As a well-wishing teacher, guide, and guru, Srila Prabhupada constantly trained students to progress to more mature stages of discipleship. His numerous instructions were recorded in his books, letters, lectures, and conversations. After many years of thematically mapping those instructions, Vanipedia now offers these introductory articles showing the training Srila Prabhupada personally imparted to his disciples. A delightful presentation of his instructions on devotional service is found within this Vaniquotes category - Our Devotional Service (Disciples of SP).
An introduction is given below in the following 10 quotes.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada's teachings
Even with your kāma, desires, you execute devotional service, make connection with the Supreme Lord, a time will come, you'll become akāmaḥ, no more... A time will come. Therefore it is recommended. Not that sarva-kāmaḥ goes to Kṛṣṇa and simply bothers Him, "Give me this, give me this." No. Let him talk like that, "Give me this, give me that," Kṛṣṇa will see to that. But by devotional service, if he comes in contact with Kṛṣṇa seriously, then time will come, he will become akāmaḥ. Therefore it is recommended. Not that it is advised that you go to Kṛṣṇa and ask all nonsense from Him. That is not pure devotion. Pure devotion is akāmaḥ—nothing. (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 28 May 1972, Los Angeles)
Anyone who is fully, constantly, twenty-four hours engaged, avyabhicāriṇi... Avyabhicāriṇi, without any stoppage. Therefore I want that in our temple there should be program that we are always engaged in devotional service, twenty-four hours. But because we have got this material body we require a little rest, the minimum rest, as minimum as possible. Because the sleeping means waste of time. We are supposed to be engaged twenty-four hours in the service of the Lord, but as it is not possible, we have to sleep, take little rest, so that should be the minimum. Because the whole period sleeping means waste. (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 8 June 1975, Honolulu)
Srila Prabhupada's instructions on devotional service - explore more within this category.
Vanipedia has now over 458 introductory articles compiled from Srila Prabhupada's teachings from the series Srila Prabhupada Training Disciples. All these articles can be seen in the Table of Content on the right side of this article and also here in this Umbrella Category.
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