DE/681002 Vorlesung - Srila Prabhupada gibt uns eine Perle der Weisheit in Seattle

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DE/German - Srila Prabhupadas Perlen der Weisheit
"Just try to understand. A typewriting machine, a small screw, when it is missing, your machine is not working nicely. You go to a repairing shop, he charges ten dollars; you pay immediately. That little screw, when it is out of that machine, it has not a value even one farthing. Similarly, we are all part and parcel of the Supreme. If we work with the Supreme, that means if we work in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, or God consciousness, that 'I am part and parcel...' Just like this finger is working fully in consciousness of my body, whenever there is little pain I can feel. Similarly, if you dovetail yourself in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, you are living in your normal condition, your life is successful. And as soon as you are separated from Kṛṣṇa consciousness, the whole trouble is there. The whole trouble is there. So, there are many examples we cite every day in this class. So we have to accept this Kṛṣṇa consciousness if we at all want to be happy and be situated in our normal condition."
681002 - Vorlesung - Seattle