As a well-wishing teacher, guide, and guru, Srila Prabhupada constantly trained students to progress to more mature stages of discipleship. His numerous instructions were recorded in his books, letters, lectures, and conversations. After many years of thematically mapping those instructions, Vanipedia now offers these introductory articles showing the training Srila Prabhupada personally imparted to his disciples. A delightful presentation of his instructions on Our Following the Acaryas is found within this Vaniquotes category - Our Following the Acaryas (Disciples of SP).
An introduction is given below in the following 8 quotes.
Quotes from Srila Prabhupada's teachings
Even a Vaiṣṇava ācārya, what he is doing, even the most expert intelligent man cannot understand why he is doing this. Therefore we should not try to imitate the higher authorities, but we have to follow the order, injunction, given by the higher authorities. It is not possible. Kṛṣṇa is exciting Arjuna to fight. That does not mean we can also do that, excite, no. That will be immoral. For Kṛṣṇa it is not immoral. Whatever He is doing... God is good, He is all-good. We should accept it. (Bhagavad-gītā Lecture, 4 August 1973, London)
Regarding parampara system: there is nothing to wonder for big gaps. Just like we belong to the Brahma Sampradaya, so we accept it from Krishna to Brahma, Brahma to Narada, Narada to Vyasadeva, Vyasadeva to Madhva, and between Vyasadeva and Madhva there is a big gap. But it is sometimes said that Vyasadeva is still living, and Madhva was fortunate enough to meet him directly. In a similar way, we find in the Bhagavad-gita that the Gita was taught to the sungod, some millions of years ago, but Krishna has mentioned only three names in this parampara system—namely, Vivasvan, Manu, and Iksvaku; and so these gaps do not hamper from understanding the parampara system. We have to pick up the prominent acaryas, and follow from him. (Letter, 12 April 1968, San Francisco)
Haridāsa Ṭhākura used to chant the holy name on his beads 300,000 times daily. Throughout the entire day and night, he would chant the sixteen names of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra. One should not, however, imitate Haridāsa Ṭhākura, for no one else can chant the holy name 300,000 times a day. Such chanting is for the mukta-puruṣa, or liberated soul. We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasī plant. This is not at all difficult for anyone. (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā 3.100)
Srila Prabhupada's instructions on Our Following the Acaryas - explore more within this category.
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