"According to Vedic civilization, evidence is śruti, Vedas. If you say something and if you give evidence, proof from the Vedic literature, then it is perfect. No such nonsense things: "I believe," "We believe," "Perhaps," "Maybe." No. Such foolish things are not accepted. Then everyone will say something. There are thousands and millions of people, everyone will imagine something and say something. Then where is the correct thing? This is not good. Veda-pramāṇam. That will be described in the next verse: veda-praṇihito dharmo (SB 6.1.40). Veda-praṇihito. What is explained in the Veda, that is dharma. Not . . . You cannot manufacture dharma. If it is mentioned in the Vedas what is dharma, what is adharma, then it is acceptable."