"Dhana-durmadāndha. As soon as you become very rich, you become blind; you don’t care for anything. This is blind. That is described, Dhana-durmadāndha. Dhana means riches. When a man gets too much wealth, he becomes blind. Puffed up . . . (indistinct) . . . so that is natural. As soon as you get enough money, you become blind. Therefore, to possess very large amount of money is an hindrance to spiritual advancement. The rich man thinks that, "What is this nonsense? These poor men, they have no money so they have to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa." He thinks, "Ah, we don’t have to chant. We have got enough. These people have no food, no shelter; they have to chant." This is blind. The Hare Kṛṣṇa is required for everyone, that they do not understand."