"Those who are perfect yogīs, they see always Kṛṣṇa within the core of the heart. Man-manā bhava mad-bhaktaḥ. That is perfect yogī. That is . . . Kṛṣṇa admits, yoginām api sarveṣāṁ, mad-gatenāntar-ātmanā, śraddhāvān bhajate yo māṁ, sa me yuktatamo mataḥ (BG 6.47). That is first-class yogī, one who is thinking of Kṛṣṇa always within the core of the heart. So yogīs, jñānīs, karmīs, bhaktas . . . So when you become bhakta, then you are perfect karmī, you are perfect yogī, you are perfect jñānī. Unless you are perfect jñānī, how you can surrender to Kṛṣṇa? Bahūnāṁ janmanām ante jñānavān māṁ prapadyate (BG 7.19). After many, many births cultivating knowledge, when he's actually wise—jñānavān. Then what is the symptom? Māṁ prapadyate: he surrenders to Kṛṣṇa. Why? Vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā sudurlabhaḥ (BG 7.19). He understands that Kṛṣṇa is everything. That is real knowledge. Otherwise, it is not knowledge; it is speculation."