Gopalasyapriya devi dasi Remembers Srila Prabhupada

Following Srila Prabhupada

Interview DVD 07

Gopalasyapriya: This one evening all the sankirtan women were allowed to go and have darshan and sit out in the front yard. I can’t even remember what he was talking about, but then there was a lull and it was quiet and everyone was just sitting there. And he was looking at me and he asked, “Are you all right?” I didn’t quite think he was talking to me because there was no reason for him to ask me anything like that. He said it a few times. He looked at me again and said, “Are you all right?” Then I finally said, “Are you talking to me?” And he said, “Such a thin cloth. Haven’t you got a cloth?” because it was kind of chilly and most of the devotees had chadars and sweaters and things. He asked if I needed a cloth, and I don’t know what I said, something like “Well, I had one but not with me.” Then he started talking to Kuladri, who was right there next to him, and told him that “You must find out if they have everything they need. The women need to be protected.” He said, “They will not ask. You must ask them once a month and make sure that they are having everything they need.” I remember afterwards a few of the devotees were crying and feeling like he was so observant and concerned and he really does care about all of us.