DE/540000 - Brief an M. L. Jalan geschrieben aus Unbekanntem Ort

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Letter to M. L. Jalan - Handwritten
Letter to M. L. Jalan - Typed

Unknown Date

Sri M.L. Jalan


Dear Sri Jalanji, ML/DBB/54/21

Kindly refer to your letter NR----:D/ 24/2/54 addressed to me on receipt of your above letter I had to see you in you house receive your contribution of Rs 51/---???

I had to request you to become one of the executive mem along with Dr. Satyendra, Dr. Sri (? ), Dr. Kalido (? ) and others and your (? ) told me that the matter. I hope you will accept it now stated in Calcutta was very unsuitable for its practically a rejected place from the city of Cal was rented for temporary purpose. But all to open a permanent office in Calcutta for impressing the people there about the noble work.

To day I am seeking your help in thes matter honour is one of te richest citizen of Calcutta charitable disposition of mind. I wish that you give us some place or a room only with the machine, so that we can run on a along with the help of the above erudite scholars.

This time I have in my possession words of symp from such Personalities as Sr. K.M. Munshi the governor Prasad, the President of (? ), Sri M.S.----, Sir Sitaram of (? ), Sri (? ) etc. To get some financial assitance for this great institu absolutely necessary, that all must have an office in you will kindly give us some place as (? ) above either or permanently as it may be----

Thanking you in anticipation and waiting your early reply.