"Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā what is the position between the living entities and the Supreme Lord. In the Vedas it is stated, nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānāṁ eko yo bahūnāṁ vidadhāti kāmān (Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.2.13). We are related with God because He is the chief leader, nityo nityānāṁ. We are all nityas, eternal, and He is the chief eternal. From eternal, chief eternal, small eternals come. Just like the sun is the big illumination, and the sunshine is coming from the sun, small, bright particles. It is also individual. But because it is automatic, molecules, we cannot see differently. We see simply the illumination. But it is combination of bright particles, the sunshine."