A Day in the Life of Srila Prabhupada - July 31
Srila Prabhupada's letters, lectures and conversations throughout consecutive years
- Click on the year dates to go to the Timeline of Srila Prabhupada's Life for that year.
The Days in the Life of Srila Prabhupada presents 2200+ of his lectures; 905+ of his conversations; 490+ of his morning walks; 65+ of his interviews and 6,570+ of his letters.
- This listing covers all available material and includes:
- 10,300+ links to Vanisource - our repository of all of Srila Prabhupada's words;
- 450+ short audio clips - Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada sprinkled throughout the months;
- 1,080 short video clips extracted from lectures, conversations, morning walks and interviews, with subtitles in up to 88 languages, sprinkled throughout the months;
- 13,350+ concise statements, drawn from Srila Prabhupada's lectures, conversations and letters, highlighted within quoteboxes;
- For further study on the different subjects addressed, each statement links to the various categories in our thematic section of Vanipedia named Vaniquotes.
These statements from the Days in the Life of Srila Prabhupada offer unparalleled insights into his devotional character; his vision to re-spiritualize human society; his dedication to translate, publish & distribute his books; his expertise to tirelessly lead & manage his worldwide movement; his empowered ability to encourage, care for, train & clearly communicate the disciplines he expects from all his disciples as he engages them in their pursuit of Krsna consciousness & performance of missionary activities. Through all these situations one can also experience how Srila Prahhupada consistently represents the pure teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates.
- See also: A Month in the Life of Srila Prabhupada.
1965 - July 31
1969 - July 31
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Our movement is not against the philosophy of Jesus Christ, but it is in complete collaboration with his line of religiosity. |
1970 - July 31
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In this old age I am going with this party just to set an example to my disciples who have taken recently the Sannyas order. |
1971 - July 31
1972 - July 31
Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada |
"Kṛṣṇa is all-attractive; therefore, talks about Him is also attractive. In our Kṛṣṇa book there are so many topics about Kṛṣṇa, janma karma me divyam (BG 4.9), about His birth, about His transference from real father's house to another foster father, then the attack by the demons upon Kṛṣṇa, Kaṁsa. All these activities, if we simply study and hear the kṛṣṇa-sampraśnaḥ, then we are liberated. Without any doubt, our liberation is guaranteed, simply by hearing about Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa therefore comes, so many activities. Na māṁ karmāṇi limpanti na me karma-phale spṛhā (BG 4.14). Kṛṣṇa says that He has nothing to do. What He has to do? But still, He's killing so many demons, He's giving protection so many devotees. Because He has come to reestablish what is religious principle, so by His personal activities He establishes." |
720731 - Lecture SB 01.02.05 - Glasgow |
1973 - July 31
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Enclosed please find one mantra and thread duly chanted upon by me. Hold a fire ceremony and distribute Prasadam. |
1975 - July 31
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One who is foolish, nonintelligent, he cannot see Kṛṣṇa. Means Kṛṣṇa does not reveal to him. They never see. |
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Growing, cultivating, producing, there will be not possibility of, and we don't want more than the necessity. |
1976 - July 31
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You should carry on your sankirtana movement; you are fit for that. Wherever you like you can make your Headquarters. |
1977 - July 31
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