Template:Nectar Drops navigation - All Languages

[[{{{4}}}|Next Nectar Drop

usage: {{Translated videos navigation|LANGUAGE|PREVIOUSPAGETITLE|PREVIOUSNUMBER|NEXTPAGETITLE|NEXTNUMBER}} Template for a navigation bar that includes "previous nectar drop #" and "next nectar drop #" in all languages. The language parameter is the full language name, as in the language category ("FR/French" -> "French") Previous/next page titles to supply are page names in the wiki, following the example: "HI/660302_प्रवचन_-_श्रील_प्रभुपाद_न्यूयार्क_में_अपनी_अमृतवाणी_व्यक्त_करते_हैं" To change the language, both language and previous/next page titles need to be changed. For Arabic, Hebrew, Persian - It shows right to left. No need to code differently (specifying the language is enough)