At least theoretically, on the statement of Bhagavad-gītā or on the statement, assertion of Arjuna, the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad-gītā, we should accept Śrī Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and then, with that submissive spirit... Unless one receives this Bhagavad-gītā in a submissive spirit and aural reception, it is very difficult to understand Bhagavad-gītā because it is a great mystery.
En se fondant sur ce que déclare la Bhagavad-gītā, ou sur ce qu'affirme Arjuna, quiconque s'efforce de comprendre la Bhagavad-gītā doit, ne serait-ce que théoriquement, accepter que Śrī Kṛṣṇa est Dieu, la Personne suprême, puis, dans cet esprit de soumission... À moins de recevoir la Bhagavad-gītā dans un esprit de soumission et d'une écoute attentive, il est très difficile de comprendre la Bhagavad-gītā, car il s'agit d'un grand mystère.
Kṛṣṇa Rādhā Gaurāṅga Śrīla Prabhupāda Śrī
my scribbles
this is my Vanipedia noteback. I can keep notes here. It is public
had a fun session with VM and I am looking forward to start my vaniseva: - 16th Jan 2016
Secret to Success
Stay in touch with VM while I am getting trained, never be hesitant to ask him what is needed. VM has promised to be patient answering all my questions. Then once I have learned everything I should also keep in touch with VM so as to inspire him and hopefully i will also be inspired and in this way it will be WIN WIN
useful links
here is the link to find out who has translated which videos
here is the link to update by editing progress
1080 videos and counting
dotsub link
Vanipedia Page Tutorial
Editing Tips in Vanipedia
Vanipedia Page Tutorial
VM's message
Dear Vaniservants
Branko has spontaneously and very kindly offered a YouTube tutorial for creating Vanipedia pages in your own language after you have translated your video in Dotsub
As you know I have been inviting more translators to do this as it
1) empowers you in the process
2) facilitates you to edit your own work
3) helps me alot
4) is very easy to do
and 5) is total fun, as you can see by watching Branko's tutorial.
a couple of points on the tutorial.
1) for most of you it is more easier than what is explained as the step of going to the google sheet is not needed for most of you. Those who simply create pages from their own translations do not need to go to the google sheet. The google sheet is only for those devotees who are helping me by creating pages from others translations.
2) Branko does not mention that you should take the time to check the text in your language that it is nicely layed out with punctuation marks, commas, the ... etc as sometimes when transferring from Dotsub these can be misplaced. Basically you should do a check to make sure the page is as clean as possible.
I hope that by watching this video tutorial more of you will be encouraged to create your own pages, thus speeding up our production within Vanipedia.
If any of you want to start creating please contact me.
your enthused servant
Visnu Murti dasa
Mois par mois