
Vanipedia:Promotional Tools

Revision as of 09:52, 8 March 2009 by Visnu Murti (talk | contribs)

Five Principles of a Vanirecruiter

Principle 1 - Be on the lookout

Always think that the person you meet could be a potential Vanisevak. Try to attend programs, festivals and get to know as many devotees as you can. Make friends.

Principle 2 - Begin with the goal in mind

Think straight... Think Vanipedia. Whatever the conversation, try to mold it so that you can introduce the subject of Vanipedia. Look for an opportune moment and ask the basic question - "Have you heard of Vanipedia, the online encyclopedia on Srila Prabhupada's quotes?" Principle 3 - Express the simplicity of the program

Judge by the facial expressions the success or failure of your explaination about Vanipedia. Either way, talk about how simple it is that even a child can do it. Cite examples.

Principle 4 - Reach out with a demo

If time and circumstances permit, give a short demonstration of Vanipedia. Or give them the website address on the Vanipedia flyer. Try to arrange a hands-on very soon before the interest dwindles.

Principle 5 - Stress the importance of Vanipedia Be convinced and then convince others about the importance of Vanipedia. Bring out printouts of articles on Vanipedia. Show the philosophical side of Vanipedia.