"Karmāṇa daiva-netreṇa (SB 3.31.1): by your karma, you are creating a situation. Just like the criminal, he has created a situation; he cannot live anymore outside the jail. "Come on, here." He will go in automatically. So they do not know how nature is working. It is clearly said, prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni (BG 3.27). "Nature is working, and that nature is working," mayādhyakṣeṇa, "under My superintendence." Everything is there. Mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram (BG 9.10). Jagat: it is changing, always changing. How it is changing? Under the direction of God. Mayādhyakṣeṇa."