DE/680623 - Brief an Subala geschrieben aus Montreal

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Letter to Subal

June 23, 1968

My Dear Subal,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 17, 1968, and noted the contents with great pleasure. Rest assured that your hard labor and sincere exertion to serve Krishna will never go in vain. I hope that by this time you might have received a check for $100 from Hare Nama Brahmacaryi. And I have advised him to send you at least $50.00 per month for the next 3 months to help you. In the meantime, you try to become self sufficient. I have also advised Sriman Woomapati Brahmacary to join you. He is now in San Francisco as in S.F. they will require his help during the Rathayatra Festival. I am advising him to join you just after the festival. I hope both of you will be good combination, because Woompati writes "Subal is my good friend and it will give me great joy to work with him in your divine service.

So you try your best with greater enthusiasm and Krishna will send you more and more help. Thanking you once more for your good endeavor, and I hope you are well.

Your ever well-wisher,


P.S. I have also asked Krishna Devi to send you some help. Let me see how does she respond.