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{{VaniQuotebox|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then bahūnāṁ janmanām ante: after many many births it will take.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take|If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then bahūnāṁ janmanām ante: after many many births it will take.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So how Krsna consciousness acts, how this transcendental sound cleanses your heart, you may not understand in the beginning, but if you take to it and if you practice it, then you understand|So how Kṛṣṇa consciousness acts, how this transcendental sound cleanses your heart, you may not understand in the beginning, but if you take to it and if you practice it, then you understand. Then you can understand. And in the Vedānta-sūtra it is said, śabdāt anāvṛttiḥ. As from the sound the whole material existence has come into being, similarly, from sound also, you can go back to the spiritual existence. So this sound vibration... The oṁkāra is also the same sound as..., om, but this is easier, Hare Kṛṣṇa.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided. There must be speaker system, and there must be good publicity beforehand so that many may know of us and come. This is very important|So far the speaking engagements are concerned, they must be well-organized and sponsored, so that there will be enough publicity and many people will come. We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided. There must be speaker system, and there must be good publicity beforehand so that many may know of us and come. This is very important.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it|God means Supreme Controller; can you control anything? Not even your own body. What to speak of the millions of planets spinning so perfectly in their orbit. In this way, we must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible|If these items of regular programme are maintained to the highest standard and not neglected for anything, then everything else we try for will come out successful without fail. So you are now big officer, and I think Krishna has favored you by this position, because now you will be forced to always be the best example of KC person and be very very responsible, because you must make sure that all the devotees in your temple are always satisfied as far as possible by being happy in spiritual life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This chanting of Hare Krsna mantra is always thinking of Krsna. Even I don't like it, think Krsna, as soon as the name is chanted immediately I'm forced to think of Krsna, immediately. Hare Krsna, as I say, immediately I remember Krsna, man-mana|Here is the yoga system Kṛṣṇa describes, sa ma guhyatamam, most confidential yoga system. What is that? Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto: BG 18.65 "Simply always think of Me." Man-manā, mad-bhakta: "You just become My devotee." So this chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra is always thinking of Kṛṣṇa. Even I don't like it, think Kṛṣṇa, as soon as the name is chanted immediately I'm forced to think of Kṛṣṇa, immediately. Hare Kṛṣṇa, as I say, immediately I remember Kṛṣṇa, man-manā.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our first problem is - because we have got this material body - eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14): "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy."|Our first problem is—because we have got this material body—eating. Everyone must eat. So Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, annād bhavanti bhūtāni: "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy." Therefore our first religion is to produce food grain sufficiently to feed everyone. Kṛṣi-go-rakṣya-vāṇijyaṁ vaiśya-karma svabhāva. This matter has been entrusted to the vaiśyas. They should produce sufficient food and give protection to the cows for sufficient milk. Then the whole human society, animal society, will be happy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties|By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties. Desire, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His friend, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His lover, you want to serve Kṛṣṇa as His father, as His servant, or you want to serve Kṛṣṇa by supplying fruits and flowers, or river Yamunā. Everything, whatever you like, Kṛṣṇa will give you opportunity, in this material world—in the spiritual world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Because Krsna loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya caham hrdi sannivisthah (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything|Because Kṛṣṇa loves you so much that even you accept this material atom, He goes to help you. Therefore He is within. Because sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭhaḥ (BG 15.15). The living entity has a..., enjoying this material world. So he has got everything. He's a person. He has got his heart. So in the heart there is Kṛṣṇa.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So our this movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything|So our this movement is based on practical activity. Whatever talent you have got, whatever little strength you have got, education you have got... You haven't got to learn anything. Whatever you have got, in whatever position you are, you can serve Kṛṣṇa. Not that you have to learn something first and then you can serve. No. The service itself is learning.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Every religion believes in God, and we want that everyone should actively come to this understanding of accepting one's eternal servitorship to God|The spiritual understanding as taught by Lord Caitanya is that all living entities are eternally servants of God. We have to propagate this philosophy, and for this we have to make propaganda. Every religion believes in God, and we want that everyone should actively come to this understanding of accepting one's eternal servitorship to God.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom - these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya|The Goswamis left their government service, and there are many other instances. Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom—these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya. Therefore it is called cinmaya or spiritual; spiritual means complete knowledge. One who can follow the instructions of Isopanisad can understand that nothing belongs to Maya, but everything belongs to Krsna. This knowledge is Krsna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it|One should be very careful to estimate how every moment of his life is being utilized in the service of the Lord. The Goswamis were very much advanced in this line of action, and therefore about them it is said "nidra hara bihara vijito" that means one who has conquered over eating, sleeping, and mating. The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam "utilizing life without spoiling it."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under His lotus feet, then love of Krsna is very easily achieved|You can meet somebody, some exalted person, you can see, but to become an intimate relationship with such exalted person in love, that is not very easy thing. I can meet the president or some exalted person, but to become in love with him in intimacy, that is not easy job. But Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu distributed this Kṛṣṇa love immediately, anyone. That is Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu, then love of Kṛṣṇa is very easily achieved.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows|Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There are two words, vani and vapuh. Vani means words, and vapuh means this physical body. So vani is more important than the vapuh. Vapuh will be finished. This is material body. It will be finished. That is the nature|I had full faith that "My Guru Mahārāja is with me." I never lost this faith, and that is fact. There are two words, vāṇī and vapuḥ. Vānī means words, and vapuḥ means this physical body. So vāṇī is more important than the vapuḥ. Vapuḥ will be finished. This is material body. It will be finished. That is the nature. But if we keep to the vāṇī, to the words of spiritual master, then we remain very fixed up. It doesn't matter.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That is the idea|We are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That is the idea. Some way or other, we are doing Kṛṣṇa's service. Either you serve the mass or the leader, it doesn't matter. Your service is recognized.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The father and mother should be so enlightened and educate the son in such a way that this is the last acceptance of material body. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti (BG 4.9), he may not accept again this material body|The father and mother should be so enlightened and educate the son in such a way that this is the last acceptance of material body. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti, he may not accept again this material body. If the father and mother is determined in that way, then they should become parents; otherwise no.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In so many ways Krsna is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter|In so many ways Kṛṣṇa is trying to convince that a living soul is different, completely different from matter. Acchedyo 'yam adāhyo 'yam: "It cannot be cut into pieces. It cannot be burned. It cannot be moistened. It cannot be dried up." In so many ways. "It does not take birth. It does not die. It is not finished after the body is finished." This is the greatest ignorance. And if they want to keep people in ignorance, that is not good business. In the name of education, cheating people.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God|Why shall I accept a third-class man as God? At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that "You are God. I am God." Then who is God? Everyone is God? No. Therefore you will find in the Vedic literature definition of God. Here is definition of... Just apply this definition.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|To be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death|Yes, to be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I have tested it definitely that melodious vibration of Sankirtana, if they are performed by serious devotees, can attract people from the very spiritual platform|I have tested it definitely that melodious vibration of Sankirtana, if they are performed by serious devotees, can attract people from the very spiritual platform, and it at once makes the spiritual background very smooth, when a spiritual instruction from the Bhagavad-gita can be implemented very nicely.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am especially happy to hear your statement, I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna - feeling the results immediately. This is very good|I am especially happy to hear your statement, "I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna—feeling the results immediately." This is very good. Please continue to chant, and execute your duties with thoughts and words of Krishna, and you will be happy always.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding kitchen affairs, as a rule those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs|Regarding kitchen affairs, as a rule those who are not initiated may not enter into the kitchen affairs, but uninitiated members can work under the guidance of another initiated member when there is great need. So the direction which you are giving to the willing girls to help with the kitchen affairs is not objectionable.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness|It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness. So continue to tend your Deities first-class and be happy in Krsna's service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Krsna consciousness movement, is killing these Jagai-Madhai principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagai-Madhai principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra|At the present moment, the whole world is full of Jagāi-Mādhāi, their four principles. Jagāi-Mādhāi means illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. This is Jagāi-Mādhāi. So this movement, Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, is killing these Jagāi-Mādhāi principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagāi-Mādhāi principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement|We will present our program at Bhaktivedanta Manor exactly in the line of Lord Caitanya, by kirtana, prasadam distribution and speaking from Bhagavad-gita. We cannot deviate even an inch in order to attract the followers of the ecology philosophy or any other materialistic, utopian movement. You say you know a number of influential leaders of this group, but what is the use of knowing them, since you yourself found them deficient and left them?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor|Just like the air passing over the rose tree carries the flavor of the rose, and the air passing over a filthy place carries the flavor of that filthy place—the air is pure, but because it is passing over certain conditions, it carries the flavor—similarly, the mind, intelligence and ego carries the flavor of our present activities to the next life. That is the subtle mystery of transmigration of the soul from one body to another. Now, if this, this life we purify just like rose, then next life we shall get a body which is full of flavor.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no doubt about our success if we can make this Kirtana party successful|There is no doubt about our success if we can make this Kirtana party successful. The most important point in this connection is that we shall never be professional; that is to say, we shall try to make the Kirtana party perfect from the point of view of Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|By the grace of Lord Caitanya, the method of self-realization is made very easy and universal by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is being effective practically|By the grace of Lord Caitanya, the method of self-realization is made very easy and universal by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is being effective practically. So let us join together to expand this great mission of Lord Caitanya Who predicted that everywhere as many cities and towns and villages are there on the surface of the globe, His Holy Name would be glorified on account of His transcendental gift to the fallen souls of this Kali Yuga.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry; that is our principle|Marriage or no marriage, that is not our problem. If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry—that is our principle.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness|Yes, you may get yourself married, provided that you can meet the responsibility of grhastha life. If you marry you will have to work to provide for your wife and family and try to spend at least 50% for Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement in spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children|A Krishna Conscious marriage is not based on sense gratification but rather mutual cooperation between husband and wife for making advancement is spiritual life and also for raising Krishna Conscious children. It is said in the Vedas that one should not take on the responsibility of Parenthood unless he can deliver the child from the repeated cycle of birth, death, disease and old age. So in this way mold your life in service to the Lord and be happy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our platform must be very simple, that there is no other sacrifice necessary for the well-being of the citizens save and except this Sankirtana yajna|Especially I am glad that you are entering politics to try for city commissioner position. This will be good opportunity to preach widely and sell our literatures, so take advantage. But one thing, our platform must be very simple, that there is no other sacrifice necessary for the well-being of the citizens save and except this Sankirtana yajna.}}
*[[Vanisource:720304 - Letter to Dasarha written from Calcutta|Letter to Dasarha written from Calcutta]]
{{VaniQuotebox|If you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son?|If you find some Christian person who is intelligent to understand philosophy then you may argue that if God is unlimited, how He can be confined to having only one son? The son is the representative of the father, and in that sense he is the same as the father, but also he is different than the father. So Christ is speaking in this sense, that only through the representative of God can one come to God.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors|The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors. At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt—the business of the trees—to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|A pure devotee always thinks himself as not-devotee. That is a good attitude|A pure devotee always thinks himself as not-devotee. That is a good attitude. If one thinks he is big devotee that is not good, thinking that he is first degree. We should not be puffed up, a devotee avoids it, remaining always in the second degree. A dog is a faithful servant. To become lowest dog is to become on the highest platform of service. Krsna has given everyone something extraordinary and to serve Krsna with one's extraordinary talent means successful life}}
{{VaniQuotebox|A murkha, a dull rascal, is very beautiful so long he does not speak. Because as soon as he speaks, then his knowledge, his learning, his capacity, his position will be immediately exposed|"A mūrkha, a dull rascal, is very beautiful so long he does not speak." Because as soon as he speaks, then his knowledge, his learning, his capacity, his position will be immediately exposed. So our paramparā line, Prahlāda Mahārāja has condemned this system, maunī-bābā. No. Our system is kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ, Caitanya Mahāprabhu's teaching.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|To minimize this material work means the energy should be employed for Krsna. Minimize work this, means this side, material side. And save time and chant Hare Krsna. That's all|To minimize this material work means the energy should be employed for Kṛṣṇa. Minimize work this, means this side, material side. And save time and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. That's all. That is the principle. And if you are busy from the early morning to go to the working place and up to ten o'clock, then where you get for chanting, time? So therefore you save time from material activities and engage it for advancing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation|Why we offer sacred thread to a person who is coming from very, very low family? Because it is to be understood by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guṇa. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation. There must be. One must come. This, our process, is "Don't do this. Do this: Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra sixteen rounds, and don't do this—no illicit sex, no meat-eating." That means he's becoming purified}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the post graduate study of the Bhagavad-gita and both of them are sciences of Theism. I am seeking your good cooperation in this attempt for developing higher sense of God consciousness|This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the post graduate study of the Bhagavad-gita and both of them are sciences of Theism. I am seeking your good cooperation in this attempt for developing higher sense of God consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited|So your idea of having a large boat travelling from city to city is very encouraging. So if you have got the means, then go ahead and do it. Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person|Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. Therefore somehow or other we must push on this literature distribution program, either through schools, colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary sales.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Sravanam Kirtanam. This is the process. It is beneficial for the recitor as well as the hearer. Also, book distribution is a very important program and you should give much attention to developing it|I am so glad to note that your Sankirtana program is improving and that you are preaching directly from Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Sravanam Kirtanam. This is the process. It is beneficial for the recitor as well as the hearer. Also, book distribution is a very important program and you should give much attention to developing it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is in the hands of you big guns to manage everything so that there may never be internal difficulties amongst us, so that we may always go on increasing more & more the influence of Lord Caitanya's philosophy of Sankirtana process upon all the world|Practically now it is in the hands of you big guns to manage everything so that there may never be internal difficulties amongst us, and so that we may always go on increasing more and more the influence of Lord Caitanya's philosophy of Sankirtana process upon all the world. That will be your great achievement, and if you go on helping me in this way, you may know it for certain that very soon you will see Krishna face-to-face.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter|In general we do not allow anyone without sacred thread to attend to the deity, but if there is lack of qualified brahmanas, men without sacred thread may be employed to cleanse the floor and other things which do not require their touching or gazing upon the deity at close quarter.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You have given up everything for selling books door-to-door and working very hard in every way just to push on this movement. For your sincere helping me I thank you all very very much|I am very much encouraged that all you young boys and girls are working so hard to please Krishna, and even I cannot give you any nice thing, still, because you have got some love for Krishna and your Spiritual Master, therefore you have given up everything for selling books door-to-door and working very hard in every way just to push on this movement. For your sincere helping me I thank you all very very much.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to avoid skin disease and the Indian people are like the tannery expert. Such a cobbler is expert at skin disease. They will see our Sankirtana Party and think it is a white dance. Anyway, how to gather Indian devotees, that program is wanting|Without Indian devotees rural preaching cannot be effective. They are mostly illiterate, how they will understand? We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple. We want to avoid skin disease and the Indian people are like the tannery expert. Such a cobbler is expert at skin disease. They will see our Sankirtana Party and think it is a white dance. Anyway, how to gather Indian devotees, that program is wanting.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as Bhagavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma|There is no such thing as Hindu dharma. No. There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the Bhagavad-gītā or Bhāgavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as Bhāgavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma. This Hindu dharma or Hindu... This is creation by our neighbor, Indian neighbor, the Middle-East Muhammadans. They gave the name, Indian people, as "Hindu." "Hindu" means... There is one river, Sindhu.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people.|Reporter: I'm sure that you're aware that to many people in the West, in America, in New York City specifically, that your disciples seem strange because of the way they act on the streets. What about that? Prabhupāda: Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination|There is no such discrimination that "Here is a devotee, so he's superior, and here is a nondevotee, he's inferior." That is not God's discrimination. That is your discrimination. If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are my agents, my representatives, so by hearing it from them, you are receiving it from me|Yes, whoever you tell the chant to, it is effective. You have heard it from me and my disciples, similarly I have heard it from my Guru Maharaja, and so on, and on. Because you have heard it from a pure devotee of the Lord, therefore it is transmitted from you to another. Just as an aerial message, is transmitted from one place to another, similarly, this Guru parampara system is working. My disciples are my agents, my representatives, so by hearing it from them, you are receiving it from me. And because you are a sincere soul, those who are hearing the Mantra from you are receiving it in disciplic succession, from Lord Caitanya and from Lord Krishna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|When the American boys are disgusted with cigarette smokers, or listening to rock music and meaningless chattering, it means there is Krishna's Grace|There is a verse in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu in which it is stated, the more you advance in Krishna Consciousness, the more you become disgusted with the material modes of life. When the American boys are disgusted with cigarette smokers, or listening to rock music and meaningless chattering, it means there is Krishna's Grace. May Krishna bless you more and more, as you advance in Krishna Consciousness}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This will make you intelligent to understand our philosophy, and you will automatically acquire all auspicious qualifications by always being engaged in devotional service of the Lord. So now chant Hare Krsna mantra and be happy. That is my desire|Chant regularly sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail avoiding the ten offences to the Holy Name of Krsna. This will make you intelligent to understand our philosophy, and you will automatically acquire all auspicious qualifications by always being engaged in devotional service of the Lord. So now chant Hare Krsna mantra and be happy. That is my desire.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|To see that the child is raised in full Krsna Consciousness is the proper management of householder life. And when your good daughter is no longer to be so cared for by you, then you will get enough time to chant Hare Krsna|To see that the child is raised in full Krsna Consciousness is the proper management of householder life. And when your good daughter is no longer to be so cared for by you, then you will get enough time to chant Hare Krsna. Both mother and daughter can sit together and chant hare Krsna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|For worshiping the banyan tree, the representation of Krsna, simply offer a little flower, incense and water|As far as the Deities are concerned, we do not want to repeat the same mistake again, so it is better that you wait to get some more brahmanas before installing Them again. For worshiping the banyan tree, the representation of Krsna, simply offer a little flower, incense and water}}
{{VaniQuotebox|They are making machine perfect, but they cannot make themselves perfect. Why don't you ask that "Why don't you make a machine that you will not die? Your machine will not die, I accept. You are so perfect. But why you will die? Why he will die?"|They are making machine perfect, but they cannot make themselves perfect. Why don't you ask that "Why don't you make a machine that you will not die? Your machine will not die, I accept. You are so perfect. But why you will die? Why he will die?" What is their answer?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife|You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife. The important thing is that you yourself become Krsna Consciousness, she cannot check you one way or another, but you must yourself surrender to Krsna and be engaged in devotional service. We do not say that one has to leave home. Either you leave home or remain there, and whether or not she becomes Krsna Conciousness, you go on with your progressive interest and participation in this great movement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that|Bhagavad-gītā should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gītā amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order—Guru Mahārāja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that. Actually, Bhagavad-gītā is to be discussed amongst the devotees. So our hard task is that first of all we have to make one devotee and then let him understand Bhagavad-gītā. Our double task.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|What is the difference between material life and spiritual life? Material life means simply full of problems, every step. Padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58). Simply dangerous|What is the difference between material life and spiritual life? Material life means simply full of problems, every step. Padaṁ padaṁ yad vipadāṁ. Simply dangerous. We are riding very nicely, comfortably, in a Cadillac car or motorcar, but we are riding on danger, that's all. We are driving; any moment the car may be smashed, especially in your country. Any moment. So shall I sit down at home? No. At home also there may be so many dangers}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy|The Mayavada Philosophy has played havoc in spiritual understanding leading to Atheistic tendency. The interpretation that one has to be naked before the Lord is also mayavada philosophy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no need for any other devotional songs or chants for Lord Caitanya's Advent Day; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtana or beads, & sing the prayer "Sri Krishna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, SriVasadi, Gaura Bhaktavrinda"|Regarding the observance of Lord Caitanya's Advent Day: No, there is no need for any other devotional songs or chants; simply chant Hare Krishna, with Kirtana or beads, and sing the prayer "Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita Gadadhara, SriVasadi, Gaura Bhaktavrinda." You can also chant the prayer you asked about.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to learn how the students are friendly toward the devotees although they are generally depressed and rebellious. So Krsna Consciousness is so nice that it can pacify even the most rebellious person because it appeals to the soul|I am glad to learn how the students are friendly toward the devotees although they are generally depressed and rebellious. So Krsna Consciousness is so nice that it can pacify even the most rebellious person because it appeals to the soul.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls|Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls. Under the circumstances, it is my open order for everyone that everyone can marry without any artificial pose. But if somebody is able to remain a Brahmacari, there should not be any causing for his marriage.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas|Our students, either Brahmacari or Householder, are being trained up for constant engagement in Krsna Consciousness service without any personal interest. This is perfect order of Sannyas. So if everyone is trained up in this line of action, all of us are Sannyasis in all circumstances.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Why you should falsely initiate a person? If you cannot make him a brahmana and elevate him to the highest stage of devotional service, why should you cheat others? Initiation means making him dvijatvam . Tatha diksa-vidhanena dvijatvam jayate nrnam|He's actually initiated. If you are falsely initiated, he remains a śūdra and you remain a rascal. That's all. Why you should falsely initiate a person? If you cannot make him a brāhmaṇa and elevate him to the highest stage of devotional service, why should you cheat others? Initiation means making him dvijatvam . Tathā dīkṣā-vidhānena dvijatvaṁ jāyate nṛṇām . How an initiated person can remain a śūdra ?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent|Actually, to tell the truth, those who are too much bodily absorbed, that "I am this body," for them this yoga practice is recommended. Not for the intelligent man. Because one who identifies himself with this body, he is not very intelligent. But because such persons are not very intelligent, for them this bodily exercise of yoga, aṣṭāṅga-yoga , is recommended. Not for the intelligent person. Intelligent person, they take immediately to the devotional service, immediate.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea|If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea. Where is such thing as transmigration of the soul being taught in classroom? If they simply learn to rise early, cleanse, all hygienic principles, their study will be greater than any government program. Whatever the elder members are doing, the children should do if possible.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service|Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service. Otherwise, there are so many convincing arguments, i.e. the Bhagavad-Gita, to bring us to the right point of surrender.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone will understand. Hare Krsna. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Krsna. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language|Everyone will understand. Hare Kṛṣṇa. That is proved. We are going to Africa. We are going to Canada, Europe, America. Everyone chants Hare Kṛṣṇa. That is the language. When a young man and young woman loves one another, there is no question of language. My Guru Mahārāja used to say that "Suppose you are in a foreign country. You do not know the language. But when there is fire, you get friends without any language."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|When one is jealous of God, then gradually jealous of everyone|Prabhupāda: When one is jealous of God, then gradually jealous of everyone. Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Jealousy. Prabhupāda: Jealousy, yes. Siddha-svarūpānanda: So then if I'm jealous of others, it's really just a reflection of my jealousy of Kṛṣṇa. Prabhupāda: Yes. Siddha-svarūpānanda: And if I am angry at others, it's because I'm angry at Kṛṣṇa also. Prabhupāda: Everything begins from Kṛṣṇa. Mattaḥ sarvam pravartate.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If they consider our philosophy too revolutionary, there is no necessity to print books immediately. First, the heart must be cleansed by chanting Hare Krishna and taking Krishna prasadam|I have marked how they are attracted to our kirtana and prasadam there in Hungary. If they consider our philosophy too revolutionary, there is no necessity to print books immediately. First, the heart must be cleansed by chanting Hare Krishna and taking Krishna prasadam. To take birth in such place is due to impious past so it is not easy for them to immediately accept our philosophy. Just give them chanting and prasadam. You must be very tactful to preach in such places.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our mind is so disturbed that concentration of meditation is not possible. But this chanting, as soon as we chant, by force our mind is engaged in chanting and hearing, by force: "Hare Krsna." So even my mind is disturbed, by the vibration I am attracted|Here, at the present moment, our mind is so disturbed that concentration of meditation is not possible. But this chanting, as soon as we chant, by force our mind is engaged in chanting and hearing, by force: "Hare Kṛṣṇa." So even my mind is disturbed, by the vibration I am attracted. So that is, this meditation is recommended. Other meditation, if I sit down and think, I am thinking of the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, which is red. At once a red bird comes in my vision and the bird begins to fly and it goes away. You see? So that kind of artificial meditation will not succeed. Meditation is not actually possible in this age.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only - they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort|These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only—they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively|There is no such requirement that Japa should be silently and chanting should be be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should chant very attentively, hearing the vibration very distinctly.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone who may come must be well received, informed about our activities, and when we publish a little pamphlet which is in preparation, it may also be distributed to each and every one of the visitors|Anyone who may come must be well received, informed about our activities, and when we publish a little pamphlet which is in preparation, it may also be distributed to each and every one of the visitors.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children|We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. That is temple. Not that to make a business of temple|In Vṛndāvana there are so many temples, they have become, made a business by showing temple, collecting money. This is not good. There must be... Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. That is temple. Not that to make a business of temple. Therefore everything is, not only in India, all over the world, the churches also, they're dwindled. Now, Europe and America, so many churches are for sale. We have purchased so many churches because people have no more interest.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Goddess of Fortune Laksmi is fickle towards the materialist, sometimes he is prince and sometimes he is pauper. But Laksmi cannot leave the side of Lord Narayana and wherever Lord Narayana is worshiped with care, good fortune and opulence is there|The Goddess of Fortune Laksmi is fickle towards the materialist, sometimes he is prince and sometimes he is pauper. But Laksmi cannot leave the side of Lord Narayana and wherever Lord Narayana is worshiped with care, good fortune and opulence is there. Therefore, the devotee is known as the most fortunate, and you American boys and girls are the most fortunate of all, now make everyone else fortunate by spreading this Krsna consciousness}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing|In South Africa many Indians are purchasing our books and giving to the library. So somebody will read it. So that is not a fault. If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul|This nonsense theory that "Within the womb of the mother, unless the body is developed to seven months, there is no life," what is this nonsense? The body has developed to that seven months' condition because there is a spirit soul. Otherwise how it becomes seven months' developed? You'll find this description in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The idea is that the ax-handle is made of wood, and so without the assistance of the wooden tree, the hatchet is useless. Similarly, we can use our materialistic knowledge to defeat the atheistic philosophy of the scientists|They try by their speculation to understand things, and being unable they say there is no God. So we can use this science to defeat them, just as I have many other disciples, such as Svarupa Damodara. He is Ph.D. in Chemistry and now he is using his scientific background to defeat their atheistic arguments.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Because God is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1) - He's all-pleasure - therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come|That is a question, one must like to put, that "Why God became many?" So that is, that answer is that because God is sac-cid-ānanda-vigraha (BS 5.1)—He's all-pleasure—therefore, without many, there is no pleasure. Just like here I sit down the whole day alone, but I become more active and more pleasing when you come. Whenever we want to enjoy some pleasure, pleasure is not enjoyed alone. Pleasure is enjoyed with many.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If Krsna says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Krsna meat also. But Krsna does not say that. Krsna says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes|If Kṛṣṇa says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Kṛṣṇa meat also. But Kṛṣṇa does not say that. Kṛṣṇa says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes. But our concern is that unless Kṛṣṇa takes, we don't take. So in order to become Kṛṣṇa conscious, this is necessary, just like an important segment of the work. We cannot accept anything which is not offered to Kṛṣṇa.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna's mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him|Krishna's Mercy is always bestowed upon one who is sincerely serving Him. You should not give attention to any outsider's advice because they are completely unfit to give you advice. Your situation is different. We do not care for any agriculturist or economist. Our only shelter is Krishna. Stick to this principle and success is sure for you.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India|Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first|We do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first. So according to Vedic knowledge, Darwin or similar mental speculators are rejected so far the fact is concerned.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible|When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible. I have tried to explain in this book the preliminary knowledge of God-consciousness so any layman who reads it will be able to understand our Krsna Consciousness movement to their great benefit.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process|I am also glad to note that you are making practice of keeping in mind various important verses from our scriptures. This is the approved process: mahajano yena gatah sa panthah to "follow in the footsteps of the great authorities in Krishna Consciousness like Narada Muni and our other Acaryas." Now we are requiring our students to be very well familiar with all our literatures so that we may present our philosophy before even the most educated persons.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot accept the theories or the statement of some defective person. We should hear from the person who is not defective - perfect. Therefore our process of hearing or getting knowledge is from the perfect person. That is called Krsna consciousness|We cannot accept the theories or the statement of some defective person. We should hear from the person who is not defective—perfect. Therefore our process of hearing or getting knowledge is from the perfect person. That is called Kṛṣṇa consciousness. We are hearing Bhagavad-gītā, we are getting knowledge from Bhagavad-gītā, because Bhagavān Himself speaking.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yasoda-nandana|God is all-attractive. Otherwise how He can be God? God cannot be attractive for you and not for me. This is very accurate word. God has no name. That's a fact. But we coin His name according to His dealings. Just like we call God Yaśodā-nandana. So God came as the son of Yaśodā; therefore we call Him Yaśodā-nandana, "son of Yaśodā." So you can take it as name. Similarly, God's name the total summarization—"all-attractive." That is perfect name.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This material world is garbage. And still, we live so comfortably. Now just imagine what is His dhama. It is the garbage tank, still so nice. And just think what is His real place, Goloka Vrndavana|If a aristocrat asks that "You have to live in my garbage place," "Oh, that is also better." Similarly, Kṛṣṇa... This is garbage. This material world is garbage. And still, we live so comfortably. Now just imagine what is His dhāma. It is the garbage tank, still so nice. And just think what is His real place, Goloka Vṛndāvana.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no question of accidents. The so-called scientist, they cannot explain. "Accidents." Why accidents? A rose flower seed, rose will come. Why not accident by, lemon? No. There is no such things as accidents. This is all rascaldom|There is no question of accidents. The so-called scientist, they cannot explain. "Accidents." Why accidents? A rose flower seed, rose will come. Why not accident by, lemon? No. There is no such things as accidents. This is all rascaldom. Everything is going on... Parasya śaktir vividhaiva śrūyate sva-bhāvikī jñāna-bala-kriyā ca. In the energy there is automatic knowledge and activities, and they are being manifested.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Separated energy you'll understand: just like I am speaking, and my speech is being recorded in the tape recorder. So even I am not here, if you apply the machine, it will exactly speak like me. That is my energy, but now it is separated|Separated energy you'll understand: just like I am speaking, and my speech is being recorded in the tape recorder. So even I am not here, if you apply the machine, it will exactly speak like me. That is my energy, but now it is separated. It cannot be changed. Suppose I am personally sitting here. If I want to speak something and I can change into another, but that machine cannot change. It will simply produce the sound, what is recorded there. Therefore it is separated energy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The fire of Krsna consciousness will keep you always progressing, but at the same time, if we also voluntarily do not pour water on that fire, then it will be nice. Similarly, Krsna consciousness or chanting Hare Krsna will keep you progressive|If I help it, to keep it dry, then the fire will be very nice, blazing fire. But if I pour water on it, then it will be difficult to ignite. Similarly, the fire of Kṛṣṇa consciousness will keep you always progressing, but at the same time, if we also voluntarily do not pour water on that fire, then it will be nice. Similarly, Kṛṣṇa consciousness or chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa will keep you progressive. At the same time, voluntarily, if you do not commit all these nonsenses, then it will be very nice.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope, my Spiritual Master. He is very kind|From my personal point of view, I think that I am so sinful that I cannot even approach Krishna to show me any favor. But I have only one hope—my Spiritual Master—He is very kind. So someway or other He is dragging me towards Krishna. That is the only hope.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You should always remember that wife is not a machine for sense gratification|Now you must be fixed up and execute your specified duty as ordered by me, and then I am sure there will be no difficulty. But you should always remember that wife is not a machine for sense gratification. Wife is your half body for nourishing your Krishna Consciousness status. So your are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that some ideal families of Krishna Consciousness should be established in your country, so that people can see that our movement is not one sided or dry. So we do not want dry renouncers|I want that some ideal families of Krishna Consciousness should be established in your country, so that people can see that our movement is not one sided or dry. So we do not want dry renouncers.}}
{VaniQuotebox|My dear brothers and sisters, do not therefore consider this movement as sectarian or meant for any particular nation or community|My dear brothers and sisters, do not therefore consider this movement as sectarian or meant for any particular nation or community. In the Bhagavad-gita, which is the basic principle of this Krishna Consciousness movement, Lord Krishna says that He is the seed-giving father of all living creatures. There are many millions of species of life as aquatics, trees, plants, reptiles, insects, birds, beasts, and human races. All of them are living entities as the spirit soul, but they are present before us in many varieties of forms and dresses.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Generally they think it is an idea, fiction. But we don't think like that. We have got clear conception of God. That is the difference between our Society and all any other religious groups. They have no clear idea of God|People, generally, they have no idea of God. We are placing the factual God. That is very difficult to understand. Generally they think it is an idea, fiction. But we don't think like that. We have got clear conception of God. That is the difference between our Society and all any other religious groups. They have no clear idea of God. They simply say that there is God, God is great, but no clearer.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision|Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other|Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other. But the devotees' disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krsna's sake, because they are all working for the same end—Krsna's service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept|Our process is—we have repeatedly explained this—that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept... God personally explaining, they would not accept. They would simply speculate. This is their disease. When God is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gītā... Rather, they will mislead the readings of the Bhagavad-gītā in different interpretation, but they will not accept what is being taught by God Himself. This is their misfortune.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|These are all fanaticism. Real unity is in advancing Krsna consciousness|These are all fanaticism. Real unity is in advancing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva... In Kali-yuga, you cannot strictly follow, neither I can strictly follow. If I criticize you, if you criticize me, then we go far away from our real life of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection|Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably. In the conditioned stage, we chant Hare Krishna mantra officially without any attachment and try to finish the rounds as soon as possible.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever charge given from Krishna through the medium of Spiritual Master you should be carrying out very faithfully. I have come to your country in this old age with this interest|Whatever charge given from Krishna through the medium of Spiritual Master you should be carrying out very faithfully. I have come to your country in this old age with this interest. We should not mind where we are kept or where we have to discharge our duties. But we should accept and do them nicely.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead?|You should clear up this thing that we do not preach any particular "ism." We are simply teaching how to develop our dormant love of Godhead. So what religion is there that does not approve love of Godhead? One may say that all improve our love of Godhead according to our own way, but from practical point of view, in no religious principle the love of Godhead is seen to be enhanced. They make God as order-supplier for their material needs. Or some of them are taught to love God because He is considered to be order-supplier. But our principle is not to make God our order-supplier—we want to execute the order of God.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior acarya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated|It is the duty of the disciple that even the spiritual master, or senior ācārya , they agree to be defeated, it is the duty of the disciple to see that his spiritual master and superior is not defeated. That is the instruction we get from Jīva Gosvāmī's behavior.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available|Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available. So there is no need to delay any shipments if these qualifications are met.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In the beginning if we start a varnasrama college to teach internationally students from all over the world to learn to be educated as brahmanas, as Ksatriyas, as vaisyas, as sudras, by quality and work, that will be the basic principle of KC|In the beginning if we start a varnasrama college to teach internationally students from all over the world to learn to be educated as brahmanas, as Ksatriyas, as vaisyas, as sudras, by quality and work, that will be the basic principle of Krishna Consciousness. It is the duty of the government to see that everyone is employed. This is only possible when varnasrama is established.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara (CC Adi 9.41). He is fifty percent prepared by birth|It was so nice to live there, spiritual atmosphere, on the bank of the Ganges and Yamunā. Immediately you go, you become spiritualized. Vṛndāvana is also like that. Therefore Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, bhārata-bhūmite janma haila..., manuṣya-janma haila. To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bhārata-bhumite manuṣya-janma haila yāra. He is fifty percent prepared by birth.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity?|More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity? Formerly, at least we Indian know that go to a blacksmith and he prepares a razor, very nice razor. You pay him four annas, and it will last for your life and shave your cheek very nicely, daily or occasionally. But the modern civilization means that in everything there must be machine.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it|How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America—land. Then I worked—labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I wanted first of all the residential place. And they criticize me, "Oh, you did not construct temple first." And a temple of the devotees is first, our temple. Then God. God will come if there are devotees|I wanted first of all this house, not the temple, because where they'll stay? They'll come to the temple, where they will stay? If you get staying place, then you can act your brain and improve. And if you are harassed—no place—then brain will not work. Therefore I wanted first of all the residential place. And they criticize me, "Oh, you did not construct temple first." And a temple of the devotees is first, our temple. Then God. God will come if there are devotees.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required|These verses of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; saṁhitā. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required. Each verse of Bhagavad-gītā or Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, they are Vedic mantras, veda-mantra. So simply by chanting them we become purified. So every one of you... There is diacritic marks, literation, transliteration, so everyone should try to chant the mantra. That is very beneficial. That is kīrtana.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Householders may wear dhotis in the Temple, or as they like, but not of the saffron color. They may wear white, yellow, or whatever. Outside the Temple they may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads|Householders may wear dhotis in the Temple, or as they like, but not of the saffron color. They may wear white, yellow, or whatever. Outside the Temple they may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads. It is not required to wear dhotis, as this society does not understand, so outside the Temple dress suit is more socially acceptable. If they so desire, for ceremony, they can dress in dhotis for Kirtana}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So long he has to eat meat, he cannot be initiated. Let him attend classes regularly, and render service as much as possible, and Krishna will help him to get out of this dilemma|So long he has to eat meat, he cannot be initiated. Let him attend classes regularly, and render service as much as possible, and Krishna will help him to get out of this dilemma.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It doesn't matter whether there is any future prospect for opening permanent center or not, but to attempt to distribute Krishna Consciousness in that part of the country is very much encouraging|Those who try to distribute Krishna Consciousness amongst the general mass of people are very much favorite to Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya. So you have all the blessings of Lord Caitanya for your laudable work in Buffalo. It doesn't matter whether there is any future prospect for opening permanent center or not, but to attempt to distribute Krishna Consciousness in that part of the country is very much encouraging.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much obliged to you that you are all helping me in the discharge of my duties towards my Spiritual Master, although I was so much reluctant to execute it|I am so much obliged to you that you are all helping me in the discharge of my duties towards my Spiritual Master, although I was so much reluctant to execute it. After all, we are the eternal servants of Krsna, and by the Divine Will of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura we are now combined together, although originally we are born in different parts of the world, unknown to one another.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Place or no place, we must go on with our preaching work|Krishna will give you timely a suitable place, don't worry about it. Our leader, Sanatana Goswami, was living underneath a tree, and He was keeping His Deity, Krishna, hanging on the branch of the tree, wrapped up in a cloth—and still He was always engaged in the service of the Lord. So place or no place, we must go on with our preaching work.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to make our steady progress, keeping both sides in balance; namely the Pancaratriki Biddhi and Bhagavat Biddhi|We have to make our steady progress, keeping both sides in balance; namely the Pancaratriki Biddhi and Bhagavat Biddhi. The Pancaratriki Biddhi is Arcana or Temple worship, and the Bhagavat Biddhi is to preach by chanting and distributing literature. Although chanting is quite sufficient to cover all the Biddhis, still to keep ourselves pure and sanctified, we must observe the rules and regulations of Pancaratriki Biddhi.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that|No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that. Than you will be happy, and I think you should without further delay try to become devotees as the others are doing and live with us and practice the regulative principles of brahmacari life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily|Personal service to the spiritual master means to follow his instructions. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. And as much time as they are able should be devoted for preaching according to our books.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any sense gratification. If this pure mentality is there then you become so glorious that not only do you become purified yourself, but you become competent to deliver others|The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any sense gratification. If this pure mentality is there then you become so glorious that not only do you become purified yourself, but you become competent to deliver others.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice|In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice. So continue this program in cooperation with your other God-brothers and sisters, and Krishna will make you very happy. You six together are doing so nicely that I am very much proud of you.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order| I am so much obliged to you for the fine sentiment you have expressed in connection with my humble service; but this is not very extraordinary—every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?|Your article published in the college newspaper is very nice regarding the eclipse. If we stick to our principle, certainly very soon we shall be recognized as a bona fide institution; and who can give better information than us in the matter of Spiritual understanding?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna|I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world. That is the order of Lord Caitanya in pursuance of the dictum of Lord Krishna. Lord Caitanya says that anyone who has taken birth as a human being in the land of Bharatavarsa should sanctify his life, taking advantage of the Vedic culture, and then distribute the knowledge for welfare activities of the rest of the world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Many Swamis before me came in the Western countries, they say nobody could act so wonderfully as I am doing. Perhaps it is right. But I do not know how such things are happening. The only reason can be adduced is I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is|Many Swamis before me came in the Western countries, and they say that nobody could act so wonderfully as I am doing. Perhaps it is right. But I do not know how such things are happening. The only reason that can be adduced is that I am presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This is a great opportunity that you have got a good translator. Give her sufficient work for translating, and certainly she will turn to be Krishna Consciousness|I am very glad to learn that you have engaged one older Japanese lady for translating our lectures. This is a great opportunity that you have got a good translator. Give her sufficient work for translating, and certainly she will turn to be Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There are four divisions of members; life member, donor member, subscriber member, and common member. So any membership will make the people sympathetic to our movement and it will be a stride toward our progressive march|In some newspaper clippings I have read, about our devotees. "These are good men and we want more men like this in our community." That is certainly good impression. They are sympathetic and so for them to become our life member is not difficult. There are four divisions of members; life member, donor member, subscriber member, and common member. So any membership will make the people sympathetic to our movement and it will be a stride toward our progressive march.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The best way to instruct the initiates is by your own good example|The first initiate should vow to always follow the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. The brahmanas should be explained the qualities of brahminical life and be allowed to hear the gayatri tape in the right ear after the ceremony. The best way to instruct the initiates is by your own good example.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We cannot talk with any one who is not within the purview of human understanding. You are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra|We cannot talk with any one who is not within the purview of human understanding. You are completely right when you refuse to debate and accept invitation for chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Although we should not chant in a society which is disruptive but as soon as one invites us for chanting we take it for granted that they are friendly and we must take the opportunity.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Every religion as a matter of principle accepts authority, God being the supreme authority, and His representative also as authority. So we have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God|We have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God which is technically called God consciousness or Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please try to understand our philosophy through various books that I have already published and sometimes after you will have to carry out this order of disciplic succession| This message of Krishna Consciousness is coming down from Krishna Himself, and we are all servants of the Supreme Lord working under the consecutive disciplic succession. Please try to understand our philosophy through various books that I have already published and sometimes after you will have to carry out this order of disciplic succession.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Buddhists plainly declare that they do not accept the authority of the Vedas, but the impersonalists masquerade themselves as followers of Vedas, but actually they are hidden Buddhists| All the Vedas affirm it vehemently that the Supersoul and the soul are two different identities, although qualitatively one. But the impersonalists they accept Vedas as authority, but they go against the verdict of the Vedas. Lord Caitanya has depicted this impersonalist class of men as more dangerous than the Buddhists. The Buddhists plainly declare that they do not accept the authority of the Vedas, but the impersonalists masquerade themselves as followers of Vedas, but actually they are hidden Buddhists.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I specifically formed the BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all literature containing my teachings, writings and lectures|I specifically formed the BBT to invest in it exclusive rights for the printing of all literature containing my teachings, writings and lectures. In this way the collections are to be divided fifty percent for printing new books and fifty percent for construction of temples.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My own Guru Maharaja stressed the printing and distribution of literature even over gorgeous temple construction, and I also was printing even before I have big temples in the U.S.| My own Guru Maharaja stressed the printing and distribution of literature even over gorgeous temple construction, and I also was printing even before I have big temples in the U.S. So you may follow the footsteps of the previous acaryas, while always strictly following the regulative principles for spiritual strength.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects|It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects. Hoping this meets you in good health.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do|It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do. One must rise early, hold mangala arati, have class and chant at least 16 rounds daily as well as follow the four regulative principles. It is always best to associate with devotees as much as possible if one cannot live in the temple.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You should understand that Krishna Consciousness is a purificatory process. One may not be purified immediately, but since he is on the right path for purification, one should not criticize him for some faults that he may still have|You should understand that Krishna Consciousness is a purificatory process. One may not be purified immediately, but since he is on the right path for purification, one should not criticize him for some faults that he may still have. Just because some body has made some mistakes does that mean that you should give up your whole career in Krishna Consciousness? What will that accomplish? Simply more rebirth and death.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions|Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions. That is perfect in every way and therefore it is actually having a tremendous effect all over the world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your young boy, do not be sorry because he is a little mischievous. This is only natural for a young boy. It is not anything unusual. Pray to Krishna that he may become a great preacher and try yourself to train him for that by being KC mother|Regarding your young boy, do not be sorry because he is a little mischievous. This is only natural for a young boy. It is not anything unusual. Pray to Krishna that he may become a great preacher and try yourself to train him for that by being Krishna Conscious mother.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory|Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory. Whatever you kindly pay, that will be accepted.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees. He has declared in the Gita, "My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it to the whole world that my devotees will never be vanquished."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, KC, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it|Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy. So this is our propaganda. There is no question of sectarianism. Every religion should have this aim in view. But that system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, Krishna Consciousness, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness. So stick to rigidly following the regulative principles and Krishna will keep you more and more engaged in His service, then your life will be always happy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective|We should follow two important lines, namely the Pancaratriki Bidhi as well as Bhagavata Bidhi. The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to follow the two parallel lines simultaneously for successful execution of Devotional service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities|So far chaunce is concerned, I think you have been wrongly advised to burn the cumin seeds and chilis until they are very black. The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are only children|My disciples are only children. If they can preach this Krishna Consciousness movement husband and wife together, without having any background of Vedic culture, why not an experienced gentleman like you with full knowledge of Vedic culture preach this movement? If you take up this work in right earnest, I am sure you will feel transcendental bliss.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement|Now you tell me that Macmillan, such a big big company, cannot keep up with our men. This is very encouraging news. I have just finished Gita Gan, a verse by verse translation of the Gita into Bengali, and now I am working daily on the Caitanya-caritamrta. Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history|Six months ago there was summer now there is a new season, and in another six months summer again. This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees|The Maya's agents does not let go even Krishna, then what to speak of Krishna's devotees. They will act in their own way, but as Krishna miraculously saved Himself from the hands of all these demons, similarly, He will always save His devotees. He has declared in the Gita, "My Dear Son of Kunti, just declare it to the whole world that my devotees will never be vanquished."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, KC, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it|Unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy. So this is our propaganda. There is no question of sectarianism. Every religion should have this aim in view. But that system of religion which teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, Krishna Consciousness, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness|I am very much pleased to know that you are chanting at least the prescribed number of rounds daily and studying our literatures so carefully. Especially for girls this is absolutely necessary, and that will uplift you position in Krishna Consciousness. So stick to rigidly following the regulative principles and Krishna will keep you more and more engaged in His service, then your life will be always happy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective|We should follow two important lines, namely the Pancaratriki Bidhi as well as Bhagavata Bidhi. The Bhagavata Bidhi is preaching work, and Sankirtana, and Pancaratriki Bidhi is Temple worship of the Deities. The Temple worship will keep us sanctified, and when we shall preach in sanctified, pure heart, the preaching will be immediately effective. So we have to follow the two parallel lines simultaneously for successful execution of Devotional service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities|So far chaunce is concerned, I think you have been wrongly advised to burn the cumin seeds and chilis until they are very black. The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My disciples are only children|My disciples are only children. If they can preach this Krishna Consciousness movement husband and wife together, without having any background of Vedic culture, why not an experienced gentleman like you with full knowledge of Vedic culture preach this movement? If you take up this work in right earnest, I am sure you will feel transcendental bliss.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious|Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement|Now you tell me that Macmillan, such a big big company, cannot keep up with our men. This is very encouraging news. I have just finished Gita Gan, a verse by verse translation of the Gita into Bengali, and now I am working daily on the Caitanya-caritamrta. Now I am more and more wanting to work on my books and diminish all this travelling. So I am more and more depending upon you GBC. Of course you GBC are in training, but you are all the hope for the future of our movement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service|Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history|Six months ago there was summer now there is a new season, and in another six months summer again. This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?|Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The more one can meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced in KC. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence to combat such dialogues. Be sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives you everything|The more one can meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced in Krishna consciousness. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence to combat such dialogues. Be sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives you everything.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We must publish our books as much as possible because that will create our position. Back to Godhead should be the life and soul for the Society|We must publish our books as much as possible because that will create our position. Back to Godhead should be the life and soul for the Society. Please let me know your program.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The dishwashing occupation is open to anyone who wishes to help. There is no restriction. Also, non-initiates may help in cooking prasadam under the direction of devotees. That is all right|The dishwashing occupation is open to anyone who wishes to help. There is no restriction. Also, non-initiates may help in cooking prasadam under the direction of devotees. That is all right.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature|If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature. So we have now fully equipped staff, editorial, printers, binders, and managers, and Krishna will be financier. So I think there is no more scarcity of anything and let us begin the job as soon as possible.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in KC, and temple opening is a secondary consideration|In this age, it is more important to create devotees than to construct temples. My Guru Maharaja advised me to give more stress on literary work such as publishing books and magazines in Krishna Consciousness, and temple opening is a secondary consideration. I am just trying to open some temples in the Western countries because there is none.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated|When India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagavad-gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple|When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple in a small car as they have made in L.A. This car was made by Nara Narayana, so he can give you the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha may be taken out with Sankirtana Party, not always, but conveniently. In due course of time, I shall let you know the details.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Unless we are constantly engaged then there will be sickness and illicit sex automatically|It is all right that you devote your time to painting instead of street sankirtana. The main thing is that you be engaged in some worthwhile work for Krsna without wasting even a moment. Unless we are constantly engaged then there will be sickness and illicit sex automatically. So there is a good need for pictures in our preaching work, especially in illustrating our books, and if you are seriously painting I have no objection to your proposal.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India|Now I am especially concerned to distribute grains, rice, wheat in the form of dahl and rice prasadam to hungry people all over India. The people here are very disturbed because, partly due to the punishment of Nature, and partly due to the mismanagement of the demon class of men, food is not available. If the people do not even have sufficient food they will not even be able to receive spiritual instructions. So I am hopeful that if we can widely distribute free foodstuffs to the people of India, by giving it out at our centers as well as by travelling parties to villages, we will win over the whole country and the whole world by this activity on Krsna's behalf.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are very fortunate to have devotee parents and from your very childhood take to Krishna consciousness|You are very fortunate to have devotee parents and from your very childhood take to Krishna consciousness. I also had the good fortune to have a devotee father and mother and when I was young they gave me Radha Krishna to worship and I was also performing Rathayatra festival with my young friends.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all|So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all. Others should learn by seeing, like the ksatriyas, vaisyas, and sudras. Just like driving a bullock cart; it doesn't require education. Modern so-called education is simply a waste of time producing hippies. Shameless! Why compulsory education?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|As far as possible try to adjust to a natural way of life free from dependence on machines|As far as possible try to adjust to a natural way of life free from dependence on machines. But our principle should be that we are against nothing and for nothing. Only for Krishna. We want whatever is favorable for Krishna. From the farms we should get sufficient foodstuffs and these can be sent to be used at our restaurants. Along with the restaurants there can be "Bhaktivedanta Reading Room" where all my books can be kept and people can come and sit comfortably and read. The people will like these restaurants and reading rooms.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much hopeful that this movement can be spread all over the whole world if we organize simply the performance of Kirtana and a little lecture on the principles of Krishna Consciousness|I am very much hopeful that this movement can be spread all over the whole world if we organize simply the performance of Kirtana and a little lecture on the principles of Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|All you boys and girls who are now married, follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya, and show vivid example to the world how man and woman can be united, not for sense gratification but for the service of the Lord|Lord Caitanya, but a householder and responsible government official, Governor of Madras, has given open instruction that it does not matter what is the social or ecclesiastical order, if one is fully in Krishna Consciousness, he can act as Acarya. So all you boys and girls who are now married, follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya, and show vivid example to the world how man and woman can be united, not for sense gratification but for the service of the Lord.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The modern human society is in need of Krishna relationship, so as soon as they will come in touch with our movement, surely they will feel very happy. So kindly execute this responsibility to your best capacity, and Krishna will be very happy upon you|Actually, the modern human society is in need of Krishna relationship, so as soon as they will come in touch with our movement, surely they will feel very happy. So kindly execute this responsibility to your best capacity, and Krishna will be very happy upon you.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others|I wish that the number of devotees in every temple be more and more increased. I know that there are many young men in your country who are very frustrated but they have got one good quality. That is renunciation of this worldly attachment. From this platform they can very easily take to Krishna Consciousness. So our Krishna Consciousness Movement should be especially directed towards these frustrated persons. Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The ultimate point is to come to the stage of loving Krsna and all other indirect processes are subsidiary|The ultimate point is to come to the stage of loving Krsna and all other indirect processes are subsidiary. We are concerned here with approaching Krsna by the direct process of devotional service. Independent of Krsna consciousness, the cultivation of knowledge, work, meditation and renunciation are of no value or the proud achievements of the atheist or less intelligent class of men.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana|There is no need of rendering service to the daridras in order to reach Krsna. Of course we can show our mercy to the daridras, there is not objection, but this philosophy that Narayana comes in the form of daridra to receive our service is against our philosophy. Daridra is daridra, Narayana is Narayana. Narayana demands service directly not through daridra. But we can show our mercy to daridra, that is a different thing.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I have come here in this old age neither for sight seeing nor for any personal interest. It is for the interest of the entire humanity that I am trying to implement the science of Krishna which will actually make them happy|I have come here in this old age neither for sight seeing nor for any personal interest. It is for the interest of the entire humanity that I am trying to implement the science of Krishna which will actually make them happy. So it is the duty of every devotees of Lord Krishna to help me by all means.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple|As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul. I think with your cooperation I shall be able to render some genuine service to the Gosvamis Who are staying in the temple.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty|If you are not satisfied with your cooking engagement, tell Brahmananda to give you some other engagement. But it doesn't look well if you change from one center to another for some convenience. Everywhere service to Krishna is the same, but if you are feeling some inconvenience, then you may inform Brahmananda, and get some relaxation by change of duty.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|There is no reality in the material beauty. What you think as real that is also unreal because everything material transforms into matter at the ultimate stage. It is the spirit soul who is beautiful and not the matter|There is no reality in the material beauty. What you think as real that is also unreal because everything material transforms into matter at the ultimate stage. It is the spirit soul who is beautiful and not the matter.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space|So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life|If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life. So this Arcana Siddhi program is given in the Narada Pancaratra especially for the householders. Householders cannot undergo strict disciplinary activities of austerity, therefore for every householder the path of Arcana Siddhi is very much recommended. According to Vedic system, all householders are ordered to keep Deity at home and follow strictly the worshipment process.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|KC is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work. That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our activities and take rest more but in the spiritual world, there is no rest and there is no limit of activities|Krishna Consciousness is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work. That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our activities and take rest more but in the spiritual world, there is no rest and there is no limit of activities. Krishna is unlimited, His service is unlimited, and the energy of His servants is unlimited.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Anyone reading our Krsna book, NOD, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and BG will certainly become a Krsna conscious person. Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales|This membership program is so important that we get money, sympathizers and push on our mission of distributing books, all simultaneously. Anyone reading our Krsna book, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and Bhagavad-gita will certainly become a Krsna conscious person. Someway or other we have to push these literatures, whether through schools, colleges, libraries, membership or ordinary sales.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are very eager to give everyone a chance to become Krishna Conscious, but if someone repeatedly causes a disturbance then he may be asked to leave| We are very eager to give everyone a chance to become Krishna Conscious, but if someone repeatedly causes a disturbance then he may be asked to leave. That is not our business to ask people to leave our association but if they are actually causing too much disturbance by not co-operating with authorities or by not following the rules properly (especially the four regulative principles), then we are forced to do the necessary.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is very nice that you are learning to weave. That is a great asset to have|It is very nice that you are learning to weave. That is a great asset to have.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?|This is our only business—to endeavor to serve Krishna at every moment. The whole world is busy for sense gratification, it is anthill civilization. So much endeavor for what? We also work hard because we know the goal of life—to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice. Why there was no weaving and spinning workshop?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I prayed like that in Sydney, I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power|Yes, I prayed like that in Sydney: "I can't do anything good to them. But somehow or other I have brought them to You Sir. Now You make them Krsna conscious. Otherwise, how can I do anything? It is beyond my power." When I left Krsna in that condition and when again came back I saw Krsna was doing everything.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding MacMillan Company, if they have not replied your letter, then forget. We shall publish our own books. You organize the sales promotion. Neither I want to shorten the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should not count on them|Regarding MacMillan Company, if they have not replied your letter, then forget. We shall publish our own books. You organize the sales promotion. Neither I want to shorten the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We should not count on them—let us try for our own publications.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process|The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process. So this is a great service, and there is urgent need for such paintings.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it|I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Hold kirtana and serve Prasadam, and gradually people will come, more and more. That is the program. And you are both sincere students, and very intelligent boys, and Krishna will supply you all facility for your preaching work if you try sincerely|Hold kirtana and serve Prasadam, and gradually people will come, more and more. That is the program. And you are both sincere students, and very intelligent boys, and Krishna will supply you all facility for your preaching work if you try sincerely.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Just one good soul fully developed and firmly convinced in preaching Krishna Consciousness can reclaim so many fallen souls for going back to home, back to Godhead| Just one good soul fully developed and firmly convinced in preaching Krishna Consciousness can reclaim so many fallen souls for going back to home, back to Godhead. And the best way to prepare such Krishna Conscious souls is to train them to up from their birth to follow the principles of Krishna Consciousness. This is possible by good association of devotee parents.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers|At present, you patiently work there and get as much money as possible for developing New Vrindaban. As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of you income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad to know that your pen is inspired to create, because we are in need of many intelligent writers who can express our Krishna consciousness philosophy nicely|I am very glad to know that your pen is inspired to create, because we are in need of many intelligent writers who can express our Krishna consciousness philosophy nicely just following exactly the transcendental words and purports of our vast Vedic scriptures according to the previous Acaryas of our Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya. And if you continue to work in this writing and publishing of our literatures with steady enthusiasm and sincerity, your success in Krishna Consciousness is certain.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Krsna the right to exact income tax? He is supplying you so many things. Government, what government is supplying? Krsna is supplying you sunlight, moonlight, air and food|You should sacrifice the major portion of your income to the Supreme. If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Kṛṣṇa the right to exact income tax? He is supplying you so many things. Government, what government is supplying? Kṛṣṇa is supplying you sunlight. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you moonlight. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you air. Kṛṣṇa is supplying you food. Nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān. Kṛṣṇa is fulfilling all your desires. And don't you like to give Him some tax? (laughter)}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society|I am a Sannyasi and my mission of life is to propagate the idea of cultivating spiritual vision of life which alone can bring about peace and prosperity of the human society. I wish to impress upon the delegates who will internationally join the Congress for Culturing Human spirit at Japan about the necessity of an international movement for this purpose in cooperation of all the enlightened people of the world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This material nature is very powerful. You cannot protect from the onslaught of material nature. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja advising us that you try to achieve the permanent. The permanent is the soul. God is permanent|This material nature is very powerful. You cannot protect from the onslaught of material nature. Therefore Prahlāda Mahārāja advising us that you try to achieve the permanent. The permanent is the soul. God is permanent. And there is a world, a sky, which is also permanent. So why not transfer yourself to that permanent sky, permanent association, permanent life, permanent supreme knowledge? What we are seeking here in imperfectness?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gita as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes|The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gītā as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes. As I explained yesterday, last night, yānti deva-vratā devān BG 9.25 . If he likes, he can go to the planets of the demigods, to the Pitrloka, he can remain here, or if he likes, he can go to the planet of Kṛṣṇa. He has got this freedom.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences|I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences. I know you are already advanced in this type of Krishna Consciousness, and Krishna will give you intelligence more and more, but you stick to this principle as you have taken your life's vow to improve BTG. That is my request.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding printing of KRSNA on the cover and Title, it should not be "KRSNA Book," but it should be "KRSNA" in large type on the first line, that is the Title, and on the second line, by way of adjective, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead"|Regarding printing of KRSNA on the cover and Title, it should not be "KRSNA Book," but it should be "KRSNA" in large type on the first line, that is the Title, and on the second line, by way of adjective, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead" should be printed in smaller type.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govinda & Sadanandini for their being united in Krishna Conscious service. When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, I wanted her to get married with a nice boy, and I am happy that he is chosen for this purpose by Krishna|Please offer my blessings to Jaya Govinda and Sadanandini for their being united in Krishna Conscious service. When I first saw this girl in Buffalo, I wanted her to get married with a nice boy, and I am happy that Jaya Govinda is chosen for this purpose by Krishna. So I think they are very nice combination, and let them work jointly with great enthusiasm. I think both you and Sivananda should marry some German girls if they are Krishna conscious.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim|Deity worship means to be very, very clean. You should try to bathe twice daily. The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim. Be sure that your hands are clean before touching anything on the altar or the Deities. And cleanse the Deity room, altar and floor daily thoroughly.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|For the present we should finish the pictures for KRSNA first. Then, if there is opportunity, they can print pictures for NOD. Both are required, but most important is KRSNA. It is better to have pictures in all our books, as many as possible|Regarding your question about the art department, for the present we should finish the pictures for KRSNA first. Then, if there is opportunity, they can print pictures for Nectar of Devotion. Both are required, but most important is KRSNA. It is better to have pictures in all our books, as many as possible.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them|Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I want seven temples there (in New Vrndavana). That scheme was submitted long ago. That will be beautiful and pleasing. Many people will go and it will become an important place for holiday excursion|The fees from membership are divided 50% to my Book Fund and 50% to the Building Fund, so if this program is vigorously pushed, we get enough money for the New Vrndavana scheme. I want seven temples there. That scheme was submitted long ago. That will be beautiful and pleasing. Many people will go and it will become an important place for holiday excursion.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord Krishna's lotus feet and thus my Guru Maharaja will be so pleased upon you|My dear boys and girls, you are working so hard for broadcasting the glories of Lord Krishna's lotus feet and thus my Guru Maharaja will be so pleased upon you. Certainly my Guru Maharaja will bestow His blessings thousand times more than me and that is my satisfaction. All Glories to the assembled devotees.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"|Vṛndāvana they gave it very late. After one year, Vṛndāvana. Because the government doesn't want further development of Vṛndāvana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed." But now they have given up. They have purposefully kept so nasty. You have seen the city?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader|For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader. This acceptance of leadership by one of the eternal associates of the Lord is not artificial. Do not therefore try it at present it will be automatically revealed to you in proper time.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|From now on, I would like to speak only at very important engagements, and for most engagements, have my students preach. All of you must learn to preach; and for me, my most important preaching work is to finish up the Srimad-Bhagavatam|I want to sit down tightly with some assistants, and spend the rest of my time translating Srimad-Bhagavatam, and other books. And train students to do preaching work on the outside. So, from now on, I would like to speak only at very important engagements, and for most engagements, have my students preach. All of you must learn to preach; and for me, my most important preaching work is to finish up the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So, please try to make arrangement like this, as it is very important that my books be finished, as soon as possible.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Impersonal bigness, they think it is very important. Actually, it has no value. Background is person. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that brahmano 'ham pratistha: "The impersonal Brahman, I am the cause. I am the source of impersonal Brahman"|Impersonal bigness, they think it is very important. Actually, it has no value. Background is person. Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā that brahmaṇo 'haṁ pratiṣṭha: "The impersonal Brahman, I am the cause. I am the source of impersonal Brahman."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money - there is no scarcity|Your letter dated March 18th by special delivery is in hand and it is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money—there is no scarcity.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful|I have conveyed the letter to Gargamuni after learning from it that you have lost your original set of japa beads and request me to chant on these. So I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful. Now be sure to chant at least the prescribed sixteen rounds daily without fail, avoiding the ten offenses to the Holy Name, and thus advance in spiritual strength.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|About the "guru" living next door, as well as other so-called sadhus in Fiji, why be disturbed by them? Simply go on with your preaching work with determination. Sincere people will be attracted by the purity of your message|About the "guru" living next door, as well as other so-called sadhus in Fiji, why be disturbed by them? Simply go on with your preaching work with determination. Sincere people will be attracted by the purity of your message. And if that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?|If that man insists on chanting Hare Rama first, what harm is there?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please impress on him (Prabhupada dasa Adhikari) that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga|I have also accepted one devotee, Prabhupada dasa Adhikari, for second initiation, upon your recommendation. Please impress on him that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna's another name is Madan-Mohan. When Krishna is within the heart, then the Madan or lusty desires become defeated. If we learn to love Krishna, our lusty desires will be finished, otherwise not|You also mentioned that how can I give up attraction for woman; when you learn to love Krishna, then you can forget your lusty desires for women. Krishna's another name is Madan-Mohan. When Krishna is within the heart, then the Madan or lusty desires become defeated. If we learn to love Krishna, our lusty desires will be finished, otherwise not.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless|Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters|It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work|I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gita says that they are trying to be happy in what sense?|Now you are trying to be happy by your work. Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gītā says that they are trying to be happy in what sense? They're trying to be happy with the body for sense gratification. But how long you shall be able to satisfy your senses?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the singing of the prayers to the Spiritual Master is concerned, there is no limitation on how many times it is sung. But it should be done three times daily, and morning it is required|So far the singing of the prayers to the Spiritual Master is concerned, there is no limitation on how many times it is sung. But it should be done three times daily, and morning it is required. Yes, you may say this prayer at noon Prasadam if it is possible, and sing again in the evening. And you may sing other prayers as you learn them also.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and skepticism. That is the process|I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and skepticism. That is the process. Even there may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself|Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If we give the job to others for distributing all our books, then where is the opportunity for our students to canvass all the citizens to purchase our books to give them good training how to preach?|Because our business is to engage many men in the devotional service of Krsna, then if we give the job to others for distributing all our books, then where is the opportunity for our students to canvass all the citizens to purchase our books to give them good training how to preach? I think Macmillan wants "exclusive" rights to distribute, but we must be allowed to sell our own books, otherwise where is the preaching?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me|I am glad to report that I am now translating nightly and each day Shyamsundar types the tape and Pradyumna is editing Sanskrit, so we shall be sending more and more material because you say that you can edit any amount we can supply, so I take that as a challenge and I shall try to see if you can keep up with me.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I want that my disciples like you and others should take this task very seriously to give the world the access to this great treasure of Vaisnava literature by producing innumerable books and small booklets|Yes, you are correct to say that "It is all nectar," everything having relation with Krishna or Lord Chaitanya is nectarine and our literatures in our line of Vaisnava acharyas is so nice that there is no comparison anywhere in the world for it, so I want that my disciples like you and others should take this task very seriously to give the world the access to this great treasure of Vaisnava literature by producing innumerable books and small booklets, and that force of literary influence will change everything and save the people from their miserable condition and corrupt status of life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them|I am very glad to hear from you that you have got a nice new temple there, which is also large, and that in general everything at New Orleans Center is progressing well under your supervision. I am very much satisfied. I am also pleased to hear something about Kirtanananda's party, and if you have them, kindly send me one photo of these painted busses, how they look, so I may be inspired by seeing them.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Krsna consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences|Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences, I know. You are coming from a country where material conveniences are greater.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Sleeping and eating, this is the material disease. Sleeping, eating, mating... So they should be reduced as much as possible|You have to spend two hours for Kṛṣṇa out of twenty-four...sleeping and eating, this is the material disease. Sleeping, eating, mating... So they should be reduced as much as possible... you can sleep till you are refreshed. Somebody's refreshed by sleeping four hours. Somebody is refreshed by sleeping ten hours.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope|Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope. Besides that, if the Sankirtana party is nicely organized, we can have demonstration for public. I do not know how far we shall be successful, but we must find out a source of our income.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 months, and sit down in a nice place for the balance 6 months, for training boys and girls as well as editing our publications|My future contemplation is to have tours all over the world for 6 months, and sit down in a nice place for the balance 6 months, for training boys and girls as well as editing our publications. You consult with Brahmananda and he may consult with Mr. Kallman how this program may be given real shape.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your illness - so long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can|I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 20, 1968, regarding your illness. So long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can. I am forwarding your letter to Brahmananda for taking care of your hospital charges; I do not know just what arrangements can be made, but Brahmananda will think how to take care of it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily|The first question is, "What is the practice you preach?" Yes. We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily. So our preaching is to reinstate the living soul to his original condition.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|My standing request is this: Amongst yourselves there should not be any disagreement. Whatever you do, do it by joint consultation. Because our center of activities is Krsna, for His sake we can sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence, everything|my standing request is this: Amongst yourselves there should not be any disagreement. Whatever you do, you do it by joint consultation. Because our center of activities is Krishna, for Krishna's sake we can sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence, everything. Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.|...to your health for rendering service to Krishna with more energy, then you must take such Prasdam instead of cooked food. If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point|Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when Krishna is within our view, at that time one is not disturbed even in the midst of gravest calamity.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Sense gratification means unlawful sex life. Sex life is not sense gratification . . . unlawful sex life is sense gratification. If there is no need of sex life and one uses sex life anyway, that is sense gratification|Sense gratification means unlawful sex life. Sex life is not sense gratification . . . unlawful sex life is sense gratification. If there is no need of sex life and one uses sex life anyway, that is sense gratification. But when there is need of sex life, that is not sense gratification. Never think that the devotee is impotent and is obliged to become free from sex life. If required they can take to sex life 1000 times. Otherwise, if there is no need for it, they have no use for it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|One thing, I am drawing the attention of all the GBC that London affairs are not going very nicely. Of course it is improved since Mukunda has taken charge. The GBC should keep watch over London affairs. It is one of the most important centers of ISKCON|One thing, I am drawing the attention of all the GBC that London affairs are not going very nicely. Of course it is improved since Mukunda has taken charge. The GBC should keep watch over London affairs. It is one of the most important centers of ISKCON.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The public is somewhat conservative and still there is some police harrassment, but you are "going on with work undaunted." That should be followed. Haridas Thakur was harassed even by corporal punishment. Jesus Christ was killed|So the public is somewhat conservative and still there is some police harrassment, but you are “going on with work undaunted.” That should be followed. Haridas Thakur was harassed even by corporal punishment. Jesus Christ was killed. Nityananda Prabhu was injured by Jagai and Madai. But still preaching never stopped. We are delivering the genuine goods to the human society on behalf of God, Krishna. If someone wants to check us, it is for the time being only and not permanent situation because no material circumstances can permanently hamper devotional service.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending|I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 13, 1972, and I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed|Yes, your study program is nice. By writing according to our realization we become more and more convinced and all doubts are destroyed. I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don't you write something for Back to Godhead?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere|Why should the parents not feel attachment for their children, that is natural. But our affection is not simply sentimental, we offer our children the highest opportunity to become trained up in Krsna consciousness very early so as to assure their success in this life to go back to Godhead for sure. That is real affection, to make sure my child gets back to Godhead, that is my real responsibility as a parent. And I have seen that Gurukula offers this opportunity more than any other place anywhere. So I think that you are intelligent girl, and you can explain it to others in this way.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Radio and T.V. programs are alright if we can introduce our literature, like Bhagavad-gita, etc., otherwise there is so much nonsense on the media|Radio and T.V. programs are alright if we can introduce our literature, like Bhagavad-gita, etc., otherwise there is so much nonsense on the media that they will forget quickly what they see and hear.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are simply presenting the truth, which is that outside of Krsna Consciousness there is no hope for betterment of the troubled conditions of modern affairs, rather they are going to hell without check|You are in the nation's capital and if you can get support it will be grand preaching for our movement. Anyway, we are simply presenting the truth, which is that outside of Krsna Consciousness there is no hope for betterment of the troubled conditions of modern affairs, rather they are going to hell without check.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver|We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am speaking to you of my personal experience how this eagerness of hearing is a very important thing|I am speaking of you of my personal experience how this eagerness of hearing is a very important thing. When I first met my spiritual master in 1922. Then for several years I was out of Calcutta and I could not meet him. Again next meeting was in 1933. So at that time I was simply inquiring from other disciples of my spiritual master. At that time I was not disciple. "So when His Holiness will speak?" So this information was noted by my spiritual master, and he was pleased to accept me immediately, that "This boy is very nice. He's very inquisitive to hear. He does not go away."}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If anyone becomes spiritually advanced, the agents of maya will criticize. So therefore you have to become tolerant|As soon as you take up spiritual life, the whole class conducted by māyā, they will be against you. That is māyā's influence. Somebody will criticize. Somebody will do this, somebody will do that, but we shall... We have to become tolerant. This is the disease of this material world. If anyone becomes spiritually advanced, the agents of māyā will criticize. So therefore you have to become tolerant.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful|Of course, as preachers we have to expect to face so many opposing elements, and actually we are doing so. Moreover, we are always protected by Krsna. But this crazy threat for our destruction should not go unchecked; please do the needful and let me know the outcome.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Because it is Vrindaban, those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindaban, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Goswami|Because it is Vrindaban, those who come should be exemplary so that all the people of Vrindaban, even those who would be prone to criticize, will see that we are actually following the six Goswamis headed by Rupa Goswami. I want that those who come here, whether grhasthas or sannyasis, behave on the level of real goswamis. Goswami means controlling the senses and always glorifying Krsna by varieties of engagement in devotional service 24 hours a day.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things|As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things. So far cooking and preparing, that should be strictly limited to the initiated devotees. And aside from this, vinegar is not good; it is tamasic, in the darkness, nasty food. So I think we shall not accept this pickles.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India|So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India, and they have natural delivery. But so far your country is concerned, and especially the situation of the women here, that is a different thing. I cannot say definitely what is to be done. And under the circumstances, the best thing is to consult a doctor as they usually do.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers|I am also very much concerned about you health; I have written Hayagriva in this connection. But I do not know what could be the cause of this illness. Please let me know what are the reports given by the doctor. But it is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Washington is the capitol of the U.S.A., so your center should be just befitting the position of Washington|Do not feel inferior complexity. When Krsna will give you chance, you will do more than others are doing. But whatever you do, do it nicely in Krsna's service, and Krsna will bless you. Washington is the capitol of the U.S.A., so your center should be just befitting the position of Washington.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple - all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party|In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple—all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us. So whatever progress we are making by the grace of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, we must stick to them and make further progress.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness|Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness, they have given up everything and rapidly progressed toward spiritual realization.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far as your taking initiation from Brahmananda Maharaja, I have no objection, but it is the etiquette that in the presence of one's Spiritual Master, one does not accept disciples|So far as your taking initiation from Brahmananda Maharaja, I have no objection, but it is the etiquette that in the presence of one's Spiritual Master, one does not accept disciples. In this connection, Swami Brahmananda may write me and I will instruct him.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In court when a person swears to tell the truth he can be punished by perjury if he does not take it seriously and tells a lie, Those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules & regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail|In court when a person swears to tell the truth he can be punished by perjury if he does not take it seriously and tells a lie, so those who will promise before the deity to follow the rules and regulations of initiated disciples will be punished if they fail to do so. I am certain, however, that under your able guidance all the boys and girls are enthusiastic in their duties for Krsna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration|We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration and who follow the Vaisnava principles.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead|This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed|If there would have been no persons sitting here, simply myself speaking, there would have been no enjoyment. So enjoyment means variety. Without variety, without many things, there is no question of enjoyment. That is the original idea of enjoyment. So God became many. God became many for His enjoyment because He is the enjoyer. We are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed. So we must know our constitutional position, that we are not enjoyer; we are enjoyed.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Krsna. That supreme spirit is Krsna. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Krsna|Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Kṛṣṇa. That supreme spirit is Kṛṣṇa. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa can be in constantly companion with us. Because He's omnipotent, God is omnipotent, therefore He can be exactly in touch with us by His words. His words and He are not different.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. These are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life|If by becoming a human being, he becomes an animal, if he thinks that he has become economical, that is not very sane conclusion. So godless means animal. The animals, they do not know how to create a church or temple or mosque. The mosque or temple or church, they are done in the human society. So when the human society forgets this responsibility from economic point of view, that means they degrade to the animal life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism|You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism. The Lord may condemn the demons, but because the Vaisnavas are there, there is ample chance for the demons to become blessed by the devotees of the Lord.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am anxious that we establish centers in major cities all over the globe, and Mexico City is certainly an important landmark|I am so glad to hear that you are now in L.A. discussing final plans for opening one center in Mexico City. That is very encouraging news. I am anxious that we establish centers in major cities all over the globe and Mexico City is certainly an important landmark.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious, they are so nice|We want to distribute our books as far as possible to all classes of men, because anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious, they are so nice. Also you should distribute the books to schools, colleges, libraries, bookstores, and wherever else you can imagine that they will be received. Also continue your program of door-to-door Sankirtana.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero|I am so glad to hear your program is steadily expanding in St. Louis and how you are regularly making university engagements and are being so well received. Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero. Simply if they will add Krishna Consciousness to their curriculum all their endeavors will know perfection.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us|The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us. For the last 50 years our Godbrothers were there but they could not make arrangements for the Hindus and Muslims to take prasadam together.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us|This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us. Our program is to simply chant Hare Krishna, follow the regulative principles, and preach this philosophy without any adulteration. If we stick to this policy, then by our good example, people will see the potency of this great movement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|One should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurun. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord|hat is the injunction of the śāstra, that one should approach the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme Person. So... Therefore the first offering is guru, vande gurūn. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord. That is guru's business.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We have to organize Bombay as our world headquarters from every point of view, culturally, scientifically, philosophically|Thank you, yes, I am feeling a little stronger now. On the 28th instant I shall be moving into my new quarters and then we have to organize Bombay as our world headquarters from every point of view, culturally, scientifically, philosophically, etc.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very glad that you are repentant even for some action which is not sanctioned by me. This attitude is very nice and improves one in progressing on the path of devotional service|I am very glad that you are repentant even for some action which is not sanctioned by me. This attitude is very nice and improves one in progressing on the path of devotional service. The Rakhi Bandhan ceremony observed by you under instruction of Prasad isn't approved by our Vaisnava rituals. Of course, such ceremony is observed among the Hindu community as a socio-religious convention. But in our Vaisnava community there is no such observance. Now, forget the incidence, and in future don't be misled by some unauthorized person.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized|In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Whatever is being done, it is due to His Divine Grace only. So my business is just to carry out His order. That is the way of disciplic succession|Practically there is no credit for me, if there is any credit it goes to my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada, Who is helping me by sending so many good souls like you in this movement. Whatever is being done, it is due to His Divine Grace only. So my business is just to carry out His order. That is the way of disciplic succession; and as you have all come to help me, if you also follow the same principles then our combined effort to serve Lord Krishna will be surely successful.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna|I take it for granted that you are one of the selected devotees of Lord Caitanya, and therefore from within your heart He has inspired you to go to such a distant place, leaving your parents and home, just to satisfy Krsna. This is a great transcendental adventure. Try your best, and I am sure you will be successful. Formerly your forefathers, many European and American gentlemen, were courageous to go outside their country for colonization, and Australia is vivid example of such adventures. Now, by the grace of Krsna, yourself and Upendra, the descendants of your adventurous forefathers, have gone there with a great mission, and try to execute it to your best capacity.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven|You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven; but we shall be only very cautious about propagating our Sankirtana movement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Within this material world, everything is nonpermanent, temporary. Anything you take, it has got its creation, it stays for some time, it produces some by-products, then it grows, and then it dwindles, and then it vanishes|There is—we get this information from the Bhagavad-gītā— the kingdom of God, where everything is permanent. Within this material world, everything is nonpermanent, temporary. Anything you take, it has got its creation, it stays for some time, it produces some by-products, then it grows, and then it dwindles, and then it vanishes. Anything you take.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your book distribution program is very much encouraging to me. The more such literatures are read and distributed, the more auspicity will be there in the world. Please continue this program with ever-increasing enthusiasm|Your book distribution program is very much encouraging to me. The more such literatures are read and distributed, the more auspicity will be there in the world. Please continue this program with ever-increasing enthusiasm.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We should not discuss the rasa-lila generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Krsna consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rasa-lila. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls|We should not discuss the rāsa-līlā generally. Because unless one is advanced in spiritual consciousness and Kṛṣṇa consciousness, they should not try to understand what is rāsa-līlā. It is very confidential. It is meant for the liberated souls, those who are liberated by devotional service. Actually, those who are engaged in devotional service, they are liberated. They are not within the material world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Sometimes, Srila Prabhupada, devotees want to know what your greatest pleasure would be, how you would want your disciples to...|Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Sometimes, Śrīla Prabhupāda, devotees want to know what your greatest pleasure would be. Prabhupāda: You all become full Kṛṣṇa conscious, cent percent Kṛṣṇa conscious.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform|This is the modern civilization. They do not know what is the goal of life. And without knowing the goal of life, they are trying to adjust things on this material platform.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That you always remember me indicates the greatness of character for which you were celebrated even in your previous asrama before joining the matha. But I am so unfortunate that I am unable to render any service to you|That you always remember me indicates the greatness of character for which you were celebrated even in your previous āśrama before joining the maṭha. But I am so unfortunate that I am unable to render any service to you. Therefore, please forgive my offences and discrepancies out of your magnanimous nature. You amply encouraged me at the time of the first printing of my Back to Godhead magazine. Though engaged in so many activities, you blessed my poor home by placing your foot dust in it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Krsna. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion|Expansion is direct, and incarnation is indirect. When expansion of expansion is accepted, that is called kāla, incarnation, avatāra, kāla. So Advaita is not direct. The example is given in Brahma-saṁhitā. Just like you get one candle kindled from the first candle, another from the second, another from the third. So similarly, either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Kṛṣṇa. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion. It is not that Nityānanda is less powerful than Caitanya, or Advaita is less powerful than... No. Any incarnation or expansion has the same potency, Viṣṇu-tattva. The manifestation of potency is different.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brahmana, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee|Guru-gṛha means teacher's house. Formerly, for being trained, there was no such big scale school and colleges. Every village... Still, fifty years before in India, in every village there was a small school conducted by the brāhmaṇa, and the village children would be trained up there. So he was sent for training. And there was no school fee. The boys will go there, and on behalf of the teacher or spiritual master, they will go, brahmacārī, door to door, and beg and bring forth alms, rice, dahl, grains, and everything. That was the system.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If you accompany me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining New Vrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desires in the future|Regarding my going to London: If you accompany me, that will be a very nice thing. I want your company always for editing my writings very nicely, but because you have to work for maintaining New Vrindaban, so let us see what Krishna desires in the future. If the press is started in Vrindaban then certainly I shall have to stay there the major part of the time, at least for the summer season. In the near future I shall have to stick to the press work and publication work.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting HK and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands|Because we are not pure, these thoughts of sense gratification are bound to come into our mind, but if we do not act on them and keep ourselves always engaged in Krishna conscious activities, they will have no effect. Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting Hare Krishna and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands, and gradually they will diminish. Krishna is like the sun, and Maya is like darkness. Where there is sun what is the question of darkness?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly|As far as separation of men and women in Bhaktivedanta Manor, that should be strictly observed in the main temple building; between single men and women there must be strict division and strict observance of no illicit sex. The householders may continue stay as they are in the cottage house, living peacefully as grhasthas. Whether grhasthas, sannyasa or brahmacari everyone has to be completely engaged all the time in devotional service. That is the meaning of good management, to see that everyone is engaged 24 hours a day, and not sleeping unnecessarily or talking idly.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|First of all show your capacity that you have managed these two things very nicely. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples|First of all show your capacity that you have managed these things very nicely, these two things. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples. Why should violate the purpose of the Trust? So first of all you manage these two things. Then, if you want, you can come. If the problem remains the same, then what is the use of increasing heads?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Vaisnava tantras are bona fide literatures, just like Narada-pancaratra, but not the atheistic tantra which have nothing to do with the Vedic literatures|Concerning your questions about tantric sastras; the Vaisnava tantras are bona fide literatures, just like Narada-pancaratra, but not the atheistic tantra which have nothing to do with the Vedic literatures.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?|They are defying the existence of God and reading Bhagavad-gītā. This is the position. And if I go to the details, it may not be very palatable. But big, big leaders say like that. We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rāma-rājya, but without Rāma. How rāma-rājya will be there? So those who are leaders of the society, if they take seriously, India can be an ideal state. And you can set example to the whole world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am glad to note that you have got the highest estimation for Gita. I am just trying to present the conclusion of Gita to the world as it is and without any imperfect compromise with speculative interpretations|I am glad to note that you have got the highest estimation for Gita. I am just trying to present the conclusion of Gita to the world as it is and without any imperfect compromise with speculative interpretations. We have to learn the lessons of Gita from the authorized disciplic succession as it is advised there in the book (4th Ch.). Unfortunately every one not in that line tries to explain Gita in his own way and this process has misguided the people. We have to counteract this disruptive tendency and put them at right.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The difference between animal society & human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, trained and educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul|Human society is not animal society. The difference between animal society and human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, if he is given training, if he is educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch & the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and are attending meetings regularly|On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch and the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and they are attending meetings regularly. I think similarly Jagannatha should immediately be installed in New York. If some of you who may know carpentary work can engrave such deity, as Syamasundara has done here, I can give you the model.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title|I have taken quotation from good printing houses in San Francisco for Gitopanisad and it is estimated to cost about $11000.00 for five thousand copies case bound and golden title. I will have $5000.00 from here and shall be glad to know how much you can contribute so that I can take up the work. I wish that you may contribute the balance either by selling my books (Srimad-Bhagavatam) or by raising funds.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are saying that you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not material intellectuals. May Krishna bless you|You are saying that you are a fool, and I shall be glad to get a number of fools like you. I want such transcendental fools and not material intellectuals. May Krishna bless you.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly|Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your wife has left & you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling & you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife & engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities|So your wife has left and you are feeling that it is all Krishna's mercy. That is nice attitude. So if that is how you are feeling and you are appreciating brahmachary life, then simply forget your wife and engage yourself wholeheartedly in devotional activities and be fully Krishna Conscious. Otherwise, if you are intent on having her back, then first you must get a job so as to be able to support her. Then try to get her back. Whatever you do, that's all right, but do it in Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them|The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them. They can simply come and live with us and attend Kirtana and classes as usual. We can give nice Prasadam and lectures to them and invite their questions. Counseling can be done by some experienced member.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are studying Sanskrit, that is very nice. If you can to learn to vibrate some important Sanskrit verses then you will be listened to wherever you go|You are studying Sanskrit, that is very nice. If you can to learn to vibrate some important Sanskrit verses then you will be listened to wherever you go.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding keeping the cows, unless there is sufficient grazing land and cultivation, it is very difficult|Regarding keeping the cows, unless there is sufficient grazing land and cultivation, it is very difficult. But there has been some discussion about having a farm in California. You may write to Ramesvara Maharaja and Satsvarupa Maharaja in this regard. In any case the cows must be protected and cared for. If the farm is gotten then they can shifted there, otherwise continue to care for them as best you can.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine|The sages of India in the bygone ages cultivated on the Human Spirit in an elaborate way. Sripada Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhva and later on Sri Caitanya dealt on the subject most scientifically for the welfare of all men in the world. I think therefore that the Indian Government should send there all the representatives of the abovementioned Acaryas to deliver the message of Atma or the Human Spirit. A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|As father & mother they should be offered proper respect according to social custom, but you cannot accept their non-Godly instructions. Best thing is, to avoid misunderstanding, to remain silent without any affirmation or negation of their instructions|Regarding your manner of behavior with your parents who are not in Krishna Consciousness; I may inform you that you should treat four different classes of men in four different ways. A devotee should love God and God's devotees. A devotee should make friendship with devotees. A devotee should try to enlighten innocent persons, and a devotee should reject opposite elements. As father and Mother they should be offered proper respect according to social custom, but you cannot accept their non-Godly instructions. Best thing is, to avoid misunderstanding, to remain silent without any affirmation or negation of their instructions.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me|I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We should always remember that Maya or darkness and Krsna or the Light are existing side by side. So if we keep ourself always in Krsna Consciousness or in the Light of Krsna Sun, hardly there is any chance of being covered by darkness or Maya|You have written one interesting line, that Maya seems to have a special interest in you. So it appears that you are intelligent enough to detect the tricks of Maya; that is very nice. We should always remember that Maya or darkness and Krsna or the Light are existing side by side. So if we keep ourself always in Krsna Consciousness or in the Light of Krsna Sun, hardly there is any chance of being covered by darkness or Maya. But a little inattention may cause our falling down into the clutches of Maya.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science|Our problem is this transmigration of the soul, one body to another, this is going on. Because you do not know how to get out of it. Modern education, they do not know even what is soul, what is this body, how the transmigration of the soul taking place. All blunt. There is no educational institution all over the world to understand this science, although it is the most important science for the human being. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti (BG 4.9). No more transmigration of the soul.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The whole world is Krsna's property. The material world is a field of activities for the corrupt conditioned souls who desire to enjoy in imitation of the Supreme|The whole world is Krsna's property. The material world is a field of activities for the corrupt conditioned souls who desire to enjoy in imitation of the Supreme. For them, Krsna gives facilities for material enjoyment, but He wants the conditioned souls—after finishing their material enjoyment—to come back to Him with bitter experience of material existence.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our purpose is to introduce these Krsna pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness - the happiness is with Krsna, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful|We should always remember this rādhā-kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir ahlādinī-śaktir asmāt. Then it will be very much beneficial. So this kind of dancing is very welcome all over the world if we do not misunderstand Kṛṣṇa. That should be the precaution. Otherwise it is very, very good. And our purpose is to introduce these Kṛṣṇa pastimes all over the world so that they may take lesson that they are seeking after happiness—the happiness is with Kṛṣṇa, not in the material world. Then you'll be successful.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief|The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief. And this fighting between one party with another amongst the politicians or the kṣatriyas or the administrators, they are going on perpetually. That is not a very new thing. So we should not forget our real life. For ruling over to get political predominance, there may be fighting. That is natural. It is going on.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If you chant always Hare Krishna, read my books, and preach this philosophy sincerely, then Krishna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall down into material entanglement|If you chant always Hare Krishna, read my books, and preach this philosophy sincerely, then Krishna will provide you with all facility, and you will not fall down into material entanglement.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please don't feel lonely. Krishna is always with you and I shall pray for you and to Krishna also that you may make progress more and more in this faithful discharge of duties in Krishna Consciousness|Please don't feel lonely. Krishna is always with you and I shall pray for you and to Krishna also that you may make progress more and more in this faithful discharge of duties in Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If you kindly help me in distributing these books and literature, it will be a very great help for my missionary activitiese|If you kindly help me in distributing these books and literature, it will be a very great help for my missionary activities. You are working as sales organizer so you can think up this sales organization side by side, and if possible try to help.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am just trying to write my books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, and Krishna, and lately Vedanta Sutra. So certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night|I am just trying to write my books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, and Krishna, and lately Vedanta Sutra. So certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen|I am so glad to learn that you are feeling very happy in New Vrindaban. The basic principle of our life in Vrindaban will be cow keeping. If we can keep cows sufficiently and grow our necessary foodstuffs, then we shall show a new way of life to your countrymen . . . completely spiritual life in healthy atmosphere in divine consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Krishna is sufficiently powerful and able to give facilities to His devotees provided a devotee works very sincerely to please Him. We shall always keep this motto in our view|Krishna is sufficiently powerful and able to give facilities to His devotees provided a devotee works very sincerely to please Him. We shall always keep this motto in our view, and it is very nice to hear that you are feeling separation from most beautiful Syamasundara, but you are satisfied by chanting His Holy Name.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summary the Teachings of Lord Caitanya. Read them very carefully, word to word, & immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book|Now you try your best in this line of preaching work and be successful as you have taken birth as a human being. Our Vaisnava philosophy is in summary the Teachings of Lord Caitanya. You read them very carefully, word to word, and immediately begin translation into French language so they may be published in French BTG as well as in future they may be published in a book.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are actually to be predominated by Krsna, but we are trying to be predominator. That is our fault. Don't try to be predominator. Try to be predominated by Krsna and you will be happy|Our main disease is that we are to be enjoyed by Kṛṣṇa and we are trying to be enjoyer. We are actually to be predominated by Kṛṣṇa, but we are trying to be predominator. That is our fault. Don't try to be predominator. Try to be predominated by Kṛṣṇa and you will be happy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are going to door to door, country to country, continent to continent, city to city, village to village, "Please become Krsna conscious." We are teaching them how you can be happy, how you can be a man of knowledge. That is our business|We are going to door to door, country to country, continent to continent, city to city, village to village, "Please become Kṛṣṇa conscious." We are teaching them how you can be happy, vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhāḥ, how you can be a man of knowledge. That is our business. It is not very difficult.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Moving temple means through bus, going from one place to another. That is better. From one temple, they go from village to village, town to town. That will be nice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally did not establish any temple. He was moving. Is it not?|Moving temple means through bus, going from one place to another. That is better. From one temple, they go from village to village, town to town. That will be nice. Caitanya Mahāprabhu personally did not establish any temple. He was moving. Is it not? So that's all right. We should be very much cautious to establish a new center. And if one establishes, he cannot close it. This should be the principle. That's all. Don't whimsically open a temple and close next day. No. Don't do that. If once established, it must be maintained, at any cost.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your proposal for arranging a Gita on tapes in different languages for distributing all over the world is very good|Your proposal for arranging a Gita on tapes in different languages for distributing all over the world is very good.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question & the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America|Now I request you to arrange for my passage to Japan and oblige. Last you were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question and the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I beg to inform you that my attempt to exhibit the Krishna Consciousness Movement to the Bombay public is still going on at the Cross Maidan, and it has become very successful|I beg to inform you that my attempt to exhibit the Krishna Consciousness Movement to the Bombay public is still going on at the Cross Maidan, and it has become very successful. Similar attempts will be made in Calcutta and Delhi also, in order to establish at least four centers in India; Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and Navadvipa. I am therefore opening a scheme herewith for raising funds for the above purpose.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. This is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do?|You have committed a very grave error. I am depending on you leaders for the future of our Society, yet there is all this interest in illicit sex life. this is causing me heartache worrying how things will go on. What can I do? I have given you all instructions, why you cannot follow them?}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Bhakti formula, anyabhilasita-sunyam (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11): "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin|When the Buddha philosophy says śūnyavāda, nirvāṇa, nirvāṇa, it means the same thing, vīta-rāga: you have to become detached. You have to make this material enjoyment zero. The bhakti also says, bhakti formula, anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyam: "You have to make your heart cleansed of all material desire." Then spiritual life will begin.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Visnu, Krsna. That engagement you have fully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritamrta. Caitanya-caritamrta is still far advanced|We are engaged in śravaṇaṁ kīrtana from the morning. We take a newspaper and we read what the politician says, what so many nonsense things. We waste our time. Śrama eva hi kevalam. We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Viṣṇu, Kṛṣṇa. That engagement you have fully in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Bhagavad-gītā. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritāmṛta. Caitanya-caritāmṛta is still far advanced.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is difficult to send things through the mail, so better if you go to our New York temple for getting prasadam. Krishna is absolute so prasadam offered in our temple in New York is as good and the same as the prasadam from here|It is difficult to send things through the mail, so better if you go to our New York temple for getting prasadam. Krishna is absolute so prasadam offered in our temple in New York is as good and the same as the prasadam from here. I am glad that you are enjoying chanting "Hare Krishna" and reading my books.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our literature is not sentimental stories. It is meant to be understood by the intelligent class of men|Our literature is not sentimental stories. It is meant to be understood by the intelligent class of men. Children and those with child-like mentalities will do better to chant "Hare Krishna" and take prasadam. We cannot water down the philosophy to make it more palatable. Our books must remain as they are.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|All great sages of the world - like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya - all lived for enlightening men in this culture of human spirit|All great sages of the world like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya, all lived for enlightening men on this culture of Human spirit. And men like us should follow their footprints for all round welfare of the human society.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Arjuna was declining to fight, but Krsna is inducing him to fight. So in spiritual platform there is no question of stopping work, no question of stopping work. But work for the Supreme. That's all, isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1), with God consciousness|Arjuna's friend was Lord Kṛṣṇa, but Kṛṣṇa never said... He is God Himself. He is the Supreme Personality of God Himself. He never said Arjuna that "I am your friend. I shall supply all your necessities. You don't require to work. You stop." No, He never said that. Rather, Arjuna was declining to fight, but Kṛṣṇa is inducing him to fight. So in spiritual platform there is no question of stopping work, no question of stopping work. But work for the Supreme. That's all, īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam (ISO 1), with God consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody|That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody. Simply by testing how much one has developed love of Godhead. How much one has learned to love Kṛṣṇa or God. If, following any type of religion, if you get this result, then you have performed your religious principle very nicely. This is the answer.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much pleased to learn that you are taking Sankirtana as your life and soul. There is no doubt about Krsna's being pleased very much upon those who are engaged in such Sankirtana Movement, that is admitted by Lord Krsna|I am so much pleased to learn that you are taking Sankirtana as your life and soul. There is no doubt about Krsna's being pleased very much upon those who are engaged in such Sankirtana Movement, that is admitted by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita and Caitanya Caritamrta. Some of the best students like you, Tamala, Mukunda, Syamasundara, and Jaya Govinda, are all now in Europe. Now you form a strong party for opening centers as well as organizing the World Sankirtana Party.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The Kirtana here are very nice, with so many outsiders, as well as devotees, dancing in ecstasy|The mrdanga has been duly received some days ago, and it is a very nice one; the Kirtana here are very nice, with so many outsiders, as well as devotees, dancing in ecstasy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all|Please accept my blessings to all of you. I beg to inform you that I have safely arrived as scheduled in San Francisco, and I am thinking fondly of you all.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are practically experiencing that there is no difficulty in household life if people are in Krsna Consciousness.|I am so much pleased with your wife and yourself and I can simply praise you how wonderful you are. Both you and your wife are setting good examples how Krsna Conscious Grhasthas or householders should live for Krsna. You are practically experiencing that there is no difficulty in household life if people are in Krsna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Yes. Love. That I explained - love. We have got our love in store. But instead of loving Krsna, we have distributed the love in so many ways, and frustrated. Love is there in store. That is reserved for Krsna|Yes. Love. That I explained—love. We have got our love in store. But instead of loving Kṛṣṇa, we have distributed the love in so many ways, and frustrated. Love is there in store. That is reserved for Kṛṣṇa. And we are trying to love Kṛṣṇa, that I explained. Why I am loving this body and this apartment? Ultimately he goes to Kṛṣṇa. But that you do not know. You are actually trying to love Kṛṣṇa. But because nobody is giving him Kṛṣṇa, he's crying.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You are the right person to control over Germany, so Krishna will give you strength, and I'm sure you will be successful. Your German blood injected with KC drug will do tremendous good to the German people|You are the right person to control over Germany, so Krishna will give you strength, and I'm sure you will be successful. Your German blood injected with KC drug will do tremendous good to the German people. So I think that you shall remain in charge of German-speaking centers of Europe, and let us keep Krishna das in charge of Scandinavian zone, for developing Sweden and other places in the far northern part.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences|One thing you may inform all devotees that Maya cannot touch a pure devotee: When you find a devotee is supposed in difficulty it is not the work of Maya but it is the work of the Lord by His Personal internal energy. The Pandava's tribulation in so many ways, Lord Ramacandra's departure to the forest, His wife the Goddess of Fortune's being kidnapped by Ravana, Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences. Sometimes they are enacted to bewilder persons who are demons.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa|So far as your working engagement is concerned, certainly you are not a karmi. Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa. So stick to your job and use it for Krishna Consciousness. You are not a karmi.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|We are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age|We are not this dull body, but we are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age, and besides that, we have got many, many other qualifications in our spiritual life. So unfortunately, because we are in contact with this matter, we are hampered in so many ways.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|He (the late minister Shastri) is receiving the Bhagwatam from me. He was very much respectful, and met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, but he died; he was my friend|So far the quotation by the late minister Shastri is concerned, that statement is printed up in the leaflet with picture on it; you know the one, where he is receiving the Bhagwatam from me. He was very much respectful, and met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, but he died; he was my friend.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me|I came here to execute His Will and by His Grace I have so many good souls like you, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa, Hayagriva, Rayarama, Haridasa, Mukunda etc. I consider you all as representative of my Guru maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me. So do not think that I can ever forget you even for a moment. I pray to Krishna for your more and more advancement of Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools|You are already a great artist. You don't want to become a great artist to satisfy the senses of the public. If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools. You continue trying your best to make your pictures as far they can be nice looking, but not to satisfy the senses of the rascal public.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Milk and salt should never be mixed, it is improper, and will cause leprosy. But salt can be mixed with yogurt|Milk and salt should never be mixed, it is improper, and will cause leprosy. But salt can be mixed with yogurt.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am so much obliged to you for your devotion and affection for me. I thought of you all throughout my journey from Francisco to New York and I was praying to Lord Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness|I am so much obliged to you for your devotion and affection for me. I thought of you all throughout my journey from Francisco to New York and I was praying to Lord Krishna for your more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If they want to insist on touching your feet and there is no other way to avoid it, you can simply remember your predecessor Acaryas and Spiritual Masters and accept them and return namaskara with folded hands. That is the Vaisnava etiquette|You do not allow anyone to touch your feet—this is very good attitude—but if they want to insist on touching your feet and there is no other way to avoid it, you can simply remember your predecessor Acaryas and Spiritual Masters and accept them and return namaskara with folded hands. That is the Vaisnava etiquette.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money|I do not wish to put your wife into trouble for the money which she faithfully loaned to the Society. So kindly let me know that you are going to repay her loan. Otherwise I shall send her the money.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Your conviction that we have to supply the demands of Krishna & not to demand anything from Him is the pure devotional philosophy. The followers of Lord Caitanya never makes Krishna the Order supplier but the devotees become the order supplier of Krishna|After all, Krishna is the ultimate Person. We are just trying to serve Him. Your conviction that we have to supply the demands of Krishna and not to demand anything from Him is the pure devotional philosophy. The followers of Lord Caitanya never makes Krishna the Order supplier but the devotees become the order supplier of Krishna.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Why we cannot eat meat?|"Why we cannot eat meat", to answer this question the straight reply is that "because Krishna does not eat meat". We are concerned with Krishna Consciousness so our eating is dependent on Krishna Consciousness. We cannot eat, cannot do, cannot think, cannot will or can do nothing without Krishna consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting|The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting. You have seen the picture of Lord Narayana—He has got four hands, two hands are for the atheist and two hands are for the theist.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging|The description of your dream is very fascinating. It appears that you are constantly thinking of me and Lord Nrsimha has given you the chance to see Him because of your constant devotion. It is very encouraging.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental|Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental. The actual fact is that attachment for sense gratification is not at all congenial for spiritual progress.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|You will be pleased to know that people in this country specially the younger section are accepting the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as it is and I am hopeful of my mission in this country|You will be pleased to know that people in this country specially the younger section are accepting the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as it is and I am hopeful of my mission in this country. I am enclosing herewith some press cuttings which will convince about my success in preaching in this country.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva|Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Persons in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work|KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and Other Essays is so much attractive I think this book will be sold like hotcakes. I am very much satisfied with this printing work. Although some of the pictures are not on the perfectional stage, on the whole it is done very nicely. I understand that you are going to print further 50,000 copies of this book from another printer. I think this book will be sold by hundreds of thousands.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction|Please go on chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna as you are doing now and this very chanting will give you all peace and prosperity both in this life and the next. Never expect any good from the so called society, friendship and love. Only Krishna is the genuine friend of all living beings and it is He only who can give us all benediction.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing|Materialism does not mean that one has to possess so many things, the actual fact is one may be a perfect transcendentalist of spiritual man by possessing the whole world, and one may be a gross materialist without possessing a farthing. So this distinction can be made on the basis of consciousness.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I dreamt that John took me in a place at Calcutta and he was showing me a house, a big palatial building, which formerly belonged to a very rich man, and he was a famous musician also|I dreamt that John took me in a place at Calcutta and he was showing me a house, a big palatial building, which formerly belonged to a very rich man, and he was a famous musician also. I think therefore that John was previously that man to whom that house belonged, and now he has taken birth in England.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Our members of Krishna Consciousness society should be ideal human beings, and if they try to follow the principles, surely they will be the ideal men in the world|Your letter is very much encouraging, and it is worth exhibiting to all grhastha disciples, and not only to disciples, but to people in general who are simply interested in the matter of sense gratification. Our members of Krishna Consciousness society should be ideal human beings, and if they try to follow the principles, surely they will be the ideal men in the world.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord|Our only business is to present Krishna Consciousness to the ignorant mass of people, and if such people agree to hear in consideration of our important position in the material world, it is a great opportunity to place our submission, and thereby our mission is fulfilled. Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards|It is understood that such crime as it has been committed in my room is very common in New York. That is the way of material nature. The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|If one is limited by some formulas only, he is described as an animal which is bound up by the chain of the master and cannot move beyond the length of the chain. So we are concerned with persons who are not chained by anything|Regarding the disturbing groups of "Christians" so-called, that is alright. Let them follow Lord Jesus Christ. Regarding their dogmatic insistence, everyone thinks like that, so if one is not prepared to advance more, it is better to avoid them. If one is limited by some formulas only, he is described as an animal which is bound up by the chain of the master and cannot move beyond the length of the chain. So we are concerned with persons who are not chained by anything.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion|You must always ask the Lord's grace to make you in the right position. It is not for your sense gratification, it is for the Lord's service. For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion.}}
*[[Vanisource:700429 - Letter to Shamadasi written from Los Angeles|Letter to Shamadasi written from Los Angeles]]
{{VaniQuotebox|Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them|Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them. In Montreal also they are writing songs in the popular Western style of music and it is coming very nicely.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Unfortunately, the demons do not even acknowledge the gifts from Krishna, and they talk nonsense that there is no God, God is dead, I am God, and similar things|Unfortunately, the demons do not even acknowledge the gifts from Krishna, and they talk nonsense that there is no God, God is dead, I am God, and similar things. So as you are acknowledging your obligation to Krishna, as well as chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra, so I hope Krishna will give you more facilities so that you can become perfect in this very life.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|So far the meaning of the word "cheating," there are only three things to be known - Krishna is Supreme Enjoyer, Supreme Proprietor of everything, and Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts|So far the meaning of the word "cheating," there are only three things to be known, that Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer, the Supreme Proprietor of everything, and the Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts. So if one is always acting under these three facts, knowing Krishna to be the Supreme Proprietor, Enjoyer, and Friend, then he is truly honest, and if one is not acting in this knowledge, then he is always cheating or being dishonest.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction|Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction. So we should all work together for satisfying Lord Krishna and in that way the feelings of separation will transform into transcendental bliss.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|One should always feel very humble, that will help one to make progress in Krishna Consciousness. So your humble feeling that you are shrouded by illusion is very nice, at the same time your feeling that KC is so nice that it makes everything easy|You are a very sincere girl and your sentiment is also very nice. One should always feel very humble, that will help one to make progress in Krishna Consciousness. So your humble feeling that you are shrouded by illusion is very nice, at the same time your feeling that Krishna Consciousness is so nice that it makes everything easy.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness|It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness. I think you are feeling and understanding how you are making progress and I am very glad to see it.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna|I am very much pleased to see your good handwriting. I shall therefore request you to utilize your talent in the service of Krishna. I think if you write Hare Krishna Hare Krishna in the same style as you have sent me one specimen, on bigger type on canvas, say 30 inches by 20 inches in color or black and white, it would be a very good engagement for you and at the same time we can utilize those sign boards hanging in nice places.}}
{{VaniQuotebox|Every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind|This is what I want, that every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind and force us to act under her spell.}}

Revision as of 12:50, 19 April 2015