"The whole material energy is enchanting every one of us by this beauty, the womanly beauty. Actually, there is no beauty. It is illusion. Śaṅkarācārya says that "You are after this beauty, but have you analyzed this beauty, what is the beauty?" Etad rakta-māṁsa-vikāram. It is just like our student Govinda dāsī and Nara-nārāyaṇa molding plaster of Paris. At this time, there is no attraction. But this plaster of Paris, when it will be nicely painted, it will be so attractive. Similarly, this body is combination of blood and muscles and veins. If you cut the upper portion of your body, as soon as you see inside, it is all obnoxious, horrible things. But outwardly so painted by the illusory color of māyā, oh, it looks very attractive. And that is attracting our senses."