Category:Papiamento Language
- We launched our Multi-language pages in Vanipedia on the 2nd of May 2015 - celebrating the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva.
- The first series of translations are short texts of Śrīla Prabhupāda's audio and video clips. We have a total of 1080 original Vaniquotes pages in English to translate in each language.
- Vanipedia's dream is to fulfill Śrīla Prabhupāda's desire to translate all of his books, lectures, conversations and letters in all languages of the world. Here is a list of participating languages.
- Already, over 720 devotees have been engaged in translating into 100 languages within Vanipedia. If you want to help translate some of the 1,080 texts, or help to organize the translations and/or import Śrīla Prabhupāda's books in your language, please contact visnu.murti.vani@
- Welcome to our Papiamento YouTube Channel where you can see many videos of Srila Prabhupada speaking with hardcoded Papiamento subtitles.
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "Papiamento Language"
The following 24 pages are in this category, out of 24 total.
- PAP/Prabhupada 1057 - Bhagavad-gītā ta conoci como Gitopanisad, e esencia di conocemento Vedico
- PAP/Prabhupada 1058 - E orado di Bhagavad-gita ta Senior Sri Krishna
- PAP/Prabhupada 1059 - Tur hende tin un relacion particular cu Dios
- PAP/Prabhupada 1060 - Solamente si un ricibi e Bhagavad-gita
- PAP/Prabhupada 1061 - Den e Bhagavad-gita aki e suheto ta inclui cinco Berdadnan Diferente
- PAP/Prabhupada 1062 - Nos tin e tendencia di kier controla e Naturalesa Material Pues nos, nos ta ekiboca
- PAP/Prabhupada 1063 - Duna nos alivio di action i reaction di tur actividadnan
- PAP/Prabhupada 1064 - Dios ta biba den e nucleo di curazon di tur ser viviente
- PAP/Prabhupada 1065 - Un mester siña prome cos cu e no ta e curpa material aki
- PAP/Prabhupada 1066 - Hende cu menos inteligencia, Nan ta considera E Berdad Supremo como impersonal
- PAP/Prabhupada 1067 - Nos mester acepta Bhagavd-gita sin interpretacion, sin cortamento
- PAP/Prabhupada 1068 - Tin tres tipo di actividadnan segun e diferente modo di Naturalesa
- PAP/Prabhupada 1069 - Religion ta traspasa e idea de fe. Fe por cambia, Sanātana-dharma, dharma no por
- PAP/Prabhupada 1070 - Rendicion di servicio ta e religion eterno di e ser viviente
- PAP/Prabhupada 1071 - Si nos asocia cu Dios, coopera cune, e ora ey tambe nos ta bira contento
- PAP/Prabhupada 1072 - Lagando e mundo material y hayando nos bida eterno den e reino eterno
- PAP/Prabhupada 1073 - Tanten cu nos no renuncia e propension di reina over di e naturalesa material
- PAP/Prabhupada 1074 - Tur miserianan cu nos ta experencia den mundo material aki, ta tur debi na e curpa aki
- PAP/Prabhupada 1075 - Nos ta preparando pa no siguiente bida door di nos actividadnan den bida aki
- PAP/Prabhupada 1076 - Na momento di muri nos por keda akinan, of transferi den e mundo spiritual
- PAP/Prabhupada 1077 - Dios siendo absoluto, no tin diferencia entre Su nomber y Sumes
- PAP/Prabhupada 1078 - Absorbe door di e mente y inteligencia, ambos, binticuater ora pensando riba Dios
- PAP/Prabhupada 1079 - Bhagavad-gita ta e literatura transcendental cual un mester lesa hopi cuidadosamente
- PAP/Prabhupada 1080 - Suma den e Bhagavad gita, un Dios ta Kṛṣṇa.Kṛṣṇa no ta Dios sectario