"They're making gorgeous arrangement. Why? Because they are vimūḍhān, all rascals. "Why rascals? They are scientists, they are philosophers." That's all right, but after making all these arrangements, you are under the clutches of māyā. You are not free from the clutches of māyā. So why you are wasting time in this way? You cannot. . . you did not make any solution or any assurance that whatever you are creating for enjoyment you will be able to enjoy. No. That is not possible. That they do not see. They are const ructing big, big roads, motorcars and skyscraper building, but there is no assurance that you'll be able to enjoy it. That is not possible. At any moment, finished. Your skyscraper building, your big, big road, your big, big motorcars, it will remain where you manufactured, and you have to leave."