hare Krsna. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Krsna. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language|Everyone will understand. Hare Kṛṣṇa. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Kṛṣṇa. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language. My Guru Mahārāja used to say that "Suppose you are in a foreign country. You do not know the language. But when there is fire, you get friends without any language."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730423SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_thinking_of_first_of_all_analyzing_Krsna,_whether_He%27s_God,_they_are_not_first-class_devotee._Those_who_have_got_spontaneous_love_for_Krsna,_they_are_first-class_devotees._How_you_will_analyze_Krsna%3F_He%27s_unlimited._It_is_impossible|Those who are thinking of first of all analyzing Krsna, whether He's God, they are not first-class devotee. Those who have got spontaneous love for Krsna, they are first-class devotees. How you will analyze Krsna? He's unlimited. It is impossible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When one is jealous of God, then gradually jealous of everyone|Prabhupāda: When one is jealous of God, then gradually jealous of everyone. Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Jealousy. Prabhupāda: Jealousy, yes. Siddha-svarūpānanda: So then if I'm jealous of others, it's really just a reflection of my jealousy of Kṛṣṇa. Prabhupāda: Yes. Siddha-svarūpānanda: And if I am angry at others, it's because I'm angry at Kṛṣṇa also. Prabhupāda: Everything begins from Kṛṣṇa. Mattaḥ sarvam pravartate.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730423SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_explaining_Himself_in_the_Bhagavad-gita_so_much._Don%27t_bother_very_much_to_know_Krsna._That_is_not_possible._Simply_increase_your_unalloyed_love_for_Krsna._That_is_perfection_of_life|Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita so much. Don't bother very much to know Krsna. That is not possible. Simply increase your unalloyed love for Krsna. That is perfection of life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If they consider our philosophy too revolutionary, there is no necessity to print books immediately. First, the heart must be cleansed by chanting Hare Krishna and taking Krishna prasadam|I have marked how they are attracted to our kirtana and prasadam there in Hungary. If they consider our philosophy too revolutionary, there is no necessity to print books immediately. First, the heart must be cleansed by chanting Hare Krishna and taking Krishna prasadam. To take birth in such place is due to impious past so it is not easy for them to immediately accept our philosophy. Just give them chanting and prasadam. You must be very tactful to preach in such places.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730424SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_came_to_your_country_I_saw_that_taking_bath_is_also_difficult_thing._Taking_bath,_that_is_also_not_in_practice._Perhaps_once_in_a_week._We_are_accustomed_to_see_in_India_thrice_in_a_day|When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our mind is so disturbed that concentration of meditation is not possible. But this chanting, as soon as we chant, by force our mind is engaged in chanting and hearing, by force: "Hare Krsna." So even my mind is disturbed, by the vibration I am attracted|Here, at the present moment, our mind is so disturbed that concentration of meditation is not possible. But this chanting, as soon as we chant, by force our mind is engaged in chanting and hearing, by force: "Hare Kṛṣṇa." So even my mind is disturbed, by the vibration I am attracted. So that is, this meditation is recommended. Other meditation, if I sit down and think, I am thinking of the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, which is red. At once a red bird comes in my vision and the bird begins to fly and it goes away. You see? So that kind of artificial meditation will not succeed. Meditation is not actually possible in this age.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730424SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_negative_way,_to_make_it_zero._That_is_void_philosophy._But_actually_that_is_not_the_case._The_case_is_that_you_are_in_trouble_on_material_condition._You_get_out_of_this_material_condition._Then_there_is_real_life,_eternal_life|The negative way, to make it zero. That is void philosophy. But actually that is not the case. The case is that you are in trouble on material condition. You get out of this material condition. Then there is real life, eternal life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only - they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort|These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only—they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730424SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_is_not_born,_how_he_can_die%3F_There_is_no_question_of_death._Death_is_for_a_thing_which_has_got_a_birth._If_one_has_no_birth,_there_is_no_question_of_death|If one is not born, how he can die? There is no question of death. Death is for a thing which has got a birth. If one has no birth, there is no question of death.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively|There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively, hearing the vibration very distinctly.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730424SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Kuntidevi_knows_that_Krsna_is_unborn._Krsna_does_not_take_birth,_but_it_appears_like_that_to_some_fools._Therefore_they_say_that_Krsna_has_taken_birth|Kuntidevi knows that Krsna is unborn. Krsna does not take birth, but it appears like that to some fools. Therefore they say that Krsna has taken birth.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone who may come must be well received, informed about our activities, and when we publish a little pamphlet which is in preparation, it may also be distributed to each and every one of the visitors|Anyone who may come must be well received, informed about our activities, and when we publish a little pamphlet which is in preparation, it may also be distributed to each and every one of the visitors.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730424SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_save_people_from_going_down_to_animal_life|Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save people from going down to animal life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children|We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_simply_look_after_the_bodily_necessities_and_do_not_care_to_look_after_the_necessity_of_the_soul,_that_is_foolish_civilization|If you simply look after the bodily necessities and do not care to look after the necessity of the soul, that is foolish civilization.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. That is temple. Not that to make a business of temple|In Vṛndāvana there are so many temples, they have become, made a business by showing temple, collecting money. This is not good. There must be... Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. That is temple. Not that to make a business of temple. Therefore everything is, not only in India, all over the world, the churches also, they're dwindled. Now, Europe and America, so many churches are for sale. We have purchased so many churches because people have no more interest.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_real_necessity_of_life_is_to_supply_the_comforts_of_the_soul._And_the_soul_can_be_comforted_not_by_material_adjustment._Because_soul_is_a_different_identity,_the_soul_must_be_given_spiritual_food._That_spiritual_food_is_this_Krsna_consciousness|The real necessity of life is to supply the comforts of the soul. And the soul can be comforted not by material adjustment. Because soul is a different identity, the soul must be given spiritual food. That spiritual food is this Krsna consciousness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Goddess of Fortune Laksmi is fickle towards the materialist, sometimes he is prince and sometimes he is pauper. But Laksmi cannot leave the side of Lord Narayana and wherever Lord Narayana is worshiped with care, good fortune and opulence is there|The Goddess of Fortune Laksmi is fickle towards the materialist, sometimes he is prince and sometimes he is pauper. But Laksmi cannot leave the side of Lord Narayana and wherever Lord Narayana is worshiped with care, good fortune and opulence is there. Therefore, the devotee is known as the most fortunate, and you American boys and girls are the most fortunate of all, now make everyone else fortunate by spreading this Krsna consciousness}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Science_means_that_you_advance_in_knowledge_so_that_your_miserable_condition_of_life_can_be_reduced,_minimized._That_is_science._Otherwise,_what_is_this_science%3F_They_are_simply_promising;_%22In_future.%22_%22But_what_you_are_delivering_just_now,_sir%3F%22|Science means that you advance in knowledge so that your miserable condition of life can be reduced, minimized. That is science. Otherwise, what is this science? They are simply promising; "In future." "But what you are delivering just now, sir?".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing|In South Africa many Indians are purchasing our books and giving to the library. So somebody will read it. So that is not a fault. If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_the_animals,_there_are_divisions._Swan_class_and_crow_class._Natural_division._The_crow_will_not_go_to_the_swan._The_swan_will_not_go_to_the_crow._Similarly_in_the_human_society,_there_are_crow_class_men_and_swan_class_men|Even in the animals, there are divisions. Swan class and crow class. Natural division. The crow will not go to the swan. The swan will not go to the crow. Similarly in the human society, there are crow class men and swan class men.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul|This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul. Otherwise how it becomes seven months' developed? You'll find this description in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730425SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_analyze,_what_is_the_fault_of_Jesus_Christ,_there_is_no_fault._The_only_fault_he_was_preaching_about_God._And_still_he%27d_find_so_many_enemies._He_was_cruelly_crucified|If we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God. And still he'd find so many enemies. He was cruelly crucified.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is that the ax-handle is made of wood, and so without the assistance of the wooden tree, the hatchet is useless. Similarly, we can use our materialistic knowledge to defeat the atheistic philosophy of the scientists|They try by their speculation to understand things, and being unable they say there is no God. So we can use this science to defeat them, just as I have many other disciples, such as Svarupa Damodara. He is Ph.D. in Chemistry and now he is using his scientific background to defeat their atheistic arguments.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nobody_will_marry_the_husband_who_has_married_sixty-four_times|Nobody will marry the husband who has married sixty-four times.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Because God is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) - He's all-pleasure - therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come|That is a question, one must like to put, that "Why God became many?" So that is, that answer is that because God is sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha (BS 5.1)—He's all-pleasure—therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come. Whenever we want to enjoy some pleasure, pleasure is not enjoyed alone. Pleasure is enjoyed with many.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritual_world_means_there_is_no_work._There_is_simply_ananda,_joyfulness._That_you_see_from_reading_Krsna_book._They%27re_not_working._Krsna_is_going_with_the_calves_and_the_cows._That_is_not_working._That_is_amusement|Spiritual world means there is no work. There is simply ananda, joyfulness. That you see from reading Krsna book. They're not working. Krsna is going with the calves and the cows. That is not working. That is amusement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If Krsna says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Krsna meat also. But Krsna does not say that. Krsna says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes|If Kṛṣṇa says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Kṛṣṇa meat also. But Kṛṣṇa does not say that. Kṛṣṇa says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes. But our concern is that unless Kṛṣṇa takes, we don't take. So in order to become Kṛṣṇa conscious, this is necessary, just like an important segment of the work. We cannot accept anything which is not offered to Kṛṣṇa.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_of_our_students,_they_think_that_%22Why_should_I_work_in_this_mission%3F_Oh,_let_me_go_away.%22_He_goes_away,_but_what_does_he_do%3F_He_becomes_a_motor_driver,_that%27s_all._Instead_of_getting_honor_as_brahmacari,_sannyasi,_he_has_to_work_as_ordinary_worker|Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna's mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him|Krishna's Mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him. You should not give attention to any outsider's advice because they are completely unfit to give you advice. Your situation is different. We do not care for any agriculturist or economist. Our only shelter is Krishna. Stick to this principle and success is sure for you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_created_unnecessary_problems_simply_by_forgetting_Krsna._This_is_the_material_nature._Bhave_%27smin_klisyamananam._Therefore_you_have_to_work_so_hard|We have created unnecessary problems simply by forgetting Krsna. This is the material nature. Bhave 'smin klisyamananam. Therefore you have to work so hard.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India|Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nothing_belongs_to_me._Isavasyam_idam_sarvam,_everything_belongs_to_Krsna._Therefore_our_movement_is_for_awakening_this_Krsna_consciousness._We_should_know_that_everything_belongs_to_Krsna|Nothing belongs to me. Isavasyam idam sarvam, everything belongs to Krsna. Therefore our movement is for awakening this Krsna consciousness. We should know that everything belongs to Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first|We do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first. So according to Vedic knowledge, Darwin or similar mental speculators are rejected so far the fact is concerned.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730427SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_study_the_whole_situation,_creation_of_the_Lord,_you_will_find_everything_is_complete,_perfect._That_is_philosophy._Everything_is_complete._There_is_no_necessity._Our_only_necessity_is_that_we_take_advantage_of_Krsna%27s_arrangement|If you study the whole situation, creation of the Lord, you will find everything is complete, perfect. That is philosophy. Everything is complete. There is no necessity. Our only necessity is that we take advantage of Krsna's arrangement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible|When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible. I have tried to explain in this book the preliminary knowledge of God-consciousness so any layman who reads it will be able to understand our Krsna Consciousness movement to their great benefit.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720831SP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavata-dharma_means_the_relationship_between_the_devotees_and_the_Lord._The_Lord_is_Bhagavan_and_the_devotee_is_bhagavata,_or_in_relationship_with_Bhagavan|Bhagavata-dharma means the relationship between the devotees and the Lord. The Lord is Bhagavan and the devotee is bhagavata, or in relationship with Bhagavan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process|I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process: mahajano yena gatah sa panthah to "follow in the footsteps of the great authorities in Krishna Consciousness like Narada Muni and our other Acaryas." Now we are requiring our students to be very well familiar with all our literatures so that we may present our philosophy before even the most educated persons.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720831SP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Independently_means_if_we_want_to_enjoy_life_according_to_my_whims._That_is_called_so-called_independence._But_by_such_independence,_we_are_never_happy,_so_we_transmigrate_for_this_so-called_illusory_happiness_from_one_body_to_another|Independently means if we want to enjoy life according to my whims. That is called so-called independence. But by such independence, we are never happy, so we transmigrate for this so-called illusory happiness from one body to another.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot accept the theories or the statement of some defective person. We should hear from the person who is not defective - perfect. Therefore our process of hearing or getting knowledge is from the perfect person. That is called Krsna consciousness|We cannot accept the theories or the statement of some defective person. We should hear from the person who is not defective—perfect. Therefore our process of hearing or getting knowledge is from the perfect person. That is called Kṛṣṇa consciousness. We are hearing Bhagavad-gītā, we are getting knowledge from Bhagavad-gītā, because Bhagavān Himself speaking.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720831SP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_immense_independence,_but_we_are_now_conditioned_by_this_body._Therefore_in_the_human_form_of_life_it_is_an_opportunity_to_get_back_our_original_independence._That_is_called_Krsna_consciousness._Freedom|We have got immense independence, but we are now conditioned by this body. Therefore in the human form of life it is an opportunity to get back our original independence. That is called Krsna consciousness. Freedom.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yasoda-nandana|God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yaśodā-nandana. So God came as the son of Yaśodā; therefore we call Him Yaśodā-nandana, "son of Yaśodā." So you can take it as name. Similarly, God's name the total summarization—"all-attractive." That is perfect name.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720831SP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_age_called_Kali,_it_is_not_very_good_time._Simply_disagreement,_fighting,_quarreling,_misunderstanding|This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This material world is garbage. And still, we live so comfortably. Now just imagine what is His dhama. It is the garbage tank, still so nice. And just think what is His real place, Goloka Vrndavana|If a aristocrat asks that "You have to live in my garbage place," "Oh, that is also better." Similarly, Kṛṣṇa... This is garbage. This material world is garbage. And still, we live so comfortably. Now just imagine what is His dhāma. It is the garbage tank, still so nice. And just think what is His real place, Goloka Vṛndāvana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720831SP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_advancing_in_education,_but_we_do_not_study_even_of_our_teeth._We_simply_go_to_the_dentist._That%27s_all._This_is_our_advancement_of_civilization._The_tiger_never_goes_to_dentist|We are advancing in education, but we do not study even of our teeth. We simply go to the dentist. That's all. This is our advancement of civilization. The tiger never goes to dentist.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no question of accidents. The so-called scientist, they cannot explain. "Accidents." Why accidents? A rose flower seed, rose will come. Why not accident by, lemon? No. There is no such things as accidents. This is all rascaldom|There is no question of accidents. The so-called scientist, they cannot explain. "Accidents." Why accidents? A rose flower seed, rose will come. Why not accident by, lemon? No. There is no such things as accidents. This is all rascaldom. Everything is going on... Parasya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate sva-bhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca. In the energy there is automatic knowledge and activities, and they are being manifested.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720902VP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment_if_one_man_is_attacked,_the_passersby_will_not_care_for_it_because_they_have_lost_their_sympathy_or_mercifulness_for_others._Our_neighbor_may_starve,_but_we_don%27t_care_for_it|At the present moment if one man is attacked, the passersby will not care for it because they have lost their sympathy or mercifulness for others. Our neighbor may starve, but we don't care for it.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Separated energy you'll understand: just like I am speaking, and my speech is being recorded in the tape recorder. So even I am not here, if you apply the machine, it will exactly speak like me. That is my energy, but now it is separated|Separated energy you'll understand: just like I am speaking, and my speech is being recorded in the tape recorder. So even I am not here, if you apply the machine, it will exactly speak like me. That is my energy, but now it is separated. It cannot be changed. Suppose I am personally sitting here. If I want to speak something and I can change into another, but that machine cannot change. It will simply produce the sound, what is recorded there. Therefore it is separated energy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720902VP-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:On_the_top_of_the_mango_tree_there_is_a_very_ripened_fruit,_and_that_fruit_has_to_be_tasted._So_if_I_drop_the_fruit_from_up,_it_will_be_lost._Therefore_it_is_handed_over,_after_one,_after_one|On the top of the mango tree there is a very ripened fruit, and that fruit has to be tasted. So if I drop the fruit from up, it will be lost. Therefore it is handed over, after one, after one.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The fire of Krsna consciousness will keep you always progressing, but at the same time, if we also voluntarily do not pour water on that fire, then it will be nice. Similarly, Krsna consciousness or chanting Hare Krsna will keep you progressive|If I help it, to keep it dry, then the fire will be very nice, blazing fire. But if I pour water on it, then it will be difficult to ignite. Similarly, the fire of Kṛṣṇa consciousness will keep you always progressing, but at the same time, if we also voluntarily do not pour water on that fire, then it will be nice. Similarly, Kṛṣṇa consciousness or chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa will keep you progressive. At the same time, voluntarily, if you do not commit all these nonsenses, then it will be very nice.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740700GC-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_means_realization_of_God_consciousness._And_the_symptom_of_God_consciousness_is_that_he_is_averse_to_all_material_activities._He_has_no_interest|Bhakti means realization of God consciousness. And the symptom of God consciousness is that he is averse to all material activities. He has no interest.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind|From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope—my Spiritual Master—He is very kind. So someway or other He is dragging me towards Krishna. That is the only hope.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720000BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_different_types_of_concepts_of_God._Generally,_they_take_it_as_an_idea_but_we_don%27t_take_it_as_idea._We_take_God_as_concrete_fact|There are different types of concepts of God. Generally, they take it as an idea but we don't take it as idea. We take God as concrete fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should always remember that wife is not a machine for sense gratification|Now you must be fixed up and execute your specified duty as ordered by me, and then I am sure there will be no difficulty. But you should always remember that wife is not a machine for sense gratification. Wife is your half body for nourishing your Krishna Consciousness status. So your are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720000BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Bhagavad-gita,_only_a_devotee_of_Krsna,_a_person_who_is_intimately_related_with_Krsna,_he_can_understand_what_is_Bhagavad-gita|According to Bhagavad-gita, only a devotee of Krsna, a person who is intimately related with Krsna, he can understand what is Bhagavad-gita.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that some ideal families of Krishna Consciousness should be established in your country, so that people can see that our movement is not one sided or dry. So we do not want dry renouncers|I want that some ideal families of Krishna Consciousness should be established in your country, so that people can see that our movement is not one sided or dry. So we do not want dry renouncers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720000BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_does_not_mean_that_when_Krsna_was_present_on_this_planet,_Krsna_was_absent_in_Goloka_Vrndavana._No._It_is_not_like_that._Just_like_I_am_now_present_here,_I_am_absent_in_my_apartment._Krsna_is_not_like_that._Krsna_can_be_present_everywhere|It does not mean that when Krsna was present on this planet, Krsna was absent in Goloka Vrndavana. No. It is not like that. Just like I am now present here, I am absent in my apartment. Krsna is not like that. Krsna can be present everywhere.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My dear brothers and sisters, do not therefore consider this movement as sectarian or meant for any particular nation or community|My dear brothers and sisters, do not therefore consider this movement as sectarian or meant for any particular nation or community. In the Bhagavad-gita, which is the basic principle of this Krishna Consciousness movement, Lord Krishna says that He is the seed-giving father of all living creatures. There are many millions of species of life as aquatics, trees, plants, reptiles, insects, birds, beasts, and human races. All of them are living entities as the spirit soul, but they are present before us in many varieties of forms and dresses.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720000BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_has_to_take_shelter_of_a_person_whose_life_is_devoted_to_Krsna,_and_under_his_direction,_we_have_to_practice_how_to_develop_Krsna_Consciousness,_and_then_Krsna_will_be_revealed|One has to take shelter of a person whose life is devoted to Krsna, and under his direction, we have to practice how to develop Krsna Consciousness, and then Krsna will be revealed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Generally they think it is an idea, fiction. But we don't think like that. We have got clear conception of God. That is the difference between our Society and all any other religious groups. They have no clear idea of God|People, generally, they have no idea of God. We are placing the factual God. That is very difficult to understand. Generally they think it is an idea, fiction. But we don't think like that. We have got clear conception of God. That is the difference between our Society and all any other religious groups. They have no clear idea of God. They simply say that there is God, God is great, but no clearer.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720527BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_can_see_when_the_eyes_are_anointed_with_the_ointment_of_bhakti._The_eyes_have_cleansed_to_see_God._That_is_revelation|One can see when the eyes are anointed with the ointment of bhakti. The eyes have cleansed to see God. That is revelation..]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision|Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720527BG-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_understand_Krsna,_God,_we_require_to_purify_our_senses|To understand Krsna, God, we require to purify our senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other|Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other. But the devotees' disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krsna's sake, because they are all working for the same end—Krsna's service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Western_philosophy_is_hedonism,_that_eat,_drink,_be_merry_and_enjoy|The Western philosophy is hedonism, that eat, drink, be merry and enjoy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept|Our process is—we have repeatedly explained this—that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept... God personally explaining, they would not accept. They would simply speculate. This is their disease. When God is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gītā... Rather, they will mislead the readings of the Bhagavad-gītā in different interpretation, but they will not accept what is being taught by God Himself. This is their misfortune.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_employ_your_tongue_in_the_service_of_the_Lord,_He%27ll_reveal_Himself_to_you._He%27ll_reveal,_revelation._So_therefore_we_have_to_control_the_tongue._What_is_the_tongue%27s_business%3F_The_tongue%27s_business_is_taste_and_vibrate|If you employ your tongue in the service of the Lord, He'll reveal Himself to you. He'll reveal, revelation. So therefore we have to control the tongue. What is the tongue's business? The tongue's business is taste and vibrate.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|These are all fanaticism. Real unity is in advancing Krsna consciousness|These are all fanaticism. Real unity is in advancing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva... In Kali-yuga, you cannot strictly follow, neither I can strictly follow. If I criticize you, if you criticize me, then we go far away from our real life of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Tongue_should_be_used_always_for_glorifying_the_Supreme_Lord._That_is_our_business_with_the_tongue._And_the_tongue_should_not_be_allowed_to_eat_anything_except_krsna-prasada._Then_you_become_liberated,_simply_by_controlling_the_tongue|Tongue should be used always for glorifying the Supreme Lord. That is our business with the tongue. And the tongue should not be allowed to eat anything except krsna-prasada. Then you become liberated, simply by controlling the tongue.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection|Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably. In the conditioned stage, we chant Hare Krishna mantra officially without any attachment and try to finish the rounds as soon as possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_you_are_in_the_bodily_concept_of_life,_you_are_no_better_than_the_animal._That_is_the_Bhagavata_philosophy._You_are_animal|So long you are in the bodily concept of life, you are no better than the animal. That is the Bhagavata philosophy. You are animal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever charge given from Krishna through the medium of Spiritual Master you should be carrying out very faithfully. I have come to your country in this old age with this interest|Whatever charge given from Krishna through the medium of Spiritual Master you should be carrying out very faithfully. I have come to your country in this old age with this interest. We should not mind where we are kept or where we have to discharge our duties. But we should accept and do them nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_intelligent,_he_should_try_to_understand_that_%22What_kind_of_body_am_I_going_to_get_next%3F%22_That_is_intelligence._So_that_is_also_explained_in_the_Bhagavad-gita,_what_kind_of_body_you_can_get|One who is intelligent, he should try to understand that "What kind of body am I going to get next?" That is intelligence. So that is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita, what kind of body you can get.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead?|You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead? One may say that all improve our love of Godhead according to our own way, but from practical point of view, in no religious principle the love of Godhead is seen to be enhanced. They make God as order-supplier for their material needs. Or some of them are taught to love God because He is considered to be order-supplier. But our principle is not to make God our order-supplier—we want to execute the order of God.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730400BG-NEW_YORK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anyone_who_has_accepted_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_if_he_follows_the_principles,_then_he%27s_surely_going_to_home,_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead._That_is_certain._But_if_you_deviate,_if_you_become_attracted_by_maya,_that_is_your_business|Anyone who has accepted this Krsna consciousness movement, if he follows the principles, then he's surely going to home, back to home, back to Godhead. That is certain. But if you deviate, if you become attracted by maya, that is your business.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior acarya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated|It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior ācārya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated. That is the instruction we get from Jīva Gosvāmī's behavior.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_spark_falls_on_your_body,_on_your_garment,_it_burns._But_it_is_not_as_powerful_as_the_big_fire._Similarly,_God_is_all_powerful._God_is_great._We_are_part_and_parcel_of_God._Therefore,_our_greatness_is_very,_very_small,_infinitesimal._God_is_great|If one spark falls on your body, on your garment, it burns. But it is not as powerful as the big fire. Similarly, God is all powerful. God is great. We are part and parcel of God. Therefore, our greatness is very, very small, infinitesimal. God is great.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available|Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available. So there is no need to delay any shipments if these qualifications are met.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_small_gods,_we_can_say,_small_gods._Teeny,_sample_gods._Therefore,_we_are_so_much_proud._But_we_should_not_be_proud_because_we_should_know_that_all_our_qualities_are_taken_from_God|We are small gods, we can say, small gods. Teeny, sample gods. Therefore, we are so much proud. But we should not be proud because we should know that all our qualities are taken from God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the beginning if we start a varnasrama college to teach internationally students from all over the world to learn to be educated as brahmanas, as Ksatriyas, as vaisyas, as sudras, by quality and work, that will be the basic principle of KC|In the beginning if we start a varnasrama college to teach internationally students from all over the world to learn to be educated as brahmanas, as Ksatriyas, as vaisyas, as sudras, by quality and work, that will be the basic principle of Krishna Consciousness. It is the duty of the government to see that everyone is employed. This is only possible when varnasrama is established.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_question_of_overpopulation._This_is_a_false_theory._If_God_can_create,_He_can_maintain_also._And_actually,_this_is_the_fact._I_am_travelling_all_over_the_world._There_are_so_much_vacant_places_upon_the_surface_of_the_globe|There is no question of overpopulation. This is a false theory. If God can create, He can maintain also. And actually, this is the fact. I am travelling all over the world. There are so much vacant places upon the surface of the globe.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara (CC Adi 9.41). He is fifty percent prepared by birth|It was so nice to live there, spiritual atmosphere, on the bank of the Ganges and Yamunā. Immediately you go, you become spiritualized. Vṛndāvana is also like that. Therefore Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, bhārata-bhūmite janma haila..., manuṣya-janma haila. To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bhārata-bhumite manuṣya-janma haila yāra. He is fifty percent prepared by birth.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_coat_is_cut_according_to_your_body._Similarly,_this_material_body_is_cut_according_our_spiritual_body._So_we_have_got_our_spiritual_body._This_material_body_is_covering|Your coat is cut according to your body. Similarly, this material body is cut according our spiritual body. So we have got our spiritual body. This material body is covering.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity?|More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity? Formerly, at least we Indian know that go to a blacksmith and he prepares a razor, very nice razor. You pay him four annas, and it will last for your life and shave your cheek very nicely, daily or occasionally. But the modern civilization means that in everything there must be machine.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_order_to_keep_smooth_facilities_for_human_life,_there_must_be_four_divisions._If_you_say_that_%22We_don%27t_require_brahmana.%22_If_you_don%27t_require_brahmana,_then_you%27ll_suffer|In order to keep smooth facilities for human life, there must be four divisions. If you say that "We don't require brahmana." If you don't require brahmana, then you'll suffer.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it|How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America—land. Then I worked—labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408BG-NEW_YORK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_India,_although_a_person_born_in_a_brahmana_family,_but_his_guna,_qualities,_are_less_than_sudra,_but_still_he%27s_being_accepted_as_a_brahmana._That_is_the_difficulty._Therefore,_India%27s_condition_is_so_chaotic|In India, although a person born in a brahmana family, but his guna, qualities, are less than sudra, but still he's being accepted as a brahmana. That is the difficulty. Therefore, India's condition is so chaotic.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I wanted first of all the residential place. And they criticize me, "Oh, you did not construct temple first." And a temple of the devotees is first, our temple. Then God. God will come if there are devotees|I wanted first of all this house, not the temple, because where they'll stay? They'll come to the temple, where they will stay? If you get staying place, then you can act your brain and improve. And if you are harassed—no place—then brain will not work. Therefore I wanted first of all the residential place. And they criticize me, "Oh, you did not construct temple first." And a temple of the devotees is first, our temple. Then God. God will come if there are devotees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_be_happy_by_material_prosperity,_that_is_a_fact|We cannot be happy by material prosperity, that is a fact.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required|These verses of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; saṁhitā. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required. Each verse of Bhagavad-gītā or Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, they are Vedic mantras, veda-mantra. So simply by chanting them we become purified. So every one of you... There is diacritic marks, literation, transliteration, so everyone should try to chant the mantra. That is very beneficial. That is kīrtana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Formerly_every_brahmana_used_to_learn_these_two_sciences,_Ayur-veda_and_Jyotir-veda|Formerly every brahmana used to learn these two sciences, Ayur-veda and Jyotir-veda.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Householders may wear dhotis in the Temple, or as they like, but not of the saffron color. They may wear white, yellow, or whatever. Outside the Temple they may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads|Householders may wear dhotis in the Temple, or as they like, but not of the saffron color. They may wear white, yellow, or whatever. Outside the Temple they may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads. It is not required to wear dhotis, as this society does not understand, so outside the Temple dress suit is more socially acceptable. If they so desire, for ceremony, they can dress in dhotis for Kirtana}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_we_get_a_car,_however_rotten_it_may_be,_we_think_that_it_is_very_nice,_and_identify_with_that_car|As soon as we get a car, however rotten it may be, we think that it is very nice, and identify with that car.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So long he has to eat meat, he cannot be initiated. Let him attend classes regularly, and render service as much as possible, and Krishna will help him to get out of this dilemma|So long he has to eat meat, he cannot be initiated. Let him attend classes regularly, and render service as much as possible, and Krishna will help him to get out of this dilemma.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905SB-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Adanta_means_unbridled,_uncontrolled._Go_means_indriya_or_senses._Materialistic_persons,_they_cannot_control_their_senses._They_are_servant_of_the_senses,_godasa._Go_means_indriya,_and_dasa_means_servant|Adanta means unbridled, uncontrolled. Go means indriya or senses. Materialistic persons, they cannot control their senses. They are servant of the senses, godasa. Go means indriya, and dasa means servant.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It doesn't matter whether there is any future prospect for opening permanent center or not, but to attempt to distribute Krishna Consciousness in that part of the country is very much encouraging|Those who try to distribute Krishna Consciousness amongst the general mass of people are very much favorite to Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya. So you have all the blessings of Lord Caitanya for your laudable work in Buffalo. It doesn't matter whether there is any future prospect for opening permanent center or not, but to attempt to distribute Krishna Consciousness in that part of the country is very much encouraging.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905S2-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_one,_God_cannot_be_two._It_is_not_that_Hindus_have_got_one_God_and_Christians_have_got_another_God._No._God_cannot_be_two|God is one, God cannot be two. It is not that Hindus have got one God and Christians have got another God. No. God cannot be two.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much obliged to you that you are all helping me in the discharge of my duties towards my Spiritual Master, although I was so much reluctant to execute it|I am so much obliged to you that you are all helping me in the discharge of my duties towards my Spiritual Master, although I was so much reluctant to execute it. After all, we are the eternal servants of Krsna, and by the Divine Will of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura we are now combined together, although originally we are born in different parts of the world, unknown to one another.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905S2-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_human_form_of_life_is_especially_meant_for_inquiring_about_the_absolute_truth._In_animal_life_we_cannot_do|This human form of life is especially meant for inquiring about the absolute truth. In animal life we cannot do.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Place or no place, we must go on with our preaching work|Krishna will give you timely a suitable place, don't worry about it. Our leader, Sanatana Goswami, was living underneath a tree, and He was keeping His Deity, Krishna, hanging on the branch of the tree, wrapped up in a cloth—and still He was always engaged in the service of the Lord. So place or no place, we must go on with our preaching work.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905S2-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nobody_can_be_wiser_than_God|Nobody can be wiser than God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to make our steady progress, keeping both sides in balance; namely the Pancaratriki Biddhi and Bhagavat Biddhi|We have to make our steady progress, keeping both sides in balance; namely the Pancaratriki Biddhi and Bhagavat Biddhi. The Pancaratriki Biddhi is Arcana or Temple worship, and the Bhagavat Biddhi is to preach by chanting and distributing literature. Although chanting is quite sufficient to cover all the Biddhis, still to keep ourselves pure and sanctified, we must observe the rules and regulations of Pancaratriki Biddhi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720905S2-NEW_VRINDABAN_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_you_will_starve_in_God_consciousness._You_will_never_starve._You_go_on_with_your_duty,_loving_God_and_preaching_love_of_God._You_will_always_be_opulent,_be_sure|Don't think that you will starve in God consciousness. You will never starve. You go on with your duty, loving God and preaching love of God. You will always be opulent, be sure.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that|No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that. Than you will be happy, and I think you should without further delay try to become devotees as the others are doing and live with us and practice the regulative principles of brahmacari life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730407SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_your_house_there_is_a_serpent,_see_that_he_is_not_fasting_without_food._This_is_the_spiritual_communism._They_are_now_after_communism,_but_they_do_not_know_what_is_communism._Everyone_will_be_taken_care_of._That_is_communism,_real_communism|Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily|Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. And as much time as they are able should be devoted for preaching according to our books.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730407SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_also_person,_God_is_also_person._Nityo_nityanam_cetanas_cetananam._He_is_also_living_entity,_we_are_also_living_entity._So_what_is_the_difference_between_God_and_ourself%3F|We are also person, God is also person. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. He is also living entity, we are also living entity. So what is the difference between God and ourself?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any sense gratification. If this pure mentality is there then you become so glorious that not only do you become purified yourself, but you become competent to deliver others|The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any sense gratification. If this pure mentality is there then you become so glorious that not only do you become purified yourself, but you become competent to deliver others.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730407SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahmana_is_meant_for_doing_the_brain_work._He_will_give_advice._Just_like_we,_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_we_are_not_meant_for_the_ksatriya%27s_or_vaisya%27s_business,_the_devotees,_but_if_required_they_can_take._But_real_business_is_brahmana%27s_business|Brahmana is meant for doing the brain work. He will give advice. Just like we, Krsna consciousness movement, we are not meant for the ksatriya's or vaisya's business, the devotees, but if required they can take. But real business is brahmana's business.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice|In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice. So continue this program in cooperation with your other God-brothers and sisters, and Krishna will make you very happy. You six together are doing so nicely that I am very much proud of you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730406SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_began_in_this_New_York_in_that_storefront_simply_by_chanting._So_I_did_not_bribe_you_American_boys_and_girls_to_come_after_me._This_is_the_only_asset_was_chanting|I began in this New York in that storefront simply by chanting. So I did not bribe you American boys and girls to come after me. This is the only asset was chanting.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order| I am so much obliged to you for the fine sentiment you have expressed in connection with my humble service; but this is not very extraordinary—every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730406SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna%27s_business_is_meant_for_everyone._We_therefore_welcome_everyone._There_is_no_distinction._%22Come_here_and_chant,%22_loka-hitam._And_a_sadhu,_a_saintly_person_should_always_think_of_loka-hitam._That_is_the_difference_between_sadhu_and_ordinary_man|Krsna's business is meant for everyone. We therefore welcome everyone. There is no distinction. "Come here and chant," loka-hitam. And a sadhu, a saintly person should always think of loka-hitam. That is the difference between sadhu and ordinary man.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?|Your article published in the college newspaper is very nice regarding the eclipse. If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730406SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_sadhu%27s_business_is_for_the_benefit_of_all_living_entities._A_sadhu_does_not_like_to_cut_even_a_tree,_because_he_knows,_%22Here_is_a_living_entity._He_is_standing_here_for_many_years_by_his_karma,_and_he_has_to_continue_this_for_many_years_more%22|A sadhu's business is for the benefit of all living entities. A sadhu does not like to cut even a tree, because he knows, "Here is a living entity. He is standing here for many years by his karma, and he has to continue this for many years more".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna|I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna. Lord Caitanya says that anyone who has taken birth as a human being in the land of Bharatavarsa should sanctify his life, taking advantage of the Vedic culture, and then distribute the knowledge for welfare activities of the rest of the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730406SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Atmavit_means_one_who_knows_atma|Atmavit means one who knows atma.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Many Swamis before me came in the Western countries, they say nobody could act so wonderfully as I am doing. Perhaps it is right. But I do not know how such things are happening. The only reason can be adduced is I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is|Many Swamis before me came in the Western countries, and they say that nobody could act so wonderfully as I am doing. Perhaps it is right. But I do not know how such things are happening. The only reason that can be adduced is that I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730406SB-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_very_strictly_adhere_to_the_principle_of_Krsna_consciousness,_then_maya_will_not_be_able_to_touch_you._That_is_the_only_remedy._Otherwise_maya_is_always_looking_after_the_opportunity,_loophole,_how_she_can_capture_you_again|If you very strictly adhere to the principle of Krsna consciousness, then maya will not be able to touch you. That is the only remedy. Otherwise maya is always looking after the opportunity, loophole, how she can capture you again.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This is a great opportunity that you have got a good translator. Give her sufficient work for translating, and certainly she will turn to be Krishna Consciousness|I am very glad to learn that you have engaged one older Japanese lady for translating our lectures. This is a great opportunity that you have got a good translator. Give her sufficient work for translating, and certainly she will turn to be Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720200SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_there_is_some_living_force_behind_the_matter_there_cannot_be_anything_created._We_have_no_such_experience|Unless there is some living force behind the matter there cannot be anything created. We have no such experience.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There are four divisions of members; life member, donor member, subscriber member, and common member. So any membership will make the people sympathetic to our movement and it will be a stride toward our progressive march|In some newspaper clippings I have read, about our devotees. "These are good men and we want more men like this in our community." That is certainly good impression. They are sympathetic and so for them to become our life member is not difficult. There are four divisions of members; life member, donor member, subscriber member, and common member. So any membership will make the people sympathetic to our movement and it will be a stride toward our progressive march.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720200SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavatam_says_that_the_original_source_of_everything_is_sentient._Conscious._And_consciously_is_controlling_everything|Bhagavatam says that the original source of everything is sentient. Conscious. And consciously is controlling everything.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The best way to instruct the initiates is by your own good example|The first initiate should vow to always follow the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. The brahmanas should be explained the qualities of brahminical life and be allowed to hear the gayatri tape in the right ear after the ceremony. The best way to instruct the initiates is by your own good example.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720200SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_created_the_ingredients_and_the_manufacturer_also,_and_Brahma_created_this_universe._But_he%27s_not_the_original_creator._The_original_creator_is_Krsna|God created the ingredients and the manufacturer also, and Brahma created this universe. But he's not the original creator. The original creator is Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot talk with any one who is not within the purview of human understanding. You are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra|We cannot talk with any one who is not within the purview of human understanding. You are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Although we should not chant in a society which is disruptive but as soon as one invites us for chanting we take it for granted that they are friendly and we must take the opportunity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_we_are_worshiping_Radha-Krsna,_that_is_Radha-Krsna_in_His_Narayana_form_-_Laksmi-Narayana._In_the_beginning_we_should_worship_Radha-Krsna_in_the_level_of_Laksmi-Narayana,_with_awe_and_veneration,_very_strictly_following_the_rules_and_regulations|Whatever we are worshiping Radha-Krsna, that is Radha-Krsna in His Narayana form - Laksmi-Narayana. In the beginning we should worship Radha-Krsna in the level of Laksmi-Narayana, with awe and veneration, very strictly following the rules and regulations.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Every religion as a matter of principle accepts authority, God being the supreme authority, and His representative also as authority. So we have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God|We have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God which is technically called God consciousness or Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_think_of_Krsna_twenty-four_hours,_Krsna_will_think_of_you_twenty-six_hours._(laughter)_Krsna_is_so_kind._If_you_do_some_service_for_Krsna,_Krsna_will_reward_you_hundred_times|If you think of Krsna twenty-four hours, Krsna will think of you twenty-six hours. (laughter) Krsna is so kind. If you do some service for Krsna, Krsna will reward you hundred times.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please try to understand our philosophy through various books that I have already published and sometimes after you will have to carry out this order of disciplic succession| This message of Krishna Consciousness is coming down from Krishna Himself, and we are all servants of the Supreme Lord working under the consecutive disciplic succession. Please try to understand our philosophy through various books that I have already published and sometimes after you will have to carry out this order of disciplic succession.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_do_not_love_Krsna,_then_our_hearts_will_be_harder_and_harder_and_harder._Heart_is_there_for_love,_but_why_you_are_so_hard-hearted%3F|If we do not love Krsna, then our hearts will be harder and harder and harder. Heart is there for love, but why you are so hard-hearted?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Buddhists plainly declare that they do not accept the authority of the Vedas, but the impersonalists masquerade themselves as followers of Vedas, but actually they are hidden Buddhists| All the Vedas affirm it vehemently that the Supersoul and the soul are two different identities, although qualitatively one. But the impersonalists they accept Vedas as authority, but they go against the verdict of the Vedas. Lord Caitanya has depicted this impersonalist class of men as more dangerous than the Buddhists. The Buddhists plainly declare that they do not accept the authority of the Vedas, but the impersonalists masquerade themselves as followers of Vedas, but actually they are hidden Buddhists.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_actually_there_is_any_sympathizer_for_the_fallen_conditioned_souls,_he_is_a_Vaisnava._He_knows_why_they_are_suffering._Therefore_he_wants_to_give_him_the_information:_%22My_dear_friend,_you_are_suffering_simply_for_forgetting_your_real_lover,_Krsna%22|If actually there is any sympathizer for the fallen conditioned souls, he is a Vaisnava. He knows why they are suffering. Therefore he wants to give him the information: "My dear friend, you are suffering simply for forgetting your real lover, Krsna".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I specifically formed the BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all literature containing my teachings, writings and lectures|I specifically formed the BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all literature containing my teachings, writings and lectures. In this way the collections are to be divided fifty percent for printing new books and fifty percent for construction of temples.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_thing_is_that_we_have_to_learn_how_to_love._Sa_vai_pumsam_paro_dharmo._That_is_first-class_religion|First thing is that we have to learn how to love. Sa vai pumsam paro dharmo. That is first-class religion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My own Guru Maharaja stressed the printing and distribution of literature even over gorgeous temple construction, and I also was printing even before I have big temples in the U.S.| My own Guru Maharaja stressed the printing and distribution of literature even over gorgeous temple construction, and I also was printing even before I have big temples in the U.S. So you may follow the footsteps of the previous acaryas, while always strictly following the regulative principles for spiritual strength.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_say_that_God_cannot_come._But_if_I_put_the_question:_%22Why_God_cannot_come%3F%22_what_is_the_answer%3F_If_God_is_all-powerful,_why_you_are_curtailing_His_power,_that_He_cannot_come%3F_What_kind_of_God_is_He%3F_God_is_under_your_law,_or_you_are_under_God%27s_law%3F|They say that God cannot come. But if I put the question: "Why God cannot come?" what is the answer? If God is all-powerful, why you are curtailing His power, that He cannot come? What kind of God is He? God is under your law, or you are under God's law?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects|It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects. Hoping this meets you in good health.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730408SB-NEW_YORK_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%E2%80%99t_eat_anything_which_is_not_eaten_by_Krsna_-_your_tongue_becomes_your_most_intimate_friend._And_don%E2%80%99t_talk_anything_except_Krsna._If_you_follow_these_two_principles,_Krsna_will_be_within_your_grip|Don't eat anything which is not eaten by Krsna - your tongue becomes your most intimate friend. And don't talk anything except Krsna. If you follow these two principles, Krsna will be within your grip.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do|It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do. One must rise early, hold mangala arati, have class and chant at least 16 rounds daily as well as follow the four regulative principles. It is always best to associate with devotees as much as possible if one cannot live in the temple.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731129SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_of_us_is_very_intimately_connected_with_Krsna,_and_Krsna_is_sitting_in_everyone%27s_heart._Krsna_is_so_kind,_that_He_is_simply_waiting,_%22When_this_rascal_will_turn_his_face_towards_Me%22|Everyone of us is very intimately connected with Krsna, and Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart. Krsna is so kind, that He is simply waiting, "When this rascal will turn his face towards Me".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You should understand that Krishna Consciousness is a purificatory process. One may not be purified immediately, but since he is on the right path for purification, one should not criticize him for some faults that he may still have|You should understand that Krishna Consciousness is a purificatory process. One may not be purified immediately, but since he is on the right path for purification, one should not criticize him for some faults that he may still have. Just because some body has made some mistakes does that mean that you should give up your whole career in Krishna Consciousness? What will that accomplish? Simply more rebirth and death.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731129SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_this_material_world,_if_we_understand_perfectly_well_that_we_are_not_enjoyer,_Krsna_is_enjoyer,_then_that_is_spiritual_world._This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_convince_everyone_that_we_are_not_enjoyer,_enjoyer_is_Krsna|Even in this material world, if we understand perfectly well that we are not enjoyer, Krsna is enjoyer, then that is spiritual world. This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to convince everyone that we are not enjoyer, enjoyer is Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions|Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions. That is perfect in every way and therefore it is actually having a tremendous effect all over the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731129SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Each_and_everyone_of_us,_we_are_thinking,_%22I_am_independent,_and_my_wife,_my_children,_my_society,_they_are_my_soldiers._If_I_am_in_danger,_they_will_help_me.%22_This_is_going_on._This_is_called_maya|Each and everyone of us, we are thinking, "I am independent, and my wife, my children, my society, they are my soldiers. If I am in danger, they will help me." This is going on. This is called maya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your young boy, do not be sorry because he is a little mischievous. This is only natural for a young boy. It is not anything unusual. Pray to Krishna that he may become a great preacher and try yourself to train him for that by being KC mother|Regarding your young boy, do not be sorry because he is a little mischievous. This is only natural for a young boy. It is not anything unusual. Pray to Krishna that he may become a great preacher and try yourself to train him for that by being Krishna Conscious mother.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/731129SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_these_politicians,_they%27re_spoiling_the_situation|All these politicians, they're spoiling the situation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory|Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory. Whatever you kindly pay, that will be accepted.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720403SB-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Death_means_sleeping_for_seven_months._That%27s_all._That_is_death._When_this_body_is_unfit_for_living,_the_soul_gives_up_this_body._And_by_superior_arrangement_the_soul_is_put_again_into_the_womb_of_a_particular_type_of_mother|Death means sleeping for seven months. That's all. That is death. When this body is unfit for living, the soul gives up this body. And by superior arrangement the soul is put again into the womb of a particular type of mother.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees. He has declared in the Gita, "My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it to the whole world that my devotees will never be vanquished."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720403SB-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_only_request_is_that_you_make_your_life_successful._Come_to_the_real_understanding_of_your_existence_and_this_is_possible_simply_by_chanting_Hare_Krsna|Our only request is that you make your life successful. Come to the real understanding of your existence and this is possible simply by chanting Hare Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, KC, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it|Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy. So this is our propaganda. There is no question of sectarianism. Every religion should have this aim in view. But that system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, Krishna Consciousness, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/720403SB-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_seven_planetary_systems_over_us_and_seven_planetary_systems_down_also|There is seven planetary systems over us and seven planetary systems down also.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness. So stick to rigidly following the regulative principles and Krishna will keep you more and more engaged in His service, then your life will be always happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730809R2-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_this_material_world_we_find_almost_everyone_has_forgotten_God|In this material world we find almost everyone has forgotten God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective|We should follow two important lines, namely the Pancaratriki Bidhi as well as Bhagavata Bidhi. The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to follow the two parallel lines simultaneously for successful execution of Devotional service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730809R2-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_fruits_are_meant_for_human_being._The_tiger_does_not_come_to_eat_your_fruits._So_tiger%27s_food_is_another_animal._Man%27s_food_is_fruit,_food_grains,_milk_products|The fruits are meant for human being. The tiger does not come to eat your fruits. So tiger's food is another animal. Man's food is fruit, food grains, milk products.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities|So far chaunce is concerned, I think you have been wrongly advised to burn the cumin seeds and chilis until they are very black. The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730809R2-PARIS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Original_mother,_wife_of_the_spiritual_master,_wife_of_the_priest,_wife_of_the_king,_cow,_nurse_and_Earth._These_are_seven_mothers._Cow_is_mother_because_we_drink_cow%27s_milk._How_can_I_deny_that_she%27s_not_mother%3F_So_how_we_can_support_killing_of_mother%3F|Original mother, wife of the spiritual master, wife of the priest, wife of the king, cow, nurse and Earth. These are seven mothers. Cow is mother because we drink cow's milk. How can I deny that she's not mother? So how we can support killing of mother?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are only children|My disciples are only children. If they can preach this Krishna Consciousness movement husband and wife together, without having any background of Vedic culture, why not an experienced gentleman like you with full knowledge of Vedic culture preach this movement? If you take up this work in right earnest, I am sure you will feel transcendental bliss.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_is_known_also_Gitopanisad,_the_essence_of_Vedic_knowledge,_and_one_of_the_most_important_of_the_various_Upanisads_in_Vedic_literature|Bhagavad-gita is known also Gitopanisad, the essence of Vedic knowledge, and one of the most important of the various Upanisads in Vedic literature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_speaker_of_the_Bhagavad-gita_is_Lord_Sri_Krsna._He_is_mentioned_in_every_page_of_the_Bhagavad-gita_as_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_Bhagavan|The speaker of the Bhagavad-gita is Lord Sri Krsna. He is mentioned in every page of the Bhagavad-gita as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement|Now you tell me that Macmillan, such a big big company, cannot keep up with our men. This is very encouraging news. I have just finished Gita Gan, a verse by verse translation of the Gita into Bengali, and now I am working daily on the Caitanya-caritamrta. Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_has_got_a_particular_relationship_with_the_Lord_and_that_relationship_is_evoked_by_the_perfection_of_devotional_service._At_the_present_status_of_our_life_we_have_not_only_forgotten_the_Supreme_Lord,_but_also_our_eternal_relationship_with_Him|Everyone has got a particular relationship with the Lord and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also our eternal relationship with Him.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_one_receives_this_Bhagavad-gita_in_a_submissive_spirit_and_aural_reception,_it_is_very_difficult_to_understand_Bhagavad-gita_because_it_is_a_great_mystery|Unless one receives this Bhagavad-gita in a submissive spirit and aural reception, it is very difficult to understand Bhagavad-gita because it is a great mystery.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history|Six months ago there was summer now there is a new season, and in another six months summer again. This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_this_Bhagavad-gita_the_subject_matter_is_comprehending_five_different_truths._The_first_truth_is_what_is_God._It_is_the_preliminary_study_of_the_science_of_God._So_that_science_of_God_is_explained_here|In this Bhagavad-gita the subject matter is comprehending five different truths. The first truth is what is God. It is the preliminary study of the science of God. So that science of God is explained here.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_the_tendency_of_controlling_over_the_material_nature,_lording_it_over_the_material_nature,_but_we_are_not_the_supreme_controller._So_that_thing_is_explained_in_the_Bhagavad-gita|We have the tendency of controlling over the material nature, lording it over the material nature, but we are not the supreme controller. So that thing is explained in the Bhagavad-gita..]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees. He has declared in the Gita, "My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it to the whole world that my devotees will never be vanquished."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip07.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_engaged_in_various_activities_undoubtedly,_but_we_do_not_know_what_sort_of_activities_we_shall_adopt_that_will_give_us_relief_from_the_actions_and_reactions_of_all_activities._That_is_also_explained_in_the_Bhagavad-gita|We are engaged in various activities undoubtedly, but we do not know what sort of activities we shall adopt that will give us relief from the actions and reactions of all activities. That is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, KC, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it|Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy. So this is our propaganda. There is no question of sectarianism. Every religion should have this aim in view. But that system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, Krishna Consciousness, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip08.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Lord_lives_within_the_core_of_heart_in_every_living_being,_therefore_He_is_conscious_of_the_psychic_movements,_activities,_of_the_particular_jiva._We_should_not_forget|The Lord lives within the core of heart in every living being, therefore He is conscious of the psychic movements, activities, of the particular jiva. We should not forget.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness. So stick to rigidly following the regulative principles and Krishna will keep you more and more engaged in His service, then your life will be always happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip09.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_has_to_get_free_from_the_bodily_conception_of_life._That_is_the_preliminary_activity_for_a_transcendentalist_who_wants_to_get_free,_who_wants_to_be_liberated._And_he_has_to_learn_first_of_all_that_he_is_not_this_material_body|One has to get free from the bodily conception of life. That is the preliminary activity for a transcendentalist who wants to get free, who wants to be liberated. And he has to learn first of all that he is not this material body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective|We should follow two important lines, namely the Pancaratriki Bidhi as well as Bhagavata Bidhi. The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to follow the two parallel lines simultaneously for successful execution of Devotional service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vigraha_means_form._Avyaktam_vyaktim_apannam_manyante_mam_abuddhayah._People_with_less_intelligence,_they_consider_the_Supreme_Truth_as_impersonal,_but_He_is_a_person,_a_transcendental_person._This_is_confirmed_in_all_Vedic_literature|Vigraha means form. Avyaktam vyaktim apannam manyante mam abuddhayah. People with less intelligence, they consider the Supreme Truth as impersonal, but He is a person, a transcendental person. This is confirmed in all Vedic literature.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities|So far chaunce is concerned, I think you have been wrongly advised to burn the cumin seeds and chilis until they are very black. The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_accept_a_certain_portion_of_Bhagavad-gita_and_reject_another_portion._That_is_also_not_accepted._We_must_accept_the_Bhagavad-gita_without_interpretation,_without_any_cutting,_and_without_our_own_whimsical_participation_in_the_matter|We accept a certain portion of Bhagavad-gita and reject another portion. That is also not accepted. We must accept the Bhagavad-gita without interpretation, without any cutting, and without our own whimsical participation in the matter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are only children|My disciples are only children. If they can preach this Krishna Consciousness movement husband and wife together, without having any background of Vedic culture, why not an experienced gentleman like you with full knowledge of Vedic culture preach this movement? If you take up this work in right earnest, I am sure you will feel transcendental bliss.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219BG-NEW_YORK_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bhagavad-gita_it_is_clearly_explained_that_there_are_three_kinds_of_activities_according_to_the_different_modes_of_nature:_the_activities_of_goodness,_the_activities_of_passion,_the_activities_of_ignorance|In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly explained that there are three kinds of activities according to the different modes of nature: the activities of goodness, the activities of passion, the activities of ignorance.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip13.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_word_religion_is_a_little_different_from_sanatana-dharma._Religion_conveys_the_idea_of_faith._Faith_may_change._One_may_have_faith_in_a_particular_process,_and_change_the_faith_afterwards_and_adopt_another_faith._But_sanatana-dharma_cannot_be_changed|The word religion is a little different from sanatana-dharma. Religion conveys the idea of faith. Faith may change. One may have faith in a particular process, and change the faith afterwards and adopt another faith. But sanatana-dharma cannot be changed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement|Now you tell me that Macmillan, such a big big company, cannot keep up with our men. This is very encouraging news. I have just finished Gita Gan, a verse by verse translation of the Gita into Bengali, and now I am working daily on the Caitanya-caritamrta. Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip14.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Service_is_a_thing_which_is_the_constant_companion_of_the_living_being,_and_therefore_it_may_be_safely_concluded_that_rendering_of_service_by_a_living_being_is_the_eternal_religion|Service is a thing which is the constant companion of the living being, and therefore it may be safely concluded that rendering of service by a living being is the eternal religion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip15.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Lord_is_also_perpetually_happy,_and_if_we_associate_with_the_Lord,_cooperate_with_Him,_take_part_in_His_association,_then_also_we_become_happy._The_Lord_descends_on_this_mortal_world_to_show_His_pastimes_in_Vrndavana_full_of_happiness|The Lord is also perpetually happy, and if we associate with the Lord, cooperate with Him, take part in His association, then also we become happy. The Lord descends on this mortal world to show His pastimes in Vrndavana full of happiness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history|Six months ago there was summer now there is a new season, and in another six months summer again. This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip16.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_given_the_opportunity_for_leaving_this_material_world_and_get_our_eternal_life_in_the_eternal_kingdom|We are given the opportunity for leaving this material world and get our eternal life in the eternal kingdom.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip17.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_want_to_lord_it_over_the_material_nature._So,_so_long_we_do_not_give_up_this_propensity_of_lording_it_over_the_material_nature,_up_to_that_time_there_is_no_possibility_of_going_back_to_the_kingdom_of_the_Supreme,_the_sanatana-dhama|We want to lord it over the material nature. So, so long we do not give up this propensity of lording it over the material nature, up to that time there is no possibility of going back to the kingdom of the Supreme, the sanatana-dhama.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The more one can meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced in KC. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence to combat such dialogues. Be sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives you everything|The more one can meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced in Krishna consciousness. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence to combat such dialogues. Be sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives you everything.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip18.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_body_is_perishable,_full_of_ignorance,_and_nirananda._Instead_of_becoming_full_of_bliss,_it_is_full_of_miseries._All_the_miseries_that_we_experience_in_this_material_world,_it_is_all_due_to_this_body|The body is perishable, full of ignorance, and nirananda. Instead of becoming full of bliss, it is full of miseries. All the miseries that we experience in this material world, it is all due to this body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We must publish our books as much as possible because that will create our position. Back to Godhead should be the life and soul for the Society|We must publish our books as much as possible because that will create our position. Back to Godhead should be the life and soul for the Society. Please let me know your program.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip19.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Acts_of_this_life,_the_activities_of_this_life_are_preparation_ground_for_the_next_life._We_are_preparing_for_our_next_life_by_our_activities_of_this_life|Acts of this life, the activities of this life are preparation ground for the next life. We are preparing for our next life by our activities of this life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The dishwashing occupation is open to anyone who wishes to help. There is no restriction. Also, non-initiates may help in cooking prasadam under the direction of devotees. That is all right|The dishwashing occupation is open to anyone who wishes to help. There is no restriction. Also, non-initiates may help in cooking prasadam under the direction of devotees. That is all right.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip20.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_time_of_death,_either_we_can_remain_in_the_material_energy,_or_this_material_world,_or_we_can_transfer_into_the_spiritual_world|At the time of death, either we can remain in the material energy, or this material world, or we can transfer into the spiritual world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature|If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature. So we have now fully equipped staff, editorial, printers, binders, and managers, and Krishna will be financier. So I think there is no more scarcity of anything and let us begin the job as soon as possible.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip21.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_absolute_status_there_is_no_difference_between_one_thing_to_another._That_is_the_absolute_status._So_the_Lord_being_absolute,_there_is_no_difference_between_His_name_and_Himself|In the absolute status there is no difference between one thing to another. That is the absolute status. So the Lord being absolute, there is no difference between His name and Himself.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in KC, and temple opening is a secondary consideration|In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in Krishna Consciousness, and temple opening is a secondary consideration. I am just trying to open some temples in the Western countries because there is none.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip22.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Learn_this_art_-_how_one_can_be_absorbed_both_by_the_mind_and_intelligence_twenty-four_hours_thinking_of_the_Lord._And_that_will_help_one_to_transfer_himself_into_the_kingdom_of_God_or_in_the_spiritual_atmosphere_after_leaving_this_material_body|Learn this art - how one can be absorbed both by the mind and intelligence twenty-four hours thinking of the Lord. And that will help one to transfer himself into the kingdom of God or in the spiritual atmosphere after leaving this material body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated|When India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagavad-gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip23.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_is_a_transcendental_literature_which_one_should_read_very_carefully._And_the_result_will_be,_if_he_properly_follows_the_instruction,_then_he_can_be_freed_from_all_miseries_of_life,_all_anxieties_of_life_and_all_fears_of_life|Bhagavad-gita is a transcendental literature which one should read very carefully. And the result will be, if he properly follows the instruction, then he can be freed from all miseries of life, all anxieties of life and all fears of life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple|When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple in a small car as they have made in L.A. This car was made by Nara Narayana, so he can give you the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha may be taken out with Sankirtana Party, not always, but conveniently. In due course of time, I shall let you know the details.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660220BG-NEW_YORK_clip24.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_are_very_much_anxious_to_have_one_religion,_one_God,_one_scripture,_and_one_business_or_one_activity_of_life._This_is_summarized_in_the_Bhagavad-gita_-_that_one_God_is_Krsna._Krsna_is_not_sectarian_God._Krsna_means_the_greatest_pleasure|People are very much anxious to have one religion, one God, one scripture, and one business or one activity of life. This is summarized in the Bhagavad-gita - that one God is Krsna. Krsna is not sectarian God. Krsna means the greatest pleasure.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Unless we are constantly engaged then there will be sickness and illicit sex automatically|It is all right that you devote your time to painting instead of street sankirtana. The main thing is that you be engaged in some worthwhile work for Krsna without wasting even a moment. Unless we are constantly engaged then there will be sickness and illicit sex automatically. So there is a good need for pictures in our preaching work, especially in illustrating our books, and if you are seriously painting I have no objection to your proposal.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_brahmana_will_not_be_required_to_fight._A_brahmana_will_not_be_required_to_work_like_sudra._A_brahmana_will_not_be_required_to_work_like_vaisya._Therefore_brahmana_can_beg|The brahmana will not be required to fight. A brahmana will not be required to work like sudra. A brahmana will not be required to work like vaisya. Therefore brahmana can beg.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India|Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India. The people here are very disturbed because, partly due to the punishment of Nature, and partly due to the mismanagement of the demon class of men, food is not available. If the people do not even have sufficient food they will not even be able to receive spiritual instructions. So I am hopeful that if we can widely distribute free foodstuffs to the people of India, by giving it out at our centers as well as by travelling parties to villages, we will win over the whole country and the whole world by this activity on Krsna's behalf.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Vedic_civilization,_everyone_has_his_own_sva-dharma._This_has_been_misinterpreted_by_the_rascals._Sva-dharma_means_anyone_can_discover_his_own_religious_principle._Yato_mata_tato_patha|According to Vedic civilization, everyone has his own sva-dharma. This has been misinterpreted by the rascals. Sva-dharma means anyone can discover his own religious principle. Yato mata tato patha.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are very fortunate to have devotee parents and from your very childhood take to Krishna consciousness|You are very fortunate to have devotee parents and from your very childhood take to Krishna consciousness. I also had the good fortune to have a devotee father and mother and when I was young they gave me Radha Krishna to worship and I was also performing Rathayatra festival with my young friends.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_sudra_is_not_required._Sudra_is_required,_but_if_you_make_propaganda_simply_to_make_people_sudras,_then_who_will_give_direction%3F_If_there_is_no_head,_who_will_give_the_direction%3F|It is not that sudra is not required. Sudra is required, but if you make propaganda simply to make people sudras, then who will give direction? If there is no head, who will give the direction?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all|So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all. Others should learn by seeing, like the ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Just like driving a bullock cart; it doesn't require education. Modern so-called education is simply a waste of time producing hippies. Shameless! Why compulsory education?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_a_ksatriya%27s_business_is_always_prepared_to_fight._Fight_means_that_to_see_that_everyone_is_acting_nicely._Because_if_you_are_not_acting_nicely,_and_if_I_say_that_%22You_are_not_acting_nicely,%22_you%27ll_be_angry|So a ksatriya's business is always prepared to fight. Fight means that to see that everyone is acting nicely. Because if you are not acting nicely, and if I say that "You are not acting nicely," you'll be angry.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As far as possible try to adjust to a natural way of life free from dependence on machines|As far as possible try to adjust to a natural way of life free from dependence on machines. But our principle should be that we are against nothing and for nothing. Only for Krishna. We want whatever is favorable for Krishna. From the farms we should get sufficient foodstuffs and these can be sent to be used at our restaurants. Along with the restaurants there can be "Bhaktivedanta Reading Room" where all my books can be kept and people can come and sit comfortably and read. The people will like these restaurants and reading rooms.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unfortunately,_the_so-called_government_men,_they_are_also_sudras._The_so-called_priests,_they_are_also_sudras._The_so-called_vaisyas,_they_are_sudras._The_whole_world_is_now_full_of_sudras._So_you_cannot_expect_anything_very_nice|Unfortunately, the so-called government men, they are also sudras. The so-called priests, they are also sudras. The so-called vaisyas, they are sudras. The whole world is now full of sudras. So you cannot expect anything very nice.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much hopeful that this movement can be spread all over the whole world if we organize simply the performance of Kirtana and a little lecture on the principles of Krishna Consciousness|I am very much hopeful that this movement can be spread all over the whole world if we organize simply the performance of Kirtana and a little lecture on the principles of Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730901BG.LONDON_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_far_we_are_concerned,_Krsna_conscious,_so_long_our_bodily_concept_of_life_is_not_completely_eradicated,_we_must_follow_the_sva-dharma_of_the_body._Brahmana,_ksatriya,_vaisya,_sudra,_ity_adi._But_when_actually_advanced,_that_is_maha-bhagavata|So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious, so long our bodily concept of life is not completely eradicated, we must follow the sva-dharma of the body. Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, ity adi. But when actually advanced, that is maha-bhagavata.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|All you boys and girls who are now married, follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya, and show vivid example to the world how man and woman can be united, not for sense gratification but for the service of the Lord|Lord Caitanya, but a householder and responsible government official, Governor of Madras, has given open instruction that it does not matter what is the social or ecclesiastical order, if one is fully in Krishna Consciousness, he can act as Acarya. So all you boys and girls who are now married, follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya, and show vivid example to the world how man and woman can be united, not for sense gratification but for the service of the Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721128BG-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_is_that_you_are_simply_claiming_that_%22India,_there_is_sanatana-dharma%22%3F_%22In_India_there_is_brahmana%22%3F_What_Krsna_creates,_that_is_for_everywhere._Because_Krsna_is_the_father_of_everyone|How is that you are simply claiming that "India, there is sanatana-dharma"? "In India there is brahmana"? What Krsna creates, that is for everywhere. Because Krsna is the father of everyone.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The modern human society is in need of Krishna relationship, so as soon as they will come in touch with our movement, surely they will feel very happy. So kindly execute this responsibility to your best capacity, and Krishna will be very happy upon you|Actually, the modern human society is in need of Krishna relationship, so as soon as they will come in touch with our movement, surely they will feel very happy. So kindly execute this responsibility to your best capacity, and Krishna will be very happy upon you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721128BG-HYDERABAD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Go_means_senses._So_unless_you_become_gosvami,_your_life_is_spoiled._Gosvami._You_cannot_be_dictated_by_the_senses._You_have_to_dictate_to_the_senses|Go means senses. So unless you become gosvami, your life is spoiled. Gosvami. You cannot be dictated by the senses. You have to dictate to the senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others|I wish that the number of devotees in every temple be more and more increased. I know that there are many young men in your country who are very frustrated but they have got one good quality. That is renunciation of this worldly attachment. From this platform they can very easily take to Krishna Consciousness. So our Krishna Consciousness Movement should be especially directed towards these frustrated persons. Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721128BG-HYDERABAD_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dharma_means_characteristic._So_what_is_our_characteristic%3F_I_was_going_to_explain._That_we_are_now_serving_our_senses._This_is_our_material_characteristic._Material_characteristic_because_originally_I_am_servant._I_am_not_master|Dharma means characteristic. So what is our characteristic? I was going to explain. That we are now serving our senses. This is our material characteristic. Material characteristic because originally I am servant. I am not master.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The ultimate point is to come to the stage of loving Krsna and all other indirect processes are subsidiary|The ultimate point is to come to the stage of loving Krsna and all other indirect processes are subsidiary. We are concerned here with approaching Krsna by the direct process of devotional service. Independent of Krsna consciousness, the cultivation of knowledge, work, meditation and renunciation are of no value or the proud achievements of the atheist or less intelligent class of men.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/721128BG-HYDERABAD_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_every_living_entity_is_sanatana._And_Krsna_is_sanatana._And_there_is_place,_sanatana._So_our_business_is_how_to_transfer_ourself_in_that_sanatana-dhama|The every living entity is sanatana. And Krsna is sanatana. And there is place, sanatana. So our business is how to transfer ourself in that sanatana-dhama.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana|There is no need of rendering service to the daridras in order to reach Krsna. Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana. Narayana demands service directly not through daridra. But we can show our mercy to daridra, that is a different thing.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660302BG-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anything_which_I_own,_that_should_be_utilized_for_my_purpose._Your_things_should_be_utilized_for_your_purpose._So_if_God_is_the_proprietor_of_our_senses,_then_these_senses_must_be_used_for_God%27s_purpose._That_is_the_constitutional_position|Anything which I own, that should be utilized for my purpose. Your things should be utilized for your purpose. So if God is the proprietor of our senses, then these senses must be used for God's purpose. That is the constitutional position.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have come here in this old age neither for sight seeing nor for any personal interest. It is for the interest of the entire humanity that I am trying to implement the science of Krishna which will actually make them happy|I have come here in this old age neither for sight seeing nor for any personal interest. It is for the interest of the entire humanity that I am trying to implement the science of Krishna which will actually make them happy. So it is the duty of every devotees of Lord Krishna to help me by all means.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660328BG-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_not_stop_working,_but_you_have_to_work_cautiously_for_the_supreme_cause._That_is_the_way_of_working_on_the_spiritual_platform|You should not stop working, but you have to work cautiously for the supreme cause. That is the way of working on the spiritual platform.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple|As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660219-20BG-INTRO-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_status_of_our_life_we_have_not_only_forgotten_the_Supreme_Lord,_but_also_we_have_forgotten_our_eternal_relationship_with_the_Lord|At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty|If you are not satisfied with your cooking engagement, tell Brahmananda to give you some other engagement. But it doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/660405BG-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_spiritual_purpose,_if_you_work_more_than_twenty-four_hours..._Unfortunately,_you_haven%27t_got_more_than_twenty-four_hours_at_your_disposal._Still,_you_won%27t_feel_fatigued._I_tell_you._This_is_my_practical_experience|But spiritual purpose, if you work more than twenty-four hours... Unfortunately, you haven't got more than twenty-four hours at your disposal. Still, you won't feel fatigued. I tell you. This is my practical experience.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no reality in the material beauty. What you think as real that is also unreal because everything material transforms into matter at the ultimate stage. It is the spirit soul who is beautiful and not the matter|There is no reality in the material beauty. What you think as real that is also unreal because everything material transforms into matter at the ultimate stage. It is the spirit soul who is beautiful and not the matter.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740103SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_must_work_for_Krsna%27s_sake._We_shall_go_to_the_Krsna%27s_temple,_or_we_shall_go_for_selling_Krsna%27s_books,_or_meeting_some_Krsna_devotee|We must work for Krsna's sake. We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books, or meeting some Krsna devotee.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space|So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740105SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_literature_throughout_the_universe_like_Srimad-Bhagavatam._There_is_no_comparison._There_is_no_competition._Every_word_is_for_the_good_of_the_human_society|There is no literature throughout the universe like Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is no comparison. There is no competition. Every word is for the good of the human society.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life|If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life. So this Arcana Siddhi program is given in the Narada Pancaratra especially for the householders. Householders cannot undergo strict disciplinary activities of austerity, therefore for every householder the path of Arcana Siddhi is very much recommended. According to Vedic system, all householders are ordered to keep Deity at home and follow strictly the worshipment process.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740107mw.la_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we_may_not_create_any_disruption_amongst_our_solidarity._Then_things_will_not_make_progress|So we may not create any disruption amongst our solidarity. Then things will not make progress.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|KC is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work. That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our activities and take rest more but in the spiritual world, there is no rest and there is no limit of activities|Krishna Consciousness is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work. That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our activities and take rest more but in the spiritual world, there is no rest and there is no limit of activities. Krishna is unlimited, His service is unlimited, and the energy of His servants is unlimited.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740112SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_thief|Alexander and the thief.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone reading our Krsna book, NOD, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and BG will certainly become a Krsna conscious person. Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales|This membership program is so important that we get money, sympathizers and push on our mission of distributing books, all simultaneously. Anyone reading our Krsna book, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and Bhagavad-gita will certainly become a Krsna conscious person. Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740117SB.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Father_is_the_leader_of_the_family._And_why_father_is_the_leader%3F_Because_he_earns,_he_maintains_the_children,_wife,_servant,_and_establishment;_therefore_naturally,_he%27s_accepted_the_leader_of_the_family|Father is the leader of the family. And why father is the leader? Because he earns, he maintains the children, wife, servant, and establishment; therefore naturally, he's accepted the leader of the family.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are very eager to give everyone a chance to become Krishna Conscious, but if someone repeatedly causes a disturbance then he may be asked to leave| We are very eager to give everyone a chance to become Krishna Conscious, but if someone repeatedly causes a disturbance then he may be asked to leave. That is not our business to ask people to leave our association but if they are actually causing too much disturbance by not co-operating with authorities or by not following the rules properly (especially the four regulative principles), then we are forced to do the necessary.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740120SB.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_was_also_a_child,_I_was_looking_very_beautiful,_but_kalena,_in_due_course_of_time,_I%27m_now_old_man,_a_ugly_man._Nobody_likes._%28laughter%29_So_this_is_the_influence_of_time|When I was also a child, I was looking very beautiful, but kalena, in due course of time, I'm now old man, a ugly man. Nobody likes. (laughter) So this is the influence of time.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very nice that you are learning to weave. That is a great asset to have|It is very nice that you are learning to weave. That is a great asset to have.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740123SB.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sleeping_is_not_good._The_Gosvamis_used_to_sleep_only_two_hours._I_also_write_at_night_book,_and_I_also_sleep,_not_more_then_three_hours._But_I_take_sometimes_little,_sleep_more|Sleeping is not good. The Gosvamis used to sleep only two hours. I also write at night book, and I also sleep, not more then three hours. But I take sometimes little, sleep more.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?|This is our only business—to endeavor to serve Krishna at every moment. The whole world is busy for sense gratification, it is anthill civilization. So much endeavor for what? We also work hard because we know the goal of life—to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740123SB.HAW_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Inside,_we_should_be_pure,_purely_thinking,_no_contamination._We_should_not_think_anyone_as_my_enemy|Inside, we should be pure, purely thinking, no contamination. We should not think anyone as my enemy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I prayed like that in Sydney, I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power|Yes, I prayed like that in Sydney: "I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power." When I left Krsna in that condition and when again came back I saw Krsna was doing everything.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740223MW.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_only_guru._Anyone_who_is_spiritually_advanced,_he_has_no_more_material_body|Not only guru. Anyone who is spiritually advanced, he has no more material body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding MacMillan Company, if they have not replied your letter, then forget. We shall publish our own books. You organize the sales promotion. Neither I want to shorten the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should not count on them|Regarding MacMillan Company, if they have not replied your letter, then forget. We shall publish our own books. You organize the sales promotion. Neither I want to shorten the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should not count on them—let us try for our own publications.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740224BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Story_of_Narada_Muni_and_the_cobbler|Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process|The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process. So this is a great service, and there is urgent need for such paintings.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740227SB.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_prayed_simply_Krsna,_%22My_dear_Krsna,_anyway,_You_have_come_here_%28to_Juhu%29._You_have_sat_down_here._It_will_be_great_insult_if_You_are_removed_from_this_place.%22_So_Krsna_heard_it,_and_we_won_the_battle._Now_the_land_is_ours|I prayed simply Krsna, "My dear Krsna, anyway, You have come here (to Juhu). You have sat down here. It will be great insult if You are removed from this place." So Krsna heard it, and we won the battle. Now the land is ours.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it|I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740309CC.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Suppose_we_are_in_a_group,_this,_our_International_Society._If_everyone_becomes_ruler_or_acarya,_then_how_it_can_be_managed%3F_No._There_must_be_some_head._That_is_the_principle_in_our_practical_life|Suppose we are in a group, this, our International Society. If everyone becomes ruler or acarya, then how it can be managed? No. There must be some head. That is the principle in our practical life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Hold kirtana and serve Prasadam, and gradually people will come, more and more. That is the program. And you are both sincere students, and very intelligent boys, and Krishna will supply you all facility for your preaching work if you try sincerely|Hold kirtana and serve Prasadam, and gradually people will come, more and more. That is the program. And you are both sincere students, and very intelligent boys, and Krishna will supply you all facility for your preaching work if you try sincerely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740313CC.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_society_is_a_bhakta-sanga,_is_a_society_of_devotees._Never_try_to_go_away._Never_try_to_go_away._Discrepancies_there_may_be._You_should_adjust|Our Krsna consciousness society is a bhakta-sanga, is a society of devotees. Never try to go away. Never try to go away. Discrepancies there may be. You should adjust.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Just one good soul fully developed and firmly convinced in preaching Krishna Consciousness can reclaim so many fallen souls for going back to home, back to Godhead| Just one good soul fully developed and firmly convinced in preaching Krishna Consciousness can reclaim so many fallen souls for going back to home, back to Godhead. And the best way to prepare such Krishna Conscious souls is to train them to up from their birth to follow the principles of Krishna Consciousness. This is possible by good association of devotee parents.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740313CC.VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_spiritual_master_or_the_father,_he_does_not_become_envious._He_feels_himself_very,_very_happy,_that_%22This_boy_has_advanced_more_than_me.%22_This_is_spiritual_master%27s_position|The spiritual master or the father, he does not become envious. He feels himself very, very happy, that "This boy has advanced more than me." This is spiritual master's position.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers|At present, you patiently work there and get as much money as possible for developing New Vrindaban. As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of you income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740314mw.vrn_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nobody_will_be_unemployed._Everyone_should_be_trained_up_to_sleep_six_to_eight_hours_and_attend_meeting,_chant,_and_arati._And_balance_-_he_must_work_hard._Not_that_sleeping_unlimitedly._There_is_no_limit|Nobody will be unemployed. Everyone should be trained up to sleep six to eight hours and attend meeting, chant, and arati. And balance - he must work hard. Not that sleeping unlimitedly. There is no limit.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad to know that your pen is inspired to create, because we are in need of many intelligent writers who can express our Krishna consciousness philosophy nicely|I am very glad to know that your pen is inspired to create, because we are in need of many intelligent writers who can express our Krishna consciousness philosophy nicely just following exactly the transcendental words and purports of our vast Vedic scriptures according to the previous Acaryas of our Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya. And if you continue to work in this writing and publishing of our literatures with steady enthusiasm and sincerity, your success in Krishna Consciousness is certain.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740317SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_write_books_about_Krsna,_if_you_read_books_about_Krsna,_if_you_talk_about_Krsna,_you_think_of_Krsna,_you_worship_Krsna,_you_cook_for_Krsna,_you_eat_for_Krsna_-_so_that_is_krsna-kirtana|If you write books about Krsna, if you read books about Krsna, if you talk about Krsna, you think of Krsna, you worship Krsna, you cook for Krsna, you eat for Krsna - so that is krsna-kirtana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Krsna the right to exact income tax? He is supplying you so many things. Government, what government is supplying? Krsna is supplying you sunlight, moonlight, air and food|You should sacrifice the major portion of your income to the Supreme. If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Kṛṣṇa the right to exact income tax? He is supplying you so many things. Government, what government is supplying? Kṛṣṇa is supplying you sunlight. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you moonlight. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you air. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you food. Nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān. Kṛṣṇa is fulfilling all your desires. And don't you like to give Him some tax? (laughter)}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740322BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_any_of_the_disciples_in_the_succession_distort_the_knowledge,_then_it_is_lost|As soon as any of the disciples in the succession distort the knowledge, then it is lost.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society|I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society. I wish to impress upon the delegates who will internationally join the Congress for Culturing Human spirit at Japan about the necessity of an international movement for this purpose in cooperation of all the enlightened people of the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740323BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Real_problem_is_how_to_stop_death%2C_how_to_stop_birth%2C_how_to_stop_old_age%2C_and_how_to_stop_disease._That_is_real_problem._That_can_be_done_when_you_are_liberated_from_this_material_world._This_is_our_problem|Real problem is how to stop death, how to stop birth, how to stop old age, and how to stop disease. That is real problem. That can be done when you are liberated from this material world. This is our problem.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This material nature is very powerful. You cannot protect from the onslaught of material nature. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja advising us that you try to achieve the permanent. The permanent is the soul. God is permanent|This material nature is very powerful. You cannot protect from the onslaught of material nature. Therefore Prahlāda Mahārāja advising us that you try to achieve the permanent. The permanent is the soul. God is permanent. And there is a world, a sky, which is also permanent. So why not transfer yourself to that permanent sky, permanent association, permanent life, permanent supreme knowledge? What we are seeking here in imperfectness?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740325BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_have_got_one_rupee,_if_you_take_one_anna,_then_it_is_fifteen_annas._Or_if_you_take_two_annas,_it_is_fourteen_annas._If_you_take_sixteen_annas,_it_becomes_zero._But_Krsna_is_not_like_that._He_can_expand_Himself_unlimited_forms|If you have got one rupee, if you take one anna, then it is fifteen annas. Or if you take two annas, it is fourteen annas. If you take sixteen annas, it becomes zero. But Krsna is not like that. He can expand Himself unlimited forms.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gita as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes|The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gītā as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes. As I explained yesterday, last night, yānti deva-vratā devān BG 9.25 . If he likes, he can go to the planets of the demigods, to the Pitrloka, he can remain here, or if he likes, he can go to the planet of Kṛṣṇa. He has got this freedom.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_frying_pan_to_the_fire|From frying pan to the fire.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences|I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences. I know you are already advanced in this type of Krishna Consciousness, and Krishna will give you intelligence more and more, but you stick to this principle as you have taken your life's vow to improve BTG. That is my request.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327BG.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_bhakti_definition._When_one_becomes_freed_from_all_designation._%22I_am_American.%22_This_is_designation._%22I_am_Indian.%22_This_is_designation._%22I_am_brahmana.%22_This_is_designation._%22I_am_ksatriya.%22_This_is_designation|This is bhakti definition. When one becomes freed from all designation. "I am American." This is designation. "I am Indian." This is designation. "I am brahmana." This is designation. "I am ksatriya." This is designation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding printing of KRSNA on the cover and Title, it should not be "KRSNA Book," but it should be "KRSNA" in large type on the first line, that is the Title, and on the second line, by way of adjective, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead"|Regarding printing of KRSNA on the cover and Title, it should not be "KRSNA Book," but it should be "KRSNA" in large type on the first line, that is the Title, and on the second line, by way of adjective, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead" should be printed in smaller type.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327BG.BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_did_not_come_to_establish_the_so-called_Hindu_religion_or_Muslim_religion_or_Christian_religion._No._He_came_to_establish_real_religion._Real_religion_means_we_have_to_submit,_surrender_to_the_real_person|Krsna did not come to establish the so-called Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion. No. He came to establish real religion. Real religion means we have to submit, surrender to the real person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govinda & Sadanandini for their being united in Krishna Conscious service. When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, I wanted her to get married with a nice boy, and I am happy that he is chosen for this purpose by Krishna|Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govinda and Sadanandini for their being united in Krishna Conscious service. When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, I wanted her to get married with a nice boy, and I am happy that Jaya Govinda is chosen for this purpose by Krishna. So I think they are very nice combination, and let them work jointly with great enthusiasm. I think both you and Sivananda should marry some German girls if they are Krishna conscious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327BG.BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_surrendering,_but_we_are_not_surrendering_to_Krsna._This_is_the_disease._This_is_the_disease._And_Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_cure_this_disease|We are surrendering, but we are not surrendering to Krsna. This is the disease. This is the disease. And Krsna consciousness movement means to cure this disease.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim|Deity worship means to be very, very clean. You should try to bathe twice daily. The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim. Be sure that your hands are clean before touching anything on the altar or the Deities. And cleanse the Deity room, altar and floor daily thoroughly.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740329BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_supervision_of_the_external_energy,_and_superior_superintendent,_we_are_transferred_to_a_different_body_by_the_subtle_body|By the supervision of the external energy, and superior superintendent, we are transferred to a different body by the subtle body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|For the present we should finish the pictures for KRSNA first. Then, if there is opportunity, they can print pictures for NOD. Both are required, but most important is KRSNA. It is better to have pictures in all our books, as many as possible|Regarding your question about the art department, for the present we should finish the pictures for KRSNA first. Then, if there is opportunity, they can print pictures for Nectar of Devotion. Both are required, but most important is KRSNA. It is better to have pictures in all our books, as many as possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740329BG.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Deity_of_Krsna_should_be_seen._That_is_the_benefit_of_the_eyes._The_ears_should_be_engaged_hearing_about_Krsna._The_tongue_should_be_engaged_for_eating_Krsna%27s_remnants_of_foodstuff,_prasadam|Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them|Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740406BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_want_to_stop_this_miserable_condition_of_getting_another_material_body,_then_we_must_know_what_is_karma,_what_is_vikarma._That_is_Krsna%27s_proposal|If we want to stop this miserable condition of getting another material body, then we must know what is karma, what is vikarma. That is Krsna's proposal.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want seven temples there (in New Vrndavana). That scheme was submitted long ago. That will be beautiful and pleasing. Many people will go and it will become an important place for holiday excursion|The fees from membership are divided 50% to my Book Fund and 50% to the Building Fund, so if this program is vigorously pushed, we get enough money for the New Vrndavana scheme. I want seven temples there. That scheme was submitted long ago. That will be beautiful and pleasing. Many people will go and it will become an important place for holiday excursion.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740407BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_becoming_leaders._So_what_kind_of_leader%3F_Andha_yathandhair_upaniyamanah._One_blind_man_is_leading_several_other_blind_men._So_what_will_be_the_result%3F_The_result_must_be_disaster._That_is_being_done|They are becoming leaders. So what kind of leader? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. One blind man is leading several other blind men. So what will be the result? The result must be disaster. That is being done.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord Krishna's lotus feet and thus my Guru Maharaja will be so pleased upon you|My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord Krishna's lotus feet and thus my Guru Maharaja will be so pleased upon you. Certainly my Guru Maharaja will bestow His blessings thousand times more than me and that is my satisfaction. All Glories to the assembled devotees.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740408BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_wants_to_understand_something_about_Bhagavad-gita,_about_the_spiritual_movement,_he_may_consult_me|If one wants to understand something about Bhagavad-gita, about the spiritual movement, he may consult me.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"|Vṛndāvana they gave it very late. After one year, Vṛndāvana. Because the government doesn't want further development of Vṛndāvana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed." But now they have given up. They have purposefully kept so nasty. You have seen the city?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740410BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_you_should_eat_animals%3F_That_is_uncivilized_life._When_there_is_no_food,_when_they_are_aborigines,_they_may_eat_animals,_because_they_do_not_know_how_to_grow_food._But_when_the_human_society_becomes_civilized,_he_can_grow_so_many_nice_foods|Why you should eat animals? That is uncivilized life. When there is no food, when they are aborigines, they may eat animals, because they do not know how to grow food. But when the human society becomes civilized, he can grow so many nice foods.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader|For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader. This acceptance of leadership by one of the eternal associates of the Lord is not artificial. Do not therefore try it at present it will be automatically revealed to you in proper time.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740411BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_frying_pan_to_the_fire|From frying pan to the fire.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|From now on, I would like to speak only at very important engagements, and for most engagements, have my students preach. All of you must learn to preach; and for me, my most important preaching work is to finish up the Srimad-Bhagavatam|I want to sit down tightly with some assistants, and spend the rest of my time translating Srimad-Bhagavatam, and other books. And train students to do preaching work on the outside. So, from now on, I would like to speak only at very important engagements, and for most engagements, have my students preach. All of you must learn to preach; and for me, my most important preaching work is to finish up the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So, please try to make arrangement like this, as it is very important that my books be finished, as soon as possible.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740411BG.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_everyone_wants_to_become_friend_of_everyone|Krsna consciousness movement means everyone wants to become friend of everyone.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Impersonal bigness, they think it is very important. Actually, it has no value. Background is person. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that brahmano 'ham pratistha: "The impersonal Brahman, I am the cause. I am the source of impersonal Brahman"|Impersonal bigness, they think it is very important. Actually, it has no value. Background is person. Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā that brahmaṇo 'haṁ pratiṣṭha: "The impersonal Brahman, I am the cause. I am the source of impersonal Brahman."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740417BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu,_there_is_a_story..._Not_story._Fact._It_is_described_there_that_one_brahmana_-_he_was_a_great_devotee_-_he_wanted_to_offer_very_brilliant_service,_arcana,_in_the_temple_worship._But_he_had_no_money|In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money - there is no scarcity|Your letter dated March 18th by special delivery is in hand and it is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money—there is no scarcity.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740418PC.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_to_go_back_to_the_spiritual_world,_not_that_we_remain_in_the_material_world_and_change_body_from_bad_to_worse_or_worse_to_good._That_is_not_our_business|Our business is to go back to the spiritual world, not that we remain in the material world and change body from bad to worse or worse to good. That is not our business.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful|I have conveyed the letter to Gargamuni after learning from it that you have lost your original set of japa beads and request me to chant on these. So I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful. Now be sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteen rounds daily without fail, avoiding the ten offenses to the Holy Name, and thus advance in spiritual strength.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740427BG.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mind_cannot_be_detached._We_have_got_so_many_desires._So_mind%27s_business_-_to_become_attached._Therefore,_I_accept_something,_I_reject_something._This_is_mind%27s_business._So_you_cannot_become_zero,_you_cannot_become_desireless._That_is_not_possible|Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|About the "guru" living next door, as well as other so-called sadhus in Fiji, why be disturbed by them? Simply go on with your preaching work with determination. Sincere people will be attracted by the purity of your message|About the "guru" living next door, as well as other so-called sadhus in Fiji, why be disturbed by them? Simply go on with your preaching work with determination. Sincere people will be attracted by the purity of your message. And if that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740528MW.ROM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_animal_propensity_-_he_is_seeing_his_wife_daily_naked,_and_still_he_is_going_to_see_naked_dance,_and_paying_some_fees._Because_they_have_no_engagement_except_this_animalism._Is_it_not%3F|The animal propensity - he is seeing his wife daily naked, and still he is going to see naked dance, and paying some fees. Because they have no engagement except this animalism. Is it not?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?|If that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740528mw.rom_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_thief|Alexander and the thief.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please impress on him (Prabhupada dasa Adhikari) that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga|I have also accepted one devotee, Prabhupada dasa Adhikari, for second initiation, upon your recommendation. Please impress on him that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740604RC.GEN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_truth_is_that_this_body_is_formed_on_the_basis_of_that_spiritual_spark._That_is_the_truth|The truth is that this body is formed on the basis of that spiritual spark. That is the truth.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna's another name is Madan-Mohan. When Krishna is within the heart, then the Madan or lusty desires become defeated. If we learn to love Krishna, our lusty desires will be finished, otherwise not|You also mentioned that how can I give up attraction for woman; when you learn to love Krishna, then you can forget your lusty desires for women. Krishna's another name is Madan-Mohan. When Krishna is within the heart, then the Madan or lusty desires become defeated. If we learn to love Krishna, our lusty desires will be finished, otherwise not.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740604SB.GEN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yamaraja_is_one_of_the_GBC_of_Krsna._Yes._As_we_have_got_twelve_GBC%27s,_similarly_Krsna_has_got_GBC%27s|Yamaraja is one of the GBC of Krsna. Yes. As we have got twelve GBC's, similarly Krsna has got GBC's.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless|Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606LE.GEN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_old_man._I_will_die._If_they_take_it_seriously,_it_will_go_on,_and_there_will_be_revolution._Because_we_are_not_working_whimsically,_capriciously._We_are_taking_authoritative_version_from_the_sastra|I am old man. I will die. If they take it seriously, it will go on, and there will be revolution. Because we are not working whimsically, capriciously. We are taking authoritative version from the sastra.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters|It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606LE.GEN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Vedic_civilization_is_varnasrama-dharma._If_the_varnasrama-dharma_is_not_properly_protected,_then_there_will_be_population_who_are_called_varna-sankara,_mixed_population|The Vedic civilization is varnasrama-dharma. If the varnasrama-dharma is not properly protected, then there will be population who are called varna-sankara, mixed population.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work|I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740611R2.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gita says that they are trying to be happy in what sense?|Now you are trying to be happy by your work. Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gītā says that they are trying to be happy in what sense? They're trying to be happy with the body for sense gratification. But how long you shall be able to satisfy your senses?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614MW.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_make_your_society_so_strong_that_you_be_not_cheated,_and_others_may_not_cheat._Then_it_will_be_first-class._And_if_you_make_another_society_of_cheaters_and_cheated,_there_is_no_profit|You make your society so strong that you be not cheated, and others may not cheat. Then it will be first-class. And if you make another society of cheaters and cheated, there is no profit.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the singing of the prayers to the Spiritual Master is concerned, there is no limitation on how many times it is sung. But it should be done three times daily, and morning it is required|So far the singing of the prayers to the Spiritual Master is concerned, there is no limitation on how many times it is sung. But it should be done three times daily, and morning it is required. Yes, you may say this prayer at noon Prasadam if it is possible, and sing again in the evening. And you may sing other prayers as you learn them also.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614SB.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_story_of_the_learned_scholar_and_the_boatman|The story of the learned scholar and the boatman.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and skepticism. That is the process|I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and skepticism. That is the process. Even there may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740616BG.GER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Vedic_civilization,_there_are_four_divisions_of_the_society._Everywhere_the_same_divisions_are_there_all_over_the_world._This_is_very_natural._Just_like_we_can_study_from_our_own_body,_there_is_head,_there_is_arm,_there_is_belly|According to Vedic civilization, there are four divisions of the society. Everywhere the same divisions are there all over the world. This is very natural. Just like we can study from our own body, there is head, there is arm, there is belly.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself|Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740616BG.GER_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_proud_of_possessing_a_few_acres_of_land,_and_Bhagavan_means_who_is_the_proprietor_of_the_whole_universe._Therefore_He_is_considered_the_richest._Similarly,_He_is_considered_the_strongest._And_similarly,_He_is_considered_the_wisest|We are proud of possessing a few acres of land, and Bhagavan means who is the proprietor of the whole universe. Therefore He is considered the richest. Similarly, He is considered the strongest. And similarly, He is considered the wisest.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we give the job to others for distributing all our books, then where is the opportunity for our students to canvass all the citizens to purchase our books to give them good training how to preach?|Because our business is to engage many men in the devotional service of Krsna, then if we give the job to others for distributing all our books, then where is the opportunity for our students to canvass all the citizens to purchase our books to give them good training how to preach? I think Macmillan wants "exclusive" rights to distribute, but we must be allowed to sell our own books, otherwise where is the preaching?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740619RC.GER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Christian_method,_the_offering_prayer._That_is_bhakti,_that_is_bhakti|Christian method, the offering prayer. That is bhakti, that is bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me|I am glad to report that I am now translating nightly and each day Shyamsundar types the tape and Pradyumna is editing Sanskrit, so we shall be sending more and more material because you say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sruti_means_by_hearing_from_the_Supreme._So_our_process_is_sruti._Sruti_means_we_hear_from_the_highest_authority._That_is_our_process,_and_that_is_very_easy|Sruti means by hearing from the Supreme. So our process is sruti. Sruti means we hear from the highest authority. That is our process, and that is very easy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that my disciples like you and others should take this task very seriously to give the world the access to this great treasure of Vaisnava literature by producing innumerable books and small booklets|Yes, you are correct to say that "It is all nectar," everything having relation with Krishna or Lord Chaitanya is nectarine and our literatures in our line of Vaisnava acharyas is so nice that there is no comparison anywhere in the world for it, so I want that my disciples like you and others should take this task very seriously to give the world the access to this great treasure of Vaisnava literature by producing innumerable books and small booklets, and that force of literary influence will change everything and save the people from their miserable condition and corrupt status of life.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_take_birth_either_as_a_dog_or_as_a_king,_the_distress_is_the_same._There_is_no_difference_because_the_dog_has_to_keep_itself_within_the_womb_of_the_mother_in_an_airtight_condition_for_so_many_months|To take birth either as a dog or as a king, the distress is the same. There is no difference because the dog has to keep itself within the womb of the mother in an airtight condition for so many months.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them|I am very glad to hear from you that you have got a nice new temple there, which is also large, and that in general everything at New Orleans Center is progressing well under your supervision. I am very much satisfied. I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip1a.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_my_mother_would_not_have_been_little_strict,_I_would_not_have_gotten_any_education._My_father_was_very_lenient._So_she_used_to_force_me._One_man_would_take_me_to_school|If my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Krsna consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences|Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences, I know. You are coming from a country where material conveniences are greater.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_the_beginning_of_this_body_within_the_womb_of_the_mother,_it_is_simply_troublesome._Against_my_will_so_many_distresses_are_there,_so_many_distresses_there._Then_as_you_grow,_the_distress_grow,_grow|From the beginning of this body within the womb of the mother, it is simply troublesome. Against my will so many distresses are there, so many distresses there. Then as you grow, the distress grow, grow.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sleeping and eating, this is the material disease. Sleeping, eating, mating... So they should be reduced as much as possible|You have to spend two hours for Kṛṣṇa out of twenty-four...sleeping and eating, this is the material disease. Sleeping, eating, mating... So they should be reduced as much as possible... you can sleep till you are refreshed. Somebody's refreshed by sleeping four hours. Somebody is refreshed by sleeping ten hours.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Combination_of_earth,_water,_air,_fire,_ether,_mind,_intelligence,_ego_-_eight_material_elements,_five_gross_and_three_subtle._This_body_is_made_of_that._So_the_Buddha_philosophy_is_that_you_dismantle_this_body,_nirvana|Combination of earth, water, air, fire, ether, mind, intelligence, ego - eight material elements, five gross and three subtle. This body is made of that. So the Buddha philosophy is that you dismantle this body, nirvana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope|Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope. Besides that, if the Sankirtana party is nicely organized, we can have demonstration for public. I do not know how far we shall be successful, but we must find out a source of our income.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_packed_up._Just_like_this_body_is_packed_up_with_shirt_and_coat,_so_the_coat_is_the_gross_body,_and_the_shirt_is_the_subtle_body._So_when_this_gross_body_is_resting,_the_subtle_body_is_working|We are packed up. Just like this body is packed up with shirt and coat, so the coat is the gross body, and the shirt is the subtle body. So when this gross body is resting, the subtle body is working.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 months, and sit down in a nice place for the balance 6 months, for training boys and girls as well as editing our publications|My future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 months, and sit down in a nice place for the balance 6 months, for training boys and girls as well as editing our publications. You consult with Brahmananda and he may consult with Mr. Kallman how this program may be given real shape.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Napoleon_constructed_strong-built_arches,_but_where_he_has_gone,_nobody_knows|Napoleon constructed strong-built arches, but where he has gone, nobody knows.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your illness - so long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can|I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 20, 1968, regarding your illness. So long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can. I am forwarding your letter to Brahmananda for taking care of your hospital charges; I do not know just what arrangements can be made, but Brahmananda will think how to take care of it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621BG.GER_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_a_rabbit._Enemy_is_in_his_front,_and_he_is_going_to_die,_but_he_thinks,_%22Let_me_close_my_eyes._I_am_out_of_danger.%22_This_is_atheistic_view|Just like a rabbit. Enemy is in his front, and he is going to die, but he thinks, "Let me close my eyes. I am out of danger." This is atheistic view.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily|The first question is, "What is the practice you preach?" Yes. We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily. So our preaching is to reinstate the living soul to his original condition.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629B2-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Present_life_means_so_long_we_possess_this_material_body,_it_is_full_of_inauspicity|Present life means so long we possess this material body, it is full of inauspicity.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|My standing request is this: Amongst yourselves there should not be any disagreement. Whatever you do, do it by joint consultation. Because our center of activities is Krsna, for His sake we can sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence, everything|my standing request is this: Amongst yourselves there should not be any disagreement. Whatever you do, you do it by joint consultation. Because our center of activities is Krishna, for Krishna's sake we can sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence, everything. Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629B2-MEL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_you_are_eternal,_you_are_not_meant_for_death,_but_nature_is_forcing_you,_Must_die|Because you are eternal, you are not meant for death, but nature is forcing you, Must die.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.|...to your health for rendering service to Krishna with more energy, then you must take such Prasdam instead of cooked food. If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629B2-MEL_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_asking_all_us,_all_rascals,_that,_%E2%80%9CYou_are_manufacturing_so_many_things_for_becoming_happy._You%E2%80%99ll_never_be_happy,_rest_assured._But_surrender_to_Me,_and_I_will_make_you_happy.%E2%80%9D_This_is_Krsna_consciousness,_that%E2%80%99s_all|Krsna is asking all us, all rascals, that, "You are manufacturing so many things for becoming happy. You'll never be happy, rest assured. But surrender to Me, and I will make you happy." This is Krsna consciousness, that's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point|Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when Krishna is within our view, at that time one is not disturbed even in the midst of gravest calamity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740701RC.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_very_humorous_story_that_one_man..._He_was_a_yogi|There is a very humorous story that one man... He was a yogi.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sense gratification means unlawful sex life. Sex life is not sense gratification . . . unlawful sex life is sense gratification. If there is no need of sex life and one uses sex life anyway, that is sense gratification|Sense gratification means unlawful sex life. Sex life is not sense gratification . . . unlawful sex life is sense gratification. If there is no need of sex life and one uses sex life anyway, that is sense gratification. But when there is need of sex life, that is not sense gratification. Never think that the devotee is impotent and is obliged to become free from sex life. If required they can take to sex life 1000 times. Otherwise, if there is no need for it, they have no use for it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740704SB.CHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_blunt_material_eyes,_he_cannot_see_Krsna,_or_cannot_hear_Krsna%27s_name,_namadi._Nama_means_name._Nama_means_name,_form,_quality,_pastime._These_things_cannot_be_understood_by_your_material_blunt_eyes_or_senses|This blunt material eyes, he cannot see Krsna, or cannot hear Krsna's name, namadi. Nama means name. Nama means name, form, quality, pastime. These things cannot be understood by your material blunt eyes or senses.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One thing, I am drawing the attention of all the GBC that London affairs are not going very nicely. Of course it is improved since Mukunda has taken charge. The GBC should keep watch over London affairs. It is one of the most important centers of ISKCON|One thing, I am drawing the attention of all the GBC that London affairs are not going very nicely. Of course it is improved since Mukunda has taken charge. The GBC should keep watch over London affairs. It is one of the most important centers of ISKCON.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740704SB.CHI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_can_see_twenty-four_hours_Krsna,_within_and_without,_then_the_that_is_the_end_of_all_tapasya|If you can see twenty-four hours Krsna, within and without, then the that is the end of all tapasya.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The public is somewhat conservative and still there is some police harrassment, but you are "going on with work undaunted." That should be followed. Haridas Thakur was harassed even by corporal punishment. Jesus Christ was killed|So the public is somewhat conservative and still there is some police harrassment, but you are “going on with work undaunted.” That should be followed. Haridas Thakur was harassed even by corporal punishment. Jesus Christ was killed. Nityananda Prabhu was injured by Jagai and Madai. But still preaching never stopped. We are delivering the genuine goods to the human society on behalf of God, Krishna. If someone wants to check us, it is for the time being only and not permanent situation because no material circumstances can permanently hamper devotional service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740705SB.CHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending|I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 13, 1972, and I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740803SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_vaisya_will_find_out_some_business._He%27ll_find_out_some_business._So_there_is_a_practical_story|A vaisya will find out some business. He'll find out some business. So there is a practical story.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed|Yes, your study program is nice. By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed. I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don't you write something for Back to Godhead?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740804SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_business_of_the_disciple,_how_to_glorify_the_spiritual_master,_parampara._I_glorify_my_spiritual_master,_you_glorify_your_spiritual_master._If_we_simply_do_that,_glorify,_then_Krsna_is_glorified|This is the business of the disciple, how to glorify the spiritual master, parampara. I glorify my spiritual master, you glorify your spiritual master. If we simply do that, glorify, then Krsna is glorified.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere|Why should the parents not feel attachment for their children, that is natural. But our affection is not simply sentimental, we offer our children the highest opportunity to become trained up in Krsna consciousness very early so as to assure their success in this life to go back to Godhead for sure. That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere. So I think that you are intelligent girl, and you can explain it to others in this way.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740811BG.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_not_manufacturing_the_words_%22foolish%22_and_%22rascal.%22_It_is_said_by_Krsna|I am not manufacturing the words "foolish" and "rascal." It is said by Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Radio and T.V. programs are alright if we can introduce our literature, like Bhagavad-gita, etc., otherwise there is so much nonsense on the media|Radio and T.V. programs are alright if we can introduce our literature, like Bhagavad-gita, etc., otherwise there is so much nonsense on the media that they will forget quickly what they see and hear.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740811SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_the_only_movement_-_I_can_declare_very_proudly_-_which_can_actually_do_some_benefit_to_the_human_society|Our Krsna consciousness movement is the only movement - I can declare very proudly - which can actually do some benefit to the human society.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are simply presenting the truth, which is that outside of Krsna Consciousness there is no hope for betterment of the troubled conditions of modern affairs, rather they are going to hell without check|You are in the nation's capital and if you can get support it will be grand preaching for our movement. Anyway, we are simply presenting the truth, which is that outside of Krsna Consciousness there is no hope for betterment of the troubled conditions of modern affairs, rather they are going to hell without check.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740814SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_work_for_Krsna%27s_sense_gratification_and_to_work_for_one%27s_own_sense_gratification,_this_transformation_change,_this_changing_process,_is_called_bhakti._Process_is_the_same,_simply_account_should_be_changed|To work for Krsna's sense gratification and to work for one's own sense gratification, this transformation change, this changing process, is called bhakti. Process is the same, simply account should be changed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver|We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740927AR.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Go_on_cooperating_in_this_way,_and_I_am_sure_this_mission_of_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_will_be_successful._It_must_be_successful_because_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_wanted_it_to_be_done|Go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be successful. It must be successful because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted it to be done.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am speaking to you of my personal experience how this eagerness of hearing is a very important thing|I am speaking of you of my personal experience how this eagerness of hearing is a very important thing. When I first met my spiritual master in 1922. Then for several years I was out of Calcutta and I could not meet him. Again next meeting was in 1933. So at that time I was simply inquiring from other disciples of my spiritual master. At that time I was not disciple. "So when His Holiness will speak?" So this information was noted by my spiritual master, and he was pleased to accept me immediately, that "This boy is very nice. He's very inquisitive to hear. He does not go away."}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740927AR.MAY_complete.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_was_the_desire_of_Srila_Bhaktivinoda_Thakura_that_Europeans_and_Americans_would_come_here_%28Mayapur_dhama%29_and_chant_Hare_Krsna_mantra._That_prophecy_is_now_being_fulfilled,_and_that_is_my_satisfaction|It was the desire of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura that Europeans and Americans would come here (Mayapur dhama) and chant Hare Krsna mantra. That prophecy is now being fulfilled, and that is my satisfaction.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If anyone becomes spiritually advanced, the agents of maya will criticize. So therefore you have to become tolerant|As soon as you take up spiritual life, the whole class conducted by māyā, they will be against you. That is māyā's influence. Somebody will criticize. Somebody will do this, somebody will do that, but we shall... We have to become tolerant. This is the disease of this material world. If anyone becomes spiritually advanced, the agents of māyā will criticize. So therefore you have to become tolerant.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740930SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Western_world,_there_is_no_such_thought_%28as_in_my_books%29._They_agree._So_why_it_is_revolutionary%3F_Because_there_is_an_attempt_to_glorify_Krsna,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead._Nothing_more._There_is_no_literary_career|In the Western world, there is no such thought (as in my books). They agree. So why it is revolutionary? Because there is an attempt to glorify Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Nothing more. There is no literary career.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful|Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful and let me know the outcome.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741005SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_test_tube_is:_if_one_does_not_know_Krsna,_if_one_does_not_know_how_to_follow_Bhagavad-gita,_we_immediately_take_him_as_a_rascal._That%27s_all|Our test tube is: if one does not know Krsna, if one does not know how to follow Bhagavad-gita, we immediately take him as a rascal. That's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Because it is Vrindaban, those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindaban, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Goswami|Because it is Vrindaban, those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindaban, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Goswami. I want that those who come here, whether grhasthas or sannyasis, behave on the level of real goswamis. Goswami means controlling the senses and always glorifying Krsna by varieties of engagement in devotional service 24 hours a day.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741016SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things|As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things. So far cooking and preparing, that should be strictly limited to the initiated devotees. And aside from this, vinegar is not good; it is tamasic, in the darkness, nasty food. So I think we shall not accept this pickles.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741022SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India|So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India, and they have natural delivery. But so far your country is concerned, and especially the situation of the women here, that is a different thing. I cannot say definitely what is to be done. And under the circumstances, the best thing is to consult a doctor as they usually do.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741028SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_become_fixed_up_in_this_resolution,_that_%22Whatever_we_have_heard_from_my_guru,_the_representative_of_Krsna,_I_must_execute._I_do_not_care_for_my_personal_convenience_or_inconvenience._This_is_my_life_and_soul,%22_then_your_life_is_perfect|If we become fixed up in this resolution, that "Whatever we have heard from my guru, the representative of Krsna, I must execute. I do not care for my personal convenience or inconvenience. This is my life and soul," then your life is perfect.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers|I am also very much concerned about you health; I have written Hayagriva in this connection. But I do not know what could be the cause of this illness. Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741028SB.MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_sometimes_became_sick_and_nobody_could_cure_Him|Krsna sometimes became sick and nobody could cure Him.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Washington is the capitol of the U.S.A., so your center should be just befitting the position of Washington|Do not feel inferior complexity. When Krsna will give you chance, you will do more than others are doing. But whatever you do, do it nicely in Krsna's service, and Krsna will bless you. Washington is the capitol of the U.S.A., so your center should be just befitting the position of Washington.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741101SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Personally_one_can_understand_how_much_he_is_advanced_in_spiritual_life._Spiritual_life_does_not_mean_that_a_sannyasi_is_smoking_and_drinking_tea,_one_gallon_of_tea._That_is_not_spiritual_life|Personally one can understand how much he is advanced in spiritual life. Spiritual life does not mean that a sannyasi is smoking and drinking tea, one gallon of tea. That is not spiritual life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple - all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party|In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple—all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us. So whatever progress we are making by the grace of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, we must stick to them and make further progress.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741112SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_they_are_creating_a_society_of_swans,_not_of_crows|Krsna consciousness movement means they are creating a society of swans, not of crows.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness|Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness, they have given up everything and rapidly progressed toward spiritual realization.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741116SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_saw_one_hotel_man_in_Calcutta_cutting_the_throat_of_a_chicken:_he_was_laughing_and_his_son_was_crying|I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken: he was laughing and his son was crying.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as your taking initiation from Brahmananda Maharaja, I have no objection, but it is the etiquette that in the presence of one's Spiritual Master, one does not accept disciples|So far as your taking initiation from Brahmananda Maharaja, I have no objection, but it is the etiquette that in the presence of one's Spiritual Master, one does not accept disciples. In this connection, Swami Brahmananda may write me and I will instruct him.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741118SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_story_in_Sanskrit,_udarendriyanam._Udarendriyanam._There_was_a_meeting_of_all_the_parts_of_the_senses,_that,_%22We_are_working,_and_the_stomach_is_sitting_idly,_and_he_is_simply_eating._So_let_us_get_into_strike._We_shall_not_work.%22|There is a story in Sanskrit, udarendriyanam. Udarendriyanam. There was a meeting of all the parts of the senses, that, "We are working, and the stomach is sitting idly, and he is simply eating. So let us get into strike. We shall not work."]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In court when a person swears to tell the truth he can be punished by perjury if he does not take it seriously and tells a lie, Those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules & regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail|In court when a person swears to tell the truth he can be punished by perjury if he does not take it seriously and tells a lie, so those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules and regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail to do so. I am certain, however, that under your able guidance all the boys and girls are enthusiastic in their duties for Krsna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741126SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_take_this_Bhagavad-gita_book,_I_see_one_picture,_that_Krsna_is_so_kind_that_He_has_taken_the_chariot_driver,_sarathi,_of_Arjuna._He_is_His_devotee._So_Sri_Krsna_is_so_kind_that_He_can_accept_the_position_of_a_servant_because_Arjuna_was_ordering|When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration|We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration and who follow the Vaisnava principles.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741202SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_thief|Alexander and the thief.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead|This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741202SB.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_Thakura_voluntarily_made_himself_blind|Bilvamangala Thakura voluntarily made himself blind.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed|If there would have been no persons sitting here, simply myself speaking, there would have been no enjoyment. So enjoyment means variety. Without variety, without many things, there is no question of enjoyment. That is the original idea of enjoyment. So God became many. God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741202SB.BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bilvamangala_and_the_prostitute_Cintamani|Bilvamangala and the prostitute Cintamani.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Krsna. That supreme spirit is Krsna. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Krsna|Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Kṛṣṇa. That supreme spirit is Kṛṣṇa. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa can be in constantly companion with us. Because He's omnipotent, God is omnipotent, therefore He can be exactly in touch with us by His words. His words and He are not different.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741202SB.BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_doing_the_same_thing._When_we_go_to_God_we_ask_Him,_%22Kindly_give_me_the_bundle_on_my_head._My_family_become_may_happy._I_may_have_a_large_amount_of_money_to_enjoy_material_things.%22_We_ask_that._That_is_our_foolishness|We are doing the same thing. When we go to God we ask Him, "Kindly give me the bundle on my head. My family become may happy. I may have a large amount of money to enjoy material things." We ask that. That is our foolishness.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. These are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life|If by becoming a human being, he becomes an animal, if he thinks that he has become economical, that is not very sane conclusion. So godless means animal. The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. The mosque or temple or church, they are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741206SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism|You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism. The Lord may condemn the demons, but because the Vaisnavas are there, there is ample chance for the demons to become blessed by the devotees of the Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741206SB.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am anxious that we establish centers in major cities all over the globe, and Mexico City is certainly an important landmark|I am so glad to hear that you are now in L.A. discussing final plans for opening one center in Mexico City. That is very encouraging news. I am anxious that we establish centers in major cities all over the globe and Mexico City is certainly an important landmark.}}
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741207SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_mother_said,_%22My_dear_son,_we_are_so_poor,_we_cannot_give_anything._But_if_Krsna_gives,_He_is_dina-bandhu,_the_friend_of_the_poor._So_if_He_gives_something_to_you,_you_can_promise%22|The mother said, "My dear son, we are so poor, we cannot give anything. But if Krsna gives, He is dina-bandhu, the friend of the poor. So if He gives something to you, you can promise".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious, they are so nice|We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious, they are so nice. Also you should distribute the books to schools, colleges, libraries, bookstores, and wherever else you can imagine that they will be received. Also continue your program of door-to-door Sankirtana.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741207SB.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_got_hundreds_and_thousands_of_servants_who_I_haven%27t_got_to_pay._This_is_spiritual_relationship|I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero|I am so glad to hear your program is steadily expanding in St. Louis and how you are regularly making university engagements and are being so well received. Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero. Simply if they will add Krishna Consciousness to their curriculum all their endeavors will know perfection.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741212SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_is_not_applicable_anywhere_except_in_relationship_with_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead._That_is_bhakti|Bhakti is not applicable anywhere except in relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us|The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us. For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but they could not make arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741212SB.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_preaching,_glorifying,_or_speaking_about_the_Lord,_that_is_also_kirtana._And_performing_kirtana_as_we_do_here_in_the_temple,_with_mrdanga_and_karatala,_chanting,_that_is_also_kirtana|Simply preaching, glorifying, or speaking about the Lord, that is also kirtana. And performing kirtana as we do here in the temple, with mrdanga and karatala, chanting, that is also kirtana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us|This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us. Our program is to simply chant Hare Krishna, follow the regulative principles, and preach this philosophy without any adulteration. If we stick to this policy, then by our good example, people will see the potency of this great movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741218SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Shah_Jahan|Shah Jahan.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurun. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord|hat is the injunction of the śāstra, that one should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. So... Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurūn. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord. That is guru's business.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741223SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_begin_your_service_in_Krsna_consciousness,_that_is_perfect_service._That_is_perfect_life._So_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_raise_the_human_society_to_the_perfect_platform_of_rendering_service|When you begin your service in Krsna consciousness, that is perfect service. That is perfect life. So the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to raise the human society to the perfect platform of rendering service.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to organize Bombay as our world headquarters from every point of view, culturally, scientifically, philosophically|Thank you, yes, I am feeling a little stronger now. On the 28th instant I shall be moving into my new quarters and then we have to organize Bombay as our world headquarters from every point of view, culturally, scientifically, philosophically, etc.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741224SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad that you are repentant even for some action which is not sanctioned by me. This attitude is very nice and improves one in progressing on the path of devotional service|I am very glad that you are repentant even for some action which is not sanctioned by me. This attitude is very nice and improves one in progressing on the path of devotional service. The Rakhi Bandhan ceremony observed by you under instruction of Prasad isn't approved by our Vaisnava rituals. Of course, such ceremony is observed among the Hindu community as a socio-religious convention. But in our Vaisnava community there is no such observance. Now, forget the incidence, and in future don't be misled by some unauthorized person.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741224SB.BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Saguna_means...|Saguna means...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized|In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741224SB.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Saguna_means...|Saguna means...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever is being done, it is due to His Divine Grace only. So my business is just to carry out His order. That is the way of disciplic succession|Practically there is no credit for me, if there is any credit it goes to my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada, Who is helping me by sending so many good souls like you in this movement. Whatever is being done, it is due to His Divine Grace only. So my business is just to carry out His order. That is the way of disciplic succession; and as you have all come to help me, if you also follow the same principles then our combined effort to serve Lord Krishna will be surely successful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741225SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_we_hear_about_Krsna_attentively_and_try_to_assimilate_it,_then_the_purification_of_the_heart_begins|As soon as we hear about Krsna attentively and try to assimilate it, then the purification of the heart begins.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna|I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna. This is a great transcendental adventure. Try your best, and I am sure you will be successful. Formerly your forefathers, many European and American gentlemen, were courageous to go outside their country for colonization, and Australia is vivid example of such adventures. Now, by the grace of Krsna, yourself and Upendra, the descendants of your adventurous forefathers, have gone there with a great mission, and try to execute it to your best capacity.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118SB.HAW_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_dictated_that_%22You_are_sitting_here_%28in_Radha-Damodara_Temple%29_very_peacefully_without_any_botheration._No,_you_go_to_the_Western_countries._Teach_them%22|Krsna dictated that "You are sitting here (in Radha-Damodara Temple) very peacefully without any botheration. No, you go to the Western countries. Teach them".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven|You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven; but we shall be only very cautious about propagating our Sankirtana movement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740119SB.HAW_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Monkey%27s_business_is_simply_waste_of_time._He%27s_very_busy._You%27ll_find_always_busy._So_the_busy_fool_is_dangerous._There_are_four_classes_of_men:_lazy_intelligent,_busy_intelligent,_lazy_fool_and_busy_fool._So_first-class_man_is_lazy_intelligent|Monkey's business is simply waste of time. He's very busy. You'll find always busy. So the busy fool is dangerous. There are four classes of men: lazy intelligent, busy intelligent, lazy fool and busy fool. So first-class man is lazy intelligent.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Within this material world, everything is nonpermanent, temporary. Anything you take, it has got its creation, it stays for some time, it produces some by-products, then it grows, and then it dwindles, and then it vanishes|There is—we get this information from the Bhagavad-gītā— the kingdom of God, where everything is permanent. Within this material world, everything is nonpermanent, temporary. Anything you take, it has got its creation, it stays for some time, it produces some by-products, then it grows, and then it dwindles, and then it vanishes. Anything you take.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740120SB.HAW_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_not_accustomed,_they%27ll_become_mad_simply_by_chanting._It%27s_difficult._You_cannot_imitate_Haridasa_Thakura,_that_%22Now_I_shall_go_in_a_secluded_place_and_chant_Hare_Krsna.%22_It_is_not_possible,_sir|Those who are not accustomed, they'll become mad simply by chanting. It's difficult. You cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, that "Now I shall go in a secluded place and chant Hare Krsna." It is not possible, sir.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your book distribution program is very much encouraging to me. The more such literatures are read and distributed, the more auspicity will be there in the world. Please continue this program with ever-increasing enthusiasm|Your book distribution program is very much encouraging to me. The more such literatures are read and distributed, the more auspicity will be there in the world. Please continue this program with ever-increasing enthusiasm.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740121SB.HAW_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_surrender_to_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_that_is_religion._Not_only_surrender,_but_to_act_as_He_desires,_or_you_become_a_lover_of_God._This_is_first-class_religion|To surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is religion. Not only surrender, but to act as He desires, or you become a lover of God. This is first-class religion.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should not discuss the rasa-lila generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Krsna consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rasa-lila. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls|We should not discuss the rāsa-līlā generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Kṛṣṇa consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rāsa-līlā. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls, those who are liberated by devotional service. Actually, those who are engaged in devotional service, they are liberated. They are not within the material world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740219BG.BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Wherefrom_the_citric_acid_chemical_comes%3F_Because_the_living_entity%27s_there_in_the_tree._Therefore_the_conclusion_should_be_the_chemicals_come_from_life;_life_does_not_come_from_chemical|Wherefrom the citric acid chemical comes? Because the living entity's there in the tree. Therefore the conclusion should be the chemicals come from life; life does not come from chemical.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes, Srila Prabhupada, devotees want to know what your greatest pleasure would be, how you would want your disciples to...|Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Sometimes, Śrīla Prabhupāda, devotees want to know what your greatest pleasure would be. Prabhupāda: You all become full Kṛṣṇa conscious, cent percent Kṛṣṇa conscious.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740307CC.MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Radha-Krsna_lila_is_not_material._One_who_understands_Radha-Krsna_lila_as_material,_they_are_misled._Krsna_cannot_enjoy_anything_material|Radha-Krsna lila is not material. One who understands Radha-Krsna lila as material, they are misled. Krsna cannot enjoy anything material.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform|This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740321BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_spiritual_knowledge_is_this,_that_%22I_am_not_this_body.%22_Then_the_spiritual_knowledge_begins._Otherwise_there_is_no_possibility_of_spiritual_knowledge|First spiritual knowledge is this, that "I am not this body." Then the spiritual knowledge begins. Otherwise there is no possibility of spiritual knowledge.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That you always remember me indicates the greatness of character for which you were celebrated even in your previous asrama before joining the matha. But I am so unfortunate that I am unable to render any service to you|That you always remember me indicates the greatness of character for which you were celebrated even in your previous āśrama before joining the maṭha. But I am so unfortunate that I am unable to render any service to you. Therefore, please forgive my offences and discrepancies out of your magnanimous nature. You amply encouraged me at the time of the first printing of my Back to Godhead magazine. Though engaged in so many activities, you blessed my poor home by placing your foot dust in it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740402BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_purpose_of_Krsna_consciousness_movement:_wholesale,_thorough,_overhauling_of_the_human_society._We_have_not_manufactured_anything,_concocted_things._It_is_very_scientific|This is the purpose of Krsna consciousness movement: wholesale, thorough, overhauling of the human society. We have not manufactured anything, concocted things. It is very scientific.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Krsna. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion|Expansion is direct, and incarnation is indirect. When expansion of expansion is accepted, that is called kāla, incarnation, avatāra, kāla. So Advaita is not direct. The example is given in Brahma-saṁhitā. Just like you get one candle kindled from the first candle, another from the second, another from the third. So similarly, either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Kṛṣṇa. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion. It is not that Nityānanda is less powerful than Caitanya, or Advaita is less powerful than... No. Any incarnation or expansion has the same potency, Viṣṇu-tattva. The manifestation of potency is different.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740505NA-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_very_instructive_struggle_between_the_atheist_and_the_theist._This_story_of_Prahlada_Maharaja_is_eternally_true._There_is_always_a_struggle_between_the_atheist_and_the_theist|This is very instructive struggle between the atheist and the theist. This story of Prahlada Maharaja is eternally true. There is always a struggle between the atheist and the theist.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brahmana, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee|Guru-gṛha means teacher's house. Formerly, for being trained, there was no such big scale school and colleges. Every village... Still, fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brāhmaṇa, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee. The boys will go there, and on behalf of the teacher or spiritual master, they will go, brahmacārī, door to door, and beg and bring forth alms, rice, dahl, grains, and everything. That was the system.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740602SB-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_be_fully_conscious,_that_%22Everything_belongs_to_Krsna_and_nothing_to_us.%22_Then_Krsna_becomes_your_suhrt._He_takes_charge|You should be fully conscious, that "Everything belongs to Krsna and nothing to us." Then Krsna becomes your suhrt. He takes charge.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you accompany me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining New Vrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desires in the future|Regarding my going to London: If you accompany me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining New Vrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desires in the future. If the press is started in Vrindaban then certainly I shall have to stay there the major part of the time, at least for the summer season. In the near future I shall have to stick to the press work and publication work.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740603SB-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srimad-Bhagavatam_is_so_nice,_if_you_practice_anywhere,_any_condition,_simply_by_reading_Srimad-Bhagavatam,_you_will_be_happy._So_adopt_this_practice_and_make_your_spiritual_life_perfect_more_and_more|Srimad-Bhagavatam is so nice, if you practice anywhere, any condition, simply by reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, you will be happy. So adopt this practice and make your spiritual life perfect more and more.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting HK and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands|Because we are not pure, these thoughts of sense gratification are bound to come into our mind, but if we do not act on them and keep ourselves always engaged in Krishna conscious activities, they will have no effect. Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting Hare Krishna and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands, and gradually they will diminish. Krishna is like the sun, and Maya is like darkness. Where there is sun what is the question of darkness?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740607BG-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mukti_means_no_more_material_body._That_is_called_mukti._We_are_now_conditioned_by_this_material_body._In_the_material_world,_we_are_changing_one_body_after_another,_but_there_is_no_mukti._There_is_no_liberation|Mukti means no more material body. That is called mukti. We are now conditioned by this material body. In the material world, we are changing one body after another, but there is no mukti. There is no liberation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly|As far as separation of men and women in Bhaktivedanta Manor, that should be strictly observed in the main temple building; between single men and women there must be strict division and strict observance of no illicit sex. The householders may continue stay as they are in the cottage house, living peacefully as grhasthas. Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740609SB-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_love_the_soul._This_is_the_fact._This_is_atmavit,_atma-tattva-vit._And_why_I_love_soul%3F_Because_I_love_Krsna._Soul_is_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna._So_why_I_am_so_much_fond_of_soul%3F_Because_it_is_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna|I love the soul. This is the fact. This is atmavit, atma-tattva-vit. And why I love soul? Because I love Krsna. Soul is part and parcel of Krsna. So why I am so much fond of soul? Because it is part and parcel of Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|First of all show your capacity that you have managed these two things very nicely. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples|First of all show your capacity that you have managed these things very nicely, these two things. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples. Why should violate the purpose of the Trust? So first of all you manage these two things. Then, if you want, you can come. If the problem remains the same, then what is the use of increasing heads?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740802BG-VRNDAVANA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_we_have_got_this_body,_material_body,_we_must_be_unhappy._First_of_all,_we_must_try_to_understand_why_we_are_unhappy._We_are_unhappy_because_we_are_in_this_material_body|So long we have got this body, material body, we must be unhappy. First of all, we must try to understand why we are unhappy. We are unhappy because we are in this material body.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Vaisnava tantras are bona fide literatures, just like Narada-pancaratra, but not the atheistic tantra which have nothing to do with the Vedic literatures|Concerning your questions about tantric sastras; the Vaisnava tantras are bona fide literatures, just like Narada-pancaratra, but not the atheistic tantra which have nothing to do with the Vedic literatures.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740928SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Shortcut_of_%22demon-cracy%22_is_%22democracy.%22_All_the_demons_and_rogues,_they_gather_together,_somehow_or_other_votes,_and_occupy_the_seat,_and_the_business_is_plundering|Shortcut of "demon-cracy" is "democracy." All the demons and rogues, they gather together, somehow or other votes, and occupy the seat, and the business is plundering.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?|They are defying the existence of God and reading Bhagavad-gītā. This is the position. And if I go to the details, it may not be very palatable. But big, big leaders say like that. We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rāma-rājya, but without Rāma. How rāma-rājya will be there? So those who are leaders of the society, if they take seriously, India can be an ideal state. And you can set example to the whole world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741003SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_study_of_Krsna,_that_if_you_become_Krsna_conscious,_a_sincere_servant_of_Krsna,_don%27t_be_agitated_by_the_dangerous_condition_of_this_material_world._You_simply_depend_on_Krsna,_and_He%27ll_save_you|This is the study of Krsna, that if you become Krsna conscious, a sincere servant of Krsna, don't be agitated by the dangerous condition of this material world. You simply depend on Krsna, and He'll save you.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to note that you have got the highest estimation for Gita. I am just trying to present the conclusion of Gita to the world as it is and without any imperfect compromise with speculative interpretations|I am glad to note that you have got the highest estimation for Gita. I am just trying to present the conclusion of Gita to the world as it is and without any imperfect compromise with speculative interpretations. We have to learn the lessons of Gita from the authorized disciplic succession as it is advised there in the book (4th Ch.). Unfortunately every one not in that line tries to explain Gita in his own way and this process has misguided the people. We have to counteract this disruptive tendency and put them at right.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741010SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_available_so_cheaply_for_the_people,_especially_kalau,_in_this_age_of_Kali._Still,_we_are_reluctant_to_chant_the_holy_name|Krsna is available so cheaply for the people, especially kalau, in this age of Kali. Still, we are reluctant to chant the holy name.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The difference between animal society & human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, trained and educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul|Human society is not animal society. The difference between animal society and human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, if he is given training, if he is educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741012SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_has_nothing_to_do._He_is_self-sufficient._Neither_He_has_got_any_aspiration|God has nothing to do. He is self-sufficient. Neither He has got any aspiration.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch & the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and are attending meetings regularly|On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch and the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and they are attending meetings regularly. I think similarly Jagannatha should immediately be installed in New York. If some of you who may know carpentary work can engrave such deity, as Syamasundara has done here, I can give you the model.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741102SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Kovida_means_intelligent,_very_intelligent_person._So_what_should_he_try_for%3F_Tasyaiva_hetoh:_to_get_shelter_at_the_lotus_feet_of_Krsna._Human_life_should_only_endeavor_how_to_get_in_touch_of_the_lotus_feet_of_Krsna._That_should_be_the_only_one_business|Kovida means intelligent, very intelligent person. So what should he try for? Tasyaiva hetoh: to get shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna. Human life should only endeavor how to get in touch of the lotus feet of Krsna. That should be the only one business.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title|I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title. I will have $5000.00 from here and shall be glad to know how much you can contribute so that I can take up the work. I wish that you may contribute the balance either by selling my books (Srimad-Bhagavatam) or by raising funds.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741116SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Cleanliness_is_next_to_godliness._Actually,_our_material_conditioned_life_means_the_mind_is_covered_with_dirt,_all_unclean,_dirty_things._That_is_the_disease|Cleanliness is next to godliness. Actually, our material conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty things. That is the disease.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are saying that you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not material intellectuals. May Krishna bless you|You are saying that you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not material intellectuals. May Krishna bless you.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741119SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_is_only_for_Bhagavan._Not_that_%22My_bhakti_for_this_or_that,_for_this_demigod,_for_that_demigod,_for_my_family,_for_my_country,_for_my_society,_for_my_wife,_for_my_cat,_for_my_dog.%22_This_is_not_bhakti._They_are_imitation_only._That_is_lust|Bhakti is only for Bhagavan. Not that "My bhakti for this or that, for this demigod, for that demigod, for my family, for my country, for my society, for my wife, for my cat, for my dog." This is not bhakti. They are imitation only. That is lust.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly|Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741221SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_material_world_is_shadow_reflection_of_the_spiritual_world._Unless_the_original_thing_is_there_in_the_spiritual_world,_it_cannot_be_reflected_in_the_material_world|The material world is shadow reflection of the spiritual world. Unless the original thing is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected in the material world.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your wife has left & you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling & you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife & engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities|So your wife has left and you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling and you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife and engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities and be fully Krishna Conscious. Otherwise, if you are intent on having her back, then first you must get a job so as to be able to support her. Then try to get her back. Whatever you do, that's all right, but do it in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741227SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_means_who_is_above_the_siddhas._Krsna-tattva-vetta._Yei_krsna-tattva-vetta,_sei_guru_haya._One_cannot_become_guru_unless_he_knows_krsna-tattva._Not_ordinary_man._The_yogis,_the_karmis,_the_jnanis,_they_cannot_become_guru._That_is_not_sanctioned|Guru means who is above the siddhas. Krsna-tattva-vetta. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man. The yogis, the karmis, the jnanis, they cannot become guru. That is not sanctioned.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them|The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them. They can simply come and live with us and attend Kirtana and classes as usual. We can give nice Prasadam and lectures to them and invite their questions. Counseling can be done by some experienced member.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dehi_means_the_possessor,_the_owner_of_the_body._It_is_said_clearly,_and_we_can_understand_that_when_I_meditate_upon_my_body,_actually_what_I_am._So_if_one_is_deep_thinker,_he%27ll_immediately_understand_that_%22I_am_not_this_body%22|Dehi means the possessor, the owner of the body. It is said clearly, and we can understand that when I meditate upon my body, actually what I am. So if one is deep thinker, he'll immediately understand that "I am not this body".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are studying Sanskrit, that is very nice. If you can to learn to vibrate some important Sanskrit verses then you will be listened to wherever you go|You are studying Sanskrit, that is very nice. If you can to learn to vibrate some important Sanskrit verses then you will be listened to wherever you go.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740526SB-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Communists_means_the_so-called_low-class_people,_sudras_and_candalas,_they_are_now_in_majority._They_have_formed_a_government_that_on_principle,_as_soon_as_some_brahmana_comes_for_government_service,_he_will_reject._So_the_brahmanas_are_now_hiding|Communists means the so-called low-class people, sudras and candalas, they are now in majority. They have formed a government that on principle, as soon as some brahmana comes for government service, he will reject. So the brahmanas are now hiding.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding keeping the cows, unless there is sufficient grazing land and cultivation, it is very difficult|Regarding keeping the cows, unless there is sufficient grazing land and cultivation, it is very difficult. But there has been some discussion about having a farm in California. You may write to Ramesvara Maharaja and Satsvarupa Maharaja in this regard. In any case the cows must be protected and cared for. If the farm is gotten then they can shifted there, otherwise continue to care for them as best you can.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740612MW-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_he%27s_a_rascal,_he%27s_his_greatest_enemy._So_just_get_out_of_this_rascaldom,_and_you_become_your_friend._Nobody_is_enemy._You_are_yourself_your_enemy._Nobody_is_enemy|Because he's a rascal, he's his greatest enemy. So just get out of this rascaldom, and you become your friend. Nobody is enemy. You are yourself your enemy. Nobody is enemy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine|The sages of India in the bygone ages cultivated on the Human Spirit in an elaborate way. Sripada Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhva and later on Sri Caitanya dealt on the subject most scientifically for the welfare of all men in the world. I think therefore that the Indian Government should send there all the representatives of the abovementioned Acaryas to deliver the message of Atma or the Human Spirit. A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740605R1-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_the_good_ideas_we_are_manufacturing,_they_will_be_manifested_in_God_consciousness_automatically._Therefore_our_duty_should_be,_if_we_want_to_make_all_human_being_well-behaved,_then_we_must_try_to_make_every_one_of_them_God_conscious|All the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested in God consciousness automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|As father & mother they should be offered proper respect according to social custom, but you cannot accept their non-Godly instructions. Best thing is, to avoid misunderstanding, to remain silent without any affirmation or negation of their instructions|Regarding your manner of behavior with your parents who are not in Krishna Consciousness; I may inform you that you should treat four different classes of men in four different ways. A devotee should love God and God's devotees. A devotee should make friendship with devotees. A devotee should try to enlighten innocent persons, and a devotee should reject opposite elements. As father and Mother they should be offered proper respect according to social custom, but you cannot accept their non-Godly instructions. Best thing is, to avoid misunderstanding, to remain silent without any affirmation or negation of their instructions.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741213SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Adhoksaja_means_knowledge_which_beyond_your_perception._But_there_is_source_of_knowledge,_adhoksaja._Therefore_God%27s_another_name_is_Adhoksaja|Adhoksaja means knowledge which beyond your perception. But there is source of knowledge, adhoksaja. Therefore God's another name is Adhoksaja.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me|I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740426SB-TIRUPATI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_if_we_study_what_is_the_position_of_chemical_theory,_the_so-called_scientists,_they_could_not_produce_life_from_chemicals,_although_their_theory_is_that_from_matter_life_comes|Actually, if we study what is the position of chemical theory, the so-called scientists, they could not produce life from chemicals, although their theory is that from matter life comes.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should always remember that Maya or darkness and Krsna or the Light are existing side by side. So if we keep ourself always in Krsna Consciousness or in the Light of Krsna Sun, hardly there is any chance of being covered by darkness or Maya|You have written one interesting line, that Maya seems to have a special interest in you. So it appears that you are intelligent enough to detect the tricks of Maya; that is very nice. We should always remember that Maya or darkness and Krsna or the Light are existing side by side. So if we keep ourself always in Krsna Consciousness or in the Light of Krsna Sun, hardly there is any chance of being covered by darkness or Maya. But a little inattention may cause our falling down into the clutches of Maya.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741224SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_man_is_suffering_from_some_disease,_infected._That_does_not_mean_when_the_physician_comes_to_treat_him_he_is_also_infected._He_knows_how_to_protect_himself,_disinfectant|A man is suffering from some disease, infected. That does not mean when the physician comes to treat him he is also infected. He knows how to protect himself, disinfectant.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science|Our problem is this transmigration of the soul, one body to another, this is going on. Because you do not know how to get out of it. Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science, although it is the most important science for the human being. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti (BG 4.9). No more transmigration of the soul.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740326MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_in_agreement_with_God._That_is_spiritual_world._Therefore_there_is_no_question_of_revolution|Everyone is in agreement with God. That is spiritual world. Therefore there is no question of revolution.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The whole world is Krsna's property. The material world is a field of activities for the corrupt conditioned souls who desire to enjoy in imitation of the Supreme|The whole world is Krsna's property. The material world is a field of activities for the corrupt conditioned souls who desire to enjoy in imitation of the Supreme. For them, Krsna gives facilities for material enjoyment, but He wants the conditioned souls—after finishing their material enjoyment—to come back to Him with bitter experience of material existence.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740219BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_has_got_experience._When_we_want_to_do_something_wrong,_there_is_conscience:_%22Don%27t_do_it.%22_%22No,_no,_let_me_do.%22_There_is_struggle._So_this_is_the_struggle_between_the_soul_and_the_Supersoul|Everyone has got experience. When we want to do something wrong, there is conscience: "Don't do it." "No, no, let me do." There is struggle. So this is the struggle between the soul and the Supersoul.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our purpose is to introduce these Krsna pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness - the happiness is with Krsna, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful|We should always remember this rādhā-kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir ahlādinī-śaktir asmāt. Then it will be very much beneficial. So this kind of dancing is very welcome all over the world if we do not misunderstand Kṛṣṇa. That should be the precaution. Otherwise it is very, very good. And our purpose is to introduce these Kṛṣṇa pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness—the happiness is with Kṛṣṇa, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740715DP-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Either_you_are_in_temple_or_outside_the_temple,_you%27ll_be_able_to_see_Krsna_always_-_if_you_practice|Either you are in temple or outside the temple, you'll be able to see Krsna always - if you practice.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief|The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief. And this fighting between one party with another amongst the politicians or the kṣatriyas or the administrators, they are going on perpetually. That is not a very new thing. So we should not forget our real life. For ruling over to get political predominance, there may be fighting. That is natural. It is going on.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740528SB-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_try_to_approach_Krsna_directly,_jump_over._That_is_useless._As_you_receive_knowledge_through_the_steps,_parampara_system,_similarly,_we_should_approach_Krsna_through_these_step|Don't try to approach Krsna directly, jump over. That is useless. As you receive knowledge through the steps, parampara system, similarly, we should approach Krsna through these step.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you chant always Hare Krishna, read my books, and preach this philosophy sincerely, then Krishna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall down into material entanglement|If you chant always Hare Krishna, read my books, and preach this philosophy sincerely, then Krishna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall down into material entanglement.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740102SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dhari%27_macha_na_chonya_pani,_that_we_should_fish,_but_don%27t_touch_the_water._If_on_the_plea_of_fishing,_you_become_fall_down_in_the_water_and_you_are_gone,_washed_away,_then_what_is_this%3F|Dhari' macha na chonya pani, that we should fish, but don't touch the water. If on the plea of fishing, you become fall down in the water and you are gone, washed away, then what is this?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please don't feel lonely. Krishna is always with you and I shall pray for you and to Krishna also that you may make progress more and more in this faithful discharge of duties in Krishna Consciousness|Please don't feel lonely. Krishna is always with you and I shall pray for you and to Krishna also that you may make progress more and more in this faithful discharge of duties in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741115SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Deity_worship_is_arcanam._Chanting_is_vandanam._Dasyam,_to_work_for_Krsna,_go_and_see_people,_preach_Krsna_consciousness,_distribute_books|Deity worship is arcanam. Chanting is vandanam. Dasyam, to work for Krsna, go and see people, preach Krsna consciousness, distribute books.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you kindly help me in distributing these books and literature, it will be a very great help for my missionary activitiese|If you kindly help me in distributing these books and literature, it will be a very great help for my missionary activities. You are working as sales organizer so you can think up this sales organization side by side, and if possible try to help.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740323BG-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_speaking_to_you;_this_is_also_kirtanam._And_you_are_hearing;_this_is_bhakti._Sravanam_kirtanam,_about_Krsna._The_chanting,_dancing_about_Krsna,_this_is_bhakti|I am speaking to you; this is also kirtanam. And you are hearing; this is bhakti. Sravanam kirtanam, about Krsna. The chanting, dancing about Krsna, this is bhakti.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am just trying to write my books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, and Krishna, and lately Vedanta Sutra. So certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night|I am just trying to write my books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, and Krishna, and lately Vedanta Sutra. So certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740407BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_printing_Krishna_literature_almost_in_all_languages_of_Europe,_in_English_language,_in_Spanish_language,_in_French_language,_in_Swedish_language,_in_Dutch_and_German_language,_and_then_Italian,_we_are_publishing,_and_it_is_being_sold_like_hotcakes|We are printing Krishna literature almost in all languages of Europe, in English language, in Spanish language, in French language, in Swedish language, in Dutch and German language, and then Italian, we are publishing, and it is being sold like hotcakes.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen|I am so glad to learn that you are feeling very happy in New Vrindaban. The basic principle of our life in Vrindaban will be cow keeping. If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen . . . completely spiritual life in healthy atmosphere in divine consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740121SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here,_in_the_material_world,_as_we_are_engaged,_unalloyed_happiness_is_not_possible._But_if_you_actually_want_unalloyed_happiness,_then_you_have_to_be_advanced_in_spiritual_consciousness,_unalloyed|Here, in the material world, as we are engaged, unalloyed happiness is not possible. But if you actually want unalloyed happiness, then you have to be advanced in spiritual consciousness, unalloyed.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is sufficiently powerful and able to give facilities to His devotees provided a devotee works very sincerely to please Him. We shall always keep this motto in our view|Krishna is sufficiently powerful and able to give facilities to His devotees provided a devotee works very sincerely to please Him. We shall always keep this motto in our view, and it is very nice to hear that you are feeling separation from most beautiful Syamasundara, but you are satisfied by chanting His Holy Name.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740214R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Grow_grass,_let_them_%28the_cows%29_pasture|Grow grass, let them (the cows) pasture.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summary the Teachings of Lord Caitanya. Read them very carefully, word to word, & immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book|Now you try your best in this line of preaching work and be successful as you have taken birth as a human being. Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summary the Teachings of Lord Caitanya. You read them very carefully, word to word, and immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740602MW-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Geneva_lake._And_a_few_steps_forward,_a_French_lake._So_either_to_the_French_or_Geneva,_it_does_not_belong._It_belongs_to_God._He%27s_a_fool._Why_don%27t_you_say,_%22God%27s_lake%22%3F|Geneva lake. And a few steps forward, a French lake. So either to the French or Geneva, it does not belong. It belongs to God. He's a fool. Why don't you say, "God's lake"?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are actually to be predominated by Krsna, but we are trying to be predominator. That is our fault. Don't try to be predominator. Try to be predominated by Krsna and you will be happy|Our main disease is that we are to be enjoyed by Kṛṣṇa and we are trying to be enjoyer. We are actually to be predominated by Kṛṣṇa, but we are trying to be predominator. That is our fault. Don't try to be predominator. Try to be predominated by Kṛṣṇa and you will be happy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740116SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Full_knowledge_means_%22What_I_am,_what_is_God,_what_is_this_material_world,_what_is_our_relationship.%22_That_is_called_knowledge._And_that_knowledge,_when_practically_applied_in_life,_that_is_called_vijnanam|Full knowledge means "What I am, what is God, what is this material world, what is our relationship." That is called knowledge. And that knowledge, when practically applied in life, that is called vijnanam.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are going to door to door, country to country, continent to continent, city to city, village to village, "Please become Krsna conscious." We are teaching them how you can be happy, how you can be a man of knowledge. That is our business|We are going to door to door, country to country, continent to continent, city to city, village to village, "Please become Kṛṣṇa conscious." We are teaching them how you can be happy, vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhāḥ, how you can be a man of knowledge. That is our business. It is not very difficult.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740712SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_less_than_human_being,_they_cannot_inquire_about_the_Absolute_Truth:_%22What_is_the_aim_of_life%3F_What_is_the_Absolute_Truth%3F_What_I_am%3F_What_is_my_relationship%3F%22_These_things_are_the_subject_matter_for_discussion_in_the_human_form_of_life|Everyone less than human being, they cannot inquire about the Absolute Truth: "What is the aim of life? What is the Absolute Truth? What I am? What is my relationship?" These things are the subject matter for discussion in the human form of life.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Moving temple means through bus, going from one place to another. That is better. From one temple, they go from village to village, town to town. That will be nice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally did not establish any temple. He was moving. Is it not?|Moving temple means through bus, going from one place to another. That is better. From one temple, they go from village to village, town to town. That will be nice. Caitanya Mahāprabhu personally did not establish any temple. He was moving. Is it not? So that's all right. We should be very much cautious to establish a new center. And if one establishes, he cannot close it. This should be the principle. That's all. Don't whimsically open a temple and close next day. No. Don't do that. If once established, it must be maintained, at any cost.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_serving_his_senses._This_is_the_position._This_is_dharmasya_glanir_bhavati._As_soon_as_we_are_engaged_in_serving_our_senses,_that_is_dharmasya_glanih._And_as_soon_as_we_agree_to_serve_the_senses_of_Krsna,_that_is_dharma|Everyone is serving his senses. This is the position. This is dharmasya glanir bhavati. As soon as we are engaged in serving our senses, that is dharmasya glanih. And as soon as we agree to serve the senses of Krsna, that is dharma.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your proposal for arranging a Gita on tapes in different languages for distributing all over the world is very good|Your proposal for arranging a Gita on tapes in different languages for distributing all over the world is very good.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740613BG-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_rejecting;_it_is_reforming._The_Catholic_religion_also_teaches_love_of_God,_or_love_of_Christ._So_if_I_say_the_truth,_it_will_not_be_very_palatable,_but_this_movement_is_reformation|It is not rejecting; it is reforming. The Catholic religion also teaches love of God, or love of Christ. So if I say the truth, it will not be very palatable, but this movement is reformation.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question & the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America|Now I request you to arrange for my passage to Japan and oblige. Last you were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question and the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740802BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_a_fact_that_so_long_you%27ll_be_here_in_this_material_world,_however_you_may_try_to_adjust_things_to_become_happy,_it_will_be_never_possible._It_will_be_never_possible|It is a fact that so long you'll be here in this material world, however you may try to adjust things to become happy, it will be never possible. It will be never possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I beg to inform you that my attempt to exhibit the Krishna Consciousness Movement to the Bombay public is still going on at the Cross Maidan, and it has become very successful|I beg to inform you that my attempt to exhibit the Krishna Consciousness Movement to the Bombay public is still going on at the Cross Maidan, and it has become very successful. Similar attempts will be made in Calcutta and Delhi also, in order to establish at least four centers in India; Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and Navadvipa. I am therefore opening a scheme herewith for raising funds for the above purpose.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740531BG-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Instead_of_serving_our_senses,_if_we_serve_the_senses_of_Krsna,_that_is_perfection_of_life._So_you_learn_how_to_serve_the_senses_of_Krsna,_you%27ll_be_happy._That%27s_all|Instead of serving our senses, if we serve the senses of Krsna, that is perfection of life. So you learn how to serve the senses of Krsna, you'll be happy. That's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. This is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do?|You have committed a very grave error. I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. this is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do? I have given you all instructions, why you cannot follow them?}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614LE-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_we_are_educating_people_that_%22You_are_always_subordinate_to_Krsna._You_surrender_unto_Him_and_you_be_happy._Do_not_remain_in_rebellious_condition_of_life._Just_surrender_to_God_and_you_will_be_happy%22|In our Krsna consciousness movement we are educating people that "You are always subordinate to Krsna. You surrender unto Him and you be happy. Do not remain in rebellious condition of life. Just surrender to God and you will be happy".]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhakti formula, anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11): "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin|When the Buddha philosophy says śūnyavāda, nirvāṇa, nirvāṇa, it means the same thing, vīta-rāga: you have to become detached. You have to make this material enjoyment zero. The bhakti also says, bhakti formula, anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyam: "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740303CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_order_to_stop_this_stupidity_of_serving_our_senses,_which_will_never_come_to_an_end,_simply_increase_our_bondage,_we_have_to_come_to_the_spiritual_master._He%27ll_teach_how_to_convert_or_to_divert_the_activities_of_the_senses_to_please_Krsna|In order to stop this stupidity of serving our senses, which will never come to an end, simply increase our bondage, we have to come to the spiritual master. He'll teach how to convert or to divert the activities of the senses to please Krsna.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Visnu, Krsna. That engagement you have fully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritamrta. Caitanya-caritamrta is still far advanced|We are engaged in śravaṇaṁ kīrtana from the morning. We take a newspaper and we read what the politician says, what so many nonsense things. We waste our time. Śrama eva hi kevalam. We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Viṣṇu, Kṛṣṇa. That engagement you have fully in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Bhagavad-gītā. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritāmṛta. Caitanya-caritāmṛta is still far advanced.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740926SB-CALCUTTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_learn_the_transcendental_subject_matter,_then_you_must_adopt_three_things._First_of_all_surrender._Find_out_that_kind_of_person_where_you_can_surrender._If_there_is_no_surrender,_it_is_not_possible|If you want to learn the transcendental subject matter, then you must adopt three things. First of all surrender. Find out that kind of person where you can surrender. If there is no surrender, it is not possible.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is difficult to send things through the mail, so better if you go to our New York temple for getting prasadam. Krishna is absolute so prasadam offered in our temple in New York is as good and the same as the prasadam from here|It is difficult to send things through the mail, so better if you go to our New York temple for getting prasadam. Krishna is absolute so prasadam offered in our temple in New York is as good and the same as the prasadam from here. I am glad that you are enjoying chanting "Hare Krishna" and reading my books.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740325BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_take_the_shelter_of_the_plug_which_is_connected_with_the_powerhouse,_you_get_immediately_electricity._Similarly,_if_you_take_shelter_of_a_person_who_is_coming_in_the_parampara_system...|If you take the shelter of the plug which is connected with the powerhouse, you get immediately electricity. Similarly, if you take shelter of a person who is coming in the parampara system...]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our literature is not sentimental stories. It is meant to be understood by the intelligent class of men|Our literature is not sentimental stories. It is meant to be understood by the intelligent class of men. Children and those with child-like mentalities will do better to chant "Hare Krishna" and take prasadam. We cannot water down the philosophy to make it more palatable. Our books must remain as they are.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740816SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_keep_this_parampara_system_and_if_you_try_to_satisfy_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_then_whatever_you_do,_that_is_perfection._It_doesn%27t_matter._The_test_is_whether_Krsna_is_satisfied,_whether_your_spiritual_master_is_satisfied|If you keep this parampara system and if you try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then whatever you do, that is perfection. It doesn't matter. The test is whether Krsna is satisfied, whether your spiritual master is satisfied.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|All great sages of the world - like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya - all lived for enlightening men in this culture of human spirit|All great sages of the world like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya, all lived for enlightening men on this culture of Human spirit. And men like us should follow their footprints for all round welfare of the human society.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740402BG-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_defective,_if_you_have_got_so_many_defects_in_your_life,_how_you_can_become_teacher%3F_You_are_a_cheater|If you are defective, if you have got so many defects in your life, how you can become teacher? You are a cheater.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Arjuna was declining to fight, but Krsna is inducing him to fight. So in spiritual platform there is no question of stopping work, no question of stopping work. But work for the Supreme. That's all, isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1), with God consciousness|Arjuna's friend was Lord Kṛṣṇa, but Kṛṣṇa never said... He is God Himself. He is the Supreme Personality of God Himself. He never said Arjuna that "I am your friend. I shall supply all your necessities. You don't require to work. You stop." No, He never said that. Rather, Arjuna was declining to fight, but Kṛṣṇa is inducing him to fight. So in spiritual platform there is no question of stopping work, no question of stopping work. But work for the Supreme. That's all, īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam (ISO 1), with God consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606MW-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_never_criticized_church,_mosque,_never._Because_whatever_it_may_be,_at_least_there_is_God_consciousness._So_they%27re_good._I_criticize_only_these_rascals,_disobey_the_commandments|I never criticized church, mosque, never. Because whatever it may be, at least there is God consciousness. So they're good. I criticize only these rascals, disobey the commandments.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody|That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody. Simply by testing how much one has developed love of Godhead. How much one has learned to love Kṛṣṇa or God. If, following any type of religion, if you get this result, then you have performed your religious principle very nicely. This is the answer.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740619R1-GERMANY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_hear_from_a_perfect_person,_and_I_distribute_the_knowledge_the_same_way,_without_any_change._So_Krsna_gives_us_knowledge_in_the_Bhagavad-gita._We_are_distributing_the_same_knowledge|I hear from a perfect person, and I distribute the knowledge the same way, without any change. So Krsna gives us knowledge in the Bhagavad-gita. We are distributing the same knowledge.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much pleased to learn that you are taking Sankirtana as your life and soul. There is no doubt about Krsna's being pleased very much upon those who are engaged in such Sankirtana Movement, that is admitted by Lord Krsna|I am so much pleased to learn that you are taking Sankirtana as your life and soul. There is no doubt about Krsna's being pleased very much upon those who are engaged in such Sankirtana Movement, that is admitted by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita and Caitanya Caritamrta. Some of the best students like you, Tamala, Mukunda, Syamasundara, and Jaya Govinda, are all now in Europe. Now you form a strong party for opening centers as well as organizing the World Sankirtana Party.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740120SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_writing_all_these_books_simply_for_selling,_not_for_reading._This_is_not_good|I am writing all these books simply for selling, not for reading. This is not good.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The Kirtana here are very nice, with so many outsiders, as well as devotees, dancing in ecstasy|The mrdanga has been duly received some days ago, and it is a very nice one; the Kirtana here are very nice, with so many outsiders, as well as devotees, dancing in ecstasy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740927SB-CALCUTTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prasanna_means_happy_mode_of_life._Brahma-bhutah_prasannatma._What_is_the_happy_mode_of_life%3F_Na_socati_na_kanksati._He_does_not_lament._He_does_not_hanker|Prasanna means happy mode of life. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma. What is the happy mode of life? Na socati na kanksati. He does not lament. He does not hanker.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all|Please accept my blessings to all of you. I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740531R2-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Practically_the_majority_of_the_human_society,_they_are_Christian._They_are_the_persons_who_are_indulging_in_killing._And_where_is_Christian%3F_Judging_from_the_Ten_Commandments,_there_is_not_a_single_Christian,_not_a_single|Practically the majority of the human society, they are Christian. They are the persons who are indulging in killing. And where is Christian? Judging from the Ten Commandments, there is not a single Christian, not a single.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are practically experiencing that there is no difficulty in household life if people are in Krsna Consciousness.|I am so much pleased with your wife and yourself and I can simply praise you how wonderful you are. Both you and your wife are setting good examples how Krsna Conscious Grhasthas or householders should live for Krsna. You are practically experiencing that there is no difficulty in household life if people are in Krsna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118SB-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_has_got_no_brain_substance_but_cow_dung,_they_will_understand_something_else._So_we_are_selecting,_or_even_if_he_is_filled_up_with_cow_dung,_by_this_Krsna_consciousness_education,_we_can_make_him_su-medha,_fine_brain|One who has got no brain substance but cow dung, they will understand something else. So we are selecting, or even if he is filled up with cow dung, by this Krsna consciousness education, we can make him su-medha, fine brain.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes. Love. That I explained - love. We have got our love in store. But instead of loving Krsna, we have distributed the love in so many ways, and frustrated. Love is there in store. That is reserved for Krsna|Yes. Love. That I explained—love. We have got our love in store. But instead of loving Kṛṣṇa, we have distributed the love in so many ways, and frustrated. Love is there in store. That is reserved for Kṛṣṇa. And we are trying to love Kṛṣṇa, that I explained. Why I am loving this body and this apartment? Ultimately he goes to Kṛṣṇa. But that you do not know. You are actually trying to love Kṛṣṇa. But because nobody is giving him Kṛṣṇa, he's crying.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327RF-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_spirit_soul_is_person_as_much_as_God_is_also_person._Imperson_means_the_covering._Try_to_understand._The_covering_is_impersonal,_not_the_living_being._He_is_covered._He_is_not_imperson._He_is_person|The spirit soul is person as much as God is also person. Imperson means the covering. Try to understand. The covering is impersonal, not the living being. He is covered. He is not imperson. He is person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You are the right person to control over Germany, so Krishna will give you strength, and I'm sure you will be successful. Your German blood injected with KC drug will do tremendous good to the German people|You are the right person to control over Germany, so Krishna will give you strength, and I'm sure you will be successful. Your German blood injected with KC drug will do tremendous good to the German people. So I think that you shall remain in charge of German-speaking centers of Europe, and let us keep Krishna das in charge of Scandinavian zone, for developing Sweden and other places in the far northern part.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740327RF-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Artificially_we_are_thinking_it_is_American_pain_or_it_is_Indian_pain._That_is_artificial._This_artificial_covering_has_to_be_removed._Then_we_come_to_Krsna_consciousness._Feelings,_consciousness_is_not_American,_African_or_Indian|Artificially we are thinking it is American pain or it is Indian pain. That is artificial. This artificial covering has to be removed. Then we come to Krsna consciousness. Feelings, consciousness is not American, African or Indian.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences|One thing you may inform all devotees that Maya cannot touch a pure devotee: When you find a devotee is supposed in difficulty it is not the work of Maya but it is the work of the Lord by His Personal internal energy. The Pandava's tribulation in so many ways, Lord Ramacandra's departure to the forest, His wife the Goddess of Fortune's being kidnapped by Ravana, Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences. Sometimes they are enacted to bewilder persons who are demons.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740608MW-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_wife_gave_birth_at_the_age_of_fourteen_years._She_is_still_living._She_is_ten_years_younger_than_me._So_sixty-eight,_sixty-nine_she_is._She_gave_birth_child_at_the_age_of_fourteen._In_1918_I_was_married,_and_1921_she_gave_birth_to_child,_my_first_son|My wife gave birth at the age of fourteen years. She is still living. She is ten years younger than me. So sixty-eight, sixty-nine she is. She gave birth child at the age of fourteen. In 1918 I was married, and 1921 she gave birth to child, my first son.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa|So far as your working engagement is concerned, certainly you are not a karmi. Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa. So stick to your job and use it for Krishna Consciousness. You are not a karmi.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740404BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja%27s_Guru_Maharaja,_he_was_illiterate,_Gaura_Kisora_dasa_Babaji_Maharaja._He_could_not_sign_even_his_name._But_my_Guru_Maharaja_was_the_best_scholar_of_his_time._He_accepted_him_as_guru|My Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, he was illiterate, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja. He could not sign even his name. But my Guru Maharaja was the best scholar of his time. He accepted him as guru.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|We are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age|We are not this dull body, but we are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age, and besides that, we have got many, many other qualifications in our spiritual life. So unfortunately, because we are in contact with this matter, we are hampered in so many ways.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740611MW-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Minority,_majority,_all_these_are_foolishness._The_whole_platform_is_mistaken._Rupa_Gosvami_was_a_minister._He_was_in_the_majority._But_voluntarily,_he_accepted_minority._He_went_to_Vrndavana_and_living_alone,_underneath_a_tree|Minority, majority, all these are foolishness. The whole platform is mistaken. Rupa Gosvami was a minister. He was in the majority. But voluntarily, he accepted minority. He went to Vrndavana and living alone, underneath a tree.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|He (the late minister Shastri) is receiving the Bhagwatam from me. He was very much respectful, and met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, but he died; he was my friend|So far the quotation by the late minister Shastri is concerned, that statement is printed up in the leaflet with picture on it; you know the one, where he is receiving the Bhagwatam from me. He was very much respectful, and met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, but he died; he was my friend.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740222MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Majority_wants_to_be_godless._So_government_is_following_that._Therefore_they_are_against_our_movement|Majority wants to be godless. So government is following that. Therefore they are against our movement.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me|I came here to execute His Will and by His Grace I have so many good souls like you, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa, Hayagriva, Rayarama, Haridasa, Mukunda etc. I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me. So do not think that I can ever forget you even for a moment. I pray to Krishna for your more and more advancement of Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740123SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
{{VaniQuotebox|If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools|You are already a great artist. You don't want to become a great artist to satisfy the senses of the public. If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools. You continue trying your best to make your pictures as far they can be nice looking, but not to satisfy the senses of the rascal public.}}
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_within_you._He%27ll_give_you._As_soon_as_you_become_a_pure_devotee,_all_dictation_will_come_from_within._And_besides_that,_Krsna_is_helping,_inside_and_outside._Outside_is_spiritual_master;_inside_Krsna_Himself._Where_is_the_difficulty%3F|Krsna is within you. He'll give you. As soon as you become a pure devotee, all dictation will come from within. And besides that, Krsna is helping, inside and outside. Outside is spiritual master; inside Krsna Himself. Where is the difficulty?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Milk and salt should never be mixed, it is improper, and will cause leprosy. But salt can be mixed with yogurt|Milk and salt should never be mixed, it is improper, and will cause leprosy. But salt can be mixed with yogurt.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740528MW-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_in_New_Vrindaban._They_are_coming_to_the_city_for_preaching._So_not_absolutely_we_can_abstain_immediately_because_we_have_been_dependent_so_long,_many,_many_lives._You_cannot._But_the_ideal_should_be_introduced_gradually|Just like in New Vrindaban. They are coming to the city for preaching. So not absolutely we can abstain immediately because we have been dependent so long, many, many lives. You cannot. But the ideal should be introduced gradually.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much obliged to you for your devotion and affection for me. I thought of you all throughout my journey from Francisco to New York and I was praying to Lord Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness|I am so much obliged to you for your devotion and affection for me. I thought of you all throughout my journey from Francisco to New York and I was praying to Lord Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740605R1-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_two_isvaras._I_am_also_isvara._So_far_my,_this_body_is_concerned_or_my_family_is_concerned,_I_am_controlling._But_the_supreme_controller,_He_is_controlling_everything._That_is_God|There are two isvaras. I am also isvara. So far my, this body is concerned or my family is concerned, I am controlling. But the supreme controller, He is controlling everything. That is God.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If they want to insist on touching your feet and there is no other way to avoid it, you can simply remember your predecessor Acaryas and Spiritual Masters and accept them and return namaskara with folded hands. That is the Vaisnava etiquette|You do not allow anyone to touch your feet—this is very good attitude—but if they want to insist on touching your feet and there is no other way to avoid it, you can simply remember your predecessor Acaryas and Spiritual Masters and accept them and return namaskara with folded hands. That is the Vaisnava etiquette.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740621MW-GERMANY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_majority_of_Indian_population,_they_are_personalists._Yes,_majority._Either_they_worship_God_or_demigod,_but_they_are_personalists._Recently_the_Mayavadi_philosophers,_they_have_poisoned,_the_impersonalism,_calamity._God_is_person|The majority of Indian population, they are personalists. Yes, majority. Either they worship God or demigod, but they are personalists. Recently the Mayavadi philosophers, they have poisoned, the impersonalism, calamity. God is person.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money|I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740207BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_best_example_are_the_gopis._They,_they_had_no_other_business_than_to_keep_Krsna_always_within_the_heart._Gopis_requested_Krsna,_%22Please,_if_You_get_out_from_our_hearts_then_we_can_concentrate_to_our_household_duties|The best example are the gopis. They, they had no other business than to keep Krsna always within the heart. Gopis requested Krsna, "Please, if You get out from our hearts then we can concentrate to our household duties.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Your conviction that we have to supply the demands of Krishna & not to demand anything from Him is the pure devotional philosophy. The followers of Lord Caitanya never makes Krishna the Order supplier but the devotees become the order supplier of Krishna|After all, Krishna is the ultimate Person. We are just trying to serve Him. Your conviction that we have to supply the demands of Krishna and not to demand anything from Him is the pure devotional philosophy. The followers of Lord Caitanya never makes Krishna the Order supplier but the devotees become the order supplier of Krishna.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740929SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sravanam_kirtanam,_this_is_our_main_business._Sravanam._If_you_don%27t_hear,_what_you_will_do%3F_You_will_do_simply_sense_gratification._That%27s_all|Sravanam kirtanam, this is our main business. Sravanam. If you don't hear, what you will do? You will do simply sense gratification. That's all.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Why we cannot eat meat?|"Why we cannot eat meat", to answer this question the straight reply is that "because Krishna does not eat meat". We are concerned with Krishna Consciousness so our eating is dependent on Krishna Consciousness. We cannot eat, cannot do, cannot think, cannot will or can do nothing without Krishna consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741227SB-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Somehow_or_other_if_you_can_engage_them_in_chanting_and_dancing,_the_whole_world_will_be_united._What_the_United_Nations_has_failed,_this_movement_can_do_-_if_it_is_not_checked_by_the_rascals|Somehow or other if you can engage them in chanting and dancing, the whole world will be united. What the United Nations has failed, this movement can do - if it is not checked by the rascals.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting|The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting. You have seen the picture of Lord Narayana—He has got four hands, two hands are for the atheist and two hands are for the theist.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740612MW-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_people_use_the_argument,_Srila_Prabhupada,_that_by_this_advancement_of_technology,_it_will_free_us_to_think_of_philosophical|Some people use the argument, Srila Prabhupada, that by this advancement of technology, it will free us to think of philosophical.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging|The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740426SB-TIRUPATI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vivasvan_means_the_present_predominating_deity_of_the_sun_globe._Just_like_we_have_got_a_president,_similarly,_but_he_has_got_a_particular_name,_similarly,_the_president_of_the_sun_globe_is_called_Surya,_Suryadeva._But_he_has_got_a_particular_name|Vivasvan means the present predominating deity of the sun globe. Just like we have got a president, similarly, but he has got a particular name, similarly, the president of the sun globe is called Surya, Suryadeva. But he has got a particular name.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental|Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental. The actual fact is that attachment for sense gratification is not at all congenial for spiritual progress.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740317SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_write_books,_that_is_also_krsna-kirtana._And_to_read_books,_that_is_also_krsna-kirtana._Not_that_simply_this_kirtana_is_kirtana|To write books, that is also krsna-kirtana. And to read books, that is also krsna-kirtana. Not that simply this kirtana is kirtana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|You will be pleased to know that people in this country specially the younger section are accepting the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as it is and I am hopeful of my mission in this country|You will be pleased to know that people in this country specially the younger section are accepting the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as it is and I am hopeful of my mission in this country. I am enclosing herewith some press cuttings which will convince about my success in preaching in this country.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741201SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_giving_education_to_the_people_of_this_sankhya-yoga_system_or_bhakti-yoga_system,_because_it_is_the_recommended_process_by_authorities|This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for giving education to the people of this sankhya-yoga system or bhakti-yoga system, because it is the recommended process by authorities.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva|Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Persons in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740701LE-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educational_movement._It_is_not_a_religious_sentiment;_it_is_a_science._And_as_we_have_got_our_books_also._You_have_seen._There_is_demonstration_of_the_book._We_have_got_already_twenty_books_of_four_hundred_pages_each|This Krsna consciousness movement is educational movement. It is not a religious sentiment; it is a science. And as we have got our books also. You have seen. There is demonstration of the book. We have got already twenty books of four hundred pages each.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work|KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work. Although some of the pictures are not on the perfectional stage, on the whole it is done very nicely. I understand that you are going to print further 50,000 copies of this book from another printer. I think this book will be sold by hundreds of thousands.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740131BG-HONG_KONG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_tendency_for_dancing,_for_chanting,_for_singing._They_are_holding_ball_dances,_and_musical_instrument._The_same_thing_we_are_propagating:_chant_and_dance_Hare_Krsna_mantra._This_is_satisfaction|There is tendency for dancing, for chanting, for singing. They are holding ball dances, and musical instrument. The same thing we are propagating: chant and dance Hare Krsna mantra. This is satisfaction.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction|Please go on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna as you are doing now and this very chanting will give you all peace and prosperity both in this life and the next. Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741028SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_difference_between_the_internal_and_external_instructor._We_should_take_advantage_of_this_instruction._That_is_called_vyavasayatmika_buddhih,_fixed-up_resolution._Fixed-up_resolution|There is no difference between the internal and external instructor. We should take advantage of this instruction. That is called vyavasayatmika buddhih, fixed-up resolution. Fixed-up resolution.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing|Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing. So this distinction can be made on the basis of consciousness.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740119MW-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_chant,_that_is_also_kirtana;_when_you_distribute_book,_that_is_also_kirtana._When_you_read_book,_that_is_also_kirtana|When you chant, that is also kirtana; when you distribute book, that is also kirtana. When you read book, that is also kirtana.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I dreamt that John took me in a place at Calcutta and he was showing me a house, a big palatial building, which formerly belonged to a very rich man, and he was a famous musician also|I dreamt that John took me in a place at Calcutta and he was showing me a house, a big palatial building, which formerly belonged to a very rich man, and he was a famous musician also. I think therefore that John was previously that man to whom that house belonged, and now he has taken birth in England.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740115SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Woman_also_should_be_taken_care_of._They_should_not_be_given_freedom._That_is_not_good_for_them._They_should_be_protected_by_the_father_in_childhood,_by_the_husband_in_youthhood,_and_by_the_grown-up_children_in_old_age|Woman also should be taken care of. They should not be given freedom. That is not good for them. They should be protected by the father in childhood, by the husband in youthhood, and by the grown-up children in old age.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Our members of Krishna Consciousness society should be ideal human beings, and if they try to follow the principles, surely they will be the ideal men in the world|Your letter is very much encouraging, and it is worth exhibiting to all grhastha disciples, and not only to disciples, but to people in general who are simply interested in the matter of sense gratification. Our members of Krishna Consciousness society should be ideal human beings, and if they try to follow the principles, surely they will be the ideal men in the world.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740426SB-TIRUPATI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_sometimes_accept_one_guru._But_why_should_we_accept_guru%3F_What_is_the_necessity_of_accepting_guru%3F_This_is_the_necessity_for_tattva-jijnasa,_for_inquiring_about_the_Absolute_Truth|We sometimes accept one guru. But why should we accept guru? What is the necessity of accepting guru? This is the necessity for tattva-jijnasa, for inquiring about the Absolute Truth.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord|Our only business is to present Krishna Consciousness to the ignorant mass of people, and if such people agree to hear in consideration of our important position in the material world, it is a great opportunity to place our submission, and thereby our mission is fulfilled. Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740312MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_fifty_bighas_of_land,_and_I_have_calculated_in_Mayapur,_setting_aside_twenty_bighas_for_the_temple_and_grazing_ground_for_the_cows,_thirty_bighas_of_land|We have got fifty bighas of land, and I have calculated in Mayapur, setting aside twenty bighas for the temple and grazing ground for the cows, thirty bighas of land.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards|It is understood that such crime as it has been committed in my room is very common in New York. That is the way of material nature. The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740426SB-TIRUPATI_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_been_discussing_the_aim_of_life._That_is_described_in_the_Srimad-Bhagavatam,_that_kamasya_nendriya-pritih._Kama..._Labho_jiveta_yavata._The_purpose_of_life_is_not_sense_gratification|We have been discussing the aim of life. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that kamasya nendriya-pritih. Kama... Labho jiveta yavata. The purpose of life is not sense gratification.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If one is limited by some formulas only, he is described as an animal which is bound up by the chain of the master and cannot move beyond the length of the chain. So we are concerned with persons who are not chained by anything|Regarding the disturbing groups of "Christians" so-called, that is alright. Let them follow Lord Jesus Christ. Regarding their dogmatic insistence, everyone thinks like that, so if one is not prepared to advance more, it is better to avoid them. If one is limited by some formulas only, he is described as an animal which is bound up by the chain of the master and cannot move beyond the length of the chain. So we are concerned with persons who are not chained by anything.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740323BG-BOMBAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_make_cheap_disciples._Our_condition_is_first_of_all_you_must_give_up_these_things:_illicit_sex_and_meat-eating_and_intoxication,_up_to_the_drinking_of_tea_and_cigarette._You_have_to_give_up._And_gambling|We do not make cheap disciples. Our condition is first of all you must give up these things: illicit sex and meat-eating and intoxication, up to the drinking of tea and cigarette. You have to give up. And gambling.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion|You must always ask the Lord's grace to make you in the right position. It is not for your sense gratification, it is for the Lord's service. For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740112MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_not_after_the_office;_we_are_after_educating_people._Yes._Even_if_you_go_to_office,_you_cannot_do._Even_if_give_manifesto,_that_you_will_stop_slaughterhouse,_and_you_are_elected_a_senator,_you_cannot_stop._Because_they_are_majority_there|We are not after the office; we are after educating people. Yes. Even if you go to office, you cannot do. Even if give manifesto, that you will stop slaughterhouse, and you are elected a senator, you cannot stop. Because they are majority there.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them|Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them. In Montreal also they are writing songs in the popular Western style of music and it is coming very nicely.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740206BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_just_keep_one_picture_of_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_Nityananda,_and_the_family_members_sit_down,_around._Just_like_we_are_sitting_now_and_chanting:_Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Krsna,_Krsna_Krsna,_Hare_Hare._This_kind_of_performing_yajna,_is_there_any_expenditure%3F|You just keep one picture of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, and the family members sit down, around. Just like we are sitting now and chanting: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. This kind of performing yajna, is there any expenditure?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Unfortunately, the demons do not even acknowledge the gifts from Krishna, and they talk nonsense that there is no God, God is dead, I am God, and similar things|Unfortunately, the demons do not even acknowledge the gifts from Krishna, and they talk nonsense that there is no God, God is dead, I am God, and similar things. So as you are acknowledging your obligation to Krishna, as well as chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra, so I hope Krishna will give you more facilities so that you can become perfect in this very life.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740527SB-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_got_very_nice_good_planet,_very_nice_city,_Rome_and_London_and_America,_this_and_that._That%27s_all_right._But_as_soon_as_it_is_dark,_you_cannot_see_anything._The_mercy_of_sunshine,_Krsna%27s_mercy,_is_there._Therefore_you_can_see._You_can_enjoy|You have got very nice good planet, very nice city, Rome and London and America, this and that. That's all right. But as soon as it is dark, you cannot see anything. The mercy of sunshine, Krsna's mercy, is there. Therefore you can see. You can enjoy.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the meaning of the word "cheating," there are only three things to be known - Krishna is Supreme Enjoyer, Supreme Proprietor of everything, and Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts|So far the meaning of the word "cheating," there are only three things to be known, that Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer, the Supreme Proprietor of everything, and the Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts. So if one is always acting under these three facts, knowing Krishna to be the Supreme Proprietor, Enjoyer, and Friend, then he is truly honest, and if one is not acting in this knowledge, then he is always cheating or being dishonest.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740316R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_criticize,_if_you_are_right._You_cannot_criticize_wrongly|You can criticize, if you are right. You cannot criticize wrongly.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction|Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction. So we should all work together for satisfying Lord Krishna and in that way the feelings of separation will transform into transcendental bliss.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740111MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_my_Guru_Maharaja_had_produced_me,_how_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_going_all_over_the_world%3F_And_what_he_has_done%3F_Simply_criticizing_is_no_use._We_want_to_see_practical._Do_you_understand_or_not%3F|Unless my Guru Maharaja had produced me, how this Krsna consciousness movement is going all over the world? And what he has done? Simply criticizing is no use. We want to see practical. Do you understand or not?]]
{{VaniQuotebox|One should always feel very humble, that will help one to make progress in Krishna Consciousness. So your humble feeling that you are shrouded by illusion is very nice, at the same time your feeling that KC is so nice that it makes everything easy|You are a very sincere girl and your sentiment is also very nice. One should always feel very humble, that will help one to make progress in Krishna Consciousness. So your humble feeling that you are shrouded by illusion is very nice, at the same time your feeling that Krishna Consciousness is so nice that it makes everything easy.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118SB-HONOLULU_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_leaders_are_rascals|The leaders are rascals.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness|It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness. I think you are feeling and understanding how you are making progress and I am very glad to see it.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740817SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_dirty_things_are_stocked_within_our_heart._Just_like_in_the_water,_in_a_pond_sometimes_you_will_find_all_of_a_sudden_one_bubble_comes_from_within._Phat!_That_means_the_dirty_things_are_within,_stocked|The dirty things are stocked within our heart. Just like in the water, in a pond sometimes you will find all of a sudden one bubble comes from within. Phat! That means the dirty things are within, stocked.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna|I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna. I think if you write Hare Krishna Hare Krishna in the same style as you have sent me one specimen, on bigger type on canvas, say 30 inches by 20 inches in color or black and white, it would be a very good engagement for you and at the same time we can utilize those sign boards hanging in nice places.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740331BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_center_is_open_to_give_chance_people_to_hear_about_Krsna,_to_chant_about_Krsna,_to_see_Krsna,_to_take_prasadam_of_Krsna._So_we_request,_take_advantage_of_these_facilities_and_be_fully_Krsna_conscious_and_make_your_life_successful|The center is open to give chance people to hear about Krsna, to chant about Krsna, to see Krsna, to take prasadam of Krsna. So we request, take advantage of these facilities and be fully Krsna conscious and make your life successful.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind|This is what I want, that every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind and force us to act under her spell.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741230SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we,_of_course,_we_are_not_so_advanced,_but_we_have_got_many_examples_of_advanced_devotees._Still_there_are_in_India._You_will_find_in_Vrndavana_and_other_places._Actually,_they_have_no_means_-_simply_depending|So we, of course, we are not so advanced, but we have got many examples of advanced devotees. Still there are in India. You will find in Vrndavana and other places. Actually, they have no means - simply depending.]]
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that someone learns how to make mrdangas in the Western countries. As far as I know Isana has not produced any mrdangas. So how will he teach your wife how to make them. First let him produce something, then he can teach others.|I want that someone learns how to make mrdangas in the Western countries. As far as I know Isana has not produced any mrdangas. So how will he teach your wife how to make them. First let him produce something, then he can teach others. I have no objection. If somehow or other someone can learn how to make good mrdangas in America, it will be a great service.}}
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741129SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna-bhajana_is_not_so_easy._But_if_you_voluntarily,_if_after_hearing_so_many_qualities_of_Krsna,_transcendental_qualities,_if_you_somehow_or_other_become_attracted_to_Krsna_consciousness,_then_your_life_is_successful|Krsna-bhajana is not so easy. But if you voluntarily, if after hearing so many qualities of Krsna, transcendental qualities, if you somehow or other become attracted to Krsna consciousness, then your life is successful.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118SB-HONOLULU_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_make_a_revolution_of_this_sankirtana_movement,_everyone_chanting_and_dancing,_the_government_will_be_changed_immediately._So_push_this_movement|If you make a revolution of this sankirtana movement, everyone chanting and dancing, the government will be changed immediately. So push this movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740131BG-HONG_KONG_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:For_every_action_of_Krsna_consciousness_movement_there_is_support_from_Vedas,_Vedic_literature._Just_like_whenever_we_speak_something_we_immediately_give_evidence_from_the_Bhagavad-gita|For every action of Krsna consciousness movement there is support from Vedas, Vedic literature. Just like whenever we speak something we immediately give evidence from the Bhagavad-gita.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740813SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_give_up_the_company_of_devotees._Then_it_will_be_lost._We_are_opening_so_many_centers_because_to_cooperate_between_devotees_and_devotees._Even_there_is_inconvenience,_don%27t_give_up_the_company_of_the_devotees|Don't give up the company of devotees. Then it will be lost. We are opening so many centers because to cooperate between devotees and devotees. Even there is inconvenience, don't give up the company of the devotees.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741202SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_means_the_business_between_Bhagavan_and_bhakta._That_is_bhakti._If_there_is_no_Bhagavan_then_where_is_bhakti|Bhakti means the business between Bhagavan and bhakta. That is bhakti. If there is no Bhagavan then where is bhakti.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740701LE-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_a_diksa-guru_is_not_present_always._Therefore_one_can_take_learning,_instruction,_from_an_advanced_devotee._That_is_called_the_siksa-guru|Sometimes a diksa-guru is not present always. Therefore one can take learning, instruction, from an advanced devotee. That is called the siksa-guru.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740524R2-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_reading_in_the_newspaper_that_a_few_days_ago_India_exploded_a_nuclear_bomb,_an_atomic_bomb,_underground._This_was_the_first_step|I was reading in the newspaper that a few days ago India exploded a nuclear bomb, an atomic bomb, underground. This was the first step.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740315R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_find_an_overall_bad_atmosphere_in_India._Resentment_against_many_of_the_devotees._Party_politics_and_different_things_like_that_are_going_on|I find an overall bad atmosphere in India. Resentment against many of the devotees. Party politics and different things like that are going on.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740605R1-GENEVA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says,_%22That_may_be_so,_but_in_the_Bhagavad-gita_Krsna_orders_Arjuna_that_%27You_must_kill.%27_%22|He says, "That may be so, but in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna orders Arjuna that 'You must kill.' ".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740525BG-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_that_he_is_a_fruitarian._He_does_not_eat_vegetables._He_says_that_to_be_good_consciousness_in_spiritual_life,_one_must_not_eat_any_vegetables_but_only_fruit|He says that he is a fruitarian. He does not eat vegetables. He says that to be good consciousness in spiritual life, one must not eat any vegetables but only fruit.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614LE-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_but_he_doesn%27t_sit_on_a_throne_and_he_doesn%27t_ask_people_to_pay_obeisances_in_front_of_him|He says but he doesn't sit on a throne and he doesn't ask people to pay obeisances in front of him.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740613R2-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_said,_if_it_were_an_absolute_truth,_it_would_be_evident_to_everyone_%28yes._But_everyone_is_not_advanced_in_knowledge%29_He_says_the_question_remains_because_there_are_other,_very_spiritually_advanced_men_who_don%27t_accept_that_idea|He said, if it were an absolute truth, it would be evident to everyone (yes. But everyone is not advanced in knowledge) He says the question remains because there are other, very spiritually advanced men who don't accept that idea.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629R2-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_not_merely_is_there_to_improve_upon_what_you_might_say_would_be_a_natural_goodness_of_man,_but_man_has_a_natural_deficiency_he_needs_God_to_overcome._And_as_he_overcomes,_of_course,_he_progresses_further_and_he_is_enriched_by_God%3F|God not merely is there to improve upon what you might say would be a natural goodness of man, but man has a natural deficiency he needs God to overcome. And as he overcomes, of course, he progresses further and he is enriched by God?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740315R1-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_they_say_the_songs_are_maya,_then_the_tunes_are_maya._They_have,_behind_my_back_I_hear_all_kinds_of_things_they_are_saying._So_nobody_takes_my_words_seriously._Even_though_I_may_quote_from_any_scripture_right,_they_don%27t_respect_me|First they say the songs are maya, then the tunes are maya. They have, behind my back I hear all kinds of things they are saying. So nobody takes my words seriously. Even though I may quote from any scripture right, they don't respect me.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740626SB-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_earlier_you_were_speaking_that_Krsna_means_everything_past,_present_and_future_and...|Srila Prabhupada, earlier you were speaking that Krsna means everything past, present and future and...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740615R1-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_an_interpretation_of_a_scripture,_whether_it_be_Bible_or_Bhagavad-gita,_cannot_simply_be_an_opinion,_but_it_must_be_based_on_logic_and_reason|So an interpretation of a scripture, whether it be Bible or Bhagavad-gita, cannot simply be an opinion, but it must be based on logic and reason.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740117SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_Jesus_had_a_relationship_with_Krsna,_or_God,_as_his_father|Prabhupada, Jesus had a relationship with Krsna, or God, as his father.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740315R1-VRNDAVAN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_in_ISKCON._No,_no_it_doesn%27t._They_do_not_respect_sannyasis|Not in ISKCON. No, no it doesn't. They do not respect sannyasis.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740531R2-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_organization_is_not_directly_concerned_with_giving_people_brains|My organization is not directly concerned with giving people brains.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740118MW-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_benevolent,_and_the_material_nature_is_not|Krsna is benevolent, and the material nature is not.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629IV-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_written_in_many_scriptures_that_God_is_light|It is written in many scriptures that God is light.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606LE-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_can_be_realized_in_small_rural_communities_which_acquire_the_necessary_surface_to_have_each_member_in_the_community_to_be_self-sufficient._Like_in_the_Middle_Ages_the_monks_were_self-sufficient_but_outside_this,_the_peasants_were_really_always_hungry|It can be realized in small rural communities which acquire the necessary surface to have each member in the community to be self-sufficient. Like in the Middle Ages the monks were self-sufficient but outside this, the peasants were really always hungry.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740701LE-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_spirituality_is_in_a_Rolls_Royce_and_you%27re_all_into_money,_you_Krsnas._You_rip_off_people_in_the_streets._When_you_said_%22Violence_with_violence,%22_that%27s_what_you_believe._Jesus_turned_the_other_cheek|Your spirituality is in a Rolls Royce and you're all into money, you Krsnas. You rip off people in the streets. When you said "Violence with violence," that's what you believe. Jesus turned the other cheek.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740605MW-GENEVA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Well,_they_say_%22You_are_distributing_food,_and_we_are_also_distributing_food._You_are_opening_schools,_and_we_are_also_opening_schools.%22|Well, they say "You are distributing food, and we are also distributing food. You are opening schools, and we are also opening schools."]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606LE-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_who_had_this_Vedic_knowledge_and_all_the_things_which_you_have_just_now_said_is_the_solution_to_all_our_problems,_with_all_this_knowledge,_we_have_not_been_able_to_keep_our_society_free_from_so_many_evils_to_come|We who had this Vedic knowledge and all the things which you have just now said is the solution to all our problems, with all this knowledge, we have not been able to keep our society free from so many evils to come.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740531BG-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_gentleman_says_that_real_wisdom_is_not_manifested_by_any_exterior_show,_and_that_it_is_interior,_and_the_real_sage_cannot_be_seen|This gentleman says that real wisdom is not manifested by any exterior show, and that it is interior, and the real sage cannot be seen.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740612MW-PARIS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_say_that_this_is,_the_body_is_made_by_God._Why_cover_it_up%3F_Nakedness_is_the_work_of_God|They say that this is, the body is made by God. Why cover it up? Nakedness is the work of God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740605MW-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Their_argument_is_that_Krsna_consciousness_is_just_another_kind_of_conditioning,_that_you_leave_one_kind_of_conditioning,_a_material_conditioning,_but_then_you_also_enter_into_another_kind_of_conditioning_when_you_live_in_the_temple|Their argument is that Krsna consciousness is just another kind of conditioning, that you leave one kind of conditioning, a material conditioning, but then you also enter into another kind of conditioning when you live in the temple.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740805BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_difference_between_the_transcendentalists_and_the_scientists_is_that_they_do_not_know_the_standard_of_research|The difference between the transcendentalists and the scientists is that they do not know the standard of research.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740805BG-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_said_that_researches_are_all_right,_but_there_has_to_be_a_standard|You said that researches are all right, but there has to be a standard.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740306MW-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_they_chant_and_dance,_I_simply_remember_Bhaktivinoda_Thakura._That%27s_all._I_pray_to_Bhaktivinoda_Thakura,_%22Now_they_have_come_to_your_shelter._Give_them_protection.%22_That%27s_all._What_can_I_do_more%3F_I_cannot_do_anything_more|When they chant and dance, I simply remember Bhaktivinoda Thakura. That's all. I pray to Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "Now they have come to your shelter. Give them protection." That's all. What can I do more? I cannot do anything more.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740103SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_learning_here_Krsna%27s_service._So_Krsna%27s_service_is_here,_and_if_you_are_perfect,_then_Krsna%27s_service_is_there_after_death_also,_the_same_thing|We are learning here Krsna's service. So Krsna's service is here, and if you are perfect, then Krsna's service is there after death also, the same thing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740120SB-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_moment,_any_time_you_spend_for_thinking_of_Krsna,_working_for_Krsna,_chanting_for_Krsna,_eating_for_Krsna,_dancing_for_Krsna,_that_time_is_saved|Any moment, any time you spend for thinking of Krsna, working for Krsna, chanting for Krsna, eating for Krsna, dancing for Krsna, that time is saved.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740304CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_murkha,_a_dull_rascal,_is_very_beautiful_so_long_he_does_not_speak._Because_as_soon_as_he_speaks,_then_his_knowledge,_his_learning,_his_capacity,_his_position_will_be_immediately_exposed|A murkha, a dull rascal, is very beautiful so long he does not speak. Because as soon as he speaks, then his knowledge, his learning, his capacity, his position will be immediately exposed.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741114SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_man_comes_and_joins_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_and_in_the_middle_he_falls_down,_he_does_not_make_further_progress_because_he_falls_down._But_whatever_he_has_done,_that_is_permanent_credit|A man comes and joins this Krsna consciousness movement, and in the middle he falls down, he does not make further progress because he falls down. But whatever he has done, that is permanent credit.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740110MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_never_prays_to_Krsna._They_have_to_undergo_so_much_trouble;_still_they_never_pray_to_Krsna._They_know_that_%22Krsna_will_give_us_ultimately_protection._Let_us_do_our_duty%22|A devotee never prays to Krsna. They have to undergo so much trouble; still they never pray to Krsna. They know that "Krsna will give us ultimately protection. Let us do our duty".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740211BA-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_translating_Bhagavatam,_and_when_three_books_were_published,_I_prepared_myself_to_go_to_America,_singlehanded._Not_for_getting_any_material_reputation,_but_simply_to_try,_because_I_knew_my_Guru_Maharaja_was_very,_very_anxious_to_preach_this_cult|I was translating Bhagavatam, and when three books were published, I prepared myself to go to America, singlehanded. Not for getting any material reputation, but simply to try, because I knew my Guru Maharaja was very, very anxious to preach this cult.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740121SB-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_accept_a_guru,_but_in_my_mind_I_remain_independent,_%22Oh,_why_shall_I_abide_by_the_orders_of_guru%3F%22_That_means_there_is_no_surrender._There_is_no_surrender._It_is_false._It_is_just_to_satisfy_some_motive,_but_that_will_not_help|I accept a guru, but in my mind I remain independent, "Oh, why shall I abide by the orders of guru?" That means there is no surrender. There is no surrender. It is false. It is just to satisfy some motive, but that will not help.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740212BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_knows_everything,_even_within_your_heart,_what_you%27re_thinking,_what_you_are_planning._It_cannot_be_concealed_to_Krsna._This_is_our_foolishness,_that_we_are_doing_something,_concealing|He knows everything, even within your heart, what you're thinking, what you are planning. It cannot be concealed to Krsna. This is our foolishness, that we are doing something, concealing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740312MW-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:For_management,_this_division_must_be_there._Otherwise_it_will_be_mismanagement._Yes._A_Vaisnava_coming_to_the_position_of_doing_the_work_of_a_sudra_does_not_mean_he_has_become_sudra._He%27s_Vaisnava|For management, this division must be there. Otherwise it will be mismanagement. Yes. A Vaisnava coming to the position of doing the work of a sudra does not mean he has become sudra. He's Vaisnava.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740527MW-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_will_be_satisfied._Just_like_our_women,_Krsna_conscious,_they_are_working._They_don%27t_want_equal_rights_with_men._It_is_due_to_Krsna_consciousness._They_are_cleansing_the_temple,_they_are_cooking_very_nicely._They_are_satisfied|Everything will be satisfied. Just like our women, Krsna conscious, they are working. They don't want equal rights with men. It is due to Krsna consciousness. They are cleansing the temple, they are cooking very nicely. They are satisfied.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740314MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_because_you_are_teaching_a_sudra_how_to_work_like_this,_you_have_become_a_sudra._You_are_not_sudras,_any_circumstances._Even_though_you_teach_to_a_sudra_how_to_work_like_a_sudra|Don't think that because you are teaching a sudra how to work like this, you have become a sudra. You are not sudras, any circumstances. Even though you teach to a sudra how to work like a sudra.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740303CC-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement,_is_killing_these_Jagai-Madhai_principles:_no_illicit_sex,_no_intoxication,_no_gambling,_and_no_meat-eating._So_one_side_killing_the_Jagai-Madhai_principle,_and_other_side_protection,_chanting_Hare_Krsna_maha-mantra|Krsna consciousness movement, is killing these Jagai-Madhai principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagai-Madhai principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740105SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Judgment_is_for_the_criminals,_the_rascals_who_are_not_Krsna_conscious._But_if_you_become_Krsna_conscious,_even_if_you_cannot_finish_the_job_in_this_life,_even_if_you_fall,_still,_you_will_be_given_another_chance_of_human_body,_to_begin_where_you_ended|Judgment is for the criminals, the rascals who are not Krsna conscious. But if you become Krsna conscious, even if you cannot finish the job in this life, even if you fall, still, you will be given another chance of human body, to begin where you ended.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740314MW-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Invite_them,_%22Come_and_see.%22_Give_them_prasadam._This_is_our_policy._We_are_not_constructing_big,_big_buildings_and_temples_for_our_convenience._For_their_convenience._This_is_sannyasi|Invite them, "Come and see." Give them prasadam. This is our policy. We are not constructing big, big buildings and temples for our convenience. For their convenience. This is sannyasi.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740105SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_catch_up_Krsna%27s_lotus_feet_very_tightly,_then_you_will_not_fall_down|If you catch up Krsna's lotus feet very tightly, then you will not fall down.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740405MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_only_duty_is_to_carry_out_the_order_of_the_Supreme._Other_things_is_already_done_by_Him|Our only duty is to carry out the order of the Supreme. Other things is already done by Him.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741227SB-BOMBAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_cannot_become_guru_unless_he_knows_krsna-tattva._Not_ordinary_man|One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740212LE-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_engaged_in_Krsna%27s_service_with_firm_faith_and_devotion,_it_means_he_has_already_freed_himself_from_all_kinds_of_reactions_of_sinful_activities._This_is_the_test|One who is engaged in Krsna's service with firm faith and devotion, it means he has already freed himself from all kinds of reactions of sinful activities. This is the test.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740602SB-GENEVA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_that_sitting_one_place_doing_nothing_and_become_Krsna_conscious._Then_there_will_be_fall_down._Don%27t_imitate_Haridasa_Thakura._That_is_not_possible._You_must_work|Not that sitting one place doing nothing and become Krsna conscious. Then there will be fall down. Don't imitate Haridasa Thakura. That is not possible. You must work.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741212SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_point_is:_by_serving_the_Supreme_Lord,_one_gives_the_best_service_to_the_family,_because_if_one_becomes_a_Vaisnava,_pure_Vaisnava,_the_whole_family,_up_to_fourteen_generations,_they_become_liberated|My point is: by serving the Supreme Lord, one gives the best service to the family, because if one becomes a Vaisnava, pure Vaisnava, the whole family, up to fourteen generations, they become liberated.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/741204SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_ready_to_talk_with_you._He_has_come._He_has_descended_in_arca-murti_to_talk_with_you,_to_be_visible_by_you._Now_you_make_yourself_ready_and_fit_to_talk_with_you;_then_He_will_exchange_conversation._This_is_possible._This_is_a_qualification|Krsna is ready to talk with you. He has come. He has descended in arca-murti to talk with you, to be visible by you. Now you make yourself ready and fit to talk with you; then He will exchange conversation. This is possible. This is a qualification.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740302CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_distributed_this_Krsna_love_immediately,_anyone._That_is_Krsna_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu%27s,_I_mean_to_say,_contribution_to_the_human_society._If_you_simply_become_under_His_lotus_feet,_then_love_of_Krsna_is_very_easily_achieved|Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under His lotus feet, then love of Krsna is very easily achieved.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740105SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So-called_brahmacari,_so-called_grhastha,_or_so-called_sannyasi,_then_you_will_fall_down|So-called brahmacari, so-called grhastha, or so-called sannyasi, then you will fall down.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740213R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_I_deny_Krsna,_that_is_disunity,_and_as_soon_as_I_agree,_%22Krsna,_yes,%22_then_this_is_unity._This_is_unity._Unity_does_not_mean_that_Krsna_and_Arjuna_become_united,_homogeneous|So long I deny Krsna, that is disunity, and as soon as I agree, "Krsna, yes," then this is unity. This is unity. Unity does not mean that Krsna and Arjuna become united, homogeneous.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740304CC-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_want_to_be_satisfied_with_little_benefit,_with_little_benefit._No,_that_is_not_our_mission._We_want_the_supreme_benefit|People want to be satisfied with little benefit, with little benefit. No, that is not our mission. We want the supreme benefit.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740419MW-HYDERABAD.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Building_is_not_very_important._Work_is_important._Activity_is_important._I_started_my_movement_not_with_buildings,_but_real_activity._So_building_is_opulence._You_can_do_without_opulence._You_can_start_anything,_even_underneath_a_tree|Building is not very important. Work is important. Activity is important. I started my movement not with buildings, but real activity. So building is opulence. You can do without opulence. You can start anything, even underneath a tree.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740707RY-SAN_FRANCISCO.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_living_being_is_providing,_maintaining_all_other_living_beings._So_our_position_is_being_maintained_by_God_and_God_is_maintainer._Our_position_is_being_predominated_and_God_is_predominator|One living being is providing, maintaining all other living beings. So our position is being maintained by God and God is maintainer. Our position is being predominated and God is predominator.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740724SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_you_brush_something_with_broomstick_or_something_and_throw_away_the_dust,_similarly,_the_dusty_things,_so-called_sentimental_religionism,_is_not_here_in_the_Srimad-Bhagavatam._It_is_a_science._Parama-guhyam:_very_confidential|Just like you brush something with broomstick or something and throw away the dust, similarly, the dusty things, so-called sentimental religionism, is not here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is a science. Parama-guhyam: very confidential.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740724SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna-prapti_hoy_jaha_hate:_by_the_favor_of_guru_one_gets_Krsna._Yasya_prasadad_bhagavat._Everywhere._This_is_bhagavad-bhakti-yoga._So_one_who_has_not_attained_this_state,_what_is_this_bhagavad-bhakti%3F_This_is_rascaldom|Krsna-prapti hoy jaha hate: by the favor of guru one gets Krsna. Yasya prasadad bhagavat. Everywhere. This is bhagavad-bhakti-yoga. So one who has not attained this state, what is this bhagavad-bhakti? This is rascaldom.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740724SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Love_does_not_mean_%22I_love_myself%22_and_meditate_upon_love._No._There_must_be_another_person,_lover._Therefore_dvaitavada._As_soon_as_you_come_to_the_bhakti_school,_there_must_be_dvaitavada:_two_-_Krsna_and_Krsna%27s_devotee|Love does not mean "I love myself" and meditate upon love. No. There must be another person, lover. Therefore dvaitavada. As soon as you come to the bhakti school, there must be dvaitavada: two - Krsna and Krsna's devotee.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740724SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jugala-piriti:_the_loving_dealings_between_Radha_and_Krsna._Jugala_means_%22couple%22;_piriti_means_%22love.%22|Jugala-piriti: the loving dealings between Radha and Krsna. Jugala means "couple"; piriti means "love."]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740724SB-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_are_not_serious_about_understanding_the_science_of_Krsna,_if_you_take_some_opportunity_to_become_this,_to_become_that,_and_make_some_money,_and_this_and_that,_then_the_whole_thing_is_finished._For_opportunists_there_is_no_Krsna_consciousness|If we are not serious about understanding the science of Krsna, if you take some opportunity to become this, to become that, and make some money, and this and that, then the whole thing is finished. For opportunists there is no Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740625AR-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_religion_does_not_say_asceticism._Our_religion_teaches_to_love_God._You_can_love_God_in_this_dress._There_is_no_harm|Our religion does not say asceticism. Our religion teaches to love God. You can love God in this dress. There is no harm.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740628LE-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_human_life_is_meant_for_understanding_God._That_is_the_only_business_of_human_life|This human life is meant for understanding God. That is the only business of human life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740628LE-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_material_body_is_my_covering,_just_like_dress._Every_one_of_us_is_dressed,_covered_by_some_kind_of_dress._Similarly,_all_living_beings,_they_are_dressed_by_the_material_covering._The_gross_dress_or_coat_and_the_subtle_dress|This material body is my covering, just like dress. Every one of us is dressed, covered by some kind of dress. Similarly, all living beings, they are dressed by the material covering. The gross dress or coat and the subtle dress.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740628LE-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_process_is_to_transfer_yourself_from_material_energy_to_spiritual_energy._We_are_under_energy._The_God_has_got_two_energies_-_material_energy_and_spiritual_energy._We_are_also_energy._We_are_marginal_energy|The process is to transfer yourself from material energy to spiritual energy. We are under energy. The God has got two energies - material energy and spiritual energy. We are also energy. We are marginal energy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740628LE-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Jesus_Christ_is_son_of_God,_the_best_son_of_God,_so_we_have_all_respect_for_him._Yes._Anyone_who_is_teaching_people_about_God_consciousness,_he_is_respectful_to_us._It_does_not_matter_in_which_country,_in_which_atmosphere,_he_was_preaching|Lord Jesus Christ is son of God, the best son of God, so we have all respect for him. Yes. Anyone who is teaching people about God consciousness, he is respectful to us. It does not matter in which country, in which atmosphere, he was preaching.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740420MW-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_sudra,_if_he_is_working,_he_cannot_take_brahmana_initiation,_but_he_can_take_hari-nama,_is_that_it%3F|A sudra, if he is working, he cannot take brahmana initiation, but he can take hari-nama, is that it?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740714MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Vedic_culture,_is_seaweed_edible%3F|According to Vedic culture, is seaweed edible?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614MW-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_that_karma_is_erased_as_soon_as_he_surrenders_to_Krsna%3F|All that karma is erased as soon as he surrenders to Krsna?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740529MW-ROME_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Also_based_on_karma,_that_one_man_is_meant_to_have_more_than_another_of_material_things%3F_Is_that_an_argument_against...%3F|Also based on karma, that one man is meant to have more than another of material things? Is that an argument against...?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740214R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_Bon_Maharaja_also_has_told_he_is_a_graduate._What_is_he%3F|And Bon Maharaja also has told he is a graduate. What is he?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740119SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_kind_of_living_entity_who_takes_prasadam_or_hears_the_name,_that_it_will_come_back_at_least_to_human_form_of_life._Is_that_correct%3F|Any kind of living entity who takes prasadam or hears the name, that it will come back at least to human form of life. Is that correct?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740418PC-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_other_type_of_concentration_%28meditation%29_you_do%3F|Any other type of concentration (meditation) you do?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740312MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_sudras_supposed_to_take_sannyasa_also%3F|Are sudras supposed to take sannyasa also?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740627BG-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_you_God%3F|Are you God?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740910GC-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_Radha-Damodara,_did_you_cook_yourself%3F|At Radha-Damodara, did you cook yourself?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740805BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahmana_is_not_to_accept_any_employment%3F|Brahmana is not to accept any employment?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740213R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_from_%2765-%2766_how_did_you_manage%3F_You_didn%27t_have_any_money_with_you|But from '65-'66 how did you manage? You didn't have any money with you.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740418PC-HYDERABAD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_isn%27t_the_Krsna_consciousness_has_not_spread_in_the_Arab_world%3F|But isn't the Krsna consciousness has not spread in the Arab world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629IV-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_still,_somebody_must_have_seen_Krsna..._to_actually_paint_Him%3F|But still, somebody must have seen Krsna... to actually paint Him?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740331MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_why_should_He_%28God%29_create_them_%28the_jivas%29_in_the_first_instance%3F|But why should He (God) create them (the jivas) in the first instance?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740123SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_changing_the_type_of_service_one%27s_performing,_can_that_help_him_to_achieve_the_desired_perfection_in_relationship_with_the_spiritual_master_and_Krsna%3F|Can changing the type of service one's performing, can that help him to achieve the desired perfection in relationship with the spiritual master and Krsna?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740613BG-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_our_religion_bring_something_more_than_other_religions%3F|Can our religion bring something more than other religions?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740314MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_you_say_something_about_the_training_for_a_brahmana_%28in_the_varnasrama_college%29%3F|Can you say something about the training for a brahmana (in the varnasrama college)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740501MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Did_the_residents_of_Vrndavana_see_the_many_expansions_or_did_they_only_see_one_Krsna%3F|Did the residents of Vrndavana see the many expansions or did they only see one Krsna?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740611R1-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Did_you_write_all_these_books%3F|Did you write all these books?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740614MW-PARIS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_people_naturally_act_sinfully,_or_is_that_something_that_they_develop%3F|Do people naturally act sinfully, or is that something that they develop?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740615R2-PARIS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_we_have_a_meaning,_do_we_have_a_definition_for_the_third_eye%3F|Do we have a meaning, do we have a definition for the third eye?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740606LE-GENEVA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_we_use_machines_and_modern_methods_on_our_asramas_and_farms|Do we use machines and modern methods on our asramas and farms.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740615R1-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_believe_in_love_of_God,_and_that_God_is_a_person%3F_Some_people_say_that_God_is_not_a_person,_and_we_say_God_is_a_person|Do you believe in love of God, and that God is a person? Some people say that God is not a person, and we say God is a person.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740627BG-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_believe_in_the_Holy_Bible%3F|Do you believe in the Holy Bible?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740615R1-PARIS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_have_an_opinion_on_the_Hebrew_scripture,_the_Kabbalah%3F|Do you have an opinion on the Hebrew scripture, the Kabbalah?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740701LE-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_have_the_powers_of_Jesus%3F_Can_you_say_to_a_person,_%22Rise_up_and_walk,%22_when_they%27re_paralyzed%3F|Do you have the powers of Jesus? Can you say to a person, "Rise up and walk," when they're paralyzed?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629IV-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_see_a_time_coming_when_all_mankind_will_be_united%3F|Do you see a time coming when all mankind will be united?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629IV-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_meditation_is_a_way_to_see_God_inside_yourself%3F|Do you think meditation is a way to see God inside yourself?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740615R1-PARIS_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_that_in_the_future_all_religions_and_all_these_spiritual_groups_will_come_together_and_form_one_group%3F|Do you think that in the future all religions and all these spiritual groups will come together and form one group?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740418PC-HYDERABAD_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_that_the_Russian_society_is_not_put_off_by_this_bhajana%3F|Do you think that the Russian society is not put off by this bhajana?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740629IV-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_that,_that_stage_%28to_be_united_on_the_spiritual_platform%29_is_possible_within_this_generation%3F|Do you think that, that stage (to be united on the spiritual platform) is possible within this generation?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740420MW-HYDERABAD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_a_devotee,_who_is_working_as_a_sudra,_get_second_initiation%3F|Does a devotee, who is working as a sudra, get second initiation?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740331MW-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_God_need_service%3F|Does God need service?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740406MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_He_%28Krsna%29_also_appear_through_Maha-Visnu%3F|Does He (Krsna) also appear through Maha-Visnu?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740401MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_karma-yoga_mean_to_follow_exactly_the_sastras%3F|Does karma-yoga mean to follow exactly the sastras?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740213R1-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_Krsna_makes_us_ignorant_or_are_we_ignorant%3F|Does Krsna makes us ignorant or are we ignorant?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/740103MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_such_a_comet_%28comet_Kohoutek%29_affect_consciousness_as_well_as_matter%3F|Does such a comet (comet Kohoutek) affect consciousness as well as matter?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760101BG.MAD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_morning_these_press_reporters_were_asking_me%2C_%22What_is_the_purpose_of_your_movement%3F%22_So_I_said%2C_%22To_educate_the_mudhas%2C_that%27s_all.%22_This_is_the_sum_and_substance_of_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement%2C_that_we_are_trying_to_educate_the_mudhas|This morning these press reporters were asking me, "What is the purpose of your movement?" So I said, "To educate the mudhas, that's all." This is the sum and substance of this Krsna consciousness movement, that we are trying to educate the mudhas.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760102MW.MAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28persons_living_in_the_sun%29_have_got_fiery_body._As_your_body_is_made_of_earth,_the_fish_body_is_made_of_water,_and_the_so_many_others,_different_elements,_so_similarly,_there_the_body_is_made_of_earth...,_er,_fire,_fiery_body|They (persons living in the sun) have got fiery body. As your body is made of earth, the fish body is made of water, and the so many others, different elements, so similarly, there the body is made of earth..., er, fire, fiery body.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760102SB.MAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_did_not_come_to_reorganize_the_so-called_dharmas:_Hindu_dharma,_Muslim_dharma,_Christian_dharma,_Buddha%27s_dharma._No._According_to_Srimad-Bhagavatam_it_is_said,_dharmah_projjhita-kaitavo_%27tra|Krsna did not come to reorganize the so-called dharmas: Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, Buddha's dharma. No. According to Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo 'tra.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760102SB.MAD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sambandha,_what_is_our_connection_God._That_is_called_sambandha._And_then_abhidheya._According_to_that_relationship_we_have_to_act._That_is_called_abhidheya._And_why_do_we_act%3F_Because_we_have_got_the_goal_of_life,_to_achieve_the_goal_of_life|Sambandha, what is our connection God. That is called sambandha. And then abhidheya. According to that relationship we have to act. That is called abhidheya. And why do we act? Because we have got the goal of life, to achieve the goal of life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760102SB.MAD_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_thinking_independent_and_we_are_planning_so_many_things_independently_to_become_happy._It_is_not_possible._That_is_not_possible._That_is_maya%27s_illusory_play|We are thinking independent and we are planning so many things independently to become happy. It is not possible. That is not possible. That is maya's illusory play.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760102SB.MAD_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bhagavad-gita_Arjuna_says,_asamaurdhva._Asama:_%22There_is_no_equal_to_you,_asama,_and_urdhva,_nobody_is_greater_than_You.%22_That_is_God._Supreme_means_who_has_no_equal,_neither_anyone_is_greater_than._Everyone_is_under._That_is_called_asama_urdhva|In the Bhagavad-gita Arjuna says, asamaurdhva. Asama: "There is no equal to you, asama, and urdhva, nobody is greater than You." That is God. Supreme means who has no equal, neither anyone is greater than. Everyone is under. That is called asama urdhva.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760103MW.NEL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Preach_this_truth_to_the_world,_that_%22You_are_all_rascals._Why_you_are_thinking_independently%3F%22_Huh%3F_%22Why_I_am_rascal%3F%22_%22Because_you_are_thinking_independently._That_is_the_proof_that_you_are_a_rascal%22|Preach this truth to the world, that "You are all rascals. Why you are thinking independently?" Huh? "Why I am rascal?" "Because you are thinking independently. That is the proof that you are a rascal".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760103MW.NEL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_go_to_the_Parliament_and_Westminster_Abbey._They_have_kept_all_the_statues_of_Sir_Isaac_Newton_and_this_Churchill,_this...._Mean,_they_want_to_show_that_%22It_is_only_our_nation_who_has_produced_all_these_intelligent_persons%22|You go to the Parliament and Westminster Abbey. They have kept all the statues of Sir Isaac Newton and this Churchill, this.... Mean, they want to show that "It is only our nation who has produced all these intelligent persons".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760103MW.NEL_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_you_have_accepted_this_material_body,_you_are_foolishly_thinking_that_you_are_not_eternal._Otherwise,_as_God_is_eternal,_you_are_also_eternal|Because you have accepted this material body, you are foolishly thinking that you are not eternal. Otherwise, as God is eternal, you are also eternal.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760104LE.NEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760107SB.NEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760212SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_boys,_they_are_playing_mrdangas,_they_are_playing_cymbals,_dancing,_every_item_is_taken_into_account._Every_item._Not_that_it_is_going_futile._No._That_is_Krsna_consciousness,_that_is_bhakti-marga|These boys, they are playing mrdangas, they are playing cymbals, dancing, every item is taken into account. Every item. Not that it is going futile. No. That is Krsna consciousness, that is bhakti-marga.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760216SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_sixteen_thousand_wives,_how_they_became_wives%3F_You_know_the_story,_that_many_beautiful,_sixteen_thousand_beautiful,_I_mean_to_say,_king%27s_daughters_were_kidnapped_by_the_asura._What_is_the_name_of_that_asura%3F_Bhaumasura|These sixteen thousand wives, how they became wives? You know the story, that many beautiful, sixteen thousand beautiful, I mean to say, king's daughters were kidnapped by the asura. What is the name of that asura? Bhaumasura.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760221BA.MAY_Bhaktisiddhanta_App_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Apart_from_his_life,_we_are_especially_stressing_on_the_mission_of_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura|Apart from his life, we are especially stressing on the mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760221BA.MAY_Bhaktisiddhanta_App_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Real_welfare_activity_means_to_see_to_the_interest_of_the_soul._So_what_is_the_interest_of_the_soul%3F_The_interest_of_the_soul_is_that_the_soul_is_part_and_parcel_of_Krsna,_God|Real welfare activity means to see to the interest of the soul. So what is the interest of the soul? The interest of the soul is that the soul is part and parcel of Krsna, God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760221BA.MAY_Bhaktisiddhanta_App_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_especially_request_my_disciples_who_are_cooperating_with_me_that_try_to_publish_books_as_many_as_possible_and_distribute_throughout_the_whole_world._That_will_satisfy_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_as_well_as_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura|I especially request my disciples who are cooperating with me that try to publish books as many as possible and distribute throughout the whole world. That will satisfy Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760224SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_some_man_comes_in_our_society;_after_staying_for_days,_he_goes_away._This_is_praksepata,_thrown_away._Unless_he%27s_very_sincere,_he_cannot_stay_with_us|Sometimes some man comes in our society; after staying for days, he goes away. This is praksepata, thrown away. Unless he's very sincere, he cannot stay with us.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760226SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_hunter_spread_his_net._So_some_little_birds,_they_fell_down_in_the_net_and_they_are_crying|A hunter spread his net. So some little birds, they fell down in the net and they are crying.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760302SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_be_trained_up_in_that_platform,_how_to_become_the_best_servant,_not_only_servant_directly,_but_servants,_of_the_servant._This_is_called_parampara_servant|We have to be trained up in that platform, how to become the best servant, not only servant directly, but servants, of the servant. This is called parampara servant.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760302SB.MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_we_have_to_give_up_this_nonsense_idea_of_becoming_master|Krsna consciousness movement means we have to give up this nonsense idea of becoming master.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760317SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_may_be_a_tiny_attempt,_humble_attempt,_but_our_aim_is_how_these_dogs_and_cats_will_become_brahmana._This_is_our_aim._We_do_not_want_to_keep_them_in_the_position_of_cats_and_dogs_and_pigs|It may be a tiny attempt, humble attempt, but our aim is how these dogs and cats will become brahmana. This is our aim. We do not want to keep them in the position of cats and dogs and pigs.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760322SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gopi-bhartur_pada-kamalayor_dasa-dasa-dasanudasah._This_is_our_process._We_don%27t_approach_Krsna_directly._We_must_begin_our_service_to_the_Krsna%27s_servant._And_who_is_Krsna%27s_servant%3F_One_who_has_become_the_servant_of_another_Krsna%27s_servant|Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah. This is our process. We don't approach Krsna directly. We must begin our service to the Krsna's servant. And who is Krsna's servant? One who has become the servant of another Krsna's servant.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760325rc.del_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Big,_big_monkey,_big,_big_belly,_Ceylon_jumping,_melancholy|Big, big monkey, big, big belly, Ceylon jumping, melancholy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760407SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_saw_one_hotel_man_in_Calcutta_cutting_the_throat_of_a_chicken:_he_was_laughing_and_his_son_was_crying|I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken: he was laughing and his son was crying.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760414mw.bom_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_was_a_child_my_father_gave_me_one_red_gun,_and_then_I_was_not_more_than_eight_years._Then,_after_getting_one,_I_said,_%22I_must_have_another_one%22|When I was a child my father gave me one red gun, and then I was not more than eight years. Then, after getting one, I said, "I must have another one".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760414MW.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_rabbit_killed_a_big_lion_by_intelligence|The rabbit killed a big lion by intelligence.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760415SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_require_a_leader;_we_require_a_leader._That_is_wanted._Without_leader_we_cannot_go._But_if_you_select_a_bad_leader,_blind_leader,_then_you_remain_blind|You require a leader; we require a leader. That is wanted. Without leader we cannot go. But if you select a bad leader, blind leader, then you remain blind.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760419BG.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_does_the_spirit_soul_of_a_beast_enter_into_the_form_of_a_human_being%3F|How does the spirit soul of a beast enter into the form of a human being?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760420RC.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_made_a_Bhaktivedanta_Book_Trust._That_is_my_will,_and_I_have_given_my_will_that_fifty_percent_of_the_collection_should_be_spent_for_reprinting_the_books_and_fifty_percent_should_be_spent_for_spreading_the_movement|I have made a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. That is my will, and I have given my will that fifty percent of the collection should be spent for reprinting the books and fifty percent should be spent for spreading the movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760422BG.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760422BG.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_the_Supreme_Person._He_knows_everything._You_take_the_information,_knowledge,_from_Krsna._Then_your_life_will_be_successful._That_is_the_propaganda_of_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement|Krsna is the Supreme Person. He knows everything. You take the information, knowledge, from Krsna. Then your life will be successful. That is the propaganda of this Krsna consciousness movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760423IN-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_initiation_by_the_grace_of_guru_and_Krsna,_do_not_take_it_very_leniently._Take_it_very_seriously._It_is_a_great_opportunity|This initiation by the grace of guru and Krsna, do not take it very leniently. Take it very seriously. It is a great opportunity.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760423RC.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_servant;_we_take_the_remnants_of_foodstuff_left_by_Krsna._We_are_neither_vegetarian_nor_nonvegetarian._We_are_prasad-ian|We are servant; we take the remnants of foodstuff left by Krsna. We are neither vegetarian nor nonvegetarian. We are prasad-ian.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760427RC.AUC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sleeping_-_oh,_there_is_no_limit,_twenty-four_hours_sleeping_if_it_is_possible._Go_on,_this_is_going_on._Eating,_sleeping,_mating._And_defense_-_and_discover_atomic_weapon,_this_weapon,_that_weapon,_and_kill_innocent_persons,_unnecessarily,_defense|Sleeping - oh, there is no limit, twenty-four hours sleeping if it is possible. Go on, this is going on. Eating, sleeping, mating. And defense - and discover atomic weapon, this weapon, that weapon, and kill innocent persons, unnecessarily, defense.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760427RC.AUC_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_don%27t_spoil_the_movement_by_manufacturing_ideas._Don%27t_do_that._Go_on_in_the_standard_way,_keep_yourself_pure;_then_movement_is_sure_to_be_successful._But_if_you_want_to_spoil_it_by_whimsical,_then_what_can_be_done%3F|So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760501RC.FIJ_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_landing_point_is_very_dangerous._If_the_pilot_cannot_handle_very_nicely,_immediately_smashed._The_crash_takes_place_while_going_up_and_coming_down,_generally._That_is_due_to_mismanagement_of_the_pilot|This landing point is very dangerous. If the pilot cannot handle very nicely, immediately smashed. The crash takes place while going up and coming down, generally. That is due to mismanagement of the pilot.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760501RC.FIJ_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_cutting_throat_of_one_poor_animal_under_my_protection._If_somebody_cuts_my_throat,_how_much_I_am_unhappy._And_I%27m_doing_the_same_business_and_I%27m_human_being%3F_How_can_I_call_myself_a_human_being%3F_I_have_no_sense_even_of_compassion|I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760507R1.HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_serving_the_spiritual_master,_you_keep_your_weapon_always_sharpened._And_then_take_help_from_Krsna,_the_words_of_spiritual_master_sharpen_weapon_and_the_spiritual_master_is_happy,_then_Krsna_immediately_will_help._He_gives_you_strength|By serving the spiritual master, you keep your weapon always sharpened. And then take help from Krsna, the words of spiritual master sharpen weapon and the spiritual master is happy, then Krsna immediately will help. He gives you strength.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760521SB.HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_our_mission._All_of_you_who_have_come_to_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_that_is_our_request,_that_you,_all_of_you,_become_guru_but_don%27t_speak_nonsense._That_is_request._Simply_speak_what_Krsna_has_said|That is our mission. All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760526SB.HON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_in_this_material_world_there_is_no_love_because_the_man_and_woman,_they_have_no_idea_that_%22I_mix_with_the_man,_the_man_who_satisfies_desires_with_me.%22_No._%22I_will_satisfy_my_desires.%22_This_is_the_basic_principle|Here in this material world there is no love because the man and woman, they have no idea that "I mix with the man, the man who satisfies desires with me." No. "I will satisfy my desires." This is the basic principle.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760526SB.HON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Kali-yuga_is_so_fallen._If_a_young_man_sees_another_young_man_he%27s_enjoying_with_another_young_girl,_then_naturally_his_lusty_desires_increases._So_these_things_are_forbidden_therefore|Kali-yuga is so fallen. If a young man sees another young man he's enjoying with another young girl, then naturally his lusty desires increases. So these things are forbidden therefore.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760526SB.HON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_the_students_who_used_to_come_to_England_for_higher_studies,_naturally_he%27d_carry_one_white_elephant._They_used_to_say_-_it_is_not_my_coined_words_-_they_used_to_say,_%22Oh,_to_maintain_European_wife,_it_is_like_maintaining_white_elephant%22|All the students who used to come to England for higher studies, naturally he'd carry one white elephant. They used to say - it is not my coined words - they used to say, "Oh, to maintain European wife, it is like maintaining white elephant".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760526SB.HON_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_the_gopis,_girls,_before_their_marriage,_they_prayed_to_Katyayani_that_%22You_give_me_Krsna_as_my_husband.%22_So_Krsna...,_it_is_not_possible_socially,_but_Krsna_makes_such_a_plan_that_He_accepted_every_one_of_them_as_His_wife._That_is_vastrana-lila|All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760531SB.HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_mosquito_will_bite,_the_flies_will_disturb_you,_the_bugs_are_there,_and_then_the_dogs_will_bark_unnecessarily._You_are_passing,_and_his_business_is_barking._Ha%3F_%22Bow!_Bow!_Bow!%22_So_this_is_also_suffering|The mosquito will bite, the flies will disturb you, the bugs are there, and then the dogs will bark unnecessarily. You are passing, and his business is barking. Ha? "Bow! Bow! Bow!" So this is also suffering.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604MW-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all,_I_started_the_book._That_is,_by_Krsna%27s_grace,_it_is_becoming_successful._Then_diorama._Then_I_shall_give_next_idea|First of all, I started the book. That is, by Krsna's grace, it is becoming successful. Then diorama. Then I shall give next idea.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760610GC.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_stop_death._You_cannot_stop_old_age._You_can_manufacture_advanced_medicine,_but_why_don%27t_you_stop_disease%3F_Take_this_pill,_there_will_be_no_more_disease._Where_is_that_science|You cannot stop death. You cannot stop old age. You can manufacture advanced medicine, but why don't you stop disease? Take this pill, there will be no more disease. Where is that science.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760610SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760610SB.LA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Mrgari_the_hunter|Mrgari the hunter.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760613SB.DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_for_very_intelligent,_high-class,_fortunate_persons._Because_they_are_going_to_guide_the_destiny_of_the_human_society|This Krsna consciousness movement is for very intelligent, high-class, fortunate persons. Because they are going to guide the destiny of the human society.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760614GC.DET_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment,_there_is_no_intelligent_class_of_men._All_laborer,_worker_class_of_men,_fourth_class._No_first_class,_second_class._Therefore_society_is_in_chaotic_condition._There_is_no_brain|At the present moment, there is no intelligent class of men. All laborer, worker class of men, fourth class. No first class, second class. Therefore society is in chaotic condition. There is no brain.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R4.DET_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_in_this_Bhagavad-gita,_it_is_ordered_that_the_human_society_must_be_divided_into_four_divisions,_and_they_should_cooperate_for_understanding_God|Here in this Bhagavad-gita, it is ordered that the human society must be divided into four divisions, and they should cooperate for understanding God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618IV.TOR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_cats_and_dogs,_if_they_are_practiced_to_run_here_and_there,_either_on_legs_or_on_cars,_is_that_advancement_of_civilization%3F|As cats and dogs, if they are practiced to run here and there, either on legs or on cars, is that advancement of civilization?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760620MW.TOR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_showing_some_mysticism._Stop_death._Then_I_shall_see_your_mysticism._What_is_this_nonsense_mysticism%3F_Can_you_stop_death%3F_Is_it_possible%3F_Then_what_is_the_meaning_of_this_mysticism%3F_All_bogus|They are showing some mysticism. Stop death. Then I shall see your mysticism. What is this nonsense mysticism? Can you stop death? Is it possible? Then what is the meaning of this mysticism? All bogus.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760620SB.TOR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_create_at_least_one_section_first-class_men_so_that_people_may_see,_%22Oh,_here_are_ideal_men%22|Krsna consciousness movement is trying to create at least one section first-class men so that people may see, "Oh, here are ideal men".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760621SB.TOR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_trying_to_become_God._Now_practice_here_how_to_become_a_servant_of_God._And_if_you_are_qualified,_factually,_that_now_you_are_rest_assured_that_you_have_become_a_servant_of_God,_that_is_bhakti-marga|Everyone is trying to become God. Now practice here how to become a servant of God. And if you are qualified, factually, that now you are rest assured that you have become a servant of God, that is bhakti-marga.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760621SB.TOR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_for_the_lazy_fellow._No._It_is_meant_for_the_strong_man:_strong_in_body,_strong_in_mind,_strong_in_determination._Everything_strong,_strong_in_brain|It is not Krsna consciousness movement is for the lazy fellow. No. It is meant for the strong man: strong in body, strong in mind, strong in determination. Everything strong, strong in brain.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760622gc.nv_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_never_came_here_because_American_boys_or_people_wanted_me._They_did_not_feel_any_need_of_my_presence._But_I_came_here,_because_it_is_my_duty._My_Guru_Maharaja_ordered_me|I never came here because American boys or people wanted me. They did not feel any need of my presence. But I came here, because it is my duty. My Guru Maharaja ordered me.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760624rc.nv_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_does_not_mean_to_keep_a_set_of_men_lazy,_who_cannot_work._That_is_not_Krsna_consciousness._Everyone_must_work_to_his_capacity._Prescribed_duties|Krsna consciousness does not mean to keep a set of men lazy, who cannot work. That is not Krsna consciousness. Everyone must work to his capacity. Prescribed duties.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627SB.NV_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_how_to_increase_detachment_for_this_material_life._Therefore_it_is_called_vairagya-vidya|Krsna consciousness movement is how to increase detachment for this material life. Therefore it is called vairagya-vidya.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760705RC.WDC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_you_were_a_chemist_before,_but_I_think_you_are_the_greatest_alchemist_to_have_taken_so_many_leaden_souls_and_turned_them_into_golden_Vaisnavas|Prabhupada, you were a chemist before, but I think you are the greatest alchemist to have taken so many leaden souls and turned them into golden Vaisnavas.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706AD.WDC_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_is_sri-caitanya-mano-%27bhistam|This movement is sri-caitanya-mano-'bhistam.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706AD.WDC_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_trance,_you%27ll_find_yogi_picture,_their_trance,_they_are_in_meditation,_completely_silent,_stop_breathing_and_seeing_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_Visnu,_within_the_heart._This_is_actual_yoga_system|In trance, you'll find yogi picture, their trance, they are in meditation, completely silent, stop breathing and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, within the heart. This is actual yoga system.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706AD.WDC_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_did_not_come_to_establish_some_sectarian_religious_system._That_is_not_God%27s_system._God_is_for_everyone._God_is_not_for_the_Hindus,_for_the_Muslims,_for_the_Christians,_or_anyone._God_is_for_everyone|Krsna did not come to establish some sectarian religious system. That is not God's system. God is for everyone. God is not for the Hindus, for the Muslims, for the Christians, or anyone. God is for everyone.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706AD.WDC_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_find_out_the_supreme_father._Supreme_father._That_is_the_sum_and_substance_of_this_movement._If_we_do_not_know_who_is_our_father,_that_is_not_a_very_good_position|This Krsna consciousness movement means to find out the supreme father. Supreme father. That is the sum and substance of this movement. If we do not know who is our father, that is not a very good position.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706R1.WDC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_can_be_pushed_on_vigorously_so_long_we_are_devotees,_otherwise_it_will_be_finished._It_cannot_be_conducted_by_any_outsiders._No._Only_the_devotees._That_is_the_secret._So_long_we_remain_devotees,_our_movement_will_go,_without_any_check|This movement can be pushed on vigorously so long we are devotees, otherwise it will be finished. It cannot be conducted by any outsiders. No. Only the devotees. That is the secret. So long we remain devotees, our movement will go, without any check.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760707CC.BAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_subject_matter_is_not_material_things,_that_somehow_or_other_you_get_a_car_and_a_good_apartment_and_a_good_wife,_then_all_your_problems_solved._No._That_is_not_solution_of_problems._The_real_problem_is_how_to_stop_your_death|Our subject matter is not material things, that somehow or other you get a car and a good apartment and a good wife, then all your problems solved. No. That is not solution of problems. The real problem is how to stop your death.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708CC.WDC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_that_we_are_inducing_people_to_understand_the_problem._It_is_not_a_sectarian_movement_or_so-called_religious_movement._It_is_not_a_religion._It_is_educational_cultural_movement|This is Krsna consciousness movement, that we are inducing people to understand the problem. It is not a sectarian movement or so-called religious movement. It is not a religion. It is educational cultural movement.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760709AD.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_tell_you_frankly,_whatever_little_success_is_there_in_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_I_simply_believed_what_was_spoken_by_my_Guru_Maharaja._You_also_continue_that._Then_every_success_will_come|I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760709R1.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_came_to_this_foreign_country_without_any_acquaintance._So_Krsna_has_sent_so_many_fathers_to_love_me._In_that_way_I_am_fortunate._At_the_last_stage_if_I_live_very_peacefully,_that_is_a_great_mercy_of_Krsna|I came to this foreign country without any acquaintance. So Krsna has sent so many fathers to love me. In that way I am fortunate. At the last stage if I live very peacefully, that is a great mercy of Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760711CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_hankering,_working_so_hard_day_and_night,_and_there_is_fire_brigade,_%22gon-gon-gon-gon.%22_It_is_going_on._%28laughter%29_This_is_life._That_is_not_happiness._Here_is_happiness._Come_here|Everyone is hankering, working so hard day and night, and there is fire brigade, "gon-gon-gon-gon." It is going on. (laughter) This is life. That is not happiness. Here is happiness. Come here.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Could_you_tell_me_a_little_bit_about_your_background,_when_you_were_young,_what_types_of_things_you_did...%3F|Could you tell me a little bit about your background, when you were young, what types of things you did...?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2.NY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_that_some_day_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_will_spread_to_all_the_people_in_the_world%3F|Do you think that some day the Krsna consciousness movement will spread to all the people in the world?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2.NY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Could_you_go_over_each_of_the_three_functions_you%27ve_been_mentioning-eating,_sleeping_and_sex_-_and_tell_me_what_specifically,_what_rules_or_hints_that_you_would_give_people_who_are_seeking_spiritual_enlightenment_to_aid_in_their_lives_in_these_ways|Could you go over each of the three functions you've been mentioning-eating, sleeping and sex - and tell me what specifically, what rules or hints that you would give people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment to aid in their lives in these ways.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760715CC.NY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Servant%27s_business_is_to_surrender,_not_to_argue_with_the_master_or_to_claim_that_%22I_am_equal_with_you.%22_These_are_all_fanatic,_mad_proposal|Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760729AR.NM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Gaudiya_Matha_people,_those_who_were_leaders,_they_wanted_to_supersede_the_order_of_Guru_Maharaja._Therefore_it_was_failure|Our Gaudiya Matha people, those who were leaders, they wanted to supersede the order of Guru Maharaja. Therefore it was failure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803RC.NMR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we_generally_speak_that_Arjuna_was_military_commander._So_before_understanding_Bhagavad-gita,_he_was_commander,_and_after_understanding,_he_remained_a_commander,_but_he_became_Krsna_conscious|So we generally speak that Arjuna was military commander. So before understanding Bhagavad-gita, he was commander, and after understanding, he remained a commander, but he became Krsna conscious.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803RC.NMR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anything_grown_in_the_garden,_that_is_hundred_times_valuable_than_it_is_purchased_from_the_market|Anything grown in the garden, that is hundred times valuable than it is purchased from the market.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803RC.NMR_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_teaches_how_to_become_a_brave_hero_in_the_battlefield|Bhagavad-gita teaches how to become a brave hero in the battlefield.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803RC.NMR_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Woman_should_stay_under_the_father,_under_the_husband,_and_under_the_elderly_sons._Nothing_more|Woman should stay under the father, under the husband, and under the elderly sons. Nothing more.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803RC.NMR_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_all_recklessly_wasteful_sons_of_God|We are all recklessly wasteful sons of God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760804BG.NMR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_the_electricity_energy,_is_coming_from_the_same_source._But_it_is_being_utilized_for_different_purposes._Sometimes_it_is_helping_to_make_cooler,_and_sometimes_it_is_helping_to_make_heater|Just like the electricity energy, is coming from the same source. But it is being utilized for different purposes. Sometimes it is helping to make cooler, and sometimes it is helping to make heater.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760804BG.NMR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_seen_Krsna%27s_effulgence_is_coming._That_is_the_source_of_everything._That_expansion_of_that_effulgence_is_the_brahmajyoti%2C_and_in_that_brahmajyoti%2C_innumerable_spiritual_planets%2C_material_planets%2C_are_generated|You have seen Krsna's effulgence is coming. That is the source of everything. That expansion of that effulgence is the brahmajyoti, and in that brahmajyoti, innumerable spiritual planets, material planets, are generated.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760804BG.NMR_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_many_differences._The_same_example,_electricity._So_many_things_are_working,_difference_of_energy._Even_the_dictaphone_is_working,_electricity._By_the_same_energy,_electricity|There are many differences. The same example, electricity. So many things are working, difference of energy. Even the dictaphone is working, electricity. By the same energy, electricity.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760804BG.NMR_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_see_the_sunshine,_moonshine._Krsna_says_%22I_am_the_sunshine,_I_am_the_moonshine.%22_So_as_soon_as_you_see_in_the_morning,_sunshine,_you_see_Krsna|When you see the sunshine, moonshine. Krsna says "I am the sunshine, I am the moonshine." So as soon as you see in the morning, sunshine, you see Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760805R1.NM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Neophyte_is_neophyte._Why_do_you_bring_him_to_become_a_devotee%3F_A_devotee_is_different._A_%22one_plus_one_equal_to_two,%22_he%27s_not_mathematician._He%27s_learning|Neophyte is neophyte. Why do you bring him to become a devotee? A devotee is different. A "one plus one equal to two," he's not mathematician. He's learning.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760805R2.NM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_it%27s_always_been_difficult_for_him_to_keep_walking_or_climbing_up_the_stairs_in_the_right_direction|He says it's always been difficult for him to keep walking or climbing up the stairs in the right direction.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760805R2.NM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Liberty_means_whatever_you_like,_you_can_do._That_is_liberty._But_at_the_present_moment,_you_cannot_do_that|Liberty means whatever you like, you can do. That is liberty. But at the present moment, you cannot do that.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760809ED.TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritual_training_means...|Spiritual training means...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760809mw.teh_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_my_mother_would_not_have_been_little_strict,_I_would_not_have_gotten_any_education._My_father_was_very_lenient._So_she_used_to_force_me._One_man_would_take_me_to_school|If my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760810ED.TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_do_it_%28to_surrender_to_Krsna%29_immediately,_but_unfortunately_you%27ll_not_do_it._What_can_be_done%3F_There_is_a_story,_I_may_narrate_it._One_poor_man_was_begging_on_the_street,_and_Lord_Siva_and_Parvati_was_passing_as_ordinary_man|You can do it (to surrender to Krsna) immediately, but unfortunately you'll not do it. What can be done? There is a story, I may narrate it. One poor man was begging on the street, and Lord Siva and Parvati was passing as ordinary man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760812ED.TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760812SB.TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_spare_our_valuable_time_for_bodily_comforts,_sacrificing_our_real_aim_of_life,_self-realization._That_is_not_civilization._That_is_animal_civilization._First_consideration_is_self-realization|We cannot spare our valuable time for bodily comforts, sacrificing our real aim of life, self-realization. That is not civilization. That is animal civilization. First consideration is self-realization.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760818SB.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_credit_for_me,_but_it_is_only_a_teeny_attempt,_and_humble_attempt._So_if_one_man_could_do,_if_you_say,_some_success,_why_not_all_of_us%3F|There is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819VP.HYD_Vyasa-puja_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_must_explain_my_position_because_in_these_days,_a_person_being_worshiped_as_most_exalted_personality_is_something_revolution._Because_they_like_democracy,_by_vote_somebody_should_be_elevated_however_rascal_he_may_be|I must explain my position because in these days, a person being worshiped as most exalted personality is something revolution. Because they like democracy, by vote somebody should be elevated however rascal he may be.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819VP.HYD_Vyasa-puja_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_offer_prayers,_honor_to_the_acarya,_then_Krsna,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead_is_pleased._To_please_Him_you_have_to_please_His_representative._%22If_you_love_me,_love_my_dog%22|If you offer prayers, honor to the acarya, then Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is pleased. To please Him you have to please His representative. "If you love me, love my dog".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819VP.HYD_Vyasa-puja_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_world_is_full_of_rascals,_therefore_there_is_need_of_so_many_gurus_to_teach_them._But_what_is_that_qualification_of_the_guru%3F_How_everyone_can_become_guru%3F|The world is full of rascals, therefore there is need of so many gurus to teach them. But what is that qualification of the guru? How everyone can become guru?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819VP.HYD_Vyasa-puja_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_become_a_guru_at_your_home._It_is_not_that_you_have_to_make_a_gigantic_show_of_becoming_guru._The_father_has_to_become_guru,_the_mother_has_to_become_guru|You become a guru at your home. It is not that you have to make a gigantic show of becoming guru. The father has to become guru, the mother has to become guru.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760821R2.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_father_never_prayed_that_%22My_son_may_become_very_rich_man.%22_He_never_prayed_like_that._Actually,_his_ardent_desire_that_his_son_may_become_a_Vaisnava._And_my_Guru_Maharaja%27s_training_has_put_me_this_position|My father never prayed that "My son may become very rich man." He never prayed like that. Actually, his ardent desire that his son may become a Vaisnava. And my Guru Maharaja's training has put me this position.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760824R1.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_there_is_not_a_tinge_of_karma_and_jnana,_that_is_pure_bhakti._That_is_Krsna%27s_mission._So_everything_is_there,_direction_is_there._We_can_guide_you,_not_according_to_our_whims,_but_according_to_sastra|When there is not a tinge of karma and jnana, that is pure bhakti. That is Krsna's mission. So everything is there, direction is there. We can guide you, not according to our whims, but according to sastra.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760824R1.HYD_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_life_is_ended,_now_eighty-one._But_so_long_I_shall_live_I_shall_make_no_compromise,_krsnas_tu_bhagavan_svayam._Drdha-vrata._And_that_is_a_fact._Why_shall_I_mislead_people%3F|My life is ended, now eighty-one. But so long I shall live I shall make no compromise, krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. Drdha-vrata. And that is a fact. Why shall I mislead people?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760903AR.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Never_mind_we_die_by_preaching._Still,_it_will_be_glorious|Never mind we die by preaching. Still, it will be glorious.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760906G1.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we_are_not_devotees,_therefore_we_should_first_fast._And_those_who_are_devotees,_they%27ll_take_as_much_as_they_like._I_was_telling_fasting_because_I_am_not_a_devotee._%28laughs%29_For_me_fasting_is_good._If_I_eat_more-atyaharah|So we are not devotees, therefore we should first fast. And those who are devotees, they'll take as much as they like. I was telling fasting because I am not a devotee. (laughs) For me fasting is good. If I eat more-atyaharah.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760907SB.VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_follow_the_Gosvamis_literature,_especially_Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu,_which_we_have_translated_in_The_Nectar_of_Devotion,_every_one_of_you_should_very_carefully_read_%26_make_progress._Don%27t_be_victimized_by_the_Mayavadi_so-called_Vaisnava|We have to follow the Gosvamis literature, especially Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which we have translated in The Nectar of Devotion, every one of you should very carefully read & make progress. Don't be victimized by the Mayavadi so-called Vaisnava.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760909R1.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Tin,_tin,_tin,_tin_-_International_Society_String_Band,_combined_together,_now_we_have_become_a_stringed_instrument|Tin, tin, tin, tin - International Society String Band, combined together, now we have become a stringed instrument.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760912SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_Gandhari_saw,_she_saw_that_he_was_not_fully_naked,_so_she_regretted,_%22O_my_dear_son,_I_asked_you_to_come_before_me_naked._Why_you_have_got_this...%3F%22_%22No,_Krsna_advised.%22_Then_she_began_to_smile,_that_%22My_attempt_is_failure.%22_So_Krsna_knew_it|When Gandhari saw, she saw that he was not fully naked, so she regretted, "O my dear son, I asked you to come before me naked. Why you have got this...?" "No, Krsna advised." Then she began to smile, that "My attempt is failure." So Krsna knew it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_sitting_here,_and_the_bug_is_also_sitting_here._That_does_not_mean_we_are_very_confidential._No..._and_bug%27s_business_is_biting._That_kind_of_association_will_not_help._Association_means_to_develop_love_for_the_person._That_is_association|I am sitting here, and the bug is also sitting here. That does not mean we are very confidential. No... and bug's business is biting. That kind of association will not help. Association means to develop love for the person. That is association.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_who_is_surrendered,_he_can_understand._Arjuna_is_surrendered._In_every_case_he_surrendered_to_Krsna._As_soon_as_there_is_any_problem..._Problem_or_no_problem,_he_surrendered|One who is surrendered, he can understand. Arjuna is surrendered. In every case he surrendered to Krsna. As soon as there is any problem... Problem or no problem, he surrendered.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_follow._People_are_searching_after_God._They_do_not_know_God._They_are_asking_this_question,_%22Can_you_show_me_God%3F%22_So,_so_many_questions_are_there_about_God,_but_here_is_God,_pointed_out_by_Arjuna,_a_mahajana|We have to follow. People are searching after God. They do not know God. They are asking this question, "Can you show me God?" So, so many questions are there about God, but here is God, pointed out by Arjuna, a mahajana.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whole_world,_especially_at_the_present_moment,_it_is_a_great_disastrous_condition,_godless_civilization._They_won%27t_accept_the_real_God,_and_they%27ll_create_some_artificial_God_and_become_God,_%22Everyone_is_God,%22_like_that._No|Whole world, especially at the present moment, it is a great disastrous condition, godless civilization. They won't accept the real God, and they'll create some artificial God and become God, "Everyone is God," like that. No.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_more_you_become_servant_of_the_servant,_you_are_perfect._And_as_soon_as_you_declare_independence,_you_are_rascal._This_is_the_process._We_should_always_remain_most_obedient_servant_of_my_master|The more you become servant of the servant, you are perfect. And as soon as you declare independence, you are rascal. This is the process. We should always remain most obedient servant of my master.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB.VRN_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_that_difficulty%3F|What is that difficulty?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760921SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep;_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep; he has to work to eat.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760921SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_those_who_are_Krsna_conscious,_they%27ll_become_lazy_and_imitate_Haridasa_Thakura._That_is_not_Krsna_consciousness|Don't think that Krsna consciousness movement, those who are Krsna conscious, they'll become lazy and imitate Haridasa Thakura. That is not Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760921SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_allow_any_lazy_man._He_must_be_engaged._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement._That_is_Krsna%27s_order|We do not allow any lazy man. He must be engaged. That is Krsna consciousness movement. That is Krsna's order.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760925SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_saw_one_hotel_man_in_Calcutta_cutting_the_throat_of_a_chicken:_he_was_laughing_and_his_son_was_crying|I saw one hotel man in Calcutta cutting the throat of a chicken: he was laughing and his son was crying.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760926SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_means_three_things:_bhakta,_Bhagavan,_and_the_service._That_is_bhakti._They%27re_individual|Bhakti means three things: bhakta, Bhagavan, and the service. That is bhakti. They're individual.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760929SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_intelligent_person,_he_thought,_%22I_shall_be_free_from_the_touch_of_Yamaraja_by_one_tactics.%22_What_is_that%3F_%22Stool_is_very_obnoxious._Nobody_comes_to_stool._So_let_me_smear_my_body,_whole_body_with_stool_so_that_Yamaraja_will_not_come_and_touch_me%22|One intelligent person, he thought, "I shall be free from the touch of Yamaraja by one tactics." What is that? "Stool is very obnoxious. Nobody comes to stool. So let me smear my body, whole body with stool so that Yamaraja will not come and touch me".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761001SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Shah_Jahan|Shah Jahan.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761006SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_first-class,_His_devotees_are_also_first-class._The_trees,_the_birds,_the_cows,_and_the_calves_are_all_first-class._Therefore_it_is_called_absolute._No_conception_of_relative,_second-class,_third-class,_fourth-class|Krsna is first-class, His devotees are also first-class. The trees, the birds, the cows, and the calves are all first-class. Therefore it is called absolute. No conception of relative, second-class, third-class, fourth-class.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761009AR.ALI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_bound_up_by_the_laws_of_nature,_but_those_who_are_fools,_vimudhatma,_under_false_prestige,_such_person_thinks_that_he_is_independent._No._That_is_not._So_this_is_misunderstanding._So_this_misunderstanding_has_to_be_cleaned._That_is_the_aim_of_life|We are bound up by the laws of nature, but those who are fools, vimudhatma, under false prestige, such person thinks that he is independent. No. That is not. So this is misunderstanding. So this misunderstanding has to be cleaned. That is the aim of life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761009AR.ALI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_present_position_is_bondage._We_are_bound_up_by_the_laws_of_nature._We_may_foolishly_declare_independence_-_that_is_our_foolishness_-_but_actually_we_are_bound_up_by_the_laws_of_nature|Our present position is bondage. We are bound up by the laws of nature. We may foolishly declare independence - that is our foolishness - but actually we are bound up by the laws of nature.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761009SB.ALI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educating_people_how_to_become_advanced_in_devotional_service_and_how_to_go_back_home,_back_to_Godhead._And_this_is_not_a_very_difficult_task._It_is_very_easy|This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people how to become advanced in devotional service and how to go back home, back to Godhead. And this is not a very difficult task. It is very easy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761016IV.CHA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_become_a_spiritual_master_is_not_easy_job._One_must_be_very_learned_scholar_and_must_have_full_realization_of_the_self_and_everything|To become a spiritual master is not easy job. One must be very learned scholar and must have full realization of the self and everything.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761017LE.CHA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_trying_to_go_there,_Mars_planet,_Moon_planet,_by_rising_on_the_sky_by_their_aeroplanes,_sputniks._But_they_have_not_been_able_to_understand_what_is_the_position_of_these_planets._This_is_called_aroha-pantha|They are trying to go there, Mars planet, Moon planet, by rising on the sky by their aeroplanes, sputniks. But they have not been able to understand what is the position of these planets. This is called aroha-pantha.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761017LE.CHA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_whole_history_of_Mahabharata,_intriguing,_politics,_and_ultimately_there_was_fight_between_the_two_parties,_Kurus_and_the_Pandavas,_to_decide._By_logic,_by_morality_and_other_things,_everything_failed._Then_there_was_declaration_of_war|This is the whole history of Mahabharata, intriguing, politics, and ultimately there was fight between the two parties, Kurus and the Pandavas, to decide. By logic, by morality and other things, everything failed. Then there was declaration of war.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761017LE.CHA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_take_the_position_of_Arjuna_-_sisyas_te_%27ham_sadhi_mam_prapannam_-_then_Krsna_will_speak_to_the_disciple_like_Arjuna,_and_everything_will_be_clear|If we take the position of Arjuna - sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam - then Krsna will speak to the disciple like Arjuna, and everything will be clear.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761028SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Constantly,_twenty-four_hours,_if_you_hear_and_chant._Hear_means_somebody_chants_or_you_chant_yourself_or_hear,_or_some_of_your_colleague_may_chant,_you_hear._Or_he_may_hear,_you_may_chant._This_process_must_go_on._This_is_sravanam_kirtanam_visnoh|Constantly, twenty-four hours, if you hear and chant. Hear means somebody chants or you chant yourself or hear, or some of your colleague may chant, you hear. Or he may hear, you may chant. This process must go on. This is sravanam kirtanam visnoh.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761028SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_gradual_process,_to_bring_one_to_the_platform_of_vasudeve_pritir,_that_is_bhakti._Pritir_means_love,_how_to_love_Vasudeva,_Krsna._That_is_civilization_-_to_bring_one_to_the_platform_of_loving_Krsna|By gradual process, to bring one to the platform of vasudeve pritir, that is bhakti. Pritir means love, how to love Vasudeva, Krsna. That is civilization - to bring one to the platform of loving Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761103SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Big,_big_monkey,_big,_big_belly,_Ceylon_jumping,_melancholy|Big, big monkey, big, big belly, Ceylon jumping, melancholy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761103SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_don%27t_require_any_education_for_this_karma._They_are_making_big,_big_plans_to_educate_people_how_to_work_hard._This_is_waste_of_time._Educational_institution_should_be_for_teaching_people_how_to_become_Krsna_conscious,_not_to_become_this_or_that|You don't require any education for this karma. They are making big, big plans to educate people how to work hard. This is waste of time. Educational institution should be for teaching people how to become Krsna conscious, not to become this or that.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761103SB.VRN_Potter.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_simply_dreaming._With_few_pots_we_are_simply_dreaming_that_%22These_pots_will_be_increased_into_so_many_pots,_so_many_pots,_so_many_pots,%22_then_finished._Don%27t_make_imagination|We are simply dreaming. With few pots we are simply dreaming that "These pots will be increased into so many pots, so many pots, so many pots," then finished. Don't make imagination.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761110SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_new_boys_come,_and_as_soon_as_they_are_given_some_work,_not_very_good_for_sense_gratification,_they_go_away._That_means_they_are_not_prepared._It_is_better_they_may_go_away|Some new boys come, and as soon as they are given some work, not very good for sense gratification, they go away. That means they are not prepared. It is better they may go away.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761117SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_make_any_addition_and_alteration_of_your_so-called_learned_scholarship_That_will_not_help_you._You_must_present_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._There_is_everything,_very_easily_done,_provided_we_follow_parampara_system|Don't make any addition and alteration of your so-called learned scholarship That will not help you. You must present Bhagavad-gita as it is. There is everything, very easily done, provided we follow parampara system.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761121SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_do_not_act_for_any_material_purpose,_that_means_my_sense_activities_are_purified,_and_that_is_bhakti|When I do not act for any material purpose, that means my sense activities are purified, and that is bhakti.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761123SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shall_use_our_hand_in_cleansing_the_temple,_in_playing_the_instruments,_karatala,_for_chanting._So,_ear_for_hearing_Krsna%27s_pastimes,_nose_for_smelling_the_flower_offered_to_Krsna|We shall use our hand in cleansing the temple, in playing the instruments, karatala, for chanting. So, ear for hearing Krsna's pastimes, nose for smelling the flower offered to Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_beating_with_shoes_and_broomstick_is_also_another_tapasya._For_men_like_us,_who_have_no_control_over_the_mind,_we_should_practice_this_tapasya,_beating_the_mind_with_shoes_and_broomstick._Then_it_can_be_controlled|This beating with shoes and broomstick is also another tapasya. For men like us, who have no control over the mind, we should practice this tapasya, beating the mind with shoes and broomstick. Then it can be controlled.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1.POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_disciples_they_are_part_and_parcel_of_me._Whole_mission_is_going_on_with_their_cooperation._But_if_he_says_that_I_am_equal_to_my_Guru_Maharaja,_then_that_is_offense|My disciples they are part and parcel of me. Whole mission is going on with their cooperation. But if he says that I am equal to my Guru Maharaja, then that is offense.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_I_am,_then_you_have_to_study_in_this_way,_whether_you_are_this_body_or_you_are_something_else._Is_it_not%3F_So_that_is_in_the_beginning_of_the_Bhagavad-gita_explained,_dehino_%27smin_yatha_dehe_kaumaram_yauvanam_jara|What I am, then you have to study in this way, whether you are this body or you are something else. Is it not? So that is in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita explained, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_you_explain_to_me_what_is_good_sex_life_and_bad_sex_life%3F|Can you explain to me what is good sex life and bad sex life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_seek_a_master%3F_How_to_find_a_master%3F|How to seek a master? How to find a master?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_give_up_this_bad_habit_%28Krsna_is_not_subjected_to_your_thinking._You_have_to_give_up_this_bad_habit_first_of_all,_that_Krsna_will_be_subordinate_to_your_thinking._That_is_not_God%29%3F|How to give up this bad habit (Krsna is not subjected to your thinking. You have to give up this bad habit first of all, that Krsna will be subordinate to your thinking. That is not God)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_question,_any_problem,_it_is_solved_not_by_the_whims_of_the_student,_but_it_is_solved_by_the_expert_master_by_explaining_it_very_elaborately|Any question, any problem, it is solved not by the whims of the student, but it is solved by the expert master by explaining it very elaborately.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_karmi,_he_is_thinking_that_%22I_am_poor_man._If_I_become_rich_man,_I_will_be_happy.%22_He_is_thinking_in_that_way._Jnani_is_thinking_that_%22Poor_and_rich_doesn%27t_matter._I_am_Brahman._I_am_spirit_soul._If_I_merge_into_the_Supreme_Brahman_I_will_be_happy%22|A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_one_wants_to_become_Brahman,_he_is_ignorant|So long one wants to become Brahman, he is ignorant.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_much_intelligence,_we_must_have_that_intelligence,_that_who_is_master._Suppose_if_you_want_gold,_if_you_do_not_know_where_gold_can_be_purchased,_then_he_is_cheated|That much intelligence, we must have that intelligence, that who is master. Suppose if you want gold, if you do not know where gold can be purchased, then he is cheated.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Very_simple_thing,_that_you_are_part_and_parcel_of_God._God_is_eternal._So_if_you_understand_God,_then_you_become_eternal|Very simple thing, that you are part and parcel of God. God is eternal. So if you understand God, then you become eternal.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_do_we_say_like_that%3F_Why%3F_Why_you_are_bringing_physical_concept_He_is_a_person,_He_is_saying._Why_do_you_say_physical,_material,_and_this_and_that_way._He_is_father|Why do we say like that? Why? Why you are bringing physical concept He is a person, He is saying. Why do you say physical, material, and this and that way. He is father.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_to_understand_Krsna_is_liberation._And_that_is_also_explained._What_is_that_tattva%3F_How_one_can_understand_tattvatah,_that_is_explained_by_Krsna._Bhaktya_mam_abhijanati_yavan_yas_casmi_tattvatah._That_tattva_is_bhakti,_not_karma,_jnana,_yoga|Simply to understand Krsna is liberation. And that is also explained. What is that tattva? How one can understand tattvatah, that is explained by Krsna. Bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah. That tattva is bhakti, not karma, jnana, yoga.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R2.POO_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_one_cannot_understand,_therefore_He_has_explained_karma-yoga,_jnana-yoga,_dhyana-yoga,_hatha-yoga,_this_yoga._And_He_has_explained_also_the_meaning|Because one cannot understand, therefore He has explained karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, hatha-yoga, this yoga. And He has explained also the meaning.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761226R1.BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_no_higher_consciousness|I have no higher consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761226R1.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_do_not_claim_that_I_am_Sanskrit_scholar,_I_am_this_big_man,_that_man,_no._Whatever_books_I_have_written,_only_about_this-Krsna._In_our_book_in_every_page_you_will_find_Krsna,_Krsna,_Krsna|I do not claim that I am Sanskrit scholar, I am this big man, that man, no. Whatever books I have written, only about this-Krsna. In our book in every page you will find Krsna, Krsna, Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760309MW-MAYAPUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_planned_that_%22I_must_go_to_America.%22_Yes._That_was_the_reason._Otherwise,_generally_they_go_to_London._I_did_not_go_to_London|I planned that "I must go to America." Yes. That was the reason. Otherwise, generally they go to London. I did not go to London.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760929SB-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_spiritual_master_will_say_that_%22You_work_like_this.%22_So_that_should_be_determined._That_is_karma,_guna-karma._Spiritual_master_sees_that_he_has_these_qualities._That_is_natural|The spiritual master will say that "You work like this." So that should be determined. That is karma, guna-karma. Spiritual master sees that he has these qualities. That is natural.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811MW-TEHERAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:After_you_pass_the_examination,_there_is_no_more_test._But_before_coming_to_the_post_of_recognized_devotee,_Krsna_tests_very_severely._That_one_has_to_pass|After you pass the examination, there is no more test. But before coming to the post of recognized devotee, Krsna tests very severely. That one has to pass.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760905R1-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_age_of_seventy_years,_nobody_goes_out._At_least_from_Vrndavana_nobody_goes_at_the_age_of_seventy_years._But_Krsna_asked_me._I_thought_that_I_must_go,_Guru_Maharaja_wanted_it,_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu..._Let_me_try|At the age of seventy years, nobody goes out. At least from Vrndavana nobody goes at the age of seventy years. But Krsna asked me. I thought that I must go, Guru Maharaja wanted it, Caitanya Mahaprabhu... Let me try.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761210DB-HYDERABAD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_Vyasadeva_said,_your_guru_will_also_say_the_same_thing._Not_that_%22So_many_hundreds_of_thousands_of_years_have_passed_away._Therefore_I_will_give_you_a_new_formula.%22_No._There_is_no_new_formula|What Vyasadeva said, your guru will also say the same thing. Not that "So many hundreds of thousands of years have passed away. Therefore I will give you a new formula." No. There is no new formula.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761231R2-BOMBAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_book_distribution_is_the_most_important_task_in_our_society._Therefore_I_am_giving_so_much_stress_and_I_am_working_so_hard_on_this._Because_this_is_my_life_and_soul_according_to_the_order_of_my_Guru_Maharaja|Our book distribution is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760921SB-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_aim_is_how_to_improve_spiritual_life._That_is_grhastha-asrama._And_one_who_has_no_such_aim,_he_simply_wants_to_enjoy_the_senses,_and_for_that_purpose_he%27s_decorating_the_house,_decorating_the_wife,_children_-_that_is_called_grhamedhi|The aim is how to improve spiritual life. That is grhastha-asrama. And one who has no such aim, he simply wants to enjoy the senses, and for that purpose he's decorating the house, decorating the wife, children - that is called grhamedhi.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760924SB-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Suppose_I_have_established_this_temple._Now_under_my_direction,_my_disciples_are_worshiping_vigraha._Vigraha_means_the_form_of_the_Lord,_rupa._But_if_there_is_no_following_of_the_regulative_principles,_then_after_my_death_it_will_be_galagraha,_a_burden|Suppose I have established this temple. Now under my direction, my disciples are worshiping vigraha. Vigraha means the form of the Lord, rupa. But if there is no following of the regulative principles, then after my death it will be galagraha, a burden.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760415MW-BOMBAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_explained,_chanting_outside_the_temple_and_chanting_in_the_temple,_it_increases_the_value_thousand_times|I have explained, chanting outside the temple and chanting in the temple, it increases the value thousand times.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760302SB-MAYAPUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_take_it_that_%22Here_is_an_institution_where_we_can_have_free_hotel,_free_living_and_free_sense_gratification,%22_then_the_whole_institution_will_be_spoiled._Be_careful._All_the_GBC%27s,_they_should_be_careful_that_this_mentality_may_not_increase|If we take it that "Here is an institution where we can have free hotel, free living and free sense gratification," then the whole institution will be spoiled. Be careful. All the GBC's, they should be careful that this mentality may not increase.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760731R1-NEW_MAYAPUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_life_is_simple._We_don%27t_want_luxury._We_don%27t_want_luxury,_but_as_we_are_accustomed_in_so_many_ways,_as_far_as_possible._But_life_should_be_very_simple._To_increase_unnecessary_things_unnecessarily,_that_is_material_life|Our life is simple. We don't want luxury. We don't want luxury, but as we are accustomed in so many ways, as far as possible. But life should be very simple. To increase unnecessary things unnecessarily, that is material life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760605MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_will_go_for_ten_thousand_years_without_any_impediment._You_should_take_this_opportunity._You_work_sincerely;_it_will_increase,_it_will_increase|This movement will go for ten thousand years without any impediment. You should take this opportunity. You work sincerely; it will increase, it will increase.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761028SB-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_seriously_hear_and_chant,_seriously_-_%22Yes,_this_life_I_shall_engage_only_for_increasing_my_love_of_Vasudeva%22_-_if_you_are_determined,_it_can_be_done._There_is_no_difficulty._And_as_soon_as_you_do_this,_you_increase_fully_your_love_for_Krsna|If you seriously hear and chant, seriously - "Yes, this life I shall engage only for increasing my love of Vasudeva" - if you are determined, it can be done. There is no difficulty. And as soon as you do this, you increase fully your love for Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760614GC-DETROIT_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_mentioned_that_soon_there_will_not_be_so_much_use_for_automobiles._What_will_be_our_means_of_spreading_the_sankirtana_movement%3F|You mentioned that soon there will not be so much use for automobiles. What will be our means of spreading the sankirtana movement?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761103R2-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Frozen_means_nasty._I_never_take_frozen._In_the_beginning_I_thought,_%22Oh,_it_is_very_nice._You_can_get_fresh_vegetable.%22_But_they_are_not_at_all_fresh|Frozen means nasty. I never take frozen. In the beginning I thought, "Oh, it is very nice. You can get fresh vegetable." But they are not at all fresh.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760701SB-NEW_VRINDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_engaged_in_Krsna_consciousness,_devotional_service,_make_your_association_with_them._We_are_therefore_making_different_centers_to_give_everyone_the_opportunity_to_have_the_association_of_devotee|Those who are engaged in Krsna consciousness, devotional service, make your association with them. We are therefore making different centers to give everyone the opportunity to have the association of devotee.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760503R1-HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Follow_the_rules_and_regulations,_worship_the_Deity,_and_chant_Hare_Krsna_mantra,_as_you_have_given,_then_you_will_remain_as_strong_as_Krsna|Follow the rules and regulations, worship the Deity, and chant Hare Krsna mantra, as you have given, then you will remain as strong as Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760905R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hard_struggle._So_Krsna_gave_us_some_facility._Now_we_have_got_some_framework._Do_it_very_cautiously|Hard struggle. So Krsna gave us some facility. Now we have got some framework. Do it very cautiously.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760208SB-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Very_cautiously_and_intelligently_we_have_to_make_progress_in_spiritual_life._Don%27t_take_it_very_insignificantly._We_should_be_very_much_careful._Otherwise_there_is_falldown,_and_once_falldown_means_a_gap_of_millions_of_years|Very cautiously and intelligently we have to make progress in spiritual life. Don't take it very insignificantly. We should be very much careful. Otherwise there is falldown, and once falldown means a gap of millions of years.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760915SB-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_pains_when_you%27re_old._The_body_is_not_strong._We_suffer_in_so_many_ways,_especially_rheumatism_and_indigestion._Then_blood_pressure,_headache,_so_many_things._Therefore_one_should_be_trained_up_how_to_become_dhira|There are so many pains when you're old. The body is not strong. We suffer in so many ways, especially rheumatism and indigestion. Then blood pressure, headache, so many things. Therefore one should be trained up how to become dhira.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760424MW-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Devotee_means_the_first_sign_will_be_happy,_brahma-bhutah_prasannatma._If_he%27s_not_prasannatma,_he%27s_a_rascal._He_has_not_entered_even_devotional_life._He%27s_outside._That_is_the_test|Devotee means the first sign will be happy, brahma-bhutah prasannatma. If he's not prasannatma, he's a rascal. He has not entered even devotional life. He's outside. That is the test.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760306SB-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Nectar_of_Instruction._We_should_follow,_strictly_follow._Then_prthivim_sa_sisyat._Then_you%27ll_be_able_to_preach_and_make_disciples_all_over_the_world._This_is_the_injunction._That_is_called_gosvami._Don%27t_be_cheap_preacher,_cheap_guru|The Nectar of Instruction. We should follow, strictly follow. Then prthivim sa sisyat. Then you'll be able to preach and make disciples all over the world. This is the injunction. That is called gosvami. Don't be cheap preacher, cheap guru.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760928SB-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Under_the_pretext_that_%22Krsna_said,%22_%22My_spiritual_master_has_said,%22_%22Prabhupada_has_said,%22_we_manufacture_something._Don%27t_do_that._Unless_you_are_directly_ordered,_you_cannot_do_at_least_such_things_as_to_chastise_a_brahma-bandhu|Under the pretext that "Krsna said," "My spiritual master has said," "Prabhupada has said," we manufacture something. Don't do that. Unless you are directly ordered, you cannot do at least such things as to chastise a brahma-bandhu.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811R1-TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_devotional_process_is_purificatory_process._The_more_he_is_purified,_he_becomes_high-class_devotee._But_the_process_is_the_path_of_liberation._Just_like_mango._The_green_mango,_this_green_mango_will_be_ripe_mango._The_same_mango|The whole devotional process is purificatory process. The more he is purified, he becomes high-class devotee. But the process is the path of liberation. Just like mango. The green mango, this green mango will be ripe mango. The same mango.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771027R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_stated_in_the_sastra,_nivrtta-tarsair_upagiyamanad_bhavausadhac_chrotra..._This_is_the_medicine,_panacea,_for_material_disease._So_kindly_let_me_hear_kirtana_as_far_as_possible,_long_as_I_live|It is stated in the sastra, nivrtta-tarsair upagiyamanad bhavausadhac chrotra... This is the medicine, panacea, for material disease. So kindly let me hear kirtana as far as possible, long as I live.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760621MW-TOR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee,_very_often_after_chanting_why_they_develop_very,_very_high._I_see_a_lot_of_devotees,_they_falls_down_back_to_the_maya._What_is_the_reason%3F|A devotee, very often after chanting why they develop very, very high. I see a lot of devotees, they falls down back to the maya. What is the reason?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760608MW-LA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_karma_%28varieties_of_the_body,_according_to_the_mentality%29%3F|According to karma (varieties of the body, according to the mentality)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760420R1-MEL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_lot_of_them_are_very_young_people_coming_into_the_movement._Do_you_think_they_really_understand_what_they%27re_going_into_when_they_join_the_Krsna_movement%3F|A lot of them are very young people coming into the movement. Do you think they really understand what they're going into when they join the Krsna movement?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/-NMP_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_pure_devotee_can_see_Krsna_everywhere,_that_He%27s_never_out_of_your_vision,_and_at_the_same_time_in_Siksastaka_prayers_Lord_Caitanya_explains_that_%22Govinda,_I_am_feeling_Your_separation_to_be_twelve_years_or_more.%22_Could_you_explain_this%3F|A pure devotee can see Krsna everywhere, that He's never out of your vision, and at the same time in Siksastaka prayers Lord Caitanya explains that "Govinda, I am feeling Your separation to be twelve years or more." Could you explain this?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708ED-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_yoga,_a_yogi_becomes_sama-duhkha-sukhah_svasthah_sama-lostasma-kancanah,_tulya-priyapriyo_dhiras_tulya-nindatma-samstutih._Can_it_be_achieved_by_sankirtana%3F|According to yoga, a yogi becomes sama-duhkha-sukhah svasthah sama-lostasma-kancanah, tulya-priyapriyo dhiras tulya-nindatma-samstutih. Can it be achieved by sankirtana?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760605MW-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_although_the_actual_number_of_initiated_devotees_is_still_few,_there_is_a_growing,_ever-growing_number_of_sympathizers_-_So_you_make_good_supporter,_then_government_is_yours_-_Then_it%27s_all_based_on_selling_your_books_more_and_more%3F|Actually, although the actual number of initiated devotees is still few, there is a growing, ever-growing number of sympathizers - So you make good supporter, then government is yours - Then it's all based on selling your books more and more?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770106R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:After_the_scattering_of_these_Aryans,_they_have_come_different_place._How_is_it_that_we_brought_all_the_cultural_heritage_in_north,_east_and_western_countries%3F|After the scattering of these Aryans, they have come different place. How is it that we brought all the cultural heritage in north, east and western countries?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714IV-NYC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:After_you_realize_that_you%27re_not_the_body,_then_what_comes_next%3F|After you realize that you're not the body, then what comes next?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760610I2-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Almost_everyone,_except_me_perhaps,_is_concerned_about_death._But_how_about_the_smaller_obstacles_which_nevertheless_can_make_people_very_depressed,_neurotic%3F_How_do_you_recognize_and_live_with_them_or_eliminate_them%3F|Almost everyone, except me perhaps, is concerned about death. But how about the smaller obstacles which nevertheless can make people very depressed, neurotic? How do you recognize and live with them or eliminate them?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760709MW-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Although,_Srila_Prabhupada,_it%27s_somewhat_easy_for_us_to_convince_that_Srimad-Bhagavatam_is_the_summary_study_of_all_the_Vedic_literatures,_how_can_we_take_that_Bhagavad-gita_is_the_summary_study%3F|Although, Srila Prabhupada, it's somewhat easy for us to convince that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summary study of all the Vedic literatures, how can we take that Bhagavad-gita is the summary study?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708ED-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Am_I_to_understand_that_women_cannot_go_back_to_Godhead_without_being_reincarnated_to_the_male%3F|Am I to understand that women cannot go back to Godhead without being reincarnated to the male?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760420R1-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_Krsna_consciousness_can_help_me_attain_this_%28happiness%29%3F|And Krsna consciousness can help me attain this (happiness)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760426MW-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_anxiety_for_Krsna_%28anxiety_for_one%27s_self_is_maya%3F_-_That_is_material%29%3F|And anxiety for Krsna (anxiety for one's self is maya? - That is material)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760727IV-LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_how_long_does_this_go_on_%28are_you_say_that_we_were_perhaps_something_else_before_we_were_born_as_well%3F_And_we_keep_coming_back_in_something_else_next_time%29%3F|And how long does this go on (are you say that we were perhaps something else before we were born as well? And we keep coming back in something else next time)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760810ED-TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_how_to_surrender_to_God,_how_to_do_this%3F|And how to surrender to God, how to do this?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706ED-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_it_is_sure_to_go_through_in_this_life_if_you_try_this_%28take_shelter_of_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead%29%3F|And it is sure to go through in this life if you try this (take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708R2-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_that_they_should_not_bump_each_other_or_dance_with_each_other_personally,_distracting_the_attention_from_the_Deity%3F_Shouldn%27t_all_the_dancing_be_focused_toward_the_Deity%3F|And that they should not bump each other or dance with each other personally, distracting the attention from the Deity? Shouldn't all the dancing be focused toward the Deity?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761229R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_the_interpretation_is_by_you_yourself%3F|And the interpretation is by you yourself?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760810ED-TEH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_the_purpose_of_sastra_is_to_direct_this_minute_independence_so_that_it_is_not_misused%3F|And the purpose of sastra is to direct this minute independence so that it is not misused?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R3-DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_then_were_you_at_the_university_or_the_school_or_somewhere%3F|And then were you at the university or the school or somewhere?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NYC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_to_your_mind_is_it_possible_to_come_to_God_consciousness_through_other_means_than_yours%3F|And to your mind is it possible to come to God consciousness through other means than yours?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760417MW-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_what_do_you_mean_by_surrendering,_sir%3F|And what do you mean by surrendering, sir?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1-POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_surrender%3F|How to surrender?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760629BJ-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_what_will_be_the_benefit_of_classifying_men_according_to_their_qualities%3F|And what will be the benefit of classifying men according to their qualities?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760727IV-LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_you_are_sure_this_is_the_truth%3F|And you are sure this is the truth?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NYC_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_you_choose_the_leaders,_or_Krsna_does_and_tells_you,_how_does_that_work%3F|And you choose the leaders, or Krsna does and tells you, how does that work?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760711ED-NYC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Another_question_comes._Why,_how_the_caste_system_has_crippled_our_society_so_much,_was_accepted_by...%3F|Another question comes. Why, how the caste system has crippled our society so much, was accepted by...?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760727IV-LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Apart_from_giving_spiritual_enlightenment,_do_you_also...,_are_you_also_concerned_for_people%27s_physical_well-being%3F|Apart from giving spiritual enlightenment, do you also..., are you also concerned for people's physical well-being?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760701BJ-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_fasting_and_other_dietary_regulations_necessary_for_leading_a_spiritual_life%3F|Are fasting and other dietary regulations necessary for leading a spiritual life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760525MW-HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_persons_who_are_trying_to_cut_down_appetite,_they_should_eat_cool_foods%3F|Are persons who are trying to cut down appetite, they should eat cool foods?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627MW-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_the_prajapatis_responsible_for_propagating_human_species_or_all_species_of_life%3F|Are the prajapatis responsible for propagating human species or all species of life?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_any_books_particularly_that_focus_on_all_this_%28when_you_are_able_to_describe_God_very_philosophically,_scientifically,_mathematically,_then_your_education_is_perfect%29%3F|Are there any books particularly that focus on all this (when you are able to describe God very philosophically, scientifically, mathematically, then your education is perfect)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_response_in_the_Islamic_countries%3F|What is the response in the Islamic countries?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604IV-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_any_other_Vedic_scriptures_that_you_believe_speak_to_a_situation_that_is_greatly_misunderstood_today_besides_this%3F|Are there any other Vedic scriptures that you believe speak to a situation that is greatly misunderstood today besides this?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_no_changes_in_the_higher_nature%3F|There are no changes in the higher nature?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760417MW-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_that_mental_process,_if_you_are_working,_is_it_a_wrong_mental_process%3F|And that mental process, if you are working, is it a wrong mental process?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1-POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_what_is_favorable_to_Krsna%3F_How_one_knows%3F|And what is favorable to Krsna? How one knows?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1-POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_surrenders,_how_to_know_that_Krsna_has_accepted%3F|If one surrenders, how to know that Krsna has accepted?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1-POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_how_can_one_be_out_of_this_cakra%3F|So how can one be out of this cakra?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761222R1-POO_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_I_have_no_other_goal_but_to_have_the_phala_of_past_karmas._Or_can_I_change_my_fate%3F|So I have no other goal but to have the phala of past karmas. Or can I change my fate?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760629BJ-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_all_sections_of_Hindus_be_made_to_take_an_equal_interest_and_have_the_same_sense_of_belonging_to_the_Hindu_religion%3F|How can all sections of Hindus be made to take an equal interest and have the same sense of belonging to the Hindu religion?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NYC_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_right._But_in_terms_of_specific,_say,_choosing,_specific_things,_specific_details_%28Krsna_said_this_knowledge_to_Arjuna_and_Arjuna_said_to_others_and_it_is_open._Everyone_can_take_it,_there_is_no_secrecy._We_have_to_accept_only,_that%27s_all%29%3F|All right. But in terms of specific, say, choosing, specific things, specific details (Krsna said this knowledge to Arjuna and Arjuna said to others and it is open. Everyone can take it, there is no secrecy. We have to accept only, that's all)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NYC_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_you_in_turn_choose_others_%28I_have_been_chosen_by_my_spiritual_master%29%3F|And you in turn choose others (I have been chosen by my spiritual master)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R3-DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_family._Any_formal%3F|In the family. Any formal?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R3-DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_your_own_schooling,_then,_in_the_local_schools_in_Calcutta%3F|And your own schooling, then, in the local schools in Calcutta?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760426MW-MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anxiety_for_one%27s_self_is_maya%3F|Anxiety for one's self is maya?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627MW-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_use_flesh_for_curing_diseases%3F|They use flesh for curing diseases?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627MW-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_different_prajapatis_for_the_different_species%3F|Are there different prajapatis for the different species?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627MW-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_that_kind_of_information_given_in_the_Vedas_%28a_class_of_men,_they_are_called_vaidyas_%28doctors%29._They_know_all_these_herb,_which_herb_is_medicine_for_certain_disease,_and_they_sell_in_the_market%29%3F|Is that kind of information given in the Vedas (a class of men, they are called vaidyas (doctors). They know all these herb, which herb is medicine for certain disease, and they sell in the market)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627MW-NVD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Animal-killing_is_only_allowed_when_it_is_absolutely_necessary,_for_medicine._Suppose_by_killing_one_animal_hundreds_of_lives_are_saved,_so_that_is_allowed|Animal-killing is only allowed when it is absolutely necessary, for medicine. Suppose by killing one animal hundreds of lives are saved, so that is allowed.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_does_one_establish_clearly_%28your_studies_of_philosophy_will_be_perfect_when_you_establish,_%22Yes,_there_is_God.%22%29%3F|How does one establish clearly (your studies of philosophy will be perfect when you establish, "Yes, there is God.")?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_translations_%28of_the_Gita%29._How_does_one_decide...%3F|There are so many translations (of the Gita). How does one decide...?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_wanted_to_know_if_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is,_you%27d_have_to_read_Sanskrit,_wouldn%27t_you%3F|I wanted to know if Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you'd have to read Sanskrit, wouldn't you?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_any_centers_of_the_society_in_the_Communist_world%3F|Are there any centers of the society in the Communist world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_response_in_Iran%3F|What is the response in Iran?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_movement_is_spreading_largely._Do_you_think_that_it_will_be_welcome_in_the_Communist_countries%3F|Your movement is spreading largely. Do you think that it will be welcome in the Communist countries?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_some_project_here._Can_you_kindly_explain_what_is_that%3F|You have some project here. Can you kindly explain what is that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760817IV-HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_selling_your_books_in_Moscow%3F|You are selling your books in Moscow?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811ED-TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_sankalpa-vikalpa_is_there_as_long_as_we_have_our_independence,_though._Even_as_devotees,_that_accepting_and_rejecting%3F_That_is_there_even_in_devotees%3F|This sankalpa-vikalpa is there as long as we have our independence, though. Even as devotees, that accepting and rejecting? That is there even in devotees?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811ED-TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_any_limit_to_the_number_of_chances_that_the_disciple_has%3F|Is there any limit to the number of chances that the disciple has?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604IV-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Would_you_accept_conclusions_from_science_that...,_only_if_it_agreed_with_the_Vedic_scriptures%3F|Would you accept conclusions from science that..., only if it agreed with the Vedic scriptures?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604IV-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_that_sometimes_people_ask_us_what_about_the_pictures_of_man_on_the_moon%3F|What about that sometimes people ask us what about the pictures of man on the moon?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604IV-LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_feel_-_maybe_you_answered_this,_but_I_didn%27t_understand_the_answer_-_do_you_feel_that_astronauts_did_land_somewhere,_but_it_was_some_other_planet%3F|Do you feel - maybe you answered this, but I didn't understand the answer - do you feel that astronauts did land somewhere, but it was some other planet?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_different_reasons_for_these_higher_worlds_%28this_is_only_one-fourth_part_manifestation_of_God%27s_property._The_three-fourth_part_is_the_spiritual_world%29%3F|Are there different reasons for these higher worlds (this is only one-fourth part manifestation of God's property. The three-fourth part is the spiritual world)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_time_in_the_higher_nature%3F|Is there time in the higher nature?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_many_places,_let%27s_say,_beyond_the_physical%3F|Are there many places, let's say, beyond the physical?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/710628DA-SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_want_to_give_..._authorization_to_take_sannyasa_as_soon_as_possible%3F|Do you want to give ... authorization to take sannyasa as soon as possible?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811R1-TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_is_only_supposed_to_want_service,_and_sometimes_he_very_much_wants_to_be_liberated_to_be_finished_with_all_this_difficulty,_isn%27t_it%3F|A devotee is only supposed to want service, and sometimes he very much wants to be liberated to be finished with all this difficulty, isn't it?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708R2-DC_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Also_they_bump_one_another_with_the_drum_or_with_each_other%27s_bodies,_they_dance_and_they_bump_like_this._That_is_not_bona_fide_is_it%3F_It_is_very_popular_in_our_movement_now|Also they bump one another with the drum or with each other's bodies, they dance and they bump like this. That is not bona fide is it? It is very popular in our movement now.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760515R1-HONULULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_not_for_facility;_we_are_for_service|We are not for facility; we are for service.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760205IN-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_grace_of_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_you_are_taking_sannyasa,_some_of_you._Keep_it_very_perfectly_and_go_from_town_to_town,_city_to_city,_village_to_village,_all_over_the_world_and_spread_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_so_that_everyone_will_be_happy|By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu you are taking sannyasa, some of you. Keep it very perfectly and go from town to town, city to city, village to village, all over the world and spread this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone will be happy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760427R1-AUCKLAND_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_only_one,_you_construct_hundreds_of_temples._Village_to_village,_town_to..._And_it_will_revolutionize_the_whole_rascal_situation._At_the_present_moment,_it_is_rascal_situation._They%27re_simply_satisfied_by_driving_the_motor...putputputputputputput!|Not only one, you construct hundreds of temples. Village to village, town to... And it will revolutionize the whole rascal situation. At the present moment, it is rascal situation. They're simply satisfied by driving the motor...putputputputputputput!]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760222SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhaktih_paresanubhavo_viraktir_anyatra_syat._This_is_the_test_of_bhakti._If_one_has_entered_the_domain_of_devotional_service,_this_material_world_will_be_not_at_all_tasteful_for_him._Virakti._No_more|Bhaktih paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him. Virakti. No more.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760229SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_have_taken_to_Krsna_consciousness_preaching_work,_they_should_always_know_that_things_are_not_going_to_happen_so_easily._Maya_is_very,_very_strong._But_still,_we_have_to_struggle_against_maya._It_is_a_declaration_of_war_with_the_maya|Those who have taken to Krsna consciousness preaching work, they should always know that things are not going to happen so easily. Maya is very, very strong. But still, we have to struggle against maya. It is a declaration of war with the maya.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760310SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Siddhanta,_what_is_Krsna,_if_you_study_from_the_sastras,_then_siddhanta_boliya_citte,_don%27t_be_lazy_in_understanding_Krsna|Siddhanta, what is Krsna, if you study from the sastras, then siddhanta boliya citte, don't be lazy in understanding Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760319SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_so_foolish_that_we_do_not_believe_in_the_next_life._That_is_simply_foolishness._There_is_next_life,_especially_when_Krsna_says._You_can_say,_%22We_don%27t_believe_it.%22_You_don%27t_believe_or_not_believe,_it_doesn%27t_matter|We are so foolish that we do not believe in the next life. That is simply foolishness. There is next life, especially when Krsna says. You can say, "We don't believe it." You don't believe or not believe, it doesn't matter.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760306SB-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_the_servant_of_the_servant_of_the_servant_of_Krsna_-_That_is_purification._Then_desire._Then_you%27ll_not_desire_anything_except_Krsna%27s_service._That_is_perfection|I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna - That is purification. Then desire. Then you'll not desire anything except Krsna's service. That is perfection.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760403SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_verdict_of_the_acaryas._Vrajendra-nandana,_Hari,_Krsna,_He_is_worshipable,_everyone_knows._But_His_dhama,_Vrndavana,_is_also_as_good_as_Krsna._It_is_also_worshipable|This is the verdict of the acaryas. Vrajendra-nandana, Hari, Krsna, He is worshipable, everyone knows. But His dhama, Vrndavana, is also as good as Krsna. It is also worshipable.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760408SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_may_be_very_rich_man,_you_may_take_many_pills,_many_injection_to_prolong_your_life,_but_that_is_not_possible._That_is_not_possible._But_as_soon_as_you_see_Krsna,_then_you_get_your_eternal_life|You may be very rich man, you may take many pills, many injection to prolong your life, but that is not possible. That is not possible. But as soon as you see Krsna, then you get your eternal life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760409SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_believe_or_not_believe,_the_words_of_Krsna_cannot_be_false._That%27s_a_fact._You_may_be_rascal,_you_do_not_believe,_but_those_who_are_dhira,_they_believe|You believe or not believe, the words of Krsna cannot be false. That's a fact. You may be rascal, you do not believe, but those who are dhira, they believe.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760426BG-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_we_offer_our_respect_to_mother%3F_Because_when_you_are_helpless,_we_cannot_eat_anything,_the_mother_supplies_milk_from_the_breast._Mother_means_who_supplies_the_food|Why we offer our respect to mother? Because when you are helpless, we cannot eat anything, the mother supplies milk from the breast. Mother means who supplies the food.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760508SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Surfer._I_call_%22sufferer,_Sea-sufferer.%22_Sea-surfer,_it_is_practical,_because_we_are_creating_a_situation_by_which_we_shall_become_a_fish._Yes._Contamination._Just_like_if_you_purposely_contaminate_some_disease,_you_must_suffer_from_that_disease|Surfer. I call "sufferer, Sea-sufferer." Sea-surfer, it is practical, because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease, you must suffer from that disease.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760504R1-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_these_big,_big_men,_let_them_have_one_set_of_books_and_study._It_is_not_any_expenditure_for_them,_but_if_at_their_leisure_hour_they_read_some_of_the_line_-_they_are_all_intelligent_men_-_they%27ll_get_ideas,_what_is_this_Krsna_consciousness|All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760511SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Modern_education_there_is_no_real_knowledge._Real_knowledge_begins_in_the_Bhagavad-gita|Modern education there is no real knowledge. Real knowledge begins in the Bhagavad-gita.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760516SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti-yoga_means_not_only_dedicating_life_to_Krsna_but_also_to_serve_the_Vaisnava,_tat-purusa._Tat-purusa_means_to_serve_a_person_who_has_dedicated_his_life_to_Krsna|Bhakti-yoga means not only dedicating life to Krsna but also to serve the Vaisnava, tat-purusa. Tat-purusa means to serve a person who has dedicated his life to Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760523SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whichever_asrama_is_suitable_for_you,_you_accept,_but_sincere._Don%27t_be_hypocrite|Whichever asrama is suitable for you, you accept, but sincere. Don't be hypocrite.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760529SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Take_this_opportunity,_chanting_Hare_Krsna._I%27m_very_glad_that_you_are_doing,_but_be_very_strict;_sincerely_chant._Your_life_is_saved,_your_next_life_is_saved,_everything_is_all_right|Take this opportunity, chanting Hare Krsna. I'm very glad that you are doing, but be very strict; sincerely chant. Your life is saved, your next life is saved, everything is all right.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760530R1-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_will_become_guru_when_he_is_expert_disciple,_but_why_this_immature_attempt%3F_Guru_is_not_a_thing,_imitation._When_one_is_mature,_he_becomes_guru_automatically|Everyone will become guru when he is expert disciple, but why this immature attempt? Guru is not a thing, imitation. When one is mature, he becomes guru automatically.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760605SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_anartha-nivrttih_syat,_all_these_rascal_habits_are_gone,_then_nistha,_then_firm_faith,_not_to_be_agitated._Tato_nistha_tatah_rucis._Then_taste._You_cannot_live_outside_this_camp._Taste_has_changed|When anartha-nivrttih syat, all these rascal habits are gone, then nistha, then firm faith, not to be agitated. Tato nistha tatah rucis. Then taste. You cannot live outside this camp. Taste has changed.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618SB-TORONTO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_follow_the_injunction_of_the_sastra._We_cannot_manufacture_our_own_ways_of_spiritual_advancement._That_is_not_possible|We have to follow the injunction of the sastra. We cannot manufacture our own ways of spiritual advancement. That is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760624SB-NEW_VRINDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Family_attachment_is_the_greatest_impediment_in_the_matter_of_advancing_in_Krsna_consciousness,_but_if_the_whole_family_is_Krsna_conscious,_that_is_very_nice|Family attachment is the greatest impediment in the matter of advancing in Krsna consciousness, but if the whole family is Krsna conscious, that is very nice.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760703SB-WASHINGTON_DC_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_speculation,_by_our_research,_it_is_impossible,_but_we_can_get_a_glimpse_of_knowledge_of_the_Absolute_Truth_when_we_receive_it_through_the_Absolute_Truth,_Krsna._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement|By speculation, by our research, it is impossible, but we can get a glimpse of knowledge of the Absolute Truth when we receive it through the Absolute Truth, Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760903BG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_fighting_soldiers,_they_are_facing_danger_for_the_country._They_are_recognized._Similarly,_those_who_are_preachers_-_on_behalf_of_Krsna_preaching_people_to_take_to_Krsna_consciousness_-_they_are_great_soldiers|Just like fighting soldiers, they are facing danger for the country. They are recognized. Similarly, those who are preachers - on behalf of Krsna preaching people to take to Krsna consciousness - they are great soldiers.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760914SB-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Technology_means_sudra._Technology_is_not_the_business_of_a_brahmana,_ksatriya,_or_vaisya._No._Just_like_blacksmith,_goldsmith,_carpenter,_craftsman._These_are_technology._They_are_meant_for_the_sudras|Technology means sudra. Technology is not the business of a brahmana, ksatriya, or vaisya. No. Just like blacksmith, goldsmith, carpenter, craftsman. These are technology. They are meant for the sudras.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760915SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_become_dhira_from_adhira._But_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_so_nice_that_adhira_can_be_dhira._This_is_the_profit_of_this_movement|We have to become dhira from adhira. But this Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that adhira can be dhira. This is the profit of this movement.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760916SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Pure_devotion_means_to_pray_to_the_Lord,_begging_some_service:_%22My_Lord,_kindly_engage_me_in_Your_service.%22_That_is_the_perfection_of_life,_when_one_is_engaged_in_the_service_of_the_Lord_in_love|Pure devotion means to pray to the Lord, begging some service: "My Lord, kindly engage me in Your service." That is the perfection of life, when one is engaged in the service of the Lord in love.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760916SB-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_learned_from_our_Guru_Maharaja_that_preaching_is_very,_very_important_thing,_and_when_one_is_actually_an_experienced_preacher,_then_he_is_able_to_chant_Hare_Krsna_mantra_without_any_offense|We have learned from our Guru Maharaja that preaching is very, very important thing, and when one is actually an experienced preacher, then he is able to chant Hare Krsna mantra without any offense.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760920SB-VRNDAVAN_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_simply_speak_what_Krsna_says,_then_you_become_His_representative._Don%27t_manufacture._Don%27t_be_over_good_at_manufacturing._Simply_to_follow_Krsna_and_His_representatives,_then_you_become_mahajana._Otherwise_you_are_a_nonsense._Mudha|If you simply speak what Krsna says, then you become His representative. Don't manufacture. Don't be over good at manufacturing. Simply to follow Krsna and His representatives, then you become mahajana. Otherwise you are a nonsense. Mudha.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760923SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_discussed_about_brahmastra._It_is_almost_similar_to_the_modern_nuclear_weapon_or_bomb,_but_it_is_made_with_chemicals,_but_this_brahmastra_is_made_of_mantra._That_is_the_subtle_way._Modern_science_has_not_reached_to_that_point_of_subtle_existence|We have discussed about brahmastra. It is almost similar to the modern nuclear weapon or bomb, but it is made with chemicals, but this brahmastra is made of mantra. That is the subtle way. Modern science has not reached to that point of subtle existence.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761008SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_Rupa_Gosvami%27s_instruction._Somehow_or_other,_you_become_attached_to_Krsna._Then_your_life_is_successful|This is Rupa Gosvami's instruction. Somehow or other, you become attached to Krsna. Then your life is successful.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761024SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_means_whatever_instruction_he%27ll_give,_we_have_to_accept_without_any_argument._Vedic_knowledge_is_like_that._You_cannot_interpret._As_it_is,_you_have_to_accept|Guru means whatever instruction he'll give, we have to accept without any argument. Vedic knowledge is like that. You cannot interpret. As it is, you have to accept.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761025SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Pandita_does_not_mean_one_who_has_got_degree._Pandita_means_sama-cittah|Pandita does not mean one who has got degree. Pandita means sama-cittah.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anyone_who_takes_care_of_his_subordinate,_he_is_guru._The_first_charge_is_that_you_should_not_become_a_guru_unless_you_are_completely_in_awareness_how_to_save_your_dependent_from_the_path_of_birth_and_death|Anyone who takes care of his subordinate, he is guru. The first charge is that you should not become a guru unless you are completely in awareness how to save your dependent from the path of birth and death.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761120SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_said,_bhaktya_mam_abhijanati._Never_said_that_%22I_can_be_understood_by_yogic_process_or_by_karma,_by_jnana.%22_The_modern_politicians,_they_stress_on_karma_because_they_want_to_work_hard_like_hogs_and_dogs|Krsna said, bhaktya mam abhijanati. Never said that "I can be understood by yogic process or by karma, by jnana." The modern politicians, they stress on karma because they want to work hard like hogs and dogs.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761214BG-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_training_of_nivrtti-marga,_the_basic_principles,_so_many_no%27s._%22No%22_means_nivrtti._No_illicit_sex,_no_meat-eating,_no_gambling,_no_intoxication._So_this_is_the_no,_%22no%22_path|Krsna consciousness movement is training of nivrtti-marga, the basic principles, so many no's. "No" means nivrtti. No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. So this is the no, "no" path.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761215BG-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_asuric_public,_they_do_not_know_which_way_their_destination_is._They_say_it_is_self-interest,_but_these_rascals,_they_do_not_know_what_is_the_self-interest,_because_their_very_beginning_of_life_is_mistaken._They_are_thinking_this_body_is_the_self|This asuric public, they do not know which way their destination is. They say it is self-interest, but these rascals, they do not know what is the self-interest, because their very beginning of life is mistaken. They are thinking this body is the self.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761217BG-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_dog_knows_how_to_use_sex_life._It_doesn%27t_require_a_Freud%27s_philosophy._But_the_rascal_human_society,_they_are_thinking_that_%22Here_is_a_big_philosopher._He_is_writing_about_sex%22|Even the dog knows how to use sex life. It doesn't require a Freud's philosophy. But the rascal human society, they are thinking that "Here is a big philosopher. He is writing about sex".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760427R1-AUCKLAND_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_can_be_used_properly_for_peaceful_condition,_and_when_you_become_peaceful,_no_disturbance,_then_you_can_very_happily_chant_Hare_Krsna_and_your_life_becomes_successful._This_is_our_program._We_don%27t_want_to_stop_anything|Everything can be used properly for peaceful condition, and when you become peaceful, no disturbance, then you can very happily chant Hare Krsna and your life becomes successful. This is our program. We don't want to stop anything.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760702AR-WASHINGTON_DC_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_has_mixed-up_ideas_because_nobody_is_properly_trained_up._Some_ideas_they_have_got,_inquiries_they_have_got._But_unless_one_comes_to_the_right_person,_he_cannot_be_enlightened|Everyone has mixed-up ideas because nobody is properly trained up. Some ideas they have got, inquiries they have got. But unless one comes to the right person, he cannot be enlightened.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760505R1-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:End_justifies_the_means._End_is_that_everyone_should_have_a_Krsna_literature._Doesn%27t_matter_what_is_the_means._Because_he_has_taken_one_Krsna_literature,_that_justifies_everything._This_is_the_principle|End justifies the means. End is that everyone should have a Krsna literature. Doesn't matter what is the means. Because he has taken one Krsna literature, that justifies everything. This is the principle.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761023SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_our_books_are_simply_meant_for_selling;_they_are_meant_for_reading_also|Don't think that our books are simply meant for selling; they are meant for reading also.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760409SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_this_lump_of_matter_is_giving_life%3F_But_they_are_not_dhira._All_rascals,_they_cannot_understand._The_word_is_very_important._How_the_rascals_will_understand%3F_Therefore_our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_to_educate_the_rascals|Do you think this lump of matter is giving life? But they are not dhira. All rascals, they cannot understand. The word is very important. How the rascals will understand? Therefore our Krsna consciousness movement is to educate the rascals.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Change_is_no_rectification._If_somebody_is_not_working_he_should_be_trained_up|Change is no rectification. If somebody is not working he should be trained up.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761231R2-BOMBAY_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Big_sankirtana_is_book_distribution_and_small_sankirtana_is_with_mrdanga._Big_sankirtana_is_going_on_all_over_the_world._Small_sankirtana_locally|Big sankirtana is book distribution and small sankirtana is with mrdanga. Big sankirtana is going on all over the world. Small sankirtana locally.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760812MW-TEHERAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_He_has_spoken_to_Muhammad,_and_Muhammad_has_come,_he_is_speaking_the_same_thing._So_recently..._There_is_no_need_of_God%27s_coming._If_Muhammad_is_speaking_on_behalf_of_God,_then_that_is_all_right._There_is_no_need_of_God%27s_coming._This_is_parampara|Because He has spoken to Muhammad, and Muhammad has come, he is speaking the same thing. So recently... There is no need of God's coming. If Muhammad is speaking on behalf of God, then that is all right. There is no need of God's coming. This is parampara.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760731BG-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_there_is_bhajana-kriya,_or_devotional_service,_immediately_anartha-nivrtthi_syat._Anartha_means_unwanted_things,_they_become_vanquished|As soon as there is bhajana-kriya, or devotional service, immediately anartha-nivrtthi syat. Anartha means unwanted things, they become vanquished.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760206MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_he_has_known_%27missing_link%27%3F_%28before_the_caveman_was_the_missing_link%29|And he has known 'missing link'? (before the caveman was the missing link).]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760310MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Kali-yuga,_you_cannot_strictly_follow,_neither_I_can_strictly_follow._If_I_criticize_you,_if_you_criticize_me,_then_we_go_far_away_from_our_real_life_of_Krsna_consciousness|In Kali-yuga, you cannot strictly follow, neither I can strictly follow. If I criticize you, if you criticize me, then we go far away from our real life of Krsna consciousness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760613SB-DETROIT_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_India_there_is_an_astrological_system,_it_is_called_Bhrgu-samhita._According_to_that_Bhrgu-samhita,_the_astrologer_can_say_what_the_man_was_in_the_past_and_what_he%27s_going_to_be_in_future._And_present_also|In India there is an astrological system, it is called Bhrgu-samhita. According to that Bhrgu-samhita, the astrologer can say what the man was in the past and what he's going to be in future. And present also.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760810R1_TEHERAN_mono_mp3_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_philosophy,_the_aim_of_life,_the_destination_of_life,_then_we_can_talk,_what_is_the_destination_of_life,_what_is_required._If_you_criticize_me,_then_I_can_criticize_you_also|If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761212R1-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_stop_kirtana,_then_it_is_ordinary|If you stop kirtana, then it is ordinary.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760626GD-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_print_books,_some_day_somebody_will_read._But_if_we_keep_money,_it_creates_disturbance._I_am_therefore_always_insisting,_%22Print_books,_Print_books%22|If you print books, some day somebody will read. But if we keep money, it creates disturbance. I am therefore always insisting, "Print books, Print books".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760308MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_I_purchase_from_you_and_give_it,_distribute_it_free_to_somebody_else,_that_is_not_wrong_thing|If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760901ED-DELHI_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_dealing_with_all_neophytes._If_I_don%27t_keep_them_alive_by_personal_presence|I am dealing with all neophytes. If I don't keep them alive by personal presence.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761128SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_become_completely_free_from_all_our_attachment_of_this_material_world,_that_is_being_exemplified_by_Rsabhadeva._He_doesn%27t_take_care_even_of_the_body|How to become completely free from all our attachment of this material world, that is being exemplified by Rsabhadeva. He doesn't take care even of the body.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760630IV-WHEELING_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_was_my_spiritual_master,_and_whatever_he_taught,_we_are_speaking,_that%27s_all._We_don%27t_talk_any_nonsense|He was my spiritual master, and whatever he taught, we are speaking, that's all. We don't talk any nonsense.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819VP-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_must_come_through_the_parampara_system,_and_in_order_to_understand_tad-vijnanam,_transcendental_science,_you_have_to_approach_guru._You_cannot_say_that_%22I_can_understand_at_home%22|Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760809R2-TEHRAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gaura-Nitai_is_worshiped_simply_by_kirtana|Gaura-Nitai is worshiped simply by kirtana.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_spiritual_master_appointed_me_that_%22You_do_this.%22_Similarly_I_shall_appoint_somebody_else,_this_is_the_way|My spiritual master appointed me that "You do this." Similarly I shall appoint somebody else, this is the way.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760101BG-MADRAS_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_means_our_mission_is_to_present_before_you_what_Krsna_says._That%27s_all._We_are_not_concerned_what_other_says|Krsna consciousness means our mission is to present before you what Krsna says. That's all. We are not concerned what other says.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760622VI-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_wanted_that_some_books_should_be_published._So_I_tried_my_best,_and_he%27s_giving_success_more_than_expectation._In_the_history_nobody_has_sold_religion,_philosophical_books_in_such_large_quantity|My Guru Maharaja wanted that some books should be published. So I tried my best, and he's giving success more than expectation. In the history nobody has sold religion, philosophical books in such large quantity.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760314SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_always_yasoda-nandana._He_is_always_ready_to_be_chastised_by_Mother_Yasoda,_by_the_gopis,_and_sometimes_by_His_friends._That_is_Vrndavana_Krsna._That_is_real_Krsna;_that_is_real_God|Krsna is always yasoda-nandana. He is always ready to be chastised by Mother Yasoda, by the gopis, and sometimes by His friends. That is Vrndavana Krsna. That is real Krsna; that is real God.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_only_endeavor_is_to_understand_God,_that%27s_all._There_is_no_sectarian._And_I_am_selling_my_books_all_over_the_world._So_it%27s_not_that_everyone_is_foolish|My only endeavor is to understand God, that's all. There is no sectarian. And I am selling my books all over the world. So it's not that everyone is foolish.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761210R1-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Europeans_have_invented_tractors,_and_the_bull_is_a_problem._Therefore_they_must_be_sent_to_the_slaughterhouse._So_we_can_not_create_that_problem._How_the_bull_should_be_utilized%3F_They_should_be_used_for_transport_and_plowing|The Europeans have invented tractors, and the bull is a problem. Therefore they must be sent to the slaughterhouse. So we can not create that problem. How the bull should be utilized? They should be used for transport and plowing.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761114SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_difficulty_is_that_we_cannot_come_to_the_pure_stage_of_chanting_Hare_Krsna_mantra._Due_to_our_past_habits_our_mind_is_disturbed._We_cannot_concentrate._Therefore_we_have_fixed_up_the_minimum|The difficulty is that we cannot come to the pure stage of chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Due to our past habits our mind is disturbed. We cannot concentrate. Therefore we have fixed up the minimum.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761014MW-CHANDIGARH_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_acarya%27s_parampara_is_there._Evam_parampara-praptam_imam_rajarsayo_viduh|The acarya's parampara is there. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760822R1-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_our_process._What_Krsna_has_said,_we_say,_that%27s_all._Therefore_there_is_little_success._I_don%27t_manufacture._I_have_no_extraordinary_power_or_I_cannot_show_magic_or_jugglery_of_words._But_I_do_sincerely,_to_present_what_Krsna_has_said|That is our process. What Krsna has said, we say, that's all. Therefore there is little success. I don't manufacture. I have no extraordinary power or I cannot show magic or jugglery of words. But I do sincerely, to present what Krsna has said.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760624R1-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_the_cows,_they_should_be_given_as_much_as_possible_pasturing._If_you_simply_drink_little_milk,_and_little_vegetables,_that_will_supply_all_vitamins._You_do_not_require_to_take_vitamin_pills|So the cows, they should be given as much as possible pasturing. If you simply drink little milk, and little vegetables, that will supply all vitamins. You do not require to take vitamin pills.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760120MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_many_rascals_are_there._And_this_is_the_only_shelter,_these_our_centers,_to_be_protected_from_all_these_rascals._These_ISKCON_centers_are_the_only_shelter._So_you_have_to_maintain_it_very_nicely._There_is_no_other_shelter._All_bogus,_more_or_less|So many rascals are there. And this is the only shelter, these our centers, to be protected from all these rascals. These ISKCON centers are the only shelter. So you have to maintain it very nicely. There is no other shelter. All bogus, more or less.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760715CC-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_bhakti_is_not_very_ordinary_thing._It_begins_after_one_is_liberated._The_Mayavadi_says_that_%22By_bhakti_one_can_become_one_with_God.%22_No._That_is_not_bhakti._That_is_Mayavada._That_is_mistake|So bhakti is not very ordinary thing. It begins after one is liberated. The Mayavadi says that "By bhakti one can become one with God." No. That is not bhakti. That is Mayavada. That is mistake.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618SB-TORONTO_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sitting_in_a_right-angle_posture_and_the_eyes_half-closed._Not_fully_closed._If_you_fully_close_then_you_will_sleep._I_have_seen_so_many_yogis_snoring,_sleeping._Yes._Naturally,_if_you_close_your_eyes_and_you_have_no_subject_matter_to_think|Sitting in a right-angle posture and the eyes half-closed. Not fully closed. If you fully close then you will sleep. I have seen so many yogis snoring, sleeping. Yes. Naturally, if you close your eyes and you have no subject matter to think.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760226MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Service_and_reading_are_nondifferent%3F|Service and reading are nondifferent?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761117SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Preaching_means_kirtana,_not_that_simply_with_mrdanga_we_can_have_musical_kirtana._No._Preaching_is_also_kirtana|Preaching means kirtana, not that simply with mrdanga we can have musical kirtana. No. Preaching is also kirtana.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760529SB-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_just_to_educate_man_that_you_believe_or_not_believe,_it_doesn%27t_matter._There_is_God._There_is_the_proprietor,_but_He%27s_coming_personally_and_He%27s_saying,_bhoktaram_yajna-tapasam_sarva-loka-mahesvaram|Our Krsna consciousness movement is just to educate man that you believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. There is God. There is the proprietor, but He's coming personally and He's saying, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760629R1-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_to_stop_slaughter._Meat-eating_we_cannot_stop|Our business is to stop slaughter. Meat-eating we cannot stop.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760511SB-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nowadays_it_is_democratic_days,_majority._So_as_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_also_taken_as_one_of_the_sentimental_movements..._It_is_the_most_scientific_movement,_but_because_there_are_so_many_gurus,_rascals,_they_imagine_something_and_cheat|Nowadays it is democratic days, majority. So as this Krsna consciousness movement is also taken as one of the sentimental movements... It is the most scientific movement, but because there are so many gurus, rascals, they imagine something and cheat.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760624R1-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Less_disease_%28in_the_country%29._Less_brain-taxing._Everything_is_less._So_balance_time,_utilize_for_Krsna_consciousness._And_if_you_have_got_temple,_it_is_very_happy_life._Just_for_your_food_work_little,_and_balance_time_engage_yourself_in_K.C.|Less disease (in the country). Less brain-taxing. Everything is less. So balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in K.C..]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760624R1-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_dog_is_afraid,_what_to_speak_of_man._The_animals,_when_they_are_taken_to_be_slaughtered,_they_cry._So_animal_is_afraid_of_death,_why_not_man%3F_Everyone_is_afraid|Even dog is afraid, what to speak of man. The animals, when they are taken to be slaughtered, they cry. So animal is afraid of death, why not man? Everyone is afraid.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_always_remember_that_you_are_helping_me._Without_your_help_I_cannot_do_anything,_so_you_do_not_be_disturbed._Try_to_help_me._That_is_my_request|You should always remember that you are helping me. Without your help I cannot do anything, so you do not be disturbed. Try to help me. That is my request.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760623GC-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_you_should_give_any_importance_to_weakness%3F_Weakness_is_weakness._Rectify_it|Why you should give any importance to weakness? Weakness is weakness. Rectify it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760101BG-MADRAS_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_present_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._In_the_Bhagavad-gita,_Krsna_is_the_Supreme_Lord._In_the,_all_the_Vedic_literature,_Krsna_is_accepted_as_the_Supreme_Lord,_person,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead|We present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. In the, all the Vedic literature, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Lord, person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760924SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_must_learn_how_to_see_Krsna._So_we_should_not_think_that_%22Here_is_a_stone_statue.%22_As_soon_as_we_think_of_stone_statue,_then_our_this_feeling,_bhava,_will_be_lost|We must learn how to see Krsna. So we should not think that "Here is a stone statue." As soon as we think of stone statue, then our this feeling, bhava, will be lost.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760422BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_don%27t_manufacture_any_ideas._That_is_not_our_business._Therefore_we_present_this_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._As_it_is._We_don%27t_change_it|We don't manufacture any ideas. That is not our business. Therefore we present this Bhagavad-gita as it is. As it is. We don't change it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760505R1-HONOLULU_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_should_follow_what_their_spiritual_master_says._Book_selling,_there_is_no_question_of_moral_and_immoral._They_must_sell._Just_like_in_fighting._Where_there_is_fight,_the_soldiers,_to_gain_victory,_there_is_no_question_of_moral_and_immoral._He_must|They should follow what their spiritual master says. Book selling, there is no question of moral and immoral. They must sell. Just like in fighting. Where there is fight, the soldiers, to gain victory, there is no question of moral and immoral. He must.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761103SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_two_kinds_of_ruler_or_controller._One_is_the_government,_and_the_other_is_the_teacher._Or_guru_means_spiritual_master._Spiritual_master_can_control._The_disciples_obey_the_order_of_the_spiritual_master_out_of_love|There are two kinds of ruler or controller. One is the government, and the other is the teacher. Or guru means spiritual master. Spiritual master can control. The disciples obey the order of the spiritual master out of love.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761207MW-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_upper_portion_of_the_sugarcane_will_be_fodder_for_the_cows|The upper portion of the sugarcane will be fodder for the cows.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760804R1-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_library_party_said_that_everywhere_in_Delhi_they_went,_they_found_that_you_had_already_placed_your_three_volumes_of_Bhagavatam|The library party said that everywhere in Delhi they went, they found that you had already placed your three volumes of Bhagavatam.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803R1-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:No_one_is_getting_any_salary_here_%28in_New_Mayapura%29,_they_are_just_working_and_taking...|No one is getting any salary here (in New Mayapura), they are just working and taking...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760823MW-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Misery_of_life_is_to_be_like_this_only._To_live_like_this_without_the_divine_knowledge_or_without...|Misery of life is to be like this only. To live like this without the divine knowledge or without...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760204MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_would_be_easier_for_them_if_they_didn%27t_live_in_the_cities,_because_the_cities_make_it_so_hard_for_anybody_to_understand_there_is_a_God|It would be easier for them if they didn't live in the cities, because the cities make it so hard for anybody to understand there is a God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760708ED-WASHINGTON_DC_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_regards_to_the_organization_of_the_movement|In regards to the organization of the movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760319MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Bhagavatam,_Srila_Prabhupada,_you_are_mentioning_that_prostitute_is_needed_in_the_society|In Bhagavatam, Srila Prabhupada, you are mentioning that prostitute is needed in the society.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760906G1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_can_appreciate_krsna-prasadam_without_filling_up_to_the_neck...|If you can appreciate krsna-prasadam without filling up to the neck...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803BG-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_someone_forces_his_mind,_Srila_Prabhupada,_to_think_of_Krsna...|If someone forces his mind, Srila Prabhupada, to think of Krsna...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760219MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_think_that_some_of_the_comments_of_Your_Divine_Grace,_some_of_the_purports_of_the_Fourth_Canto_of_Srimad-Bhagavatam,_if_they_come_to_the_notice_of_the_Indian_government,_it_may_give_us_some..._They_may_seriously_consider_about_banning|I think that some of the comments of Your Divine Grace, some of the purports of the Fourth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, if they come to the notice of the Indian government, it may give us some... They may seriously consider about banning.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:His_argument_is_that_%22I_should_never_be_allowed_to_misuse_my_independence%22|His argument is that "I should never be allowed to misuse my independence".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618MW-TORONTO_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_there%27s_a_definite_connection_between_the_flesh_and_love,_and_you_can%27t_deny_it,_he_said._I_argued_with_him,_but_that_was_his_viewpoint,_that_love_is_expressed_through_the_flesh|He says there's a definite connection between the flesh and love, and you can't deny it, he said. I argued with him, but that was his viewpoint, that love is expressed through the flesh.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_that_maya_keeps_making_him_full_of_material_desires|He says that maya keeps making him full of material desires.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760302MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_said_that_you_remarked_that_our_society_is_not_love-making_society._But_there_are_so_many_of_these_things_are_going_on|He said that you remarked that our society is not love-making society. But there are so many of these things are going on.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760913LR-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28Sai_Baba%29_says,_%22Rice_is_the_equivalent_of_God_in_man_while_the_husk_can_be_compared_to_desire_which_reduces_God_to_man%22|He (Sai Baba) says, "Rice is the equivalent of God in man while the husk can be compared to desire which reduces God to man".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760609MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_if_there_is_one_bhakta,_that_is_Vrndavana|Even if there is one bhakta, that is Vrndavana.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761114R2-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahmacaris_don%27t_like_to_take_the_instructions_from_the_elder_devotees,_and_then_they_want_to_take_sannyasa,_so_they_think_they_can_be_independent_and_give_orders_themself_and_not_listen|Brahmacaris don't like to take the instructions from the elder devotees, and then they want to take sannyasa, so they think they can be independent and give orders themself and not listen.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760218MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahmacaris_don%27t_like_to_take_the_instructions_from_the_elder_devotees,_and_then_they_want_to_take_sannyasa,_so_they_think_they_can_be_independent_and_give_orders_themself_and_not_listen|Brahmacaris don't like to take the instructions from the elder devotees, and then they want to take sannyasa, so they think they can be independent and give orders themself and not listen.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_then_the_materialist_says,_%22If_Krsna_is_all_good,_then_how_is_there_any_evil%3F%22|And then the materialist says, "If Krsna is all good, then how is there any evil?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760821R1-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_they_could_say_was_how_Prabhupada,_how_he_is_empowered_by_Lord_Gauranga|All they could say was how Prabhupada, how he is empowered by Lord Gauranga.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760808R1-TEHERAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada,_your_temples_are_the_real_spaceships._We_can_go_to_the_other_planets_and_to_Krsnaloka_from_your_temples|Prabhupada, your temples are the real spaceships. We can go to the other planets and to Krsnaloka from your temples.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_of_the_things_which_this_council_handles_is_freedom_of_religion_throughout_the_world|One of the things which this council handles is freedom of religion throughout the world.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760711ED-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:No,_even_in_Ramayana_and_Mahabharata_we_find_this_kind_of,_Ekalavya_was_discriminated,_Karna_was_discriminated|No, even in Ramayana and Mahabharata we find this kind of, Ekalavya was discriminated, Karna was discriminated.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760607MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whenever_they_make_some_report_about_India,_they_always_make_some_joke_about_how_the_people_will_think_the_animals_are_sacred_and_how_this_is_actually_the_real_problem|Whenever they make some report about India, they always make some joke about how the people will think the animals are sacred and how this is actually the real problem.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760626GD-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_may_say_that_we_have_arbitrarily_given_some_specific_duties_to_different_people|They may say that we have arbitrarily given some specific duties to different people.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760625R1-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_have_fashioned_a_way_for_the_spacemen_that_they_can_drink_their_own_urine_and_eat_their_own_stool|They have fashioned a way for the spacemen that they can drink their own urine and eat their own stool.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760802R2-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_preparing_for_installation_of_Radha-Krsna_on_September_lst,_%28Radha-Gopinath%29_and_otherwise_the_sankirtana_is_distributing_Bhagavad-gitas,_about_fifteen_hundred_a_week|They are preparing for installation of Radha-Krsna on September lst, (Radha-Gopinath) and otherwise the sankirtana is distributing Bhagavad-gitas, about fifteen hundred a week.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760802R2-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_preparing_for_installation_of_Radha-Krsna_on_September_lst,_%28Radha-Gopinath%29_and_otherwise_the_sankirtana_is_distributing_Bhagavad-gitas,_about_fifteen_hundred_a_week|They are preparing for installation of Radha-Krsna on September lst, (Radha-Gopinath) and otherwise the sankirtana is distributing Bhagavad-gitas, about fifteen hundred a week.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761106R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_advertising_that_%22These_Hindus,_they_are_so_fool,_they_are_worshiping_an_animal,_a_cow%22|They are advertising that "These Hindus, they are so fool, they are worshiping an animal, a cow".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760507R1-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_books_are_very_revolutionary._You_are_very_strong._You_have_put_everything_in_a_very_clear-cut,_strong_words._You_have_attacked_everyone_who_is_not_Krsna_conscious,_as_fools_and_rascals|These books are very revolutionary. You are very strong. You have put everything in a very clear-cut, strong words. You have attacked everyone who is not Krsna conscious, as fools and rascals.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There%27s_some_connection_still._When_the_soul_is...,_when_the_body...,_when_you_are_dreaming,_and_the_soul_leaves_the_body,_but_still_there_must_be_some_connection_between_the_soul...|There's some connection still. When the soul is..., when the body..., when you are dreaming, and the soul leaves the body, but still there must be some connection between the soul...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761231IV-BOMBAY_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_was_some_trouble_with_your_movement_in_America_recently|There was some trouble with your movement in America recently.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760619LE-TORONTO_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_too_many_sections_of_religion,_Hindu_religion|There are too many sections of religion, Hindu religion.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760419BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_so_many_children_in_the_world_that_are_suffering|There are so many children in the world that are suffering.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760108MW-NELLORE_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_they_will_say,_%22Well,_you_are_proselytizing_by_rice%22|Then they will say, "Well, you are proselytizing by rice".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760415MW-BOMBAY_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_argument_is_sometimes_put_forward_that_not_everyone_will_be_able_to_embrace_Krsna_consciousness_fully._Therefore_it_may_be_better_for_them_to_accept_some_portion,_like_vegetarianism_or_hatha-yoga...|The argument is sometimes put forward that not everyone will be able to embrace Krsna consciousness fully. Therefore it may be better for them to accept some portion, like vegetarianism or hatha-yoga...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760610MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_you_said_yesterday,_or_a_few_days_ago,_that_this_movement_will_go_on_unimpeded_for_ten_thousand_years...|Srila Prabhupada, you said yesterday, or a few days ago, that this movement will go on unimpeded for ten thousand years...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760805BG-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_you_mentioned_the_principle_of_intuition,_that_this_is_coming_from_Krsna._There%27s_another_principle_called_conscience_which_means_the_feeling_that_something_is_right_and_something_is_wrong|Srila Prabhupada, you mentioned the principle of intuition, that this is coming from Krsna. There's another principle called conscience which means the feeling that something is right and something is wrong.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760705CC-WASHINGTON_DC_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_sometimes_when_we_go_preaching,_people_do_not_want_to_take_Krsna_consciousness._Sometimes_they_actually...|Srila Prabhupada, sometimes when we go preaching, people do not want to take Krsna consciousness. Sometimes they actually...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760308MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_it_mentions_in_The_Nectar_of_Devotion_that_in_the_viddhi-marga_there_are_many_things_we_don%27t_want_to_do_but_we_must_do_in_order_to_make_advancement|Srila Prabhupada, it mentions in The Nectar of Devotion that in the viddhi-marga there are many things we don't want to do but we must do in order to make advancement.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803BG-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_if_we_are_faced_with_a_service_we_think_is_beyond_our_means|Sometimes if we are faced with a service we think is beyond our means.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803BG-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_devotees,_they_want_to_love_Krsna,_but_they_fall_down,_they_can%27t_seem_to...|Sometimes devotees, they want to love Krsna, but they fall down, they can't seem to...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760603MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_a_devotee_thinks,_%22Oh,_it_is_so_difficult_to_be_strict._Maybe_I%27ll_just_take_it_easy_and_remain_engaged_in_devotional_service,_then_I%27ll_take_another_birth_as_a_devotee_and_maybe_next_time_I%27ll_finish_up_my_business%22|Sometimes a devotee thinks, "Oh, it is so difficult to be strict. Maybe I'll just take it easy and remain engaged in devotional service, then I'll take another birth as a devotee and maybe next time I'll finish up my business".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760404R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_of_our_brahmacaris,_they%27ve_been_drafted_into_the_army._We%27ve_lost_several_devotees_like_that,_because_it%27s_very_hard_for_them_to_maintain_their_Krsna_consciousness_in_the_army|Some of our brahmacaris, they've been drafted into the army. We've lost several devotees like that, because it's very hard for them to maintain their Krsna consciousness in the army.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760812ED-TEHERAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_the_greatest_teacher_in_recorded_history,_Prabhupada,_because_your_movement_is_so_well_founded_in_these_books,_more_so_than_any_religious_teacher-Muhammad,_Buddha,_Jesus_Christ._Your_movement_is_perfectly_founded_even_during_your_own_lifetime|You are the greatest teacher in recorded history, Prabhupada, because your movement is so well founded in these books, more so than any religious teacher-Muhammad, Buddha, Jesus Christ. Your movement is perfectly founded even during your own lifetime.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760605MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yes,_they%27re_getting_pinched._You_have_really_come_as_an_aggressor,_Prabhupada._%28Prabhupada_laughs%29_Actually_I_think_we_are_the_most_dangerous_revolutionaries_in_the_whole_world|Yes, they're getting pinched. You have really come as an aggressor, Prabhupada. (Prabhupada laughs) Actually I think we are the most dangerous revolutionaries in the whole world.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760811ED-TEHERAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_were_saying_that_by_intelligence_one_can_just_accept_what_the_father_says_will_be_good_for_him_and_he%27ll_do_it,_but_most_people_have_such_a_bad_experience_in_the_material_world,_they_get_cheated_so_often...|You were saying that by intelligence one can just accept what the father says will be good for him and he'll do it, but most people have such a bad experience in the material world, they get cheated so often...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760904SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Abhidheya_is_acting_actually._Sambandha_is_understanding._So_if_you_do_not_come_to_the_platform_of_acting,_abhidheya,_then_simply_understanding_will_not_help_you._And_acting_also_with_the_aim_to_achieve|Abhidheya is acting actually. Sambandha is understanding. So if you do not come to the platform of acting, abhidheya, then simply understanding will not help you. And acting also with the aim to achieve.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618I2-TORONTO_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_one_who_has_attained_the_perfection,_she_can_become_guru._But_man_or_woman,_unless_one_has_attained_the_perfection...._Yei_krsna-tattva-vetta_sei_guru_haya._The_qualification_of_guru_is_that_he_must_be_fully_cognizant_of_the_science_of_Krsna|Actually one who has attained the perfection, she can become guru. But man or woman, unless one has attained the perfection.... Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya. The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_that_mentality_is_sannyasa._It_doesn%27t_matter_whether_we_have_changed_the_dress_or_not,_but_if_we_decide_it,_that_%22I_am_eternal_servant_of_Krsna;_my_only_duty_is_to_serve_Krsna,%22_that_is_sannyasa|Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760218SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Another_definition_of_Krsna_is_He%27s_full_with_six_kinds_of_opulences._So_He%27s_sufficient_to_fulfill_His_desire._He_doesn%27t_require_anyone%27s_service|Another definition of Krsna is He's full with six kinds of opulences. So He's sufficient to fulfill His desire. He doesn't require anyone's service.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760203MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anyone_who_is_Krsna_conscious,_who_knows_Krsna,_he_is_guru._Otherwise_all_rascals._Why_should_you_go_to_a_rascal%3F_Immediately_you_can_understand_he_is_guru_who_has_fully_surrendered_to_Krsna._He_is_guru._Others%3F_They_are_all_rascals|Anyone who is Krsna conscious, who knows Krsna, he is guru. Otherwise all rascals. Why should you go to a rascal? Immediately you can understand he is guru who has fully surrendered to Krsna. He is guru. Others? They are all rascals.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761005SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_we_become_envious_of_the_acarya,_there_is_falldown,_immediately._Yasyaprasadan_na_gatih_kuto_%27pi._Yasya_prasadad_bhagavat-prasadah._This_is_the_teaching_of_Visvanatha_Cakravarti_Thakura._He%27s_also_acarya._Acarya-parampara|As soon as we become envious of the acarya, there is falldown, immediately. Yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. This is the teaching of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. He's also acarya. Acarya-parampara.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760301MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_Krsna_loves_you_so_much_that_even_you_accept_this_material_atom,_He_goes_to_help_you._Therefore_He_is_within._Because_sarvasya_caham_hrdi_sannivisthah_%28BG_15.15%29._The_living_entity_has_a...,_enjoying_this_material_world._So_he_has_got_everything|Because Krsna loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisthah (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760521SB-HONOLULU_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_people_are_in_darkness,_we_require_many_millions_of_gurus_to_enlighten_them|Because people are in darkness, we require many millions of gurus to enlighten them.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761231IV-BOMBAY_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Before_me_so_many_swamis,_yogis_went_there._They_came_and_go._No_effect._Now_I_have_created_a_community_which_will_continue|Before me so many swamis, yogis went there. They came and go. No effect. Now I have created a community which will continue.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760223SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Beginning_from_Brahma_down_to_the_insignificant_worm_in_the_stool,_they_are_coming_down_and_going_up,_coming_down._This_is_going_on._This_is_called_samsara-cakra,_cycle_of_birth_and_death|Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called samsara-cakra, cycle of birth and death.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Better_we_should_try_to_stay_in_this_determination_than_to_accept_the_sannyasa_order_by_changing_the_dress_and_then_again_we_fall_down._That_is_not_very_good._There_are_instances_like_that,_but_it_is_not_at_all_good._We_should_not_trust_the_mind|Better we should try to stay in this determination than to accept the sannyasa order by changing the dress and then again we fall down. That is not very good. There are instances like that, but it is not at all good. We should not trust the mind.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760816R1-BOMBAY_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_is_the_entrance._Then_Bhagavata_is_graduate_and_Caitanya-caritamrta..._This_is_the_step_by_step._But_if_one_is_sincere_everything_becomes_revealed._He_does_not_commit_mistake|Bhagavad-gita is the entrance. Then Bhagavata is graduate and Caitanya-caritamrta... This is the step by step. But if one is sincere everything becomes revealed. He does not commit mistake.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803R3-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_who_is_chanting,_he_must_be_a_sincere_devotee._Then_his_chanting_will_be_effective._A_gramophone_machine_will_not_do._He_must_be_realized,_then_his_chanting_will_be_effective|But who is chanting, he must be a sincere devotee. Then his chanting will be effective. A gramophone machine will not do. He must be realized, then his chanting will be effective.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760408MW-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Caitanya_Mahaprabhu%27s_order,_yare_dekha,_tare_kaha,_%27krsna-upadesa.%27_Bas,_finished,_%22You_become_a_guru.%22_The_trouble_is_there._You_haven%27t_got_to_manufacture_your_ideas._Just_like_I%27m_quoting_from_Krsna%27s_preaching|Caitanya Mahaprabhu's order, yare dekha, tare kaha, 'krsna-upadesa.' Bas, finished, "You become a guru." The trouble is there. You haven't got to manufacture your ideas. Just like I'm quoting from Krsna's preaching.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714IV-NEW_YORK_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_you_tell_me_a_little_bit_about_the_future_direction_of_the_movement,_how_you_plan_to_expand%3F|Can you tell me a little bit about the future direction of the movement, how you plan to expand?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760311MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_become_paramahamsa_immediately._Paramahamsa_is_the_last_stage_of_sannyasa._First_stage_is_kuticaka._Then_second_stage_is_bahudaka._And_third_stage_is_parivrajakacarya,_and_fourth_stage_is_paramahamsa._Therefore_paramahamsa_stage_is_the_topmost|Don't become paramahamsa immediately. Paramahamsa is the last stage of sannyasa. First stage is kuticaka. Then second stage is bahudaka. And third stage is parivrajakacarya, and fourth stage is paramahamsa. Therefore paramahamsa stage is the topmost.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760802R2-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_one_of_you_become_guru_and_deliver_the_residents_of_your_neighborhood._Ei_desa._Wherever_you_are_living,_just_deliver_them._Become_their_guru|Every one of you become guru and deliver the residents of your neighborhood. Ei desa. Wherever you are living, just deliver them. Become their guru.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760809R2-TEHERAN_mono_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all,_you_must_have_faith_that,_%22In_this_life_I_shall_understand_thoroughly_about_God.%22Then_associate_with_persons_who_are_busy_with_God%27s_business.Then_you_act_as_they_are_acting.Then_your_misconception_of_material_life_will_be_finished|First of all, you must have faith that, "In this life I shall understand thoroughly about God."Then associate with persons who are busy with God's business.Then you act as they are acting.Then your misconception of material life will be finished.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R1-DETROIT_mono_clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_in_our_institute,_we_teach_all_the_students_practically_how_to_become_God_conscious._Theoretical_knowledge_will_not_help_us._There_must_be_practical_behavior|Here in our institute, we teach all the students practically how to become God conscious. Theoretical knowledge will not help us. There must be practical behavior.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760325R1-DELHI_mono_clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_many_Mahesh_Yogi_has_brought,_disciples_like_this%3F_This_is_my_answer._Thousands_of_them_are_working_here_on_my_behalf._Just_see_their_character_and_behavior|How many Mahesh Yogi has brought, disciples like this? This is my answer. Thousands of them are working here on my behalf. Just see their character and behavior.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761031SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_spend_the_money_for_Krsna,_that_is_our_policy._We_do_not_want_to_keep_money._We_cannot_keep,_that_is_not_possible._Somebody_will_take_it._Ultimately_the_government_will_take._Better_spend_it_for_Krsna|How to spend the money for Krsna, that is our policy. We do not want to keep money. We cannot keep, that is not possible. Somebody will take it. Ultimately the government will take. Better spend it for Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760311MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_you_can_do_business%3F_I_am_doing_business_because_I_have_got_all_these_things._I_went_to_America_-_land._Then_I_worked_-_labor._Then_I_earned_some_capital,_and_I_have_got_brain_how_to_do_it|How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NEW_YORK_mono_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_now_eighty_years_old,_I_am_working_twenty-four_hours._I_think_I_work_more_than_my_young_disciples|I am now eighty years old, I am working twenty-four hours. I think I work more than my young disciples.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760311MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_wanted_first_of_all_the_residential_place._And_they_criticize_me,_%22Oh,_you_did_not_construct_temple_first.%22_And_a_temple_of_the_devotees_is_first,_our_temple._Then_God._God_will_come_if_there_are_devotees|I wanted first of all the residential place. And they criticize me, "Oh, you did not construct temple first." And a temple of the devotees is first, our temple. Then God. God will come if there are devotees.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760229SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_is_intelligent,_he_takes_immediately:_%22Oh,_it_is_so_nice._He%27ll_give_me_all_protection%3F_Let_me_surrender.%22_Business_finished_in_one_second._But_if_he%27s_a_rascal,_he_wants_to_search_out,_make_research_work,_then_after_many_many_births_it_will_take|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760422BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_at_the_time_of_death_think_of_that,_how_to_swim_very_nicely_within_the_water,_that_means_next_life_nature_will_give_you_a_fish_life._You_get_it._That_is_God%27s_mercy._Why_you_artificially_try_to_become_a_fish%3F_You_become_actually_fish|If you at the time of death think of that, how to swim very nicely within the water, that means next life nature will give you a fish life. You get it. That is God's mercy. Why you artificially try to become a fish? You become actually fish.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760424BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_live_in_the_temple_or_if_you_live_in_God%27s_business,_Krsna_consciousness,_then_you_are_in_the_spiritual_world._You_are_not_in_the_material_world._Material_world_means_where_God_is_forgotten|If you live in the temple or if you live in God's business, Krsna consciousness, then you are in the spiritual world. You are not in the material world. Material world means where God is forgotten.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760615R3-DETROIT_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_remain_to_your_principles,_you_can_make_the_whole_world_your_disciple|If you remain to your principles, you can make the whole world your disciple.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761210DB-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_you_have_become_a_student_and_you%27ll_remain_student._No._One_day_you_shall_become_also_guru_and_make_more_students,_more_students,_more|It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760226SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_the_duty_of_the_father_and_mother_to_train_children_in_such_a_way_that_they_will_be_interested_in_guru_and_Krsna._Why%3F_By_the_mercy_of_guru_and_Krsna,_he%27ll_get_bhakti-lata-bija._And_that_is_real_life|It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760304SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_to_be_understood_by_chanting_Hare_Krsna_mantra,_by_following_the_regulative_principle,_he_has_already_come_to_the_platform_of_sattva-guna._But_if_it_is_a_false_thing,_there_is_no_need_of_second_initiation|It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618I2-TORONTO_mono_clip_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jahnava_devi_was-Nityananda%27s_wife._She_became._If_she_is_able_to_go_to_the_highest_perfection_of_life,_why_it_is_not_possible_to_become_guru%3F_But,_not_so_many|Jahnava devi was-Nityananda's wife. She became. If she is able to go to the highest perfection of life, why it is not possible to become guru? But, not so many.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760607MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Keep_your_movement_very_pure._You_don%27t_mind_if_somebody_goes_away._But_we_must_keep_our_principles_pure|Keep your movement very pure. You don't mind if somebody goes away. But we must keep our principles pure.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761225R1-BOMBAY_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Leadership_is_already_there_-_Krsna._Just_like_Arjuna_is_learning_from_Krsna._So_if_you_learn_from_Krsna_you_become_perfect_leader._But_we_do_not_take_Krsna%27s_instruction._We_manufacture_our_own_ideas._That_is_failure|Leadership is already there - Krsna. Just like Arjuna is learning from Krsna. So if you learn from Krsna you become perfect leader. But we do not take Krsna's instruction. We manufacture our own ideas. That is failure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760220SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Master_is_one:_Krsna._There_cannot_be_two_master._The_master_can_expand_Himself_as_masters._That_is_another_thing._The_master_is_one|Master is one: Krsna. There cannot be two master. The master can expand Himself as masters. That is another thing. The master is one.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760718R1-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Money_is_not_our_aim._Our_aim_is_how_people_will_understand_Krsna|Money is not our aim. Our aim is how people will understand Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760709R1-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_left_alone,_so_he_has_sent_so_many_gurus_to_take_care_of_me._You_are_all_my_Guru_Maharaja%27s_representatives|My Guru Maharaja left alone, so he has sent so many gurus to take care of me. You are all my Guru Maharaja's representatives.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NEW_YORK_mono_clip03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_spiritual_master_appointed_me_that_%22You_do_this.%22_Similarly_I_shall_appoint_somebody_else,_this_is_the_way|My spiritual master appointed me that "You do this." Similarly I shall appoint somebody else, this is the way.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760325BG-DELHI_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nitya_means_eternal._And_nityanam._Nityanam_means_plural_number_of_nityas._So_there_are_many_nityas,_means_many_living_entities,_but_there_is_one_nitya_Supreme._That_is_God._He_is_also_a_living_entity_like_us|Nitya means eternal. And nityanam. Nityanam means plural number of nityas. So there are many nityas, means many living entities, but there is one nitya Supreme. That is God. He is also a living entity like us.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760929SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nobody_can_protect_anyone._That_is_not_possible._Everyone_has_to_take_care_of_himself._This_world_is_like_that._Don%27t_depend._Only_Krsna_can_protect_you_-_nobody_else|Nobody can protect anyone. That is not possible. Everyone has to take care of himself. This world is like that. Don't depend. Only Krsna can protect you - nobody else.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760720MW-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_there_should_be_one_rule_that_unless_they_are_husband-wife,_man_and_woman_should_not_worship_together|Now there should be one rule that unless they are husband-wife, man and woman should not worship together.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760729AR-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Oh._Yes,_there_was_no_hope_for_my_coming_%28to_New_Mayapura%29._Now_I%27ve_come,_they_%28the_devotees%29_must_be_%28ecstatic%29|Oh. Yes, there was no hope for my coming (to New Mayapura). Now I've come, they (the devotees) must be (ecstatic).]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761210DB-HYDERABAD_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_should_remain_perpetually_a_student,_but_he_has_to_act_as_guru|One should remain perpetually a student, but he has to act as guru.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760503R1-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Otherwise_it_is_ordinary_movement._This_same_man,_he%27s_guru,_so_long_he_gives_the_real_knowledge_of_Krsna._And_the_same_man,_he%27s_ordinary_man,_as_soon_as_he_cannot_give|Otherwise it is ordinary movement. This same man, he's guru, so long he gives the real knowledge of Krsna. And the same man, he's ordinary man, as soon as he cannot give.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760625SB-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_aim_is_how_to_become_free_from_this_material_bondage_and_real_sneha,_real_affection,_real_love_should_be_spread._And_that_can_be_done_through_Krsna_consciousness._Otherwise,_it_is_all_false|Our aim is how to become free from this material bondage and real sneha, real affection, real love should be spread. And that can be done through Krsna consciousness. Otherwise, it is all false.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760526MW-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_duty_is_only_to_become_Krsna_conscious._Other_things_will_be_supplied_by_Krsna|Our duty is only to become Krsna conscious. Other things will be supplied by Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760506SB-HONOLULU_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_mission_is_not_to_make_a_nonvegetarian_a_vegetarian._No._Our_mission_is_that_%22Either_you_are_vegetarian_or_nonvegetarian,_it_doesn%27t_matter._You_become_Krsna_conscious.%22_That_is_our_mission|Our mission is not to make a nonvegetarian a vegetarian. No. Our mission is that "Either you are vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it doesn't matter. You become Krsna conscious." That is our mission.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760323SB-CALCUTTA_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prahlada_Maharaja_and_every_Vaisnava_who_is_actually_following_the_parampara_system_of_Vaisnava_duty,_they_are_anxious|Prahlada Maharaja and every Vaisnava who is actually following the parampara system of Vaisnava duty, they are anxious.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760211SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prahlada_Maharaja_was_put_into_so_many_trials_when_he_was_only_a_child,_still_he_never_forgot_Krsna._That_is_the_sign_of_maha-bhagavata._In_any_circumstances|Prahlada Maharaja was put into so many trials when he was only a child, still he never forgot Krsna. That is the sign of maha-bhagavata. In any circumstances.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760211SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Preacher_means_when_you_become_fully_Krsna_conscious_by_worshiping_the_Deity_regularly,_as_we_have_got_prescription_to_rise_early_in_the_morning,_offer_mangala-arati,_then_kirtana,_then_class,_in_this_way_practicing,_practicing|Preacher means when you become fully Krsna conscious by worshiping the Deity regularly, as we have got prescription to rise early in the morning, offer mangala-arati, then kirtana, then class, in this way practicing, practicing.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760930R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Preaching_is_independent._If_you_have_got_desire,_you_can_preach_in_any_circumstances_and_Krsna_will_help_you._I_have_practically_experienced._I_went_to_your_country_without_any_help,_without_any_money._Alone|Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760605MW-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Say_that_all_the_ten_thousand_devotees,_each_of_them_is_a_moon,_not_a_star|Say that all the ten thousand devotees, each of them is a moon, not a star.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760326MW-DELHI_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes,_Srila_Prabhupada,_devotees_want_to_know_what_your_greatest_pleasure_would_be,_how_you_would_want_your_disciples_to...|Sometimes, Srila Prabhupada, devotees want to know what your greatest pleasure would be, how you would want your disciples to...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760929SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Suppose_we_are_worshiping_Deity._That_is_the_duty_of_brahmana;_but_somebody_is_called_that_%22You_cleanse_this_floor.%22_So_he_should_not_think_that_%22I_am_cleansing_the_floor;_therefore_I_am_lower_than_the_person_directly_worshiping_the_Deity.%22_No|Suppose we are worshiping Deity. That is the duty of brahmana; but somebody is called that "You cleanse this floor." So he should not think that "I am cleansing the floor; therefore I am lower than the person directly worshiping the Deity." No.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761130SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_sastra._Not_that_%22So_many_years_have_passed_and_it_has_become_old._Now_let_us_reform_it_and_put_it_into_new_way.%22_No._You_can_put_the_same_thing_in_a_new_way,_but_you_cannot_change_the_principle|That is sastra. Not that "So many years have passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into new way." No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the principle.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760713MW-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_the_idea_of_my_Guru_Maharaja,_a_Gurukula._We_are_not_going_to_make_some_big,_big_scholars._We_don%27t_require_scholars._We_require_ideal_men_by_character,_by_behavior,_by_Krsna_consciousness|That is the idea of my Guru Maharaja, a Gurukula. We are not going to make some big, big scholars. We don't require scholars. We require ideal men by character, by behavior, by Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760206MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_cats_and_dogs,_they_cannot_fight_with_maya,_but_a_human_being,_he_can_fight._So_if_we_don%27t_fight,_we_don%27t_take_that_adventure,_then_we_remain_cats_and_dogs._The_cats_and_dogs,_they_fight_amongst_themselves_but_not_with_the_maya|The cats and dogs, they cannot fight with maya, but a human being, he can fight. So if we don't fight, we don't take that adventure, then we remain cats and dogs. The cats and dogs, they fight amongst themselves but not with the maya.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760219SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_central_point_is_to_love_Krsna_and_offer_Him_service,_but_that_service_may_be_of_variety|The central point is to love Krsna and offer Him service, but that service may be of variety.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760212SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_foolish_persons,_they_do_not_take_care._They_think_they_are_very_much_advanced,_they_have_no_need_to_attend_arati_or_to_play_on_the_mrdanga_or_cymbal._But_that_is_not_fact._So_many_items_are_there_given_by_the_acaryas|The foolish persons, they do not take care. They think they are very much advanced, they have no need to attend arati or to play on the mrdanga or cymbal. But that is not fact. So many items are there given by the acaryas.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627GC-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_man,_the_man_or_woman,_one_who_are_very_much_sexually_attached,_he_is_a_rascal._One_should_give_up_his_company._And_another_rascal_who_is_not_a_devotee_of_Krsna|The man, the man or woman, one who are very much sexually attached, he is a rascal. One should give up his company. And another rascal who is not a devotee of Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761226R2-BOMBAY_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_real_platform_of_unity_is_Krsna_consciousness._Our_members,_although_they_speak_different_languages_from_different_countries,_but_still_they_are_united|The real platform of unity is Krsna consciousness. Our members, although they speak different languages from different countries, but still they are united.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760226SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_temple_is_not_a_free_hotel_for_learning_how_to_gratify_senses._No._This_is_not_our_aim_and_object|The temple is not a free hotel for learning how to gratify senses. No. This is not our aim and object.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618I2-TORONTO_mono_clip_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Their_expenditure_is_at_my_direction._Not_a_single_paisa_they_can_spend_in_their_own_discretion._They_are_laboring_hard_to_get_this_collection,_but_the_money_is_mine._This_is_the_arrangement|Their expenditure is at my direction. Not a single paisa they can spend in their own discretion. They are laboring hard to get this collection, but the money is mine. This is the arrangement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760808MW-TEHERAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_so_much_envy_in_my_heart,_and_when_I%27m_chanting_I%27m_understanding_the_envy_is_causing_me_so_much_distress._And_yet_I_can%27t_give_it_up._I_cannot_leave_off_these_envious_feelings._How_is_it_that_the_spirit_soul...%3F|There is so much envy in my heart, and when I'm chanting I'm understanding the envy is causing me so much distress. And yet I can't give it up. I cannot leave off these envious feelings. How is it that the spirit soul...?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761009AR-ALIGARH_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ultimate_is_always_be_absorbed_in_glorifying_the_Lord,_but_not_in_the_beginning._In_the_beginning_you_must_work_very_hard;_you_come_to_the_stage_of_pure_devotional_platform|Ultimate is always be absorbed in glorifying the Lord, but not in the beginning. In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760212MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vietnam,_send_all_the_men_to_fight,_and_kill_them._As_soon_as_there_is_overpopulation,_they_declare_war_so_that_people_may_be_killed|Vietnam, send all the men to fight, and kill them. As soon as there is overpopulation, they declare war so that people may be killed.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760609GC-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_make_a_choice;_you_can_change_it._But_as_soon_as_you_change_it,_God_knows_what_you_are_going_to_do._This_is_very_common_sense|You make a choice; you can change it. But as soon as you change it, God knows what you are going to do. This is very common sense.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760706ED-WASHINGTON_DC_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_take_Arjuna_as_guru._Krsna_spoke_to_Arjuna,_evam_parampara-praptam._He_directly_listened_to_Him._And_he%27s_guru_therefore,_because_the_guru_is_by_the_parampara._So_he_understood_Krsna._So_you_take_Arjuna%27s_instruction|You can take Arjuna as guru. Krsna spoke to Arjuna, evam parampara-praptam. He directly listened to Him. And he's guru therefore, because the guru is by the parampara. So he understood Krsna. So you take Arjuna's instruction.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760627GC-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_whole_science_is_understood_through_service_only._Everything_becomes_revealed._Everything_is_revelation._Unless_one_is_very_sincere_servant,_there_is_no_revelation|This whole science is understood through service only. Everything becomes revealed. Everything is revelation. Unless one is very sincere servant, there is no revelation.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760311SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_verses_of_Srimad-Bhagavatam,_they_are_Vedic_mantras._They%27re_not_ordinary_wording,_set_of_wording._It_is_not._Veda-mantra;_samhita._So_every_one_of_you_must_try_to_chant._This_is_required|These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760727IV-LONDON_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_also_educated,_they_are_young_men,_and_they_are_coming_from_respectable_family._They_are_not_dull-headed_dogs._So_why_they_are_sticking_to_this_principle_unless_they_feel,_%22Yes,_I_am_making_progress%22%3F|They are also educated, they are young men, and they are coming from respectable family. They are not dull-headed dogs. So why they are sticking to this principle unless they feel, "Yes, I am making progress"?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760905R1-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_must_be_engaged_twenty-four_hours._That_is_wanted._It_is_not_a_lazy_free_hotel._Anyone_lives,_he_must_be_engaged_twenty-four_hours|They must be engaged twenty-four hours. That is wanted. It is not a lazy free hotel. Anyone lives, he must be engaged twenty-four hours.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760205MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_also_nature._Everything_is_nature._Are_you_outside_nature%3F_That_is_another_nonsense._Your_body_is_nature;_your_activities_are_nature;_everything_is_nature._How_you_can_say_you_are_out_of_nature|This is also nature. Everything is nature. Are you outside nature? That is another nonsense. Your body is nature; your activities are nature; everything is nature. How you can say you are out of nature.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760215SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_an_opportunity,_this_human_form_of_life,_to_decide_where_you_want_to_go._Are_you_going_to_hell_or_heaven_or_back_to_home,_or_back_to_Godhead%3F_That_you_have_to_decide|This is an opportunity, this human form of life, to decide where you want to go. Are you going to hell or heaven or back to home, or back to Godhead? That you have to decide.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760309MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_material_world_is_garbage._And_still,_we_live_so_comfortably._Now_just_imagine_what_is_His_dhama._It_is_the_garbage_tank,_still_so_nice._And_just_think_what_is_His_real_place,_Goloka_Vrndavana|This material world is garbage. And still, we live so comfortably. Now just imagine what is His dhama. It is the garbage tank, still so nice. And just think what is His real place, Goloka Vrndavana.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760308SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_nonsense_theory_that_%22Within_the_womb_of_the_mother,_unless_the_body_is_developed_to_seven_months,_there_is_no_life,%22_what_is_this_nonsense%3F_The_body_has_developed_to_that_seven_months%27_condition_because_there_is_a_spirit_soul|This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760709AD-NEW_YORK_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_enviousness%3F_You_are_human_being,_I_am_human_being._Why_we_should_be_envious_of_one_another._This_is_artificial._There_is_no_need_of._But_we_are_put_into_certain_condition_that_we_have_to_become_envious_by_nature_or_someone|Why enviousness? You are human being, I am human being. Why we should be envious of one another. This is artificial. There is no need of. But we are put into certain condition that we have to become envious by nature or someone.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760410MW-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Envy_means_the_cow_has_got_right_to_live._He_does_not_allow_the_cow_to_live._That_is_envy|Envy means the cow has got right to live. He does not allow the cow to live. That is envy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760613MW-DETROIT_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Who_is_my_disciple%3F_First_of_all_let_him_follow_strictly_the_disciplined_rules|Who is my disciple? First of all let him follow strictly the disciplined rules.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760307MW-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_one_is_jealous_of_God,_then_gradually_jealous_of_everyone|When one is jealous of God, then gradually jealous of everyone.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761003SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_guru_speaks,_you_cannot_argue._That_is_not_the_process._You_should_accept_a_guru_who_is_infallible._Otherwise_it_is_useless._He_accepted_guru_Krsna_because_Krsna_is_infallible|When guru speaks, you cannot argue. That is not the process. You should accept a guru who is infallible. Otherwise it is useless. He accepted guru Krsna because Krsna is infallible.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760313SB-MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_worship_the_guru_as_Vyasa-puja_because_representative_of_Vyasa._And_who_is_Vyasa%3F_Representative_of_Narada._What_is_Narada%3F_Representative_of_Brahma._What_is_Brahma%3F_Representative_of_Krsna._This_is_called_parampara_system|We worship the guru as Vyasa-puja because representative of Vyasa. And who is Vyasa? Representative of Narada. What is Narada? Representative of Brahma. What is Brahma? Representative of Krsna. This is called parampara system.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761124SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_not_be_sentimentally_very_much_anxious_-_%22Please_give_me_sannyasa,_give_me_sannyasa%22_-_and_then_fall_down_and_go_to_hell._That_is_not_good._That_is_not_good._If_one_is_able_to_strictly_follow_the_sannyasa_rules_and_regulation,_he_should_take|We should not be sentimentally very much anxious - "Please give me sannyasa, give me sannyasa" - and then fall down and go to hell. That is not good. That is not good. If one is able to strictly follow the sannyasa rules and regulation, he should take.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760331SB-VRNDAVAN_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_increase_our_taste_for_hearing_and_chanting_about_Visnu,_Krsna._That_engagement_you_have_fully_in_the_Srimad-Bhagavatam_and_Bhagavad-gita._So_stick_to_these_two_books,_or_Caitanya-caritamrta._Caitanya-caritamrta_is_still_far_advanced|We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Visnu, Krsna. That engagement you have fully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritamrta. Caitanya-caritamrta is still far advanced.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760323SB-CALCUTTA_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_be_very_much_strictly_follower_of_the_Vaisnava_principle._Vaisnava%27s_only_business_is_how_to_deliver_these_fallen_souls._Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_He_appeared_as_a_Vaisnava._The_business_is_to_deliver|We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760604SB-LOS_ANGELES_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_very_simple_test_in_Krsna_consciousness_movement_how_to_distinguish_between_an_intelligent_man_a_rascal._As_soon_as_we_understand_that_he%27s_not_Krsna_conscious,_he%27s_a_rascal._Bas._There_is_no_need_of_testing|We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760625SB-NEW_VRINDAVAN_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_everything_in_writing,_in_books,_in_instructions._Our_duty_is_to_take_them_rightly_and_utilize_it_properly,_advance_in_Krsna_consciousness|We have got everything in writing, in books, in instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly, advance in Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760819R1-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_business._Why_shall_I_keep_in_the_bank%3F_This_is_the_policy._If_your_money_is_idle,_we_can_spend_it_in_our_books,_in_our_purchasing_land_in_temple,_constructing_temple,_developing...|We have got business. Why shall I keep in the bank? This is the policy. If your money is idle, we can spend it in our books, in our purchasing land in temple, constructing temple, developing...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760714I2-NEW_YORK_mono_clip04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_not_idle_preachers,_we_are_working._All,_very_hard,_more_than_the_karmis|We are not idle preachers, we are working. All, very hard, more than the karmis.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760901ED-DELHI_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_selling_books_to_the_extent_of_sixty_thousand_dollars_daily._That_is_our_only_hope,_that_we_shall_not_be_financially_in_difficulty._People_are_taking_our_books_very_nicely._People_are_accepting_our_literature|We are selling books to the extent of sixty thousand dollars daily. That is our only hope, that we shall not be financially in difficulty. People are taking our books very nicely. People are accepting our literature.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760816SP-HYDERABAD_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_trying_to_establish_this_brahminical_culture,_go-brahmana-hitaya_ca._You%27ll_be_very_much_pleased_that_in_a_country_where_go-hatya_is_so_prominent,_now_we_have_established_so_many_farms_in_Europe_and_America|We are trying to establish this brahminical culture, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. You'll be very much pleased that in a country where go-hatya is so prominent, now we have established so many farms in Europe and America.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760618MW-TORONTO_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_cannot_become_sympathetic_with_everyone._That_is_not_our_policy|We cannot become sympathetic with everyone. That is not our policy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761210DB-HYDERABAD_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_got_this_information_from_His_Divine_Grace_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura,_and_that_knowledge_is_still_going_on._You_are_receiving_through_his_servant._And_in_future_the_same_knowledge_will_go_to_your_students._This_is_called_parampara_system|We got this information from His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and that knowledge is still going on. You are receiving through his servant. And in future the same knowledge will go to your students. This is called parampara system.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/761009AR-ALIGARH_mono_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_if_there_is_one_bhakta,_that_is_Vrndavana|Even if there is one bhakta, that is Vrndavana.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750112SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_gradually_developing_up_to_the_stage_of_raga-bhakti_or_para-bhakti._Then_life_is_successful._In_that_way_we_should_not_be_disturbed_by_these_ethereal_interactions|Krsna consciousness movement is gradually developing up to the stage of raga-bhakti or para-bhakti. Then life is successful. In that way we should not be disturbed by these ethereal interactions.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750117SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Devotee%27s_business_is_to_glorify._He_doesn%27t_take_any_credit_for_himself._Actually,_there_is_nothing_to_be_taken_credit._The_all_credit_goes_to_Krsna|Devotee's business is to glorify. He doesn't take any credit for himself. Actually, there is nothing to be taken credit. The all credit goes to Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750119SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_smell_is_creation_of_God,_or_Krsna,_punyo_gandhah_prthivyam_ca._Therefore_the_smell_should_be_used_for_Krsna%27s_pleasure._This_is_bhakti,_not_for_my_pleasure._This_is_called_tyaga._Tyaga_means_that_actually_it_should_be_used_for_Krsna|The smell is creation of God, or Krsna, punyo gandhah prthivyam ca. Therefore the smell should be used for Krsna's pleasure. This is bhakti, not for my pleasure. This is called tyaga. Tyaga means that actually it should be used for Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750122SB.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_this_purpose,_that_%22You_have_already_attachment_for_sound._Now_just_transfer_this_attachment_for_spiritual_sound._Then_your_life_will_be_successful%22|Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose, that "You have already attachment for sound. Now just transfer this attachment for spiritual sound. Then your life will be successful".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750123CS.BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_industries,_they_are_mentioned_in_the_Bhagavad-gita_as_ugra-karma._Ugra-karma_means_ferocious_activities|The industries, they are mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita as ugra-karma. Ugra-karma means ferocious activities.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750123CS.BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_request_is_that_the_inhabitants_of_Bombay,_especially_those_who_are_our_members,_they_will_kindly_take_active_part,_how_to_make_this_institution_very_successful_in_Bombay|My request is that the inhabitants of Bombay, especially those who are our members, they will kindly take active part, how to make this institution very successful in Bombay.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750123CS.BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Today_is_very_auspicious_day._With_great_difficulty_we_have_got_now_sanction._Now_please_cooperate_with_this_attempt_as_far_as_possible|Today is very auspicious day. With great difficulty we have got now sanction. Now please cooperate with this attempt as far as possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavan_means_He_is_also_a_living_being._He_is_not_nirakara._When_we_say_bhagavan_nirakara,_that_means_either_we_have_no_knowledge_of_Bhagavan_or_nirakara_means_He_is_not_a_form_like_us._Our_form_and_Krsna%27s_form_-_different|Bhagavan means He is also a living being. He is not nirakara. When we say bhagavan nirakara, that means either we have no knowledge of Bhagavan or nirakara means He is not a form like us. Our form and Krsna's form - different.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_cannot_be_imagined._That_is_another_foolishness._How_you_can_imagine_God%3F_Then_God_become_subject_matter_of_your_imagination._He_is_no_substance._That_is_not_God._What_is_imagined,_that_is_not_God|God cannot be imagined. That is another foolishness. How you can imagine God? Then God become subject matter of your imagination. He is no substance. That is not God. What is imagined, that is not God.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_get_out_of_the_maya%27s_activities,_prakrteh_kriyamanani_gunaih_karmani,_then_you_have_to_take_to_Krsna_consciousness._There_is_no_way_out|If you want to get out of the maya's activities, prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani, then you have to take to Krsna consciousness. There is no way out.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_material_condition_of_life_we,_the_proprietor_of_the_body,_we_are_changing,_tatha_dehantara-praptih,_from_one_body_to_another._This_is_the_first_knowledge,_preliminary_knowledge|In the material condition of life we, the proprietor of the body, we are changing, tatha dehantara-praptih, from one body to another. This is the first knowledge, preliminary knowledge.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yoga_means_connecting_link._Our_link_is_now_separated|Yoga means connecting link. Our link is now separated.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_voidists,_they_say_sunyavadi._They_say,_%22There_is_no_God.%22_And_the_impersonalists,_they_say_that_there_is_God,_but_there_is_no_head,_there_is_no_leg,_there_is_no_hand,_there_is_no_mouth,_there_is_no,_no,_no..._Ultimately,_what_is_their_God%3F|The voidists, they say sunyavadi. They say, "There is no God." And the impersonalists, they say that there is God, but there is no head, there is no leg, there is no hand, there is no mouth, there is no, no, no... Ultimately, what is their God?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavan_creates_this_whole_universe,_He_does_not_require_anyone%27s_help._He_creates_the_sky._From_the_sky_there_is_sound;_from_the_sound_there_is_air;_from_the_air_there_is_fire;_from_fire_there_is_water;_and_from_water_the_earth_is_there|Bhagavan creates this whole universe, He does not require anyone's help. He creates the sky. From the sky there is sound; from the sound there is air; from the air there is fire; from fire there is water; and from water the earth is there.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_can_create_a_small_airplane,_airship,_and_flying_in_the_sky,_and_Bhagavan_has_created_innumerable_universes_flying_in_the_sky,_and_He_has_created_the_sky_also._The_creative_energy_is_there|We can create a small airplane, airship, and flying in the sky, and Bhagavan has created innumerable universes flying in the sky, and He has created the sky also. The creative energy is there.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_energy_is_working_in_one_way,_another_energy_is_working_another_way._But_they_are_all_Krsna%27s_energy._Parasya_saktir_vividhaiva_sruyate._Mayadhyaksena_prakrtih_suyate_sa-caracaram|One energy is working in one way, another energy is working another way. But they are all Krsna's energy. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate. Mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750125BG.HK_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_is_there_in_the_sastra._So_it_is_our_duty_the_human_life_to_get_knowledge_from_sastra._That_is,_means_Veda._Veda_means_knowledge._Get_knowledge_from_the_standard_Veda|Everything is there in the sastra. So it is our duty the human life to get knowledge from sastra. That is, means Veda. Veda means knowledge. Get knowledge from the standard Veda.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750127BG.TOK_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Here_is_the_chance_of_getting_freedom_from_this_evolutionary_process|Here is the chance of getting freedom from this evolutionary process.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750128BG.TOK_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_the_sastra_we_know_in_the_moon_planet..._That_is_one_of_the_heavenly_planets,_and_there_are_living_entities._They_are_living_for_ten_thousand_years,_and_it_is_very_cold_there._Therefore_they_drink_soma-rasa|From the sastra we know in the moon planet... That is one of the heavenly planets, and there are living entities. They are living for ten thousand years, and it is very cold there. Therefore they drink soma-rasa.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750128BG.TOK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee,_when_he_understands_thoroughly_that_%22Here_is_one_Supreme_Person,_who_is_the_leader,_who_is_the_controller,_who_is_the_maintainer_of_everything,%22_then_he_surrenders_unto_Him_and_becomes_His_devotee|A devotee, when he understands thoroughly that "Here is one Supreme Person, who is the leader, who is the controller, who is the maintainer of everything," then he surrenders unto Him and becomes His devotee.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750130BG.HAW_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_characteristics_we_can_understand_who_is_a_godly_man_and_who_is_a_demonic_man|By the characteristics we can understand who is a godly man and who is a demonic man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750130BG.HAW_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_we_contaminate_the_different_material_modes_of_nature,_we_get_different_situation_of_life,_different_forms_of_body,_different_circumstances._Krsna_has_arranged_everything_very_accurately._His_arrangement_is_very_perfect|As we contaminate the different material modes of nature, we get different situation of life, different forms of body, different circumstances. Krsna has arranged everything very accurately. His arrangement is very perfect.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750130BG.HAW_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_do_not_agree_with_Krsna%27s_desire,_if_you_want_to_enjoy_your_own_desire,_then_also,_Krsna_is_also_pleased,_He_will_supply_you_the_necessities._But_that_is_not_very_good._We_should_agree_to_Krsna%27s_desires|If you do not agree with Krsna's desire, if you want to enjoy your own desire, then also, Krsna is also pleased, He will supply you the necessities. But that is not very good. We should agree to Krsna's desires.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750130BG.HAW_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_do_not_agree_with_Krsna%27s_desire,_if_you_want_to_enjoy_your_own_desire,_then_also,_Krsna_is_also_pleased,_He_will_supply_you_the_necessities._But_that_is_not_very_good._We_should_agree_to_Krsna%27s_desires|If you do not agree with Krsna's desire, if you want to enjoy your own desire, then also, Krsna is also pleased, He will supply you the necessities. But that is not very good. We should agree to Krsna's desires.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750130BG.HAW_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Karma_means_to_fulfill_my_desires,_and_bhakti_means_to_fulfill_Krsna%27s_desires._That_is_the_difference._Now_you_make_your_choice,_whether_you_want_to_make_your_desires_fulfilled_or_if_you_want_to_make_Krsna%27s_desire_fulfilled|Karma means to fulfill my desires, and bhakti means to fulfill Krsna's desires. That is the difference. Now you make your choice, whether you want to make your desires fulfilled or if you want to make Krsna's desire fulfilled.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750202BG.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_educating_everyone_to_become_divine._That_is_the_program|Our Krsna consciousness movement is meant for educating everyone to become divine. That is the program.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203BG.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_don%27t_believe_your_so-called_senses_as_the_source_of_knowledge._No._The_source_of_knowledge_should_be_by_hearing|So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203MW.HAW_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Follow_the_instruction._Then_you_are_secure_anywhere._It_doesn%27t_matter._Just_like_I_told_you_that_I_saw_my_Guru_Maharaja_not_more_than_ten_days_in_my_life,_but_I_followed_his_instruction._I_was_a_grhastha,_I_never_lived_with_the_Matha,_in_the_temple|Follow the instruction. Then you are secure anywhere. It doesn't matter. Just like I told you that I saw my Guru Maharaja not more than ten days in my life, but I followed his instruction. I was a grhastha, I never lived with the Matha, in the temple.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750209AR.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all,_you_have_to_take_it_as_axiomatic_truth_that_there_is_no_happiness_and_there_cannot_be_any_satisfaction_in_this_material_world._Then_you%27ll_make,_spiritually_advance|First of all, you have to take it as axiomatic truth that there is no happiness and there cannot be any satisfaction in this material world. Then you'll make, spiritually advance.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750210SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_misuse_this_opportunity._Some_way_or_other,_you_have_come_in_contact_with_this_movement._Properly_utilize_it._Don%27t_go_to_the_darkness._Always_remain_in_bright_light|Don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness. Always remain in bright light.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG.MEX_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_English_dictionary_when_you_consult_the_word_God,_it_is_stated_there,_%22the_Supreme_Being.%22_What_is_that_Supreme_Being%3F_We_are_all_living_being,_but_amongst_ourself_there_is_comparative,_superlative_positions|In the English dictionary when you consult the word God, it is stated there, "the Supreme Being." What is that Supreme Being? We are all living being, but amongst ourself there is comparative, superlative positions.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG.MEX_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_approach_the_Supreme_or_the_representative_of_the_Supreme,_just_like_the_same_example:_when_there_is_any_controversy,_we_refer_to_the_law_book_or_to_the_lawyer,_or_we_take_the_decision_of_the_law_court|We should approach the Supreme or the representative of the Supreme, just like the same example: when there is any controversy, we refer to the law book or to the lawyer, or we take the decision of the law court.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG.MEX_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_means_one_who_has_complete_knowledge_of_Vedic_version,_and_not_only_that,_he_is_a_staunch_or_fixed-up_devotee_of_the_Supreme_Lord._These_are_the_qualification|Guru means one who has complete knowledge of Vedic version, and not only that, he is a staunch or fixed-up devotee of the Supreme Lord. These are the qualification.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750212RC.MEX_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_meant_for_making_things_very_simplified._Accept_God,_accept_your_position_as_God%27s_servant_and_serve_God._That%27s_all,_three_words|This Krsna consciousness movement is meant for making things very simplified. Accept God, accept your position as God's servant and serve God. That's all, three words.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_of_the_devotional_quality_is_titiksa,_tolerance._That_should_be_learned,_how_to_tolerate_in_every_condition_of_life|One of the devotional quality is titiksa, tolerance. That should be learned, how to tolerate in every condition of life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_can_exist_in_lower_grade_of_life_like_cats,_dogs,_insects,_trees,_aquatics,_like_that._And_we_can_exist_also_in_the_same_way_as_we_are_existing_now._And_we_can_exist_also_exactly_like_God_-_eternal_life_of_bliss_and_knowledge|We can exist in lower grade of life like cats, dogs, insects, trees, aquatics, like that. And we can exist also in the same way as we are existing now. And we can exist also exactly like God - eternal life of bliss and knowledge.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_material_world,_even_if_you_promote_to_the_highest_planetary_system,_Brahmaloka,_still,_you%27ll_have_to_come_back_again|In the material world, even if you promote to the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, still, you'll have to come back again.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_cats_and_dogs_can_live_at_the_mercy_of_God,_the_devotees_can_live_very_comfortably_by_the_mercy_of_God._There_is_no_such_question|If cats and dogs can live at the mercy of God, the devotees can live very comfortably by the mercy of God. There is no such question.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all_you_take_your_birth_where_Krsna_is_now_present._Krsna_is_present_in_one_of_the_universes._There_are_innumerable_universes._So_you_take_your_birth_in_the_next_universe,_or_where_Krsna_is_now._Then_you_become_trained_up|First of all you take your birth where Krsna is now present. Krsna is present in one of the universes. There are innumerable universes. So you take your birth in the next universe, or where Krsna is now. Then you become trained up.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG.MEX_sp_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_there%27s_another_way_to_go_to_God._If_there_is_another_way%3F|If there's another way to go to God. If there is another way?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750218DP.MEX_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_rascals_they_have_created_a_gorgeous_civilization._What_is_that%3F_Just_like_in_your_country_especially,_a_gorgeous_truck_for_sweeping._The_business_is_sweeping,_and_for_that_they_have_manufactured_a_gorgeous_truck:_Gut,_gut,_gut,_gut,_gut,_gut,_gut|These rascals they have created a gorgeous civilization. What is that? Just like in your country especially, a gorgeous truck for sweeping. The business is sweeping, and for that they have manufactured a gorgeous truck: Gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750222IN.CAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_all,_ladies_and_gentlemen_present_here,_take_advantage_of_hearing_about_God_from_this_institution,_you_will_also_become_God_conscious|If you all, ladies and gentlemen present here, take advantage of hearing about God from this institution, you will also become God conscious.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750224SB.CAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jnanis_want_to_become_one_with_the_Supreme_or_liberation,_so_it_should_be_uncovered_by_the_result_of_jnana_and_karma_and_fully_devoid_of_any_other_desire._That_is_bhakti._So_those_who_are_bhaktas_and_desiring_after_liberation,_they_are_not_pure_bhakta|Jnanis want to become one with the Supreme or liberation, so it should be uncovered by the result of jnana and karma and fully devoid of any other desire. That is bhakti. So those who are bhaktas and desiring after liberation, they are not pure bhakta.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750224SB.CAR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_bhakti-marga,_means_simply_to_satisfy_Krsna._That_is_bhakti-marga,_no_other_desire,_no_other_motive|This is bhakti-marga, means simply to satisfy Krsna. That is bhakti-marga, no other desire, no other motive.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225AR.MIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_appeared_as_the_son_of_mother_Saci,_and_Balarama_has_appeared_as_Nityananda,_and_Their_business_is_to_deliver_all_fallen_souls,_especially_in_this_age,_Kali-yuga|Krsna has appeared as the son of mother Saci, and Balarama has appeared as Nityananda, and Their business is to deliver all fallen souls, especially in this age, Kali-yuga.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225AR.MIA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_passing_through_many_varieties_of_life,_and_this_human_form_of_life_is_a_good_chance_to_get_out_of_this_chain_of_changing_body_one_after_another|We are passing through many varieties of life, and this human form of life is a good chance to get out of this chain of changing body one after another.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225BG.MIA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_rules_and_regulation_are_that_nobody_should_accept_blindly_any_guru,_and_nobody_should_blindly_accept_any_disciple._They_must_behave,_one_another,_at_least_for_one_year|The rules and regulation are that nobody should accept blindly any guru, and nobody should blindly accept any disciple. They must behave, one another, at least for one year.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750227BG.MIA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_centers_are_being_opened_just_to_give_the_opportunity_to_the_people_who_are_suffering_not_only_in_this_life,_life_after_life|These centers are being opened just to give the opportunity to the people who are suffering not only in this life, life after life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750228RC.ATL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vrscika_means...|Vrscika means...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750228RC.ATL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_the_child_is_dead._Now_you_give_some_chemical_injection_and_bring_it_into_life._Why_you_cannot_do_that%3F_If_you_cannot_do_that,_then_what_is_the_nonsense,_saying_that_some_chemical_is_missing%3F_If_it_is_missing,_you_replace_it._Why_you_cannot_replace%3F|Now the child is dead. Now you give some chemical injection and bring it into life. Why you cannot do that? If you cannot do that, then what is the nonsense, saying that some chemical is missing? If it is missing, you replace it. Why you cannot replace?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750228RC.ATL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_kind_of_answer,_that_if_I_ask_you_that_%22You_produce_life_from_chemicals,%22_and_if_you_answer_that_%22Yes,_we_shall_do_it_in_future,%22_that_is_not_very_scientific_answer._What_do_you_think%3F_Is_that_very_scientific_answer%3F|This kind of answer, that if I ask you that "You produce life from chemicals," and if you answer that "Yes, we shall do it in future," that is not very scientific answer. What do you think? Is that very scientific answer?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750301CC.ATL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_save_us_from_death..._That_is_the_first_business_of_humankind._We_are_teaching_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_for_this_purpose_only|To save us from death... That is the first business of humankind. We are teaching this Krsna consciousness movement for this purpose only.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302LE.ATL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750303AR.DAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_father_was_Vaisnava._He_was_Vaisnava,_and_he_wanted_me_to_become_a_Vaisnava._Whenever_some_saintly_person_would_come,_he_would_ask_him,_%22Please_bless_my_son_that_he_can_become_a_servant_of_Radharani.%22_That_was_his_prayer|My father was Vaisnava. He was Vaisnava, and he wanted me to become a Vaisnava. Whenever some saintly person would come, he would ask him, "Please bless my son that he can become a servant of Radharani." That was his prayer.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750303SB.DAL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_rascal_civilization_do_not_admit_this._They_are_so_fool_that_they_are_conditioned_in_every_step,_and_still_they_are_thinking_they_are_free._This_is_called_illusion._Therefore,_to_get_that_freedom,_you_have_to_work_for_it|This rascal civilization do not admit this. They are so fool that they are conditioned in every step, and still they are thinking they are free. This is called illusion. Therefore, to get that freedom, you have to work for it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750303SB.DAL_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Freedom_does_not_come_so_automatically._Just_like_you_are_diseased._You_are_under_the_control_of_fever_or_some_other_painful_condition,_under_some_disease._So_you_have_to_undergo_some_penance|Freedom does not come so automatically. Just like you are diseased. You are under the control of fever or some other painful condition, under some disease. So you have to undergo some penance.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750313SB.TEH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yudhisthira_Maharaja,_he_was_unwilling_to_accept_the_kingdom_because_he_thought_that_%22For_me_so_many_men_have_been_killed_in_the_battlefield_of_Kuruksetra._So_I_am_so_sinful,_I_am_not_fit_for_the_throne%22|Yudhisthira Maharaja, he was unwilling to accept the kingdom because he thought that "For me so many men have been killed in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. So I am so sinful, I am not fit for the throne".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750313SB.TEH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_conception_of_one_world_state_can_only_be_fulfilled_if_we_can_follow_the_infallible_authority._An_imperfect_human_being_cannot_create_an_ideology_acceptable_to_everyone|The conception of one world state can only be fulfilled if we can follow the infallible authority. An imperfect human being cannot create an ideology acceptable to everyone.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750320AR.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_my_greatest_encouragement,_that_even_in_my_absence,_things_are_going_on_very_nicely,_improving|That is my greatest encouragement, that even in my absence, things are going on very nicely, improving.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750321RC.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_this_institution,_I_am_guru,_and_if_everyone_becomes_guru,_then_who_will_carry_out_the_order_of_guru%3F_There_must_be_disciple_also,_who_will_carry_out_the_order_of_guru._So_it_is_not_required|In this institution, I am guru, and if everyone becomes guru, then who will carry out the order of guru? There must be disciple also, who will carry out the order of guru. So it is not required.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750323AR.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_simply_messenger._Mercy_is_of_Bhaktivinoda_Thakura_and_Srila_Prabhupada._Before_your_coming_they_predicted,_that_%22Somebody_will_bring.%22_Maybe_that_somebody_I_am._Bhaktivinoda_Thakura_predicted|I am simply messenger. Mercy is of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Before your coming they predicted, that "Somebody will bring." Maybe that somebody I am. Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750328CC.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_mission_is_to_establish_the_desire_of_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._That_is_our_business|Our mission is to establish the desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is our business.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750401MW.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now,_at_least_for_me,_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_no_more_theoretical._It_is_practical._I_can_solve_all_problems|Now, at least for me, this Krsna consciousness movement is no more theoretical. It is practical. I can solve all problems.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750404CC.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_always_remember_this._A_little_mistake_will_spoil_the_whole_scheme,_little_mistake._Nature_is_very_strong|You should always remember this. A little mistake will spoil the whole scheme, little mistake. Nature is very strong.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_prepare_yourself_how_to_repeat_Krsna%27s_instructions_very_nicely._Suppose_you_have_got_now_ten_thousand._We_shall_expand_to_hundred_thousand._That_is_required._Then_hundred_thousand_to_million,_and_million_to_ten_million|Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely. Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC.MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shall_expand_to_hundred_thousand._That_is_required._Then_hundred_thousand_to_million,_and_million_to_ten_million,_So_there_will_be_no_scarcity_of_acarya,_and_people_will_understand_K.C._very_easily._So_make_that_organization._Don%27t_be_falsely_puffed_up|We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million, So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand K.C. very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750408CC.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bharatavarsa,_Bengal_is_the_most_important_place,_and_in_Bengal,_the_district_Nadia_is_most_important_place,_because_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_appeared._Don%27t_take_it_leniently|In the Bharatavarsa, Bengal is the most important place, and in Bengal, the district Nadia is most important place, because Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Don't take it leniently.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750411SB.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educating_people_that_%22You_are_not_this_body,_not_this_mind,_not_this_intelligence,_but_above_this._You_are_spirit_soul.%22_So_Krsna_confirms_that_mamaivamsa|Our Krsna consciousness movement is educating people that "You are not this body, not this mind, not this intelligence, but above this. You are spirit soul." So Krsna confirms that mamaivamsa.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750412R2.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Karyam_means_%22It_is_my_duty.%22_That_is_real_sannyasa._%22Krsna_wants_that_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_must_be_spread._So_this_is_my_karyam._This_is_my_duty._And_the_direction_is_my_spiritual_master._So_I_must_do_it.%22_This_is_sannyasa|Karyam means "It is my duty." That is real sannyasa. "Krsna wants that this Krsna consciousness movement must be spread. So this is my karyam. This is my duty. And the direction is my spiritual master. So I must do it." This is sannyasa.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750412RC.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_there_is_one_moon,_that_is_sufficient._What_is_the_use_of_millions_of_stars_twinkling._So_that_is_our_propaganda._If_one_man_can_understand_what_is_Krsna_philosophy,_then_my_preaching_is_successful,_that%27s_all|If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750414RC.HYD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_make_propaganda,_if_he%27s_not_ghost,_you_can_make_him_ghost._This_is_propaganda._This_is_called_propaganda._By_propaganda_you_can_establish_a_false_thing_as_real._That%27s_all._This_is_going_on._They_know_how_to_do_it._They%27re_expert|If you make propaganda, if he's not ghost, you can make him ghost. This is propaganda. This is called propaganda. By propaganda you can establish a false thing as real. That's all. This is going on. They know how to do it. They're expert.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750417BG.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_very_strict._But_the_devotees_are_very_lenient._Krsna_doesn%27t_want_to_speak_even_with_demons._But_the_devotees_are_so_kind,_they_go_to_the_demons_and_pray,_Kindly_hear._Kindly_hear_about_Krsna|Krsna is very strict. But the devotees are very lenient. Krsna doesn't want to speak even with demons. But the devotees are so kind, they go to the demons and pray, Kindly hear. Kindly hear about Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750418SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_hear_anywhere._There_is_no_specific_mention_that_it_can_be_heard_in_such_and_such_place._You_can_anywhere._But_a_holy_place_like_Vrndavana,_the_hearing_has_got_a_special_effect|You can hear anywhere. There is no specific mention that it can be heard in such and such place. You can anywhere. But a holy place like Vrndavana, the hearing has got a special effect.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750418SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_foreigners,_you_have_taken_some_interest._I_am_very_much_pleased._So_constantly_come_here_and_hear_about_Krsna._This_is_the_pastimious_place_of_Krsna,_Vrndavana._So_make_your_anarthas_vanquished|You foreigners, you have taken some interest. I am very much pleased. So constantly come here and hear about Krsna. This is the pastimious place of Krsna, Vrndavana. So make your anarthas vanquished.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750419MW.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_a_devil,_you_cannot_do_it._The_devil_and_divine._Divine_means_spiritually_advanced,_and_devil_means_materially_advanced._And_because_we_are_manufacturing_divine,_the_devils_are_afraid_of_it._The_devils_do_not_like_this_movement|If you are a devil, you cannot do it. The devil and divine. Divine means spiritually advanced, and devil means materially advanced. And because we are manufacturing divine, the devils are afraid of it. The devils do not like this movement.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750420RC.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_some_result_is_there_because_I_am_practically_training_them._And_before_me,_all_the_swamis_went_there._They_lectured,_that%27s_all._So_what_is_the_meaning_of_lectures_unless_you_train_them%3F|Now some result is there because I am practically training them. And before me, all the swamis went there. They lectured, that's all. So what is the meaning of lectures unless you train them?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750423SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_we_want_to_become_friends_of_everyone|This Krsna consciousness movement means we want to become friends of everyone.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750424SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_literature,_how_can_we_enlighten_the_people_at_large%3F_My_Guru_Maharaja_used_to_say_that_this_press_is_brhad-mrdanga|Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at large? My Guru Maharaja used to say that this press is brhad-mrdanga.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750508RC.PER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_atma_is_present_within_this_body,_that_is_understood_by_the_presence_of_consciousness._Just_like_we_are_here_in_this_room,_but_this_light_is_the_reflection_of_the_sunshine._We_understand_there_is_sun_in_the_sky|That atma is present within this body, that is understood by the presence of consciousness. Just like we are here in this room, but this light is the reflection of the sunshine. We understand there is sun in the sky.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750508RC.PER_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I%27m_not_very_familiar_with_the_Hindu_scriptures,_but_I_have_read_some_Upanisads,_and_there%27s_the_idea_that_somehow_atman_is_Brahman%3F_I_don%27t_understand_that_at_all,_so_perhaps_you_could_say_something_about_that%3F|I'm not very familiar with the Hindu scriptures, but I have read some Upanisads, and there's the idea that somehow atman is Brahman? I don't understand that at all, so perhaps you could say something about that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750509RC.PER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_going_on_in_my_presence._Now_after_my_deparature,_if_you_do_not_do_this,_then_it_is_lost._If_you_go_on_as_you_are_doing_now,_then_it_will_go_on|Now the Krsna consciousness movement is going on in my presence. Now after my deparature, if you do not do this, then it is lost. If you go on as you are doing now, then it will go on.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750509RC.PER_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_if_the_knowledge_was_handed_down_by_the_saintly_kings,_evam_parampara-praptam_%28BG_4.2%29,_how_is_it_that_the_knowledge_was_lost%3F|Srila Prabhupada, if the knowledge was handed down by the saintly kings, evam parampara-praptam (BG 4.2), how is it that the knowledge was lost?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750510MW.PER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is,_that_don%27t_hear_the_cheaters_and_don%27t_try_to_cheat_others._Be_honest_and_hear_from_the_authorities._That_is_Krsna_consciousness|Krsna consciousness movement is, that don't hear the cheaters and don't try to cheat others. Be honest and hear from the authorities. That is Krsna consciousness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750513MW.PER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_say_that_%22You_shall_not_have_illicit_sex,%22_and_their_inclination_is_illicit_sex,_so_therefore_it_is_revolutionary._They_are_materialistic_persons._They_want_sex_enjoyment_to_the_best_capacity|When we say that "You shall not have illicit sex," and their inclination is illicit sex, so therefore it is revolutionary. They are materialistic persons. They want sex enjoyment to the best capacity.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750517MW.PER_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_preacher_must_love_the_people._Why_at_eighty_years_old_I_have_come_here_if_I_do_not_love%3F_So_who_can_love_better_than_a_preacher%3F_He_loves_even_the_animals|The preacher must love the people. Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520MW.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_your_kindness_that_you_accepted_me._But_I_never_expected._I_never_expected_that_%22These_people_will_accept%22|It is your kindness that you accepted me. But I never expected. I never expected that "These people will accept".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520RC.MEL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_life%3F_According_to_sastra,_if_we_have_actually_developed_Krsna_consciousness,_we_are_going_to_Krsna._I_may_not,_but_they_will_go|My life? According to sastra, if we have actually developed Krsna consciousness, we are going to Krsna. I may not, but they will go.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522rc.mel_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Alexander_and_the_thief|Alexander and the thief.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750524BG.FIJ_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavan_is_for_everyone._God_is_God._Just_like_gold_is_gold._If_gold_is_handled_by_Hindu,_it_does_not_become_Hindu_gold._Or_the_gold_is_handled_by_Christian,_it_does_not_become_Christian_gold._Gold_is_gold._Similarly,_dharma_is_one._Religion_is_one|Bhagavan is for everyone. God is God. Just like gold is gold. If gold is handled by Hindu, it does not become Hindu gold. Or the gold is handled by Christian, it does not become Christian gold. Gold is gold. Similarly, dharma is one. Religion is one.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750525IV.FIJ-Radio_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_did_you_choose_to_go_to_America_and_propagate_the_teachings_of_Lord_Krsna_in_a_western_country%3F|Why did you choose to go to America and propagate the teachings of Lord Krsna in a western country?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750601SB.HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Devahuti%27s_position_is_a_perfect_woman._She_got_good_father,_she_got_good_husband,_and_she_got_excellent_son._So_woman_has_got_three_stages_in_life._Man_has_got_ten_stages|Devahuti's position is a perfect woman. She got good father, she got good husband, and she got excellent son. So woman has got three stages in life. Man has got ten stages.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750607MW.HON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Cut_coat_tail_is_the_latest_fashion|Cut coat tail is the latest fashion.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623MW.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_our_devotees_fall_down_because_he_has_not_come_to_that_platform,_ever-existing._Therefore_the_fire_extinguished._That_is_possible,_but_everyone_should_be_very,_very_careful_that_the_fire_may_not_be_extinguished._Then_again_maya|Sometimes our devotees fall down because he has not come to that platform, ever-existing. Therefore the fire extinguished. That is possible, but everyone should be very, very careful that the fire may not be extinguished. Then again maya.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623SB.LA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Material_civilization_means_they_are_taking_care_of_the_body_and_no_information_of_the_soul_which_is_within_the_body._This_is_material_civilization._And_our_KC_movement_is_not_so_much_attention_for_the_body,_but_full_attention_for_the_soul|Material civilization means they are taking care of the body and no information of the soul which is within the body. This is material civilization. And our KC movement is not so much attention for the body, but full attention for the soul.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750628SB.DEN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_they_%28yogis%29_go_early_in_the_morning_to_Jagannatha_Puri,_to_Ramesvaram,_to_Haridwar,_and_take_their_bathing_in_different_Ganges_water_and_others._That_is_called_laghima-siddhi._He_became_very_light|Sometimes they (yogis) go early in the morning to Jagannatha Puri, to Ramesvaram, to Haridwar, and take their bathing in different Ganges water and others. That is called laghima-siddhi. He became very light.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750628SB.DEN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_keep_ourself_on_the_material_platform,_then_for_thousand_years_we_may_chant,_it_will_be_difficult._That_is_called_namaparadha._Of_course,_holy_name_is_so_powerful_that_even_by_chanting_with_offense,_gradually_he_becomes_pure|If we keep ourself on the material platform, then for thousand years we may chant, it will be difficult. That is called namaparadha. Of course, holy name is so powerful that even by chanting with offense, gradually he becomes pure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750628SB.DEN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_do_not_understand_what_is_the_aim_of_life._They_do_not_care_at_the_present_moment._They_have_no_distinction_what_is_sinful_life_or_what_is_pious_life._But_we_may_not_believe_in_these_things,_but_things_are_there_like_that|People do not understand what is the aim of life. They do not care at the present moment. They have no distinction what is sinful life or what is pious life. But we may not believe in these things, but things are there like that.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629MW.DEN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Stag_and_the_jackal|Stag and the jackal.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629SB.DEN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_teaching_people_that_%22Don%27t_live_irresponsibly%22|Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people that "Don't live irresponsibly".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629SB.DEN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_to_take_shelter_of_a_person_who_is_a_devotee_of_Krsna,_and_you_have_to_serve._That_means_you_have_to_accept_a_devotee,_a_true_devotee,_a_pure_devotee,_as_your_guide._That_is_our_process|You have to take shelter of a person who is a devotee of Krsna, and you have to serve. That means you have to accept a devotee, a true devotee, a pure devotee, as your guide. That is our process.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629SB.DEN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_teaching_people_how_to_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to go back to home, back to Godhead.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750704SB.CHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_brahminical_culture|Krsna consciousness movement means brahminical culture.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750705mw.chi_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_he_is_pleased,_what_I_am_worth%3F_It_is_due_to_his_pleasure|Unless he is pleased, what I am worth? It is due to his pleasure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750705mw.chi_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Too_much_attachment_for_material_enjoyment_is_disqualification_for_spiritual_life|Too much attachment for material enjoyment is disqualification for spiritual life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750709RC.CHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_can_become_equal_with_man._Spiritually_advanced_man_and_woman,_they_are_equal._So_long_one_is_materially_encaged,_this_is_not_possible|She can become equal with man. Spiritually advanced man and woman, they are equal. So long one is materially encaged, this is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750710IN.CHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_take_up_this_movement,_Hare_Krsna_movement,_with_patience_and_with_diligence_and_intelligence._It_is_very_easy._You_are_already_experienced._Do_not_stop_it._Increase_more_and_more._Your_country_will_be_happy,_and_the_whole_world_will_be_happy|Just take up this movement, Hare Krsna movement, with patience and with diligence and intelligence. It is very easy. You are already experienced. Do not stop it. Increase more and more. Your country will be happy, and the whole world will be happy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712RY.PHI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Man_proposes;_God_disposes._God_is_very_kind._Whatever_you_desire,_He_will_fulfill._Although_He_says_that_%22This_kind_of_material_desires_will_never_satisfy_you,%22_but_we_want._Therefore_God_supplies_us,_Krsna,_different_types_of_body|Man proposes; God disposes. God is very kind. Whatever you desire, He will fulfill. Although He says that "This kind of material desires will never satisfy you," but we want. Therefore God supplies us, Krsna, different types of body.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB.PHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_no_capacity,_but_I_took_it,_the_words_of_my_guru,_as_life_and_soul._So_this_is_fact._Guru-mukha-padma-vakya,_cittete_koriya_aikya._Everyone_should_do_that._But_if_he_makes_addition,_alteration,_then_he_is_finished|I have no capacity, but I took it, the words of my guru, as life and soul. So this is fact. Guru-mukha-padma-vakya, cittete koriya aikya. Everyone should do that. But if he makes addition, alteration, then he is finished.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB.PHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sastra,_says_tad-vijnanartham:_%22If_you_want_to_know_the_real_problem_of_your_life_and_if_you_want_to_be_enlightened_how_to_become_Krsna_conscious,_how_to_become_eternal,_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead,_then_you_must_approach_the_guru%22|Sastra, says tad-vijnanartham: "If you want to know the real problem of your life and if you want to be enlightened how to become Krsna conscious, how to become eternal, go back to home, back to Godhead, then you must approach the guru".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2.PHI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_does_one_become_humble_and_remain_humble%3F|How does one become humble and remain humble?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750715AR.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_would_have_collected_millions_of_dollars_if_I_would_have_cheated_like_that._But_I_do_not_want_that._I_want_one_student_who_follows_my_instruction._I_don%27t_want_millions|I would have collected millions of dollars if I would have cheated like that. But I do not want that. I want one student who follows my instruction. I don't want millions.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750716MW.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_cannot_stop_death,_neither_birth,_nor_old_age,_nor_disease._And_during_the_short_period_of_life,_birth_and_death,_they_are_making_big,_big_buildings,_and_next_time_he_is_becoming_one_rat_within_the_buildings|They cannot stop death, neither birth, nor old age, nor disease. And during the short period of life, birth and death, they are making big, big buildings, and next time he is becoming one rat within the buildings.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750716PC.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_will_never_die,_I_shall_live_for_my_books,_and_you_will_utilize|I will never die, I shall live for my books, and you will utilize.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750719SB.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_a_fight_against_all_the_owls|Krsna consciousness movement is a fight against all the owls.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750721MW.SF_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_passed_in_1936,_and_I_started_this_movement_in_1965,_thirty_years_after._Then%3F_I_am_getting_the_mercy_of_guru._This_is_vani|My Guru Maharaja passed in 1936, and I started this movement in 1965, thirty years after. Then? I am getting the mercy of guru. This is vani.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750721MW.SF_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_purity_is_said,_adau_sraddha:_%22Beginning_is_faith.%22_Now_tato_sadhu-sangah:_%22You_mix_with_faithful_men.%22_Then_it_will_develop._Otherwise,_if_you_take_simply_initiation_and_then_sleep,_then_faith_will_be_lost._That_is_happening|That purity is said, adau sraddha: "Beginning is faith." Now tato sadhu-sangah: "You mix with faithful men." Then it will develop. Otherwise, if you take simply initiation and then sleep, then faith will be lost. That is happening.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750721MW.SF_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada%3F_If_you_say_that_purity_is_required_for_faith_to_develop,_what_are_the_symptoms_by_which_one_can_be_said_to_be_pure%3F|Prabhupada? If you say that purity is required for faith to develop, what are the symptoms by which one can be said to be pure?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750726SB.LB_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_not_life,_that_%22Because_I_can_run_in_more_speed_than_the_dog,_therefore_I_am_civilized%22|This is not life, that "Because I can run in more speed than the dog, therefore I am civilized".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750726SB.LB_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Servant_of_desire_means_just_like_the_street_dog._He_is_also_desiring:_%22If_these_gentleman_will_accept_me_as_his_dog%3F%22_But_he_is_going_there,_and_he_is_driven_away:_%22Hut!_Hut!%22_He_is_going_to_some_house,_moving_his_tail,_%22My_dear_sir,_will_you_give_me...%22|Servant of desire means just like the street dog. He is also desiring: "If these gentleman will accept me as his dog?" But he is going there, and he is driven away: "Hut! Hut!" He is going to some house, moving his tail, "My dear sir, will you give me..."]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750726SB.LB_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_teaching_people_that_you_are_suffering_life_after_life._Now_the_human_society_has_come_to_such_a_position_that_they_do_not_know_that_there_is_life_after_this_life._They_are_so_advanced._Exactly_the_cats_and_dogs|We are teaching people that you are suffering life after life. Now the human society has come to such a position that they do not know that there is life after this life. They are so advanced. Exactly the cats and dogs.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750727SB.SD_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_engage_yourself_in_pure_devotional_service_incessantly,_without_any_stop,_then_you_always_remain_transcendental,_above_these_three_gunas._So_our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_to_keep_the_devotee_above_the_three_gunas|If you engage yourself in pure devotional service incessantly, without any stop, then you always remain transcendental, above these three gunas. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to keep the devotee above the three gunas.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750801SB.NO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_this_civilization,_modern_civilization,_is_just_like_madman_civilization._They_have_no_knowledge_of_past_life,_neither_they_are_interested_in_the_future_life|So this civilization, modern civilization, is just like madman civilization. They have no knowledge of past life, neither they are interested in the future life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750801SB.NO_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_this_parampara_system,_this_knowledge_has_come_to_your_country,_America._You_are_intelligent._You_are_prosperous._So_take_this_knowledge_seriously_and_at_least_distribute_this_knowledge_properly_for_the_benefit_of_your_people|In this parampara system, this knowledge has come to your country, America. You are intelligent. You are prosperous. So take this knowledge seriously and at least distribute this knowledge properly for the benefit of your people.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750801SB.NO_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_the_association_of_devotee_we_awaken_our_inquisitiveness_about_God._Therefore_the_centers_are_required._It_is_not_unnecessarily_we_are_opening_so_many_centers._No._It_is_for_the_benefit_of_the_human_society|By the association of devotee we awaken our inquisitiveness about God. Therefore the centers are required. It is not unnecessarily we are opening so many centers. No. It is for the benefit of the human society.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750805SB.DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_like_Mother_Yasoda,_a_devotee_like_Radharani,_devotees_like_gopis,_devotees_like_the_cowherds_boy,_they_can_control_Krsna._That_is_Vrndavana_life._So_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_take_you_there|A devotee like Mother Yasoda, a devotee like Radharani, devotees like gopis, devotees like the cowherds boy, they can control Krsna. That is Vrndavana life. So this Krsna consciousness movement is trying to take you there.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750806MW.DET_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_working_for_Krsna,_everyone_is_under_the_spell_of_these_modes_of_material_nature._And_there_is_no_training_how_to_work_for_Krsna._That_is_the_defect_of_modern_civilization|Without working for Krsna, everyone is under the spell of these modes of material nature. And there is no training how to work for Krsna. That is the defect of modern civilization.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750807mw.tor_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_my_absence_you_read_the_books:_what_I_talk,_I_have_written_in_the_books|In my absence you read the books: what I talk, I have written in the books.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750811AR.PAR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Read_our_books,_chant_Hare_Krsna,_live_very_simple_life,_produce_your_own_necessities._Don%27t_go_to_the_town|Read our books, chant Hare Krsna, live very simple life, produce your own necessities. Don't go to the town.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750813SB.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_poor._Who_is_rich%3F_Unless_one_has_got_knowledge_of_Krsna,_he_is_poor|Everyone is poor. Who is rich? Unless one has got knowledge of Krsna, he is poor.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750813SB.LON_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_a_man_is_diseased,_you_can_try_to_bring_to_him_nice_physician,_nice_medicine,_but_that_is_not_guarantee_that_he_will_be_cured._That_depends_on_Krsna._Therefore_Krsna_is_the_ultimate,_I_mean_to_say,_beneficiary,_or_benevolent|If a man is diseased, you can try to bring to him nice physician, nice medicine, but that is not guarantee that he will be cured. That depends on Krsna. Therefore Krsna is the ultimate, I mean to say, beneficiary, or benevolent.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750813SB.LON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Maya_is_so_strong_that_after_being_kicked_so_many_lives,_life_after_life,_still_he_is_thinking,_%22I_am_purusa._I_am_enjoyer.%22_This_is_the_disease|Maya is so strong that after being kicked so many lives, life after life, still he is thinking, "I am purusa. I am enjoyer." This is the disease.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750813SB.LON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_that_because_he_is_poor_man_and_we_are_giving_prasada,_no._This_is_not_our_idea._To_our_eyes,_the_so-called_poor_man_and_rich_man,_they_are_all_suffering,_not_that_the_simply_poor_man_suffering_and_the_rich_man_is_not_suffering|Not that because he is poor man and we are giving prasada, no. This is not our idea. To our eyes, the so-called poor man and rich man, they are all suffering, not that the simply poor man suffering and the rich man is not suffering.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750813SB.LON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_devotee_is_neither_karmi_nor_jnani._Therefore_bhakti_means_jnana-karmady-anavrtam._If_one_is_involved_in_jnana_and_karma_he_cannot_become_bhakta|A devotee is neither karmi nor jnani. Therefore bhakti means jnana-karmady-anavrtam. If one is involved in jnana and karma he cannot become bhakta.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750829SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_most_scientific_movement_to_get_the_whole_human_society_from_the_pitch_of_darkness|Krsna consciousness movement is most scientific movement to get the whole human society from the pitch of darkness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750901SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_I_see_one_woman_for_enjoyment,_so_I_am_man._And_if_woman_also_sees_another_man_for_enjoyment,_she_is_also_man._Woman_means_enjoyed_and_man_means_enjoyer._Anyone_who_has_got_feeling_of_enjoyment,_he_is_considered_to_be_man|If I see one woman for enjoyment, so I am man. And if woman also sees another man for enjoyment, she is also man. Woman means enjoyed and man means enjoyer. Anyone who has got feeling of enjoyment, he is considered to be man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750901SB.VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_always_advise,_%22Don%27t_read_newspaper._Don%27t_read_any_other_book,%22_because_it_is_full_of_gramya-katha._These_externally_very_attractive_news,_we_should_avoid_it_completely._We_shall_simply_talk_of_Krsna|We always advise, "Don't read newspaper. Don't read any other book," because it is full of gramya-katha. These externally very attractive news, we should avoid it completely. We shall simply talk of Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750902SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_our_members,_the_members_of_the_Krsna_consciousness_society,_should_be_ideal._At_least_people_may_see_that_%22Here_is_a_class_of_men_-_ideal_character,_ideal_behavior,_spiritual_advanced,_and_very_frugal_and_very_nice%22|All our members, the members of the Krsna consciousness society, should be ideal. At least people may see that "Here is a class of men - ideal character, ideal behavior, spiritual advanced, and very frugal and very nice".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750903SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_taking_to_the_devotional_service,_life_is_very,_very_risky._Risky_means_now_we_can_dance_and_laugh_because_we_have_got_this_human_form_of_life._But_after_death_we_do_not_know._We_do_not_know_unless_we_are_very_much_cautious|Without taking to the devotional service, life is very, very risky. Risky means now we can dance and laugh because we have got this human form of life. But after death we do not know. We do not know unless we are very much cautious.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750913MW.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jackal_without_tail_is_the_fashion|Jackal without tail is the fashion.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750913SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_making_scientific_researches_to_become_happy,_but_these_rascals,_they_do_not_know_how_to_stop_death._So_what_is_the_nice%3F_But_they_have_no_brain_to_understand|They are making scientific researches to become happy, but these rascals, they do not know how to stop death. So what is the nice? But they have no brain to understand.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750919SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_preaching_that_%22This_material_world_is_not_your_home._Don%27t_try_to_be_happy_here%22|This Krsna consciousness movement is preaching that "This material world is not your home. Don't try to be happy here".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751001AR.MAU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_go_on_constructing_your_big_building_on_a_defective_foundation,_then_it_will_not_stay._There_will_be_danger._So_modern_civilization_is_based_on_this_defective_idea_that_%22I_am_this_body%22|If you go on constructing your big building on a defective foundation, then it will not stay. There will be danger. So modern civilization is based on this defective idea that "I am this body".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751004mw.mau_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_violated_from_the_very_beginning_the_orders_of_Christ,_%27Thou_shall_not_kill,%27_and_you_are_killing,_only_killing._So_what_you_have_not_done%3F|You have violated from the very beginning the orders of Christ, 'Thou shall not kill,' and you are killing, only killing. So what you have not done?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751004mw.mau_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Pleasure_potency_is_not_painful_to_Krsna._But_it_is_painful._It_is_painful_to_us,_conditioned_souls._This_Golden_Moon_%28name_of_a_bar%3F%29,_everyone_comes_there_for_pleasure,_but_he_is_becoming_implicated_in_sinful_activities._Therefore_it_is_not_pleasure|Pleasure potency is not painful to Krsna. But it is painful. It is painful to us, conditioned souls. This Golden Moon (name of a bar?), everyone comes there for pleasure, but he is becoming implicated in sinful activities. Therefore it is not pleasure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751004mw.mau_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_must_be_moved._Government_means,_nowadays,_all_rascals._They_are_elected_by_rascals_and_they_are_rascals._That_is_the_difficulty|They must be moved. Government means, nowadays, all rascals. They are elected by rascals and they are rascals. That is the difficulty.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751004mw.mau_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Kali-yuga_there_is_no_good_men_at_all%E2%80%94all_bad._Strong_you_will_have_to_become_to_deal_with_all_bad_men|In the Kali-yuga there is no good men at all—all bad. Strong you will have to become to deal with all bad men.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:About_the_creation._I_have_read_it_from_Bible_too,_about_Adam_and_Eve._Do_you_think_that_it%27s_true%3F|About the creation. I have read it from Bible too, about Adam and Eve. Do you think that it's true?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_do_you_think_that_Bible,_about_the_Adam,_Adam_is_Brahma%3F_It_has_been_copied_from_the_Indian_philosophy_to_put_it_there_in_different_name%3F|Swamiji, do you think that Bible, about the Adam, Adam is Brahma? It has been copied from the Indian philosophy to put it there in different name?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_religious_system_of_the_world,_they_are_taken_from_Vedas,_from_different_parts._Therefore_they_are_not_complete._The_age_of_Bible_is_not_more_than_two_thousand_years._The_age_of_Veda_you_cannot_calculate,_millions_and_millions_of_years|All religious system of the world, they are taken from Vedas, from different parts. Therefore they are not complete. The age of Bible is not more than two thousand years. The age of Veda you cannot calculate, millions and millions of years.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_prohibited_to_consume,_consume_flesh,_meat._It%27s_because_there_is_soul_in_the_body_and_if_we_kill_it,_therefore_we_are_doing_a_sin._I_think_it%27s_because_that_we_can%27t_consume_meat_according_to_the_Vedic_literature._But_what_about_plants,_Swamiji%3F|It is prohibited to consume, consume flesh, meat. It's because there is soul in the body and if we kill it, therefore we are doing a sin. I think it's because that we can't consume meat according to the Vedic literature. But what about plants, Swamiji?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_learn_from_the_sastra._You_learn_from_Bhagavad-gita_what_Krsna_says_and_do_it._Then_you_are_not_responsible_for_anything._Just_like_there_is_lawbook|You learn from the sastra. You learn from Bhagavad-gita what Krsna says and do it. Then you are not responsible for anything. Just like there is lawbook.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_would_you_know_what_to_consume_and_what_not,_Swamiji%3F|How would you know what to consume and what not, Swamiji?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_live._The_same_thing%3A_we_are_also_working%2C_we_are_also_eating%2C_we_are_sleeping%2C_we_are_also_marrying_-_but_according_to_Krsna%27s_direction._Then_it_is_Krsna_conscious_life_and_perfect_life|We have to live. The same thing: we are also working, we are also eating, we are sleeping, we are also marrying - but according to Krsna's direction. Then it is Krsna conscious life and perfect life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_frogs_in_the_well,_they_cannot_understand._You_should_be_not_a_frog_in_the_well;_you_should_be_liberal_to_hear_from_the_authorities,_Vedas._Then_you_will_understand|The frogs in the well, they cannot understand. You should be not a frog in the well; you should be liberal to hear from the authorities, Vedas. Then you will understand.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_sinful%2C_they_do_not_take_immediately_birth._They_first_of_all_trained_up_in_the_hellish_planet_how_to_suffer_to_become_accustomed_and_then_they_are_taken_birth%2C_then_suffer|Those who are sinful, they do not take immediately birth. They first of all trained up in the hellish planet how to suffer to become accustomed and then they are taken birth, then suffer.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005mw.mau_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_wanted_to_say_this,_Swamiji,_that_hell_also_is_situated_in_this_world_itself,_because_where_do_you_think_that_we_can_pay_our_debt%3F..._The_sin,_the_debt_of_our_sin._Where_do_you_think_that_we_pay_it%3F_In_the_hell,_which_is_not...|I wanted to say this, Swamiji, that hell also is situated in this world itself, because where do you think that we can pay our debt?... The sin, the debt of our sin. Where do you think that we pay it? In the hell, which is not...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005RC.MAU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_they_have_been_trained_up_to_rise_early_in_the_morning,_this_will_give_you_spiritual_strength._If_you_simply_becomes_a_gramophone_speaker,_then_it_will_not_be_effective._Gramophone_or_tape_record_speaker,_that_will_not_be._You_must_be_live_speaker|As they have been trained up to rise early in the morning, this will give you spiritual strength. If you simply becomes a gramophone speaker, then it will not be effective. Gramophone or tape record speaker, that will not be. You must be live speaker.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005RC.MAU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gradually_we_shall_develop_a_society_that_all_these_unnecessary_rubbish_things_should_be_rejected._That_is_the_idea|Gradually we shall develop a society that all these unnecessary rubbish things should be rejected. That is the idea.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751007LE.DUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_movement_is_not_started_by_me._This_was_started_long,_long_years_ago_by_Krsna_Himself|This movement is not started by me. This was started long, long years ago by Krsna Himself.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751009BG.DUR_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita,_Chapter_Seven,_%22Knowledge_of_the_Absolute.%22_There_are_two_things,_absolute_and_the_relative._This_is_relative_world._Here_we_cannot_understand_one_thing_without_the_other|Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Seven, "Knowledge of the Absolute." There are two things, absolute and the relative. This is relative world. Here we cannot understand one thing without the other.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751016MW.JOH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment,_as_soon_as_one_wants_to_be_educated,_he_requires_money._But_in_the_Vedic_society_there_is_no_question_of_money._Education_free|At the present moment, as soon as one wants to be educated, he requires money. But in the Vedic society there is no question of money. Education free.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751017BG.JOH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_follow_Bhagavad-gita_from_all_angles_of_vision_-_social,_political,_economical,_religious,_cultural_-_you_will_be_perfect._This_is_Bhagavad-gita|If we follow Bhagavad-gita from all angles of vision - social, political, economical, religious, cultural - you will be perfect. This is Bhagavad-gita.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751017BG.JOH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_become_puzzled_with_these_material_affairs,_what_to_do_-_to_do_or_not_to_do,_this_is_the_example_-_at_that_time_we_must_approach_a_guru._That_is_the_instruction|When we become puzzled with these material affairs, what to do - to do or not to do, this is the example - at that time we must approach a guru. That is the instruction.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751017BG.JOH_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:No_more_friendly_talking_because_Arjuna_has_accepted_Krsna_as_the_teacher._So_He%27s_the_teacher._It_is_the_duty_of_the_teacher_to_punish_or_to_chastise_the_disciple_when_he_is_wrongly_going_on|No more friendly talking because Arjuna has accepted Krsna as the teacher. So He's the teacher. It is the duty of the teacher to punish or to chastise the disciple when he is wrongly going on.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751017BG.JOH_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_addressing_Arjuna,_anarya:_%22Non-Aryan._You_are_ksatriya._Your_service_is_now_required_to_fight_with_persons_who_have_created_injustice._So_what_is_this,_that_you_are_denying_to_fight%3F%22|Krsna is addressing Arjuna, anarya: "Non-Aryan. You are ksatriya. Your service is now required to fight with persons who have created injustice. So what is this, that you are denying to fight?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751018BG.JOH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_if_we_don%27t_surrender_to_Krsna_in_this_life,_will_everyone_surrender_to_Krsna%3F_Will_everyone_go_back_to_Godhead_eventually%3F|Even if we don't surrender to Krsna in this life, will everyone surrender to Krsna? Will everyone go back to Godhead eventually?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751022SB.JOH_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_lend_your,_this_aural_reception_and_try_to_hear_about_God_from_the_self-realized_person,_from_Mahatma._Then_one_day_it_will_become_so,_that_although_God_is_unconquerable,_you_will_conquer_Him|Just lend your, this aural reception and try to hear about God from the self-realized person, from Mahatma. Then one day it will become so, that although God is unconquerable, you will conquer Him.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751028BG.NAI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_everything_requires_qualification._So_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_we_are_trying_to_make_the_people_qualified_to_see_Krsna._Without_being_qualified,_how_can_you_see%3F_That_requires_qualification|So everything requires qualification. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to make the people qualified to see Krsna. Without being qualified, how can you see? That requires qualification.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751029SB.NAI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_must_always_remain_dressed_like_a_Vaisnava._That_is_necessity._So_preksaniya:_%22is_very_beautiful_to_see.%22_Otherwise_how_they_became_impressed%3F|You must always remain dressed like a Vaisnava. That is necessity. So preksaniya: "is very beautiful to see." Otherwise how they became impressed?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG.NAI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Wherefrom_the_fire_came%3F_That_is_natural_inquiry._Wherefrom_the_sky_came%3F_How_the_stars_are_situated,_so_many_millions_and_millions%3F_So_these_are_the_inquiries_of_the_intelligent_person._That_is_the_beginning_of_philosophical_life|Wherefrom the fire came? That is natural inquiry. Wherefrom the sky came? How the stars are situated, so many millions and millions? So these are the inquiries of the intelligent person. That is the beginning of philosophical life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG.NAI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:After_realization_of_Brahman,_when_he_is_actually_on_the_Brahman_platform,_then_the_symptom_is_na_socati_na_kanksati:_he_has_no_more_lamentation_and_no_more_aspiration._Aham_brahmasmi._Then_he_can_see_everyone_one_equal_level|After realization of Brahman, when he is actually on the Brahman platform, then the symptom is na socati na kanksati: he has no more lamentation and no more aspiration. Aham brahmasmi. Then he can see everyone one equal level.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG.NAI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahma_is_the_first_created_being,_so_Brahma_was_instructed_the_sruti,_perfect_knowledge,_by_Krsna._Krsna_is_the_original_spiritual_master._Vedanta-vit|Brahma is the first created being, so Brahma was instructed the sruti, perfect knowledge, by Krsna. Krsna is the original spiritual master. Vedanta-vit.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG.NAI_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhinna_prakrtir_astadha._Just_like_I_am_speaking,_it_is_being_recorded,_recorded._But_in_my_absence,_if_the_record_is_played,_it_will_exactly_vibrate_the_same_sound._So_that_is_my_energy_or_anyone%27s_energy,_but_bhinna,_separated_from_me|Bhinna prakrtir astadha. Just like I am speaking, it is being recorded, recorded. But in my absence, if the record is played, it will exactly vibrate the same sound. So that is my energy or anyone's energy, but bhinna, separated from me.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751124CC.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_the_lion_cannot_sleep:_he_has_to_work_to_eat|Even the lion cannot sleep: he has to work to eat.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751202SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_remain_Krsna_consciousness,_fully_dependent_on_Krsna,_then_there_will_be_no_scarcity._I_started_this_Krsna_business_with_forty_rupees._Now_we_have_got_forty_crores_of_rupees|If you remain Krsna consciousness, fully dependent on Krsna, then there will be no scarcity. I started this Krsna business with forty rupees. Now we have got forty crores of rupees.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751209SB.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_spiritual_body_is_not_burned._They_are_kept,_samadhi._Just_like_in_Western_countries_they_give_samadhi_to_any,_everyone,_tomb,_entombing._In_India_the_tomb_is_offered_to_a_very_advanced_spiritually_person|A spiritual body is not burned. They are kept, samadhi. Just like in Western countries they give samadhi to any, everyone, tomb, entombing. In India the tomb is offered to a very advanced spiritually person.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751220BG.BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vrndavana_means_that_Krsna_is_the_center._He_is_the_lovable_object_of_everyone|Vrndavana means that Krsna is the center. He is the lovable object of everyone.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751225LE.SAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vivasvan,_the_sun-god,_he_explained_to_Manu,_and_Manu_explained_to_his_son._In_this_way,_by_the_disciplic_succession_the_knowledge_has_come_down|Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son. In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751226BG.SAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_are_two_kinds_of_living_entities._One_kind_of_living_entities,_they_are_trying_to_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead._They_are_called_devatas._And_the_asuras,_they_are_not_aware_of_the_spiritual_world;_neither_they_are_endeavoring_to_go_back_to_home|There are two kinds of living entities. One kind of living entities, they are trying to go back to home, back to Godhead. They are called devatas. And the asuras, they are not aware of the spiritual world; neither they are endeavoring to go back to home.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750106SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_material_body_is_simply_outward_covering_of_the_spiritual_body_by_physical_atmosphere,_but_real_body_is_within|This material body is simply outward covering of the spiritual body by physical atmosphere, but real body is within.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750107SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_not_enthusiastic,_lazy,_lethargetic,_they_cannot_advance_in_spiritual_life|Those who are not enthusiastic, lazy, lethargetic, they cannot advance in spiritual life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750109SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_difference_between_the_life_of_the_fish_and_my_life|The difference between the life of the fish and my life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750114SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_the_mind_is_now_contaminated,_and_under_the_creation_of_senses_and_sense_activities,_we_are_making_millions_and_trillions_of_ideas_and_become_entangled_in_that_idea|Because the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation of senses and sense activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas and become entangled in that idea.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750126CD-HONG_KONG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Fortunately,_we_had_the_good_opportunity_of_learning_bhagavata-dharma_from_our_very_childhood._My_father_was_a_devotee,_and_he_trained_us|Fortunately, we had the good opportunity of learning bhagavata-dharma from our very childhood. My father was a devotee, and he trained us.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750206BG-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Naisthika-brahmacari_-_throughout_the_life,_celibacy._But_that_is_not_possible_in_this_age,_neither_it_is_possible_to_become_a_brahmacari._The_time_is_changed,_this_age._Therefore_you_can_control_your_lusty_desire_by_Krsna_consciousness|Naisthika-brahmacari - throughout the life, celibacy. But that is not possible in this age, neither it is possible to become a brahmacari. The time is changed, this age. Therefore you can control your lusty desire by Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750209AR-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_speculate,_%22Krsna_may_be_like_this.%22_Just_like_Mayavadis,_they_imagine._The_imagination_will_not_help_you._You_cannot_imagine_God._That_is_foolishness._God_is_not_subjected_to_your_imagination._Then_He_is_not_God|You cannot speculate, "Krsna may be like this." Just like Mayavadis, they imagine. The imagination will not help you. You cannot imagine God. That is foolishness. God is not subjected to your imagination. Then He is not God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750625SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Brahmacarya_means,_strictly._Brahmacarya_means_that_one_should_not_look_upon_woman,_%22Oh,_here_is_a_very_beautiful_girl.%22_That_is_also_sex,_subtle_sex._And_to_talk,_%22Fsh,_fsh,_fsh,_fsh,%22_that_is_also_subtle_sex._So_these_things_are_to_be_avoided|Brahmacarya means, strictly. Brahmacarya means that one should not look upon woman, "Oh, here is a very beautiful girl." That is also sex, subtle sex. And to talk, "Fsh, fsh, fsh, fsh," that is also subtle sex. So these things are to be avoided.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750311BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_I_ask_the_dog_that_%22What_is_your_next_life%3F%22_he_cannot_say._%22Gow!_gow!%22_That%27s_all|If I ask the dog that "What is your next life?" he cannot say. "Gow! gow!" That's all.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211AR-MEXICO_CITY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_study_all_these_books,_to_finish_them_it_will_take_at_least_twenty-five_years._So_you_are_all_young_men._I_request_you_to_engage_your_time_in_reading_books,_in_chanting,_in_Deity_worshiping,_in_going_to_preach,_selling_books._Don%27t_be_lazy|If we study all these books, to finish them it will take at least twenty-five years. So you are all young men. I request you to engage your time in reading books, in chanting, in Deity worshiping, in going to preach, selling books. Don't be lazy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750304CC-DALLAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Vedic_civilization,_one_should_rise_early_in_the_morning_and_chant_Hare_Krsna,_perform_mangala_aratrika,_worship_the_Deity._This_is_the_morning_business._But_the_richest_nation_of_the_world,_they_are_going_to_work_at_six-thirty_for_earning|According to Vedic civilization, one should rise early in the morning and chant Hare Krsna, perform mangala aratrika, worship the Deity. This is the morning business. But the richest nation of the world, they are going to work at six-thirty for earning.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750308AR-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Others_may_violate_the_laws,_and_so_many_sinful_activities_they_are_doing,_but_nobody_takes_very_serious_care._But_when_a_religious_group_or_a_sannyasi_commits_little_offense,_it_is_magnified_a_thousand_times|Others may violate the laws, and so many sinful activities they are doing, but nobody takes very serious care. But when a religious group or a sannyasi commits little offense, it is magnified a thousand times.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750312DP-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavata-dharma_is_not_meant_for_such_persons_who_are_envious._It_is_meant_for_the_paramo_nirmatsaranam,_who_has_given_up_this_envy_or_envious_attitude_ultimately|Bhagavata-dharma is not meant for such persons who are envious. It is meant for the paramo nirmatsaranam, who has given up this envy or envious attitude ultimately.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750314R1-TEHRAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_one_is_person,_how_can_I_serve_him%3F_I_cannot_serve_the_air_or_the_sky._I_must_serve_a_person._Love_does_not_exist_in_the_sky_or_in_the_air._It_must_be_a_person._Man_or_woman,_it_doesn%27t_matter._Otherwise_where_there_is_love%3F_Whom_to_love%3F|Unless one is person, how can I serve him? I cannot serve the air or the sky. I must serve a person. Love does not exist in the sky or in the air. It must be a person. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Otherwise where there is love? Whom to love?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750320AR-CALCUTTA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_become_Krsna_conscious_means_we_have_to_give_up_all_these_so-called_or_cheating_type_of_religious_system|To become Krsna conscious means we have to give up all these so-called or cheating type of religious system.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750326CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_these_same_two_brothers_%28Krsna_and_Balarama%29_have_again_descended,_as_Sri_Krsna_Caitanya-Nityananda._Sahoditau:_simultaneously_They_have_appeared._Not_that_one_is_appeared,_another_is_not_there._No._Both_of_Them|Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750330CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shall_try_to_construct_a_very_nice_temple_for_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._This_morning_we_were_thinking_of_this._So_from_this_place,_this_moon,_Sri_Krsna_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_will_distribute|We shall try to construct a very nice temple for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This morning we were thinking of this. So from this place, this moon, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will distribute.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750331CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_want_to_know_visnu-tattva,_if_we_want_to_know_Krsna,_His_exalted_position,_then_here_are_the_description_of_the_sastra._And_if_we_take_them_as_it_is,_without_malinterpretation,_without_showing_any_extraordinary_intelligence_by_us|If we want to know visnu-tattva, if we want to know Krsna, His exalted position, then here are the description of the sastra. And if we take them as it is, without malinterpretation, without showing any extraordinary intelligence by us.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750407MW-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_manufacture_your_program_of_enjoyment,_then_you_will_be_slapped._And_if_you_enjoy_according_to_the_direction_of_the_father,_then_you%27ll_enjoy|If you manufacture your program of enjoyment, then you will be slapped. And if you enjoy according to the direction of the father, then you'll enjoy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750424SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_feeling_pain._So_you_become_Krsna_conscious,_then_Krsna_will_feel_pleasure._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement|Krsna is feeling pain. So you become Krsna conscious, then Krsna will feel pleasure. That is Krsna consciousness movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750403CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_we_accept_inconceivable_power_of_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_there_is_no_meaning_of_God|Unless we accept inconceivable power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no meaning of God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750515MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Real_good_is:_%22He_has_forgotten_God._Revive_his_consciousness.%22_That_is_real_good._Then_he%27ll_saved_from_the_so-called_good_and_bad_and_everything._That_is_wanted|Real good is: "He has forgotten God. Revive his consciousness." That is real good. Then he'll saved from the so-called good and bad and everything. That is wanted.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_New_Vrindaban_we_are_keeping_cows._That_is_an_example._And_the_cows_are_giving_milk,_delivering_milk,_double_than_other_farmers._Why%3F_Because_the_cows_know_that_%22These_people_will_not_kill_me.%22_They_are_not_in_anxiety|In New Vrindaban we are keeping cows. That is an example. And the cows are giving milk, delivering milk, double than other farmers. Why? Because the cows know that "These people will not kill me." They are not in anxiety.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750525LE-HONONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_so_many_books._Whoever_comes_here_must_read_the_books,_devotee,_the_inmates_of_the_temple,_outsider,_then_you_will_understand_what_is_Krsna_consciousness|We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750608SB-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vaisnava_himself_is_very_happy_because_he_is_in_direct_connection_with_Krsna._He_personally_has_no_complaint,_because_a_Vaisnava_is_satisfied_simply_by_serving_Krsna._That%27s_all._He_doesn%27t_want_anything|Vaisnava himself is very happy because he is in direct connection with Krsna. He personally has no complaint, because a Vaisnava is satisfied simply by serving Krsna. That's all. He doesn't want anything.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750625SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_education_is_that_a_university_student,_if_he_is_informed,_that_%22If_you_live_irresponsibly,_then_you_may_become_dog_next_life,%22_so_they_say,_%22What_is_the_wrong_if_I_become_a_dog%3F%22_%28laughter%29_This_is_the_result_of_education._He_doesn%27t_care|The education is that a university student, if he is informed, that "If you live irresponsibly, then you may become dog next life," so they say, "What is the wrong if I become a dog?" (laughter) This is the result of education. He doesn't care.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750630SB-DENVER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_greatest_contribution_to_the_human_society_is_knowledge._To_keep_them_in_ignorance,_in_darkness,_that_is_not_human_society,_that_is_cats%27_and_dogs%27|The greatest contribution to the human society is knowledge. To keep them in ignorance, in darkness, that is not human society, that is cats' and dogs'.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750702SB-DENVER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_material_world_is_full_of_danger._It_is_dangerous_place._It_is_the_place_of_miseries._You_cannot_become_happy_in_a_place_which_is_meant_for_miseries._That_we_have_to_understand|This material world is full of danger. It is dangerous place. It is the place of miseries. You cannot become happy in a place which is meant for miseries. That we have to understand.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750705SB-CHICAGO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Real_perfection_of_yoga_means_to_fix_up_the_mind_at_the_lotus_feet_of_Krsna|Real perfection of yoga means to fix up the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_not_give_up_chanting._Then_Krsna_will_protect_you._This_is_the_example._%22Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Krsna,%22_you_practice._Naturally,_when_you_are_in_danger,_you_will_say,_%22Hare_Krsna%22|Do not give up chanting. Then Krsna will protect you. This is the example. "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna," you practice. Naturally, when you are in danger, you will say, "Hare Krsna".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750725SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bad_work_means_maya_and_good_work_means_God._There_are_two_things:_God_and_maya._If_we_do_not_act_in_godly_situation_then_we_must_be_acting_in_maya%27s_clutches|Bad work means maya and good work means God. There are two things: God and maya. If we do not act in godly situation then we must be acting in maya's clutches.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750728PC-DALLAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dictatorship_is_good,_provided_the_dictator_is_highly_qualified_spiritually._That_is_the_Vedic_verdict|Dictatorship is good, provided the dictator is highly qualified spiritually. That is the Vedic verdict.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750730SB-DALLAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_conclusion_is_that_everyone_should_take_to_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement;_otherwise,_he_is_awaiting_punishment_by_Yamaraja|The conclusion is that everyone should take to this Krsna consciousness movement; otherwise, he is awaiting punishment by Yamaraja.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/730731BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_misunderstand_that_Bhagavad-gita_is_ordinary_warfare,_violence._But_it_is_not_that._It_is_arranged_by_Krsna_because,_to_fulfill_His_mission|People misunderstand that Bhagavad-gita is ordinary warfare, violence. But it is not that. It is arranged by Krsna because, to fulfill His mission.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750814SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nowadays_the_education_is_how_to_make_friendship_with_others%27_wife_and_how_to_take_away_others%27_money_by_tricks._This_is_not_education|Nowadays the education is how to make friendship with others' wife and how to take away others' money by tricks. This is not education.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/680817SB-MONTREAL_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Neither_any_material_opulence,_nor_a_qualified_brahmana_with_twelve_high_qualifications_can_satisfy_the_Lord_simply_by_such_acquisition._One_can_satisfy_the_Lord_simply_by_love_and_devotional_service|Neither any material opulence, nor a qualified brahmana with twelve high qualifications can satisfy the Lord simply by such acquisition. One can satisfy the Lord simply by love and devotional service.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751011BG-DURBAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_dependent_on_the_laws_of_nature._And_suppose_we_become_independent,_so-called_independent,_for_a_few_days._That_is_not_independence._Real_independence_is_how_to_get_out_of_the_clutches_of_these_material_laws|We are dependent on the laws of nature. And suppose we become independent, so-called independent, for a few days. That is not independence. Real independence is how to get out of the clutches of these material laws.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751013BG-DURBAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_witness._He_is_along_with_us_always._Whatever_we_are_desiring,_whatever_we_are_working,_He_is_witness_and_He_is_giving_the_result|God is witness. He is along with us always. Whatever we are desiring, whatever we are working, He is witness and He is giving the result.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751015SB-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yantrarudhani_mayaya._We_are_riding_on_a_machine._This_body_is_a_machine,_but_we_are_accepting_machine_as_myself._This_is_called_sammohita,_%22bewildered.%22_If_you_are_running_on_a_car,_if_you_think,_%22I_am_the_car,%22_as_it_is_foolishness|Yantrarudhani mayaya. We are riding on a machine. This body is a machine, but we are accepting machine as myself. This is called sammohita, "bewildered." If you are running on a car, if you think, "I am the car," as it is foolishness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751019BG-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whether_you_have_understood_God_and_whether_you_have_become_a_lover_of_God._Then_your_religion_is_perfect._Simply_for_stamping_that_%27I_am_Christian,%27_%27I_am_Hindu,%27_%27I_am_Muslim,%27_there_is_no_profit|Whether you have understood God and whether you have become a lover of God. Then your religion is perfect. Simply for stamping that 'I am Christian,' 'I am Hindu,' 'I am Muslim,' there is no profit.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751027SB-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_more_you_glorify_the_Lord,_you_become_pious_simply_by_kirtana._It_is_not_necessary_that_you_understand,_but_if_you_go_on_chanting_Hare_Krsna_maha-mantra,_then_you_become_pious|The more you glorify the Lord, you become pious simply by kirtana. It is not necessary that you understand, but if you go on chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, then you become pious.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751030SB-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_the_birthright_in_India_-_they_are_automatically_Krsna_conscious._Automatically._Therefore_all_the_demigods,_they_also_desire_to_take_birth_in_India|That is the birthright in India - they are automatically Krsna conscious. Automatically. Therefore all the demigods, they also desire to take birth in India.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751101BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_spiritual_world_there_is_no_disagreement._That_God_is_great_and_we_are_small,_there_is_no_disagreement._That_is_spiritual_world._And_the_material_world_means,_%22God_is_great,_we_are_small%22_-_there_is_disagreement._That_is_material_world|In the spiritual world there is no disagreement. That God is great and we are small, there is no disagreement. That is spiritual world. And the material world means, "God is great, we are small" - there is disagreement. That is material world.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751118IN-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_taking_this_pledge_for_serving_%28as_a_sannyasi%29_in_front_of_Krsna,_Vaisnava,_guru_and_fire._So_you_shall_be_very_much_cautious_not_to_forget_your_duty|You are taking this pledge for serving (as a sannyasi) in front of Krsna, Vaisnava, guru and fire. So you shall be very much cautious not to forget your duty.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751203SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_he_is_engaged_in_so_many_nonsense_service,_it_will_be_very_difficult_to_drag_him_from_this_false_engagement_and_again_establish_him_to_the_Krsna%27s_service._So_when_we_are_children_-_we_are_not_polluted_-_we_should_be_trained_up_in_bhagavata-dharma|When he is engaged in so many nonsense service, it will be very difficult to drag him from this false engagement and again establish him to the Krsna's service. So when we are children - we are not polluted - we should be trained up in bhagavata-dharma.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751204SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_was_a_prostitute_whose_charges_was_one_lakh_of_pieces_of_diamond._It_doesn%27t_matter,_a_big_diamond_or_small_diamond._That_was_her_charges._So_one_man_was_suffering_from_leprosy|There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751216LE-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_little_difficult_for_ordinary_persons_who_are_interested_with_the_material_gross_and_subtle_elements._For_them_it_is_little_difficult|Krsna consciousness movement is little difficult for ordinary persons who are interested with the material gross and subtle elements. For them it is little difficult.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750109SB-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_your_senses_are_imperfect._How_you_can_get_perfect_knowledge%3F_That_is_not_possible._Therefore_the_injunction_is,_tad-vijnanartham_sa_gurum_evabhigacchet:_%22You_must_go_to_guru.%22_And_who_is_guru%3F_This_parampara_system|All your senses are imperfect. How you can get perfect knowledge? That is not possible. Therefore the injunction is, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "You must go to guru." And who is guru? This parampara system.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750131BG-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_we_are_servant_of_Krsna,_it_is_our_duty_to_present_the_real_thing._Now_you_accept,_not_accept._That_is_not_my_business|As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751210SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_does_not_mean_that_you_give_up_your_living_conscience._Attachment_is_the_function_of_the_living_being|Bhakti does not mean that you give up your living conscience. Attachment is the function of the living being.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750510MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_we_were_all_cheaters_before_we_came_to_you,_Srila_Prabhupada._So_how_is_it_that_we%27re_not_accepting_a_cheater%3F_How_is_it_that_we_cheaters_have_accepted_some_knowledge_from_you%3F|But we were all cheaters before we came to you, Srila Prabhupada. So how is it that we're not accepting a cheater? How is it that we cheaters have accepted some knowledge from you?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751026MW-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_thinks_that_he_is_right_and_everyone_is_wrong._We_do_not_think_like_that._We_take_the_words_of_the_authority,_that%27s_all._Or_we_have_no_respect._This_is_our_program._That_is_the_way_of_parampara|Everyone thinks that he is right and everyone is wrong. We do not think like that. We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respect. This is our program. That is the way of parampara.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211AR-MEXICO_CITY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hold_classes_at_least_five_hours._As_in_the_schools_and_colleges_there_are_regular_classes,_forty-five_minutes%27_class,_then_five_or_ten_minutes%27_recess,_again_forty-five_minutes%27_class,_in_this_way,_so_we_have_got_enough_subject_matter_to_study|Hold classes at least five hours. As in the schools and colleges there are regular classes, forty-five minutes' class, then five or ten minutes' recess, again forty-five minutes' class, in this way, so we have got enough subject matter to study.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750330CC-MAYAPUR_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all_we_must_understand_what_is_spirit_and_what_is_Krsna_and_what_is_Radharani,_and_then_we_try_to_understand_what_is_Krsna_and_Radharani%27s_loving_affairs|First of all we must understand what is spirit and what is Krsna and what is Radharani, and then we try to understand what is Krsna and Radharani's loving affairs.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750424SB-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_there_is_little_pain_in_the_finger,_I_become_so_much_disturbed_because_I_have_got_intimate_connection_with_this_finger._Similarly,_we_have_got_intimate_connection_with_Krsna,_and_we_are_fallen._Therefore_Krsna_also_feels_little_pain|If there is little pain in the finger, I become so much disturbed because I have got intimate connection with this finger. Similarly, we have got intimate connection with Krsna, and we are fallen. Therefore Krsna also feels little pain.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750105SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_become_sinful_every_moment,_how_we_can_become_happy%3F_It_is_not_possible._If_you_want_to_become_happy,_you_have_to_become_pious._And_the_standard_of_piety_is_to_become_Krsna_conscious,_devotee_of_Krsna._That_is_the_highest_perfection_of_life|If we become sinful every moment, how we can become happy? It is not possible. If you want to become happy, you have to become pious. And the standard of piety is to become Krsna conscious, devotee of Krsna. That is the highest perfection of life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302BA-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_keep_to_the_vani_to_the_words_of_spiritual_master,_then_we_remain_very_fixed_up|If we keep to the vani to the words of spiritual master, then we remain very fixed up.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203MW-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_do_business,_you_must_take_the_first_opportunity,_the_greatest_opportunity,_do_your_business._That_is_intelligence._And_if_we_think,_%22All_right,_I_shall_do_slowly._In_seven_hundred_lives_I_shall_become_perfect,%22_that_is_another_thing|If you want to do business, you must take the first opportunity, the greatest opportunity, do your business. That is intelligence. And if we think, "All right, I shall do slowly. In seven hundred lives I shall become perfect," that is another thing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750214BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip1.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_human_form_of_life,_if_we_are_actually_intelligent,_we_shall_try_our_best_how_to_get_that_life_or_body_where_there_is_no_more_death,_birth,_old_age_and_disease._So_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_to_educate_people_for_that_purpose|In the human form of life, if we are actually intelligent, we shall try our best how to get that life or body where there is no more death, birth, old age and disease. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to educate people for that purpose.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750423MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_possible_to_purchase_food_for_the_cows._So_maintain_in_this_way,_so,_by_natural_food._And_in_your_Germany_I_have_seen,_they_are_not_given_extra_food._They_are_living_by_pasturing_ground._That_should_be_arranged|It is not possible to purchase food for the cows. So maintain in this way, so, by natural food. And in your Germany I have seen, they are not given extra food. They are living by pasturing ground. That should be arranged.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750525LE-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_material_world_a_servant_works_when_money_is_paid,_wages._A_devotee_is_not_like_that._A_devotee_serves_Krsna_out_of_duty._That_is_God_consciousness|In the material world a servant works when money is paid, wages. A devotee is not like that. A devotee serves Krsna out of duty. That is God consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750313SB-TEHRAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_material_platform_your_interest,_my_interest,_sometimes_clash._There_may_be_fight._But_why_fight_on_religious,_mean_God_consciousness%3F_If_everyone_is_God_conscious,_where_is_the_question_of_fight%3F|In the material platform your interest, my interest, sometimes clash. There may be fight. But why fight on religious, mean God consciousness? If everyone is God conscious, where is the question of fight?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750326CC-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_recommended_evam_parampara-praptam._We_have_to_receive_knowledge_through_the_disciplic_succession._Mahajana-gatah._You_cannot_manufacture._This_concoction_has_killed_the_spiritual_life_of_India._%22You_can_think_any_way;_I_can_think_in_my_way%22|Krsna recommended evam parampara-praptam. We have to receive knowledge through the disciplic succession. Mahajana-gatah. You cannot manufacture. This concoction has killed the spiritual life of India. "You can think any way; I can think in my way".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751211SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_means_vairagya-vidya:_to_get_detached|Krsna consciousness movement means vairagya-vidya: to get detached.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750531MW-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_see_the_fun._Even_water,_three-fourths_of_water,_you_cannot_use_a_drop_of_water_for_drinking_unless_God_gives_you._He_creates_the_cloud_and_give_you._That_is_not_your_arrangement._You_cannot_do|Just see the fun. Even water, three-fourths of water, you cannot use a drop of water for drinking unless God gives you. He creates the cloud and give you. That is not your arrangement. You cannot do.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja,_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati_Thakura,_he_was_gosthyanandi._He_wanted_to_increase_the_number_of_devotees._And_the_more_you_increase_the_number_of_devotees,_the_more_you_become_very_much_recognized_by_Krsna|My Guru Maharaja, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he was gosthyanandi. He wanted to increase the number of devotees. And the more you increase the number of devotees, the more you become very much recognized by Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750101SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Material_life_means_everyone_is_trying_to_become_victorious_in_the_struggle_of_existence_without_God_consciousness._That_is_our_material_disease|Material life means everyone is trying to become victorious in the struggle of existence without God consciousness. That is our material disease.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750512MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Majority_or_minority,_it_doesn%27t_matter._But_why_you_should_take_Bhagavad-gita_to_establish_your_rascal_theories%3F_That_means_you_are_cheating|Majority or minority, it doesn't matter. But why you should take Bhagavad-gita to establish your rascal theories? That means you are cheating.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751009BG-DURBAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_to_educate_people_on_the_principles_of_the_teachings_of_Bhagavad-gita._So_if_you_understand_Bhagavad-gita_thoroughly,_then_you_will_understand_Lord_Rama_also_and_other_incarnations,_because_Krsna_is_present_with_all|Our Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people on the principles of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita. So if you understand Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, then you will understand Lord Rama also and other incarnations, because Krsna is present with all.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750227BG-MIAMI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_business_is_to_conquer_over_the_demands_of_the_body._The_demands_of_the_body_is_eating,_sleeping,_sex_and_defense._So_spiritual_life_means_make_it_almost_nil|Our business is to conquer over the demands of the body. The demands of the body is eating, sleeping, sex and defense. So spiritual life means make it almost nil.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751216LE-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_for_this_purpose,_that_simply_we_are_trying_to_educate_people_how_to_give_up_the_control_of_the_material_energy,_and_under_the_control..._Not_to_control_the_material_energy;_that_we_cannot_do,_that_is_not_possible|Our Krsna consciousness movement is for this purpose, that simply we are trying to educate people how to give up the control of the material energy, and under the control... Not to control the material energy; that we cannot do, that is not possible.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750628MW-DENVER_clip1.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Only_hope_is_that_you_distribute_books,_as_much_as_possible,_whole_Europe,_whole_America._If_they_come_to_some_day,_they_will_realize_what_is_this_value|Only hope is that you distribute books, as much as possible, whole Europe, whole America. If they come to some day, they will realize what is this value.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751018BG-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_during_while_I_am_talking._You_don%27t_take._That_disturbs_me._My_attention_goes_to_your_photograph._It_is_very_much_disturbing|Not during while I am talking. You don't take. That disturbs me. My attention goes to your photograph. It is very much disturbing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751019BG-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_boy_is_fanning_me._Why%3F_There_is_little_miserable_condition_here:_we_are_feeling_too_hot._So_again,_if_you_go_outside,_you_may_feel_too_cold._So_either_inside_or_outside,_you_are_in_miserable_condition._This_is_called_adhyatmika|This boy is fanning me. Why? There is little miserable condition here: we are feeling too hot. So again, if you go outside, you may feel too cold. So either inside or outside, you are in miserable condition. This is called adhyatmika.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520R1-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_also_speak_on_Bhagavad-gita,_but_not_a_single_person_was_Krsna_conscious._And_since_we_have_presented_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is,_hundreds_and_thousands._This_is_the_proof,_that_they_presented_something_concoction|They also speak on Bhagavad-gita, but not a single person was Krsna conscious. And since we have presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is, hundreds and thousands. This is the proof, that they presented something concoction.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521SB-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_transcendental_literature,_we_have_taken_much_pain_to_translate_them_into_English_so_that_you_can_understand._We_have_got_fifty_books._So_take_advantage|These transcendental literature, we have taken much pain to translate them into English so that you can understand. We have got fifty books. So take advantage.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750402CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_superior_energy_is_not_produced_by_the_inferior_energy._That_is_nonsense._The_inferior_energy_is_produced_by_the_superior_energy._This_is_perfect|The superior energy is not produced by the inferior energy. That is nonsense. The inferior energy is produced by the superior energy. This is perfect.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750512MW-PERTH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Moon_planet_is_further_%28than_the_sun%29%3F|Moon planet is further (than the sun)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750512MW-PERTH_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_democracy_is_the_ruination_of_civilization..._So_we_want_to_remain_in_the_minority._We_don%27t_want_to_be_ruled_by_the_majority|That democracy is the ruination of civilization... So we want to remain in the minority. We don't want to be ruled by the majority.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750127BG-TOKYO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_not_devotees,_Godless,_without_any_God_consciousness,_they_are_all_asuras._So_this_movement_is_to_make_asuras_as_suras|Those who are not devotees, Godless, without any God consciousness, they are all asuras. So this movement is to make asuras as suras.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521SB-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_educate_men_that_%22After_all,_you_are_servant._You_have_to_serve_somebody._You_are_now_serving_your_senses._Now_just_divert_your_service_to_Krsna,_or_God,_and_you_will_be_happy._That%27s_all%22|This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate men that "After all, you are servant. You have to serve somebody. You are now serving your senses. Now just divert your service to Krsna, or God, and you will be happy. That's all".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750223SB-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_for_educating_people_how_to_think_of_God_constantly._And_if_we_practice_like_that,_then,_after_giving_up_this_body,_we_are_going_to_get_a_body_which_is_exactly_like_God|This Krsna consciousness movement is for educating people how to think of God constantly. And if we practice like that, then, after giving up this body, we are going to get a body which is exactly like God.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751222DB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educating_that_the_varieties_of_service_should_be_concentrated_for_the_satisfaction_of_Krsna._That_is_pravrtti|This Krsna consciousness movement is educating that the varieties of service should be concentrated for the satisfaction of Krsna. That is pravrtti.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750803S2-DETROIT_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_educating_people_in_this_way,_that_Krsna_is_the_enjoyer._You_have_seen_Krsna%27s_picture._He_is_always_enjoying._He_is_not_working._That_is_Krsna._God|This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people in this way, that Krsna is the enjoyer. You have seen Krsna's picture. He is always enjoying. He is not working. That is Krsna. God.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750407MW-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_sometimes_you_say_only_a_very_small_percentage_can_take_to_Krsna_consciousness._But_yesterday_morning_in_your_lecture_you_were_saying_it_can_expand_to_ten_thousand,_million,_or_ten_million|Srila Prabhupada, sometimes you say only a very small percentage can take to Krsna consciousness. But yesterday morning in your lecture you were saying it can expand to ten thousand, million, or ten million.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750525AR-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_should_produce_enough_food_grains,_enough_fodder_for_the_cows,_and_live_peacefully,_chant_Hare_Krsna,_make_this_life._At_least_one_life_we_should_do_like_that._It_is_very_happy_life|You should produce enough food grains, enough fodder for the cows, and live peacefully, chant Hare Krsna, make this life. At least one life we should do like that. It is very happy life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751019BG-JOHANNESBURG_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_conjecture_that_%22Swamiji_may_be_like_this,_may_be_like_that,_may_be...,%22_and_if_I_say,_%22All_right,_sit_down._I_shall_explain_what_I_am,%22_then_where_is_the_difficulty%3F|You can conjecture that "Swamiji may be like this, may be like that, may be...," and if I say, "All right, sit down. I shall explain what I am," then where is the difficulty?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750620AR-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Writing_means_sravanam_kirtanam._Sravanam_means_hearing_from_the_authority_and_again_repeat_it._This_is_our_business,_sravanam_kirtanam_visnoh,_about_Visnu,_not_for_any_politician_or_any_other_man|Writing means sravanam kirtanam. Sravanam means hearing from the authority and again repeat it. This is our business, sravanam kirtanam visnoh, about Visnu, not for any politician or any other man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751028BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_my_Guru_Maharaja_ordered_me_%28I_became_the_spiritual_leader_of_Krsna_consciousness%29._This_is_the_guru-parampara|When my Guru Maharaja ordered me (I became the spiritual leader of Krsna consciousness). This is the guru-parampara.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225BG-MIAMI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_present_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._We_don%27t_make_any_addition_or_alteration._Therefore_it_is_perfect._The_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_whatever_knowledge_they_are_spreading,_that_is_perfect|We present Bhagavad-gita as it is. We don't make any addition or alteration. Therefore it is perfect. The Krsna consciousness movement, whatever knowledge they are spreading, that is perfect.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_time_of_death_some_people_becomes_unconscious|At the time of death some people becomes unconscious.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221SB-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_temple_there_is_much_maya_and_the_people_who_live_in_the_temple_are_phonies|At the temple there is much maya and the people who live in the temple are phonies.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750410SB-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_you_have_explained,_Lord_Krsna_forbade_Arjuna_to_do_this_duty|As you have explained, Lord Krsna forbade Arjuna to do this duty.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750904MW-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Adolf_Hitler_adopted_the_idea_of_Aryan,_but_his_criteria_for_Aryan_was_one_who_had_blond_hair_and_blue_eyes|Adolf Hitler adopted the idea of Aryan, but his criteria for Aryan was one who had blond hair and blue eyes.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_the_whole,_and_we_are_parts,_and_we_are_evolving_to_integrate_ourselves_with_that_whole|God is the whole, and we are parts, and we are evolving to integrate ourselves with that whole.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221SB-CARACAS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_light_and_that,_within_us,_inside_of_us|God is light and that, within us, inside of us.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751102MW-NAIROBI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_you_give_brahminical_initiation_to_unmarried_women|But you give brahminical initiation to unmarried women.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751218MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_sir,_I_often_wonder_that_Jesus_Christ_was_so_wonderful,_I_mean_brotherhood_and_all_these_things,_and_these,_practically_people_following_his_creed_are_warring_like_this|But sir, I often wonder that Jesus Christ was so wonderful, I mean brotherhood and all these things, and these, practically people following his creed are warring like this.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005SB-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_it_can_also_mean_that_He_is_not_everywhere_because...|But it can also mean that He is not everywhere because...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750219R1-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He%27s_saying_that_he_accepts_that_we_can_receive_perfect_knowledge,_but_then_because_I_am_imperfect_I_make_an_imperfect_interpretation|He's saying that he accepts that we can receive perfect knowledge, but then because I am imperfect I make an imperfect interpretation.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750219R1-CARACAS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_says_that_because_he_doesn%27t_know_what_the_transcendence_is,_there%27s_no_value_for_him._It%27s_only_a_name._He_doesn%27t_know_why_to_look_for_it|He says that because he doesn't know what the transcendence is, there's no value for him. It's only a name. He doesn't know why to look for it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_has_understood_from_what_he_thinks_is_Indian_philosophy_that_you_cannot_give_God_a_name_because_that_would_be_limiting_God|He has understood from what he thinks is Indian philosophy that you cannot give God a name because that would be limiting God.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_has_said_that_we_have_given_the_name_Krsna_to_God,_but_actually_there_are_so_many_names_of_God,_that_it_doesn%27t_matter_what_the_name_of_God_is|He has said that we have given the name Krsna to God, but actually there are so many names of God, that it doesn't matter what the name of God is.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750620CR-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_%28God%29_is_a_nice_master|He (God) is a nice master.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_other_words,_Srila_Prabhupada,_without_practice_of_the_method,_it%27s_very_difficult_to_understand_the_philosophical_concepts|In other words, Srila Prabhupada, without practice of the method, it's very difficult to understand the philosophical concepts.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_thinking_more_in_terms_of_the_question,_it_is_perhaps_more_suitable_to_make_the_question_a_question,_not_affirmation._%22Who_am_I%3F%22_perhaps,_is_the_best_of_the_mantrams_instead_of_affirming,_%22I_am,%22_because_we_cannot_realize_who_I_am|I am thinking more in terms of the question, it is perhaps more suitable to make the question a question, not affirmation. "Who am I?" perhaps, is the best of the mantrams instead of affirming, "I am," because we cannot realize who I am.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203MW-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_heard_there_is_a_philosophy_here_amongst_some_of_the_devotees_that_if_you_chant_Hare_Krsna,_you_can_go_back_to_the_spiritual_world_even_if_you_do_not_give_up_your_independence|I have heard there is a philosophy here amongst some of the devotees that if you chant Hare Krsna, you can go back to the spiritual world even if you do not give up your independence.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I%27m_still_puzzled_about_the_relationship_of_the_soul_to_God._If_the_soul_is_eternal,_as_God_is,_and_yet_some_souls_have_the_tendency_to_fall_and_others_don%27t_have_that_tendency...|I'm still puzzled about the relationship of the soul to God. If the soul is eternal, as God is, and yet some souls have the tendency to fall and others don't have that tendency...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750327R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_the_temple_president_doesn%27t_understand_it,_teach_him|If the temple president doesn't understand it, teach him.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521MW-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_is_doing_it._He_is_taking_the_water_from_the_sea_and_putting_it_up_in_the_sky,_and_it_becomes_very_pure|Krsna is doing it. He is taking the water from the sea and putting it up in the sky, and it becomes very pure.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751027BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_is_the_oldest_teaching_of_God,_or_Krsna._But_the_Gita_was_written_about_five_thousand_years_ago|Krsna consciousness is the oldest teaching of God, or Krsna. But the Gita was written about five thousand years ago.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751214MW-DELHI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It%27s_a_lot_of_fun_to_drive_fast_cars_and_have_sex_and_see_movies_and..._This_is_fun_you_know._It%27s_the_only_way_to_enjoy!|It's a lot of fun to drive fast cars and have sex and see movies and... This is fun you know. It's the only way to enjoy!]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751027BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_is_the_oldest_teaching_of_God,_or_Krsna._But_the_Gita_was_written_about_five_thousand_years_ago|Krsna consciousness is the oldest teaching of God, or Krsna. But the Gita was written about five thousand years ago.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302LE-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Christian_Bible_it_says_that_Jesus_Christ_is_the_son_of_God,_and_you_can_only_get_to_God_through_him|In the Christian Bible it says that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and you can only get to God through him.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302LE-ATLANTA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Christian_Bible_it_says_that_God_created_all_of_earth._He_created_the_waters,_he_created_the_animals,_but_He_created_the_human_being_in_His_image,_which_was_the_same|In the Christian Bible it says that God created all of earth. He created the waters, he created the animals, but He created the human being in His image, which was the same.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302LE-ATLANTA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_Bible_they_say_that_the_animals_don%27t_have_soul;_therefore_it%27s_not_the_same_as_killing|In the Bible they say that the animals don't have soul; therefore it's not the same as killing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203MW-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_it%27s_very_difficult_to_control_my_mind_when_I_chant._It_wanders|Srila Prabhupada, it's very difficult to control my mind when I chant. It wanders.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751031BG-NAIROBI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_from_time_immemorial_we_see_that_in_India_every_time_there_has_been_a_religious_reform...|Srila Prabhupada, from time immemorial we see that in India every time there has been a religious reform...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751028BG-NAIROBI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sri_Vallabhacaryaji,_a_devotee_to_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_wrote_commentary_on_Srimad-Bhagavata,_and_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_rejected_his_commentary|Sri Vallabhacaryaji, a devotee to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, wrote commentary on Srimad-Bhagavata, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu rejected his commentary.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751028BG-NAIROBI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Siva_is_the_greatest_Vaisnava|Lord Siva is the greatest Vaisnava.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521SB-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_there_is_some_disagreement,_that_%22Why_one_should_not_live_outside_the_temple%3F%22|Sometimes there is some disagreement, that "Why one should not live outside the temple?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750506ED-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_people_ask_where_Swami_Prabhupada_get_his_meanings_for_different_words,_because_they_would_differ,_they_would_disagree_and_pick_some_other_word|Sometimes people ask where Swami Prabhupada get his meanings for different words, because they would differ, they would disagree and pick some other word.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750507MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_of_us_are_Muslims,_and_in_the_Koran_Mohammed_says_that_eating_meat_is_all_right._In_fact_it_is_required_to_be_a_good_Muslim,_to_eat_meat|Some of us are Muslims, and in the Koran Mohammed says that eating meat is all right. In fact it is required to be a good Muslim, to eat meat.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She%27s_saying_that_Christ_said_that_%22I_am_the_way%22|She's saying that Christ said that "I am the way".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_says_that_she_sees_it_as_a_mantra,_and_from_her_point_of_view_it_seems_like_we%27re_repeating_this_mantra_over_and_over_again,_and_it%27s_something_like_hypnotism|She says that she sees it as a mantra, and from her point of view it seems like we're repeating this mantra over and over again, and it's something like hypnotism.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751014R1-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sanka_dasa,_you_know,_in_Bombay%3F_He_was_in_the_CIA._And_they...,_when_he_was_in_Vietnam,_they_knocked_him_out_one_day_and_they_brought_him_to_a_dentist_and_they_took_out_three_of_his_teeth,_and_they_put_in_these_little_transistors|Sanka dasa, you know, in Bombay? He was in the CIA. And they..., when he was in Vietnam, they knocked him out one day and they brought him to a dentist and they took out three of his teeth, and they put in these little transistors.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751019MW-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Most_people_would_go_crazy_if_they_didn%27t_have_any_work|Most people would go crazy if they didn't have any work.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Maybe_religion_is_simply_imagination_or_a_big_business|Maybe religion is simply imagination or a big business.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750711AR-PHILADELPHIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_end_of_their_knowledge._A_pile_of_junk|This is the end of their knowledge. A pile of junk.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750401R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_say_God%27s_name_should_never_be_spoken_out_loud|They say God's name should never be spoken out loud.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750725MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_argue_that_this_Vedic_philosophy_is_coming_from_India,_and_in_India_there_is_so_much_disease_and_so_many_problems,_but_here,_where_we_have_our_science,_there_is_no_disease|They argue that this Vedic philosophy is coming from India, and in India there is so much disease and so many problems, but here, where we have our science, there is no disease.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751004SB-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_sun,_you_see,_is_a_ball_of_fire._Nothing_can_exist_there|The sun, you see, is a ball of fire. Nothing can exist there.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751216LE-BOMBAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_process_of_hearing_and_then_asking_questions_is_the_way_to_clarify_our_understanding,_just_like_Krsna_and_Arjuna._So_actually_we_must_have_some_questions_in_our_minds;_otherwise_we_would_all_immediately_surrender_to_Krsna|The process of hearing and then asking questions is the way to clarify our understanding, just like Krsna and Arjuna. So actually we must have some questions in our minds; otherwise we would all immediately surrender to Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750803S2-DETROIT_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_majority_believe_that_Christ_is_also_God,_not_just_His_son,_but_he_is_God_also|The majority believe that Christ is also God, not just His son, but he is God also.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519R1-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_foolish_Darwin%27s_theories,_they_also_claim_that_monkey_is_our_forefather|The foolish Darwin's theories, they also claim that monkey is our forefather.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751018BG-JOHANNESBURG_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_argument_could_come_that_%22If_He_is_directing_the_wanderings_of_all_living_entities_then_I_don%27t_have_to_worry_about_surrendering._He_will_direct_me_to_it%22|The argument could come that "If He is directing the wanderings of all living entities then I don't have to worry about surrendering. He will direct me to it".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751029BG-NAIROBI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_of_course,_in_fact,_we_are_fallen,_and_sometimes_I_would_like_every_time_to_think_about_Krsna,_and...|Srila Prabhupada, of course, in fact, we are fallen, and sometimes I would like every time to think about Krsna, and...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751005MW-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_calculation_of_the_world._If_it_is_preached_anywhere,_that_is_preached_on_the_world._It_was_not_spread,_you_can_say,_but_it_was_preached|Your calculation of the world. If it is preached anywhere, that is preached on the world. It was not spread, you can say, but it was preached.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750128BG-TOKYO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_say_that_because_the_earth_isn%27t_too_hot_or_too_cold._But_they_say_that_just_by_chance_it_came_into_this_order|You say that because the earth isn't too hot or too cold. But they say that just by chance it came into this order.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221R1-CARACAS_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_they_tried_to_contact_other_professors,_none_of_them_wanted_to_come_because_they_said,_more_or_less,_that_we_are_like_fanatics_and_we_wouldn%27t_actually_discuss_things_in_a_philosophic_way,_that_we_would_just_use_the_conference_to_proselytize|When they tried to contact other professors, none of them wanted to come because they said, more or less, that we are like fanatics and we wouldn't actually discuss things in a philosophic way, that we would just use the conference to proselytize.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302R1-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We%27ve_been_trying_more_and_more,_Srila_Prabhupada,_to_make_our_techniques_of_distribution_more_honest_and_straightforward,_not_to_cheat_so_much_as_some_of_these_methods_in_the_past|We've been trying more and more, Srila Prabhupada, to make our techniques of distribution more honest and straightforward, not to cheat so much as some of these methods in the past.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751128SB-DELHI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_born_as_human_being_with_inherent_weaknesses_and_shortcomings,_like_kama,_krodha,_moha,_lobha...|We are born as human being with inherent weaknesses and shortcomings, like kama, krodha, moha, lobha...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302LE-ATLANTA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unfortunately,_many_people_have_put_their_faith_in_the_material_scientists_today|Unfortunately, many people have put their faith in the material scientists today.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750402MW-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_they_tried_to_contact_other_professors,_none_of_them_wanted_to_come_because_they_said,_more_or_less,_that_we_are_like_fanatics_and_we_wouldn%27t_actually_discuss_things_in_a_philosophic_way,_that_we_would_just_use_the_conference_to_proselytize|When they tried to contact other professors, none of them wanted to come because they said, more or less, that we are like fanatics and we wouldn't actually discuss things in a philosophic way, that we would just use the conference to proselytize.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750620A2-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_told_me_personally_that_%22If_you_get_some_money,_print_books.%22_Therefore_I_am_stressing_on_this_point:_%22Where_is_book%3F_Where_is_book%3F_Where_is_book%3F%22_So_kindly_help_me._This_is_my_request._Print_as_many_books_in_as_many_languages|My Guru Maharaja told me personally that "If you get some money, print books." Therefore I am stressing on this point: "Where is book? Where is book? Where is book?" So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Repetition_of_chewing_the_chewed._This_is_material_life|Repetition of chewing the chewed. This is material life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Within_the_core_of_your_heart,_the_Lord_is_there._You_sit_down_anywhere_-_in_the_cave,_in_the_jungle_or_anywhere._If_you_like,_you_can_find_out_the_Lord_is_there_within_your_heart|Within the core of your heart, the Lord is there. You sit down anywhere - in the cave, in the jungle or anywhere. If you like, you can find out the Lord is there within your heart.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_that_is_the_fact._We_are_traveling_all_over_the_universe._Not_only_that_we_have_come_to_this_planet._We_have_traveled_many_other_planets|Actually that is the fact. We are traveling all over the universe. Not only that we have come to this planet. We have traveled many other planets.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_conception_of_God,_greater_than_the_greatest,_and_smaller_than_the_smallest._That_is_God._He_can_produce_these_big,_big_universes_simply_by_breathing,_and_again_-_we_do_not_know_how_many_atoms_are_there_in_each_universe_-_He_can_enter_in_each_atom|The conception of God, greater than the greatest, and smaller than the smallest. That is God. He can produce these big, big universes simply by breathing, and again - we do not know how many atoms are there in each universe - He can enter in each atom.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%E2%80%99t_aspire_for_material_enjoyment._Enjoyment_is_there._Don%E2%80%99t_think_that_%22If_I_stop_my_material_enjoyment,_then_my_life_of_enjoyment_is_finished.%22_No._It_is_not_finished|Don't aspire for material enjoyment. Enjoyment is there. Don't think that "If I stop my material enjoyment, then my life of enjoyment is finished." No. It is not finished.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_training,_we_are_advocating_that_illicit_sex_is_sinful._Our_first_condition_is_that_one_must_give_up_these_four_things:_illicit_sex,_meat-eating,_intoxication_and_gambling._This_is_my_first_condition_before_accepting._So_they_agree_and_they_follow|We are training, we are advocating that illicit sex is sinful. Our first condition is that one must give up these four things: illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. This is my first condition before accepting. So they agree and they follow.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_the_defect_of_Western_civilization._Vox_populi,_taking_opinion_of_the_public._But_what_is_the_value_of_this_public%3F_Drunkards,_smokers,_meat-eaters,_woman-hunters|That is the defect of Western civilization. Vox populi, taking opinion of the public. But what is the value of this public? Drunkards, smokers, meat-eaters, woman-hunters.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_British_rule_came,_their_Lord_Macaulay%27s_private_report_was_that_%22If_you_want_to_keep_them_as_Indian_Hindu,_you_will_never_be_able_to_rule_over.%22_So_it_was_British_government%27s_policy_to_condemn_everything_Indian|When British rule came, their Lord Macaulay's private report was that "If you want to keep them as Indian Hindu, you will never be able to rule over." So it was British government's policy to condemn everything Indian.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_say_everyone,_%22Come_and_eat.%22_Why_he_should_remain_hungry%3F_We_invite_everyone,_%22Come_here,_eat,_no_charge.%22_We_don%27t_charge._Why_he_should_remain_hungry%3F_Let_us_increase_this_program._All_hungry_men_of_Melbourne_city,_come_here|We say everyone, "Come and eat." Why he should remain hungry? We invite everyone, "Come here, eat, no charge." We don't charge. Why he should remain hungry? Let us increase this program. All hungry men of Melbourne city, come here.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_you_change_the_society,_how_you_can_make_social_welfare%3F_If_you_keep_them_as_it_is,_then_where_is_the_question_of_welfare%3F|Unless you change the society, how you can make social welfare? If you keep them as it is, then where is the question of welfare?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_eat_meat,_but_you_cannot_eat_meat_by_killing_your_father_and_mother._That_is_human_sense._You_are_taking_milk_from_the_cow;_it_is_your_mother|You can eat meat, but you cannot eat meat by killing your father and mother. That is human sense. You are taking milk from the cow; it is your mother.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750521R1-MELBOURNE_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_make_the_whole_human_society_happy,_this_God_consciousness_movement_must_spread|To make the whole human society happy, this God consciousness movement must spread.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520MW-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sastra_takes_of_the_planets,_not_of_the_country._Your_idea_is_very_crippled:_%22country,%22_%22national.%22_But_sastra_is_not..._There_is_no_such_thing_as_national._They_take_the_whole_universe_as_a_whole._They_consider_from_that_angle_of_vision|Sastra takes of the planets, not of the country. Your idea is very crippled: "country," "national." But sastra is not... There is no such thing as national. They take the whole universe as a whole. They consider from that angle of vision.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520MW-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_end_there_will_be_no_rain._Then_this_whole_planet_will_be_ablaze_with_fire._That_is_the_beginning_of_destruction._Everything_will_die_-_all_trees,_plants,_animals,_everything._It_will_be_made_into_ashes_by_the_fire|At the end there will be no rain. Then this whole planet will be ablaze with fire. That is the beginning of destruction. Everything will die - all trees, plants, animals, everything. It will be made into ashes by the fire.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520MW-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Materialistic_point_of_view_is_like_that._They_do_not_know_that_we_are_eternal_%26_we_are_responsible_for_our_activities._That_is_knowledge._But_they_have_no_knowledge._They_simply_want_to_enjoy._They_do_not_care_for_death_also._Simply_sense_gratification|Materialistic point of view is like that. They do not know that we are eternal & we are responsible for our activities. That is knowledge. But they have no knowledge. They simply want to enjoy. They do not care for death also. Simply sense gratification.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629MW-DENVER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_say_that_%22We_are_escaping_this_horrible_condition_of_life:_meat-eating,_drinking_and_intoxication.%22_We_are_escaping_that,_these_thing,_not_escaping_happiness._You_are_escaping_happiness|You can say that "We are escaping this horrible condition of life: meat-eating, drinking and intoxication." We are escaping that, these thing, not escaping happiness. You are escaping happiness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750629RC-DENVER_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lazy_foolish_is_foolish_but_he%27s_lazy,_he%27ll_not_do_so_harm._But_the_busy_foolish_he%27ll_simply_create_harm._At_the_present_the_population_is_busy_foolish._So_we_are_creating_lazy_intelligent._An_intelligent_man_must_be_lazy|Lazy foolish is foolish but he's lazy, he'll not do so harm. But the busy foolish he'll simply create harm. At the present the population is busy foolish. So we are creating lazy intelligent. An intelligent man must be lazy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_king_is_responsible._The_government_is_responsible_that_any_one_of_his_subject,_either_animal_or_man,_he_is_not_disturbed;_he_feels_secure_of_his_property,_of_his_person._And_it_is_the_duty_of_ksatriya_to_save,_to_protect|The king is responsible. The government is responsible that any one of his subject, either animal or man, he is not disturbed; he feels secure of his property, of his person. And it is the duty of ksatriya to save, to protect.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_kings_were_governed_by_first-class_brahmanas,_sages._The_brahmanas_should_not_take_part_in_the_management_of_the_government,_but_they_would_advise_the_ksatriya_kings_that_%22You_rule_over_the_citizens_like_this%22|The kings were governed by first-class brahmanas, sages. The brahmanas should not take part in the management of the government, but they would advise the ksatriya kings that "You rule over the citizens like this".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_cannot_expect_any_happiness_guided_by_the_fourth-class_men._That_is_not_possible._Therefore_throughout_the_whole_world_there_is_chaotic_condition._Nobody_is_happy._So_this_is_essential_that_the_human_society_must_be_divided_into_four_divisions|You cannot expect any happiness guided by the fourth-class men. That is not possible. Therefore throughout the whole world there is chaotic condition. Nobody is happy. So this is essential that the human society must be divided into four divisions.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhakti_means_that_we_have_to_clear_ourself_from_the_designations._What_is_that_designation%3F_Everyone_is_thinking,_%22I_am_American,%22_%22I_am_Indian,%22_%22I_am_European,%22_%22I_am_Australian,%22_%22I_am_cat,%22_%22I_am_dog,_%22I_am_this,%22_%22I_am_that%22_-_bodily|Bhakti means that we have to clear ourself from the designations. What is that designation? Everyone is thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Australian," "I am cat," "I am dog, "I am this," "I am that" - bodily.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_long_we_are_materially_engrossed,_bodily_concept_of_life,_there_will_be_always_anxiety._This_is_the_test._Anyone_who_is_in_anxiety,_means_he_is_materially_situated._And_anyone_who_is_elevated_to_the_spiritual_platform,_he_is_prasannatma._He_is_jolly|So long we are materially engrossed, bodily concept of life, there will be always anxiety. This is the test. Anyone who is in anxiety, means he is materially situated. And anyone who is elevated to the spiritual platform, he is prasannatma. He is jolly.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_have_no_objection,_you_can_chant_Hare_Krsna,_%26_if_you_think_that_%22The_Hare_Krsna_is_imported_from_India._We_shall_not_chant,%22_all_right,_you_chant_your_own_God%27s_name._Where_is_the_objection%3F_But_chant_the_holy_name_of_God._That_is_our_propaganda|If you have no objection, you can chant Hare Krsna, & if you think that "The Hare Krsna is imported from India. We shall not chant," all right, you chant your own God's name. Where is the objection? But chant the holy name of God. That is our propaganda.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ambudhi_means_the_ocean._So_this_ocean_does_not_increase,_but_when_you_come_to_the_spiritual_ocean_of_ananda,_blissfulness,_it_will_increase_daily|Ambudhi means the ocean. So this ocean does not increase, but when you come to the spiritual ocean of ananda, blissfulness, it will increase daily.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519SB-MELBOURNE_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_not_ideal,_then_it_will_be_useless_to_open_center._You_behave_nicely,_they_will_come,_they_will_see,_and_they_will_learn._If_you_go_to_some_school_and_the_professors_are_rascals,_then_what_you_will_learn%3F_It_is_both,_reciprocal|If you are not ideal, then it will be useless to open center. You behave nicely, they will come, they will see, and they will learn. If you go to some school and the professors are rascals, then what you will learn? It is both, reciprocal.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Veda_means_knowledge,_and_anta_means_last_stage,_or_end._Everything_has_got_some_end._So_you_are_being_educated._You_are_taking_education._Where_it_shall_end%3F_That_is_called_Vedanta._Where_the_ultimate_point|Veda means knowledge, and anta means last stage, or end. Everything has got some end. So you are being educated. You are taking education. Where it shall end? That is called Vedanta. Where the ultimate point.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_accept_this_simple_process,_that_%22Chant_Hare_Krsna_and_realize_God,%22_that_is_also_fact._And_if_you_think,_%22What_is_this_nonsense,_chanting_Hare_Krsna%3F%22_then_you_read_books._Both_ways_we_are_prepared._Come_and_take_advantage_of_this_movement|If you accept this simple process, that "Chant Hare Krsna and realize God," that is also fact. And if you think, "What is this nonsense, chanting Hare Krsna?" then you read books. Both ways we are prepared. Come and take advantage of this movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_deposit_one_cent_daily,_one_day_it_may_become_a_hundred_dollars._So_when_you_get_the_hundred_dollars,_you_can_get_the_business._%28laughter%29_So_you_come_here_daily,_one_cent,_one_cent..._When_it_will_be_hundred_dollars,_you_will_become_a_devotee|If you deposit one cent daily, one day it may become a hundred dollars. So when you get the hundred dollars, you can get the business. (laughter) So you come here daily, one cent, one cent... When it will be hundred dollars, you will become a devotee.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_much_time_it_requires_to_surrender_to_Krsna%3F_Immediately_you_can_do_that._Surrender_means_you_surrender_and_work_as_Krsna_says._That_is_surrender._What_Krsna_says_to_do%3F_Man-mana_bhava_mad-bhakto_mad-yaji_mam_namaskuru._Four_things|How much time it requires to surrender to Krsna? Immediately you can do that. Surrender means you surrender and work as Krsna says. That is surrender. What Krsna says to do? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. Four things.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_sun_is_not_dead._Similarly,_Krsna_appears_by_rotation_in_this_universe_after_so_many_years,_eight_billion_and_nine_billion_years._So_next_He_goes_to_another_universe._Just_like_the_sun,_after_disappearance_from_Australia,_it_goes_to_another_country|The sun is not dead. Similarly, Krsna appears by rotation in this universe after so many years, eight billion and nine billion years. So next He goes to another universe. Just like the sun, after disappearance from Australia, it goes to another country.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_fall_from_the_instruction,_how_you_can_remain_eternal%3F_You_have_to_stay_on_the_platform._Then_eternally_you_are_safe._If_you_fall_down_from_the_platform,_then_it_is_your_fault|If you fall from the instruction, how you can remain eternal? You have to stay on the platform. Then eternally you are safe. If you fall down from the platform, then it is your fault.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_the_soul_misuses_the_independence,_then_he_falls_down._That_is_material_life._Material_life_means_misusing_the_independence_of_soul|When the soul misuses the independence, then he falls down. That is material life. Material life means misusing the independence of soul.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Base_quality_means_kama,_lusty_desires,_and_greediness._In_material_world,_generally_they_are_under_these_base_quality,_means_always_filled_up_with_lusty_desires_%26_not_satisfied,_greedy._So_when_we_conquer_over_these_base_qualities,_then_we_become_happy|Base quality means kama, lusty desires, and greediness. In material world, generally they are under these base quality, means always filled up with lusty desires & not satisfied, greedy. So when we conquer over these base qualities, then we become happy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_prison_house_there_are_some_population,_but_they_are_not_majority._The_majority_of_the_population,_they%27re_outside_the_prison_house._Similarly,_majority_of_living_being,_part_%26_parcel_of_God,_they_are_in_the_spiritual_world._Only_a_few_falls_down|In the prison house there are some population, but they are not majority. The majority of the population, they're outside the prison house. Similarly, majority of living being, part & parcel of God, they are in the spiritual world. Only a few falls down.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750623R1-LOS_ANGELES_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_instruct_our_children:_%22If_you_want_to_be_educated_in_higher_status_of_life,_go_to_school,_go_to_college,_take_lesson.%22_That_is_human_society._The_dog%27s_father_will_never_ask_the_dog_child,_%22Go_to_school.%22_No._They_are_dogs|We instruct our children: "If you want to be educated in higher status of life, go to school, go to college, take lesson." That is human society. The dog's father will never ask the dog child, "Go to school." No. They are dogs.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750624GC-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Muhammad_says_he_is_servant_of_God._Christ_says_he_is_son_of_God._And_Krsna_says,_%22I_am_God.%22_So_where_is_the_difference%3F_The_son_will_say_the_same_thing,_the_servant_will_say_the_same_thing,_and_the_father_also_will_say_the_same_thing|Muhammad says he is servant of God. Christ says he is son of God. And Krsna says, "I am God." So where is the difference? The son will say the same thing, the servant will say the same thing, and the father also will say the same thing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750624GC-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_may_love_humanity,_but_because_you_do_not_love_Krsna,_therefore_you_do_not_love_the_cows;_you_send_them_to_slaughterhouse._So_your_love_will_remain_defective._It_will_never_be_complete._And_if_you_love_Krsna,_then_you_will_love_even_the_small_ant|You may love humanity, but because you do not love Krsna, therefore you do not love the cows; you send them to slaughterhouse. So your love will remain defective. It will never be complete. And if you love Krsna, then you will love even the small ant.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750624GC-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_God_has_got_this_discrimination._There_are_bad_elements._So_if_in_God%27s_mind_there_is_good_element,_bad_element..._So_we_are_part_and_parcel_of_God._We_must_have_also_the_same_sentiment._We_cannot_avoid_it|Even God has got this discrimination. There are bad elements. So if in God's mind there is good element, bad element... So we are part and parcel of God. We must have also the same sentiment. We cannot avoid it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750624GC-LOS_ANGELES_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_will_come_and_drive_you_away_from_your_present_pride,_prestigious_position,_%22Get_out.%22_So_unless_one_is_madman,_he_cannot_say,_%22There_is_no_God.%22_Anyone_who_denies_the_existence_of_God,_he_is_a_madman|God will come and drive you away from your present pride, prestigious position, "Get out." So unless one is madman, he cannot say, "There is no God." Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is a madman.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_is_dormant_in_everyone%27s_heart._So_when_he_comes_in_contact_with_devotees,_that_is_awakened|Krsna consciousness is dormant in everyone's heart. So when he comes in contact with devotees, that is awakened.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Love_means_without_any_personal_profit._If_I_love_God_for_some_profit,_that_is_business;_that_is_not_love._Ahaituky_apratihata._And_such_love_of_God_cannot_be_checked_by_any_material_cause|Love means without any personal profit. If I love God for some profit, that is business; that is not love. Ahaituky apratihata. And such love of God cannot be checked by any material cause.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_this,_%22God,_give_us_our_daily_bread.%22_It_is_mixed_spiritual._One_has_approached_God,_God_is_spiritual,_but_one_is_asking_for_material_profit._So_this_is_mixture,_matter_and_spirit|Just like this, "God, give us our daily bread." It is mixed spiritual. One has approached God, God is spiritual, but one is asking for material profit. So this is mixture, matter and spirit.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_is_under_this_consciousness_that_%22I_am_eternal._Why_I_am_changing_body%3F_How_to_solve_it%3F%22_that_is_intelligence._And_not_to_work_like_cats_and_dogs_and_die._That_is_not_intelligence|If one is under this consciousness that "I am eternal. Why I am changing body? How to solve it?" that is intelligence. And not to work like cats and dogs and die. That is not intelligence.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_Krsna_consciousness,_you_will_have_simply_rubbish_desires._And_when_you_are_Krsna_conscious,_then_you_desire_rightly|Without Krsna consciousness, you will have simply rubbish desires. And when you are Krsna conscious, then you desire rightly.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_not_introducing_caste_system,_that_any_rascal_born_in_a_brahmana_family,_he_becomes_a_brahmana._We_don%27t_accept_that._A_man_who_is_first-class_trained_up_to_become_a_brahmana,_we_accept_him._It_doesn%27t_matter_whether_he_is_India,_Europe_or_America|We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_far_Krsna_consciousness_is_concerned,_we_equally_distribute._There_is_no_such_thing_that_%22Oh,_you_are_woman,_less_intelligent_or_more_intelligent._Therefore_you_cannot_come.%22_We_don%27t_say_that._We_welcome_women,_men,_poor,_rich,_everyone|So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_life_is_simple._I_was_householder._I_have_still_my_wife,_my_children,_my_grandsons._My_Guru_Maharaja_ordered_me_%22Go_%26_preach_this_cult_in_the_Western_countries.%22_So_I_left_everything_on_the_order_of_my_Guru_Maharaja,_%26_I_am_trying_to_execute_the_order|My life is simple. I was householder. I have still my wife, my children, my grandsons. My Guru Maharaja ordered me "Go & preach this cult in the Western countries." So I left everything on the order of my Guru Maharaja, & I am trying to execute the order.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_respect_spiritual_master_as_God,_then_you_must_offer_him_the_facilities_of_God._Otherwise_how_you_treat_him_as_God%3F_Simply_in_mind%3F_In_action_also|If you respect spiritual master as God, then you must offer him the facilities of God. Otherwise how you treat him as God? Simply in mind? In action also.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment,_because_you_are_not_trained_up_to_see_Krsna,_so_Krsna_kindly_appears_before_you_as_you_can_see._You_can_see_wood,_stone._You_cannot_see_what_is_spirit._Even_you_don%27t_see_yourself|At the present moment, because you are not trained up to see Krsna, so Krsna kindly appears before you as you can see. You can see wood, stone. You cannot see what is spirit. Even you don't see yourself.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750713R2-PHILADELPHIA_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_one_wants_to_become_a_lawyer,_he_must_learn_laws_which_is_given_by_the_government._He_cannot_become_a_lawyer_at_home._Similarly,_if_you_want_to_become_religious,_you_must_learn_what_is_religion_from_God._You_don%27t_manufacture_your_own_religion|If one wants to become a lawyer, he must learn laws which is given by the government. He cannot become a lawyer at home. Similarly, if you want to become religious, you must learn what is religion from God. You don't manufacture your own religion.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750620AR-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hear_and_repeat,_hear_and_repeat._You_haven%27t_got_to_manufacture._Any_one_of_us,_simply_if_you_reproduce_the_purport_which_I_have_given_in_the_Bhagavata,_you_become_a_good_speaker|Hear and repeat, hear and repeat. You haven't got to manufacture. Any one of us, simply if you reproduce the purport which I have given in the Bhagavata, you become a good speaker.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750620AR-LOS_ANGELES_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_try_very_fast_before_the_next_death_comes._And_death_will_come._So_we_shall_prepare_in_such_a_way_that_before_the_next_death_comes_over,_we_finish_our_Krsna_consciousness_business_and_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|We should try very fast before the next death comes. And death will come. So we shall prepare in such a way that before the next death comes over, we finish our Krsna consciousness business and go back to home, back to Godhead.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750626SB-LOS_ANGELES_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_do_not_wish_to_mention_by_name_-_one_artificial_God,_he_was_teaching_his_disciple,_and_the_disciple_was_feeling_electrical_shocks._So_unfortunately,_I_cannot_give_you_electrical_shocks|I do not wish to mention by name - one artificial God, he was teaching his disciple, and the disciple was feeling electrical shocks. So unfortunately, I cannot give you electrical shocks.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751001A2-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_idea_is_to_preach_Krsna_consciousness._Because_for_want_of_this_knowledge,_our_mission_of_human_life_is_failing_all_over_the_world._Therefore,_I_am_trying_to_introduce_this_KC_all_over_the_world,_without_any_distinction_of_caste,_creed,_color|My idea is to preach Krsna consciousness. Because for want of this knowledge, our mission of human life is failing all over the world. Therefore, I am trying to introduce this KC all over the world, without any distinction of caste, creed, color.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751001AR-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unless_we_understand_what_is_the_wrong_on_the_active_principle_of_the_body,_the_problems_cannot_be_solved,_just_like_if_you_cannot_diagnose_the_disease,_simply_by_symptomatic_treatment_you_cannot_make_the_man_healthy._That_is_not_possible|Unless we understand what is the wrong on the active principle of the body, the problems cannot be solved, just like if you cannot diagnose the disease, simply by symptomatic treatment you cannot make the man healthy. That is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751002SB-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_see_in_your_Mauritius,_you_have_got_enough_land_to_produce_food_grains._I_understand_that_instead_of_growing_food_grains,_you_are_growing_sugarcane_for_exporting._Why%3F_And_you_are_dependent_on_food_grains,_on_rice,_wheat,_dal._Why_this_attempt%3F|I see in your Mauritius, you have got enough land to produce food grains. I understand that instead of growing food grains, you are growing sugarcane for exporting. Why? And you are dependent on food grains, on rice, wheat, dal. Why this attempt?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751002SB-MAURITIUS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_don%27t_find_all_these_things_in_our_Society._We_don%27t_drink_Coca-cola._We_don%27t_drink_Pepsi-cola._We_don%27t_smoke._So_many_things_which_are_selling_in_the_market_in_huge_quantity_by_advertisement,_by_victimizing_the_poor_customer|You don't find all these things in our Society. We don't drink Coca-cola. We don't drink Pepsi-cola. We don't smoke. So many things which are selling in the market in huge quantity by advertisement, by victimizing the poor customer.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751003MW-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_my_childhood_I_would_not_take_medicine._Exactly_like_this,_now_also._So_I_was_given_medicine_by_force_in_the_spoon._Two_men_will_catch_me,_and_my_mother_would_take_me_on_the_lap_and_then_force,_and_I_shall_take._I_never_agreed_to_take_any_medicine|In my childhood I would not take medicine. Exactly like this, now also. So I was given medicine by force in the spoon. Two men will catch me, and my mother would take me on the lap and then force, and I shall take. I never agreed to take any medicine.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751002PC-MAURITIUS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Let_them_say_all_nonsense._What_can_I_say%3F_Every_nonsense_will_speak_something_nonsense._How_can_I_check_it%3F_There_are_so_many_nonsenses;_therefore_we_are_trying_to_make_all_these_nonsense_into_human_beings._That_is_our_program|Let them say all nonsense. What can I say? Every nonsense will speak something nonsense. How can I check it? There are so many nonsenses; therefore we are trying to make all these nonsense into human beings. That is our program.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_up_to_you_to_decide_whether_you_are_going_to_get_a_body_which_will_be_able_to_dance_with_Krsna,_to_talk_with_Krsna,_to_play_with_Krsna._You_can_get_it._And_if_you_want_a_body_how_to_eat_stool,_urine,_you_will_get_it|It is up to you to decide whether you are going to get a body which will be able to dance with Krsna, to talk with Krsna, to play with Krsna. You can get it. And if you want a body how to eat stool, urine, you will get it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Somebody_is_politician,_or_householder,_or_something_else._But_because_he_has_taken_up_some_false_duty_and_working_hard_for_it,_therefore_he_is_an_ass._He_is_forgetting_his_real_business._Real_business_is_that_death_will_come._It_will_not_avoid_me|Somebody is politician, or householder, or something else. But because he has taken up some false duty and working hard for it, therefore he is an ass. He is forgetting his real business. Real business is that death will come. It will not avoid me.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_thinking,_%22I_shall_be_happy_in_this_way._I_shall_be_happy_in_this...%22_Nothing._You_shall_never_be_happy_-_this_is_perfect_instruction_-_unless_you_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|We are thinking, "I shall be happy in this way. I shall be happy in this..." Nothing. You shall never be happy - this is perfect instruction - unless you go back to home, back to Godhead.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_means_the_faithful_servant_of_God._That_is_guru._So_you_have_to_first_of_all_test_that_%22Are_you_faithful_servant_of_God%3F%22_If_he_says,_%22No,_I_am_God,%22_oh,_kick_him_on_his_face_immediately._That_%22You_are_rascal._You_have_come_to_cheat_us%22|Guru means the faithful servant of God. That is guru. So you have to first of all test that "Are you faithful servant of God?" If he says, "No, I am God," oh, kick him on his face immediately. That "You are rascal. You have come to cheat us".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_never_manufactures_idea_that_%22You_do_this_and_give_me_money,_and_you%27ll_become_happy.%22_That_is_not_guru._That_is_another_process_of_earning_money|Guru never manufactures idea that "You do this and give me money, and you'll become happy." That is not guru. That is another process of earning money.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750712SB-PHILADELPHIA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_very_much_affectionate_to_your_dog_or_something_else,_you_will_think_at_that_time._Therefore_practice_Hare_Krsna,_so_that_at_the_time_of_death_you_can_think_of_Krsna_and_your_life_is_successful|If you very much affectionate to your dog or something else, you will think at that time. Therefore practice Hare Krsna, so that at the time of death you can think of Krsna and your life is successful.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522R2-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_nothing_is_private_property._That_is_our_philosophy._Isavasyam_idam_sarvam_(ISO_1):_%22Everything_belongs_to_God.%22_That%27s_a_fact._Under_the_influence_of_maya_we_are_thinking_that_%22This_is_my_property.%22|Actually, nothing is private property. That is our philosophy. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1): "Everything belongs to God." That's a fact. Under the influence of maya we are thinking that "This is my property."]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522R2-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_forget_that_everything_belongs_to_God._Because_you_have_to_run_society,_it_does_not_mean_that_you_forget_the_real_thing|Don't forget that everything belongs to God. Because you have to run society, it does not mean that you forget the real thing.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522R2-MELBOURNE_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_human_society_at_the_present_moment,_majority,_they_are_godless,_especially_the_Communist._They_don%27t_acknowledge._The_scientist,_the_philosopher,_the_scholars_-_all_godless._Scientists%27_special_business_is_how_to_defy_God|The whole human society at the present moment, majority, they are godless, especially the Communist. They don't acknowledge. The scientist, the philosopher, the scholars - all godless. Scientists' special business is how to defy God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522R2-MELBOURNE_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_Krsna_consciousness,_that_you_remain_in_your_position,_but_see_whether_by_your_discharge_of_duties_you_have_pleased_God._Then_everything_will_be_all_right|This is Krsna consciousness, that you remain in your position, but see whether by your discharge of duties you have pleased God. Then everything will be all right.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522R2-MELBOURNE_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_on_the_spiritual_platform,_above_body,_mind_and_intelligence._But_actually,_we_should_come_to_that_platform,_because_we_are_spirit_soul,_we_are_neither_this_body_nor_this_mind_nor_this_intelligence|This Krsna consciousness movement is on the spiritual platform, above body, mind and intelligence. But actually, we should come to that platform, because we are spirit soul, we are neither this body nor this mind nor this intelligence.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750902SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_our_members,_the_members_of_the_Krsna_consciousness_society,_should_be_ideal._At_least_people_may_see_that_%22Here_is_a_class_of_men_-_ideal_character,_ideal_behavior,_spiritual_advanced,_and_very_frugal_and_very_nice%22|All our members, the members of the Krsna consciousness society, should be ideal. At least people may see that "Here is a class of men - ideal character, ideal behavior, spiritual advanced, and very frugal and very nice".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750206BG-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Susthu_nisthi..._%28spits%29_This_is_perfect._%28chuckles%29_This_is_perfection|Susthu nisthi... (spits) This is perfect. (chuckles) This is perfection.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750303LE-DALLAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_material_world_means_we_are_running_after_false_family._But_don%27t_think_that_there_is_no_real_family_life._There_is_real_family._That_is_Krsna%27s_real_family,_eternal_family,_blissful_family|The material world means we are running after false family. But don't think that there is no real family life. There is real family. That is Krsna's real family, eternal family, blissful family.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_are_teaching,_it_is_because_the_people_are_suffering_on_account_of_ignorance._Therefore_we_are_teaching._How_we_are_callous%3F_We_are_not_callous;_we_are_very_much_sympathetic_to_give_them_knowledge|When we are teaching, it is because the people are suffering on account of ignorance. Therefore we are teaching. How we are callous? We are not callous; we are very much sympathetic to give them knowledge.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_can_simply_understand_that_it_is_of_the_same_quality,_namely,_as_the_sunshine_has_light_and_heat,_the_sun_globe_has_also_light_and_heat._So_although_the_quality_is_the_same,_the_quantity_is_different|You can simply understand that it is of the same quality, namely, as the sunshine has light and heat, the sun globe has also light and heat. So although the quality is the same, the quantity is different.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_want_to_stop_the_danger_of_death,_then_you_have_to_understand_what_is_that_Absolute_Truth._Just_like_I_have_given_already_the_example_of_sunshine._If_you_come_to_the_sunshine,_there_is_no_darkness|If you want to stop the danger of death, then you have to understand what is that Absolute Truth. Just like I have given already the example of sunshine. If you come to the sunshine, there is no darkness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_soon_as_you_are_self-realized,_you_become_jubilant._In_the_bodily_concept_of_life_we_are_always_full_of_anxiety_and_morose._Yes,_that_is_the_material_condition|As soon as you are self-realized, you become jubilant. In the bodily concept of life we are always full of anxiety and morose. Yes, that is the material condition.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_can_get_the_body_like_God;_we_can_get_the_body_like_the_dog._Therefore_the_best_intelligent_person_should_try_to_endeavor_to_get_the_next_body_like_God._That_is_Krsna_consciousness_movement|We can get the body like God; we can get the body like the dog. Therefore the best intelligent person should try to endeavor to get the next body like God. That is Krsna consciousness movement.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_great;_we_are_small._Otherwise,_we_the_same._God_is_also_living_entity;_you_are_also_living_entity._God_is_eternal;_you_are_also_eternal._God_is_full_of_bliss;_you_are_also_full_of_bliss._So_quality,_there_is_no_difference|God is great; we are small. Otherwise, we the same. God is also living entity; you are also living entity. God is eternal; you are also eternal. God is full of bliss; you are also full of bliss. So quality, there is no difference.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all,_the_next_body_may_not_be_for_cultivating_knowledge_in_spiritual_life_because_we_are_already_fallen,_and_if_we_do_not_elevate,_we_may_accept_another_body,_still_fallen|First of all, the next body may not be for cultivating knowledge in spiritual life because we are already fallen, and if we do not elevate, we may accept another body, still fallen.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750216BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jagad-anda_means_this_universe._It_is_ball-like,_anda,_egglike._Jagad-anda-koti._Koti_means_millions._So_all_combined_together,_that_is_material_world._This_is_only_one-fourth_part_of_the_creation_of_God|Jagad-anda means this universe. It is ball-like, anda, egglike. Jagad-anda-koti. Koti means millions. So all combined together, that is material world. This is only one-fourth part of the creation of God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_disciple_means_who_voluntarily_agrees_to_be_disciplined_by_the_spiritual_master._When_one_becomes_disciple,_he_cannot_disobey_the_order_of_the_spiritual_master|A disciple means who voluntarily agrees to be disciplined by the spiritual master. When one becomes disciple, he cannot disobey the order of the spiritual master.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750409CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anacara_means_not_proper_behavior._Proper_behavior_means_to_remain_always_pious,_and_improper_behavior_means_to_become_impious,_sinful._If_you_become_sinful,_then_you_cannot_enter_into_the_family_of_Krsna...|Anacara means not proper behavior. Proper behavior means to remain always pious, and improper behavior means to become impious, sinful. If you become sinful, then you cannot enter into the family of Krsna...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anartha_means_unwanted_bad_habits._So_when_we_are_children,_innocent,_we_have_no_bad_habits,_but_as_we_grow_and_associate_with_bad_company,_we_also_acquire_all_these_bad_habits._So_to_give_up_all_these_bad_habits_means_we_have_to_associate_with_sadhus|Anartha means unwanted bad habits. So when we are children, innocent, we have no bad habits, but as we grow and associate with bad company, we also acquire all these bad habits. So to give up all these bad habits means we have to associate with sadhus.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_to_become_acarya_is_not_very_difficult._First_of_all,_to_become_very_faithful_servant_of_your_acarya,_follow_strictly_what_he_says._Try_to_please_him_and_spread_Krsna_consciousness._That%27s_all._It_is_not_at_all_difficult|And to become acarya is not very difficult. First of all, to become very faithful servant of your acarya, follow strictly what he says. Try to please him and spread Krsna consciousness. That's all. It is not at all difficult.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750226BG-MIAMI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Any_man_outside_America,_he_cannot_come_here_by_force._He_must_take_the_permission_of_the_American_government,_visa;_then_he_can_come._So_how_you_can_go_to_the_moon_planet_without_taking_the_visa%3F_Simply_by_your_bodily_strength%3F_That_will_not_be_allowed|Any man outside America, he cannot come here by force. He must take the permission of the American government, visa; then he can come. So how you can go to the moon planet without taking the visa? Simply by your bodily strength? That will not be allowed.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750123CS-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_is_not_going_to_make_any_topsy-turvy_of_the_social_order_or_spiritual_order._No._It_should_be_standardized_according_to_the_authority._And_the_best_authority_is_Krsna|Bhagavad-gita is not going to make any topsy-turvy of the social order or spiritual order. No. It should be standardized according to the authority. And the best authority is Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306S2-NEW_YORK_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavad-gita_should_be_discussed_amongst_the_devotees._Sometimes_we_discuss_Bhagavad-gita_amongst_the_non-devotees._That_is_due_to_higher_order,_higher_order_-_Guru_Maharaja_asked_that_%22You_go_and_speak.%22_So_we_are_doing_that|Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750508MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhaktas,_they_think,_tat_te_%27nukampam_susamiksamano_bhunjana_evatma-krtam_vipakam._When_a_devotee_is_in_trouble,_he_thinks_that_%22I_am_suffering_for_my_past_deeds%22_That_is_a_devotee%27s_attitude._%22Let_me_do_my_business,_chant_Hare_Krsna%22|Bhaktas, they think, tat te 'nukampam susamiksamano bhunjana evatma-krtam vipakam. When a devotee is in trouble, he thinks that "I am suffering for my past deeds" That is a devotee's attitude. "Let me do my business, chant Hare Krsna".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750301R2-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_desire_you_are_creating_everything._Why_these_material_varieties%3F_You_desire._In_the_spiritual_world_also,_varieties|By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750715AR-SAN_FRANCISCO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_I_am_traveling_all_over_the_world_twice,_thrice,_in_a_year._My_duty_is_to_see_that_my_disciples_who_have_accepted_me_guru,_they_may_not_fall_down._That_is_my_anxiety|Just like I am traveling all over the world twice, thrice, in a year. My duty is to see that my disciples who have accepted me guru, they may not fall down. That is my anxiety.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750111SB-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_you_have_practiced_your_bhajana,_sadhana,_this_will_be_examined_at_the_time_of_death|How you have practiced your bhajana, sadhana, this will be examined at the time of death.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750311BG-LONDON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:More_machine_means_more_diversion_of_attention._I_have_to_take_care,_more_technician,_more_technologies._Simply_if_one_razor_can_shave,_can_make_my_cheek_very_clean,_where_is_the_necessity%3F|More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225DP-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_request_is_that_you_continue_your_devotional_service_very_faithfully_and_rigidly,_then_in_this_life_you_will_be_able_to_see_Krsna_face_to_face|My request is that you continue your devotional service very faithfully and rigidly, then in this life you will be able to see Krsna face to face.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750721SB-SAN_FRANCISCO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_this_flower_which_is_coming_out_daily_in_your_garden_in_different_colors_and_different_smell_and_flavor,_they_are_being_done_without_any_artistic_sense%3F_This_is_nonsense._There_is_sense._There_is_God%27s_potency|Do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750608SB-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_if_one_is_engaged_in_the_Deity_worship_and_if_one_is_engaged_in_the_gardening_work_there_is_distinction|Don't think that if one is engaged in the Deity worship and if one is engaged in the gardening work there is distinction.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_transgress_this_etiquette._That_will_be_falldown|Don't transgress this etiquette. That will be falldown.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750203BG-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dr._Svarupa_Damodara_Brahmacari,_he_has_written_a_small_booklet._He_has_criticized_Darwin_very_strongly,_that_he_is_a_speculator._A_speculator_cannot_give_you_truth._That_is_not_possible|Dr. Svarupa Damodara Brahmacari, he has written a small booklet. He has criticized Darwin very strongly, that he is a speculator. A speculator cannot give you truth. That is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750309R1-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:God_is_all-attractive._Otherwise_how_He_can_be_God%3F_God_cannot_be_attractive_for_you_and_not_for_me._This_is_very_accurate_word._God_has_no_name._That%27s_a_fact._But_we_coin_His_name_according_to_His_dealings._Just_like_we_call_God_Yasoda-nandana|God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yasoda-nandana.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750715AR-SAN_FRANCISCO_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Good,_or_piety,_that_is_God%27s_frontage,_and_evil_means_God%27s_back_side._So_taking_this_example,_the_chest_or_the_back_of_my_body,_they_are_equal|Good, or piety, that is God's frontage, and evil means God's back side. So taking this example, the chest or the back of my body, they are equal.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302MW-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Farmers_are_producing,_and_you_are_eating,_but_you_are_not_producing._Therefore_gradually_your_food_will_be_shortage._You_are_depending_on_others._The_farmers,_they_do_not_produce_food_for_human_being;_they_produce_food_for_the_cows|Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750327R1-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:First_of_all_show_your_capacity_that_you_have_managed_these_two_things_very_nicely._Why_there_should_be_complaint%3F_How_you_can_solve_it%3F_And_why_the_temples_should_be_maintained_by_collection_of_the_BBT%3F_It_is_meant_for_printing_and_constructing_temples|First of all show your capacity that you have managed these two things very nicely. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751203SB-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_the_very_beginning_of_childhood_one_should_be_trained_up_to_act_according_to_the_bhagavata-dharma.%22_That_is_real_life|From the very beginning of childhood one should be trained up to act according to the bhagavata-dharma." That is real life.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750412R2-HYDERABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Karyam_means_%22It_is_my_duty._Doesn%27t_matter_what_is_the_result._I_must_do_it_sincerely_to_my_best_capacity._Then_I_don%27t_care_for_the_result._Result_is_in_Krsna%27s_hand%22|Karyam means "It is my duty. Doesn't matter what is the result. I must do it sincerely to my best capacity. Then I don't care for the result. Result is in Krsna's hand".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750131BG-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_little_bit._Success_or_no_success_does_not_matter._As_we_are_servant_of_Krsna,_it_is_our_duty_to_present_the_real_thing._Now_you_accept,_not_accept._That_is_not_my_business|Krsna consciousness movement is trying little bit. Success or no success does not matter. As we are servant of Krsna, it is our duty to present the real thing. Now you accept, not accept. That is not my business.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751128SB-DELHI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_says,_%22I_shall_give_you_protection_from_all_the_resultant_action_of_your_sinful_life.%22_That_is_fate_changed._If_you_don%27t_surrender_to_Krsna,_then_you_have_to_suffer_or_enjoy_the_actions_of_your_fruitive_activities|Krsna says, "I shall give you protection from all the resultant action of your sinful life." That is fate changed. If you don't surrender to Krsna, then you have to suffer or enjoy the actions of your fruitive activities.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751017R1-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Enviousness_is_immediately_disqualification_of_Vaisnava,_immediate|Enviousness is immediately disqualification of Vaisnava, immediate.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750207BG-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_Vrndavana_there_is_anxiety._Radharani_is_in_anxiety_that_%22Krsna_is_not_here._How_Krsna_will_come%3F%22_The_gopis_are_also_in_anxiety|Even in Vrndavana there is anxiety. Radharani is in anxiety that "Krsna is not here. How Krsna will come?" The gopis are also in anxiety.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751222DB-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_one_of_us,_one_who_is_offering_arati,_he_is_also_working_for_Krsna,_and_one_who_is_building_this_construction,_temple,_he_is_also_working_for_Krsna._So_as_worker_for_Krsna_there_is_no_distinction._Variety._Variety_of_service|Every one of us, one who is offering arati, he is also working for Krsna, and one who is building this construction, temple, he is also working for Krsna. So as worker for Krsna there is no distinction. Variety. Variety of service.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750516R2-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_prone_to_fall_down._But_that_percentage_is_very_low,_say,_one_in_five_hundred._We_have_got_about_ten_thousand_students_all_over_the_world._Out_of_them,_they_have_fallen_about_ten_or,_say,_fifteen,_that%27s_all|Everyone is prone to fall down. But that percentage is very low, say, one in five hundred. We have got about ten thousand students all over the world. Out of them, they have fallen about ten or, say, fifteen, that's all.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750224SB-CARACAS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_serving_his_senses,_but_he_is_thinking_that_he_is_master._That_is_kaitavah,_means_cheating,_or_maya|Everyone is serving his senses, but he is thinking that he is master. That is kaitavah, means cheating, or maya.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751110MW-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone,_we_are_working_for_this_temple._Every_one_of_us,_we_know_that_%22This_temple_not_for_my_sense_gratification:_This_is_for_Krsna.%22_So_that_is_important|Everyone, we are working for this temple. Every one of us, we know that "This temple not for my sense gratification: This is for Krsna." So that is important.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750311BG-LONDON_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sastra_says,_%22No,_no._You_live_with_the_minimum_necessities._Don%27t_increase_your_necessities_unnecessarily.%22_This_is_Vedic_civilization._And_the_modern_civilization_is_even_increase_your_necessities_-_a_machine_for_shaving_your_cheek._You_see%3F|Sastra says, "No, no. You live with the minimum necessities. Don't increase your necessities unnecessarily." This is Vedic civilization. And the modern civilization is even increase your necessities - a machine for shaving your cheek. You see?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750221SB-CARACAS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_chant_Hare_Krsna_and_you_become_first-class_yogi._And_as_soon_as_you_become_first-class_yogi,_all_power_is_within_you._Perhaps_you_do_not_know_the_yogic_perfection,_eight_kinds_of_power|Simply chant Hare Krsna and you become first-class yogi. And as soon as you become first-class yogi, all power is within you. Perhaps you do not know the yogic perfection, eight kinds of power.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_prepare_yourself_how_to_repeat_Krsna%27s_instructions_very_nicely,_without_any_malinterpretation|Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely, without any malinterpretation.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751128SB-DELHI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_you_surrender_to_Krsna;_then_your_fate_is_changed._Otherwise_it_is_not_possible|So you surrender to Krsna; then your fate is changed. Otherwise it is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750222R1-CARACAS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Spiritual_master_is_the_servant_of_God._He_is_not_God,_although_he_is_respected_like_God|Spiritual master is the servant of God. He is not God, although he is respected like God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750408MW-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_is_there_any_instance_when_you_were_chastised_by_your_spiritual_master%3F|Srila Prabhupada, is there any instance when you were chastised by your spiritual master?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750513MW-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_told_Madhudvisa_Swami_once_in_Sydney_a_few_years_ago_that_actually_you%27re_the_biggest_cheater,_because_you%27re_stealing_away_all_our_maya|You told Madhudvisa Swami once in Sydney a few years ago that actually you're the biggest cheater, because you're stealing away all our maya.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750225AR-MIAMI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_simply_chant_Hare_Krsna_mantra,_and_whatever_you_can,_offer_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._He_is_very_kind._He_does_not_take_offense._Radha-Krsna_worship_is_little_difficult._We_have_to_worship_Him_with_great_awe_and_veneration|You simply chant Hare Krsna mantra, and whatever you can, offer Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is very kind. He does not take offense. Radha-Krsna worship is little difficult. We have to worship Him with great awe and veneration.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750731R1-NEW_ORLEANS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_earned_so_much_millions_and_billions_of_money._That%27s_all_right._But_you_have_to_go_empty-handed._The_money_will_remain_here._You_cannot_take_that_money_within_the_tomb._That_is_not_possible._Then_it_is_zero|You have earned so much millions and billions of money. That's all right. But you have to go empty-handed. The money will remain here. You cannot take that money within the tomb. That is not possible. Then it is zero.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751014SB-JOHANNESBURG_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_created_one_aeroplane,_747,_with_five_hundred_passengers_and_many_tons_of_loads_of_things,_it_is_flying._So_that_is_your_creation._And_God%27s_creation_is_this_planet._This_is_also_running_one_thousand_miles_per_hour|You have created one aeroplane, 747, with five hundred passengers and many tons of loads of things, it is flying. So that is your creation. And God's creation is this planet. This is also running one thousand miles per hour.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750731R1-NEW_ORLEANS_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_going_empty-handed._You_came_empty-handed_and_going_empty-handed._You_came_with_zero_and_you_are_going_with_zero._So_whatever_you_have_earned,_that_is_zero|You are going empty-handed. You came empty-handed and going empty-handed. You came with zero and you are going with zero. So whatever you have earned, that is zero.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751206LE-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_%28sannyasis%29_have_to_teach_only_these_things_%28patram_puspam_phalam_toyam%29._Where_is_the_difficulty%3F_You_do_it_personally_and_teach_them._Then_you_become_guru._It_doesn%27t_require_to_learn_big,_big,_I_mean_to_say,_grantha_like_Vedanta|You (sannyasis) have to teach only these things (patram puspam phalam toyam). Where is the difficulty? You do it personally and teach them. Then you become guru. It doesn't require to learn big, big, I mean to say, grantha like Vedanta.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751027SB-NAIROBI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Women_should_be_always_protected._Protection_does_not_mean_negligence,_no._Protection_means_to_give_her_all_facilities|Women should be always protected. Protection does not mean negligence, no. Protection means to give her all facilities.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750208BG-HONOLULU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yajna_means_to_satisfy_the_Supreme._That_is_sacrifice._I_sacrifice_my_own_convenience._I_take_all_kinds_of_troubles..._There_is_no_trouble;_it_is_pleasure._Just_like_the_mother_takes_all_kinds_of_trouble_for_the_little_child|Yajna means to satisfy the Supreme. That is sacrifice. I sacrifice my own convenience. I take all kinds of troubles... There is no trouble; it is pleasure. Just like the mother takes all kinds of trouble for the little child.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750705R2-CHICAGO_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yes,_that_possibility_is_always_there._But_my_proposal_is_that_if_you_are_not_true_Christian,_then_your_preaching_will_not_be_effective._I_don%27t_say_that_now_we_are_strictly_following_and_we_will_not_fall_down_in_future._I_don%27t_say_that|Yes, that possibility is always there. But my proposal is that if you are not true Christian, then your preaching will not be effective. I don't say that now we are strictly following and we will not fall down in future. I don't say that.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750207BG-HONOLULU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_anxious_how_to_protect_a_property,_how_to_push_on_this_movement,_how_people_will_take_it,_what_line_of_action_we_shall_take;_this_is_also_anxiety,_but_that_anxiety_is_for_Krsna|We are anxious how to protect a property, how to push on this movement, how people will take it, what line of action we shall take; this is also anxiety, but that anxiety is for Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750908SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_endeavoring_to_create_some_ideal_men,_Krsna_conscious_men,_their_character,_their_behavior,_their_ideal_aim_of_life._So_those_who_have_taken_to_Krsna_consciousness_seriously,_they_should_be_ideal_men|We are endeavoring to create some ideal men, Krsna conscious men, their character, their behavior, their ideal aim of life. So those who have taken to Krsna consciousness seriously, they should be ideal men.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_interested_in_preparing_acarya,_but_the_etiquette_is,_at_least_for_the_period_the_guru_is_present,_one_should_not_become_acarya._Even_if_he_is_complete_he_should_not|We are interested in preparing acarya, but the etiquette is, at least for the period the guru is present, one should not become acarya. Even if he is complete he should not.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750402CC-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_become_proud_to_have_very_scientific_accurate_knowledge_by_speculation._We_are_not_such_people._We_are_taught_by_the_parampara_system_that_we_are_humble_servants_of_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_and_what_our_master_says,_we_accept_it|We do not become proud to have very scientific accurate knowledge by speculation. We are not such people. We are taught by the parampara system that we are humble servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and what our master says, we accept it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751220BG-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_want_to_become_alone_guru,_but_we_want_to_preach_in_such_a_way_that_every,_the_chief_man,_or_any_man,_he_can_become_guru_in_his_surroundings|We do not want to become alone guru, but we want to preach in such a way that every, the chief man, or any man, he can become guru in his surroundings.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306S2-NEW_YORK_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_do_not_want_to_criticize_anyone,_but_sometimes_it_so_happens:_big,_big_scholars,_big,_big_politicians,_they_misguide_people|We do not want to criticize anyone, but sometimes it so happens: big, big scholars, big, big politicians, they misguide people.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750306SB-NEW_YORK_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_difference_between_material_life_and_spiritual_life%3F_Material_life_means_simply_full_of_problems,_every_step._Padam_padam_yad_vipadam_%28SB_10.14.58%29._Simply_dangerous|What is the difference between material life and spiritual life? Material life means simply full of problems, every step. Padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58). Simply dangerous.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750406CC-MAYAPUR_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_are_completely,_cent_per_cent_follower_of_acarya,_then_you_can_also_act_as_acarya._This_is_the_process._Don%27t_become_premature_acarya._First_of_all_follow_the_orders_of_acarya,_and_you_become_mature|When we are completely, cent per cent follower of acarya, then you can also act as acarya. This is the process. Don't become premature acarya. First of all follow the orders of acarya, and you become mature.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750725MW-LOS_ANGELES_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_anxiety_is_that_in_my_absence_you_may_neglect_Deity_worship._Then_the_whole_thing_will_be_spoiled._That_is_my_anxiety|My anxiety is that in my absence you may neglect Deity worship. Then the whole thing will be spoiled. That is my anxiety.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750512R1-PERTH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_person_who_is_not_Krsna_conscious,_or_God_conscious,_he_is_basically_a_mad_man_and_requires_treatment|A person who is not Krsna conscious, or God conscious, he is basically a mad man and requires treatment.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750309R1-LONDON_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:According_to_Vedic_civilization,_%22This_eating_is_first_class._This_eating_is_second_class._This_eating_is_third_class._This_eating_is_fourth_class.%22_So_many_things_required_to_correct_the_mistaken_way_of_civilization._That_is_Krsna_consciousness|According to Vedic civilization, "This eating is first class. This eating is second class. This eating is third class. This eating is fourth class." So many things required to correct the mistaken way of civilization. That is Krsna consciousness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751001AR-MAURITIUS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Anyone_can_experience._The_body_is_active_so_long_the_soul_is_there._It_doesn%27t_require_much_intelligence._Simply_one_can_understand_what_is_the_difference_between_the_dead_body_and_the_living_body|Anyone can experience. The body is active so long the soul is there. It doesn't require much intelligence. Simply one can understand what is the difference between the dead body and the living body.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_first_of_all_there_must_be_a_strong_impulse_to_inquire_about_the_transcendental_subject_matter._Then_one_requires_a_guru._Not_that,_to_follow_a_fashion,_that_one_has_guru|So first of all there must be a strong impulse to inquire about the transcendental subject matter. Then one requires a guru. Not that, to follow a fashion, that one has guru.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750404CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sastra_has_given_concession_that_you_require_sex_life,_but_enjoy_it_in_married_life,_but_no_illicit_sex._At_least,_stop_this._If_you_want_to_be_immortal,_these_things_are_to_be_followed:_no_illicit_sex,_no_intoxication,_no_meat-eating,_no_gambling|Sastra has given concession that you require sex life, but enjoy it in married life, but no illicit sex. At least, stop this. If you want to be immortal, these things are to be followed: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750329LE-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_purpose_is_to_introduce_these_Krsna_pastimes_all_over_the_world_so_that_they_may_take_lesson_that_they_are_seeking_after_happiness_-_the_happiness_is_with_Krsna,_not_in_the_material_world._Then_you%27ll_be_successful|Our purpose is to introduce these Krsna pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness - the happiness is with Krsna, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750310BG-LONDON_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_process_is_-_we_have_repeatedly_explained_this_-_that_we_do_not_speculate_about_God._Just_like_there_are_so_many_others,_theosophists_and_theologists,_they%27re_speculating_what_is_God._They_don%27t_accept|Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750522SB-MELBOURNE_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Of_course,_we_require_a_living_place_and_eating_materials_and_sex_arrangement_or_defense_arrangement._That_is_required._You_do_that._But_don%27t_forget_your_main_business._Then_you_are_cats_and_dogs._Your_main_business_is_God_realization|Of course, we require a living place and eating materials and sex arrangement or defense arrangement. That is required. You do that. But don't forget your main business. Then you are cats and dogs. Your main business is God realization.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750512R1-PERTH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:On_account_of_accepting_this_material_body,_there_is_always_miserable_condition._Therefore_everyone_requires_the_psychiatric_treatment_so_that_the_mind_may_be_transferred_from_matter_to_spirit_soul._Then_he_will_be_cured._The_disease_is_of_the_mind|On account of accepting this material body, there is always miserable condition. Therefore everyone requires the psychiatric treatment so that the mind may be transferred from matter to spirit soul. Then he will be cured. The disease is of the mind.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750211BG-MEXICO_CITY_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_has_to_learn_by_surrendering,_pranipata._So_first_of_all_there_must_be_a_strong_impulse_to_inquire_about_the_transcendental_subject_matter._Then_one_requires_a_guru._Not_that,_to_follow_a_fashion,_that_one_has_guru|One has to learn by surrendering, pranipata. So first of all there must be a strong impulse to inquire about the transcendental subject matter. Then one requires a guru. Not that, to follow a fashion, that one has guru.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750325CC-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_has_to_work_in_Krsna_consciousness_to_satisfy_Krsna_or_Visnu,_and_while_performing_such_activities_one_is_in_a_liberated_stage._This_is_the_great_art_of_doing_work,_and_in_the_beginning_this_process_requires_very_expert_guidance|One has to work in Krsna consciousness to satisfy Krsna or Visnu, and while performing such activities one is in a liberated stage. This is the great art of doing work, and in the beginning this process requires very expert guidance.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750520R1-MELBOURNE_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_last_stage_of_my_life,_at_the_age_of_seventy_years,_I_made_an_attempt_that..._Our_predecessors,_they_wanted,_and_they_wanted_me_also_to_do_that._So_my_other_Godbrothers_they_could_not_do_very_well._So_let_me_try|At the last stage of my life, at the age of seventy years, I made an attempt that... Our predecessors, they wanted, and they wanted me also to do that. So my other Godbrothers they could not do very well. So let me try.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302BA-ATLANTA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Only_by_the_grace_of_spiritual_master_we_can_achieve_the_grace_or_mercy_of_Krsna._This_is_the_meaning_of_this_Vyasa-puja,_offering_obeisances_by_parampara_system|Only by the grace of spiritual master we can achieve the grace or mercy of Krsna. This is the meaning of this Vyasa-puja, offering obeisances by parampara system.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/751001BG-MAURITIUS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_appeal_is_that_throughout_the_whole_world_people_should_come,_try_to_understand_Bhagavad-gita,_and_set_up_examples_and_do_the_needful._Then_everything_will_be_peaceful._This_is_the_peace_formula|Our appeal is that throughout the whole world people should come, try to understand Bhagavad-gita, and set up examples and do the needful. Then everything will be peaceful. This is the peace formula.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750519R2-MELBOURNE_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_appeal_is_to_everyone,_every_religious_sect,_that_people_are_becoming_godless_generally_at_the_present_moment._So_we_should_make_combined_effort_to_revive_their_God_consciousness|Our appeal is to everyone, every religious sect, that people are becoming godless generally at the present moment. So we should make combined effort to revive their God consciousness.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750213R1-MEXICO_CITY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_basic_principle_is_pleasure._So_whatever_gives_pleasure,_we_accept._That_is_natural._But_in_the_material_world,_they_take_material_pleasure,_but_we_are_for_spiritual_pleasure|Our basic principle is pleasure. So whatever gives pleasure, we accept. That is natural. But in the material world, they take material pleasure, but we are for spiritual pleasure.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750301R1-ATLANTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_first_problem_is_-_because_we_have_got_this_material_body_-_eating._Everyone_must_eat._So_Krsna_says_in_the_Bhagavad-gita,_annad_bhavanti_bhutani_%28BG_3.14%29:_%22If_there_is_sufficient_food_grains,_then_both_man_and_animal,_they_become_happy.%22|Our first problem is - because we have got this material body - eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14): "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy."]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750811AR-PARIS_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_policy_is_not_that_to_decry_material_advancement_of_civilization,_but_our_instruction_is_that_do_not_forget_your_real_business,_self-realization|Our policy is not that to decry material advancement of civilization, but our instruction is that do not forget your real business, self-realization.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750918SB-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_the_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu%27s_sampradaya_is_simply_chanting_and_dancing._If_required,_they_are_prepared_to_answer_all_Vedic_discussion._They_are_prepared|It is not that the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya is simply chanting and dancing. If required, they are prepared to answer all Vedic discussion. They are prepared.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750302BA-ATLANTA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_ordinary_living_being,_he_does_not_die._Na_hanyate_hanyamane_sarire._And_what_to_speak_of_such_exalted,_authorized_personality_like_Bhaktisiddhanta._He_is_seeing._I_never_feel_that_I_am_alone|Even ordinary living being, he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. And what to speak of such exalted, authorized personality like Bhaktisiddhanta. He is seeing. I never feel that I am alone.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750207BG-HONOLULU_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_not_that_because_all_these_are_temporary_arrangement,_we_should_be_unfaithful_to_our_family_members,_to_our_children,_to_our_wife._As_duty,_we_should_take_care,_but_we_should_not_be_simply_absorbed_in_such_thoughts|It is not that because all these are temporary arrangement, we should be unfaithful to our family members, to our children, to our wife. As duty, we should take care, but we should not be simply absorbed in such thoughts.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750106SB-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Isvara,_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead,_is_situated_in_everyone%27s_heart._He_is_supervising_what_kind_of_yantra,_or_machine,_this_living_entity_requires_for_fulfilling_his_desires|Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/750219R1-CARACAS_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_medical_science_which_can_stop_death%3F_So_that_knowledge_may_be_temporary,_beneficial,_but_ultimately,_it_is_not_the_knowledge._I_am_anxious_for_not_dying._Nobody_wants_to_die._This_is_my_anxiety|Is there medical science which can stop death? So that knowledge may be temporary, beneficial, but ultimately, it is not the knowledge. I am anxious for not dying. Nobody wants to die. This is my anxiety.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771110R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Which_holy_places_you_would_like_to_visit,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Which holy places you would like to visit, Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770102MW_BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_I_think,_sir,_even_Sankaracarya_has_not_meant_that_we_must_be_short_of_that._He_was_also_worshiping,_was_he_not%3F_He_was_worshiping_Para-brahman|And I think, sir, even Sankaracarya has not meant that we must be short of that. He was also worshiping, was he not? He was worshiping Para-brahman.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770102R2-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_performed_a_miracle._God,_Krsna,_has_performed_miracle_through_you._It%27s_just_very_amazing,_greatest_miracle_on_earth._I_just_feel_so_strongly_about_it|You have performed a miracle. God, Krsna, has performed miracle through you. It's just very amazing, greatest miracle on earth. I just feel so strongly about it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770103R2-BOMBAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Generally_they_pass_stool_in_the_field._The_cow%27s,_cow_dung_and_man%27s_stool_and_everyone%27s_stool,_they_are_wrapped_together_in_the_rainy_season._It_became_fertile|Generally they pass stool in the field. The cow's, cow dung and man's stool and everyone's stool, they are wrapped together in the rainy season. It became fertile.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770104MW-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_what%3F_Sarva-dharman_parityajya%3F|It is what? Sarva-dharman parityajya?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770104MW-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_do_you_get_that_direction_moment_by_moment,_hour_by_hour%3F|How do you get that direction moment by moment, hour by hour?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770104MW-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_he_is_not_conscious,_how_can_he_do_work_for_Him_%28Krsna%29%3F|If he is not conscious, how can he do work for Him (Krsna)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770104mw.bom_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:From_frying_pan_to_the_fire|From frying pan to the fire.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770105R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Cause_passion_will_come_you,_when_at_times_of_anger_gets_temporarily_the_better_of_you,_what_is_the_guidance_which_can_bring_you_back_to_normality%3F|Cause passion will come you, when at times of anger gets temporarily the better of you, what is the guidance which can bring you back to normality?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770105R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_as_you_have_given_an_example_of_krodha_by_Lord_Hanuman_in_burning_Lanka,_are_there_any_such_instances_where_lobha_could_also_be_personified_Lord_Krsna%27s_desire%3F|Just as you have given an example of krodha by Lord Hanuman in burning Lanka, are there any such instances where lobha could also be personified Lord Krsna's desire?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Someone_has_said_that_%28if_they_grow_like_this,_in_ten_years_the_Hare_Krishna_will_take_the_government%29%3F|Someone has said that (if they grow like this, in ten years the Hare Krishna will take the government)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_that_process_%28analytical_process%29,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|What is that process (analytical process), Srila Prabhupada?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOMBAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_this_false_dress%3F_What_is_the_wrong_to_become_grhastha%3F_I_was_grhastha,_paka_caliber_grhastha|Why this false dress? What is the wrong to become grhastha? I was grhastha, paka caliber grhastha.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_I_was_lecturing_in_Berkeley_University,_one_Indian_student_asked_me,_%22Swamiji,_what_this_Hare_Krsna_movement_will_benefit%3F_We_require_technology%22|When I was lecturing in Berkeley University, one Indian student asked me, "Swamiji, what this Hare Krsna movement will benefit? We require technology".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108MW-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_I_get_two_thoughts._Number_one:_having_acquired_a_family,_I_am_willing_to_renounce,_but_would_I_not_be_running_away_from_the_responsibility,_in_the_name_of_Lord_Krsna,_for_the_bringing_up_and_educating_the_children%3F|Swamiji, I get two thoughts. Number one: having acquired a family, I am willing to renounce, but would I not be running away from the responsibility, in the name of Lord Krsna, for the bringing up and educating the children?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108MW-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_know_it_%28what_Krsna_wants%29%3F|How to know it (what Krsna wants)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_if_someone_%28amongst_the_unclean,_smoking_and_drinking_potential_guests%29_is_willing_to_follow_the_regulations%3F|What if someone (amongst the unclean, smoking and drinking potential guests) is willing to follow the regulations?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R1-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_accept_them_%28the_rebirth_cases_in_medical_bulletins%29%3F|People accept them (the rebirth cases in medical bulletins)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R1-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nagas_come_from_Assam,_no%3F|Nagas come from Assam, no?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R1-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_in_Mayapur_we_see_so_many_pilgrims_coming_from_Assam,_Nagaland_and_Manipur._They%27re_having_this_Vaisnava_tilaka,_Gaudiya-Vaisnava_tilaka,_and_they_also_worship_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu._How_is_that_influence_also_there%3F|Srila Prabhupada, in Mayapur we see so many pilgrims coming from Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. They're having this Vaisnava tilaka, Gaudiya-Vaisnava tilaka, and they also worship Caitanya Mahaprabhu. How is that influence also there?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R1-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Thirteen_or_twenty_years_%28that_you_lived_in_Allahabad%29%3F|Thirteen or twenty years (that you lived in Allahabad)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_do_we_get_guru%3F|How do we get guru?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_how_do_we_get_guru%3F|And how do we get guru?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Bhagavad-gita_there_is_no_such_statement_that_you_take_care_of_the_eyes_of_the_people._There_is_no_such_statement._That_is_your_manufactured._But_we_are_preaching_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._That_is_the_difference|In Bhagavad-gita there is no such statement that you take care of the eyes of the people. There is no such statement. That is your manufactured. But we are preaching Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is the difference.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Well,_if_the_Vallabhas_say_that_they_only_like_Krsna_before_He_was_contaminated,_so_what_is_the_specialty_of_Krsna%3F_Everyone_is_uncontaminated_in_a_young_age|Well, if the Vallabhas say that they only like Krsna before He was contaminated, so what is the specialty of Krsna? Everyone is uncontaminated in a young age.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_what_could_be_more_charitable_than_feeding%3F|So what could be more charitable than feeding?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_decide_that_%22Whatever_Krsna_has_said,_we_have_to_do_it_at_any_risk,%22_that_is_Krsna_consciousness._%22Krsna_has_said._My_Guru_Maharaja_said._We_have_to_do_it%22|If we decide that "Whatever Krsna has said, we have to do it at any risk," that is Krsna consciousness. "Krsna has said. My Guru Maharaja said. We have to do it".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Isn%27t_Brahman_the_source_of_the_light%3F|Isn't Brahman the source of the light?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Isvara_is_different_from_Brahman%3F|Isvara is different from Brahman?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_the_last_question._Rama,_how_do_you_relate%3F|Then the last question. Rama, how do you relate?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hare_Krsna_means_what%3F_%22Brahman,_please_remove_from_me_the..._%22_Isn%27t_it%3F|Hare Krsna means what? "Brahman, please remove from me the... " Isn't it?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_how_to_engage_these_people_who_are_desirous_who_have_desire_of_serving_Krsna_in_Bombay%3F_If_you_are_talking_about_a_farm_and_other_things|But how to engage these people who are desirous who have desire of serving Krsna in Bombay? If you are talking about a farm and other things.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_would_be_Kali-yuga._Then_there_will_be_Satya-yuga_after._Is_it_not_so,_predicted%3F|There would be Kali-yuga. Then there will be Satya-yuga after. Is it not so, predicted?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOM_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_need_for_any_babaji_to_get_sterilized,_anyway%3F|What is the need for any babaji to get sterilized, anyway?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R7-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_don%27t_sleep._Never_Krsna_said_to_Arjuna_that_%22I_am_your_friend._I_am_God._You_sleep_here._%28laughter%29_I%27ll_do_everything.%22_No!_%22You_must_fight.%22_That_is_wanted._Yuddhyasva_mam_anusmara_%22You_fight_and_remember_Me._Then_I%27ll_do_everything%22|You don't sleep. Never Krsna said to Arjuna that "I am your friend. I am God. You sleep here. (laughter) I'll do everything." No! "You must fight." That is wanted. Yuddhyasva mam anusmara "You fight and remember Me. Then I'll do everything".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109MW-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Could_you_explain_that_%28this_women%27s_liberation_is_just_a_trick_by_the_men%29%3F|Could you explain that (this women's liberation is just a trick by the men)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_Maharaja,_are_they_%28the_doctors%29_able_to_increase_the_life_by_a_single_moment%3F|And Maharaja, are they (the doctors) able to increase the life by a single moment?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:No,_why_do_we_at_all_enter_into_this_circle_%28of_changing_bodies%29%3F|No, why do we at all enter into this circle (of changing bodies)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What%27s_the_meaning_of_surrender_and_how_one_should_do_it%3F|What's the meaning of surrender and how one should do it?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_to_come_to_that_position_%28of_goswami%29%3F|How to come to that position (of goswami)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_they_give_so_much_importance_to_the_person_who_is_able_to_transplant_kidney_from_one_body_to_the_other,_but_how_about_the_whole_human_being_or_the_universe_which_has_been_created_by_God%3F|Now they give so much importance to the person who is able to transplant kidney from one body to the other, but how about the whole human being or the universe which has been created by God?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What%27s_the_difference_between_grace_and_mercy%3F|What's the difference between grace and mercy?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I,_being_a_servant_of_the_senses,_how_to_run_away_from_the_senses%3F|I, being a servant of the senses, how to run away from the senses?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_they_able_to_increase_the_life_by_a_single_moment%3F|Are they able to increase the life by a single moment?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R3-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_for_Brahmananda,_he_may_remain_sannyasi%3F_Brahmananda%3F|But for Brahmananda, he may remain sannyasi? Brahmananda?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_should_we_be_thinking_in_our_minds_that_one_day_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_will_have_to_manage_the_cities_and_the_nations_of_the_world%3F|Srila Prabhupada, should we be thinking in our minds that one day the Krsna consciousness movement will have to manage the cities and the nations of the world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_can_all_the_masses_of_people_become_devotees%3F|But can all the masses of people become devotees?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Should_we_try_to_make_an_effort_to_have_our_householders_go_and_live_on_the_farms,_a_special_effort%3F_If_it%27s_ready_to_do_that%3F|Should we try to make an effort to have our householders go and live on the farms, a special effort? If it's ready to do that?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_I_should_set_up_a_separate_account_for_the_records,_so_that_all_the_profit_is_used_for_food_distribution%3F|Do you think I should set up a separate account for the records, so that all the profit is used for food distribution?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_do_that,_expose_them_%28people_who_attack_us%29%3F|We should do that, expose them (people who attack us)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_endorsing_%28the_Indian_government_understands_that_this_movement_is_turning_the_whole_world_towards_Indian_culture%29%3F|They are endorsing (the Indian government understands that this movement is turning the whole world towards Indian culture)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_what_if_they_change_later_on_in_their_life_%28you_believe_in_free_choice._So_suppose_the_children_grow_up_and_they_want_to_go_to_college._But_you_have_not_sent_them_to_a_public_school._Therefore_they_are_not_eligible_for_going_to_college%29%3F|But what if they change later on in their life (you believe in free choice. So suppose the children grow up and they want to go to college. But you have not sent them to a public school. Therefore they are not eligible for going to college)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip8.mp</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_they_say_if_we_are_thinking_of_our_members_to_be_gentlemen,_then_why_is_it_when_they_go_to_the_airports_they_are_bothering_so_many_people%3F|Now they say if we are thinking of our members to be gentlemen, then why is it when they go to the airports they are bothering so many people?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_that_the_Vedic_sciences_will_be_revived%3F|Do you think that the Vedic sciences will be revived?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Well,_first_we_have_to_explain_that_Krsna_has_a_transcendental_body._If_they_don%27t_understand_that,_then_how_can_we_explain_Krsna%27s_disappearance%3F|Well, first we have to explain that Krsna has a transcendental body. If they don't understand that, then how can we explain Krsna's disappearance?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123LE-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gurudeva_said_the_only_aim_of_human_being_is_to_surrender_to_Sri_Krsna,_to_the_lotus_feet_of_Sri_Krsna._In_India_especially,_there_are_so_many_temples_and_gods_and_goddesses...|Gurudeva said the only aim of human being is to surrender to Sri Krsna, to the lotus feet of Sri Krsna. In India especially, there are so many temples and gods and goddesses...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123LE-BHU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sir,_what_is_the_difference_between_renunciation_and_surrender%3F|Sir, what is the difference between renunciation and surrender?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123LE-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Where_is_this_consciousness_of_surrender_come_in_human_life%3F_At_what_stage_it_can_come%3F|Where is this consciousness of surrender come in human life? At what stage it can come?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Americans,_they_are_not_allowed_to_see_Jagannatha_temple._What_Prabhu_Bhaktivedanta_is_doing%3F_What_he%27s_doing_for_them%3F|Americans, they are not allowed to see Jagannatha temple. What Prabhu Bhaktivedanta is doing? What he's doing for them?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Lord_Krsna_preached_Bhagavad-gita_in_battlefield_of_Kuruksetra,_and_it_is_afterwards_written_by_Vyasadeva._Did_Vyasadeva_got_it_out_of_his_meditation,_or_how_the_actual_thing_which_was_conveyed_to_Arjuna_again_took_a_shape_in_Bhagavad-gita%3F|Lord Krsna preached Bhagavad-gita in battlefield of Kuruksetra, and it is afterwards written by Vyasadeva. Did Vyasadeva got it out of his meditation, or how the actual thing which was conveyed to Arjuna again took a shape in Bhagavad-gita?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_are_the_reasons_why_one_should_not_hear_from_one_who_has_got_sufficient_knowledge_on_Lord_Krsna_if_he_is_not_outwardly_a_Vaisnava%3F_That_means_he%27s_not_having_sikha_or_kunti|What are the reasons why one should not hear from one who has got sufficient knowledge on Lord Krsna if he is not outwardly a Vaisnava? That means he's not having sikha or kunti.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_God_is_to_uplift_the_soul_of_all_the_persons,_all_the_livings,_why_there_is_a_chaotic_situation%3F|If God is to uplift the soul of all the persons, all the livings, why there is a chaotic situation?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_be_the_parcels_of_God,_then_what_about_prarabdha%3F_We_are_suffering_from_pain_and_pleasure...|If we be the parcels of God, then what about prarabdha? We are suffering from pain and pleasure...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHU_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_this_monism_and_dualism,_then_what_about_the_Visista-advaita%3F|Then this monism and dualism, then what about the Visista-advaita?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770126R1-PURI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hog_means...|Hog means...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770128R1-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_no_doubt_about_it_that_I_am_the_representative_of_God._Either_you_dream_or_not_dream,_I_claim|There is no doubt about it that I am the representative of God. Either you dream or not dream, I claim.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131MW-BHU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_not_my_business_to_make_intimate_relation_with_woman_and_get_money._I_could_do._There_was_chance._When_attempt_was_failed,_the_man_who_introduced_that_woman_to_me,_he_one_day_said,_%22I_have_seen_many_swamis,_but_none_like_you%22|This is not my business to make intimate relation with woman and get money. I could do. There was chance. When attempt was failed, the man who introduced that woman to me, he one day said, "I have seen many swamis, but none like you".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131MW-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_we_have_renounced%3F_We_have_renounced..._We_are_using_the_motorcar,_we_are_using_this_machine,_we_are_eating,_we_are_sleeping_in_nice_room_-_what_is_the_renouncement%3F_Only_renouncement_is_no_connection_with_woman|What we have renounced? We have renounced... We are using the motorcar, we are using this machine, we are eating, we are sleeping in nice room - what is the renouncement? Only renouncement is no connection with woman.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_do_we_bother_to_preach%3F_Why_not_just_sit_and_do_our_bhajana%3F|Why do we bother to preach? Why not just sit and do our bhajana?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131VA.BHU_Gladstone.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_is_a_very_nice_interesting_story_that_the_big_Prime_Minister_Gladstone...|There is a very nice interesting story that the big Prime Minister Gladstone...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131VA.BHU_Gladstone.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_important_visitor_is_waiting_for_one_hour._So_this_is_enjoyment._The_Prime_Minister_is_not_the_horse,_but_he_is_enjoying_taking_his_grandchild_on_the_back_and_he_was_playing_like_a_horse_and_the_grandchild_was,_%22Hut!_Hut!_Hut!_Hut!%22|The important visitor is waiting for one hour. So this is enjoyment. The Prime Minister is not the horse, but he is enjoying taking his grandchild on the back and he was playing like a horse and the grandchild was, "Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_we_force_the_scientists_to_accept_Bhagavad-gita%3F|How can we force the scientists to accept Bhagavad-gita?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_they_ask_us,_%22Have_you_seen_God%3F%22|So they ask us, "Have you seen God?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHU_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_is_it_not_correct,_Srila_Prabhupada,_that_Paramatma_is_the_%28...%29_is_behind%3F|But is it not correct, Srila Prabhupada, that Paramatma is the (...) is behind?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHU_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_was_that_story_of_Caesar_%28scissors%29%3F|What was that story of Caesar (scissors)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201mw.bhu_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_my_mother_would_not_have_been_little_strict,_I_would_not_have_gotten_any_education._My_father_was_very_lenient._So_she_used_to_force_me._One_man_would_take_me_to_school|If my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770202R1-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_about_Radha-Krsna_also_%28let_them_worship_Gaura-Nitai%29%3F|How about Radha-Krsna also (let them worship Gaura-Nitai)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770203R1-BHU_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_heard_he_%28Subash_Bose%29_took_the_dress_of_a_Muslim%3F|I heard he (Subash Bose) took the dress of a Muslim?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770204R1.CAL_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_got_fourth-class,_tenth-class_culture._How_you%27ll_understand_the_culture_of_becoming_meek_and_humble%3F|You have got fourth-class, tenth-class culture. How you'll understand the culture of becoming meek and humble?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770212SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_has_become_a_fashion,_to_equalize_Narayana_with_everyone|This has become a fashion, to equalize Narayana with everyone.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770212SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_try_to_do_that,_to_separate_Laksmi_from_Narayana._She_cannot_be_separated._But_if_anyone_attempts_like_that,_he%27ll_be_ruined|Don't try to do that, to separate Laksmi from Narayana. She cannot be separated. But if anyone attempts like that, he'll be ruined.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770212SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Pasandi_means_devil,_or_nondevotee._Abhakta_hina_cara._Be_careful_not_to_mix_with_nondevotee_who_imagines_about_God|Pasandi means devil, or nondevotee. Abhakta hina cara. Be careful not to mix with nondevotee who imagines about God.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_what_is_the_use_of_having_big_strong_body_if_now_they%27re_using_airplanes_and_tanks_and_guns%3F|But what is the use of having big strong body if now they're using airplanes and tanks and guns?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_don%27t_we_do_that_also_%28Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_was_interested_only_on_the_spiritual_platform._He_had_no_idea_of_material_side._He_rejected_material_side%29%3F|But don't we do that also (Caitanya Mahaprabhu was interested only on the spiritual platform. He had no idea of material side. He rejected material side)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Introduced_starting_with_ISKCON_community_%28varnasrama-dharma_should_be_introduced_all_over_the_world%29%3F|Introduced starting with ISKCON community (varnasrama-dharma should be introduced all over the world)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_our_community,_being_as_we%27re_training_up_as_Vaisnavas,_how_will_we_be_able_to_make_divisions_in_our_society%3F|In our community, being as we're training up as Vaisnavas, how will we be able to make divisions in our society?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAY_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_harm_in_worshiping_Durga%3F|What is the harm in worshiping Durga?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770215ED-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_were_a_little_strict._They_were_strict_%28we_had_all_European_professors%29%3F|They were a little strict. They were strict (we had all European professors)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_not_take_lessons_of_God_from_these_rascals._We_should_take_lessons_of_God_from_sastra,_from_guru_and_from_sadhu_--_one_who_has_seen_God,_tattva-darsina|We should not take lessons of God from these rascals. We should take lessons of God from sastra, from guru and from sadhu -- one who has seen God, tattva-darsina.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prahlada_Maharaja,_being_very_exalted_devotee,_he_could_appease_the_Lord._Bhaktya,_by_bhakti,_you_can_control_the_Supreme_Lord._That_is_the_only_way|Prahlada Maharaja, being very exalted devotee, he could appease the Lord. Bhaktya, by bhakti, you can control the Supreme Lord. That is the only way.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_always_remember_that._Don%27t_bring_any_material_desire_in_executing_devotional_service._Then_it_is_not_pure|We should always remember that. Don't bring any material desire in executing devotional service. Then it is not pure.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_we_remain_stuck_up_in_Deity_worship,_we_do_not_feel_for_others_--_na_canyesu_na_tad-bhakta_--_you_do_not_know_who_is_devotee,_how_to_worship_him,_then_we_remain_kanistha-adhikari|Simply we remain stuck up in Deity worship, we do not feel for others -- na canyesu na tad-bhakta -- you do not know who is devotee, how to worship him, then we remain kanistha-adhikari.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R1-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Should_we_actually_start_to_train_up_some_of_our_men_so_they_know_how_to_fight%3F|Should we actually start to train up some of our men so they know how to fight?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R1-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_don%27t_get_protection_from_the_government,_then_what_can_we_do%3F|If we don't get protection from the government, then what can we do?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R3-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_book_that_Jayatirtha_was_making_on_Deity_worship_following_from_the_Hari-bhakti-vilasa,_he_told_me_he_is_making_on_your_order_to_make_a_standard_of_Deity_worship._That_is_the_standard_we_should_be_advising_the_temples_to_follow%3F|That book that Jayatirtha was making on Deity worship following from the Hari-bhakti-vilasa, he told me he is making on your order to make a standard of Deity worship. That is the standard we should be advising the temples to follow?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Guru_Maharaja_liked_me._I_know._By_his_blessing_it_is,_everything_has_happened._I_was_not_worth._What_did_I...%3F_I_do_not_know_why_he_liked._I_was_not_worth._There_were_so_many_disciples._And_still,_he_liked_me|Guru Maharaja liked me. I know. By his blessing it is, everything has happened. I was not worth. What did I...? I do not know why he liked. I was not worth. There were so many disciples. And still, he liked me.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_there%27s_no_doubt_it_would_be_a_big_help_if_we_could_give_Ph.D.s._Wouldn%27t_it_establish%3F_Give_some_prestige%3F|But there's no doubt it would be a big help if we could give Ph.D.s. Wouldn't it establish? Give some prestige?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_that_described_as_raganuga-bhakti_%28when_they_take_it_as_a_serious_thing_in_life,_oh,_everyone_will_be_happy%29%3F|Is that described as raganuga-bhakti (when they take it as a serious thing in life, oh, everyone will be happy)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Story_of_Narada_Muni_and_the_cobbler|Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770221R1-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_Satya-yuga_or_Treta-yuga_they_would_not_drill_for_petrol_to_use_to_make_electricity_or_to_make_these_gas_lamps,_so_by_what_means_did_they_use_to_light_the_palaces_and_the_kingdoms%3F_What_was_the_natural_resource_utilized_for_that_purpose%3F|In Satya-yuga or Treta-yuga they would not drill for petrol to use to make electricity or to make these gas lamps, so by what means did they use to light the palaces and the kingdoms? What was the natural resource utilized for that purpose?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R1-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_speak_of_peace,_such_nonsense._How_can_they_expect_peace_when_they%27re_slaughtering%3F|They speak of peace, such nonsense. How can they expect peace when they're slaughtering?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R2-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_he_was_the_spiritual_master,_would_he_be_living_in_a_very_opulent_house%3F|Because he was the spiritual master, would he be living in a very opulent house?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R2-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_wondering_if_you_could_give_me_some_idea_what_you_want_done,_so_I_can_also_think_about_how_to_improve_the_magazine._Something_is_wrong_in_the_magazine%3F|I was wondering if you could give me some idea what you want done, so I can also think about how to improve the magazine. Something is wrong in the magazine?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R2-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_advertise_the_maha-mantra_gives_some_material_benefit,_isn%27t_that_an_offense%3F|If you advertise the maha-mantra gives some material benefit, isn't that an offense?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R2-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we_are_trying_to_use_their_endorsements_and_then_make_it_very_specific_that_%22Therefore_to_meditate_using_the_Hare_Krsna,_this_is_healthy.%22_So_why_are_you_attacking_us%3F|So we are trying to use their endorsements and then make it very specific that "Therefore to meditate using the Hare Krsna, this is healthy." So why are you attacking us?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Just_like_Krsna_comes_upon_this_earth_once_in_Brahma%27s_day._So_so_many_millions_of_years,_Krsna_will_appear_again,_if_not_personally,_by_His_expansion,_amsena._Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_will_appear_exactly_in_due_course_of_time|Just like Krsna comes upon this earth once in Brahma's day. So so many millions of years, Krsna will appear again, if not personally, by His expansion, amsena. Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear exactly in due course of time.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Believe_it!_There_is_no_more_superior_authority_than_Krsna|Believe it! There is no more superior authority than Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225SB.MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_of_our_devotees,_they_left,_that_%22There_is_no_bhajana_here,%22_and_asking_me_my_blessing_to_find_out_another_guru._So_he_wants_my_blessing_for_find_out_a_guru._So_this_rascaldom_is_no_good._So_best_thing_is_that_mahajano_yena_gatah_sa_panthah|Some of our devotees, they left, that "There is no bhajana here," and asking me my blessing to find out another guru. So he wants my blessing for find out a guru. So this rascaldom is no good. So best thing is that mahajano yena gatah sa panthah.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226ED-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_who_was_responsible_for_bringing_this_body_into_existence%3F_..._The_owner%3F|But who was responsible for bringing this body into existence? ... The owner?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226ED-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_dhira%3F|What is dhira?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226ED-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_seems_now_that_it%27s_the_people_from_the_West_who_want_to_hear._Why_is_that%3F|It seems now that it's the people from the West who want to hear. Why is that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vedic_instruction_is_acintya_khalu_ye_bhava_na_tams_tarkena_yo_jayet:_%22Do_not_apply_your_poor_logic_in_the_matters_which_is_inconceivable_by_you%22|Vedic instruction is acintya khalu ye bhava na tams tarkena yo jayet: "Do not apply your poor logic in the matters which is inconceivable by you".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_living_entity_which_is_moving_the_body,_that_is_superior_energy|The living entity which is moving the body, that is superior energy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Only_scarcity_is_Krsna_consciousness._Only_scarcity._Otherwise_there_is_no_scarcity._Everything_is_full._And_if_you_take_the_instruction_of_Krsna_you_will_be_happy_immediately._You_can_make_the_whole_world_happy|Only scarcity is Krsna consciousness. Only scarcity. Otherwise there is no scarcity. Everything is full. And if you take the instruction of Krsna you will be happy immediately. You can make the whole world happy.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226SB-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Always_think_like_that,_that_as_soon_as_you_are_chanting_Hare_Krsna,_you_must_know_that_you_are_touching_Krsna_with_your_tongue|Always think like that, that as soon as you are chanting Hare Krsna, you must know that you are touching Krsna with your tongue.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R1-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_maximum_amount_of_years_there_can_be_difference_%28between_husband_and_wife%29%3F|What is the maximum amount of years there can be difference (between husband and wife)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R1-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_first_business_should_be_to_see_how_he_is_advanced_in_devotion;_we_don%27t_want_so-called_scholars|Our first business should be to see how he is advanced in devotion; we don't want so-called scholars.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R2-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_heading_does_book_distribution_come_under%3F|What heading does book distribution come under?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prahlada_Maharaja_is_one_of_the_mahajanas,_authorized_persons,_authorized_devotee._We_should_try_to_follow_him|Prahlada Maharaja is one of the mahajanas, authorized persons, authorized devotee. We should try to follow him.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ultimately_there_is_no_difference,_either_sadhana-siddha_or_krpa-siddha_or_nitya-siddha,_but_we_should_always_remember_that_Prahlada_Maharaja_is_not_ordinary_devotee;_he_is_nitya-siddha|Ultimately there is no difference, either sadhana-siddha or krpa-siddha or nitya-siddha, but we should always remember that Prahlada Maharaja is not ordinary devotee; he is nitya-siddha.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_think_that_%22I_am_so_advanced._I_may_not_require_any_guru._I_can_do_without_guru.%22_That_is_nonsense._That,_not_possible._%22Must%22|Don't think that "I am so advanced. I may not require any guru. I can do without guru." That is nonsense. That, not possible. "Must".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227SB-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vaisnava_aparadha_is_a_great_offense|Vaisnava aparadha is a great offense.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228R2-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_has_a_husband,_but_they_don%27t_live_together_in_the_same_ideas,_spiritual_ideas._So_she_wants_to_know_what_to_do_now._Should_she_go_apart_from_the_husband%3F|She has a husband, but they don't live together in the same ideas, spiritual ideas. So she wants to know what to do now. Should she go apart from the husband?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228R2-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_lives_in_Milano_and_she_would_like,_somehow_or_other,_to_help_people_through_yoga._So_she_wants_to_know_if_she_is_able_to_do_it_or_not%3F|She lives in Milano and she would like, somehow or other, to help people through yoga. So she wants to know if she is able to do it or not?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228R2-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_said_that_probably_would_be_the_first_and_last_time_she_will_see_you,_so_she_wants_to_know_if_she_can_continue_to_contact_you%3F|She said that probably would be the first and last time she will see you, so she wants to know if she can continue to contact you?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228R2-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She%27s_going_back_to_Milan,_and_she_would_like_to_spread_the_sun_that%27s_here_present,_and_she_wants_to_know_if_you_have_any_advice_how_she_should_do_it_because_she_would_like_to_go_spread_it|She's going back to Milan, and she would like to spread the sun that's here present, and she wants to know if you have any advice how she should do it because she would like to go spread it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228R3-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Costumes_were_good_%28play_was_very_nice%29%3F|Costumes were good (play was very nice)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_to_train_up_the_mind_until_we_get_the_another_body._That_is_the_art_of_living._So_if_you_train_up_your_mind_simply_to_think_of_Krsna,_then_you_are_safe._Otherwise_there_is_chance_of_accidents|We have to train up the mind until we get the another body. That is the art of living. So if you train up your mind simply to think of Krsna, then you are safe. Otherwise there is chance of accidents.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_sastra_is_not_for_the_loafer_class._For_highly_learned_brahmanas_and_highly_elevated_ksatriyas._And_the_vaisyas_and_the_sudras,_they_are_not_expected_to_become_very_learned_in_sastra|Actually, sastra is not for the loafer class. For highly learned brahmanas and highly elevated ksatriyas. And the vaisyas and the sudras, they are not expected to become very learned in sastra.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Vaisnava_is_always_humble_--_meek_and_humble._That_is_Vaisnava._Vaisnava_is_powerful,_but_still_he_is_very_meek_and_humble|Vaisnava is always humble -- meek and humble. That is Vaisnava. Vaisnava is powerful, but still he is very meek and humble.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228SB-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_black_snake_is_less_harmful_than_the_man_snake._Why%3F_Now,_this_black_snake,_by_chanting_some_mantra_or_by_some_herb_can_bring_him_under_your_control._But_this_man_snake_you_cannot._It_is_not_possible|This black snake is less harmful than the man snake. Why? Now, this black snake, by chanting some mantra or by some herb can bring him under your control. But this man snake you cannot. It is not possible.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770228SB-MAY_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_execution_of_my_devotional_service_there_may_be_so_many_dangers,_but_because_I_have_taken_shelter_of_Krsna%27s_lotus_feet,_I_am_safe|In execution of my devotional service there may be so many dangers, but because I have taken shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, I am safe.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301R1-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Printing_and_translation_must_continue._That_is_our_main_business._It_cannot_be_stopped._Must_go_on._Just_like_persisting,_now_we_have_got_so_many_Hindi_literature._%28laughs%29_I_was_simply_persisting,_%22Where_is_Hindi%3F_So_it_has_come_to_some_tangible_form|Printing and translation must continue. That is our main business. It cannot be stopped. Must go on. Just like persisting, now we have got so many Hindi literature. (laughs) I was simply persisting, "Where is Hindi? So it has come to some tangible form.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_our_this_movement_is_based_on_practical_activity._Whatever_talent_you_have_got,_whatever_little_strength_you_have_got,_education_you_have_got..._You_haven%27t_got_to_learn_anything|So our this movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_not_waste_our_valuable_time_in_any_other_occupation_or_business._Simply_inquire_and_be_ready_how_to_serve_Krsna|We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business. Simply inquire and be ready how to serve Krsna.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Those_who_are_opposing_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_we_have_to_fight_with_them_to_our_best_capacity._Never_mind_if_we_are_defeated._That_is_also_service._Krsna_sees_the_service._Defeated_or_victorious,_depend_on_Krsna._But_fighting_must_be_there|Those who are opposing Krsna consciousness movement, we have to fight with them to our best capacity. Never mind if we are defeated. That is also service. Krsna sees the service. Defeated or victorious, depend on Krsna. But fighting must be there.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sridhara_Swami_has_said_that_mukti_is_also_another_cheating._Why_mukti%3F_Krsna_does_not_demand_that_%22Unless_you_are_mukta,_liberated,_you_cannot_serve.%22_No._You_can_serve_in_any_condition._Ahaituky_apratihata|Sridhara Swami has said that mukti is also another cheating. Why mukti? Krsna does not demand that "Unless you are mukta, liberated, you cannot serve." No. You can serve in any condition. Ahaituky apratihata.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Easiest_way_to_please_Krsna..._You_don%27t_require_much_money,_much_education,_and_nothing_of_the_sort._Simply_you_require_your_heart|Easiest way to please Krsna... You don't require much money, much education, and nothing of the sort. Simply you require your heart.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_we_solve_political_problems_with_this_religious_basis%3F|Can we solve political problems with this religious basis?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_the_Janata_explosion_be_regarded_as_a_division_of_Krsna_consciousness_or_similar_consciousness%3F|Can the Janata explosion be regarded as a division of Krsna consciousness or similar consciousness?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:May_I_know_the_distinction_between_Krsna_consciousness_and_supramental_consciousness_described_by_Sri_Aurobindo%3F|May I know the distinction between Krsna consciousness and supramental consciousness described by Sri Aurobindo?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_a_simple_solution_to_understand_soul%3F_I_would_like_to_understand_soul_in_a_simplified_form|What is a simple solution to understand soul? I would like to understand soul in a simplified form.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_ask_you,_Prabhu,_what_is_that_dharma-ksetra_and_kuru-ksetra%3F|I ask you, Prabhu, what is that dharma-ksetra and kuru-ksetra?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_importance_of_health_in_life,_and_how_does_Guruji_advise_people_to_maintain_health,_and_how_does_it_connect_to_your_mission%3F|What is the importance of health in life, and how does Guruji advise people to maintain health, and how does it connect to your mission?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770323SB-BOM_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_most_important_thing_in_life%3F|What is the most important thing in life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_you_please_explain_that_it_is_our_only_way_out_for_salvation%3F|Can you please explain that it is our only way out for salvation?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_could_I_know_the_unknown_within_the_known%3F|How could I know the unknown within the known?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_they_read_a_lot_that_Bhagavata_says_that_our_body_is_a_temple_for_the_soul,_and_the_soul_is_a_temple_for_the_spirit._Would_you_kindly_enlighten_us_on_this_point%3F|Swamiji, they read a lot that Bhagavata says that our body is a temple for the soul, and the soul is a temple for the spirit. Would you kindly enlighten us on this point?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_worshiping_the_idol_a_stepping_stone%3F|Is worshiping the idol a stepping stone?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_it_so,_that_in_Srimad-Bhagavata_it_is_also_written,_many_really_great_men_want_to_be_here_in_Kali-yuga,_because_it_is_easier_to_be_for_salvation%3F|Is it so, that in Srimad-Bhagavata it is also written, many really great men want to be here in Kali-yuga, because it is easier to be for salvation?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_name_is_power,_and_to_utter_name...%3F|The name is power, and to utter name...?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_chanting,_you_chant_the_name_of_Rama_as_well_as_Krsna._I_do_not_see_any_photograph_of_Rama_here._What_is_the_thinking%3F|When chanting, you chant the name of Rama as well as Krsna. I do not see any photograph of Rama here. What is the thinking?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770325SB-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_God_is_everywhere,_why_His_presence_not_felt_by_everybody%3F|If God is everywhere, why His presence not felt by everybody?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770325SB-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_next_question_is,_I_don%27t_think_God_is_opposed_to_sex|My next question is, I don't think God is opposed to sex.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770325SB-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_meaning_of_the_giving_up_of_the_fruition_of_action%3F|What is the meaning of the giving up of the fruition of action?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770325SB-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_did_we_left_Sri_Krsna_and_came_to_this_world%3F_What_was_the_cause%3F|Why did we left Sri Krsna and came to this world? What was the cause?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770331R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Without_your_help_I_could_not_do_anything._So_you_are_very_much_kind._Kindly_continue_your_cooperation|Without your help I could not do anything. So you are very much kind. Kindly continue your cooperation.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770401LE-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Very_risky_life_if_we_do_not_awaken_our_divya-jnana._We_should_always_remember_this._Very_risky_life_--_once_again_thrown_into_the_waves_of_birth_and_death|Very risky life if we do not awaken our divya-jnana. We should always remember this. Very risky life -- once again thrown into the waves of birth and death.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Did_Jesus_die_on_the_cross_to_redeem_all_the_sins_of_the_world%3F|Did Jesus die on the cross to redeem all the sins of the world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_actual_meaning_of_the_sacrifice_of_the_cross,_Jesus_dying_on_the_cross%3F|What is the actual meaning of the sacrifice of the cross, Jesus dying on the cross?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_there_any_other_prophecies_in_the_Bhavisya_Maha-Purana_or_in_any_other_scriptures_telling_more_accurately_Jesus_Christ%27s_birthday%3F|Are there any other prophecies in the Bhavisya Maha-Purana or in any other scriptures telling more accurately Jesus Christ's birthday?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_Christ_comes_back,_what_will_be_the_position_of_Sri_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_and_His_Krsna_consciousness_movement%3F|If Christ comes back, what will be the position of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His Krsna consciousness movement?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_difference_between_a_pure_Christian,_or_at_least_a_sincere_one,_and_a_sincere_devotee_of_Krsna%3F|What is the difference between a pure Christian, or at least a sincere one, and a sincere devotee of Krsna?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:To_practically_follow_Jesus_Christ_for_a_sincere_searcher_of_the_truth_who_does_not_recognize_and_accept_the_external_manifestations_of_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement,_is_it_possible_to_attain_love_of_God%3F|To practically follow Jesus Christ for a sincere searcher of the truth who does not recognize and accept the external manifestations of the Krsna consciousness movement, is it possible to attain love of God?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_is_possible_to_attain_that_affection_of_love_for_God..._without_taking_part_in_this_Krsna_consciousness_movement%3F|It is possible to attain that affection of love for God... without taking part in this Krsna consciousness movement?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_saved_twenty-five_copies_of_that_Times_of_India_article_about_the_court_case_in_New_York._Is_there_something_you_want_done_with_those_twenty-five_articles%3F|We saved twenty-five copies of that Times of India article about the court case in New York. Is there something you want done with those twenty-five articles?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770402R1-BOM_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_this_end_of_the_world%3F|What is this end of the world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Have_you_put_any_conditions_%28they_may_say_that_%22Your_Krsna:_our_this.%22_No._That_knowledge_Krsna_is_giving_for_everyone._And_it_is_accepted_by_everyone._They_are_Christians._How_they_are_accepting%3F_I_am_not_bribing_them%29%3F|Have you put any conditions (they may say that "Your Krsna: our this." No. That knowledge Krsna is giving for everyone. And it is accepted by everyone. They are Christians. How they are accepting? I am not bribing them)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_you_think_that_the_children_should_be_given_freedom_to_choose_voluntarily%3F|Don't you think that the children should be given freedom to choose voluntarily?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip11.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_what_you_have_tried_to_do._Why_is_it_necessary_to_concentrate_on_this_name,_%22Krsna%22%3F|This is what you have tried to do. Why is it necessary to concentrate on this name, "Krsna"?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip12.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_a_renunciation_of_something%3F|But a renunciation of something?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip13.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_are_you_trying%3F|How are you trying?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip14.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_would_like_to_know_how_this_movement_started,_what_gave_you_the_idea._What_is_the_background%3F_And_why_it_was_called_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement%3F_Is_it_a_return_to_something_very_fundamental%3F|I would like to know how this movement started, what gave you the idea. What is the background? And why it was called the Krsna consciousness movement? Is it a return to something very fundamental?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip15.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Isn%27t_there_something_more_fundamental_than_that_%28actually_understand_Bhagavad-gita_and_distribute_the_knowledge._That_is_our_aim%29%3F|Isn't there something more fundamental than that (actually understand Bhagavad-gita and distribute the knowledge. That is our aim)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip16.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_meaning_of_that_%28Yesam_anta_gatam_papam_jananam_punya-karmanam,_te_dvandva-moha-nirmukta%29%3F|What is the meaning of that (Yesam anta gatam papam jananam punya-karmanam, te dvandva-moha-nirmukta)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip17.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_meaning_of_that_%28capale_babale%29%3F|What is the meaning of that (capale babale)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip18.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_meaning_of_that_%28machine_changes%29%3F|What is the meaning of that (machine changes)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip19.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_meaning_of_good_children%3F|What is the meaning of good children?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_interpretation_necessary_or_not%3F|Is interpretation necessary or not?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_you_don%27t_require_recognition_of_any_court,_do_you%3F|But you don't require recognition of any court, do you?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_you_a_Bhagavan%3F|Are you a Bhagavan?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_you_happy_with_the_way_the_movement_has_really_spread%3F|Are you happy with the way the movement has really spread?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_that_%28brahmana%29_good_or_bad%3F|Is that (brahmana) good or bad?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip7.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_by_looking_at_Him_%28Krsna%29_you_are_trying_to_rouse_the_interests_of_the_people,_or_curiosity%3F|So by looking at Him (Krsna) you are trying to rouse the interests of the people, or curiosity?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip8.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_of_the_conditions_is_illicit_sex..._What_exactly_do_you_mean%3F|One of the conditions is illicit sex... What exactly do you mean?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOM_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_exactly_do_you_mean%3F_Outside_marriage,_you_mean_%28don%27t_you_see,_illicit_sex,_what_havoc_it_has_done%3F%29%3F|What exactly do you mean? Outside marriage, you mean (don't you see, illicit sex, what havoc it has done?)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shall_not_take_any_education_from_the_university%3F|We shall not take any education from the university?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_Your_Divine_Grace_had_said,_that_due_to_the_sankirtana_movement_an_auspicious_atmosphere_is_being_created_all_over_the_world._So_is_it_not_possible_that_at_least_for_the_time_being_things_will_improve%3F|As Your Divine Grace had said, that due to the sankirtana movement an auspicious atmosphere is being created all over the world. So is it not possible that at least for the time being things will improve?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Where_is_the_mention_of_that_ten_thousand_years%3F|Where is the mention of that ten thousand years?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R1-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_they_wanted_to,_wouldn%27t_Krsna_have_given_them_the_opportunity_(there_may_be_many_other_Vaisnava_acaryas_or_something_in_India,_but_they_are_not..._By_the_fact_that_they_are_not_preaching,_it_means_they_have_not_realized_it)%3F|If they wanted to, wouldn't Krsna have given them the opportunity (there may be many other Vaisnava acaryas or something in India, but they are not... By the fact that they are not preaching, it means they have not realized it)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28Harijanas%29_have_their_unions._How_can_we_approach_the_union_and_talk_to_the_leaders%3F|They (Harijanas) have their unions. How can we approach the union and talk to the leaders?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R2-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_has_this_all_begun,_this_fish-eating_in_Bengal%3F_This_was_always_going_on%3F|When has this all begun, this fish-eating in Bengal? This was always going on?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R2-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_are_some_of_the_important_shastric_references_in_regard_to_developing_an_article_on_cheating%3F|What are some of the important shastric references in regard to developing an article on cheating?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_someone_is_a_sudra,_how_can_you_let_him_have_his_own_money%3F|If someone is a sudra, how can you let him have his own money?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770411R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_some_verse_in_the_Bhagavatam_which_states_that_the_Bhagavatam_reciter_must_be_a_very_qualified_person%3F|Is there some verse in the Bhagavatam which states that the Bhagavatam reciter must be a very qualified person?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770415R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_when_Maharaja_Yudhisthira_was_retiring,_or_before%3F|This is when Maharaja Yudhisthira was retiring, or before?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770415R1-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_in_this_feeble_health_also,_I_am_working_four_hours_at_least,_at_night._And_they_are_also_helping_me._So_this_is_our_individual_attempt|Even in this feeble health also, I am working four hours at least, at night. And they are also helping me. So this is our individual attempt.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770415R1-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_these_people_consciously_cheating_or_raised_in_cheating_so_that_they_don%27t_know_the_difference_%28in_this_material_world,_the_more_you_are_expert_cheater,_you_are_considered_very_able_man._All_over_the_world,_so_many_expert_cheaters_are_going_on%29%3F|Are these people consciously cheating or raised in cheating so that they don't know the difference (in this material world, the more you are expert cheater, you are considered very able man. All over the world, so many expert cheaters are going on)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770417R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_has_some_special_strategy_if_we_don%27t_want_the_total_population_the_world_is_Communist._Should_not_there_be_a_special_strategy_to_enter_in_their_own_hearts%3F|Everyone has some special strategy if we don't want the total population the world is Communist. Should not there be a special strategy to enter in their own hearts?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770417R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_think_there_should_be_any_sequel_to_this_film%3F_In_other_words,_to_carry_on_the_philosophy%3F|Do you think there should be any sequel to this film? In other words, to carry on the philosophy?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770418R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Didn%27t_they_%28the_residents_of_Vrndavana%29_know_who_Krsna_was%3F|Didn't they (the residents of Vrndavana) know who Krsna was?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770418R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_human_society_the_preacher_is_Krsna%27s_most_dear_servant._What_is_the_reason_for_that,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|In the human society the preacher is Krsna's most dear servant. What is the reason for that, Srila Prabhupada?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770419R3-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_old_were_you_%28when_a_man_wanted_Prabhupada_to_become_his_son%29%3F|How old were you (when a man wanted Prabhupada to become his son)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_do_we_know_that_the_meaning_%28of_Bhagavad-gita%29_is_distorted%3F|How do we know that the meaning (of Bhagavad-gita) is distorted?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R2-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_we_not,_potentially,_not_to_understand_Bhagavad-gita,_then_%28at_least_you_do_not_understand._That%27s_all%29%3F|Are we not, potentially, not to understand Bhagavad-gita, then (at least you do not understand. That's all)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R2-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_request,_Swamiji,_on_what_basis_we_can_say_that_it_is_a_different_meaning_or_distorted_meaning_and_not_the_meaning_which_the_Gita_says_%28but_you_understand_in_different_way._That_is_difficulty._You_create_your_own_meaning%29%3F|I request, Swamiji, on what basis we can say that it is a different meaning or distorted meaning and not the meaning which the Gita says (but you understand in different way. That is difficulty. You create your own meaning)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_good_shelter_all_over_the_world._We_have_got_income._You_stick_to_our_principles._Even_if_I_die_suddenly,_you%27ll_be_able_to_manage._That%27s_all._That_I_want._Manage_nicely_and_let_the_movement_go_forward._Don%27t_go_backward._Be_careful|We have got good shelter all over the world. We have got income. You stick to our principles. Even if I die suddenly, you'll be able to manage. That's all. That I want. Manage nicely and let the movement go forward. Don't go backward. Be careful.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_doesn%27t_mean_that_your_disciples_should_think_also,_%22I_will_remain_aloof_just_as_our_Prabhupada...%22%3F|That doesn't mean that your disciples should think also, "I will remain aloof just as our Prabhupada..."?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOM_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_you%27ll_not_be_effective_%28if_you_rubber_stamp%29._You_can_cheat,_but_it_will_not_be_effective._Just_see_our_Gaudiya_Matha._Everyone_wanted_to_become_guru,_and_a_small_temple_and_%22guru.%22_What_kind_of_guru%3F_No_publication,_no_preaching|Then you'll not be effective (if you rubber stamp). You can cheat, but it will not be effective. Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru, and a small temple and "guru." What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770423ME-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_we_even_one_millionth_of_what_Krsna_was%3F|Are we even one millionth of what Krsna was?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770423R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_that_Pondicherry_was_Aurobindo%27s_idea%3F_What_was_the_motive%3F|So that Pondicherry was Aurobindo's idea? What was the motive?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770428R2-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_they%27re_%28the_ants%29_better_than_us%3F|So they're (the ants) better than us?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R2-HRI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada,_what_is_the_responsibility_of_some_person_towards_the_father_who_has_given_the_material_body_to_him%3F|Srila Prabhupada, what is the responsibility of some person towards the father who has given the material body to him?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRI_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_nature_of_the_jivatma%3F|What is the nature of the jivatma?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_are_compassionate,_you_feel_the_pain._Then_how_does_that_go_with_even-mindedness%3F|If you are compassionate, you feel the pain. Then how does that go with even-mindedness?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRI_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_are_the_rules_of_the_material_nature%3F_Again,_from_experience,_I_know_that_one_year,_I_couldn%27t_do_something_and_then,_with_a_certain_amount_of_practice,_the_next_year_I_could._And_so_the_rule_has_changed._It_no_longer_is_out_of_my_grasp|What are the rules of the material nature? Again, from experience, I know that one year, I couldn't do something and then, with a certain amount of practice, the next year I could. And so the rule has changed. It no longer is out of my grasp.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770511ED-HRI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_we_realize_the_omnipresence%3F|How can we realize the omnipresence?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770517AR-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_death_takes_place,_let_it_take_here._So_there_is_nothing_to_be_said_new._Whatever_I_have_to_speak,_I_have_spoken_in_my_books._Now_you_try_to_understand_it_and_continue_your_endeavor|If death takes place, let it take here. So there is nothing to be said new. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R2-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_I_am_not_going_to_die._Kirtir_yasya_sa_jivati:_%22One_who_has_done_something_substantial,_he_lives_forever.%22_He_doesn%27t_die|So I am not going to die. Kirtir yasya sa jivati: "One who has done something substantial, he lives forever." He doesn't die.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770618R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_how_we_will_expose_it_before_scientists%3F|So how we will expose it before scientists?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770620R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Unconsciousness_also_means_no_life%3F|Unconsciousness also means no life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770623R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Around_all_the_holy_places_I_always_see_a_lot_of_monkeys_and_cows_in_India._Is_there_some_reason,_special,_about..._I_mean,_cows,_there%27s_obvious_reason,_but_what_about_the_monkeys%3F_Why_are_they_around_the_holy_places%3F|Around all the holy places I always see a lot of monkeys and cows in India. Is there some reason, special, about... I mean, cows, there's obvious reason, but what about the monkeys? Why are they around the holy places?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770623R1-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That%27s_exactly_what_you_had,_two_hundred_dollars._You_had_saved_that_money_very_carefully%3F|That's exactly what you had, two hundred dollars. You had saved that money very carefully?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770623R1-VRN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_devotees_abroad,_should_they_who_have_children,_should_they_be_encouraged_to_send_their_sons_to_the_Vrndavana_gurukula%3F|Our devotees abroad, should they who have children, should they be encouraged to send their sons to the Vrndavana gurukula?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770628R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_see_in_the_cities_it%27s_not,_but_in_the_villages,_do_they_still_have_more_than_one_wife%3F|We see in the cities it's not, but in the villages, do they still have more than one wife?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770628R1.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_I_become_surprised_how_I_have_written_this._Although_I_am_the_writer,_still_sometimes_I_am_surprised_how_these_things_have_come._Such_vivid_description._Where_is_such_literature_throughout_the_whole_world%3F|Sometimes I become surprised how I have written this. Although I am the writer, still sometimes I am surprised how these things have come. Such vivid description. Where is such literature throughout the whole world?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770628R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_old_were_you_when_you_got_your_Radha-Krsna_Deity%3F|How old were you when you got your Radha-Krsna Deity?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770630R3-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_are_they_feeling_about_it_%28temple%29,_the_Vrndavana_Gosais%3F|How are they feeling about it (temple), the Vrndavana Gosais?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_day_she_does_some_meditation,_so_before_meditating,_she_wants_to_know,_how_many_rounds_should_she_chant%3F|Every day she does some meditation, so before meditating, she wants to know, how many rounds should she chant?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R2-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_does_she_get_Krsna%27s_instructions_while_chanting%3F|How does she get Krsna's instructions while chanting?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770703DC-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_we_accept_the_contour_of_the_continents%3F_Do_we_accept_the_general_continents%3F|Do we accept the contour of the continents? Do we accept the general continents?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770703DC-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770705DC-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everything_we_conceived,_that_is_wrong_%28take_the_version_of_Bhagavatam%29%3F|Everything we conceived, that is wrong (take the version of Bhagavatam)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770705DC-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Story_of_Narada_Muni_and_the_cobbler|Story of Narada Muni and the cobbler.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770705DC-VRN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_logic_of_the_frog_in_the_well|The logic of the frog in the well.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770705R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_did_you_feel_about_when_they_taught_Darwin_when_you_were_in_school%3F|How did you feel about when they taught Darwin when you were in school?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770707R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_it_permitted_to_use_shells_for_making_jewelry,_crowns,_etc.,_for_Deities%3F_Or_is_it_to_be_considered_as_the_bone_of_an_animal%3F|Is it permitted to use shells for making jewelry, crowns, etc., for Deities? Or is it to be considered as the bone of an animal?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770710R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Visnu_doesn%27t_have_to_take_any_loan._Anybody_who_believes_that_means_they_don%27t_know_the_philosophy._How_can_God_be_wanting%3F|Visnu doesn't have to take any loan. Anybody who believes that means they don't know the philosophy. How can God be wanting?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770714R2-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_shall_remain_your_personal_guidance,_physically_present_or_not_physically,_as_I_am_getting_personal_guidance_from_my_Guru_Maharaja|I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not physically, as I am getting personal guidance from my Guru Maharaja.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_a_brahmacari_decides_to_get_married_and_then_enters_into_married_life,_should_he_be_encouraged_to_maintain_that_responsibility_throughout_his_life%3F|If a brahmacari decides to get married and then enters into married life, should he be encouraged to maintain that responsibility throughout his life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_America,_supposing_a_householder_family_pays_for_a_room_in_our_temple_building._So_they_can_have_their_sex_life_and_family_life%3F|In America, supposing a householder family pays for a room in our temple building. So they can have their sex life and family life?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_then_how_we_can_let_them_live_together,_man_and_woman%3F|So then how we can let them live together, man and woman?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717r2.vrn_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_given_my_program._You_tackle,_GBC_men._At_least,_don%27t_make_me_Alexander_the_Great_in_my_lifetime|I have given my program. You tackle, GBC men. At least, don't make me Alexander the Great in my lifetime.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770719R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Nandadulal%3F_Why_were_you_called_like_that%3F|Nandadulal? Why were you called like that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770811R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_they_will_believe_that_man_didn%27t_go_to_the_moon%3F|How they will believe that man didn't go to the moon?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771002R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_the_needful%3F_..._In_what_regard,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Do the needful? ... In what regard, Srila Prabhupada?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771004R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_these_astrological_charts_very_much_applicable_for_a_devotee,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Are these astrological charts very much applicable for a devotee, Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771006R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_government_is_also_giving_land_free_to_encourage_agriculture._Simply_that_it_has_to_be_cleared._It%27s_jungle_land:_it_has_to_be_cleared._Shall_we_try_for_something_like_that%3F|The government is also giving land free to encourage agriculture. Simply that it has to be cleared. It's jungle land: it has to be cleared. Shall we try for something like that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771013R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Should_Krsna_be_dressed_very,_very_opulently_like_this,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Should Krsna be dressed very, very opulently like this, Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771013R3-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_that_overburden%3F|What is that overburden?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771015R2-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Ten_thousand_loving_salesmen|Ten thousand loving salesmen.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771025R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_that_a_guarantee_for_going_home,_if_someone_leaves_their_body_in_the_dhama%3F|Is that a guarantee for going home, if someone leaves their body in the dhama?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771102R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_future_of_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement._Should_I_see_what_it_says_under_that%3F|The future of the Krsna consciousness movement. Should I see what it says under that?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771102R3-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_wanted_an_Indian_to_be_the_leader_%28of_ISKCON%29%3F|They wanted an Indian to be the leader (of ISKCON)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771102R3-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Leader_means_one_who_has_become_first-class_disciple._He_is_leader._Evam_parampara-prapta..._One_who_is_perfectly_following...|Leader means one who has become first-class disciple. He is leader. Evam parampara-prapta... One who is perfectly following...]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771103R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_how_that_will_affect_the_atmosphere_and_Krsna_consciousness_of_the_temple_%28that_hall_is_made,_constructed_for_making_some_money,_then_the_money_will_not_come_if_we_don%27t_rent_out_to_the_cinema_actors,_actresses%29%3F_It%27s_not_that_the_theater...|But how that will affect the atmosphere and Krsna consciousness of the temple (that hall is made, constructed for making some money, then the money will not come if we don't rent out to the cinema actors, actresses)? It's not that the theater...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771103R1-VRN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_on_the_deathbed._I_may_go_away_at_any_moment._Now_it_is_up_to_you_to_give_protection_to_the_sanctity_of_our_institution|I am on the deathbed. I may go away at any moment. Now it is up to you to give protection to the sanctity of our institution.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771103R5-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_Do_you_remember_when_Prabhavisnu_was_here_you_told_him_to_go_with_%22the_courage_of_an_Englishman_and_the_heart_of_a_Bengali_mother%22%3F_He_remembers_those_word|Srila Prabhupada? Do you remember when Prabhavisnu was here you told him to go with "the courage of an Englishman and the heart of a Bengali mother"? He remembers those word.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771103R6-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_Lord_Jagannatha_reside_there_any_more_%28Jagannatha_Puri%29%3F|Does Lord Jagannatha reside there any more (Jagannatha Puri)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771106R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_that_sound_right_%28and_if_for_some_reason_it%27s_not_effective,_then_we_have_to_trust_simply_in_krsna-nama._That_we%27re_doing_anyway,_but_that%27s..._We%27ll_have_to_do_exclusively_at_that_point%29,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Does that sound right (and if for some reason it's not effective, then we have to trust simply in krsna-nama. That we're doing anyway, but that's... We'll have to do exclusively at that point), Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771107R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_We_can_also_purchase_in_the_name_of_Bhaktivedanta_Swami_Charity_Trust%E2%80%A6_Should_we_buy_this_land,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Srila Prabhupada? We can also purchase in the name of Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust... Should we buy this land, Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771109R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_You_said_before_that_you...,_that_it_is_said_that_you_were_poisoned%3F|Srila Prabhupada? You said before that you..., that it is said that you were poisoned?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771109R3.VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_Do_you_want_us_to_give_something_towards_repairing_this_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_Mandir%3F..._Any_amount_in_particular_that_you_want_to_be_given%3F..._There%27s_some_maximum_amount%3F|Srila Prabhupada? Do you want us to give something towards repairing this Caitanya Mahaprabhu Mandir?... Any amount in particular that you want to be given?... There's some maximum amount?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771110R1-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_live_by_my_words,_by_my_training|You live by my words, by my training.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771028R2-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_fully_depend_on_your_discrimination|I fully depend on your discrimination.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770216R1-MAYAPUR.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_want_to_increase_more_and_more._No_money_in_the_bank._In_the_books._And_as_soon_as_there_will_be_stock_of_book,_it_has_to_be_sold._Otherwise_you_will_starve._%28chuckling%29_That_I_want|I want to increase more and more. No money in the bank. In the books. And as soon as there will be stock of book, it has to be sold. Otherwise you will starve. (chuckling) That I want.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R1-VRNDAVAN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_asking_so_much_here_and...,_%22Farm,_farm,_farm,_farm.%22_That_is_not_my_program_--_Krsna%27s_program._Annad_bhavanti_bhutani._Produce_greenness_everywhere,_everywhere._Vrndavana._It_is_not_this_motorcar_civilization|I am asking so much here and..., "Farm, farm, farm, farm." That is not my program -- Krsna's program. Annad bhavanti bhutani. Produce greenness everywhere, everywhere. Vrndavana. It is not this motorcar civilization.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRN_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_fear_is_that_after_training_our_men_so_much,_if_he%27s_lost,_that%27s_a_great_loss._Then_future_of_society_becomes_very_hopeless|My fear is that after training our men so much, if he's lost, that's a great loss. Then future of society becomes very hopeless.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770418R2-BOM_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_future_if_they_follow,_they_will_also_be_delivered._This_is_wanted._We_have_made_some_plan._We_are_making._So_this_will_be_left._When_we_shall_die_this_will_be_left._And_anyone_who_will_accept_this_parampara_system_will_be_promoted_to_Krsna|In future if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770128R1-BHU_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_Guru_Maharaja_had_thousands_of_disciples._So_out_of_thousands_of_disciples,_practically_I_am_little_successful._That_everyone_knows._Why%3F_Because_I_firmly_believed_in_the_words_of_my_guru._That%27s_all|My Guru Maharaja had thousands of disciples. So out of thousands of disciples, practically I am little successful. That everyone knows. Why? Because I firmly believed in the words of my guru. That's all.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R2-MAY_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_whole_basis_of_the_devotional_service_is_utsaha._Just_like_unless_there_was_utsaha,_how_a_man_of_seventy_years_old,_without_any_hope,_could_go_to_such_distant_place_from_Vrndavana_to_New_York%3F_The_only_platform_was_utsaha|The whole basis of the devotional service is utsaha. Just like unless there was utsaha, how a man of seventy years old, without any hope, could go to such distant place from Vrndavana to New York? The only platform was utsaha.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771021R1-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gravity_should_be_maintained._And_laughing_means_taking_things_trifling._That_is_not_allowed._This_is_the_etiquette._That_is_what_we_are_teaching._You_are_simple,_but_this_is_the_etiquette._Understand_me_right_or_not%3F|Gravity should be maintained. And laughing means taking things trifling. That is not allowed. This is the etiquette. That is what we are teaching. You are simple, but this is the etiquette. Understand me right or not?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_presence_or_no_presence,_we_have_got_now_a_position._We_have_to_push_on_this_movement_very_cautiously|My presence or no presence, we have got now a position. We have to push on this movement very cautiously.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770528ME-VRN_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_must_be_all_ideal_acarya-like._In_the_beginning_we_have_done_for_working._Now_we_should_be_very_cautious._Anyone_who_is_deviating,_he_can_be_replaced|They must be all ideal acarya-like. In the beginning we have done for working. Now we should be very cautious. Anyone who is deviating, he can be replaced.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOMBAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_should_be_strictly_outlawed,_no_more_sannyasis._And_those_sannyasis_who_have_fallen,_you_get_them_married,_live_like_a..._No_more_this_showbottle,_cheating._It_is_very_ludicrous|This should be strictly outlawed, no more sannyasis. And those sannyasis who have fallen, you get them married, live like a... No more this showbottle, cheating. It is very ludicrous.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771002R1-VRN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_have_given_in_writing._My_will,_my_executive_power,_everything._Disaster_will_happen_if_you_cannot_manage_it|I have given in writing. My will, my executive power, everything. Disaster will happen if you cannot manage it.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770429R1-BOM_clip.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_many_temples._I_have_given_my_program_how_to_manage_it._Now_you_see._That_is_my_anxiety,_that_there_may_not_be_any_discrepancies_or_slackness._Am_I_right_or_wrong%3F|So many temples. I have given my program how to manage it. Now you see. That is my anxiety, that there may not be any discrepancies or slackness. Am I right or wrong?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770129R2-BHU_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_you_all_GBC_make_a_plan_how_to_introduce_the_books_in_every_home._The_same_policy_in_other_languages_also._We_have_got_much_work_ahead._Don%27t_think_our_business_is_finished|Now you all GBC make a plan how to introduce the books in every home. The same policy in other languages also. We have got much work ahead. Don't think our business is finished.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770429R1-BOM_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Let_the_movement_go_forward_more_and_more._Now_you_have_got_nice_places,_filled_with_devotees._Don%27t_be_anxious_for_me._That,_Krsna_will_take._And_even_if_I_go,_where_is_the_harm%3F_Old_man|Let the movement go forward more and more. Now you have got nice places, filled with devotees. Don't be anxious for me. That, Krsna will take. And even if I go, where is the harm? Old man.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770113LE-ALLAHABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_karmis,_they_are_more_and_more_becoming_entangled:_%22Give_me_this,_give_me_that,_give_me_that%22;_ultimately,_%22Give_me_the_post_of_Brahma,%22_%22Give_me_the_post_of_Indra.%22_So_their_business_is_simply_%22give_me%22|The karmis, they are more and more becoming entangled: "Give me this, give me that, give me that"; ultimately, "Give me the post of Brahma," "Give me the post of Indra." So their business is simply "give me".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_child_may_be_foolish,_but_father-mother_cannot_see_that_their_child_will_remain_a_fool._He_can_force._Government_also._Why_there_is_military_force%3F_Why_there_is_police_force%3F_If_you_want_to_be_outlaw,_then_you%27ll_be_forced_to_accept_the_law|The child may be foolish, but father-mother cannot see that their child will remain a fool. He can force. Government also. Why there is military force? Why there is police force? If you want to be outlaw, then you'll be forced to accept the law.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124CC-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_the_present_moment_we_have_no_natural_attraction_for_Krsna;_therefore_we_must_understand_by_knowledge_what_is_Krsna._That_is_Krsna_tattva_vetta|At the present moment we have no natural attraction for Krsna; therefore we must understand by knowledge what is Krsna. That is Krsna tattva vetta.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_just_like_when_we_want_to_try_and_attract_someone_to_Krsna_consciousness_now,_the_main_theme_is_to_try_to_get_them_to_come_and_stay_at_the_temple._But_will_that_continue_in_the_future%3F|But just like when we want to try and attract someone to Krsna consciousness now, the main theme is to try to get them to come and stay at the temple. But will that continue in the future?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_isn%27t_inflation_possible_even_with_coins%3F_Even_if_you_have_gold_coins,_isn%27t_inflation_still_possible%3F|But isn't inflation possible even with coins? Even if you have gold coins, isn't inflation still possible?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770128R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_is_it_possible_to_also_learn_spiritual_truths_from_this...,_from_representatives_on_the_subtle_plane%3F|But is it possible to also learn spiritual truths from this..., from representatives on the subtle plane?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_if_you%27re_actually_followers_of_God,_then_why_are_you_breaking_up_the_families%3F_Shouldn%27t_you_have_love_for_everyone%3F|But if you're actually followers of God, then why are you breaking up the families? Shouldn't you have love for everyone?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_if_they_%28the_scientists%29_accept,_do_we_have_program_%28%22be_Krsna_conscious_and_solve_all_the_problems.%22_This_is_our_point%29%3F|But if they (the scientists) accept, do we have program ("be Krsna conscious and solve all the problems." This is our point)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_because_this_is_the_age_of_Kali,_even_if_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_spreads_and_even_captures_governments,_how_can_we_stop_individual_people_from_doing_this_%28sinful_life%29%3F|But because this is the age of Kali, even if the Krsna consciousness movement spreads and even captures governments, how can we stop individual people from doing this (sinful life)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770528ME-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_he_does_it_on_your_behalf_%28he%27s_guru._He%27s_guru%29%3F|But he does it on your behalf (he's guru. He's guru)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770120R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhaktivinoda_Thakura_has_sung_that_namasraya_kari_thakaha_apana_kaje:_%22Take_shelter_of_hari-nama_and_remain_in_your_own_profession%22|Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung that namasraya kari thakaha apana kaje: "Take shelter of hari-nama and remain in your own profession".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771029R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhaktivedanta_Swami_Charity_Trust,_or_Charitable_Trust%3F_Which_do_you_prefer,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F|Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust, or Charitable Trust? Which do you prefer, Srila Prabhupada?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770128R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Bhagavatam_class_in_the_morning%3F|Bhagavatam class in the morning?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770424ME-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Because_I_want_to_deliver_the_real_thing,_therefore_in_my_feeble_health_I_am_prepared_to_go._If_one_man_can_understand,_that_I_want_to_see._I_am_traveling_all_over_the_world_to_see_that_at_least_one_man_may_understand|Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_this_time_should_we_try_to_introduce_it_%28varnasrama%29_in_our_centers_or_not%3F|At this time should we try to introduce it (varnasrama) in our centers or not?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_far_as_possible,_I_have_tried_to_present._In_one_place_%28in_the_Caitanya-caritamrta%29_I_have_criticized_my_Godbrothers|As far as possible, I have tried to present. In one place (in the Caitanya-caritamrta) I have criticized my Godbrothers.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Are_you_knowing_people_take_diksa_from_many_gurus%3F|Are you knowing people take diksa from many gurus?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770129MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:And_why_should_they_object_if_we_decide_to_surrender_to_one_authority%3F|And why should they object if we decide to surrender to one authority?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770105R2-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:All_activities_done_for_sake_of_Krsna_or_God_are_the_real...|All activities done for sake of Krsna or God are the real...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R3-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:A_brahmana_priest_would_come_%28for_the_Vedic_ceremonies%29%3F|A brahmana priest would come (for the Vedic ceremonies)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760419BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_say_or_members_of_the_society_say_that_%22I_am_not_this_body,%22_and_in_Christianity_this_is_my_body_and_this_is_my_blood|You say or members of the society say that "I am not this body," and in Christianity this is my body and this is my blood.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760803BG-NEW MAYAPUR_mono_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_given_the_analogy_that_when_a_person_turns_his_back_to_the_sun_he_creates_his_shadow._And_as_he_turns_towards_the_sun_the_shadow_disappears|You have given the analogy that when a person turns his back to the sun he creates his shadow. And as he turns towards the sun the shadow disappears.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760731R2-NEW_MAYAPUR_mono_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_done_something_very_extraordinary|You have done something very extraordinary.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/760419BG-MELBOURNE_mono_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_call_that_Krsna._But_God_is_God._God%27s_name_is_God,_not_Krsna._You_may_call_Him_Krsna_if_you_want|You call that Krsna. But God is God. God's name is God, not Krsna. You may call Him Krsna if you want.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123ED-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:During_the_present_day,_sir,_to_whom_we_will_treat_as_brahmana,_ksatriya_and_vaisya_and_sudra%3F|During the present day, sir, to whom we will treat as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya and sudra?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Durga,_she_is_in_charge_of..._She_is_Krsna%27s_agent,_so_what_is_the_harm_in_worshiping_Durga%3F|Durga, she is in charge of... She is Krsna's agent, so what is the harm in worshiping Durga?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771008R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Don%27t_waste_human_form_of_body_for_sense_gratification._I_wanted_to_introduce_this._Now_I_have_given_you_ideas._You_can_do_it._You_are_all_intelligent|Don't waste human form of body for sense gratification. I wanted to introduce this. Now I have given you ideas. You can do it. You are all intelligent.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_that_mean_Krsna_is_beyond_even_spiritual%3F|Does that mean Krsna is beyond even spiritual?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Does_that_%28we_are_inviting_to_the_farm_and_giving_food_to_the_jobless_in_industry%29_mean_we_have_to_wait_for_the_situation_to_arise_where_they_are_jobless%3F|Does that (we are inviting to the farm and giving food to the jobless in industry) mean we have to wait for the situation to arise where they are jobless?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770617R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_you_regret_having_come_back_to_India%3F|Do you regret having come back to India?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Do_it._Don%27t_talk._I_don%27t_want_talk._I_want_to_see|Do it. Don't talk. I don't want talk. I want to see.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Daily_how_many_times_you%27ll_utter_the_names_of_Lord_Krsna%3F|Daily how many times you'll utter the names of Lord Krsna?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770215ED-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Did_they_try_to_make_you_Christian%3F_Like_that%3F|Did they try to make you Christian? Like that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770405IV-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Could_you_explain_%28illicit_sex,_do_you_think_it_is...%3F_Not_only_outside_marriage._Even_in_marriage,_you_cannot_have_sex_as_you_like._You_must_have_sex_according_to_the_regulative_principle_or_religious_principle%29%3F|Could you explain (illicit sex, do you think it is...? Not only outside marriage. Even in marriage, you cannot have sex as you like. You must have sex according to the regulative principle or religious principle)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Christ%27s_general_teaching_was_that_they_should_not_worry_for_anything_because_God_is_supplying_to_everyone,_even_the_birds_and_beasts._So_why_should_they_%28the_preachers%29_worry%3F_Just_go_out_and_preach._That_was_his_basic_teaching_to_his_twelve_apostles|Christ's general teaching was that they should not worry for anything because God is supplying to everyone, even the birds and beasts. So why should they (the preachers) worry? Just go out and preach. That was his basic teaching to his twelve apostles.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770511ED-HRISHIKESH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Christ_says_that_he%27s_the_Almighty._What_is_your_opinion%3F|Christ says that he's the Almighty. What is your opinion?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771026R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_we_take_you_some_time_all_around_Vrndavana%3F_..._What_about_to_Govardhana%3F|Can we take you some time all around Vrndavana? ... What about to Govardhana?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770511ED-HRISHIKESH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_we_find_the_one_in_ourselves%3F|Can we find the one in ourselves?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRISHIKESH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Can_one_be_a_householder,_I_mean,_with_his_normal_worldly_life,_and_at_the_same_time_be_a...%3F|Can one be a householder, I mean, with his normal worldly life, and at the same time be a...?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123LE-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:By_taking_shelter_of_the_lotus_feet_of_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_these_Europeans_%26_Americans,_although_they_are_supposed_to_be_born_in_mleccha,_yavana_family,_they_are_taking_Krsna_consciousness_so_seriously._Otherwise_it_is_very_difficult_to_understand_Krsna|By taking shelter of the lotus feet of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these Europeans & Americans, although they are supposed to be born in mleccha, yavana family, they are taking Krsna consciousness so seriously. Otherwise it is very difficult to understand Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_why_would_God_want_to_keep_the_living_entities_in_darkness%3F|But why would God want to keep the living entities in darkness?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_why_should_we_be_callous_to_the_sufferings_of_others%3F|But why should we be callous to the sufferings of others?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-PURI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_the_intelligence_is_awarded_from..._Intelligence,_according_to_the_individual,_is_awarded_according_to_pious_activities%3F|But the intelligence is awarded from... Intelligence, according to the individual, is awarded according to pious activities?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_mostly_they_are_in_America._Also_in_that_number_in_Japan_%28in_one_week,_the_books,_total_of_books,_was_seven_lakhs_books_in_one_week%29%3F|But mostly they are in America. Also in that number in Japan (in one week, the books, total of books, was seven lakhs books in one week)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770119R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:But_Krsna_means..._Who_is_He%3F_Is_He_a_personal_or_impersonal%3F|But Krsna means... Who is He? Is He a personal or impersonal?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770509ED-HRISHIKESH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_see._Then_how_to_understand_it_%28the_difficulty_is_you_do_not_understand_even_a_line_of_Bhagavad-gita._Still,_you_say_that_you_are_student_of_Bhagavad-gita._This_is_difficulty%29%3F|I see. Then how to understand it (the difficulty is you do not understand even a line of Bhagavad-gita. Still, you say that you are student of Bhagavad-gita. This is difficulty)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770411R1-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_see_Srimad-Bhagavatam_so_exalted_knowledge_and_so_beautifully_literary_presented._Srimat._Srimat_means_beautiful._Throughout_the_whole_world,_you_won%27t_find_any_literature._This_is_India%27s_fortune,_and_they_are_keeping_it_packed_up|I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770103R2-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_had_some_experience_in_my_childhood,_in_1911._I_was_thirteen_years_old._There_was_a_riot._So_our_house_was_there_in_Mahatma_Gandhi_Road,_and_all_sides_Muhammadans|I had some experience in my childhood, in 1911. I was thirteen years old. There was a riot. So our house was there in Mahatma Gandhi Road, and all sides Muhammadans.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770620R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_dared_to_approach_them_because_I_am_confident_that_what_I_am_presenting,_it_is_solid._There_is_no_mistake|I dared to approach them because I am confident that what I am presenting, it is solid. There is no mistake.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770130R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_would_he_%28the_crocodile%29_have_that_loving_feeling_to_hatch_the_baby%3F|How would he (the crocodile) have that loving feeling to hatch the baby?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_will_your_movement_give_anybody_brains%3F|How will your movement give anybody brains?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771030R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_the_Mayavadi_thinks_that_he_can...,_that_the_material_energy_is_false_when_at_every_step_he%27s_baffled_by_the_material_energy%3F|How the Mayavadi thinks that he can..., that the material energy is false when at every step he's baffled by the material energy?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R1-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_they_were_happy,_the_inhabitants_of_Vrndavana_with_Krsna_and_living_and_cows._That_I_want_to_introduce._At_any_cost_do_it_and..._Don%27t_bother_about_big,_big_buildings._It_is_not_required._Useless_waste_of_time._Produce._Make_the_whole_field_green|How they were happy, the inhabitants of Vrndavana with Krsna and living and cows. That I want to introduce. At any cost do it and... Don't bother about big, big buildings. It is not required. Useless waste of time. Produce. Make the whole field green.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_should_we_know_that_he_%28the_guru%29_knows_about_Krsna%3F|How should we know that he (the guru) knows about Krsna?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770126R1-PURI_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_does_a_preacher_realize%3F_How_does_a_preacher_come_to_realize%3F|How does a preacher realize? How does a preacher come to realize?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_has_India_improved_by_independence%3F_What_is_the_improvement%3F_They_are_more_godless_than_ever|How has India improved by independence? What is the improvement? They are more godless than ever.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770509ED-HRISHIKESH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_you_fight_a_war_and_then_be_nonviolent_at_the_same_time%3F..._How_is_it_possible_to_be_nonviolent...|How can you fight a war and then be nonviolent at the same time?... How is it possible to be nonviolent...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_we_be_happy_when_you%27re_not_well%3F%E2%80%A6_We_can%27t_be_happy_if_you%27re_not_well|How can we be happy when you're not well?... We can't be happy if you're not well.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:How_can_any_materialist_manage_more_than_a_few_wives_without_divorce%3F|How can any materialist manage more than a few wives without divorce?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770416R1-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Have_Muslims_taken_to_this_movement%3F|Have Muslims taken to this movement?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123ED-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Gandhi_or_Vinobha_or_Vivekananda_or_Aurobindo,_they_did_not_come_in_the_parampara_system._They_have_made_themselves_important_by_their_own_ideas._That_we_want_to_check._Therefore_we_are_presenting_Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is|Gandhi or Vinobha or Vivekananda or Aurobindo, they did not come in the parampara system. They have made themselves important by their own ideas. That we want to check. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R2-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:For_sterilization_%28the_poor,_these_babajis,_they_were_going_to_beg,_and_by_force,_once,_twice,_injection._So_immediately,_after_one_week%E2%80%A6%29%3F|For sterilization (the poor, these babajis, they were going to beg, and by force, once, twice, injection. So immediately, after one week...)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770130R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:For_example,_for_that_boy_who_is_chanting_now_in_Egypt,_he_has_his_beads,_but_his_chanting_is_effective_even_though_he%27s_still_eating_meat_sometimes_with_his_family%3F|For example, for that boy who is chanting now in Egypt, he has his beads, but his chanting is effective even though he's still eating meat sometimes with his family?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770602DC-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Everyone_is_now_wearing_these_%22Double_It%22_buttons._The_whole_movement_is_simply_thinking_of_doubling_book_distribution,_doubling_it|Everyone is now wearing these "Double It" buttons. The whole movement is simply thinking of doubling book distribution, doubling it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_gentleman_should_have_a_valuable_library_of_these_%28my_books%29._That_we_want._Then_our_preaching_is_successful|Every gentleman should have a valuable library of these (my books). That we want. Then our preaching is successful.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770126R1-PURI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_those_three_days_they_have_to_attend_the_mangala-arati%3F|Even those three days they have to attend the mangala-arati?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770120R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_want_to_read_some_books_published_by_Swamiji._Can_I_get%3F|I want to read some books published by Swamiji. Can I get?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770322R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_want_to_give_Indian_culture_to_the_whole_world._I%27m_not_going_to_cheat_people,_taking_Bhagavad-gita_and_speaking_all_nonsense._I_want_to_present_Bhagavad-gita_as_it_is._That_is_my_mission|I want to give Indian culture to the whole world. I'm not going to cheat people, taking Bhagavad-gita and speaking all nonsense. I want to present Bhagavad-gita as it is. That is my mission.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770216R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_some_mention_in_the_Bhagavatam_about_this,_that_the_religious_men_will_wear_only_the_clothes_to_make_a_profit%3F|Is there some mention in the Bhagavatam about this, that the religious men will wear only the clothes to make a profit?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_any_system_for_publishing_works_in_the_future_that_you_may_not_see%3F%E2%80%A6_What_would_the_system_be_to_insure_the_parampara_if_you_would_not_personally_see_these_translations%3F|Is there any system for publishing works in the future that you may not see?... What would the system be to insure the parampara if you would not personally see these translations?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_it,_just_to_satisfy_their_own_ego_that_they_%28interpreters_of_bhagavad_Gita_who_mislead_people%29_are_doing_in_this_way%3F|Is it, just to satisfy their own ego that they (interpreters of bhagavad Gita who mislead people) are doing in this way?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770416R1-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_it_right_to_tell_the_suffering_that_%22I_am_busy,_at_work_for_my_salvation%22%3F|Is it right to tell the suffering that "I am busy, at work for my salvation"?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770128R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_it_because_we_have_the_desire_to_come_in_contact_with_such_persons_that_we_contact_them,_like_Nitai_contacting_that_Purusottama%3F|Is it because we have the desire to come in contact with such persons that we contact them, like Nitai contacting that Purusottama?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_He_coming_again_%28he_has_got_many_names._Still,_He_acts_to_teach_us._That_is_explained_in_the_Bhagavad-gita._He%27s_so_kind,_but_as_soon_as_He_comes_to_teach_us,_we_take_Him_as_ordinary_man%29%3F|Is He coming again (he has got many names. Still, He acts to teach us. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita. He's so kind, but as soon as He comes to teach us, we take Him as ordinary man)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770415R1-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_the_history_there_was_not_a_single_devotee_of_Krsna_before_my_going._Now_there_are_thousands._Why%3F_The_secret_is_that_I_am_presenting_as_it_is|In the history there was not a single devotee of Krsna before my going. Now there are thousands. Why? The secret is that I am presenting as it is.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_work_hard,_Laksmi_will_come._Our_institution_is_working_so_hard,_all_our_devotees;_therefore_we_have_no_scarcity._We_are_not_babajis,_taking_a_mala_%26_smoking_bidi._%22I_do_not_go_beyond_Vrndavana.%22_Rascal,_loitering_%26_associating_with_so_many_women|If you work hard, Laksmi will come. Our institution is working so hard, all our devotees; therefore we have no scarcity. We are not babajis, taking a mala & smoking bidi. "I do not go beyond Vrndavana." Rascal, loitering & associating with so many women.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770119R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_build_in_Puri,_will_we_have_Jagannatha%3F|If we build in Puri, will we have Jagannatha?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771022R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_are_disgusted_%28I%27ll_guide._Don%27t_move_me_to_the_hospital._Better_kill_me_here._But_if_you_are_disgusted,_that_is_another_thing%29%3F|If we are disgusted (I'll guide. Don't move me to the hospital. Better kill me here. But if you are disgusted, that is another thing)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRISHIKESH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_accept_that_the_senses,_the_body_and_the_mind_are_not_perfect,_they%27re_limited,_then_with_what_means_are_we_to_perceive_God%3F|If we accept that the senses, the body and the mind are not perfect, they're limited, then with what means are we to perceive God?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_people_say,_%22What_is_this_Hare_Krsna_movement_doing%3F%22|If people say, "What is this Hare Krsna movement doing?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_in_our_society_we_say,_%22Srila_Prabhupada_wants_some_to_be_sudra...%22|If in our society we say, "Srila Prabhupada wants some to be sudra..."]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770623R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_was_never_careful_for_anything._Whatever_automatically_comes..._I_was_never_careful._%22As_the_Jew,_I_have_to_save...%22_No,_no|I was never careful for anything. Whatever automatically comes... I was never careful. "As the Jew, I have to save..." No, no.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Material_science_as_well_as_spiritual_science_%28would_be_taught_under_a_Krsna_conscious_goverment%29%3F|Material science as well as spiritual science (would be taught under a Krsna conscious goverment)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Maintain_means_fodder._Grow_fodder._They_will_eat_that_leaf|Maintain means fodder. Grow fodder. They will eat that leaf.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770116R1-CALCUTTA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Management_is_also_spiritual_activity._Why_do_you_take_like_that%3F_It_is_Krsna%27s_establishment|Management is also spiritual activity. Why do you take like that? It is Krsna's establishment.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771016R3-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Life_begins_from_water%3F_How_is_that%3F|Life begins from water? How is that?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Let_them_do_whatever_nonsense_they_are_doing._Let_them_chant_and_take_prasada._We_don%27t_mind_what_they_are_doing._That_is_later_on._When_I_was_chanting_in_Tompkinson_Park_I_never_asked_them_that_%22Don%27t_come_here._You_are_drinking%22|Let them do whatever nonsense they are doing. Let them chant and take prasada. We don't mind what they are doing. That is later on. When I was chanting in Tompkinson Park I never asked them that "Don't come here. You are drinking".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R1-VRNDAVAN_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Let_them_engage_in_kirtana._There_will_be_more_water_for_gardening,_and_it_will_be_moist,_and_then_produce_fodder_for_the_animals_and_food_for_you._And_animal_gives_you_milk._That_is_Vrndavana_life|Let them engage in kirtana. There will be more water for gardening, and it will be moist, and then produce fodder for the animals and food for you. And animal gives you milk. That is Vrndavana life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Legislative_assembly,_the_senators_must_be_all_first-class_brahmanas._Otherwise_he_cannot_be_elected._This_should_be_introduced._Unless_one_is_following_the_brahminical_principles,_he_cannot_be_elected._He_must_give_up_these_4_principles_of_sinful_life|Legislative assembly, the senators must be all first-class brahmanas. Otherwise he cannot be elected. This should be introduced. Unless one is following the brahminical principles, he cannot be elected. He must give up these 4 principles of sinful life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770115LE-ALLAHABAD_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_and_maya;_light_and_shadow._If_you_don%27t_serve_Krsna,_then_you_have_to_serve_maya._And_those_who_are_serving_maya_in_the_name_of_Krsna,_they_are_called_Mayavadi|Krsna and maya; light and shadow. If you don't serve Krsna, then you have to serve maya. And those who are serving maya in the name of Krsna, they are called Mayavadi.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770624R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Keep_this_institution_pure,_not_that_we_have_to_make_it_impure._We_don%27t_want_to_introduce_impure._That_should_be_a_principle|Keep this institution pure, not that we have to make it impure. We don't want to introduce impure. That should be a principle.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sir,_do_you_not_consider_it_advisable_to_get_the_judgment_that_the_Americans_have_translated_into_Indian_so_we_can_look%3F|Sir, do you not consider it advisable to get the judgment that the Americans have translated into Indian so we can look?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-PURI_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Since_most_of_our_presentation_is_done_by_lawyer,_how_can_this_practically_be_brought_about_that_he_introduces_the_books_as_our_main_defense%3F_How_can_he_present_the_books,_a_lawyer,_if_there%27s_not_a_preacher%3F|Since most of our presentation is done by lawyer, how can this practically be brought about that he introduces the books as our main defense? How can he present the books, a lawyer, if there's not a preacher?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sadhu-sanga,_of_course,_is_very_important._Getting_to_take_a_dip_in_Ganges_at_that,_during_this_period,_has_that_got_any_particular_significance_apart_from_sadhu-sanga%3F|Sadhu-sanga, of course, is very important. Getting to take a dip in Ganges at that, during this period, has that got any particular significance apart from sadhu-sanga?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R2-BOMBAY_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Print_books_as_many_as_possible_and_distribute._This_is_our_main_program._All_other_programs_secondary._So_with_this_aim_in_view,_work_all_together._Our_Caitanya-caritamrta_is_unique_literature|Print books as many as possible and distribute. This is our main program. All other programs secondary. So with this aim in view, work all together. Our Caitanya-caritamrta is unique literature.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527VG-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Phew!_You_understood_that_from_this_discussion_here_with_this_man%3F|Phew! You understood that from this discussion here with this man?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770215ED-MAYAPUR_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Oxen_can_also_grind,_I_think._Can_oxen_also_%28in_India_the_practice_was_hand_grind_daily._The_women_will_do_that._That%27s_exercise_for_them,_and_they_keep_their_body_fit_and_beautiful%29%3F|Oxen can also grind, I think. Can oxen also (in India the practice was hand grind daily. The women will do that. That's exercise for them, and they keep their body fit and beautiful)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_may_say,_%22But_I_myself_work_hard._Should_I_support_the_man_who_is_lazy,_doing_nothing%3F_Some_are_lazy._Should_I_work_hard%3F%22|One may say, "But I myself work hard. Should I support the man who is lazy, doing nothing? Some are lazy. Should I work hard?".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770119R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:None_of_the_tourists_who_are_Westerners_ever_takes_Jagannatha_prasadam,_do_they%3F|None of the tourists who are Westerners ever takes Jagannatha prasadam, do they?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jatayu_attacked_him_on_the_sky:_%22Who_are_you%3F_You_are_taking_away_Sita._I_shall_fight_you.%22_So_Ravana_was_very_powerful._He_was_defeated,_Jatayu,_but_he_fought._That_is_his_service._Never_mind_defeated._Similarly,_we_have_to_fight|Jatayu attacked him on the sky: "Who are you? You are taking away Sita. I shall fight you." So Ravana was very powerful. He was defeated, Jatayu, but he fought. That is his service. Never mind defeated. Similarly, we have to fight.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770129MW-BHUVANESVARA_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_as_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_increases_its_influence,_then_American_culture_will_gradually_change%3F|So as the Krsna consciousness movement increases its influence, then American culture will gradually change?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sir,_what_is_your_idea_about_people_following_other_religions%3F|Sir, what is your idea about people following other religions?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770119R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sir,_may_I_know_the_meaning_of_the_divine_name_Hare_Krsna_and_Hare_Rama%3F_The_real_meaning_of_the_divine_name_Hare_Krsna,_Hare_Rama%3F|Sir, may I know the meaning of the divine name Hare Krsna and Hare Rama? The real meaning of the divine name Hare Krsna, Hare Rama?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771016R3-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_Long_time_ago,_you_wanted_an_exhibit_in_London._..._That_would_be_better_than_Washington%3F|Srila Prabhupada? Long time ago, you wanted an exhibit in London. ... That would be better than Washington?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770502R2-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_I_was_thinking_to,_if_I_had_some_free_time,_that_I_could_work_on_writing_some_essay_about_nationalism|Srila Prabhupada? I was thinking to, if I had some free time, that I could work on writing some essay about nationalism.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_I_had_a_question_about_the_prasadam_distribution_money_that_I_am_hoping_to_get_from_the_record_sales..._I_would_like_to_know_if_some_of_it_can_be_used_for_distributing_prasadam_in_America|Srila Prabhupada? I had a question about the prasadam distribution money that I am hoping to get from the record sales... I would like to know if some of it can be used for distributing prasadam in America.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771017R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_For_the_Bombay_opening,_is_it_necessary_to_have_those_South_Indian_brahmanas%3F|Srila Prabhupada? For the Bombay opening, is it necessary to have those South Indian brahmanas?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225SB-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Some_of_our_so-called_devotees,_they_criticize_me_that_I_have_limited_only_sixteen_rounds._No,_why_sixteen_rounds%3F_You_can_make_three_hundred_rounds,_but_minimum,_minimum_sixteen_rounds,_because_we_are_not_accustomed_to_devote_much_time|Some of our so-called devotees, they criticize me that I have limited only sixteen rounds. No, why sixteen rounds? You can make three hundred rounds, but minimum, minimum sixteen rounds, because we are not accustomed to devote much time.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218R3-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_why_not_show_me_where_it_is_%28life_in_the_fire%29%3F|So why not show me where it is (life in the fire)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip9.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_when_the_Krsna_consciousness_movement_becomes_so_powerful_that_it_is_in_charge_of_the_government,_is_it_because_of_a_small_group_of_people_or_because_of_a_mass%3F|So when the Krsna consciousness movement becomes so powerful that it is in charge of the government, is it because of a small group of people or because of a mass?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770331R3-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_we_say_that_the_soul_is_in_the_heart._So_how_can_we_convince_the_other_doctors,_for_example,_of_the_presence_of_the_soul_within_the_body_and_especially_within_the_heart%3F|So we say that the soul is in the heart. So how can we convince the other doctors, for example, of the presence of the soul within the body and especially within the heart?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770122R3-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_unless_we_get_men_from_overseas,_then_for_us_to_expand_is_very_difficult._Just_like_for_this_Mombassa._We_get_this_big_house._Unless_we_have_men_to_maintain_it,_then_why_should_we_take_it%3F|So unless we get men from overseas, then for us to expand is very difficult. Just like for this Mombassa. We get this big house. Unless we have men to maintain it, then why should we take it?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_they_may_challenge,_%22Do_you_mean_to_say_that_you_can_feed_the_whole_world_without_meat%3F%22|So they may challenge, "Do you mean to say that you can feed the whole world without meat?".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip6.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_is_this_conflict_part_of_the_spreading_of_Krsna_consciousness%3F|So is this conflict part of the spreading of Krsna consciousness?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_in_the_same_way_%28that_Jesus%29_Krsna_also_was_appearing_again_during...%3F|So in the same way (that Jesus) Krsna also was appearing again during...?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_there_is_no_salvation_for_this_country%3F|Swamiji, there is no salvation for this country?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRISHIKESH_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_if_you_understand_the_message_of_Gita,_that_Krsna_says,_recommends_even-mindedness_and..._Samata%E2%80%A6_And_do_not_grieve_because_this_body_is_meant_for_death._Now,_I_think_also..._Then_also_compassion_will_come_in,_yeah%3F|Swamiji, if you understand the message of Gita, that Krsna says, recommends even-mindedness and... Samata... And do not grieve because this body is meant for death. Now, I think also... Then also compassion will come in, yeah?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771017R1-VRNDAVAN_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_Would_you_like_it_%28Bombay_temple%29_to_be_opened_on_your_Guru_Maharaja%27s_disappearance%3F|Srila Prabhupada? Would you like it (Bombay temple) to be opened on your Guru Maharaja's disappearance?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770203R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_go_on_sincerely_working_for_this_movement._Nobody_can_defeat_you._Take_all_strategic_point,_fighting_with_maya,_and_become_victorious|Simply go on sincerely working for this movement. Nobody can defeat you. Take all strategic point, fighting with maya, and become victorious.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770202NA-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Balarama_means_guru-tattva._Balarama_represents_guru._Yasya_prasadad_bhagavat-prasadah._If_we_want_to_understand_Caitanya_Mahaprabhu,_if_we_want_to_understand_Krsna,_then_we_must_take_shelter_of_Balarama|Balarama means guru-tattva. Balarama represents guru. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahaprabhu, if we want to understand Krsna, then we must take shelter of Balarama.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_clip10.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Bhagavad_Gita,_there_are_many,_but_why_ours_is_selling_so_many%3F_Because_we_have_named_%22As_It_Is%22._Is_that_the_reason%3F|The Bhagavad Gita, there are many, but why ours is selling so many? Because we have named "As It Is". Is that the reason?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770810R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_American_boys_have_cooperated_with_me_by_printing,_by_distributing,_and_the_money_was_received_by_selling_the_books._So_the_books_are_mine._I_have_given_to_the_society|The American boys have cooperated with me by printing, by distributing, and the money was received by selling the books. So the books are mine. I have given to the society.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOMBAY_clip2.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_word_%22mess,%22_by_that_word_he_%28Bhaktisiddhanta%29_meant_eating,_messing,_eating%3F|That word "mess," by that word he (Bhaktisiddhanta) meant eating, messing, eating?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770105R3-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_my_open_secret._Print_books,_and_distribute,_and_spend_half_in_whichever_life_you_do_and_half,_again_print_books|That is my open secret. Print books, and distribute, and spend half in whichever life you do and half, again print books.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-PURI_clip3.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_description_of_Brahma_receiving_knowledge_through_the_heart,_is_that_at_the_beginning_of_every_day,_or_is_that_just_at_the_beginning_of_the_creation_of_the_universe%3F|That description of Brahma receiving knowledge through the heart, is that at the beginning of every day, or is that just at the beginning of the creation of the universe?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771025R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_%28Bhuvanesvara%29_is_part_of_Jagannatha_Puri_dhama%3F|That (Bhuvanesvara) is part of Jagannatha Puri dhama?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip5.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_how_yato_mata_tato_patha,_became_so_strong%3F|Then how yato mata tato patha, became so strong?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_simple_version_%28of_Bhagavad_gita%29_is_there_also_for_a_layman_like_us_who_do_not_know%3F|The simple version (of Bhagavad gita) is there also for a layman like us who do not know?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_Pope_is_agreeing_with_you_in_Rome%3F%E2%80%A6_The_Pope_is_agreeing%3F%E2%80%A6_In_Rome._He_is_agreeing_with_Hare_Krsna%E2%80%A6%3F%E2%80%A6_With_chanting_and...|The Pope is agreeing with you in Rome?... The Pope is agreeing?... In Rome. He is agreeing with Hare Krsna...?... With chanting and...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770212R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_other_day_you_were_asking_me_about_the_wages,_labor|The other day you were asking me about the wages, labor.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123R1-BHUVANESVARA_clip4.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_thinking,_%22What_if_the_people_want_to_be_Communist%3F_Why_should_we_interfere%3F%22|They are thinking, "What if the people want to be Communist? Why should we interfere?".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770203R2-BHUVANESVARA_mono.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Practice_yoga_-_solitary_and_sacred_place._What_is_this_circle_we_see_in_morning%3F_Simply_%22Chai,_chai,_chai.%22_And_cigarette,_bidi,_and_talking_nonsense,_drinking_-_no_arrangement._Vedic_system,_still_in_India_in_morning_they_take_bath,_in_the_villages|Practice yoga - solitary and sacred place. What is this circle we see in morning? Simply "Chai, chai, chai." And cigarette, bidi, and talking nonsense, drinking - no arrangement. Vedic system, still in India in morning they take bath, in the villages.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Swamiji,_I_wanted_to_know_the_importance_of_Kumbha_Mela|Swamiji, I wanted to know the importance of Kumbha Mela.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770109R1-BOMBAY.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Is_there_special_significance_during_this_period_%28Kumbha_Mela%29%3F|Is there special significance during this period (Kumbha Mela)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770817R1-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_doesn%27t_matter_I_leave_this_body._Even_in_death_I%27ll_live._One_year_before_or_one_year_after..._Now_as_far_as_possible,_I_have_trained_you._Try_to_follow_the_principles._And_go_ahead._Don%27t_be_set_back_by_maya%27s_tricks._Go_ahead,_forward,_at_any_cost|It doesn't matter I leave this body. Even in death I'll live. One year before or one year after... Now as far as possible, I have trained you. Try to follow the principles. And go ahead. Don't be set back by maya's tricks. Go ahead, forward, at any cost.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:As_a_sudra,_he_can_get_the_perfection._Why_he_should_artificially_become_a_brahmana_and_sannyasi_and_fall_down%3F_This_has_to_be_checked|As a sudra, he can get the perfection. Why he should artificially become a brahmana and sannyasi and fall down? This has to be checked.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Better_allow_them_%28the_grhasthas%29_to_live_together._What_can_be_done%3F_But_we_cannot_lose_them._After_training_so_much,_if_they_are_lost,_then_that_is_a_great_loss._This_I_am_giving_hint._Now_you_GBC,_you_change_them._Make_process|Better allow them (the grhasthas) to live together. What can be done? But we cannot lose them. After training so much, if they are lost, then that is a great loss. This I am giving hint. Now you GBC, you change them. Make process.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOMBAY-01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Even_there_is_a_promise_that_%22We_shall_not_fall_down_again,%22_that_is_also_not_believable._What_is_the_use%3F_Better_go_and_speak_philosophy_in_your_grhastha_dress,_not_this_dress,_but_you_have_nice_coat,_pants,_gentleman|Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770207AR-MAYAPUR.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:For_Krsna_you_can_endeavor_multifariously._That_is_wanted._That_is_the_contribution_of_Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati._Before_that,_Vaisnavas,_they_used_to_live_retired_life_in_Vrndavana_or_some_other_place_-_no_preaching_activities|For Krsna you can endeavor multifariously. That is wanted. That is the contribution of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Before that, Vaisnavas, they used to live retired life in Vrndavana or some other place - no preaching activities.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Grhastha_should_not_be_dependent_on_Society._At_the_same_time,_he_should_not_be_independent_of_the_Society|Grhastha should not be dependent on Society. At the same time, he should not be independent of the Society.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R3-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_shall_choose_some_guru._I_shall_say,_%22Now_you_become_acarya._You_become_authorized.%22_I_am_waiting_for_that._You_become_all_acarya._I_retire_completely._But_the_training_must_be_complete|I shall choose some guru. I shall say, "Now you become acarya. You become authorized." I am waiting for that. You become all acarya. I retire completely. But the training must be complete.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_you_don%27t_accept_spiritual_master,_how_you%27ll_get_transcen..._You%27ll_be_taught_here_and_there,_here_and_there,_and_waste_time._Waste_time_for_the_teacher_and_waste_your_valuable_time._Therefore_you_have_to_be_guided_by_an_expert_spiritual_master|If you don't accept spiritual master, how you'll get transcen... You'll be taught here and there, here and there, and waste time. Waste time for the teacher and waste your valuable time. Therefore you have to be guided by an expert spiritual master.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770528ME-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_my_presence_one_should_not_become_guru,_so_on_my_behalf,_on_my_order..._Be_actually_guru,_but_by_my_order|In my presence one should not become guru, so on my behalf, on my order... Be actually guru, but by my order.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770302R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:In_so_many_ways_Krsna_is_trying_to_convince_that_a_living_soul_is_different,_completely_different_from_matter|In so many ways Krsna is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R2-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jesus_Christ_was_crucified._He_didn%27t_mind._So_if_you_are_unnecessarily_prosecuting_us,_we_don%27t_mind._We_must_go_on_with_our_duty._We_cannot_give_it_up|Jesus Christ was crucified. He didn't mind. So if you are unnecessarily prosecuting us, we don't mind. We must go on with our duty. We cannot give it up.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225ED-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Krsna_has_given_you_very_nice_occupation,_translation_work,_and_you_are_earning_your_livelihood_independently._So_do_it_very_nicely._And_if_there_is_strain_to_work,_then_don%27t_work|Krsna has given you very nice occupation, translation work, and you are earning your livelihood independently. So do it very nicely. And if there is strain to work, then don't work.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770817R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Live_like_grhastha,_but_don%27t_leave..._So_remain_as_grhastha_and_render_your_service._There_is_no_harm._If_one_could_not_proceed,_it_doesn%27t_matter._Failure_is_the_pillar_of_success._Then_try._Again_you_shall_try|Live like grhastha, but don't leave... So remain as grhastha and render your service. There is no harm. If one could not proceed, it doesn't matter. Failure is the pillar of success. Then try. Again you shall try.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770423ME-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:My_order_means_Bhagavad-gita._We_don%27t_say_anything_extra._That_is_our_principle._Caitanya_Mahaprabhu_says_that_%22You_become_guru%22|My order means Bhagavad-gita. We don't say anything extra. That is our principle. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "You become guru".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770216R2-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Not_to_mix_with_ordinary_men._Aratir_jana,_general_public._Just_like_this,_our_place_-_only_devotion._This_is_vivikta,_aloof_from_this_world|Not to mix with ordinary men. Aratir jana, general public. Just like this, our place - only devotion. This is vivikta, aloof from this world.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771006R2-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Of_course,_if_I_die,_there_is_nothing_to_be_ruined._You_are_all_participants._So_organize_this_farm_project,_simple_living._Human_life_is_meant_for_God_realization._Try_to_help_them|Of course, if I die, there is nothing to be ruined. You are all participants. So organize this farm project, simple living. Human life is meant for God realization. Try to help them.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770519R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Of_course,_we_do_not_want_to_criticize,_but_according_to_sastra,_people_will_suffer_more_and_more._And_they_must_suffer._Because_they_are_becoming_godless,_they_must_suffer._That_is_nature%27s_punishment|Of course, we do not want to criticize, but according to sastra, people will suffer more and more. And they must suffer. Because they are becoming godless, they must suffer. That is nature's punishment.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRISHIKESH_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_policy_means_Krsna%27s_policy|Our policy means Krsna's policy.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771012R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Print_books,_and_as_I_have_given_in_my_will,_half,_again_print,_and_half_spent_for_propaganda_as_you_like._In_this_way_go_on|Print books, and as I have given in my will, half, again print, and half spent for propaganda as you like. In this way go on.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770127R1-BHUVANESVARA__clip01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Religion_means,_according_to_Vedic_sastra,_dharmam_tu_saksad_bhagavat-pranitam%28SB_6.3.19%29:_%22Religion_means_the_law_given_by_God.%22_It_is_very_simple._But_if_you_do_not_know_what_is_God,_and_if_you_do_not_know_what_law_He_has_given,_then_where_is_religion%3F|Religion means, according to Vedic sastra, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam(SB 6.3.19): "Religion means the law given by God." It is very simple. But if you do not know what is God, and if you do not know what law He has given, then where is religion?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Simply_theorizing,_making_plan,_and_they_do_not_know_what_is_the_suffering._Such_a_rascal_civilization._So_we_have_to_introduce_real_civilization._Therefore_we_are_struggling_so_hard|Simply theorizing, making plan, and they do not know what is the suffering. Such a rascal civilization. So we have to introduce real civilization. Therefore we are struggling so hard.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770325SB-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_bhakti-marga_is_not_very_difficult._Very_easy._Any_child_can_do_it._Any_child,_if_he_sees_the_form_of_Lord_Krsna_in_the_temple,_he_remembers,_and_he_continues_to_think_of_Krsna|So bhakti-marga is not very difficult. Very easy. Any child can do it. Any child, if he sees the form of Lord Krsna in the temple, he remembers, and he continues to think of Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770502R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:So_much_training_we_are_giving;_still,_there_is_falldown|So much training we are giving; still, there is falldown.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_is_their_%28the_scientists%29_poor_fund_of_knowledge._A_gentleman_will_accept,_%22Yes,_we_do_not_know.%22_But_they,_in_roundabout_way,_in_order_to_keep_their_position,_they%27ll_bluff._That_is_most_dangerous,_bluffing|That is their (the scientists) poor fund of knowledge. A gentleman will accept, "Yes, we do not know." But they, in roundabout way, in order to keep their position, they'll bluff. That is most dangerous, bluffing.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R1-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_must_give_up_the_association_of_bad_elements._And_who_is_bad_element%3F_One_bad_element_is_one_who_is_too_much_attached_to_women,_and_the_other_bad_element_is_who_is_not_devotee_of_God._Give_up_their_association._Then_you_will_be_steady|You must give up the association of bad elements. And who is bad element? One bad element is one who is too much attached to women, and the other bad element is who is not devotee of God. Give up their association. Then you will be steady.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R2-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yes,_it_is_worst._Because_I_am_spirit_soul,_I_am_now_imprisoned_with_this_material_body._It_is_my_unnatural_state,_and_I_am_eternal,_and_because_I_have_accepted_this_material_body_I_have_to_undergo_birth,_death,_old_age_and_disease|Yes, it is worst. Because I am spirit soul, I am now imprisoned with this material body. It is my unnatural state, and I am eternal, and because I have accepted this material body I have to undergo birth, death, old age and disease.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yogo_nastah_parantapa._As_soon_as_we_deviate_from_the_original_system,_it_is_nasta,_spoiled._So_what_is_the_use_of_giving_things_which_is_already_spoiled%3F_But_it_cannot_be_spoiled_if_you_follow_the_parampara_system._This_is_the_secret_of_success|Yogo nastah parantapa. As soon as we deviate from the original system, it is nasta, spoiled. So what is the use of giving things which is already spoiled? But it cannot be spoiled if you follow the parampara system. This is the secret of success.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Varnasrama-dharma_should_be_established_to_become_a_Vaisnava|Varnasrama-dharma should be established to become a Vaisnava.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Very_crude,_unsophisticated,_but_intense_love_for_Krsna_-_that_is_Vrndavana._We_want_to_introduce_this_farm_project_means_intense_love_for_Krsna|Very crude, unsophisticated, but intense love for Krsna - that is Vrndavana. We want to introduce this farm project means intense love for Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Was_it_argued_on_also_%28I_was_expecting_to_fight_that_case_at_least_for_some_years,_but_by_Krsna%27s_grace_he_has_given_on_the_first_day_the_judgment%29%3F|Was it argued on also (I was expecting to fight that case at least for some years, but by Krsna's grace he has given on the first day the judgment)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770417R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_appreciate_Communism_as_it_stands_now_or_socialism,_what_they_call_it%3F|We appreciate Communism as it stands now or socialism, what they call it?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_doing_our_duty._That%27s_all._Under_higher_authoritative_order._Have_no_fear._It_is_not_personal_gratification|We are doing our duty. That's all. Under higher authoritative order. Have no fear. It is not personal gratification.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770410R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_in_very_good,_prestigious_position._That_is_sure._Don%27t_spoil_it._So_much_hard_labor._I_started_with_very_humble_condition._Now_it_has_come_to_this,_such_exalted_position._You_don%27t_spoil_it._That_is_my_request|We are in very good, prestigious position. That is sure. Don't spoil it. So much hard labor. I started with very humble condition. Now it has come to this, such exalted position. You don't spoil it. That is my request.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_jiva_comes_along_with_the_rain%3F|That jiva comes along with the rain?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131VA-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_are_seeking_pleasure_within_this_material_world._That_is_imitation._That_is_not_real_enjoyment._But_the_basic_principle_of_enjoyment_is_there._Here_there_is_imitation_enjoyment_-_love_between_young_boy,_young_girl_is_there._So_wherefrom_it_comes%3F|We are seeking pleasure within this material world. That is imitation. That is not real enjoyment. But the basic principle of enjoyment is there. Here there is imitation enjoyment - love between young boy, young girl is there. So wherefrom it comes?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_can_ideally_organize_ourselves_and_then_for_the_rest_of_the_people_all_we_can_do_is_hope_that_they%27ll_follow_it%3F|We can ideally organize ourselves and then for the rest of the people all we can do is hope that they'll follow it?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770327R3-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_everything_in_India,_and_to_become_God_conscious,_to_establish_the_Lord%27s_kingdom,_not_at_all_difficult._But_we_manufacture_our_own_ideas._But_we_want_that_rama-rajya,_but_without_Rama._How_rama-rajya_will_be_there%3F|We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770502R2-BOMBAY_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_so_many_subjects,_positive._Read_our_books_and_present_it_in_a_different_way|We have got so many subjects, positive. Read our books and present it in a different way.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Sometimes_people_ask_whether_I_have_seen_anything_very_powerful_in_Srila_Prabhupada|Sometimes people ask whether I have seen anything very powerful in Srila Prabhupada.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Bombay_should_be_organized._Work_is_our_life._There_is_no_question_of_%22How_long%3F%22_As_long_as_possible._Krsna_giving_us_good_opportunities._Now_we_should_take_it_seriously._It_is_not_joke._%22Hare_Krsna_movement_is_bona_fide_religion%22|Our Bombay should be organized. Work is our life. There is no question of "How long?" As long as possible. Krsna giving us good opportunities. Now we should take it seriously. It is not joke. "Hare Krsna movement is bona fide religion".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_wonderful_so_long_I_serve_Krsna._Otherwise_useless;_no_value._If_I_can_serve_Krsna,_then_I_am_wonderful_certainly._We_don%27t_want_to_become_cheap_wonderful._We_want_to_become_really_wonderful_by_serving_Krsna._That_is_our_mission|I am wonderful so long I serve Krsna. Otherwise useless; no value. If I can serve Krsna, then I am wonderful certainly. We don't want to become cheap wonderful. We want to become really wonderful by serving Krsna. That is our mission.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_my_life_is_finished,_that_is_not_wonderful._Nobody_will_lament._%22Oh,_he_was_old_man,_eighty-two_years_old.%22_But_if_I_can_live_for_some_days_more,_that_is_wonderful._If_I_die,_that_is_not_wonderful|If my life is finished, that is not wonderful. Nobody will lament. "Oh, he was old man, eighty-two years old." But if I can live for some days more, that is wonderful. If I die, that is not wonderful.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Envious_we_don%27t_care_for._We_don%27t_mind._Never_care_for_them._I_didn%27t_care_anyone,_any_time,_even_my_Godbrothers._Neither_I_care_just_now._I%27ll_go_on_with_my..._Why%3F_We_are_doing_our_duty,_that%27s_all,_under_higher_authoritative_order._Have_no_fear|Envious we don't care for. We don't mind. Never care for them. I didn't care anyone, any time, even my Godbrothers. Neither I care just now. I'll go on with my... Why? We are doing our duty, that's all, under higher authoritative order. Have no fear.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770428R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_shouldn%27t_kill_them._What_about_if_they%27re_biting_you,_right_in_the_process_of_biting_you%3F|We shouldn't kill them. What about if they're biting you, right in the process of biting you?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We%27d_have_to_completely_revise_the_whole_system_that_we_have_now%3F|We'd have to completely revise the whole system that we have now?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770116R2-CALCUTTA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Work_very_hard_for_Krsna_one_life|Work very hard for Krsna one life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770215ED-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:That_one_person,_God,_He%27s_supplying_everyone,_whatever_necessities._You_have_to_simply_work_little._That_is_material_world._In_the_material_world_you_have_to_work._And_in_the_spiritual_world_there_is_no_question_of_work|That one person, God, He's supplying everyone, whatever necessities. You have to simply work little. That is material world. In the material world you have to work. And in the spiritual world there is no question of work.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218R2-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_last_desire..._Because_if_you_become_addicted_to_certain_type_of_desire,_that_is_prominent_at_the_time_of_death|The last desire... Because if you become addicted to certain type of desire, that is prominent at the time of death.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770329SB-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_real_problem_of_life_is_not_to_adjust_things_materially,_change_from_one_form_of_government_to_another_form_of_government._These_things_are_temporary_things._It_will_not_give_relief|The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_would_you_have_us_identify_with%3F_How_would_you_have_us_identify%3F|What would you have us identify with? How would you have us identify?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218R2-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Western_are_all_are_like_asses%3F|Western are all are like asses?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_will_the_sudras_do_in_the_big_city_temple,_in_all_the_temples%3F|What will the sudras do in the big city temple, in all the temples?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124MW-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_the_cows_that_they_slaughter%3F_Do_they_have_to_continue_in_a_cow_birth%3F|What about the cows that they slaughter? Do they have to continue in a cow birth?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770126R1-PURI_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_got_very_pessimistic_view_of_this_modern_world._You_may_like_or_not._Simply_spoiling_time|We have got very pessimistic view of this modern world. You may like or not. Simply spoiling time.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R6-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Well,_what_about_all_these_artificial_divisions,_%22this_nation,%22_%22that_nation,%22_%22this_land%22%3F|Well, what about all these artificial divisions, "this nation," "that nation," "this land"?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770617R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_earthen_pots_are_cooked_with,_they_are_finished_afterwards%3F|When earthen pots are cooked with, they are finished afterwards?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770125R2-PURI_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_our_promise,_in_the_future_also,_that_you_go_to_Krsna_in_the_future%3F|What about our promise, in the future also, that you go to Krsna in the future?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770511ED-HRISHIKESH_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whatever_limited_circle,_you_just_become_guru_and_deliver_them._Deliver_means_deliver_from_the_ignorance._Everyone_is_in_ignorance,_so_we_have_to_teach_them_that_%22You_are_not_this_body._You_are_pure_soul._Your_business_is_different%22|Whatever limited circle, you just become guru and deliver them. Deliver means deliver from the ignorance. Everyone is in ignorance, so we have to teach them that "You are not this body. You are pure soul. Your business is different".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770105R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_Krsna_disappeared_from_rasa,_what_they_%28the_gopis%29_did%3F|When Krsna disappeared from rasa, what they (the gopis) did?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527R2-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_can%27t_you_give_us_your_old_age%3F|Why can't you give us your old age?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770208BA-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_should_not_remain_vimudha._We_should_become_intelligent._And_to_make_us_intelligent,_Krsna_comes,_Krsna%27s_devotees_come,_some_messenger_comes._And_Srila_Bhaktisiddhanta_is_one_of_the_messengers_of_Krsna_Caitanya_to_preach_Krsna_consciousness|We should not remain vimudha. We should become intelligent. And to make us intelligent, Krsna comes, Krsna's devotees come, some messenger comes. And Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is one of the messengers of Krsna Caitanya to preach Krsna consciousness.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770512ED-HRISHIKESH_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_will_happen_to_this_generation_after_ten,_twenty_years%3F|What will happen to this generation after ten, twenty years?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770429R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Where_do_they_do_this_%28tantrika-yoga%29%3F|Where do they do this (tantrika-yoga)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770416R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Whenever_there_was_question_of_Jesus,_I_never_disrespected_Jesus._Never_criticized_him,_because_I_know_that_he_is_powerful_representative_of_God._We_took_it_from_Guru_Maharaja|Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R5-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Ratha-yatra,_Radha-Govinda_seva,_prasada_distribution._Only_the_new_thing_I_am_doing-writing_of_books_by_the_order_of_Guru_Maharaja._Otherwise,_whatever_I_have_introduced,_I_was_trained_up_in_childhood._I_simply_imitated._I_am_simply_surprised|This Ratha-yatra, Radha-Govinda seva, prasada distribution. Only the new thing I am doing-writing of books by the order of Guru Maharaja. Otherwise, whatever I have introduced, I was trained up in childhood. I simply imitated. I am simply surprised.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124MW-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_criticize_this_in_ISKCON,_that_the_leaders_pick_out_husband_and_wife..._And_that_they%27re_not_allowed_to_mix_freely._They_say,_%22Well_how_do_you_know_who_you_want_to_marry_unless_you_can_mix_with_that_person%3F%22|They criticize this in ISKCON, that the leaders pick out husband and wife... And that they're not allowed to mix freely. They say, "Well how do you know who you want to marry unless you can mix with that person?".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770107R1-BOMBAY_05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_hypocrisy_should_be_stopped._There_have_been_so_many_fallen_down._First_of_all_there_will_be_no_sannyasi_anymore._I_have_got_very_bad_experience|This hypocrisy should be stopped. There have been so many fallen down. First of all there will be no sannyasi anymore. I have got very bad experience.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770420R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_haven%27t_got_to_manufacture._And_as_soon_as_you_manufacture,_fall_down._Evam_parampara-praptam_imam_rajarsayah..._This_manufacturing_idea_is_very,_very_dangerous_in_spiritual_life._Whatever_little_success_is_there_for_me,_I_did_not_manufacture_any_idea|We haven't got to manufacture. And as soon as you manufacture, fall down. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayah... This manufacturing idea is very, very dangerous in spiritual life. Whatever little success is there for me, I did not manufacture any idea.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770324SB-BOMBAY_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_special_concession_to_the_Kali-yuga,_that_there_are_so_many_faults_in_this_age,_but_if_one_sticks_to_this_principle_of_kirtanad_eva_krsnasya_mukta-sangah_param_vrajet,_he_becomes_liberated_and_go_back_to_home,_back_to_Godhead|This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770508R3-HRISHIKESH_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_finally_man_comes_to_the_conclusion_that_his_mind_is_chaotic_-_there_is_no_order_-_when_he_admits_this_to_himself_and_he_looks_to_find_a_way_to_purify_his_mind,_will_not_the_spiritual_sadhana_open_up_naturally%3F|When finally man comes to the conclusion that his mind is chaotic - there is no order - when he admits this to himself and he looks to find a way to purify his mind, will not the spiritual sadhana open up naturally?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770122BG-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_Krsna_consciousness_movement_is_trying_to_reestablish_daiva-varnasrama,_where_brahmana,_ksatriya,_vaisya,_sudra,_everyone._Systematic._We_are_therefore_proposing_to_start_a_college,_varnasrama_college|This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to reestablish daiva-varnasrama, where brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, everyone. Systematic. We are therefore proposing to start a college, varnasrama college.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770425R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_this_svarupa-siddhi%3F|What about this svarupa-siddhi?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770224ED-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Rascal_civilization._Instead_of_giving_protection_to_the_cows,_you_are_cutting_the_throat._Is_that_civilization%3F|Rascal civilization. Instead of giving protection to the cows, you are cutting the throat. Is that civilization?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770528ME-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_our_next_question_concerns_initiations_in_the_future,_particularly_at_that_time_when_you%27re_no_longer_with_us._We_want_to_know_how_first_and_second_initiation_would_be_conducted%3F|Then our next question concerns initiations in the future, particularly at that time when you're no longer with us. We want to know how first and second initiation would be conducted?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R3-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:While_sometimes_the_movies_that_are_demonstrated_in_the_plane,_I_close_my_eyes._I_do_not_like_to_see_them_because_that_impression_carries._It_is_a_very_disturbing_fact_to_me|While sometimes the movies that are demonstrated in the plane, I close my eyes. I do not like to see them because that impression carries. It is a very disturbing fact to me.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770528ME-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Then_what_is_the_relationship_of_that_person_who_gives_the_initiation_and_the%E2%80%A6_%28yes._I_shall_recommend_some_of_you._After_this_is_settled_up,_I_shall_recommend_some_of_you_to_act_as_officiating_acaryas._Rtvik,_yes%29%3F|Then what is the relationship of that person who gives the initiation and the... (yes. I shall recommend some of you. After this is settled up, I shall recommend some of you to act as officiating acaryas. Rtvik, yes)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770502R2-BOMBAY_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:There_was_a_newspaper_article_about_a_few_weeks_ago,_and_you_had_said_that_something_could_be_written_on_this_subject_%28nationalism%29._That%27s_the_only_reason_I..._Is_there_any_subject_that_would_be_good_to_write_on%3F|There was a newspaper article about a few weeks ago, and you had said that something could be written on this subject (nationalism). That's the only reason I... Is there any subject that would be good to write on?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:These_things_have_to_be_adjusted._You_cannot_follow_very_rigid_in_case_of_grhasthas._Some_way_or_other,_you_have_to_adjust._We_cannot_allow_them_to_be_lost|These things have to be adjusted. You cannot follow very rigid in case of grhasthas. Some way or other, you have to adjust. We cannot allow them to be lost.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770119R2-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28one_who_is_under_the_control_of_maya,_he_speaks_like_ghostly-haunted_man_-_all_nonsense%29_are_actually_ghostly-haunted,_or_as_if_ghostly-haunted%3F|They (one who is under the control of maya, he speaks like ghostly-haunted man - all nonsense) are actually ghostly-haunted, or as if ghostly-haunted?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_ask,_%22What_is_the_force_that_combined_matter_and_the_atma,_matter_and_life,_matter_and_the_jiva_or_atma%3F_What_is_the_force_behind_it%3F%22|They ask, "What is the force that combined matter and the atma, matter and life, matter and the jiva or atma? What is the force behind it?".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R3-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_felt_an_ecstasy_so_continue_this_ideal|They felt an ecstasy so continue this ideal.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_would_say,_How_do_you_know_God_said_that%3F_Just_because_it_is_written_in_a_book,_how_do_you_know%3F|They would say, How do you know God said that? Just because it is written in a book, how do you know?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770326R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_modern_civilization._They_do_not_know_what_is_the_goal_of_life._And_without_knowing_the_goal_of_life,_they_are_trying_to_adjust_things_on_this_material_platform|This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_keep_the_ideal_style_of_life._You_learn,_and_do_it._I_am_not_encroaching_upon_your_independence,_but_if_you_want_to_be_happy,_you_follow._This_is_our_process|We keep the ideal style of life. You learn, and do it. I am not encroaching upon your independence, but if you want to be happy, you follow. This is our process.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771006R2-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We%27re_always_feeling_your_presence_very_strongly,_Srila_Prabhupada,_simply_by_your_teachings_and_your_instructions._We%27re_always_meditating_on_your_instructions|We're always feeling your presence very strongly, Srila Prabhupada, simply by your teachings and your instructions. We're always meditating on your instructions.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770417R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_reincarnation,_Srila_Prabhupada%3F_What_about_transmigration_of_the_soul%3F_%27Cause_we_were_thinking_to_do_that_for_a_next_film,_because_it_seems_like_a_very_natural_thing|What about reincarnation, Srila Prabhupada? What about transmigration of the soul? 'Cause we were thinking to do that for a next film, because it seems like a very natural thing..]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_falling_down%3F_Because_he_was_not_fit_for_the_position,_therefore_he_has_fallen._Better_remain_in_his_position_and_become_perfect._Why_artificially_bring_them%3F_There_is_no_need|Why falling down? Because he was not fit for the position, therefore he has fallen. Better remain in his position and become perfect. Why artificially bring them? There is no need.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_didn%27t_Jesus_Christ_say_all_these_things_about_Krsna%3F|Why didn't Jesus Christ say all these things about Krsna?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Why_did_they_depose_him_%28Krushchev%29%3F|Why did they depose him (Krushchev)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770204R1-CALCUTTA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_if_it%27s_done_in_a_culture_where_this_is_entirely_different_%28the_Indian_culture,_brahmacari,_sannyasi_and_brahmana,_they_are_allowed_to_beg_alms%29%3F|What if it's done in a culture where this is entirely different (the Indian culture, brahmacari, sannyasi and brahmana, they are allowed to beg alms)?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770129MW-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_say_a_Buddhist_who_practices_ahimsa..._%28in_a_Krsna_conscious_country,_would_he_be_chastised%29%3F|What about say a Buddhist who practices ahimsa... (in a Krsna conscious country, would he be chastised)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_print_this_book_%28Brahma-samhita%29,_should_we_distribute_it_freely%3F_Should_we_distribute_this_book_to_the_masses%3F|When we print this book (Brahma-samhita), should we distribute it freely? Should we distribute this book to the masses?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770220R1-MAYAPUR_07.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_will_be_the_difference_between_the_Vrndavana_gurukula_and_this_gurukula%3F|What will be the difference between the Vrndavana gurukula and this gurukula?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123R1-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_about_the_platform_of_just_not_killing_anyone%3F_Is_there_any_credit_to_that%3F|What about the platform of just not killing anyone? Is there any credit to that?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770215ED-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_could_England_gain_from_the_separation%3F_What_was_their_gain_from_dividing_India_and_Pakistan%3F|What could England gain from the separation? What was their gain from dividing India and Pakistan?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770425R2-BOMBAY_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_does_that_do_to_his_relationship_with_his_own_spiritual_master%3F|What does that do to his relationship with his own spiritual master?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770509ED-HRISHIKESH_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_meant_by_nonviolence%3F|What is meant by nonviolence?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770422R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_means_by_which_we_know_what_Gita_says_to_us,_Swamiji%3F|What is the means by which we know what Gita says to us, Swamiji?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770417R1-BOMBAY_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Which_book_would_you_like_to_have_translated_into_Russian%3F|Which book would you like to have translated into Russian?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770226ED-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_is_the_qualification_for_understanding%3F|What is the qualification for understanding?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770630R3-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_you_see_that_Deity,_are_you..._Do_you_call_it_Syamasundara_or_Govinda%3F|When you see that Deity, are you... Do you call it Syamasundara or Govinda?]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123ED-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_students_can_do%3F_In_the_topic_of..._%28the_different_interpretations_of_Bhagavad_Gita%29,_what_students_can_do%3F|What students can do? In the topic of... (the different interpretations of Bhagavad Gita), what students can do?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770219R4-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_situation_did_they_do_that_%28devotees_fighting%29%3F|What situation did they do that (devotees fighting)?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R5-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:What_was_particularly_nice_about_his_devotional_quality%3F|What was particularly nice about his devotional quality?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770227R1-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_they_agree_at_this_young_age_%28marriage%29,_they_should_wait_till_they_get_older,_right%3F|When they agree at this young age (marriage), they should wait till they get older, right?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Where_should_we_send_%28milk_products%29%3F_To_one_center%3F|Where should we send (milk products)? To one center?]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_there_is_some_good_lessons_to_learn_from_them,_because_they_were_persecuted,_they_were_killed_by_the_government_even._But_they_didn%27t_give_up_their_faith._They_remained_very_faithful,_the_early_Christians|Actually there is some good lessons to learn from them, because they were persecuted, they were killed by the government even. But they didn't give up their faith. They remained very faithful, the early Christians.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770527VG-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_these_properties_are_the_envy_of_all_of_India._They%27re_the_best_properties_in_each_place|Actually these properties are the envy of all of India. They're the best properties in each place.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770521R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_you_and_your_Guru_Maharaja_are_the_greatest_enemies_of_modern_civilization_in_this_century,_Srila_Prabhupada|Actually you and your Guru Maharaja are the greatest enemies of modern civilization in this century, Srila Prabhupada.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770225R1-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually_you%27re_very_well_known_for_criticizing_everybody_else|Actually you're very well known for criticizing everybody else.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_it_seems_that_in_your_system_of_management,_the_basic_principle_is_to_depend_on_Krsna|Actually, it seems that in your system of management, the basic principle is to depend on Krsna.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771010R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Actually,_Srila_Prabhupada,_it_may_not_matter_to_yourself,_but_it_matters_too_much_for_us_and_for_the_world._We_don%27t_want..._We_can%27t..._You_can%27t_leave_us_now|Actually, Srila Prabhupada, it may not matter to yourself, but it matters too much for us and for the world. We don't want... We can't... You can't leave us now.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:At_least_for_five_or_six_years_now_the_system_has_been_that_no_man_and_woman_should_live_together_in_the_same_building_as_where_the_Deity_is|At least for five or six years now the system has been that no man and woman should live together in the same building as where the Deity is.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771008R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Dhrstadyumna_Maharaja_will_be_coming_tomorrow_with_his_brother._And_he_has_designed_the_very_ideal_plan_for_all_of_the_varnas_and_asramas_to_live_together|Dhrstadyumna Maharaja will be coming tomorrow with his brother. And he has designed the very ideal plan for all of the varnas and asramas to live together.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770706R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Every_time_I%27ve_seen_a_reporter_say,_%22Swamiji,_what_do_you_think_about_so_and_so%3F%22_you_said,_%22I_do_not_know_about_such_persons%22|Every time I've seen a reporter say, "Swamiji, what do you think about so and so?" you said, "I do not know about such persons".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:He_said_if_God_is_Krsna,_then_there_would_be_some_evidence_in_the_Bible,_but_there_is_no_evidence|He said if God is Krsna, then there would be some evidence in the Bible, but there is no evidence.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Hm._No,_but_there_is_alternative_always._There_are_available_rooms_and_apartments_just_adjoining_the_temples|Hm. No, but there is alternative always. There are available rooms and apartments just adjoining the temples.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_am_not_qualified_to_worship_Krsna,_so_let_me_just_worship_the_Mother._She_is_part_of_Krsna,_so_let_me_just_worship_her|I am not qualified to worship Krsna, so let me just worship the Mother. She is part of Krsna, so let me just worship her.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770218R4-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_found_that_our_devotees_who_engage_in_business,_they_become_a_little_spiritually_weakened_because_we%27re_not_that_advanced_yet|I found that our devotees who engage in business, they become a little spiritually weakened because we're not that advanced yet.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771016R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I_should_be_always_chanting|I should be always chanting.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R7-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I%27m_not_actually_tired._I%27m_feeling_completely_rejuvenated_just_seeing_you,_Srila_Prabhupada|I'm not actually tired. I'm feeling completely rejuvenated just seeing you, Srila Prabhupada.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_05.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:I%27m_saying_the_emphasis_of_marriage_responsibility,_I_don%27t_know_if_it%27s_preached_that_strongly._Generally_it%27s_preached_that_one_should_not...|I'm saying the emphasis of marriage responsibility, I don't know if it's preached that strongly. Generally it's preached that one should not...]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217R1-MAYAPUR_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:If_we_were_to_preach_a_little_less_vigorously,_there_might_be_less_objection,_but_then_again_there_would_be_the_less_benefit_because_we_would_not_be_preaching_as_vigorously._It%27s_very_hard_to_know_sometimes_just_how_forcefully_to_preach|If we were to preach a little less vigorously, there might be less objection, but then again there would be the less benefit because we would not be preaching as vigorously. It's very hard to know sometimes just how forcefully to preach.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_%28a_book_of_Srila_Prabhupada%29_establishes_itself_as_a_Deity_within_a_person%27s_home|It (a book of Srila Prabhupada) establishes itself as a Deity within a person's home.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_seems_like_even_though_you%27re_invalid,_it_gives_us_more_opportunity_to_serve_you|It seems like even though you're invalid, it gives us more opportunity to serve you.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770326R3-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_seems_like_you_are_giving_more_stress_to_science_in_recent_years_than_previously|It seems like you are giving more stress to science in recent years than previously.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770301R1-MAYAPUR_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:It_was_only_when_your_lotus_feet_touched_Australia_that_it_became_worthwhile|It was only when your lotus feet touched Australia that it became worthwhile.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jaya_Srila_Prabhupada._Thank_you_for_all_these_instructions|Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for all these instructions.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771008R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Jaya_Srila_Prabhupada._We%27re_going_on_on_your_teachings,_Srila_Prabhupada._You%27re_always_in_the_center_of_our_life|Jaya Srila Prabhupada. We're going on on your teachings, Srila Prabhupada. You're always in the center of our life.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Many_revolutions_have_been_victorious_with_a_very_small_minority_of_people_behind_them_because_they%27re_so_well_organized._Russia,_Germany,_all_these_revolutions|Many revolutions have been victorious with a very small minority of people behind them because they're so well organized. Russia, Germany, all these revolutions.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770719R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Now_we_are_being_given_a_new_training_by_you,_Srila_Prabhupada|Now we are being given a new training by you, Srila Prabhupada.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770123LE-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:One_in_million_get_a_chance_to_get_a_real_spiritual_guide._There_are_so_many_in_the_name_of_spiritual_guide._And_he_will_false_pray_because_his_inner_soul_hankers_and_inner_soul_thinks_that_%22This_is_my_guru,_and_somehow_I_will_accept_whatever_he_says%22|One in million get a chance to get a real spiritual guide. There are so many in the name of spiritual guide. And he will false pray because his inner soul hankers and inner soul thinks that "This is my guru, and somehow I will accept whatever he says".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770701R4-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Out_of_desire_to_serve_you,_they_carry_out_whatever_you_ask|Out of desire to serve you, they carry out whatever you ask.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217R1-MAYAPUR_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_are_speaking_about_our_movement_now._Many_people_say_to_us_that_%22You_are_selling_out,_compromising_your_position%22|People are speaking about our movement now. Many people say to us that "You are selling out, compromising your position".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770719R1-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_become_so_much_impelled_or_attracted_when_they_hear_of_a_great_personality_and_his_activities._It_makes_them_want_to_link_up_with_such_a_person._So_this_book_will_have_preaching_effect,_no_doubt,_and_it_will_be_filled_with_philosophy_also|People become so much impelled or attracted when they hear of a great personality and his activities. It makes them want to link up with such a person. So this book will have preaching effect, no doubt, and it will be filled with philosophy also.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHUVANESVARA_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:People_want_to_be_flattered._They_don%27t_want_to_be_told_very_strongly|People want to be flattered. They don't want to be told very strongly.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770122R2-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada_said_this_past_week_that_in_the_future,_historians_will_study_this_period_of_world_history,_how_this_movement_has_changed_the_world._He_said_in_the_future_they_will_just_note_this_period,_how_the_world_is_being_changed|Prabhupada said this past week that in the future, historians will study this period of world history, how this movement has changed the world. He said in the future they will just note this period, how the world is being changed.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771015R3-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Prabhupada_says_by_activating_his_muscles,_by_massaging,_that_will_generate_energy._That_will_bring_appetite|Prabhupada says by activating his muscles, by massaging, that will generate energy. That will bring appetite.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770203R1-BHUVANESVARA_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:She_said,_%22Your_Guruji_is_just_like_Nethaji._He_went_outside_of_India_and_organized_army_of_Vaisnavas%22|She said, "Your Guruji is just like Nethaji. He went outside of India and organized army of Vaisnavas".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770217R1-MAYAPUR_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Srila_Prabhupada%3F_Sometimes_we_find_a_dilemma_in_preaching,_in_the_sense_that_if_we_preach_very_vigorously_we_invoke_the_attention_of_the_authorities|Srila Prabhupada? Sometimes we find a dilemma in preaching, in the sense that if we preach very vigorously we invoke the attention of the authorities.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_07.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_guiding_principle_should_be_that_under_no_circumstance_should_anyone_become_lost|The guiding principle should be that under no circumstance should anyone become lost.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770203R1-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:The_outcome_of_the_battle_is_already_decided._Just_like_in_Bhagavad-gita,_we%27ve_already_won._We_just_have_to_keep_fighting|The outcome of the battle is already decided. Just like in Bhagavad-gita, we've already won. We just have to keep fighting.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R3-BHUVANESVARA_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:%22The_work_done_by_A.C._Bhaktivedanta_Swami_Prabhupada_toward_the_revivalism_of_Hindu_culture_and_civilization_is_unsurpassable._His_Holiness_has_done_a_great_service_to_Indian_culture_by_reinterpreting_the_concept_enshrined_in_the_Srimad-Bhagavatam%22|"The work done by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada toward the revivalism of Hindu culture and civilization is unsurpassable. His Holiness has done a great service to Indian culture by reinterpreting the concept enshrined in the Srimad-Bhagavatam".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770425R1-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28girls_from_the_city%29_want_the_cinema_and_all_of_the_other_things._They_don%27t_want_to_work_hard._Farm_life_means_to_work_hard._You_have_to_get_out_and_milk_the_cows,_so_many_things._They_don%27t_want_to_do_this|They (girls from the city) want the cinema and all of the other things. They don't want to work hard. Farm life means to work hard. You have to get out and milk the cows, so many things. They don't want to do this.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770113R1-ALLAHABAD_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_are_accusing_us_that_%22By_chanting,_you_are_killing_your_brain%22|They are accusing us that "By chanting, you are killing your brain".]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_is_the_reason,_one_of_the_reasons._Hm._I_don%27t_think_many_devotees_think_in_terms_of_that,_but_this_is_a_very_practical_point,_that_selling_books,_once_you_make_the_sale,_that%27s_it._The_book_will_act|This is the reason, one of the reasons. Hm. I don't think many devotees think in terms of that, but this is a very practical point, that selling books, once you make the sale, that's it. The book will act.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770121R2-BHUVANESVARA_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_one_man_was_challenging_that_%22This_Krsna_is_simply_sex_symbol,_dancing_with_so_many_women,_having_so_many_queens%22|This one man was challenging that "This Krsna is simply sex symbol, dancing with so many women, having so many queens".]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770201MW-BHUVANESVARA_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_subject_matter_is_called_%22mind-body_problem.%22_The_mind_sometimes_they_compare_as_spirit_or_soul_in_some_Western_philosophical_circles|This subject matter is called "mind-body problem." The mind sometimes they compare as spirit or soul in some Western philosophical circles.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770214R2-MAYAPUR_07.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:This_will_more_or_less_revolutionize_the_way_we%27re_running_our_centers._If_we_introduce_it,_it_will_more_or_less_revolutionize_the_way_we%27re_running_our_centers|This will more or less revolutionize the way we're running our centers. If we introduce it, it will more or less revolutionize the way we're running our centers.]]
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|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770113R1-ALLAHABAD_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_devotees_like_that._We_also_have_devotees_who_spiritually_have_trouble_coming_to_the_programs_and_even_chanting,_but_still,_they_like_to_give_them_service,_so_we_engage_them_anyway|We have devotees like that. We also have devotees who spiritually have trouble coming to the programs and even chanting, but still, they like to give them service, so we engage them anyway.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771008R1-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_have_nothing_new_to_find_out._We_have_no_research_to_make._You%27ve_given_us_everything._We_only_have_to_carry_out_exactly_how_you%27ve_trained_us_up_and_taught_us|We have nothing new to find out. We have no research to make. You've given us everything. We only have to carry out exactly how you've trained us up and taught us.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770131R3-BHUVANESVARA_05.mp3 </mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We_live_on_the_mercy_and_the_guidance_of_the_guru_every_moment|We live on the mercy and the guidance of the guru every moment.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770810R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:They_%28Nepal%29_have_got_a_sentiment_of_Hinduism._So_with_their_cooperation,_a_little_foreign_exchange,_you_can_establish_a_stronghold_there._It_will_be_a_great_service|They (Nepal) have got a sentiment of Hinduism. So with their cooperation, a little foreign exchange, you can establish a stronghold there. It will be a great service.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770719R1-VRNDAVAN_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:We%27ve_become_happy._Actually,_apart_from_the_devotees,_there_are_no_happy_people_in_the_whole_world|We've become happy. Actually, apart from the devotees, there are no happy people in the whole world.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771021R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Yes,_Srila_Prabhupada._We_understand_very_well._We_apologize_that_we_were_taking_too_lightly|Yes, Srila Prabhupada. We understand very well. We apologize that we were taking too lightly.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771008R1-VRNDAVAN_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_are_the_perfect_father,_Srila_Prabhupada._You_provide_everything_for_us-place_to_live,_food_to_eat,_everything._And_you%27ve_trained_us_up_with_spiritual_knowledge|You are the perfect father, Srila Prabhupada. You provide everything for us-place to live, food to eat, everything. And you've trained us up with spiritual knowledge.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770102R2-BOMBAY_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_consider_that_as_a_material._Only_bhakti-yoga_is_more..._That%27s_true|You consider that as a material. Only bhakti-yoga is more... That's true.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770111TT-INDIA_04.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_have_said_many_times_that_if_a_small_percentage_of_the_Americans_become_Krsna_conscious,_then_the_whole_country_can_gradually_become_Krsna_conscious|You have said many times that if a small percentage of the Americans become Krsna conscious, then the whole country can gradually become Krsna conscious.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770124MW-BHUVANESVARA_03.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You_said_in_that_article_in_the_BTG_that_women%27s_liberation_means_that_they_get_more_exploited|You said in that article in the BTG that women's liberation means that they get more exploited.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770717R2-VRNDAVAN_06.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You%27ve_always_said_to_us,_at_least_whatever_we_have,_maintain_it|You've always said to us, at least whatever we have, maintain it.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771109R1-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:You,_of_course,_have_been_so_merciful_that_sometimes_you_would_take_prasada_cooked_by_so_many_different_people|You, of course, have been so merciful that sometimes you would take prasada cooked by so many different people.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/771103R8-VRNDAVAN_01.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_order_is_our_business_to_follow,_even_at_the_risk_of_our_life._So_we_are_not_going_to_take_you_to_the_hospital_under_any_condition|Your order is our business to follow, even at the risk of our life. So we are not going to take you to the hospital under any condition.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770706R1-VRNDAVAN_02.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Your_purports_have_such_wonderful_realization._They_are_completely_nectar_to_read_and_hear|Your purports have such wonderful realization. They are completely nectar to read and hear.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770108R6-BOMBAY_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:Our_Godbrothers._They_are_envious._What_I_have_done_to_them%3F_I_am_doing_my_business,_trying_to_serve_my_Guru_Maharaja._But_they_are_envious_because_I_am_so_opulent._I_have_got_so_much_fame,_so_many_influence,_so_much_influence_all_over_the_world|Our Godbrothers. They are envious. What I have done to them? I am doing my business, trying to serve my Guru Maharaja. But they are envious because I am so opulent. I have got so much fame, so many influence, so much influence all over the world.]]
{| border="0" style="margin: auto;"
|<big>[[Vaniquotes:Category:Pages with Prabhupada's Audio - Umbrella Category|<span class="quotelink">Śrīla Prabhupāda Speaks</span>]]</big><br/><br/><mp3player>https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanipedia/clip/770211R1-MAYAPUR_clip1.mp3</mp3player>
|[[Vaniquotes:When_we_try_to_keep_aloof_from_the_envious,_that_is_not_our_enviousness._That_is_just_to_avoid_trouble_for_preaching_work._Not_that_we_hate_them|When we try to keep aloof from the envious, that is not our enviousness. That is just to avoid trouble for preaching work. Not that we hate them.]]
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Latest revision as of 12:57, 10 January 2021