Apurva das Remembers Srila Prabhupada

Prabhupada Memories

Interview 01

Apurva: What really amazes me about Prabhupada is that he was expert at everything. He was an expert cook. He cooked a ten-course feast on Bhaktisiddhanta’s appearance day in an hour and a half. He had about four or five devotees helping him but by the time he had finished cooking the feast, the whole kitchen was clean. His kirtans were like they were right out of the spiritual world. He was so expert at everything he did. He was the best cook, the best kirtaniya, the best speaker, and the best writer. Everything he did he did it amazingly.

To view the entire unedited video go to Memories 53 - The Alachua Clan 2

The full Prabhupada Memories Series can be viewed here and also at www.prabhupadamemories.com