Dhruva - a glorious personality

Facts about Dhruva Mahārāja - a saintly king
- Grandson of Svayambhuva Manu and Queen Satarupa
- Son of Mahārāja Uttānapāda and Queen Suniti
- Stepson of Queen Suruci
- Elder step-brother of Uttama
- Husband of Bhrami and Ila
- Father of Kalpa and Vatsara (via Bhrami) / Utkala and daughter (via Ila)
- Great, great, great, grandfather of Cākṣuṣa Manu
- Residence: A heavenly planetary system called Dhruvaloka on the Vaikuṇṭha called the Polestar
Family Tree Legend: h = husband, w = wife, s = son, d = daughter
Srila Prabhupada's books, lectures, conversations and letters offer a comprehensive presentation of this glorious personality as seen in the Vaniquotes Dhruva Mahārāja category. An introduction to Dhruva Mahārāja from Srila Prabhupada's books is given below in the following quotes.
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