"As soon as one would see a sannyāsī, at once he should offer his respect. If he does not offer his respect, then it is enjoined that he should fast one day as punishment. He should not eat. "Oh, I saw a sannyāsī, but I did not offer my respect. Therefore the penance should be that I should fast one day." This is the injunction. So Caitanya Mahāprabhu, although He was God Himself, but His behavior and His etiquette was excellent. At once He saw the sannyāsīs, He offered His respect. Pāda prakṣālana kari vasilā sei sthāne (CC Adi 7.59). And it is the system that when one comes from outside, he has to wash his feet before he enters room, especially for the sannyāsī. So He washed His feet and sat down outside where the other sannyāsī was sitting, a little off, just the place where He washed His feet."