Srila Prabhupada, a glorious modern sage, shares his love with all he meets, via his profound teachings, which bring to life Lord Chaitanya's message: how to develop pure love for Krishna, or God. Srila Prabhupada's outstanding personality - his transcendental desires, qualities, character and personal history - is abundantly expressed in his lectures, conversations, letters and, to some degree, in his books. An endearing presentation on what he means to say is found within this Vaniquotes category - I Mean to Say (Prabhupada).
An introduction is given below in the following 10 quotes.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada's teachings
So if the cows are not happy, if they are always afraid, that "This rascal will kill us at any moment," then how they can be happy? There was no such thing. Therefore it is said: mudā. Mudā. Happy. And as soon as the cows are happy, you not only get sufficient milk, but the pasturing ground, I mean to say, ground, becomes moist with milk. So much milk supplied. (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 19 June 1973, Mayapur)
Our philosophy is so sound and solid, that we can meet any philosopher of the world, any philosopher. But you have to learn it. The books are there, your intelligence is there, the guidance is there. Because you are preaching, sometimes we have to meet opposing elements. So if you cannot answer properly, that will be disqualification. So every one of you should learn this philosophy. As soon as you are able to, I mean to say, guide yourself, or save yourself from the attack of the opposing element, then you'll know that you are making progress. (Sri Isopaniṣad Lecture, 30 April 1970, Los Angeles)
Caitanya Mahāprabhu at that time was sixteen years old boy, but He was very learned logician. So the Keśava Kāśmīrī, he was traveling all over India by, I mean to say, competing other paṇḍitas, other learned scholars. So he, everywhere he was victorious. So he came to Navadvīpa. And in those days Navadvīpa and Benares and Udipi and Kashmir, four, five places, were very scholarly. (Conversation, 14 May 1969, Columbus)
Especially for understanding God, or God consciousness, speculation is useless. So Lord Caitanya, I mean to say the Bhāgavata, says that jñāne prayāsam udapāsya, that that sort of endeavor, speculating, should be given up. Namanta eva: "You just become submissive." Just become submissive, that "What I am? I am insignificant creature in this universe." This world, this earth, is an insignificant point in the universe. (Bhagavad-gītā Lecture, 2 October 1966, New York)
God is infinite, and we are infinitesimal, very small particle. Just like sun. Sun is very big, but the sunshine, it is a combination of very minute, bright articles, atoms. Everyone knows. It is a combination of, I mean to say, dazzling, bright... Similarly, we are also a small, bright particle, the same quality. (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 17 November 1974, Bombay)
Srila Prabhupada on what he means to say - explore more within this category.
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