Template:JV/Javanese Main Page - Vanipedia's Manifesto
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Tembung PurwakaSrila Prabhupada migatosaken sanget dhateng pamulang-pamulangipun, amargi menika Vanipedia dipunaturaken kanthi mligi dhateng ragangan pakaryanipun ingkang dumados saking pustaka-pustaka, rekaman pamulang lan rekaman pangandikan, serat-serat saha ingkang lintunipun. Nalikanipun mangke sampun mantun, mila Vanipedia badhe dados satunggaling temple Vani wiwitan ingkang nawakaken satunggaling panggenan suci wonten pundi mayuta-yuta priyantun ingkang saweg madosi tuntunan rohani ingkang sejati badhe manggihi wangsulan saha pawisik saking pamulangipun Srila Prabhupada ingkang kasuwur, ingkang dipuncawisaken minangka satunggaling ensiklopedia ingkang dipunserat wonten nglebet sakkathah-kathahipun basa. Pratelan Visi VanipediaNgasta damel sesarengan lumantar nenuwun lan sakwetahipun mujudaken Vani-presence (Rawuhipun tetembungan) Srila Prabhupada ingkang dipunserat wonten nglebet sakkathah-kathahipun basa, saengga saged nyekecakaken mayuta-yuta priyantun wonten nglebet budidaya nindakaken seserepan kainsapan Krishna, saha mbiyantu pakempalan sankirtananipun Gusti Pangeran Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ndamel jalma manungsa dados rohani malih. Ngasta Damel SesarenganNgedegaken satunggaling ensiklopedia dumugi saged nggayuh wates kados ingkang dipuncawisaken wonten lebetipun Vanipedia namung saged kelampahan lumantar budidaya ngasta damel sesarengan saking maewu-ewu panyembah ingkang sesarengan saha tlatos nindakaken panatan lan pantarjemahan pamulang-pamulangipun Srila Prabhupada. Kawula sedaya ngersakaken kangge mantunaken pakaryan pantarjemahan dhateng sedaya pustaka, pamulang saha serat-seratipun Srila Prabhupada punika sakmboten-mbotenipun dhateng nglebet 16 basa saha sakmboten-mbotenipun kelampahan wonten 108 basa ingkang saged nyawisaken sabageyan reriptanipun Srila Prabhupada wonten nglebet basanipun piyambak-piyambak wonten ing Vanipedia ing sasih November 2027. Dumugi sasih Oktober 2017, Pustaka Suci Injil sampun jangkep dipuntarjemahaken dhateng nglebet 670 basa, Pustaka Perjanjian Enggal sampun dipuntarjemahaken dhateng nglebet 1.521 basa lan bageyan utawi cariyos saking Injil sampun dipuntarjemahaken dhateng nglebet 1.121 basa lintunipun. Statistik punika mitedahaken bilih sesarengan kaliyan wontenipun indhak-indhakan ingkang kathah sanget wonten lebet pamulangipun Srila Prabhupada, mila angkahipun kawula sedaya punika mboten kesangeten ambisiusipun tinimbang budidaya ingkang sampun dipuntindakaken dening para priyantun Kristen kangge nyebaraken pamulang piyambakipun dhateng sakindhenging donya. Kawula sedaya ngaturi dhateng sedaya panyembah kangge ngempal sesarengan kaliyan kawula sedaya lan saklajengipun nindakaken budidaya ingkang minulya punika kangge nenuwun lan sakwetahipun mujudaken Vani-presence (Rawuhipun tetembungan) Srila Prabhupada ingkang dipunserat wonten nglebet sakkathah-kathahipun basa wonten nglebet internet kangge kawigatosanipun SEDAYA jalma manungsa. NenuwunIng 1965 Srila Prabhupada rawuh ing Amerika Serikat tamanpa wontenipun uleman saking sinten-sinten kemawon. Senaos dene kalumaksananipun dinten-dinten Vapu (rawuhipun) piyambakipun ingkang minulya sampun mantun wiwit 1977, nanging piyambakipun taksih tansah rawuh wonten lebet Vani-nipun (tetembungan), lan Vani (tetembungan) punika ingkang kedah kawula sedaya suwun sakmenika. Namung lumantar ngaturi lan nenuwun kersanipun Srila Prabhupada miyos kemawon, mila saklajengipun piyambakipun badhe kepareng nindakaken perkawis punika. Pepinginan ingkang kiyat saking kawula sedaya kersanipun Srila Prabhupada tansah rawuh dhateng kawula sedaya ingkang minangka konci cepenganipun kawula sedaya kangge miyosipun piyambakipun. Dipunwujudaken SakwetahipunKawula sedaya mboten ngersakaken rawuhipun Srila Prabhupada ingkang namung sabageyan kemawon wonten ngajeng kawula sedaya. Kawula sedaya ngersakaken rawuhipun Vani-presence (Rawuhipun tetembungan) piyambakipun ingkang sakwetahipun. Sedaya pamulangipun ingkang sampun dipunrekam, kedah dipunkempalaken sakwetahipun lan dipuntarjemahaken dhateng nglebet sakkathah-kathahipun basa. Punika minangka pisungsung saking kawula sedaya kangge para kawula anom tembe mburinipun jalma manungsa wonten ing planet punika – inggih menika satunggaling panggenan pangayoman (ashraya) ingkang awujud pamulang-pamulangipun srila Prabhupada. Vani-presence (Rawuhipun tetembungan)Vani-presence (Rawuhipun tetembungan) Srila Prabhupada ingkang sakwetahipun badhe miyos wonten nglebet kalih tataran. Tataran kaping setunggal – tataran ingkang gampil – inggih menika panatan lan pantarjemahan pamulang-pamulangipun dhateng nglebet sedaya basa. Tataran kaping kalih – tataran ingkang langkung ewed – inggih menika ndamel mayuta-yuta priyantun dados nindakaken pamulang-pamulang punika sakwetahipun. Mawarni-warni Cara Marsudi
Sawendra Utawi Sedasa Yuta Acharya
KomentarPratelan visi Srila Prabupada punika sampun kawistara kanthi piyambakipun – inggih menika satunggaling rancangan ingkang sampurna kangge sedaya priyantun menggah ing mangertosi kainsapan Krishna kanthi gampil. Sawendra utawi sedasa yuta siksa-sisya (siswa ingkang ngangsalaken pasrawungan saha pitedah rohani kanthi mligi saking guru) ingkang ngangsalaken wasesa saking Srila Prabhupada kanthi lembah manah nindakaken pitedah saking Acharya-pangadeg kawula sedaya lan tansah ngihtiyar kangge nggayuh kasampurnan lan kamatengan. Srila Prabhupada kanthi kawistara mratelakaken “jumenengaken pakempalan punika.” Kanthi greget, Vanipedia mbiyantu nindakaken visi punika. Seserepan Kainsapan KrishnaWonten nglebet bab kaping sanga saking Bhagavad-gita, seserepan kainsapan Krishna punika dipunwastani minangka ratu saking sedaya seserepan, ratu saking sedaya perkawis ingkang asipat rahasya saha seserepan ingkang paling nginggil menggah ing kainsapan rohani. Kainsapan Krishna minangka seserepan rohani ingkang namung saged dipunwedhar dhateng satunggaling panyembah ingkang tuhu lan sayaga maringaken peladosan dhateng Gusti Pangeran. Kainsapan Krishna mboten saged digayuh lumantar adu panemu ingkang asipat garing utawi lumantar kualifikasi akademik. Kainsapan Krishna ugi sanes satunggal kapitadosan kados dene agama Hindu, Kristen, Buddha utawi Islam, ananging satunggaling seserepan. Menawi satunggaling priyantun maos pustaka-pustakanipun Srila Prabhupada kanthi setiti, mila piyambakipun sedaya badhe dados langkung insap dhateng seserepan kainsapan Krishna ingkang paling nginggil lan dados langkung ngangsalaken pawisik kangge nyebaraken perkawis ingkang sami dhateng sedaya priyantun kangge karaharjan lan piguna ingkang sejati saking piyambakipun sedaya. Pakempalan Sankirtana Kagunganipun Gusti Pangeran Sri CaitanyaGusti Pangeran Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu minangka rama lan pengajengipun pakempalan sankirtana. Priyantun ingkang muja Panjenenganipun kanthi ngurbanaken gesang, yatra, kalantipan saha tetembungan piyambakipun kangge pakempalan sankirtana dados dipunakeni dening Gusti Pangeran saha ngangsalaken pangestunipun. Sauntawis pangurbanan ingkang lintunipun saged dipunwastani minangka kamboten-lantipan, amargi saking sedaya ujud pangurbanan ingkang dipuntindakaken dening satunggaling priyantun kanthimugunakaken energinipun, mila pangurbanan ingkang dipuntindakaken kangge pakempalan sankirtana minangka pangurbanan ingkang paling minulya. Sedaya pakempalan kainsapan Krishna dipundhasaraken dhateng pranatan lan paugeranipun pakempalan sankirtana ingkang dipunresmekaken dening Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Amargi menika priyantun ingkang ngiktiyar kangge mangertosi Kaprianggan Gusti Pangeran Ingkang Murbeng Wasesa lumantar pakempalan sankirtana dados mangertosi sedayanipun kanthi sampurna. Piyambakipun minanka “sumedhah,” satuggaling priyantun ingkang lantip sanget. Ndamel Jalma Manungsa Dados Rohani MalihSakmenika jalma manungsa saweg wonten ing saklebeting lelimengan ingkang dipunsababaken dening kawontenan supe. Kawontenan punika sampun ndadosaken kamajengan ingkang enggal sanget wonten nglebet tataran sekecanipun material, pamulangan saha pangrembakanipun ekonomi wonten ing sakindhenging jagat. Nanging wonten ing satunggaling panggenan saking sedayanipun ragangan sosial, malah miyos setunggal kedhingklangan ingkang nyababaken miyosipun pasulayan ingkang ageng, ingkang miyos namung amargi wonten perkawis ingkang kirang wigati. Dipunbetahaken satunggaling pitedah menggah ing kadospundi nindakaken kersanipun jalma manungsa saged gesang sesarengan kanthi rukun, memitran lan gemah ripah kerta raharja, wonten nglebet satunggaling angkah ingkang sami. Srimad-Bhagavata saged nyembadani kabetahan punika, amargi Srimad-Bhagavatam minangka satunggaling cecawis budaya kangge ndamel sedaya jalma manungsa dados rohani malih. Limrahipun, golongan mangsarakat minangka satunggaling piranti ingkang wonten ing astanipun para politikus modern saha pangageng kawula alit. Namung menawi tuwuh paewahan wonten nglebet batinipun para pangageng kemawon, mila saklajengipun saged dipunpesthekaken badhe wonten paewahan ingkang nyata dhateng kawontenan jagat punika. Angkahipun pamulangan ingkang sejati kedahipun kangge nggayuh kainsapan dhiri, kainsapan menggah ing ajining rohani saking sang atma. Saben priyantun kedahipun mbiyantu kersanipun sedaya kridha wonten nglebet ngalam donya saged dados rohani. Lumantar kridha ingkang kados mekaten, mila para priyantun ingkang nindakaken kridha saha kridha punika piyambak dados nggadhahi aji rohani saengga pungkasanipun saged nglangkungi sipat-sipat ngalam donya punika. Pratelan Misi Vanipedia
Menapa Ingkang Nyurung Kawula Sedaya Kangge Ngedegi Vanipedia?
Amargi menika kawula sedaya sampun mratelakaken tekad kangge ngripta satunggaling tataran ingkang tansah ngrembaka kangge nggampilaken proses panyebaran ingkang sakageng-agengipun saha nggampilaken gayuhan dhateng pamangertosan ingkang sunyata menggah ing seserepan ingkang sampurna lan kainsapan ingkang wonten ing saklebeting pamulang-pamulangipun Srila Prabhupada, saengga sedayanipun saged dipuntindakaken kanthi bingah sanget. Namung sakprasaja mekaten kemawon. Satunggaling perkawis ingkang nguwal kawula sedaya saking ihtiyar kangge mantunaken Vanipedia inggih menika wekdal saha kathahipun paladosan suci vaniseva inking dhereng dipunaturaken dening para panyembah ingkang sampun mratelakaken tekad dhateng visi punika. Kawula ngaturaken matur sembah nuwun sanget dhateng panjenengan sedaya, amargi sampun ngaji-aji paladosan kawula ingkang sepele punika, ingkang kawula ngihtiyar kangge nindakaken Minangka satunggaling kuwajiban ingkang dipunpitedahaken dening Guru Maharaja kawula. Kawula nyuwun kersanipun sedaya sisya kawula nindakaken asta damel sesarengan lan kawula mitadosi tamanpo wonten sakedhikpun karinga-ringan bilih misi kawula sedaya badhe dados majeng</big– Seratipun Srila Prabhupada dhateng Tamala Krishna das (GBC) - 14 Agustus 1971 Srila Prabhupada's Three Natural PositionsA culture of shelter at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada's teachings can only be realized when these three positions of Srila Prabhupada are awakened in the hearts of all his followers. Srila Prabhupada is our pre-eminent siksa-guru
Srila Prabhupada is the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON
Srila Prabhupada is the World-acharya
Vital to Establish Srila Prabhupada's Natural Position
CommentWe believe these obstacles can easily be overcome with the introduction of integral, structured educational and training programs aimed at nurturing our relationship with and increasing our knowledge of Srila Prabhupada's teachings. This will only succeed however if fueled by a serious leadership commitment to create a culture deeply rooted in Srila Prabhupada's Vani. Srila Prabhupada's natural position will thus automatically become, and remain, apparent to all generations of devotees. Devotees are his Limbs, ISKCON is his Body, and his Vani is his Soul
CommentWe are Srila Prabhupada's limbs. To successfully cooperate with him to his full satisfaction we must be united in consciousness with him. This loving unity develops from our becoming fully absorbed in, convinced by and practicing his Vani. Our holistic success strategy is for everyone to assimilate Srila Prabhupada's teachings and boldly place them at the heart of everything we do for his Krishna consciousness movement. In this way, Srila Prabhupada's devotees can flourish personally, and in their respective services to make ISKCON a solid body which can fulfill Srila Prabhupada's desire to save the world from complete disaster. The devotees win, the GBC wins, ISKCON wins, the world wins, Srila Prabhupada wins, and Lord Caitanya wins. There will be no losers. Distributing the Teachings of Parampara1486 Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears in order to teach the world Krishna consciousness – 533 years ago 1488 Sanatana Goswami appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 531 years ago 1489 Rupa Gosvami appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 530 years ago 1495 Raghunatha Gosvami appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 524 years ago 1500 Mechanical printing presses begin to revolutionize the distribution of books throughout Europe – 520 years ago 1513 Jiva Gosvami appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 506 years ago 1834 Bhaktivinoda Thakura appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 185 years ago 1874 Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 145 years ago 1896 Srila Prabhupada appears in order to write books on Krishna consciousness – 123 years ago 1914 Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati coins the phrase "brhat-mrdanga" – 105 years ago 1922 Srila Prabhupada meets Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati for the first time and is immediately requested to preach in the English language - 97 years ago 1935 Srila Prabhupada receives the instruction to print books – 84 years ago 1944 Srila Prabhupada starts Back to Godhead magazine – 75 years ago 1956 Srila Prabhupada moves to Vrndavana to write books – 63 years ago 1962 Srila Prabhupada publishes his first volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam – 57 years ago 1965 Srila Prabhupada arrives in the West to distribute his books – 54 years ago 1968 Srila Prabhupada publishes his abridged Bhagavad-gita As-It-Is – 52 years ago 1972 Srila Prabhupada publishes his full version of Bhagavad-gita As-It-Is – 47 years ago 1972 Srila Prabhupada establishes the BBT to publish his books – 47 years ago 1974 Srila Prabhupada's disciples start the serious distribution of his books – 45 years ago 1975 Srila Prabhupada completes the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta – 44 years ago 1977 Srila Prabhupada stops speaking and leaves his Vani in our care – 42 years ago 1978 The Bhaktivedanta Archives is established – 41 years ago 1986 The world's digitally stored material amounts to 1 CD-ROM per person – 33 years ago 1991 The World Wide Web (brhat-brhat-brhat mrdanga) is established – 28 years ago 1992 The Bhaktivedanta VedaBase version 1.0 is created – 27 years ago 2002 The Digital Age arrives - worldwide digital storage overtakes analog – 17 years ago 2007 The world's digitally stored material amounts to 61 CD-ROMS per person – 12 years ago, that makes 427 billion CD-ROMs. (all full) 2007 Srila Prabhupada's Vani-temple, the Vanipedia begins construction in the web – 12 years ago 2010 Srila Prabhupada's Vapu-temple, the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium begins construction in Sridhama Mayapur – 9 years ago 2012 Vanipedia reaches 1,906,753 quotes, 108,971 pages and 13,946 categories – 7 years ago 2013 500,000,000 of Srila Prabhupada's books have been distributed by ISKCON devotees in 48 years – an average of 28,538 books every single day - 6 years ago 2019 21st March, Gaura Purnima day at 7.15 Central European Time, Vanipedia celebrates 11 years of inviting devotees to collaborate together to invoke and fully manifest Srila Prabhupada's Vani-presence. Vanipedia now offers 45,588 categories, 282,297 pages, 2,100,000 plus quotes presented in 93 languages. This has been achieved by over 1,220 devotees who have performed more than 295,000 hours of vaniseva. We still have a long way to go in order to complete Srila Prabhupada's Vani-temple thus we continue to invite devotees to participate in this glorious mission. CommentThe unfolding of the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu under the banner of the modern day Krishna consciousness movement is a very exciting time to be performing devotional service. Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-acarya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness has brought onto the world scene a life-changing phenomenon in the form of his Translations, Bhaktivedanta Purports, Lectures, Conversations, and Letters. Here lies the key to the respiritualization of the whole human society. Vani, Personal Association and Service in Separation - Quotes
CommentSrila Prabhupada offers many revealing truths in this series of statements.
Using Media to Spread Krishna's Message
CommentFollowing in the footsteps of his Guru Maharaja Srila Prabhupada knew the art of engaging everything for Krishna's service.
Modern-media, modern opportunitiesFor Srila Prabhupada, in the 1970's, the terms modern-media and mass-media meant the printing press, radio, TV and movies. Since his departure, the landscape of mass media has dramatically transformed to include Android phones, cloud computing and storage, e-book readers, e-commerce, interactive TV and gaming, online publishing, podcasts and RSS feeds, social networking sites, streaming media services, touch-screen technologies, web-based communications & distribution services and wireless technologies. In line with Srila Prabhupada's example we are, since 2007, using modern mass media technologies to compile, index, categorize and distribute Srila Prabhupada's Vani.
CommentThere is still more to be done to make Srila Prabhupada's teachings accessible and prominent in the world today. Collaborative web technologies provide us the opportunity to surpass all our previous successes. Vaniseva – the Sacred Act of Serving Srila Prabhupada's VaniSrila Prabhupada stopped speaking on the 14th of November, 1977, but the Vani he gave us remains ever fresh. However, these teachings are not yet in their pristine condition, nor are all of them readily accessible to his devotees. Srila Prabhupada's followers have a sacred duty to preserve and to distribute his Vani to everyone. We are therefore inviting you to perform this vaniseva. Always remember that you are one of the few men I have appointed to carry on my work throughout the world and your mission before you is huge. Therefore, always pray to Krishna to give you strength for accomplishing this mission by doing what I am doing. My first business is to give the devotees the proper knowledge and engage them in devotional service, so that is not very difficult task for you, I have given you everything, so read and speak from the books and so many new lights will come out. We have got so many books, so if we go on preaching from them for the next 1,000 years, there is enough stock. – Srila Prabhupada Letter to Satsvarupa das (GBC), 16 June 1972 In June of 1972 Srila Prabhupada said that "we have got so many books" that we have "enough stock" to preach from for the "next 1,000 years." At that time, only 10 titles had been printed, so with all the extra books that Srila Prabhupada published from July 1972 to November 1977 the number of years of stock could easily be expanded to 5,000. If we add to this his oral instructions and letters, then the stock expands to 10,000 years. We need to expertly prepare all these teachings to be accessed and properly understood so that they can be "preached from" for this whole period of time. There is no doubt that Srila Prabhupada has unending enthusiasm and determination to preach the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It does not matter that his vapu has left us. He remains in his teachings, and via the digital platform, he can now preach even more widely than when he was physically present. With complete dependence on Lord Caitanya's mercy, let us embrace Srila Prabhupada's vani-mission, and with more resolve than ever before, expertly prepare his Vani for 10,000 years of preaching. Over the past ten years I have given the framework and now we have become more than the British Empire. Even the British Empire was not as expansive as we. They had only a portion of the world, and we have not completed expanding. We must expand more and more unlimitedly. But I must now remind you that I have to complete the translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is the greatest contribution; our books have given us a respectable position. People have no faith in this church or temple worship. Those days are gone. Of course, we have to maintain the temples as it is necessary to keep our spirits high. Simply intellectualism will not do, there must be practical purification. So I request you to relieve me of management responsibilities more and more so that I can complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam translation. If I am always having to manage, then I cannot do my work on the books. It is document, I have to choose each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to cheat the public. So this task will not be finished without the cooperation of my appointed assistants, the GBC, temple presidents, and sannyasis. I have chosen my best men to be GBC and I do not want that the GBC should be disrespectful to the temple presidents. You can naturally consult me, but if the basic principle is weak, how will things go on? So please assist me in the management so that I can be free to finish the Srimad-Bhagavatam which will be our lasting contribution to the world. – Srila Prabhupada Letter to All Governing Body Commissioners, 19 May 1976 Here Srila Prabhupada is stating "this task will not be finished without the cooperation of my appointed assistants" to help him make "our lasting contribution to the world." It is Srila Prabhupada's books that have "given us a respectable position" and they are "the greatest contribution to the world." Over the years, so much vaniseva has been performed by BBT devotees, book distributors, preachers who have held firmly to Srila Prabhupada's words, and by other devotees who have been dedicated to distribute and preserve his Vani in one way or another. But there is still much more to do. By working together via the technologies of the brhat-brhat-brhat mrdanga (the World Wide Web) we now have an opportunity to build an unparalleled manifestation of Srila Prabhupada's Vani in a very short period of time. Our proposal is to come together in vaniseva and build a Vani-temple to be completed by November 4th, 2027, at which time we will all be celebrating the final 50th anniversary. 50 years of serving Srila Prabhupada in separation. This will be a very appropriate and beautiful offering of love to Srila Prabhupada, and a glorious gift to all the future generations of his devotees. I am glad that you have named your printing press the Radha Press. It is very gratifying. May your Radha Press be enriched in publishing all our books and literatures in the German language. It is a very nice name. Radharani is the best, topmost servitor of Krishna, and the printing machine is the biggest medium at the present moment for serving Krishna. Therefore, it is really a representative of Srimati Radharani. I like the idea very much. – Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jaya Govinda das (Book production manager), 4 July 1969 For the better part of the 20th century, the printing press provided the tools for successful propaganda from so many groups of people. Srila Prabhupada stated how expert the communists were to spread their influence in India via the pamphlets and books they distributed. Srila Prabhupada used this example to express how he wanted to make a large propaganda program for Krishna consciousness by distributing his books all over the world. Now, in the 21st century, Srila Prabhupada's statement "the biggest medium at the present moment for serving Krishna" can undoubtedly be applied to the exponential and unparalleled power of internet publishing and distribution. In Vanipedia, we are preparing Srila Prabhupada's teachings for proper representation on this modern mass distribution platform. Srila Prabhupada stated that the Radha Press of his devotees in Germany was "really a representative of Srimati Radharani." We are therefore certain that he would consider Vanipedia to be a representative of Srimati Radharani as well. So many beautiful Vapu-temples have already been built by ISKCON devotees – let us now build at least one glorious Vani-temple. The Vapu-temples offer sacred darshans to the forms of the Lord, and a Vani-temple will offer the sacred darshan to the teachings of the Lord and His pure devotees, as presented by Srila Prabhupada. The work of ISKCON devotees will naturally be more successful when Srila Prabhupada's teachings are situated in their rightful, worshipable position. Now there is a wonderful opportunity for all his current "appointed assistants" to embrace the vani-mission of building his Vani-temple and to inspire the whole movement to participate. Just as the enormous and beautiful Vapu-temple rising from the banks of the Ganges in Sridham Mayapur is destined to help spread Lord Caitanya's mercy all over the world, so too can a Vani-temple of Srila Prabhupada's teachings strengthen his ISKCON mission to spread all over the world and establish Srila Prabhupada's natural position for thousands of years to come. Vaniseva – Taking Practical Action to Serve
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We Are Grateful - PrayersWe Are Grateful
Thank you for considering these prayers CommentOnly by the empowering grace of Srila Prabhupada, Sri Sri Panca Tattva, and Sri Sri Radha Madhava can we ever hope to achieve this herculean task. Thus we incessantly pray for Their mercy. |