Dhanesvara das Remembers Srila Prabhupada

Prabhupada Memories

Interview 01

Dhanesvara: After I received my master’s degree from the University of Florida I wanted to blend science and Krishna consciousness, so I asked Prabhupada by letter how I should use my scientific credentials in Krishna’s service. Perhaps through experiments I could demonstrate how the light from the moon nourishes vegetables, based on Lord Krishna statement in Bhagavad-gita, and in that way convince scientists. In his reply, Prabhupada suggested something different than what I anticipated. He wrote, “The topmost science is this Krishna consciousness and that is a fact. The so-called modern science has become spoiled for lack of this perspective. Real science means to acquire perfect knowledge from the parampara, not by so-called academic and empirical research. Such technique is bogus and will not help us in obtaining perfect knowledge. “Yes, you should use your scientific credentials to present this Krishna conscious philosophy. Everything may be used in Krishna’s service. It may not be possible to convince the rascal scientists of this Krishna consciousness philosophy, because, after all, Krishna gives everyone free will and if it is their determination to remain atheistic how shall it be checked? Our principle aim is to challenge their nonsense proposition so that the layman and common people may be saved from this rascaldom . . . Krishna consciousness is perfect so it can be substantiated by all means of argument and logic. The main theme is that life has come from life and not generated from matter as they foolishly claim. You just prove this point and it will be a great victory.” That letter was very instructive for me because I saw that Prabhupada had a practical way of approaching things and that he was aiming at the mass of people. Over the years I’ve come to see how, especially in the universities, it’s practically an academic requirement to be atheistic, so it is very difficult to try to convince the professors of something otherwise.

I asked Amarendra that if Prabhupada is jiva-tattva, not krishnatattva, how could he expand in so many pictures to receive the offerings of his disciples? The jiva is localized yet we offer bhoga and prayers to Prabhupada’s picture. My question was, “How can Prabhupada be present in all these places to receive the offerings?” Amarendra said, “Why don’t you write to Prabhupada and ask him?” I was pleased that he suggested that because at that time the movement was very large, with thousands of devotees, and Prabhupada couldn’t possibly deal with everybody one-on-one. I didn’t want to burden Prabhupada with my question. But since my temple president had ordered me to, I thought, “Great, I’ll write.” I asked Prabhupada that question and several others as well. The reply letter was to Bhakta Don, dated 1 December 1973, and it is in the Siksamrta book under “Spiritual Master,” as well as in the Folio. Prabhupada said, “The spiritual master is present wherever his sincere disciple is trying to serve his instructions. This is possible by the mercy of Krishna. In your attempts to serve me and in all your sincere devotional sentiments I am with you as my guru maharaj is with me. Remember this always.” In his letters, Prabhupada sometimes gave specific instructions to individuals and sometimes he gave general instructions. I consider this a general instruction that applies to me and to all the devotees. The wonderful thing about this is that Prabhupada did not say he was with us only “in your successes and in your accomplishments.” No, he said he was with us, “in all of your attempts and in all of your sincere devotional sentiments.” This is wonderful and I always remember it.

The full Prabhupada Memories Series can be viewed here and also at www.prabhupadamemories.com