
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #E6EBFA
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #CCEBF5
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #CCCCEB
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #EBF0FA
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #D6E0F5
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

TEST code - lect #C2D1F0
The brahmacārī should be trained to be satisfied with eating what is absolutely necessary, he should be very expert in executing responsibilities, he should be faithful, and he should control his senses and try to avoid the association of women as far as possible. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

190L) Lect - background:#E6FBFF; border:#A3BABF

So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion. Therefore we cannot understand God. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

190D) Lect - background:#CEECF2; border:#A3BABF

So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion. Therefore we cannot understand God. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

220D) Lect - background:#CEDAF2; border:#A3ACBF

So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion. Therefore we cannot understand God. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York

250D) Lect - background:#D4CEF2; border:#A7A3BF

So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion. So whatever we are doing in this material conception of life, that is illusion. Therefore we cannot understand God. So one has to be disillusioned, means out of illusion.
670102 - Lecture BG 10.03 - New York