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Dear followers of Srila Prabhupada,
Please accept my humble obeisances!
So often,
Srila Prabhupada would explain to us about the true nature of the soul. And its distinction from the gross material body.
This he did so, quoting and elaborating on and from so many verses in the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.
Repeatedly emphasizing its [the soul's] transcendent nature and unique constitutional position.
He wanted us to realize this fact - as living practitioners of KC - in carrying his legacy into this world.
But so often,
A lot of devotees (in the early days) would think - why did Srila Prabhupada stress on this one point so much?
The point about...the distinction between the Soul and the Body...
Wasn't there more philosophy and pastimes of Krishna to talk about?
At that time,
Although it wasn't very evident to all of us then...
With maturity, we soon realised - how the identification with the soul is the preliminary foundation for developing our true practice of Krishna consciousness.
Kind of... like our goal in Vanipedia too...
Here's what Srila Prabhupada mentions about the correlation between the life and the senses in the body - especially in regards to his mission
In a letter to his disciple Brahmananda prabhu, he elaborates
“You are all my limbs of my body. Unless you cooperate, my life will be useless. The senses and life are correlative. Without life the senses cannot act and without sense, life is inactive.” – Srila Prabhupada letter to Brahmananda das (TP) – 17 July, 1968
Again... he instructs Amogha prabhu by requesting him
“Make the covers of the book very much attractive so that automatically they will read the knowledge inside. The covers are like the mind and the senses, and the contents of the book are the soul.” – Srila Prabhupada letter to Amogha das (TP) – 22 May, 1972
And indeed,
Isn't it a fact - that the Gaudiya Vaishnava siddhanta and the knowledge of Krishna consciousness - is the unique gift that Srila Prabhupada's has given to us and to the whole world?
He took so much pain and endeavour to produce his books and arrange for their distribution.
Which is why, Srila Prabhupada repeatedly explained that his Vani (instructions & transcendental knowledge) - were and will remain the life force and soul for his mission to spread Krishna consciousness in this world.
He emphasized on the literary kirtan of spreading the light of transcendental knowledge - as it would resound in the whole world with the rapid advancements in modern technology.
This is why we've been building Vanipedia for the last 10 years...
And in the last 10 years - we have mined - pearls of wisdom
You won't find in project developing the educational aspect of Srila Prabhupada's vision.
And we would like to offer you a taste of what we've mined and share with you the potential that lies for the Vanipedia project to grow.
But before I say,
Here's what prominent