751002 Morning Walk - Srila Prabhupada Speaks a Nectar Drop in Mauritius

Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada
Cyavana: They've made so much propaganda that life is meant to enjoy. Everywhere...
Prabhupāda: Enjoy, but where is your enjoyment? Come to the practical point. Where is your enjoyment? You are simply suffering. That is their rascaldom. They are suffering; still they say, 'I am enjoying'. This is called illusion, māyā. Enjoy. That we also say, that we are trying to take you to a certain place, kingdom of God or back... Where you will enjoy. Enjoy... Ānandamayo 'bhyāsāt (Vedānta-sūtra 1.1.12). That enjoy is our aim. But where is your enjoyment here? That is your rascaldom. There is no enjoyment; still you say, 'We shall enjoy.'.
Cyavana: Their propaganda leads people to think that they can enjoy, that it's possible here.
Prabhupāda: They're misleading. That is misleading. We have to check that. That is our Kṛṣṇa consciousness..., that... They are not enjoying, and these rascals misleading them that they are enjoying."
751002 - Morning Walk - Mauritius