Asta-sakhi devi dasi Remembers Srila Prabhupada

Following Srila Prabhupada

Interview DVD 09

Asta-sakhi: When Prabhupada came into the airport, they had planned for the television and different people to interview him. So they brought him into a room but then nobody showed up, and I just remember Prabhupada was very undisturbed. We were all upset that it didn’t happen. Then they took Prabhupada back to the temple. The Denver temple is very long, and at that time we just had little Radha-Krishna. When they opened the curtain, Prabhupada immediately called Brahmananda over and he was saying that little Krishna didn’t have a peacock feather on. We were all amazed that from such a great distance – his vyasasana was way in the back of that temple – that he immediately saw that and had them fix it.