"A devotee who is always absorbed in the thought of Kṛṣṇa and His activities . . . We are therefore presenting Kṛṣṇa and His activities. This is our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. All these books which we are distributing and publishing, what is this? This is Kṛṣṇa and His activities, that's all. Tvad-vīrya-gāyana-mahāmṛta-magna (SB 7.9.43). So if you simply read our books very carefully, then immediately this disease of heart palpitation, anxiety, will cease. Because on account of the dirty things, product of this tamo-guṇa and rajo-guṇa . . . That is disturbing us. We are covered by the tamo-guṇa and rajo-guṇa, rajas-tamaḥ. So rajas-tamaḥ means greediness and lusty desires. This is rajas-tamaḥ. So we have to . . . If we actually want to become free from anxieties, then we have to learn how to kill this, or how to avoid this anxiety due to rajas-tamo bhāvaḥ (SB 1.2.19)."