751005 Conversation - Srila Prabhupada Speaks a Nectar Drop in Mauritius

Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada
"Just like I went alone in Europe and America. So I have trained them. So it will depend on your training power, the more people will be attracted. If you advertise, "Come here," and if you have no power to attract them, then it will not be . . . you must be attractive to bring them. And that is spiritual attraction. You must behave yourself nicely. Then people will come. If you become purified, then naturally they will come. Just like if you prepare nice preparation with pure ghee, customers will be naturally attracted, and they will pay and purchase. And if you prepare rubbish thing, one man may be cheated, but that will not be attraction for the general. So purity is required. That will attract."
751005 - Conversation - Mauritius